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LOST. .T OST between Ðe<> Banks and Roodec, & ?LJ Cr<'am ALPACA COAT.-Fin&,r will be Mwa.r<icd on roturning- to T OST on W?cbx?dav. Wil'aston noighbour- JL? h??. WELSH TERRIER DOG. An&wcrs "Pct?r." C.?)ta;-?n.a?cd. B. and J. Nightm- gatf. Hoot?, Oti?ter. Suitable reward. -PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS i OF THK FOLLOWING CLASSES:— HOUSES TO BE LET, APAKTMEKTS WAITED, HOU3KS WAITED, APARTMENTS TO BE LET, SrrCATtONS WAyrKO, MiMCELLAKEOCS WANTS, SITUATIONS VACANT, LOST OB FouNU, AKTICLKS TO BE SOLD. a.re now inserted in The Cheshir Obsei-ve;- -it the following rates:— NOT EXCEEUING TWENTY WORDS— OXE INSEHTJON 1. Two IS31i:RTIONS 1/6 THREE iNSERTtONS 2/- NOT EXCEEDLNG THIKTY-FLVE WORDS— ONE INSERTION 1'' TWO INSERTIONS 2 U THREE bSEu'TIONS. 3.- WANTED. ?MART LAD WANTED.—App'y Etonian, ? The Cro?, Chester. 12M W ANTED, YOUTH. ab!-c to drive and make himself gencraDy Uf)cÍUl. -Man! and; CrcMiitwaite, Gr<joere, Nefton. 13&0 '??7"ANTED n?ar Cluster, a httk Rabbit or V Rough SHOOTING.—Address L 87, "Observer' Omce. 1372 tTt7 ANTED, an OFFICE BOY. one !ea.ving W school preierred.—Appiy Thos. ?tchoHa ).nd Co.. Snutt Milta, Cheats! 135.') '?TACANCY for one or two GUNa. i!i wetl V preserved Mixed Shfiot, near Denbigh.— V ACA'-NCY f,,r one or two GUNS, in well I)resei-vc-d Mixed Stic?(,t, near Denl)lgh.- TT?RE?S'?AKING.—WANTED, cood Bodice JL? Hands.—App'y J. Appleton, Bndge-s'.reet Row. 1230 fX7ANTKD. vf"n{? WOMAN for general W work. Gcod wages.-AI)ply Mrs. Embrey, rhe Li ver Hotel, Brook-strect. 1348 TT?FUKN!SHED APARTMENTS Wanted, ?J in CLt's!.e:- guod Ioc:Uity, not too far from Station.—Address B 3' Observer" Oftice. 133-1 WATED, two younK Boys as BOARDERS, ?V or Youtiis going to business.—Address j A?;. "Observer" OHie' l?t' T?AMSONS?WANTED, to BUY or SeH on JL? Co'r:un?i<'n.—App!y F. L. Day. Brent- io; d M:n ket, Lu!Mi'jn. '?' \DY wishes t<? meet with One or Two i_J UNFURNISHED ROOMS.—Address, te.uis, to l' 3G, "Ouséner" Ofbue. A" StronK (;O:lIItry GtRL WANTED imoe- /?_ di:tte'y as Gencta), for a sinai; temiierauce hotet; age K' to 17; steep in. —Address S 4S, ''Obsef\er''0t'ice. 1332 TjL?OOKKEEFER and CAPHJER (I,ady) JD WANTED.—Appty. sta.tin?; age, experience tcd wagM required, Secretary, Co-operative Bo<nety. Chester. ?UJ'ERtOK Al'AH.TMENTS.- Bath h.c., Cs_ w.c. separate bed.s. Suitahte for tad!'? or -gei;tit-zrien; Rood cooktng, tborougb c'eaniiness. Over Dak-. l'anton-ro;i.d, H<!u;e. ? 7 .?&TANTEtJ. GEXELiAL. for 0;? lady, must itavf g<?d c?taract?r.—Appiy, by iet-t?r. to Mrs. UjJ I'rafford. Manchester. 1235 t?/ANTED. rAHJLOUH-MAiD; country, tb!ee:!t'a'r)!ty, three n):nd.kept. Alust beChLirch gu'! :t')d ltt%,e good I:hara/¡el'AdJres::¡ K 79. "UlJener" Utfiv< 1:!56 IEH.lA. exper)e;tted Teacher, '-Jf E.I!Kt; l'Ul>IL for Gerfuat.. Conversa- Vion, tor W tib, "ULJservcI' ¡; Oilk'e. Ui7 ?<THONG LAD, to make h)f:'setf generttlty ? useful.—Appty, wtth copy of references, in &wn ca,ndwïii.il1¡;, and stating required, to F 82, "Observer" Ofhce. 1329 _n A FARTMENTS WANTED, tn Chester; A,- one vr two aud three bed. ro,i, frùm Spklllber <'th. ncaf I'arkorRiver preferred.—State terms to G ?U, "Otjserver" Omee. '?X?ANTED, ?ood GENERAL; must have W ?oud eharaeter country gul preferred.— Mrs. Duffidd, Kemhvonh, Shavington.avenues Hno!e. 127 r?OOT and SHOE TRADE.-WANTED. JD YOUNG WOMEN, as Machinists and Bowers; constant work, good wages.—J. Hodgson Wynne, Taryin road, Chester. J246 ",X r ATLD, t:( Rent, tnoder&tt:-st/.u< Detached VV Cuuuuy iiUUSE, wtth few auresuf Land. Btat-'j leut aud fuH particulars.