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LOCAL & GENERAL NOTES. I —• It is. a, matter for great thankfulness thai only one life was lost in thj* local railway collision on Thursday. For a railway centre of such great importance Chester is remarkably free from acci- dents. With one- exception, wo cannot recall any serious mishap in the last twenty years. The ex- ception was whc-n a portion of the Christletoi-i tunnel fell in, and a goods tra.in da.shed into the debris, and wa.s severely wrecked. We trust the City Licensing Magistrates will feel duly chastened when. they read the censorious and dictatorial resolution passed this week by the Chester Board of Guardians. The resolution urged upon the Licensing Magistrates "the de- sirability of carefully considering the necessities of each neighbourhood, laud of exercising to the utmost their powers ;11 the interest, not only oi the ratepayers, but of the poor children who are sent here (to the Workhouse) in consequence oi By what title-, oue the innumerable temptations.' By what title., one is prompted to ask do the Chester Guasdians con- stitute themselves a judge and a. ruler over the. Licensing Justices. What ground have they for: saying that these gentlemen Oil the bench have: HOC "carefully considered the necessities of each neighbonrhood" ? The- Chai11na.11 of the Board did endeavour to dissociate himself fio-ai censure on tho magistrates, but the ri solution, as it stands, be read as noth.ng short of a pie-^e •of gratuitous and ignorant criticism and implied censure. The speeches delivered on the broad question of the i alleged excessive number of public-houses -were entirely beside the point. Wo do not admit for a moment, that the number of licences has any relation to tho prevalence of inebriety. One public house In a town is sufficient to intoxicate and keep intoxicated all the t-qpers in the population. Tho dipsomaniac who is bent on gratifying his pas-s.on wiii walk miles for his liquor, and it dots not matter witOLher there are one or a hundred public-houses- in ,if,. street, so far as he is ooncerlled If the licensed houses were all closed he would go to tiie chemist ior mettiyHated spirit, as many labourers of Abeide-en do, with deplorable resu lts, L toe drugs,lest'ti shops were closed in turn the habituai inebnates would go ±0 the gunsmith's and eat cordite, as some of our soldiers did in Houdt Aff ca. and they would as a result get most urKOiupiomusingly drunk. Tho drink evil is not to bs Cured by p rohibitrro Jegiv kitioii or tinkering with the licences. It is to be cured by social and educational influences. One could not help feeling sorry for Mr. Jamee Tomkinson at the Rad cat meeting in the Music Hail on Monday evening- There he sat with a bundle of papers in his hands evidently prepared of papc?rs i a h? i-. for a big oratorical effort, but he did not get a chance of speaking. Air. Herbert Gladstone and 1.ir. Mond were both in a very loquac-ous mood, ,and each talked against, tune. Mr. Gladstone, who as a rule has a happy style, made a very duil speech, occupy ng 80Th hour and a half, and Mr. Mond who followed shewed no desire to cut his cackle. Considering that Mr. Ilowell Idris was e-on.o three years ago the. dar- ling of Ches:er Radicals he had a very ccoi re- ception. It would be interesting to know why Mr. Idris's love for Chesier has been so short livs-d, and why Flint 11", supplanted the old city in his affections. Surely it cannot be that our local Radicals have jilted him The monotony of a dull meeting was reiiered by a good point made by Mr. Ellis Griffith, the member for Anglesey. Rising after ten o'clock to seoond a vote of thanks to Mr. Gladstone, fr. Griffith said It is too late for me," and was in- stantly stopped by loud cr.ej, of No, no" from the audience, wLo evidently thought that ho was about to alld the word s "make a speech." In- stead of that Mr. Gr.ffith sa d It is too lato for me to wish you a happy Christmas, but is not too late to wish you a happy New Year." And the audience, tired of the oit-repeated attacks on Mr. Chamberlain, roared with laughter. The Act for the registrat.on of motor cars &nd cycles came into operation yesterday (Fr.duyJ. The Act provides t-ac every car shall bear an, in- dex mark, and a number. Letters are