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I HAWARDEN GUARDIANS. On Friday the fortnightly meeting of the Hawardon Boa.rd of Guardians was held, Mr. W. Fryer (chairman) presidiag. 1m LETHARGIC OVERSEERS. .ine LJierK (ivtr. liugta Lr. Roberts) reported as to the proceedings lie was instructed to take against tha overseers of Higher Kinnerton, in respect of overdue calls still unpaid by them. Ho had written to the. overseers telling them he had allowed them enough rope, and that he was taking proceedings. He reoeived a reply to the effect that they hoped to pay immediately one sum of B48 due to the poor rate; but as the railway com- pany had not paid their rate, which was J670. they could not pay the other sum of £ 90 until that rate waa paid, and they hoped to receivo it within a few days. The result was the oalls were paid in at tho last moment, and the curious thing was that the sum of J690 which they stated they oouid not pay immediately was paid in first, and the £48 afterwards. (Laughter.) This was not until he (the clerk) had taken out a summons, although he had not served it. The summons cost las., but that included the convening of a spccial oosaions.- In reply to a member the Clerk sad he was not sure whether the Higher Kinneiton Overseers would be required to pay the 10s. If he had served the summons it would have been a charge upon the overseers personally.—Several members expressed the opinion that if possible the over- seers should be charged the sum, and eventually the matter was left in the hands of the clerk. INDIFFERENT MEDICOS. I The treasurer s balance to credit was reported to be £ 1,816. 14s. 2d., and the cheques required Were for, £ 307. 6s. Id. Five cheques remained un- prasented at the end of the half-year, and the singular fact transpired that these were all drawn in favour of medical officers. RURAL COUNCIL. I 1-1 I., I A meeting ot tn,) iiurai l/Dunoll was afterwards held, Mr. W. Fryer again presiding. The committee appointed with regard to the Ffrith and Cymmau sewers reported, as to Ffrith, that the scheme foreshadowed was in their opinion too costly for the- number of houses it. would sorvo. They recommended an amended scheme, pro- viding for the raising of the sewer two feet, at a total cost of JB46. 10s.—The Council adopted the report, on the motion of Mr., Iewis.-W'th regard to Cymma.u, they recommended the laying of a 6in. drain to the existing drain, but this was re- ferred back. The Council approved of plans from the Flint- shire Education Committee for a new school at Hop-o. NEW WATER SCHEME. I The Inspector (Mr. Barrett) laid before the Council the preliminary outlines of a echame for the supply of water t. the villages of Caergwrle and Hope. The water, he said, would be ob- tained from two sources—one situated near Bryn Yorkin in a plantation, and one situated near the smithy belonging to Messrs. Griffiths. It was from this latter source that the existing supply in Caergwrle was obtained. He had gauged the spring near Bryn Yorkin on several occasions, and found the flow to be regular.. It yielded about 21.600 gallons per day. The total number of houses in the districts to be watered was about 253, and they might take the population as being approximately 1,265. Allowing for a consumption of 15 gallons per head, it would be seen that the supply from this spring alono was more than sufficient for this population. He proposed dividing the district into two areas, which he would call No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 would be SUD- plied from Bryn Yorkin spring, which is situated at an elevation of 510 O.D. It embraced all the houses at Abermorddu, Bridge End, Hope, and so much of Caergwrlo as lies south-east of Castle- street. The number of houses in this area was 143. This area could abo bo extended to indludo Cefn-y-bcdd if necessary. No. 2 would bo sup- plied from the spring near the smithy, and would iiielud3 the remainder of the houses in Caergwrle. Under ordinary circumstances the areas would be kept quite. distinct, but should it be necessary to augment the supply in one from the other, this might be done by the manipulation of the valves. A small collecting reservoir would be constructed to each of the sources, both being capable of hold- ing two days' supply for their respective areas. The walls of the reservoir would be built of brick- work in cement mortar, with a baoking of clay puddle. Tho floors would be of concrete resting on a bed of clay puddle. The covers would also be of concrete, supported by girders. A screen- ing chamber would be attached to each reser- voir, through which the water must flow before it entered the reservoir. There would be pro- vided a bye-pass arrangement for use during the time when the reservoirs were being cleansed. The distributing main& would be of cast-iron, with turned and bored joints, and capable of withstanding a pressure due to a head of 600 feet Tho greatest presssure on the mains would be that due to a head of 270 feet. The point at which this pressure occurred was opposite the National School at Bridge End. The pipes would be 4in. and 3in. in diameter. The 4in. pipes were to be in No. 1 area, and extending from the reservoir to the main road at Abermorddu. The distance was 924 yards. All the rest of the mains in this area, and in the whole of No. 2 area. would be 3in. in diameter. The total length of the 3in. mains was about 3?905 yards. Sluice valves would be fixed on all branches and fire- hydrants at suitable points. He had gone sufficiently into the details of the sc heme to enable him to give a fair estimate of the cast, but he believed it would be self-supporting. Mr. Davies moved that the inspoctor get out estimates according to the scheme outlined, also that the clerk open negotiations with the trustees of the Bryn Yorkin estate with a view to the acquisition of sites for the reservoirs, and ease- ments for the pipe line. The Clerk recalled that the medical officer had stated in his report that with a good war supply Caergwrle would increase, and larger and better houses would be built there. Mr. Lewis said he knew several persons would go there and build better class houses if a good water supply were provided. The motion was carried. I rpJ, COMPENSATION FOR AREA. 1 I I TM-. L i I uunsiuuurcn xvurai ujuiivii auaroraeu a letter to this Council on the. subject of alteration of boundaries, and expressed the opinion that some steps should be taken to secure to any district suffering a loss of area the right to com- pensation for loss of ratable value, to which, prior to a recent decision of the Court of Appeal, it was held to be justly entitled. They asked the ilawarden Council to join in a representation to l arhament on the subject. The Chairman: I think we cannot do better than support the Christchureh Rural Council, not only bearing in mind Connah's Quay, but some of our other neighbours who are easting sheep's eyes on some of our district. Mr. Roberts: Wolf's eyes, Mr. Chairman. (Laughter.) This was agreed to. I READJUSTING BOUNDARIES. I ( iir. Konerts moved that the Clerk be instructed to provide a large scale ordnance map shewing in full the eastern part of Saltney and Hawarden parishes, with a view to application to the County Council for an order readjusting th.e boundaries of Saltney and Bretton." He added to this that three members for Saltney parish and three mem- bers for Hawnrden parish be appointed a com- mittee to go over the land and make a recom- mendation to the Council. This was agreed to, and Mr. Deeley and Mr. Manley (Saltney), Mr. Millington, Mr. Daviee and Mr. Roberts (Hawarden) were of the committee appointed. (The, above articles appeared in our last Saturday Evening Edition J







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