—Address R .?, amce of this paper. i2M irtOARD Ri?H)ENCE RKQULREDby lady, B pmHiaueut; Ua(.h, piatiu, near Station pre- ferred. Teum mode! ate.—Address P 35, Observer Oitice. -+- Al'PRENTICE WANTED every o?'por- ?- ? tuni: fur ?a?uiug a thorough kt)ow)e<ige of the uadc.—\Y. i<.oU;n. Cuemist, 73, Bi-uuk-ti-eet, Cbes?er. J_?  CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT isotferedtoa ?? few Men who can furn)sh good credentt.ds. ApVly by pUiltcard fur Addt ess BeH, "Observer" Otlice. 13KO \V.\XrED, COOK-GE:ERAL, JE20. and Houeternaid, J618, W&!tr<ss for one iady ISouthport). and General bowden, 20, PePlr-6trt, 1332 A DOPTIOX.-HOME WANTED for healthy Boy, few old. premium nor payn!<tt. R<'t?'r<'nc<? exchan??). (xtnoptet? Burrcndfi'. AVh?).??? Orphanage, Arn.?dc. Ca-nforth. I2S& Tr? EQUtRED immediately.—COOKS, Hottae. _E? m'-nds, Parlourmaids, Nurses. Hou?- par!our:n:uds, Kttchenu::uds, Stabie boy. Fioat bov. Farm b-oy. Hotel servants. Brown's Registry. 8. White Frizir,3. '?TtTANTED. by a reapectah!e person, a?ed 42, tV SITUATION as Working H?usekeeper to a widower or bachelor undertake all dutim. SnuB "alary for comfortable home. Atlctress E G I, "Obfierver" Ofhce. 12!<5 A GENTS having good connections with stock- ?? owners, farmers, &c by ntst-clasa old- ttitabLshcd Hou?e, to SeH Horse and Cattte Ccn. iimented Foods, &c. H;mdsomc income can be Bade.-Address "Condiment. Birchn!l'sAdver-! bllJ': Ufiices, .Nll[,K.-We are prepared to com- .Ll..L mence taking We!c<.oled DAIRn: on me) hum the 1st of September. All churns found, md farmers kept well supphed. Prompt pay- Frceth & Pocock, Ltd., 9;), Albert Embankment, London, S. E TTNSURANCE AGENTS (spare time and fu!i) ? REQUIRED at once, for a progressive com- pany books given to suitable Men in Chester Hid Ccunah's (,I:Y district. References required, Apply, 10 a.m. and 5-3') p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, to B. Gouldinrr, 4:), King Edward street, Bhotton. 1:2;3 "T ATED, Locat AGENTS for Footba! ?V Cricket, Hockey, rcn's, Bowts, &c.. Oolnts. Men conna&ted with indoor Mid outdoor sports, having spare time and to incl"ea..<;e their inconic, sbould t.ppty RUey's Sporting Go<xis Manufacturing Co., Agency Dept., Accnngton: 1260 ::4/!TRS. RED'S REGISTRY, AbLxy Bui!dingt% Geiieral, for Canada; for London: C.okt< ;EI8 to z40; Kitchen and Scullryma.id. Groom: £24, a!! found; Wa' Par,<mrnJaici6. i;18 to JE;26; GencraLs. HousotDaid- o'M Lady, 218; ÐairYllIaid-I-!our,ekc<,pcr, one gcntl.)man; Vct<pol Cl,ratier- Cooks, for Che.;t()r, two in family. JB2C to S2'j: C-xjk Hou.-wmaid-Waitrc'a, two m 11W.W1, Rhyl. £20 too C24 Geueral, ono iady WANTED. WANTED, sti-ong GIRL for the Kitten.— App]y City GriU, Foregaio-Btreet. A N experienced HAND for Workroom -? WANTED.—Apply Mi<M MacLcnnan. 16, St. Wcrburgh-stMet. 1379 4 PPRENTICE.—Wm. Browns ha.6 a vac&ncy ?A for an Apprentice to the Carpentry and Joinery.—Apply 14-16, 1367 W ANTED, Young MAN of good address W and education for position in large com- pany opportunity for advancement to suitable man.—App]y, with futi particulars, to Manager, Godstall Chambers, Cheater. 11H1 A PARTMENTS.-Private Sitting and Two I J* ? Bedrooms required by Two Young Men bath (h. and c.); near centre of city. Terma, with and without board, moderate.—Address K 72, ''Observer" Omee. 1351 tJTOUSE WANTED, 29th September, on the M t suburbs of Chester, south aspect; two or three reception-rooms, five bedrooms, bath-roo<n, h. and c. No basement kitchen. Good garden.— State rent. Curlett. 