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APPHENTICE WANTED. ■ « umimmrnu t ? ''?n?y LAD, from sixteen to twenty years ??'') "f rcopectable pars'nt?p, with whom a Pre- h[}, ? ('pect('d, as he will have Bnard and Lodging in the !?j?' ? ? "??? ? '?" ?"? encnu'a?emeitt, and c\ery means bse• to a thorough n()wkdge of the Merccrv, to a thorough knowledge of the Mercery, B"r ?cery, ai.d Haberdashery Busiuess, by | JO UN DA VIES, | || l k Corner of Bridge-street, Haverfordwest. ? ? -?r\ cembor 1,1814. i d g e-street, liztvci-fordivest. This Day is P ilblished, price SSe A NEW S E R I. E S OF t A f\i,f'l.h1'11 ¡I' ')("'1zlne Te AgricLdtm'ai Magazine; OR fRE PARMER'S MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HUSBANDRY & RURAL AFFAIRS, FOLL NOVEMBER, 1811. I "IIS Number contains, bc?des a variety of ""nIS Number contains, bc'ides a variety of ll' ??" ??'M matter, a Letter from 1)1..l?-oll to J? r Cm-wen, Esq. ALP. on the Grasses — On BarH mowing Wheat upon the Continent, and in 'g.<u?!; :nidS!)cL.!j?ab)-o.?i-.()u the Remedy for Tni- "l'fpy Butter, wILn certain Recipes—On Burning Straw — 'T't ? Ashes of Fen) as a Dressing for L:n?:—0n Thick and ¡nino ??W?—0.' the Nature and .U es of Dun?—On break- l^n ul' Poor L;mds—P'an to raeilit?te htdosurps of Wasle Wi i1 hy Benjamin Hobhou-t-, Esq,—An Account of the Itr ¡ndsor Prices of Wheat and Malt at Eton CoU?c; ex- tra?''0? ?e Report of the Committee of th,? House of ?o?n '??AccotUttof U)'' Number of Incio?ure Bills in each ?' Padiamt'ul since the Revolution; extracted from ?hp ?e—Gen?rai R?poi-? and btate of the Country—Oh- s? ??'ns on tile Cora Laws and the Corn Trade in IHU ,I?d a? ?n—Moathty tpgstc of A?ricuiturat Meetings— I )\esGI tie pncc of ali Knws of Fanning Produce, &e. ?. ondon: Puh?hed by V. GRt?FtTHs, No. L Paternoster ?.; and sold by all Hookseuers. 1)eceiiibcr WHo ARORAFFIAD NEWYUD. Heddyw y Cyhoeddwgd, vieirn vn Llyfr, JYyth-plyg, AC All WERTJI GAN- j D. JENKIN, Argndiydd y Papur bwn; ? ?'n? Abprtawc; Daniel, Evans, Harris, a White, Caer- ,l'üdil1; ??'??. H«ltibrdd; North, Abcrhonddu; Wi!- ir;I? '?"?''? ?'?r.aiieati), Fytmy; a 13roun, Caet- aiCr.: w y u d -ar- V YC, A LLlJN Vit AWDWR. AVEDI E1 nYNU YN HARDD, AM BtilS 5IC11 ISEL A TMRI SVVLLT, •fywysydd Solomon i lech yd, (YN Ylt U-ITJI SAESNE(i)> NET!, ? ?y??'wyddyj i'r duau Ryw (Gwrryw a nenyw), »rewy Asutrwtot AJS'HWYLDERAU. fwT hW!l a nm!y?a. yn '?yn?wn, mcwn modd I J[, '? eS,Hr» V ¡¡¡wId m?yaF hawdd i ymdnu a'r r^le'i'vi 'll cantynoi, ??1'.?! a'r Mcddyi:i.)iaethau Ulwyaf 'i ?i' ?, ? ?? ?""? ? <?m eu pcnal! ucittdu.d ?w penau ueillduol: — -q..lJ IJ.n.LI,. ,uu Lsgorfa au- ?,'?AHajt (?//?) i I)¡¡ Arciiwacth. at I'vvvd (Barrenness) ?tYt!-?'"?"'d(/;?M? .'Gle=!'i ((.??,'m?) ?v.i Plant ?.'f'("!i?ae? tet'y'J.tu?cu-,w:Hdd ?ewyHO.)