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MASNACH-DY DAIL PHYSGWYDD CHINA, A GI: W.. ITn AltAJHA (TEA & COFFEE), íi.. rf"R 111 Ill j\ 1I lr A Å c..1i, 'çJ l.iL ..L <j.1t JL 11. l' 7." EO L 'V- Ô fVYJ\' y', An Ell )rr.E, At I\1[\.¡-werth, aK Al!an-drawsglwydd, ( L'.rf!lirtal i(ill.) ? LE y dichon Marchna(lwvr, :t eu neu Lr.ver, "1' (<y!:Mi-v.rt'(i nc.ii .i'an-wcrt't, a'r Oaii Prysg- "'y((l (Tea), a'r (,ra,n i'cr (C(,:fíce) go ran, a'r n)',vYaf di- ,"v,}l1 a p!.pn,.i.];dd, a.t hn.odd \5ei;i.t' Hund.n)), W; Dy'r j¡¡;jLl; 0'1' hy. y IH<iCUt nen-ydd dc;- Tt<'Uryf yhtyt'Kn-t!t fa!n!af i trwy !ythyrau, a danion'.r ynwyt'nu i b.)b "part; o Ddeh"udir Cymru yu y .TO DE SO I.D, At PW'LHEU, on \i r the i'th of Fcbru.u-y next, ut, ?? NEW SLOm?MACEDON, "?" ?.'K)'C)! 87? ?f.M; All a,d inside work completed; nade of excellent <)k an<{ thf mi! are shippcJ, ?':d dai!v cxpeftcJ. Hr nir??-r j;?!c:)!a)- rtfuii-f (ifbyjk-ttjr, post-uttii!) of M'i).\Viii.?s,???,t?-<Ji-?'i!ci:. ??/ ANTi'?J?—by n i?iddic-a?c-d Aian ci' sober J;?u:u-y.2-], ibiL l I L i F k' ?a<! disci'f'cttn.M-a: a Si.TUATSONa.sB?IUFF. ihe '.tlvert?fi- has !i;?'n bifd to the bitsini-s «f rannin"- S<Pral!y; -v. rites ?;<? Ha.'?, H;is a perfect knowk-dge of ?'ccomp!s, :))?j ?oukL Lave no objection to the i-ituation of tn or oui.-dooi- (. icrk. :fl1C most respfctêčblc references wi)I be xiven as to abi- ?'t'<-san.tchfu-n.(-<c)-. Applifati.n! (;f. j,y !cttcr, post-paid) directed to A. H. (iJo, and Shears, t';trdi?, '?i)t )'t; Ct imHtcdiatc.attentfon. N. B. ?o ?bject?on to a. Situai.ion in the ?est Indies, in Cttherd?;:)rtit?))t. Y MAE L L J E J N 1 TV R /1 11 R E T 11 V N W R, ll-rtli y FARC¡'L\'AJ)'A, .AnERTA ,VE, YN cymmetyd y eyHe hwn i d:)lu diolch t'w j ,Gyft'¡!lioJ1 Bios> yngyifredillol (acyt.tfwyaf!)ci!!dn:)J } yn rhai syd:' y.) y <Viad), am cu earedignvvlld a'u j ar -it- yr un pryd yii dp'isyf eu hyMynaeth yn neWd UO} o'r amrywiaeti1 U'<l helaeth aT sydd :lIlddo'n bresènnnl o Udefnyddiau ttin a gwlan vn gyHi'e- J):io), y rh:u y ¡!;aHuGgir ef i' w ¡,r,werthu (ar gyfrif y co.ii.td ? dlg:¿l;¡mr yu eu ic1!?,n 25 Y 'cr t-i?riyt o dan bris y ¡ Ma) sy«R yn pu ?;w:.CMthm? :UR arian pared. j Dytnuttir fi.r dt'uiuudd, ac ci?i! 4 bytfcasu ya ?ynnar,?an .3' bt 'id i'w f,'ynnysath,. er ei bod yu hehtcdt dros be:), i b y Ang!addan yn barod ar y rhybudd byraf. ? ''?e 'yfcFE7??7j 8?  T ?io. I], i S ,)' ? Dr?.vn on Wednesday, the 2nLhot'JaHUMry, A Prize of ?g 10,CCO, Was S<dd in T'c!e Shares, by S 'VII"r J CO. .lV/w also SDld, JVo. 2,4:99" A Pi-ixe of ,,2(),000, At their OtHct-s, ?o.n Pou-LTRY, And No. 31, A LOCATE ?,LuAHi:\G-CROSS, RIUH-STREET, IIIGII-STPLEET) NEW STATE LOTTERY BEC.IXS DRAWING 4tlt <if' jJljJl(CII: SCUEi11E. 2 A1D,OOO 2 2,JJ:) 4.(MO 3 i,<ij() ,t,)()J 4 ,')UJ ,l)¡)ù }' 5 SO.) 1,500 ? S.M 1,230 }¡). 10.) ],0-)i) r '? 3.) 1,?0 ???") 17 '?6,010 0 jU-'J"q 8,0.)0 Tickets. ? £öJ,ODO, Ptist-drawn Prize above ,£17, t'te First Day, will receive ,,6'2,Ot)J. r¡rst.dra¡yn PTize above £17, the .Second Day, wil! re- cciv;' Persons in the Country ))?y bc'.n;)}dicd with Tickets or ?i!an?,byf(-nd?