5, Victoria Grove, Soutbaea. WANTED, for Southport, superior GIRL (Protc.t.ant), 20-50, General or Oook- GenHal. No washing; nurse kept.—Write par- ticulars and wages, or eaH, between 2 and 8 o'clock next w(\k, Mr. Cochrane, 4, Tho Grovee, Chester. 1363 A LADY has much pleasure in RECOM-  -N MENDING her COACHMAN, now actn'g as groom-gardener; he is in his 8th year in her service, married, one cbitd will be dis- ? engaged in September.—Address K 70, "Observer" omcc. 118U "T \:r\TED, a wen-educated. gentlemanly YOUTH for high-ctasa Agricultural Seed Merchantf.' Omoc. If satisfactory, the one ap- pomt<*d would have the opl)ortiiiiity afforded him of karniTlg' the busiTJoet't'o.-App!y, by letter in nrst instance, to M<\s.sr' Jani<;s Hunter, I.t<L, 50, Forc-g'ate-st!-e<;t, Ch('t.cr, 1369 QMAI.L ADVERTISEMENTS received too,' ? late for Classification will be found on the TO BE TO BE LET. WI L L I AM E. BROWN/ YT LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, j SURVEYOR & VALUER. 39, PEPPER STREET, CHESTER. TO BE LET:- i 3, Chichoeter-street. Large House. Union HaH, Forcgate-strect. Rooms for Storage and Workshop, etc. 47. Egerton-street..S18. 18&. Sha.vington Avenue. Newton..E42. Bu.,ineS5 Premises, Watergate-street Row. Raymond-street. E.32. 10s. Ofhce, 8U, Northgate-street. Li,)ti Brewery, Pepper street; joiner's shop, several targe rooms, and extensive celiantge. House and Shop, Bridge street Row. Hig-h-street, S-Utney. Ss. 6d. weekly. 59, Frod.shd.aj-atreet. 8.9. waekiy and ratea. 5, Stanley-place. jE55. 14, Chichesttir-street. Jc!2G. House and Shop, George-street 73. 6d. weekly and rates. £uO. 5. Newry Park. Brook-iane. j626. !)S. "Poote House, FIookersbrouk. ;E63. j 1(!1. Chnstieton-road. i:17. T) E R irs?O RD T?DA M S, JD LICENSED VALUER. LAND, ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT, 22, NEWGATE STREET. CHESTER. TO BE LET:- Hcuse. near Vicar's Cro,,s. El!) 10s. House, BouvctfU street..S30. House, Btook-f;<:)M. E33. House, Gtadstone road. 7s. <!d. weekly. II uWe, V)tJtor:a-ro<id. £30. House, Newton. i;40. FOR SALE:— Houae a.nd Cttrden, iioole. Semi-detached ViDa. £475. House, off Upper Northgate-strect. JS775. House, off Sa.ughai!.road. JL'290. Two Housea, Vicar s Cross. £550. Land, at Tarvin. Laud, Brook-lane. Cottag-e, Traifurd-street. i;125. J- 0 H N" W H A LLE? "& "? ON, ? LAND, ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS, SURVEYORS & VALUERS, ASHF1ELD, CHESTER. Tel. 6y5. Two cummodious and weU-butIt Houses FOR SALE in Church-street. Frodsbam, containing kitchen, back kitchen, pantry, two large enter- entraace hall, and four I' bedrooms coal-house and wash-house and out- omces. Grand situation and fine view of Overton Hills. Goud garden back and front. FOR SALE. Land in Telegraph road. Heswa!! Good pos!tion and view, and with two frontages. FOR SALE, Land at Hough Green, Cheater. TO LET, No 2, Gladstone-road, Chester. B19. 15s TO LET, No. 12, Gladstone-road, Cheater £J!J- 15s. TO LET, No. 24, Ch ich ester-s tree", Chester. Rent; 1:0. TO LET, 43, Cambnau View, Chester. Rent B40. WANTED, Detached Villa, in easy distance of Chester. 1TOHN WIL LIAMS, CJ LAND, ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT, 9, St. WERBURGH STREET, CHESTER. TO BE LET:- 8 and 10, Louise-street. 7s. Cd. clear. 50. South View, Setlarid-ro&d. 7a. weekly. 8, Church-hilt Terrace, Garden-lane. jE19. 58. Waltcr-strt'e! Ca. tid. weekly. 5, King street. B18 year. 5, Ch\lrton-stree. 51. 1, Pickering-strcet, Hoo'o. Gs. 6d. Warehouse or Workshop, Steam Mill-street. 3s.6d. weekly. FOR SALE:- Sever:)! !c'ts of sma.n rrupcrty. 137.3 Tr? P?FtNED HOME for?ne or two respectable _& ? young men no children.