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R. J. & H. ELLIS, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE HOUSE PAINTERS, Chl rch Decqbators, GILDERS, SIGN WRITERS. P:l';HHANGERS. OFFICE 64, FOREGATE STREET, CHESTER. ESTABLISHED 1859. TELEPHONE, No. 26Y1. ASK FOR BOMOLA, ..L\J '.J .1.1. THE CREAM OF OLD SCOTCH WHISKIES. PROPRIETOR GTEOE.GE BARLOW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. "THE OLD VAULTS," BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. TELEPHONE, 0632. TELEPHONE No. 26X5. PRIDDEY & SON,1 THE DECORATORS. 25, SELLER STREET, CHESTER. W. J. CHESTER. Cross Foxes, Boughton, Chester, ALE & STOUT BOTTLER. BASS'S PALE ALE, A Pi-N-Is 2 PERDOZE* TRUMAN, HANBURY, BUXTON- IMPERIAL STOUT, 1; PTS. 2 6 „ SPECIAL STOUT, i PTS. 1 10 „ PINTS (SCREW STOPPERS). W T-?READ:S ALES 2/6 & 3 NNI?9BREAD'S STOUT. 2/6 & 3- „ TRUMAN & HANBURY'S STOUT 2/6 4 3/- „ TRUMAN & KANBURYS ALES 2'6 IND COOPE'S ALE do. OATMEAL STOUT 2 6 do. do. (i PINTS) 1?6 Any Quantity from One Dozen delivered in Town or Suburbs. Orders by post will receive prompt attention DUTTON BROS. WANT TO TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR 'v A WELL MADE & STYLISH SUIT. Choicest of Pattern*. Latest Designs. MADE TO MEASURE. This is a Special Spring Offer PRICE RIGHT QUALITY RIGHT 211- NOTE THE ADDRESS— DUTTON BROS., 105, FOREGATE STREET, ALSO 25-7, LOWER BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. ARROWSMITHIS g GLENLIVET BLEND. 1 E Sample Bottle, 3i6 This Whiskey is specially recommended for its Great I fl Axe and Absolute Purity. 42/- per @ dozen nett., carriage paid. j I The Old Original Scotch i .:1 Whisky. | (EST ABLISBED 1797). ;FL RA SOLE PROPRIETOBS- K 1 ARROWSMITH & RIDER, 1 Si Whole3aio Whiskey Merchants and ffi, Wine Importers, £ jgj| A 9, SOUTH KING ST., MANCHESTER, I TSAAC WILLIAMS & SON, REG ISTERED PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS & GAS FITTERS, CUPPIN STREET, CHESTER. PLRMBEIIS' BRASS WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Patent Water Closets, Lavatories, Baths, &O. Glass in all Qualities and Patterns kept in Stock. TELEPHONE No. 141. | EDGAR DUTrON & SONS, Complete Funeral Furnishers AND CARRIAGE PROPRIETORS, O, Frodsham-street, Chester. E. D. & SONS, having the Largest Stock of Belgian Horses, Superior Glass and Closed Hearses, Pri vate Broughams and Coaches are prepared to Supply Funerals cheaper than any jther shop in the City. E. D. & SONS take the ENTIRE MANAGE- MENT OF FUNERALS in Town or Country with due regard to economy and taste. Infant's Funeral, with a Pair Horse Coach, Coffin and Grave, from 24s. I To the Poor or Benevolent, a good CofBa. ? Schillibeer and Grave complete, 33s. I SOLE AGENTS FOR PATENT METALLIC COFFINS. (The trade supplied). F Superior WEDDING CARRIAGES for hire, I kept only for Weddings, at moderate charges. IPIMIS ADDRESSES 12, ùIOX WALK, adjoining Stables; and WELLFIELD HOUSE, NEWTON, EADE'S PILLS. IFA ADF,'S P'LLLS. All who suffer from Gout or JI Rheumatism should imme- EADE'S PILLS. diately have recourse to J EADies PiLLs. Hundreds of EADE'S p ILLS. Testimonials have been re- ceived from all sort3 and E ADE'S PILLS. conditions pf men testifying fij | to the wonderful power these Pills have in giving relief in the very worst cases. These Pills are purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action. INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURX THE WORST FOBM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACZ, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given any patent medicine of its class. OUT SHE DISCARDED HER I- i CRUTCHES KHEUM^^ A4 T1 TSU 59' Mount-street, NorthwoDd HEUMATISNI. 'HMley, StaSa. Jan. 6, 1905. J?tj Dear Sir,—I feel it my duty GOUT. to send my best thanks to Y-. t-y as your Pills have effected & HiLbAlAATITiSaM iH.. wonderful cure. My wife suf. fered from Eheumatism for a   long time, and could get no GOUT. relief. She was a patient at the North Staffordshire Infirmary, RHEUMATISM, but got worse and could not walk without crutches. I heard ATTT about your Pills from a friend, d-i OUT. and bought a small bottle, with _ir_? ?  exceuent results. After the HE'??UTM?r A* TISM. 3eC0nd dose she discarded her Jtj crutches, and was completely OUT. cured in a week. After spend- ing poun& your Pills cured her |_ £ HTTE"CTU T"iVVIT AA tltlOcwJit l. at a cost of 2a. 3d. I shall recommend your Pills to every- JLlj one I know, and you can make m GOUT. the best use of h, testimonial if it pleases you to TTFUMATISM. do so.-Yours truly. GEORGE WRIGHT. EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, 1/1? and 2/9; or sent PLST free for Postal Order by the Pro- prietor GEORGE EADE, 232, Goswell-road, E.C. Ask for and be sure you obtain LADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. EADE'S PILLS.