(F,) 1AH>us ??.;?.) ?yntn?r? ydd (F??tc?' !;t?criif-:n-i.'?<)i[(G?<.?) .('M-!it' ( Uonorr/um) ?y'?y-'L''t!s (Hyiiochon- "?.'Y.m-uy Dolur nrudd ??vyitM Anhwylderau cydfyucdol ft I Hoic'no?rwydd Diiryg (raul bvvyd yn Y cylla A nnoeth.'er J euenctyd 1 solder sbryd j Arliocsii'itlaii mi-'d i?tyda! gc\vyn(?( Yen'-nus) 1 Oiianiaetii, lieu Drytliyllwcli fj'r??) Br.ichiogrwydd PC6wch Ge^ ynv, st (?'ff?f?/MM) Cit'iyd-y-hr<-iiin (.S'«?;<?), ('w?ndidauhndawi Y Clefri pocth (Scurvy) Teo ar Fvwyd &c. &c. Jr im yr yc.hKancgir 7'r?f?/Mtc? ar y ?-?r/; Ffrenei'e ,'Cal I)isil-?l?t,), ??f?'?<'c/t??, a C?ceK?A/M /'t-«-/t/;J/ 7 v Gan S. SOI,OMON, fll.D. ?i?? <'y?"??'M? defoyddiot ¡nu y ??ptii-Traothawd ar  ?.y"?u Mcnywaidd, y Doluriavi ?cwyno?', CM'yd-y- j| tld \\I'g', ar D..rfo¡JedlaetlJ, Cymmeradwyir ynyfrh?ni i '■ <ldVrleuaulc ? b?ct'?yn; t?v rhvlntddio r]):? svrti.i? ar I'" oS ?"' ?' ?"" y '?' ""?'"?' ? '?' eu cvfrgolli), "c i r!V1 i'w cadw '"hag atiechyd, a'u holl gyn- ^^dduif au rnag dt«ystr. a??'?'? t??"??' ''?n yn ?rwyt?Hafurnawpr tlvllv, () ^rofiad a sulw ar ?<mlvu;adau niwddiol ''h vu fai a (iiiivsti-iol, ? mcwn trcfn i gael meddyg- i ?''if'a?t) ? ?w" y 111''i< I' Meddyg nehod w'di cyssegru ritau )\vv,t \,('Yt. <'l fywyd. ?' ddylai pcrcheno?ion ys?otion-c'yd- Vesvi ?<?"'??-.s'c/Mo/ neu athrofeydd fo(I hebddo. Jiv ? y "y?'y" hWIl y m.'dd umon?yrch i iachau o'r '?'? '?" ??'? i '"P' see),dlo At? hyn ^levnJ h ?,. rhaS.la' "eu Had-lif, 'i Siphilis sefydlog. A t Lyr Jhvlu **id IrT?:? Tl^thand ar D.-ythyllv/ch cfirgel, ma(- Pila.il nanUor;rwyd1 gwrrywauld, a Uiirnvythdpr a Di- J|nshy|,<>W|,f P'yrthyiiol i wragedd, &c.; of-ymadrodd ar f;u "*vyr, DyspaVytiC|la5str|ol, ae anerchiad i Ricni, Yrn?Md- ?'y, Dysc??''?' ???' sydd a s;of;)) tlygiad ienenctyd fynu aniynt_ '< -yns01' Ymolcinvy'r (lialliers) ?n "(!iilduol y rh-,tia \n ?<'i!!duot y rhii ? Hlir an (ilefydau (fewyuog, Y cwbI Jvedi ei c?ur&u ,g5"tcw-ng-wasgarn, aj amrywiaeth o "Les i on gwirion.t" y rh:ii ,Kl chyhoeudvvytiVrioed o'r ?n. Yn y <5lur,r arwyd(,M>u' -i-ioed t)'r r 11-1 d(ly?,iiii, '??"?''wyt?' y  y??drit!, oe 11,i-itil cicitliiaii*r C!pfn \Yn,t J\ Jf" Uefd-y-brenin, y ?y'??st, Gc- ???r <'?th, t??r?? ? ??'?S= Rhy'?ddton i ddynion ieu- nc am v Onerv? wi Sym('c,tiiasacymdriniaeth amveddm;; a'r ??hani ?S ?" ? an  eddu.; a-r alns 1"r'ch Ff'sis•"a y¡\! fyu¡,ch am, danYl1t. ,tti o'i- li,nl ?y ii :,I1I'i)1d:tc ?'?" ?"b/!y" w?'' ryw ran o'r ])yfr !,?n, yn lie" IdI '('tlellvt.)-d or ?" ''?'' y '?'?' '?? m'? af- ólI1¡,. T??y?.<??.m "? a roddasaitt i)b.-dd /:?- /K,??-M?, </??< a | f ?'? b?n.Yveidio cu hicchyd, a dystrywio eu holl ?'