—Address 37, Giadstone avenue, Chester. ]207 To LET. N.\ 58, W&tergate street. Chester.— & Apply Sharpe & Davison, 12, Abbey-square, COlFORTABLE HOME on<.r<xf young )ady; ?' central (near Cathcdra] and Iww;». Mo<kratc 62, "(1b,.rer" Chester. r?O BM I.ET or SOLD? ?.-nd?d Corne? JL HOUSE four bedrooms, :d! modern con- veniences 93. M. per week.—Apply 23, Chtrjes- strpet. Hoo!c'. 1295 f r 0 LET. 32. Crane street. 7, New Crane-street; j roomy houses, at very moderate and reduced rents Hs. 8d. and 7s. 3d. weekly, including rates (except water).—Apply S. Rycroft. 28, Princess- street. 134:3 SALT:Ey.-TO LET, n. we!) ntted SHOP. i Baket)"use and large Storeroom. Could be altered into house and shop, or to suit any business- Apply to ChaHinor, Builder, 18, High-street. tney. 1351 rr?O LET, 10, VICARAGE-ROAD. Hoo!e: two jt reception, four bedrooms, two kitchens, pantry, bath-room, w.c., hot and cold water. Garden front and rezir.-Apply Levingston, Peny- nordd, Moid. -2() DJTL IO BE LET or SOLD. excellent] v-bitilt HOUSE large and lofty rooms, garden, ntted for e!ectrichgh<:a.ndgaa; ;dl modern eon- veniences.—Apply Mona Lodge, Hoole-road, Chester. _n 12<)4 ?OMFORTABLE APARTMENTS, furnished \? or unfurnished, with or without board, bath, etc. opposite General Railway Station. Terms moderate. 21, Hatkyn road, Hoole. Chester. 1218 fm0 BE LET. good SHOP, 32, Watergate- JL street, suitable for any business immediate possession.—Appiy City Boot Palace, 15, Eastgate- I street; or Walmsley, Jonea & Co., Estate Agents, Bastgate Row. 2421 TO BE LET. TTrrAEEFIELD, DODD? THORNELY, V T LAND, ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS, 16, CORN EXCHANGE CHAMBERS, CHESTER. TO BE LET :— Roodee Houae, The Watergate. JE75. Warehouse, Castle-street. House and Shop, 67, Lower Bridge-street. B25. Cottages, Carter's-court. 2s. RICHARD JONES & CO., LTD., Ptl HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS. REMOVAL CONTRACTORS & COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS' FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. Telephone 149. Telegrams: "RfCHAKuJONES, Chester." TO LET, UNFURNtSHKD. 27, Bold-square. JS26. First-class Residences on Banks of Dee. Rents £60, £80, and S120. A good Villa., Lumley-road. S30. Houses, in City, suitable for business or pro- fessional purposes. Rents B40 to B45. Several Residences in Hoole. FuRxisuED HousiM to Let in Cheater and North Wales. RHYL.-3 to 6 guineas per week. Applications invited. Lists forwarded free. A HUGHSON, Surveyor?&c., 2, East? -?'?-t gate Row North, Chester. Telephone No. C4. TO LET, No. 7, Sidney-road; 7s. clear. FOR SALE, a Semi-detached Villa and small Field: suit poultry farmer, seven minutes from station two entertaining, four bedrooms, and out-omces. ft?O LET, HOUSE, Lord-street, Tar vin road. _i.. Apply Vaughan, 73, Boughton. 1310 A PARTMENTS TO LET drawing-dinmg Y\ room, 3 bedrooms near river, tram, and station.—Apply 23. Setler-atreet. 1237 QAUGHALL.-HOUSE TO LET, 6 rooms, ? garden. Pleasant, hf;.Jrhy ?ituat.ion; ?ea.r railway station.—Appiy Holiy Bank, Sea Hill, SaughaIL 1568 npO LET, Two go<xi six-roomed HOUSES, Nos. 28 and 58. Louise-street. Rent. 7s. weekly, clear.—App'y D. Ilugli<,t3, 30 Upper Northgate-strect. ? UILDEN SUTTON. COTTAGE and ?J? CROFT TO LET, 29th September, or earlier, by arrangement.—G. H. Evans, Solicitor. Nortbgate Chambars, Chester. 1310 rW?O LET. several good and convenient JL COTTAGES, centrally situated rents moderate.—Apply T. Cotgreave, 40, Lower Bridge-street. 12:n W AVERTO- -COTTAGE and Garden W TO LET; three bedrooms, parlour, kitchen, wash and coal-house. 