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I DISTRICT COUNCILS. I ELLESMERE PORT. Mr. W. Stockton presided over a niretm;* on Monday ovening, there being also preseus; iUv M S. H. Pricp (rice-chairman), C. \\lutritlse, J. D. Dutton, E. Williams, W. Breekon, W. Wynne, 11. Simpson, Tlionias Jones a-nd J. H. Lloyd, D. Bunting (clerk) and J. M. Hudson (surveyor). A number of letters were read, the chief being from Mr. Oaldecutt re the Electricity Bill, in which he stated that the Council's contribution to the expenses would be E6 18s. 4d. I SHIP CANAL SCHEME I Another letter was lead from Mr. Churton, m I reply to one received from the Manchester Ship Canal olicitor, asking th Council's cttitude towards their Bill now being promoted in con- nection with their seeking for powers to deepen the water in the canal by two feet. According to a tesolution passed at a previous meeting, no opposition would be offered, if the Canal Company would sign an agreement protecting the rate- payers' interests. A full and complete agreement had been drawn up, but to it the canal authorities had not replied, and. to give the Council a loci is standi to oppose if need be in the futures Mr. Churton wrote suggesting that the Council should inform the directors that they intended to oppose the scheme I ROAD ENCROACHMENTS. A lengthy discussion arose on a resolution moved by Mr. Whitridge—"That this Council consider what further steps be taken to protect and preserve the rights of the public against encroachment, in this instance the land in ^rrowe-lane railed in by Al r. Norman." After giving an epitome of the case. Mr Whitridge moved that a committee be appointed and ¡i¡..1;. 2\h. Norman to meet it and discuss the matter. He preferred the olive branch to the sword, and the matter could not rest at this point.—Mr. Wynne agreed with the proposer, and seconded the resolution. The scope of the committee's work would be to make an exchange if possible.—Mr. Stockton was aware the late case at the assizes had settled nothing. It had not given Mr. Norman a title to the land. Personally, he preferred calling a meeting of he ratepayers, and with them discussing the matter and acting on their instructions.—Mr. Breekon agreed with the chairman, and thought the closing of the road at the top of Merseyton-road also needed venti- lating.—Eventually the Council appointed the Roads Committee !o meet Mr. Norman.Th. Surveyor reported that certain parts of the hign road were not in a satisfactory conditicn. Messrs. Holmes nd King had not put their pipe track opening into good order. The Council asked the clerk to write them.—The eoHector reported ?L )- he had during the past month collected £ 4-15 4s. 2d., and paid over that amount to the treasurer. CONNAH'S QUAY URBAN. The monthly meeting was held last week, the chairman (Mr. W. H. L'ovd) presiding — The medical officer's report shewed that during- Novem- bcr thore were five deaths and threc- births. The district was free of zymotic disease. THE NIGIITSOIL CONTRACT. I The Iu^p -ctor reported that he had engaged t"-int and manual labour to iciiio-ve the nightsoil and it would be necessary to carry out the work for at least tnre-3 weeks before the district would be clear.—A letter was read from the contractor. Mr. T. Jonee, aeking for an interview with the Council aleo a lotk' from the contractor e solici- tors, Messrs. Bromley, Jones and Co., fitat,iig that no complaint had previously been addressed to their client, who would piooeed to carry out the contract- with the Council and who would expect tile Council to adhere thereto.—Tho Inspector re- poited that the contractor had not carried out ti.o terms of hie contract, and the work was done 1 in a most unsatisfactory manner. The contractor had an interview- with the Health Committee, and gv-ve an explanation, but the Council approved of the action of the inspector, and directed him to continue the employment of other men and carts until the inspector was satisfied the district was thoroughly cleansod. RIVERSIDE RIGHT-OF ROAD. A letter was read from Mr. S. Smith, olerk to tho Dee Conservancy Board, enclosing copy reeo tuton passed at a meeting of the Doc Con&cr- vancy Board and requesting that the same m.ght bo brought bofore and have due consideration of the Council. The resolution was as follows:- "Resolved, that it being considered that the public rights-of-road over the land at Column's Quay, occupied by Messrs. Ferguson and Baiid as or in oonnaction with their shipyard, have boon and aie being infringed, the clerk do cail the attention of the public authorities (viz., the Flintshire. County Council, the Connah's Quay Urban Ditri t Coun- eJ, and the Hoiywe.ll Rural District Council) tireroto and to tJia provisions contained in section 290 of the Chester and Holyhead Railway Act, 1844 (7 and 8 Yie., Cap 65), a copy of which section is enclosed, and exptess the view of this Board that the matter should be dealt with by such of the public authorities oonoerned as are guardians of the public interest of the diBtnct." The following is a copy of the section ref&ired to: "And be it enacted, that the several embankments to be made across the baach in the townships of Golftyn, Kielsteiton and Leadbrook. amounting to a length of abo-ut 3,000 yards, shall, and tiie Bame are hereby required to, be so constructed as to admit of a common road of not less than 20 feet Wide in every part to be made on the river- Bide of the tiaid railway, but sop a; at.