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•ORMAMIHI1 THE GERM KltllMC THROAT TABLET Doctors themselves 1 are already taking 1 Formamint as a pro- I tection against the ex- i" |jj pected recurrence of IN- FLU ENZA this Autumn: ■ you should do likewise. t h Buy it nvv before the shortacre 2/2 per bottle. j | GENATOSAN, LTD. 1 2, CheniesStreet. London, W.C.1. | l!\ f Chairman: The VucounteM Rhondda.) .ALWAyg ban Pep@ b yy o aand I breathe into the lungs the fumes whicÍl aro given off aa Peps tablets dissolve in the mouth. You can then defy coughs end colds In any weather. Direct and most effective Is the Peps treatment for the throat and chest. Papa make breathing ■' easy, banish soreness, > ■: and destroy all disease gsrma « ■ in the throat and breathing-pazeagel | ■ Mr. ROBERT ANSELL, 29, Clifton Street, Margate, under date of IGth November, 1910. aaid:—' I have long intended to write about my cure by Doan's Pills, because I feel that others may bo guided by the facts. 1 was subject for years to serious rheumatic attacks, which I knew to be caused by kidney complaint. My back and limbs and shoulders ached incessantly. It used to take me fully an hour to walk three parte of a mile. Thj kidney excretions wc-ro heavy with uric acid depos It-alwayi in a shocking state, in fact-and caused mo much discomfort "Mine seemed a chronic case, butDoan's Pills were so strongly recommended by a Ifroadstairs man I know, that I began To tako them. "Before I got half through a boxful, the.so Pills did me great good, and I there- foro had reason to persevere. Each day, then, brought improvement, and within a month I was qu: te well—thoroughly cured in every way. I feel that il! should know about these Pills. RID OF TROUBLE 10 YEARS On 15th April, 1919, Mr Ansell said:- i never havo any kidney trouble now. Doan s Backache Kidney Pills rid me of ail 3uch symptoms fully ten years ago. (Signedi Robert Ansell." P'.nt a* £ for rid nÆ Y pil's or backmcfn pit!,>. insist upon DOAN'S Backache Kidney Pil! -th" kidney medicine Mr 'Ansell recommends. All dealers, or z. 9d a box from Foster McCk-nan Co., 8. Wells Street, Oxford Street, London, W.I. "Aecontmended by tho People For the People." DON'T SCOLD, MOTHER THE CROSS CHILD IS BILIOUS, FEVERISH. Loek at Tongue If Coated, cleaa little stomach, liver, bowels. Don't scold your fretful, peevish ohild. See if the tongue is coated; this is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bow- els, are dogged with bile and imperfectly digested food. When listless, pale, feverish, with tainted breath, a cold, or a sore throat; if the child does not eat, sleep or act naturally, or has stomach-ache, indigestion or diar- rhoea, give a teaspoonful of "California, Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the wwte matter, bile and fermenting food jwill pass out of tho bowels, and you have a healthy, playful child a.gain. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers caa roat May after giving it, be- cause it never fails to make their little "jnsidea" tweet and wholaiorne. Keep it handy. Mother! A little given to-day saves a sick child to-morrow, but pet the genuine. Auk your chemist for a bottle of "Cahfornia Syrup of Figs" :which has directions for babies, children of all ages, and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Remember substitutes are some- timos offered, so look and see that your bottle bears the name of ibo "CZif ormia tFig Syrup Company." Hand hack any other fig syrup. AH chemi&ts setl "Cali- fornia Syrup &f Figs, Is 3d and 2s p bottle.






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