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Two wonderful good value at W. O. WILLIAMS', Bangor, in CONEY SEAL, COATS, with Skunk Oppoesum Collars aod CuSa, B15 15s and ;i;;33 10s. In- flection invited to our Fur Department. A SPECIAL DISPLAY of Autumn Mailinery in Velours, Feits, Beavers, Sueden, Velvets, a.nd Black Straws, etc., will be on show Tuesday next, September 30th, at M. Rosen,^Railway Shop, High- street, Bingor. GRIFFITH & IIUGHFIS Amenta in Bangor for Fitu Corsets. One of the most reliable Corsets on the Market for Com- fort and Wear. STRINGER, Market Hull, buys old Newspapers, Jam Jars, Wine Bottles, Tailor's Clippings. Beat Prices, Cash. SNOWLX>N FLAKE FLOUR in Cotton Bags. Pra-Tent rice. Is 5d per 71b. Bags. 81LIWEN BATH. — The roceipts trom tho Sildwen Baths last season amounted to £ 250. FliWER INTERMENTS. According to a report presented to the C;lty Council on Wednesday there were 23 interments at the local cemetery during Juy and Alg- ust, compared with 35 for the same period of last year. FREE SEA TRIPS FOR CONVALES- CENT SOLDIERS The City Council have decided, at the request of the Beau- maris Town Council, -.o allow convales- sent- soldiers having at Beaumaris to use the "Cyiife-l" free of charge providing no pier dues are c harged. CARNARVONSHIRE AND ANGLE- SEY INFIRMARY.—The following gift- received during the week are gratefully acknowledged ■—Miss Bickcrsteth, flowers Mrs Neocftiam, Maes y-groes, turnips and potatoes; Church of St. Cross (per Mrs Needham). vegetable marrows, tomatoes, apples and turnips. WHIST DRIVE. In aid of the local branch of the Comrades of the Great War a whiat drive was held at the Queen s Head* Cafe on Wednesday. The winners were:-Ladies • 1, Mrs Collingwood, Re- gent -rrtreet, 187; 2, Miss J. Wilms. G.an- dwr-krracf', 176. Gentlemen: 1, Mr Ivor Williams, Soldiers' Training School, 174; 2, M t A. Craw ley, Dean-street, 173. A N'l -'I-PR(.)FITFERI N-G COMMITTEE. —The following: will constitute the local committee which is to deal with com- plaints of profiteering ;The Mayor, At- dermen Bayne, T. J. Williams; Councilors Ivor Pryce. A. Carter, T. E. Taylor; Mrs Price White Mrs Orton, Mivs Davies (University Hail), Mir Jamjs Cumming, and Mrs Williams (Treflan) PERSONAL.—Mr and Mrs de Silva, of Colombo, Ceylon, have been. on a visit to Dr. and Mrs Witton Davies, at Bangor. Mr de Silva. one of the largest tea plant- ers of Ceylon, is chairman of the Univer- sity College, Colombo, is a great temper- ance reformer, and has acted on several Government Commissions. He is one of the best known Buddhists, and has written lDuch in defence of his religious principles. PRESENTATION BY COLONIAL STUDENTS On Friday night the Aus- tralian sood-ler students who have &i>on>t two months in a course of forestry at the University, made presentations to Mr T. Thomson, B.Sc., assistant lecturer in for- estry, and Mr Mackay, his assistant, as expressions of their appreciation of t'J>eir teaching. Among the subscribers were Mr P. Kcnny, the 1914 champion axeman of Que cnsliuid, a-ixl Mr J. Hodson, dha.mpion axeman in the same year of Victoria. THE BROTHERHOOD. At a meet- ing held last week .the following officials were appointed for the ensuing year:- Chairman, Mr EJis Roberts, Friars Avenue; vice-chairman, Mr E. W. Ro- berts, Upper Bangor; secretary, Mr Glad- stone Rohcrts; assistant secretary, Mr Emyr Owen, New Ebenezer Place; and treasurer, Mr Wm. Williams, High-street. It was decided to hold fortr1Ígr.ti meet- ings of tho Brotherhood at Horeb Chapel. The Brotherhood Brass Band is making satisfactory progress, undier the conductor- .hip of Mr Mcinroy, and the members are being taught old notation by Mr Thomas Thomas, conductor of tho Ladies'' Choir. HARVEST FESTIVAL. Thanksgiv- ing