-d from it by a proper fence and to be connected w:th the present turnpike road whioh now runs along the coast by the bridge over the said railway in the cutting, and also with the shore by easy slipways, at in- tervals of not exceeding 500 yards the said em- bankments having their seaward Blope made fivo to one, and the soa slope to be p .ved with stone.' —It was resolved that the clerk communicate with tho several authorities mentioned in Mr. Smith's letter and obtain tieir views upon the matter. ) THE COUNCIL'S FINANCES. j A letter trom trio treasurer (Mr. J. r rater), Lloyd s Bank, Connah'e Quay, was read, stating that he understood it was definitely arranged a year or so ago that the Council would pay a salary to tho treasurer in lieu of the interest upon the sums advanced to them from time to time. The arrangement was held in abeyance at the time. as it Wa3 expected that the. Council would shortly have funds in hand, but their expectations had not been lvalised yet, and the present state of the account did not apparently point to any ea:ly real.sarion. and asking whether under these cir- cumstances it would be uru-ea<ion.ible for the Council to give effect to the resolution —After discussion it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. E. Roberts, seconded by Mr. W. H. Lloyd, that a statement of account be furnished by the bank shewing the total habihti<'s of the Council up to I date, and that the matter be further considc?d at the next meeting of the Finance Committee. .APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL MANAGERS. A communnation was read from tae clerk to the County Council as to tho appointment of mana- gers for SL Mark's National Schools and the Custom House-lane Board Schools.-Mr. J. W. Conned, as head teacher of St. Mark's Schools, said it being an open question as to whether or not he shouid vote, he proposed to take no part in the proposing, seconding or voting.—Mr. T. J. Reney was appointed manager for St. Mark's Schools, on the proposition of Mr. E. Blane, <-econcied by the Chairman; and Mr. J. T. I Humphreys and Mr. W. II. Lloyd for tho Custom I Housc?a.n? Board School?,, on the proposition of Mr. T. J. Rtn<y, ?cond:?d by Mr. E. Bial(?. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES. I this matter was again under consideration, and a plan 6howmg the proposed extension, prepared by Mr. was subziiitte,(].-()ii tiio proposition of Mr. W. 11. Lloyd, ascended by Mr. E. Blane, it was resolved tha.t Messrs. J. H. Davies and Soil be instructed. to prepare a plaii of the extended area on a 12 or 13 inch scale. MISCELLANEOUS. I A letter was read from Mr. Cartwright, general manager of the Wrexham, Mold and (Jon- nalt's Quay Railway. Wrexham stating that a drain to carry off the rainfall surface water runs through Messrs. (Joppai lc's premises under the tiu-ough Mfsssr. Coppa' k s  un d er t h  L. and N.-W. Railway and the W.M. and CQ. Railway Cos.' property to the dock, having its outlet in the river. Mr. Cartwright had been in formed that the Council, iti carrying out some new sewerage oulvorts, had connected one with the drain, and if sewage was to pass through tho latter it must mean, especially in hot weather, not only serious nuisance to the men employed on vessels using the dock, but also must be most, in- jurious to their health, the employes of the com- pany and others using the piemises. If he had not been misinformed, in the event of sewage pass- iug into tho drain he feared thp railway company would be compelled to take steps for the abate- ment of the iitilsaiice,It was resolved that the (1 rk be instructed to inform Mr. Cartwright that this Council were not passing any sewage into the chain in question. A letter was Had from Mr. Cartwright, W.M. and C.Q Railway Company, in reply to the letter addressed to him by the elerk, in which Mr. Cart wriglit stated he quite undeistood the River Dec- Fishery Board objecting to sewage draining into the river, but obviouslv the railway company had nothing whatever to do with the origin of Con nah p> Quay sewage. If the culvert referred to had been blocked up it could not have taken the recent heavy rains and the water got away freely, and lie did not think ther, was any cause for complaint. Ihe attention of the Permanent Way people would however, be called to the matter.— It wa-- resolved that the request contained in the clerk's letter of the 27th ult. be adhered to. and that Mr. Caitwriciit be written to accordingly. The Cleik reported that the County Council had confirmed the recommendation of the No. 2 Com mittee of the Main Roads Committee to iay pipef, in Fisherman's-road, also to put one-half of the road in repair. Mr. E. Blane railed the attention of the Council to the unsatisfactory condition of the private streets in the urban district, pointing out that the Council had adopted the Private Street Works Act, 1892. He moved that the inspector be in sinicied to report thel con to the Highway Com- mittee.—Mr. W. II. Lloyd seconded, and it was resolved accordingly. Messrs. H. Hughes E. Blane and J. T. Hum- phreys were appointed a sub-committee to m?et sub-committee appointed by the County Conner with reference to the proposed water cart. control of the main roads and Plas Bellin-Iane. 1\1r- W. E. Hughes was reappointed inspector or nuisances for the period of twelve months. Plans of new buildings for Messrs Bradleys. Chester, were Ijofore the Health Committee, and iefi-ired to i! sub-committee,—Mr. T. J. Renry, as chairman of the subcommittee. reported that owing to the old drain's not being shewn and theve be;ng no intimation as to what. was intended to be done with it, the matter was referred to the surveyor to communicate with the architects, the plans to be again brought before the Health Com- mittee. A letter was read from the Connah's Quay Gas and Water Company with reference to the laying of gas man., in Cestrian-street and Primrose Hill -fating that as there was no prospect of any pri- vate consumption of gas in these streets it would he a dead loss to the company to lay mains for the- small number of lamps required but as the directors folt tlic-, streets should be lighted the coniTi"ay wore willing to lay the mams and supply the s.ie on condition that the Council would open and e.o.-e the ground. A report of the stir-voyor was submitted as to premises belonging to Mr. F. E. Jones being oc cupied befcir? completion.—A considerable dis- i ussion took p1aœ, and tho clerk was directed to I ask of M:. uoncs an explanation. ?he Health Committee power to act.



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