-:g ).ii'o!-)k)'s, ???rcinittances, to:eit))rr ft ? ? 1 !i :i))d Co.'s LcndoN ONces, as above, or by appii- MtMntothf-u- AgcnM, ;T;,DA lEî-t.o::k,.ell('r. CARMARTMEN, ? ??????? _J?LA1 H? ?yT Sur?on, NARBHf?TII. '?AvYiTjE? rILNTEll OF THIS PAPER, Boolcsclli.,i-, Binder, St(itiolle)., mul Seller, CASTJ.E-STREET, SWANSEA, R¥ ETURN his grateful aclailowledgments to ?? his numfrous Fru'tids and the PuMic in genFraI ibr L,ie very tliitteriiig encuuragt'mpnt and support he has al- rpady experienced, and r<{)eet!uHy informs them that he received from London vah)able Coitection of ?? ?.?C??, their pttl)li.?lied Which he o?ers for sa!e Mnsidcrahiy under their nub?hed ?rtct-s, ior '-?<? ???, amo.? which a.e the tbiiowit)?:— ?, Marry .Oktauzies of Scotland, 5 v. S\'o Broiso-eUn's Travels in Dcn- mark and Sweden, 2 vols. 4to. p)at.<\s :Bullen's Natural History, by Wood, 20 v. 8vo. many p). COllins's Peernge, by E. Bridges, 9 vois. vo. Sii- Parr's, S)r Joht:, Poems ——— Tour in Scotland, 4to ?——————— Baltic, 4 to. nTT?— ?'"c, 4to. ?oddndge s Expo-.ttor ,l)ryden's ??'-ks, by Watter ,??ott, 18 vo)s. 8vo ?ropcM in India, by De (}yley, '?' ''?'?'red u)at? ?'?rdsLiteofpUt, ?o!s. ?roya! 4to. ? f.ili's Exposition on th? New J?tamef]t,Svo?.r,,?y?tt.). ?''y's Dictionary of Arts and?cnccs,2vots.4to. '????? ment, 2 VOIS. 8vo. ???:??? 2 vok rOyal 8vo, 'Y Nichols änd ? .Steves, 2?o???"? Na?s,Bp.W<:k?.?- -r-———— bt?ect Works, bvj I'K).tt, 5 v:'Is. roy:n8\o. —'——— Do. 5 royat 8vo. Howitt's rabies, plates Jason's Eh'mentsof Science and Art, g vots. 8vo. Spain, 4to Jones's, Sir \V. W O¡"kt-; 13 V(iis.8v<). Mcy!-ick's!fistory of Cardi- Utopia, byDibdin, 4tt). Mtisheim'sEcctesiasttcalHis- to)'y,6v()ts.8\'0. Neatc'si)isto)'yofthePuri- tans, 2 vots. 8vo. K ay!or's ilist:)ry of the Hel- vetic Republic, 4 volt. 8vo. Nicholson s British Encycio- paE'dia,(ivo!s. '8vn. Owen on the Spirit Patmo-'s Noo-conformisfs Memori:d, 3 vcis. 8v!). Romaine'sWorks.Cv.Svo. Seeker's, Abp. Works, 6 vois. Svt). Scuttefgood's Sermons, 2 v. Svo. Shakspeare'sWorits, 4 diOe- rent editions k. Simj)son's Pica for Religion, 8\'o. Skinner's present Stats of Peru,4to.p!ates, Witheing's Botanical Ar- ran,;e)nettt,4\'()!s.8\'). Yt)uug'sWorks,3vots.8vo. ? J? has ?so on s?le a great coDect.on of secondhand Rooks .n the various branch? of Arts and Sconces, on very mMcTatetcrms. ??axmes, Reviews, and other pertodtcat Works at the t ?"wn puhtished prices. t" -? ""Htt) Pocket-Hoo':s, A !man:fks,Co?rtCa!pnda)-? &c md ? ?'cf Selection of CRf!<!rct)'s and School Books. ""?Pap<'rsofa!!sizcscftheh(?tqunUty. _??? extensive CoHpctioH of the newest and most an'- P???'ca! PnM?ati'.ns. A choice Assortment of Musica! Instruments, gr t,. "? ??'??""t Books, adapted to any Trade Tr 01 1:11,11 "?.,ioll. sh?t?''S?? ? i''?'" ?f e?gant Bindings, at the S 101 C$ o i.

--'.. iJYSBYSIAD...

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_Dydd Gwe-iter, 4.

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