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BOARDS OF GTTARDIANS. I CHESTER. 1 A meeting of the Ch-ster Board of Guardians was held 13 at the Workhouse on Tuesday, Mr., f. -Knowles presiding over a small attendance. -A. report was receirei from the architects (Messrs. J. H. D.vie:; ,d Sons 118 to the wash- house- They stated it was impossible to enlarge it as th9 Local Government Board desired. New premises might be built near th., tenuis ground, and for that thoy estimated tho cost at £ 1,000. Tho wash-houso could be. enlarged m another way at £5:)0. and tuo Local Government Board's ap- proval oommituje, ron. eistin" of the chair mar.. bilri. Keitii Douglas, and Messrs. W. omon, T. Butler, H. Urowtkr, Rowe Morns, and A. R. Smith, was formed to co i?o tho matter.—The C!Nk reported ?u As???? Comnutt? had graatcd him an honorarium of £ 130, as A the School Attendanee Committoo £ 30, for his services.— The Jtov. E. C. JjOWTidcs proposed, in the absence of Mr. Butit-r, that tlle committees' actions b* confirmed. A Member: air. Hallmark thinks the money ought to be J.vid--d among us. (Lau, liter .)-T tie hon- crMia f?? agreed tc.-M? Mary L? sent in her r??u?tion of the ?"st of fo,;ær-mother of the Upton Home.—This was acoepted. and the Clerk was instructjd to tak the necessary etep3 to fill the vacanoy. THANKED FOR THEIR WORK. I Mr. V. m. Denson proposed a vote ot man?.< a> the cha.-m?M for th? way he htd conducted the business during the past year. Mr. R iihell seoon led, and the motion was carried with applause. bir. Wni. N-ernon .said they should give their cordial thanks to Mr. Morris, who had occu- pied tho vico chair. tie had taken an aotivo ijk- pied ti-*c) c't.air. terest k all the work of tho Board, and he had ehewn an intelligent grasp of the business. He proposed a vote of thanks to him. Mc. Kennedy seconded, and endorsed what Mr. iVernon had said. Mr. H. Preston s,ipporte(i. Ho said not (sufficient reference had been made to the able and gepial manner in which tiic* cha rman had pre- i eided The way he conducted the relief oases « a lesson to many. He had b&t-n very much in and he (the breaker) felt certain the poor who had come before the chairman had benefited imro rwfr*-n hv his observations atid advice, and by -.I the condemnation he had someimaes passed upon them. Ho did not think thoy would ever have- a better chairman or vice-chairman. The motion was heartily agreed to. Mr K«io»'.es responded. He was very grateful, particularly- for Mr. Preston's remarks with regard t9 the tohei oases. He certainly felt a great in terest in them. llie- could not be too partioulSi in their dealings. Tbrre was a pretty general Ùll- derstanding that hi.- 11 vt :>ri ai cuainnan should terminate at the clcee of the year, so he would not offer■ himself again. He 6W so many about him qu.r.f. as capable—(cries of "No, xto")-w-id quite as w'l qualified, and it was only fair they should have their turn. Mr. Ro..ve Morris also replied. He hca.rtily ap precin.ted the vote of thanks far carrying out his dutL-s which had be>'n very light, as Mr. Knowles had been so efficient, punctual and up-to-date Arorv 1:Hn r;, v. He was rather afraid they would .L-J _J have difficult" y in getting a man 30 punctual, a-id to take uuoii greai interest in the business. It was somot.xnes an unthankful office. One got. more kicks than ha'pence, but the one who got, the thanks of the gentlemen who sat round the table was amply repaid. ELECTRICITY v. GAS. Mr. Crowder drew attention to the cost of ligh,. j ing tho.wo khouse bf gas.-A discusaton followed, 8lâ it w?s stated ""hat a. committee was formed to take tiie matte- of substituting eleotrio lights for gas lights ia hand. Nothing had come 01 it-—Mr. Vernon thought if the electric light was taken up, the Corporation wero extend.n^ sheir cables in the direction of the work- house but. he thought it would be cheaper to go to thc-l expense cf having an installation of Uteti own.—Nothing wai done. j WHITCHURCH. On. Friday the fortnightly mooting of tne men: bers of the Whitoharch Board of Guardians wa., held in the Board-room of the Union Workbous Mr. Evan Langley (vice-chairman) presided.