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CHESTER EDUCATION COMMlT lEE. The monthly meeting of the Chester Education Commit! was held on Monday afternoon at the Town Hall, Aldeiman H. T. Brown presiding. THE KING'S SCHOOL. IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS. At a. nioetmg of tiie Higher Education Sub- committee the Director reported in answer to questions sent to aU the public and private schools in the city, other toan elementary, the governors of the King's School, in giving information as to whether (1) the equipment ol the scnooi was con- sidered satisfactory, and (2) touch with the Council was desired Ly way of recognition or assistance, had leplied as ioilows :—"The two most conspicuous needs of the school are (1) fur- ther laboratory accommodation and a permanent science master; (2) a permanent modern language master. Assistance is desired. As will be seen from tho copy balance--sheet for the last year, the governors are crippkd foi la, k of funds. Tne governors desire (and suggest that your Council siiouid assist them) to provide additional labora- tory accommodation to satisfy the Board of Educa- tion, and to qualify tor the Boaid s grant under scheme B. The governors have asce-itamed that 1; 400 is the least sum for which tiie piopo&ed alterations required for tlls purpose ca.n be done. The additional ye..riy expendituie for a. perman- cut science master and materials may be estimated at £ 200 to 1;250, aiid towards tins yearly expendi- ture an annual giant from tOle city would be most helpful. The Director informed the committee that he had been requested by the cierk to the governors to accept tins answer as a definite appeal to the loc-at author, tv. it was i.esolved—"That the consideration of the question of aid to tho King's School and of the points raised by the deputation from the governing body of the Cluster School of Scienoe and Art and Technical Day Schools be deferred; and that the director be instructed to prepare and present a report to this sub-committee at. an early meeting upon the question of higher .education within the city and the co-old nation of aU branches of education under the pioweis and duties of the local authority, as oond.tioned in part ii. of tho Educa- tion ALt, 1902." On the motion for the confiimation of th? min ut.e" Mr. R H Lanoeley moved an amendment to the effect that before giv.ng further considera- tion to tiie communication from the governing body of the King s School they be requested to furnish the committee with a fresh statement show- ing (1) the basis upon which the school is estab- lished and conducted; (2) particulars of income on capital account, and the various sources from which fiteii income is derived, together with any consideration and the nature thereof in relation thereto; (3) a full statement as to the accommoda- tion,, numbor of scholarships and conditions at- taching thereto; (4) number of present govenmors and how appointed; and that all receipt of such statement, and w.th the consent of the governing body, the director inspect the school and report to the committee, as to its equipment, teaching staff and general suitability as a secondarv school." He thought there would be many members of the I committeo who had been turning over in their minds their posit on with regard to private and secondary Sc hook He had an idea as to what naiglil possibly be done with the King's School if they were allowed to do it and therefore he had decided upon moving his resolution. He thought befoi e. they did anything, whether it was in the way of furthering the establishment of the King's School as a secondary school or voting any specific- sums to the governors in response to their appeal, they ought to be furnished with the fullest pos- sible information They were dealing with public funds, and should make it a sine qua non that before they did anything in the way of making grants the. representation of the committee on the governing body was in proportion to the help given. Mr. W. Ferguson seconded. Air. Egerton Gilbert failed to see th? slightest object of Mr. Laiiceley's resolution, whatever its merits might be at the present stage. The Chairman suggested that the facts required by Mr. Lane-cloy s motion were easily obtainable, and were within the personal knowledge of many mem bers of the commjtt&e. Those particulars might be made to form an appendix or supple- ment to the report which the director was engaged in preparing. It was in connection with the pre- paration of that report that tho director hoped to get assistance fiom the clerk they proposed to appoint in his department. Mr Lanceley said he was perfectly aware of the resolution of the sub committee instructing the director (Mr. Lovell) to prepare and present a report but he thought the inquiries were to be rather limited in their nature. The Bishop said the governors of the school fur- nished the information as they were asked, and he was sure it would be the greatest pleasure to them to give any further in format on. Ultimately Alr. L-,tneelgv withdrew his amend- ment on the understanding that the information ho sought would be furnished by the director in his report, and on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Dr. Stoltorfoth, the minutes were confirmed LECTURES TO TEACHERS. I With reference to a proposed course of biological lectures to bo given to the. teachers of elementary schools. Air. J. D. Sicldall askd if the public would be admitted, and if so upon what terms? He hoped they would be admitted, and moved that steps be. tak-ei to ascertain how many seats were required by the teachers and that the scats not used by them should be used by the public at a fee say, of Is. The "Town Clerk (Mr. J. H. Dickson) advised that it would not be right for the committee, in carrying out a general course of lectures, to take money for the purpose. After some further remarks the matter dropped. PROVISION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. I The Rev. J. K. Montgomery moved—"That a sub-committee be now appointed to meet a sub- committee of the County Council to consider the desirability of taking joint action with regard to provision of intermediate and secondary schools, and that H.M. inspectors be asked to confer with the joint committees, and that the director be authorised to make the necessary arrangements to give effect to this resolution." He said their first duty was to level-up all the elementary schools in their area to the standard of the best, and then to provide advanced or intermediate schools for pupil teachers and cider scholars continuation classes and technical classes., which were at present housed and taught in the Museum and other places. This was all the more necessary now that the Town Council had resolved to free all the present elementary schools after March. 1905. and to place them ali on a purely elemcntary basis. The establishment of intermediate schools would involve considerable, expense to the rate- payers. Tho County Council, he was told. now eent a large numbor of pupils to the city schools, especially to tho College, Ilunter-street and Wes- leyan Schools, and that authority would no doubt willingly join in the establishment of such second- ary and intermediate schools, and any joint scheme would be. a. mutual convenience and prevent over- lapping or double provision in the building and staffing of schools, and the oc-st would be jointly borne by the county and city. Thus the scheme might be made lighter for the ratepayers in both areas. Dr. Stolterfoth seconded the resolution. The Act contemplated elementary and secondary schools, and they must keep their minds steadily upon that point. From what he had heard, he thought it was quite right that they should have a conference with the county authorities. The city was surrounded by thickly-populated districts which must look to the city to supply their edu- cational needs unices the County Council set to work to build technical schools. From the point of view of economy, he thought it would be well for both authorities to consider the possibility of a joint scheme It was necessary to do this to prevent, overlapping. Professor AlacGunn suggested that the better course would be, before they went into conference with anybody, to make themselves quite familiar with the facts regarding the local situation. He thought tho committee should have the director's report, fiist, and they might then consider the ad- visability of dealing with the quest on. Mr. J. Gooddie Holmes also thought the reso- lution was premature. They ought to know something more about tho subject before they d0Cidsd upml a conference Mr. J. W. Conneil pointed out that thirteen pupil teachers in the county of Flint attended classes in Chester, and thought it was desirable I that thare should be some understanding with the Flintshire County Council as to the <ost incurred thereby. It was not. right that Chester should educate thirteen pupil teachers from Flintshire at its own cost. Mr. G. R. Griffith was also in favour of awaiting I the report of the director on this question before taking any action Ultimately Mr. Montgomery withdrew his motion, and it was agreed to defer the considera- tion of the subject until the director presented his report. THE DIRECTOR'S STAFF. The Financc Sub-comnrtieo were empowered to mak& the appoiDtm?nt of a sea'or clerk in tho education ofHea.


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