5s.-Burley Bros., Waverton, Chester. 123*) COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS, dining- ?/ room, double and single bedrooms, suitable fui gentlemen or ladies; L..th (h. and c.), w.c.; terms moderate.—Apply 45, Queen-street. 1357 rJpL 0 LET, BROOKDALE, FtookcMbrook, Ch<")t<-r, containing 5 entertaining roome, 7 bedrooms, usual domestic omccs. Rent;E45.- Apply to Wm. WiHiama, Buitdcr, Wcat-etreot, Hoo!e. BrDROOM TO LET, furnished, for gcntJe- mun, with or wititout board. Terms moderate; near tram and train; bathroom (h. and c.).—App)y A. C., 14a, Ermine-road, Hoole, C'hcstn. 1289 11) EE FORDS HOUSE, TO BE LET, or So!d ? E ? containing four entertaining, 11 bedrooms servants' hall, kitchens, cellars, &e.; modern conveniences. Lawn and garden to river. Also LAND on river-side for Sale, in plots.—Apply Smith, Rudale, Dee Banks. 1308 ?MALL ADVERTISEMENTS received too ?? late for Classincation will be found on the 6tb page. TO BE SOLD. "i" ¡ INVESTMENT. CHESTER CORPORA- -L TION 31 2 percent. Redeemabie MORTGAGE LOAN, on mortgage to the value of Bl,500 (re- deemable September, 1909). FOR SALE.—Apply Messrs. Warmsley, Jones and Co., 29, Eastgate Row North, Chester. FpO BE SOLD, 55a., Lady's CYCLE, in cx- oeHent condition; cost -B12.—Addrcsa C 52, "Obecrver" OmM, Chester. 1359 FOR SALE, Thoroughbred PERSIAN JL' KITTENS. Price 10s. 6d.—Address Z 80, "Ob&orvcr" Omoe. 1366 F OR SALE by Private Treaty, Two HOUSES in Bouvcric-t-trcct.—Appiy A. C. Lock- wood, solicitor, 2, Newgate-street, Chester. rt10 BE SOLD by Private Treaty Two SHOPS in a Ipadttig thorotiglifare.-Ad(ir(-, S47, "Observer" Omee. 1306 TTTPTON.—TO BE SOLD or LET, Freehold <LJ PREMISES immediate possession.- Address E GO. "Observer'' Omeo. 1190 A good lot of Second-hand CYCLES TO BE -?- SOLD cheap: sound and in good con- dition; from jEl. 10A and upwards.—Apply W. Maher, 34, Bridgo-stn'et, Ch'j.stfr. TJTARDWARE. TOY, and GENERAL N BUSINESS in Ch??r FOR SALE; iH- hoalth catise for d'aposa). Splendid opportunity. —Appiy 23, Faulkner-street, Hoole. 135C FOR SALE. by Private Treaty. No 2, DEE t VILLAS, Weprc, Connah's Quay.—App)y to Mr. Owen Lewis, 4, Belie Vue Terrace, Aberayron, Cardiganshire. 1129 Nj?OR SALE, handsome up-to date Four-whee? JL* DOG-CART cushions, lamps, etc., com- plete. Excellent condition.—M 50, "Observer" OmcH. 1332 npO BE SOLD, Liver-coloured SPANIEL; _M- splendid ears, good worker with gun, and splenid water dog. Would suit lady nice trick dog for children. Reasonable price accepted.— Addi-e.c;s H 63, "Oh¡>cf"er" Omce. 1349 HUHE GRAND OLD MAN that was (GtacL JL stone), one of England's noblest and greatest statesmen; a Bold Medallion of him in massive relief in Antique Bronxe: splendid for hall or corridor; for Sale cheap.—Woodson, Marple. 1337 FtB pO BE SOLD, RETRIEVER DOG. nat Tcoated; splendid pedigree, under Kennel Club registration; good worker with gun. Reason- able price accepted in good condition.—Address H G4, "OI)server" Office. 1350 r??HE CASTLE HOTEL, L!anfairfechan.— TFor immediate disposal as a going concern. FURNITURE, STOCK. &c.; 4 years of lease to run, and arrangements can be made for renewal.—Apply H. Small & Sons, Chartered Accountants, 3. Hunter-street, Chester. t?OR SALE. by Private Treaty, a cosy FHOUSE, three minutes from Cross, con- taining entrance h;dl, two fitting-rooms, three bedrooms, kitchen, cellar, outside WMb-house und w.c. most ptcMa,nt!y situated. Address S45. "0bservcr" Office. 