—Th-> Mas tor mod-o an application for a. testimonial to be given to him and tho matron on account of their wishing to apply for A post at Prestwich, • Manchester.—It wa.-s decided to grant this.— Owing to the resignation of M ss Grooott from the office of nurse tc- the house, Mr. R. T. Struth moved that Miss S A. C 11 b* appointed to fill tile vae-arcy.Vir, T. Godsai seconded, and it was carried CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN. The Rev. C. \Vo-.>ev-l>od said as that was the last meeting of the Board for the year he wished to make a piopo-ai, which would, he had not the least doubt. Le rececv-ed by all the members with general approval. It was in regard to th< ir respectod chairman Mr. EthoUton had been pre- vented from attending the last few meetings of the Tioii-d, L,"t cii,Lnlt,g the whole long period that he had been connected with it no one could have been more regular in his attendances and in his (Careful attention to the busitiess of the Board (Hear, hear.) He. proposed that they give Mr. jBtnolston a heart: vote of thanks, with the hope 'that he might, be long spared to occupy the po i tion which he hae. so long filled w ith credit to him. tie! £ and to tha general satisfaction of the Board. AppIause.) f &ot; on of the Boarcl.. Mr. Mo-gan, in seconding the proposition, said he could fully enci*se what Mr. WoUey-Dod had said. It had been the speaker's privilege to b' a member of the Board for some twelve years, and during the wkole of that time Air. Etheiston had been ohairmaa^ perf-orming his duties with tho 'groavj-st courtesy to every member of the Board They w, re indebted to the ctiairman for his ser- viccs, and might; take a lesson from tho chair- man's excellent example. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Lang icy said it was unnecessary for him. to put lb; i^iopcsal tohe meeting, but as a matter .of form he would so.—The proposal was carre-d 'with acclamation. Mr. R. T. Smith, in proposing a vote of thank?' to Mr. L anglc-y, as vice-chairman, spoke in euJo. gislie terms of the way iir whicli the duties weie oatr:«i .,ut; by Mr. Uangley during tho chairman's abi, The chairman and members as a whole W2 Tortunai? in possessing such an able genti-■•■J: •- the oost. and he sincerely hoped Ir. wou;" long be spared to be with Mr. Pcars&n seccr ded, saying h& did. not w?h' <dtc?'ether to see M Lan?ay '!i the chair on t?? DHmy 00, asions, for when he sa.w that gentleman occupying that position he knew very weli that Mr. Etheiston was unable to be with them.—The proposition was unanimously carried. Mr. 1, -h.y suitably responded, saying he was very grateful to them for the. kind words thiit had been said. He was fully aware, however, of his shortcomings, a.nd the chief reason why the cfusines of the Board always ran along so smoothly 1 was that the chairman rooeived so much assist- euce from t,) members. Tiie Clerk said ho should like to thank Mr John "Prince, who was retiring, for his services while a member of the Board. INCREASE OF SALARY. The ljttor received by the Board from Dr. NVat, kins askma? for an increase in salary was again read, wh el, staei chat he was appointed to tho oftfoe some eiirht -ars ago. Sinoe then the dut es had materially increased, particularly in the im mediate past. TI'.o second btter stated that on looking over the bcoks, he found that during the past year 231 crcu. ary visits to the house were paid by him, and on many occasions two visits n the day be;ng 60u.?times necessary. The visits on many oecasioi. wore at incoavenient time, .?'id the eon?umpc cii of mcme had consider- j nl?y increased. | Let?t', were rf.jd from ?l,o chairman and y.non. which poOH k-o out that Dr. Watk'ns was v r-vl poor,13- paid tor the duties he performed, and eusge-ts-d that salary be raised from £ 18 to I Tne Chrk, as instructed, presented a list of salaries for simi' i.r posts in other unions, which were much larger n proportion. I Mr. Godsal pr- H.sed. and Mr. Smith seconded. H. tho. snl irv be raised to :C 30 --Carr: ed. I ITERATION OF DATE. I c? (I t -?) I I Upon th" rcque.? of the Clerk it was decided to 1 ho? t:?? ??xt m priug of the Malpas District C?.)?-?' ? 10 50 ? ?. on Thr?da.y. April l?i l?, I


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