?'"M?A?? "'?y hy'? :-bydd i'r cyfryw £wrddJt ?c- Qdarlunir yn y rp l^a wrth ddarlicn y dull 0 ymiacluiu a ^d-olygAiam daguy. m^y/W i let-in,d. tkjll g' v-. "rz ld tra rhagorol v Uyfr gwd yr amryw (-olygiad?, ^h o ddetnyddioldehn '^on dim fod yn brawf cadarn- 'Icit o dd?fl)i-,rddioitt,3- II.N,fr 4?"tfotltl; llai "a (-]AN- GOP1AVa wcrth- ??ohouawmewu-v'c"iy"'S'awtioamsct-. ^.°*»rier -flWon Tinv^l/ GwaHh ?'?'" //Sun,~ Star,  ??. ??? ie?r?,. ACi?h? i<)n,Ti S?n ????'??' ?".y"??"? "?- «V rkan amlafcSr ie*tryddwn dungedte yn Lwrop. Yt\ta n?d'd?r   !sOlo <111 () y'? ro! JJ ) W S YI) I) 'I' 1, (' i ). D Y Dr lJ\nn d' I! r 1.' n o 'crth ?????y?'??'?" V?'?yddY? werii CI('[ Inw)' ??'? ?i c<i "F?"?'? '"??'.YS<? a?yw.om n. so.. ? ??FodT?J '??, y" ?'?i. hydd rf ati?ch &y".?'?" '? chyfarMyddiada? i?dd?i; ?.Y Mae?. ?1 ?"i.'?'" ?'? .? m?yaf d<-rhy.r.t yn )Ilcael,' I J, ??'? ?ya ???-?. ''y??/?' gYleJ yr am??i.d anlmylûfhlU Zkd,la? )" llliil- Vn n<,fiij ?"????) ??V' y'??'- y" ????! ? I,)" ?'ll- 4,u ? t g? 'I) 11,11 i(?' c., liyd 3-Ei Sy'trcdm<,j,buddio? ?u i ddyu- C*ellir c;w»i u t^ Sf>non i lech yd" 2?" bob G\ttthwr Lh,l f.' 'j tIll Solomon  !eC'flyd"' ?in bob 'Jau trw' r arn A. yr tin. Castle-Street JVleeiing-House, SWANSEA. ??HH Public are e;5I?Ce!f¡y, informed, that Ttlic NEW t?DEPENDE\TY?'GHSH MEET- IN G-ROUS E, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA, will be OPENED for DIVINE WORSHIP on WEDNESDAY, the 28tli Instant—the Services to continue onTHUKSDAY. The following Ministers will preach in English on the occasion, viz. Rev. Mr. THORPE, Bristol I Hcv.Mr.PE'rcR, Carmarthen Mr. EAST, Frouie I ——Mr. WAKLOW, Miil'ord; And ill Welsh, Rev. Mr. DAVIES, Swansea I Rev.Mr.E.JONES,Pontypool The Friends of this new Interest will be thankful for the attendance of those Ministers who may feelindined to favor them with their company, and who are particularly re- quited to apply, on tileir arrival, to Mr. JOXES, Wind-street, an:1 to Mr. GRIFFITHS, Market-place, wha will take care A -ii-L -i ii, -c ca that everv accommodation be allbrdcd them. December G, 1811. Patent Mledicincs. 'JONATHAN HARRIS, PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, §- STATIONER, DAiiK-GATE, CARMARTHEN, SELLS THE FOLLOWING Genuine Patent Medicines. Bilious Disorders. s. d, BICKSON'S ."j' 1)'11 .v 20 ?\7 S .ll.UtI)1 ¡OUS J.S 2 9 Dr. GaJr Pills 1 2 Dr. James's Analeptic Pills 4 b Barclay's A utibilious Pills 6 ti For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and Cansumjrtions. Gorlbold's Vegetable Balsam 18 0 Cum!ell's Balsam of Honey 2 I Dawson's Lozenges 1 2 I Ryan's Essence of Coltsfoot 2 VYalsh's Coltsfoot Lozenges 1 '2 Church's Cough Drops 2 !) Grant's Drops 1 9 Ford's Balsam of Horehound 1 y Man's approved Medicine 2 6 For Weakness, Debility, and Nervous D'isorders. Solomon's Balm of Gilead, Family bottles, H.LJs. and small ditto 11 0 lluvham's Tincture of Peruvian Bark Li (i Dr. Rymer's