assigned to each county or county be rough. Thus a oar licensed- by the Cheshire County Council must bear the letter M, wnile the letters for Chester aro F.M. The ground of the plate OIl which the letters and numbers are shewn is black, and the letters and figur are white. Up to neon yosterday (Fr day) 20 licences had been taken out in Chester, and 210 for the county. As showing that even, inotvmt.s aro not proof against superstit.cn, it may bo mentioned that one gentleman wrote to the Town Clerk of Chester asking that he should not be given the. number 13. These alleged unmcky figures have not been assigned to anyone, and, we bel,eve, it is not in- tended to insist on anyone, taking The weather of toe pa.-t week has forcibly demonstrated the truth of the old adage "Ati the day lengthens the cold strengthens. Scaroely had Christmas Day passed with its unusually mild and splillgliko conditions, when a sharp frost quickly set in. hardening the roads and fieezing ponds and water pipes. Tne coid snap was first feit on Mon- day, when three degrees of frost were recorded est Chester. On Tuesday the cold was intense, 15 de- grees being recorded. On Yv ednesday there were twelve degrees, and titO hopes of skaters ran high at the prospect of a continuance of the frost, only to be dispelled the next day. when it diminished to five degrees. Skating ha& been enjoyed during the week on flooded meadows at Mickle Traffonl r and other places in the district. The Post Office officials at Chester must have heaved a sigh ot relief when they disposed of the laat basket of letters and parcels on Christmas morning. In no previous year have they dealt with so enormous a bulk of Christmas correspon- dence. Fortunately, the weather was in their favour. The mild and spring-like conditions ensured a train service of ciootiwor*; punctuality, yet it was only by dint of perfect organisation and the most arduous labour that the puotai olheials managed to cope so successfully and expeditiously with their abnormal work. By responding pretty generally to the appeal to post early the public greatly facilitated a prompt despatch. Particularly noticeable was the great popularity of the picture post card, which had evidently almost completely superseded the conventional Christmas card for the purpose of exchanging seasonable greeting. Last week we drew attention to the desire ef residents on Hough Green, and other patrons of the trams, to make the men employed on the service a little Christmas b ix. We now iearn that -lir. Hart Davies, of Eastgate Row, has kindly consented te receive contributions for this purpose. Mr. Eldcn Bankas ha.s opened his campaign in Flint Boroughs, and the Unionist* in the consti- tuency are to be congratulated on having- secured so ideal a candidate. We fell sure- the electors i.i the division will refuse to be represented in the House of Commons by a here-to-da.y-and-gonc-t.c- morrow politician of the class of Mr. Idris. Mr. Bankes's interests are ciosc-ly bound! up with Flint- shire, he is an accomplished speaker, a. man of sound principles, and in all respecti will b8' a decided, acquisition to the House of Commons. The Teetotal Conscience" of North Wales, which has been severely exercised by the political delinquencies of Mr. Samuel Moss and other Radi- cal barrister M.P.'s. in accepting brewers' briefs, ought now to turn its serious attention to Mr. How-ell Idris, the Radical candidate for the Flint. Boroughs. Cestrians who remember Mr. Idris's last contest at Chesier will recollect that he was then, prominently identified with the soda-water industry, a form of enterprise which ought to satisfy the most exacting Nonconformist or Tee- total Conscience. Alas, however, for the fraility of human nature.! Mr. Idris, too, has falien under the wicked spell of the liquor interest. There is often a close aiGcciation betwc-en whi<;ky and soda, and whether that bo the bond of sympathy be twec-li Mr. Idris and the licensed trade we leave the public to judge from the report which, we quote to-day from the St. Pa 11 eras Gazette." Mr. Idris is the Mayor of St. Paueras, aid At tended a dinner given by 120 members cf the North London L-cellscd Victuallers' Association ;n hcnodrof his partner, Mr. Adpar Jones, a director of Idris .n;}:1 1 Co.. and in l:e,og:ljti?) Í