1217 rn0 BE SOLD. severe we!buitt HOUSES M St. Mark's Terrace, Hoti,-h Green, Saltney. with lobby, p!irlonr, kitchen, btelc kitchen and pantry, three good bedrooms, and wa.sb-house in yn.rd. Good garden in front and back.—Apply Henry Vprnon. Btiilder, 1!), Upper Northpate- gtreet, Chester. 1339 FOR ArÆ, a nice HOUSE, recently bui!t. j6' bcautifuHy situated on Dee B:i.nks, with Gardens front !tnd b:\ck, a.]so stope to river con' t;uninp; drawing and dining-roonn, kitchen, scullery, larder and out-onieea, five bedrooms, bathroom, hncn closet and two w.c.'s.-Apply to A. R. Smith, Rudale, Dee B&nks, Chester. ].?'.) jt?t'??—Modern Freehold HOUSE, in c???)?? healthy part of Chester, one minute from Tram route, containing two sitting and foor bedrooms, bath, w.c.. h. & c. w!\tBr, and electric ]ight throughout. Balance of S3f)0 purchase money can re'n<un at 4 mortgage.—Address W G7, "Observer" OScc, Chester. 1197 ?MALL ADVERTISEMENTS received too ?? late for Cittssinca.tion will be found on the 6th page. MISCELLANEOUS. Tj?OR Light Paatry and Cakes ask your grocer JC for WELL-DONE SELF-RAISING FLOUR. 1176 mEA, SUGAR, BACON?HAMS? ?HEESE, JL Well-Done Self-raising F!our, at T. T. Weldon's. 52, Brook-street, Chester. 1177 CROQUET.—AH Sete in stock at reduced c prioca to clear.—J. E. Newma.n, Iron- monger, 12, Bridgc-sh'oet, Chester. A bout 120 strong young Shropshire or Kerry -?- EWES to be put out to iamb; or in hjt< not smaller than 30.—Satisfactory terms from R. May, Haygate, W-ellington Salop. 1362 T?AINTY STYLES for Autumn Wear in JL? Ladies' BLOUSE LENGTHS, 1/- each, carriage paid patterns free.—Bradford Dress Warehouse, Quebec, Bradford. 1319 'DEAUTIFUL BABY ? LONG CLOTHES; B Sets of 50 Articles, 21s. a bargain of loveliness. Approval.—Mrs. Max, 16, The Chase. Nottingham. 1324 ir AUNDRY, country washing special atten- t J tion to Ladies' and Children's Dresses. All band work.—Send for price list to the Tarvin Bridge Laundry. 1347 ?ARGAIN.—Ladies' Cashmere DRKSS JLF LENGTHS, all colors, 2/11, carriage paid. Autumn Tweeds and Mixtures; patterns free.— Pearson's Dress Warehouse, Leeds. 1321 'T?/fRS. RILEY, 91. Weatminster-road. Hoole, j3'i_ will BUY Ladies', Gent.'s, and Children's CAST-OFF CLOTHING. A post-card ensures prompt attention. 1198 ?PAR GRAVEL CHIPPINGS, Macadam, ?? Rockery Stone, Sleepers, and Timers. Quotations to any Station.—Robt. W. Killon' Coal Exdiange,"Che3ter. Telephone 70. 885 ? EESE. —If you want the best and cheapest G Ce.eso in Che?tor. call at the Durham Ox, Tower-strict. Cheater (oppoeitc Cattle Market). — John Leotard. Goose Mercha.nt. 1291 t?LANNELLA BLOUSE and DRESS F MATERIALS in Diamond, Spot and Floral Designs, 4ù. yard, carriage paid patterns free.—Dreas Warehouse. Darlington. 1320 IT?DWIN LLOYD for the foDowing :—McIon< -? Piums, Grcenga.ges, Eng!i? Apples, Lcmone, Grapes. OrangfS, EngHsh Toinatopa, French Pears, Canary Bananas, etc. Fresh 8Upp!1{'-S daily, at rock bottom prices—Central Suppiy Stores, 15, Bridge-street, Chester. 1381 ? ROUND LIME FOR AGRICULTURAL \3f PURPOSES. Breedon Lime h?s been used by Agriculturists for centuries, and can now be obtained in bags ground into a nour at Us. per ton (4 ton lots), free on rai!. Baga as usual.— Apply J. G. Shields, Isley Wanton. Derby. R. J. & II. ELLIS, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE HOUSE PAINTERS, CHURCH DECORATORS, GILDERS, Sign Writers, Paperhangers. Office: 64, FOREGATE ST., CHESTER EsTAsusHEU 1859. Tel. 26Y1. CONNAHS QUAY. rr?HE Proprietors of the "CHESHIRE JL OBSERVER" have Opened an UP-TO-DATE PRINTING OFFICE, in, DOCK. ROAD (opposite Messrs. Coppack Bros.), CONNAH'S QUAY. The office is in charge of MR. FRICD COLLDIS, of 17, Ryl&nds-street, Shotton. Mr. COLLINS will be pleased to call upon Customers, give Quotations, &c., on receipt of post card. EVERY KIND OF COMMERCIAL & LETTERPRESS PRINTING, Executed on the Premises, at the Shortest 1 Notice. MEMORANDA. MAGAZINES. CATALOGUES. PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS. RULE BOOKS NOTE HEADINGS. POSTERS. BILL HEADS. HAND BILLS. TONTINE CARDS. HYMN SHEETS. "IN MEMORIAM" CARDS, &c. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGE Business Men in the vicinity of Connah's Quay will find our Branch Office a real boon. It is fittcd with Modern Appliances, and Up-to-date Type. It is handily situ- ated-a post card will fetch Mr. COLLINS any time. NOTE ADDRESS: "Observer" Prmting Works, DOCK ROAD, CONNAITS QUAY. EADE'S PILLS. -Tr?DE'S TRILLS. TT?ADE'S T?Hj?S. JEJ JL ?E ADE'S TT?ILLS. -Y.?ADE'S'Tr?ILLS. rj jL All who suffer from Gout or Rheumatism should imme- diately ha.ve recourse to EADK'3 PILLS. Hundreds of Ttimonials have been re- ceived from all sorts &nd conditions of men testifying to the wonderful power these Pills have in giving relief in the very worat cases. These Pil!s are purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action. INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given any patent medicine of its class. G OUT. I R HEUMATISM. G OUT. RH E U M A'lI1\I. ?OUT. ?? R HEUKATISM'. G OUT. ip. ULUMATISU. G OUT. Pti UEUMATISM. G OUT. Tgt HEUMATISM. NEVER SUFFERED SINCE! 53, Boya) Terrace, KeuniMtonPtn-k.S.E. Mn.y 30th. ]905. "Dear have much pteMUM in teatifyittK to the efti, a(-y of your (i out anù Rheu. mat.ic Pills. I have been a. from Gout for tWenty years. and duriug that time been many different without much relief. About twelve months ago. I was recommended to try Eade'8 (30tit Pills, which I a In happy to SlY, I followed, and I HAVE NEVER SUFFEEKD FROM GOUT SINCE I take two or tbre a week. aco"rding to the weather. I have confidently them tf) fiiI my Y(Ó\l can make what use of this you chooM.—I aID, yours fa.ith'n)ty, FREDERICK BROWN. EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemista, in Bottles, l/Ii and 2/9; or sent post free for Postal Order by the Pro. or GEOBQt EADN, 232, Goawell-road, E.C. Ask for and be sure you obtain EADIC's GOUT ,&N-D RHKUMATIO PILLS. EADE'S PILLS. DAWSON & WEST, PAWNBROKERS, JEWELLERS, CLOTHIERS, AND COMPLETE HOUSE FCRM9HN.M. Caab Advanced to any amount on Gqld and Silver Plate, Jewellery, Furniture, Pianos and Organa, Furs, Carpets, and on all portable property. Parcels by Post receive prompt attention cash by return. Private Pledge Omee. NOTE ADDRESS— 54 & 56, FOREGATE-ST., CHESTER. ? ? /— Very pretty Second hand C?? dbw ?f/ Cheffonnier BOOKCASE, in solid dark walnut, top with glass folding doors, moveable shelves cupboard and drawers beneath, fitted with locks, brass handles, &c. polished walnut; size, 3ft. by 7ft. high. A bargain. <Q?/Very pretty BAROMETER and Ther- <U???/ mometer, in carved walnut case. Guaranteed perfect and correct. J??t 1 ?( /? Special value. Solid Oak 0??< -i-t)/ Dining room SUITE, covered in nowered red leather, old fashioned design; seven pieces. Cheap. ( -t? 1 ? -Walnut inlaid CANTER- <??< JL?/ BURY DESK, and four drawers down side, fitted with lock leather covered top. Well made and seasoned. ?-? ? 1 ?\ /-Very nne 5ft SIDE- <3_<?JL?. JL?/. BOARD, with large bevelled plate glass back shelves for orna- ments two drawers and two cupboards; nicely carved. Guaranteed all solid walnut. 1 ?7 /?—?ew design. DINNER CRUET and ?. W ?? Flower Stand combined best quality silver plate, cut glass bottles. Nearly new. f?Q ?) /—Very pretty small si?e CHEF- C?