N ervous Tincture ¡ Detergent Pills 3 Dr. Sibly's Solar Tincture 6 0 Diseases incident to Females. Hooper's Female Pills 1 1 2 Welsh's Ditto 2 9 Trowbridge Golden Pills 1 2 l'otliergili's Female Pills 2 9 Dr, Hitly's Lunar Tincture 10 () For the Rheumatism. Whitehead's Essence of Mustard 2 9 -————— Mustard Pills 29 Dr. Batemau's Pectoral Drops 1 6 lIemaeathariic Tincture 4 u ..Jackson's Tincture 1 2 Essence of Jamaica Ginger 2.s' 9? ami 4 6 For Scorbutic Conq/laiuis. 4 6 Spilsbiiry's Drops 6 0 Dr; Solomon's An ti-impetigines 11 0 For Cutaneous Eruptions. Gowland's Lotion 2s. gel. and 5 6 Barclay's Ointment I 9 Dr. Wneatiey's Ointment i Pike's Oiutiiiciit I 9 Venereal ejections.' Walker's Jesuit's Drops 29 Leake's Pills 2 9 Leake's Purifying Drops 29 Disorders of the Bowels. Dicey's True DafTy's Elixir 2?. hL ,md 2 ) Radclift 's Elixir 1 2 I(lclift"I -,I ixii, 1 0 Squire's (band Elixir 2 0 Essence of Peppermint 141 Bostock's tdixir 26 Anderson's Scots Pills 1 2 Inglish's Scots Pills 1 2 Dalby's Carminative 1 9 Disorders' of Children. Ching's Worm Lozenges l.s-. 2d. and 2 9 ('ia?sAJa?nesia 3 6 ? Severn's ?onn Tea ??12? Magnet Lozenges, for Heartburn 1?12 Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Dr. Steer's Oppodeidoc 2 9 Dr. Betton's British Oil 1 9 MISCELLANEOUS. Cephalic Snuff 1 2 Clout's Durahle Ink 1 6 Tooth Pow ders, various sorts S uidwel's Plaisters 1 0 Essential Salts of Lemon 1 2 Wait's Worm Medicine 1 2 Orange Pomatum 06 lliil and Co.'s Lemon Acid '2 0 Hill's Lozenges 1 2 Henry's Aromatic Vinegar 2 9 Lavender Lozenges, for Lowness of Spirits 1 2 Hunt's Aperient Family Pills I. 2 Barclay's Asthmatic Candy 12 Bath's Restorative or Strengthening Pills 1 6 Cheltenham Salts 2 9 Macassar Oil, for the Growth of Hair 3 6 Marshall's Universal Cerate, for Burns, Scalds, Chil- blains, &r, I 2 Hickman's Pills for the Stone and Gravel 2 9 Purland's Family Cerate, for Burns, Scalds, &c. 12 Singleton's Golden Eye Ointment 2 0 Ginger Lozenges 1 2 Peppermint Ditto 1 2 Or. James's Fever Powder 29 Roche's Embrocation for the Hooping Cough 4 0 Kennedy's Corn Plaister 1 2 MewbeVy's tssue Plaister 1 0 Dutch Drops 1 2 Steers Pdyegorie Lozenges .4 1 ? Refined Liquorice "6 Bridges'* Essence of Spruce S 6 Atkin's Rat Paste 2 Hudson's Bleaching Liquid. 2s. and 0 British Herb Tobacco 0 3 Rose, Cowslip, Violet, Palmyrene, Jessamine, and Windsor Soaps. Ladies mid Gentlemen's Pocket-Books for-the year 1815, I common and extra. 