II Air. Jones's valuable services to the society. Mr. Jones is not a Parliamentary candidate, and wo have nothing to do with his action regarding the licensed trade. Our duty is to draw the at- tention of the Radical electorate in the Flint Boroughs to the action of their candidate, Mr. idris, in this matter. Mr. ldr's speaks in no un certain voloe, He does not hedge himself, like the Radical barristers, behind professional j etiquette and privilege. He openly confessed to a feeling of pride at the "grand assembly" of licensed victuallers, and he was proud to knew that Mr. Jones had been of some service to them. He hoped they would stick well together to tky fend themselves from the attacks with which they J were assailed on all hands." Excellent material, is this not, for Mr. Idris's election address, when he requires to write it for [.the Flint contest? He has plainly shown hitt strong sympathies wth the liquor tradev, and we f now lei».ve him to the tender mercies of the Free Churcii Councils and the various teetotal societies in the district, It will be not.2d that a speaker at tho L'-eensed Victuallers' dinner observed that that trade, now stood more than ever in need of assist- ance. both from members. of Parliament, and the wholesale trade, and doubtless the remark had a pointed reference to. the assistance which the trade might ultimately reoelve from Mr. Idris, if he h,,}pelled to be returned for the Flint Boroughs. The next move is obviously for tho teetotal bodies in Flintshire to interrogate Mr. Idris respecting- his extraordinary attitude as a Rad.cal candidate and to submit him. to their familiar form of catechism. They will be grieJ- f they to ously failing in their duty if they neglect to take this step. Chester, with its wealth of o-ntiquitv and picturesque charm, has figured prominently in the illustrated journals, but few wiiters have pieced together a more interesting story than that which occupies some ten pages 111 the current issue of "Tiie Musical Times." The article takes a very brief view of the city and its earliest history, but deals particularly with the Cathedral and its associations. The writer does not plaue the Cathedral in the front rank of English niodier churches in regard to external beauty, but he dwells aou.iringiy 011 the Ciioir, whicii he rightly describes as "tho glory of Chester Cathedral." We fan to notice any mention ot the wonderful Mosaics, wincb are 4»oc usually overlooked. The musical equipment ot the Cathedral is con- sidered in Wille uet.ii.ii, and a study of the distin- guished line ot org-auists supplies uot the least in- teresting pare of the sketcn. -there is an appre- ciative notice of Dr. Bridge, the present organist, who "nas done splendid work for the cause of musio in Chester." Ouce Lioo a. tribute is paid to the service. "The Musical Times" s..ys it "is reverently performed—we do not remember to have heard to tamer's Sevenfold Amen' more uevououahy reiicierecl. Suffice it is to say that the singilig of simpie strains typified the reverence and ortierJintos which so eminently oiiai aetei ise the musical services of onestei Cathedral." Tne interest of the article is enhanced by pleasing illustrations. Apropos of hi9 .mpending departure the Rector of Hawarden through the medium ot the "Parisn I JVIajfazine" thanks "A great many friends for their m-ost kmd and indulgent letters, over a hundred of which he received in t,.e. firit, week of December. His heart's desire is that ali that .s goad (and there is so much) in tha wnoie parish of Hawardea shall meet with better help than he could now give. It is for this reason that he feeis that his tiiiio to leave has arrived, not because of dis- oouragement, or fading heal.tn, or fcr the sake of any otiior plaee or work preferred. No pla-ce or people oould ever be we same to him after these long years. He earnestly hopes to be allowed to do his utmost to serve the parish till the summery and he trusts that his parishioners will do their utriiOit to persevere now, and so to ma.ke the change well when it comes." The rev. gentleman began a visitation of ail the houses of the parish 011 the 1st. December, and hopes to have called at all by tho in.ddlc of February.








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Family Notices