<LJ? 0/ FONNIER, three bevelled plate glasses in back cupboard and drawers beneath. sbe!f on top for ornaments; fitted with brass bandies, &c.  1?/-Solid Walnut WARD- o-?C?/J< bt i.\?/ ROBE, 3ft. 6in. wide by 7ft. high large dressing mirror and hat drawer cornice, &c. Well made. < <L?)???/ /—SoIi? ?rch COMMODE CHAIR, loose hair-seated cushion. o<??)e 1 JL? ?/ /-Solid Walnut CHEST OF e DRAWERS, fitted with heavy brass handles three large drawers and two small. Very chf'ap. ?? ? -Large size DINING TABLE, O&?Jt <.?/ white top 4in. thick; solid birch legs polished walnut; steel screw, two leaves. H and,qome solid D ark Vl, 1 ? /—Handsome solid .Dark Wal- O-C???) t JL\?/ nut OVERMANTEL; all bevelled plate nicely carved and polished. ?C?/—WeII made KITCHEN COUCH. loose ??C?/ seat and cushion upholstered in leather cloth; polished walnut colour. 1 ?i /?—Solid BRASS FIRE KERB, three JL?F/ VF solid uprights and dogs. ?? -< ? /—Pair of Bedroom TABLES, <?C/<L)? JL?F/ Dressing Chest combined, with Chest of Drawers, Dressing Glass, &e. Wasbstand, marble slab, tiled back, and mirror, &c.. attached. ?/?—Pair of Antique China CANDLE- ?/?3 STICKS. 35/- Regulator CLOCK, chimes every half- hour on gong walnut case, with glass front and aides. Sent and fixed free. Written warranty given. 1 ?/? ?'H— New style in GO CARTS, -L?/ \? carpet se-?t and back; iron fra.mc. Very strong. '9 /? A SQUAHE YARD—The best Floor Cover- J./? ing, CORK LINOLEUM and Cork Carpet; assortment of patterns. Laid and delivered free. Q?/—Very pretty Single MAIL-CART, <'?<L?/ painted dark blue and red two posi- tions hoods, &c., complete. We Furnish for Cash or E:1sy Payments. Special attention gi ven to Orders by Post. TSAAC WILLIAMS &. SON, REGtSTERED PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS & GASFITTERS, CUPPIN STREET. CHESTER. PLUMBERS' BRASS WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTtONS. Patent Water Closata, Lavatories, Baths, &c. GLASS in all Qualities and Patterns kept in Stock. "OBSERVER'S" JNEW STORY BEGINS THIS WEEK. A New and ThriUmg Serial with an Absorbing Plot. THE HAMPSTEAD MYSTERY, BY JOHN OAKLEY, Author of "The Blackmailer," "A Gentleman in Khaki," "A Fight for a Name," &c., &c. THE OPENING CHAPTERS APPEAR IN THIS ISSUE. In introducing to the notice of OUT readers Mr. John Oa.k!cy< la-test novel, we may say that in "The Hampstead Mystery" he has adopted as the basis of his plot a tbemo which is of pcrennia! interest and inherent power-tlie wrongful pun- mhment of a gui!<!c'ss man. On this foun- dation, which it strengthened by the fresh- ness of his treatment, he has raised as super- structure, a na.rra.tive of strong human dn- terest, sensat!ona.i in the unexpectedness cf its events, a.nd inevitable without being me]o<!ra.matio in it-s denouement. Ronald Nornmngton has, wbcn the etoTy opens, just been released after serving a term of impl"i90nnwnt for a crimo of which he wa.s innocent. Circumstantial evidence had been strong a-gainst him, however. He v/se sentenced to penal servitude. Normington comee out into the world once more with the fixed re&olve of proving his innocence and clearing his name. Ho ia conv;\nccd that either some of the whtne.sscs at his tri.< <ommittcd perjury, or that in- genious conspiracy ex'sted. It would seem, indeed, that such a conspiracy at):U exists, as Ronald iR assaulted, but a my&terious third party inteiveneK and leaves his a:sa.ii- ajit for dead. We must leave the author to disc!ose the remainder of the Story. READ THE IIAJ\[PSTEÅD BY JOHN OAK LEY. Commences To-Day.