11eisli and Englkh sollsi A T a MEETING held at the WYNPHAM- ..L ARSIS, BRIDGEND, on Saturday, the 26th day of November, ISH, in pursuance of an Advertisement in the Cambrian of the 19til of November, for considering the expediency of making a Tram-road from the Hills north of Bridgend to Ewcnnv, THE HO X OUR A L: I, E WINDHAM QULY, M. P. IN THE CHAIR; Pesoltctl,-Tiiat it appears to the Afeetiii, most advan- tageous that the Line should commence near Ewenny Bridge, and run northward up the Llumy River to Dnffrvn Llunvy, and that a Branch should be made over Tyr Guatcr and Kevan Cusk to Taibaeh. Resolved,—-That Messrs. MARTIN and DAVIF.s he em-I ployed to make a Plan of the intended, lane of Tryjn-road, and also an Estimate of the expence neêssary to curry the proposed Plan into execution; and that such Plan and i Estimate be made before the 1st of February next. Rvsolvrd,—That, to effect the purpose aforesaid, a Sub- scription be immediately entered into. Resolved,—That the Shares be X-25 each, but that the re- spective Subscribers shall be at liberty to take as man'y of such Shares as thtY think proper, and that five shillings per Share be paid at tne time and place of subscribing, towards defraying the expenees of the Surveys and Estimates. Resolved,—That Hooks be left at the several Banks at • Cardiff, Neath, and Swan.ea, and also at the Bear Inn, I towbridgc, and at the VYyndaam Arms, .Bridgend, for the purpose of receiving the names of such persons as wish to subscribe to the undertaking. Resolved,—That the above Resolutions be signed by the Cnilïi1¡¡H, and published in the Cambrian and Seren Gomer II til),Ics in each. Reso!v3d,-TimÎ, on receiving the Plans and Estimates, the Chairman be requested to cali another Meeting for the purpose of carrying the object into effect. > WINDHAM QUIN. I Resolved,—That the thanks of the Meeting be given to the I eii-ti.riiiaii, for his noble and impartial conduct in the Chair. The following Subscriptions were immediately entered into: ¡; NO. OF SHARES. John Harding 6 Ditto Windham Quin 20 pd. 5s. per share Edward Picton 6 D!t? M. p, Smith ti Ditto W illtam Humphrey, Frampton 5 Ditto Parry, Llangwnyd 4 Ditto Thomas Jen kin, Gelly 4 Ditto William Parry, Angeltown 4 Ditto David 4 Diito S. P. Howell, Bruftiin 6 Ditto "William Rees, Court Coleman ld Ditto J. M. Williams, Bridgend 4 Ditto i John Miles, Abertliin 4 Ditto Richard Llewellyn, Jim. Tromain 2 Ditto Robert Jenkin, Ewenny 4 Ditto Richard LUnvtl'yn, Ynisnawara 2 Ditto Edward IJovveir, Corntown 2 Ditto Leyson Longher, Montou 1 Ditto William. Williams, Sealaods 1 Ditto William Thomas, Wallau 1 Ditto Stejiheiv Stanford, Durval 1 Ditto David Smith, Ogmore 1 Ditto Riciuird Webb, Salisbury 4 Ditto John Davies, Bridgend 4 Ditto W illiam Truemnu, ditto 4 Ditto John Griffith, St. 1 Ditto Richard Jenkins, Wainskeel 2 Ditto John llopkin, Ll.uig-.vnyd 4 Ditic Richard Turberville Turbervills 10 Ditto FrancisTaynion 2 Difto Da\'id Howell 1 Ditto Thoiaas Hopkin. 1 Evan John, Brocastle 1 Edward Nichoil 2

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