sorvices for the harvest were held at ihe Cabhedral and at St. Mary's Church Oil Sunday, but the rauway strike cast qu tc a gloom over them, and moreover prevented the appointed pmachers from attending. Canon Davies, of Llandaif, who should have preached at the Cathe- dral, was substituted by the Bishop, and at St. Mary'a Church, the preachers, in tho absence of the Vicar of Welshpool (Rev E. H. Griffith), were the Vicar (Rov J. C. Morrice, M.A.) and the Rev-. C. iW. Barlow, M.A., vice-principal of tho North Wales Training College. At the eervice on Monday night, tho Curate (Rev. Reca Jones) preached. Harvest thanks- S'ving services will be hold at St. James' mrah nd Sunday, when the special preachers will be Canon Lonsdale Ilagg in the morning a,ad the Dean of Bangor in the evening. JEWISH NEW YEAR. The local synagogue was crowded for the close of the two days' Jewish New Year festival on Friday. Beginning at sunset on Wed- nesday week and ending at sunset on Fri- day, this festival, which commemorates a new civil year, has seen a great revival among the Jewish community. The sum- mons of the Shofar or rain' shorn sounded from the synagogues in the Autumn New Year is to the Jewish people a bugle call to duty. The festival of the New Year precedes the Day of Atonement which be- gins to-day. However lax a Jew may be in religious observance he seldom fails to attend service at this solemn period. The services last week were long and solemn. The Scrolls of the Law were draped in white, and the usual black gown of the Rabbi was replaced with flowing white robes symbolic of the transient nature of human life. Good wishes and presents passed freely among families and friends, and fruit, flowers and cards were ex- changed. PETTY SESSIONS. I Tho weekly sessions were held on Tues- day, before Sir Henry Lewis (chairman), Judge Bryn Roberts, the Mayor (Mr R. J. Williams), and Dr. Lloyd Williams- Robt. Williams, Tanybryn, Siloh, Port- dinorwic, was charged with trespassing- in pursuit of game on the Vaynol Estate and also with using snares. Mr S. R. Dew prosecuted, and evidence was given by Charles Parker, gamekeeper, that he saw the defendant using 13 snares, and he killed a rabbit. When spoken to he asked to be forgiven. -The tenants were continually complaining of the damage done by men trespassing in pursuit of game. The defendant pieadoOO guilty to both offen CBS, and he was fined 20s for trespaasing, the other charge being dis- missed. Hugh Roberts, Highrstreet, Llangefni, was charged with having no back light on his motor oar so that the identification mark could not be seen. Defendant de- nied the charge, and the case was ad- journed to enable him to produce a wit- ness. LOCAL AMUSLIMFMTS. I COUNTY THEATRE. I The railway strike caused a rc-arrange- ment of the programme tMs week. In- stead of "As He was Bom" "J anrey," an adaptation of W. J. Lock's book was the star picture for the initial half of the weok, and for the week-end Mr Hare, after an eventful quest, has secured "Meg of the Wood," an English production featuring Queenie TTiomas. Those who have followed the Cannibal pictures will be pleased to know that another of the series will be shown during the week-end. It will be entitled Devil Brides." For next week a full programme of pictures has been secured, particulars of which will be found outside the Theatre. THE PICTUREDROME. I It has been rather an anxious week for I Mr Lee, but he succeeded in obtaining an excellent selection of pictures* THm BANGO. PQ]DAY MOP-VT"(Il. "Black Butterfly," which should have arrived this weok, will be shown next Mon- day and the two following evenings. As usual there-, will be a good proportion of comedy films.









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