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Jonathan Davies » Son ANNOUNCES — A VERY SPECIAL DISPLAY of SMART SUMMER DRESSES, ROBES & JtRSEYSt '? m in Voiles, Crepe-de-Chene, Eiolaine, parbacShe, Tussores, etc, THIS IS THE FINEST SHOW OF DRESSES, Etc. WE HAVE EVER MADE. A VISIT OF INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. ,13, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. J. JONES & SONS, LIMITED Cine of the Largest FurrnitiieVlarcfceuscs ,■ ■■ in mi ■«■■ in the Provinces* ?''?.'? ? '? ? ? ??'- — '? ISTAtIIMIDlT&? ?? ? { ''—————————————————————' — Health Mugs, Foreign Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Mattings. Felts, T apestry Stairs Furniture & Glass Axminster Square, ■ I I 17 & 19, CHUBCH STREET, OSWESTRY. v HUGH JONES. STOCKS A VARIETY OF STATIONERY, I LEATHER GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES, ¡ NOVELS, and other Books, ALMOST EQUAL TO PRE-WAR TIMES. I PRINTING in all its branches at reasonable charges. i CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. LLANGOLLEN. ——— '— Hand Hotel "One of the best in North wales," A perfect rest from ail stress of War.") Telephone No. 7. J. S. SHAW Resident Proprietor TELEPHONE 39. R. EVANS & SON, IRONMONGERS I AND I CYCLE AGENTS, | C. T.C. Repairers, OAK STREET, ( LLANGOLLEN, [Send lis Your Repairs. I- SATJSFACTtQN GUABANTEED. ? • • 'i ■ 'CYCLE & MOTOR CYCLE REPAIRS i A SPECIALITY. Lawn A1 overs Repaired and S h Hr r f r ed. NOTICE. Mr. BAYNARD, DENTAL SURGERY, LLANGOLLEN, Is in attendance at the Medical Hall, Llangollen, Dj>ily, 9 to 1 and 2 to 7. ¡ (NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFIBES) Extractions (Paixfless) 1/6, two for 2/6, Artificial Teeth from 5/- per Tooth. Repairs (Done in few hoars) from 3/6. Full v,ppt,i anu Lower Set of (Hood Teeth, X610 0 Full Upper and Lower Set of Teeth (Best procurable), 210 10 0 Partial Sets in proportion. ■ I 1 ■ ) • All Work Guaranteed. Money Returned if not Satisfied. 20 Years' First-Class Experience. For anything in Stationery, Envelopes, Wedding Sf Memorial Cards, GO TO WOODALL, MINSHALL, THOMAS £ 80.. 14, Regent Street, WREXHAM. All kinds. of ACCOUNT and MEMORANDUM BOOKS supplied. ZAG-ZAW PUZZLES & GAMES in great Variety ONOTO & SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS in Stock. Stephens & Field's NotedUSKS kept, m ■ ■