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—-— D. Wi I lian)s CO, Ltd. Wine & Spirit Merchants, 'j 334, HIGH STREET, ] BANGOR. '1 ESTABLISHED 96 YEAR& Telephone, 188. Telegrams, Old Vaults. ———————————' .I D. Williams &Co. Ltd. Wine & Spirit Merchants, 1 334. HIGH STREET, BANGOR. ESTABLISHED 96 YEARS* [ Telephone, 188 Telegrams, Old Vault.- uTY I0 THE&T?E B?SBR. 1 TO-NIGHT AT 7-30 r.M., and To-morrow (Saturday) at 2-30 p.m. and 7 p.m. MARY MILES MINTER in h A DREAM OR l'WO AGO." NFXT WEEK-Monday to Wednesday, The Most Sensational Film of the Year, BrFl"ALO," Italy's Strongest Man, in A Royal Acrobat (ps.) Thursday to Saturday, The Last of ths Series, Beaatifui Mary Miles Minter in NO WEDDING BELLS four PARTS. BILLY WEST (The Wonderful Chaplin Impersonator) in 44HIS WAITING CAREER." two Parts, And [Jigh-class Programme of Selected Items. lightly at 7-30 p.m. except Saturdays at 7 p.m. Ytalinees every Wednesday and Satur- day at 2-30 p.m. Popular Mciure Prices I ?Jt an d I 16d. Idn.tax.1 1 jj 1 and ?<. Id. Tax. egsw PICTUREDROME. Proprietor Yv LLE. TO-NIGHT (Friday) ONLY, fit addition to usual Programme, By RYDER HAGGARD. Week commencing MONDAY, SEPT. 24th. Monday, Tuesday, and .Wednesday. A Grand Five Roel SeWff Ked'-Soal Drama,, "IJIY NIvKHlHOUR'S WIFE," "FROM HEN TO HOSPITAL." A Film shown by request of H M. Queen Alexandra for the Benefit of our Wounded Soidicr3 and Sailors. 15th Ep'sode MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, at,2.30. ONE-REEL COMEDIES and DRAMAS CHANGED on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: A Grea.t Topicat Drama In Four Acts. "A POLITICAL SC\NDAL," 15th Episode (last but one) of "LAUGHING MASK." Popular Prices 3d, 6d, and 3d, not includin, War Tajc. Doors open 7. Commence at 7.30. Children under 14 not admitted unless accom- panied by an Adult, exoapt at Matineee. HOLYHEAD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL (MARKET CAFE-2nd Floor). V INTER SESSION commences 1st OCTOBER, 1917. SCHOOL OPEN DAILY—MONDAY to FRIDAY—Sis p.m. to Nine p.m. COMMERCIAL COURSE. •ttfcorihun<S, ¡L' i;< T\0Pi!I. Lornmer- eial Correspondence and Office Routine. Arithmetic, etc., for Railway and omer Exam- inations. Moderate Fees Full Term of Tuition Guaranteed. First Term Results: Nine Suooesses. METHOD OF TUITION.-All Tuition is IN"- DIVIDUAL. thus affording the bright and diligent Student overy facility for rapid progress, Wili-ciit (,;Irlllct be secured by collective tuition. SITUATIONS VACANT. BANGOR.—Mrs Williams, Hogisky Office for Servants, 216, High-st. (Stamp lor reply). -B-OOr-'l1"iÄDK WaiAed a-n experienced iH Young Lady Aezistant (Welsh speaking).— Application, with particulars of experience, age, etc., to Stead and Simpson, Forogate-street, Ches- f. 0 cLERK, and Shorthand necessary. J -,Give, ptA,rticiia.ra, age, salary, and ex- pedience, to "Box 322," "Chronicle" Office, Ban- gor. 0 TOO KG E NEPv A L (good), for Birkenhead; ti8fa.etory rofere.nc? reqmr?d; comfort- able place.—Mrs Rogers, Quirt, Dwyra.n, Angle- AKIV.  jfVlRLS and YOUNG LADY CLERKS ?r Wanted; Shorthand easentm. sp!endM< ■^ppouitiiionUi; high wages. Inma-n's Sfourth&nd taught, by post, in 6 hours. Nothing ake rt. Ea^iect. soucoi.it, most perfect system known; lessons, 12s 6d.—Ituaa-n's Carrespondeatoo Col- ege. Briuoiifle, Sheffield. Egtabl kslied 30 years. IAD1ES requiring Maids, and ALL GRADES J of Maids wanting situations, would do well to consult the Bangor arid District Servants Registry (Mrs Hughes, Manageress), Paris Houee^ iia-rigor. References essential. EE US TRAINED NURSES' INSTITU- LVI(?N.-Wonte-(f (immpd'nt?y), v?i-edu- catod Women, to train as fully qualified Nurses, ago 23 30; good inoreasing salary; in-door uni- form given.-Apply, Supe-rintondeiit, 21, Hyde- terrace, Lecd3. c ,MII,LiNERY.-AI)prentioes Wanted for the Workroom, at once; pooket money given. —Evans Bros., Upper Bangor. c fVf URSERY-MAID, age about 19, for London JL 1 and Brighton,—Tlie Lady Louth, Bodior, Holyhead. a \\TANTED, near London (8 from air raid TV zone) good General; good wages, and out- H!gs; no fires or HHmâry, or basement-; lady, ob?d, nurse; Km?h, (Convenient, modern boug?; good refer.??e; faro paid; O!I a't tan &.m. cr eight r.rri.—Hariey, 1, Snowdon Vrillaa, I pper Br- -a or. WARDMAIDS and HOUSEMAIDS Wanted; VT age not iess than 17 yal-S; wage«> ?12, rising to L20 un Iforni. Apply, Matron, Guy's Hospita I, London. 0 '?M?ANTE??exp&nenced Genera-! or Moiher's- i-A fr-WaL. "OY temporary or jx;rKta- nen?; for (ir?t week in October.—Addr?e, "Box 909," Chronicle" Office, Bangor. o T?7'?ANT?ED7?xpc'r'enc6d Genera.); good refer- encea c?entta.I.-Appiy. Mrs 0. E. Jones, Cra?gwpn, Amlwoh. 0 \?rAN't'ED.'?nIdo.or Man, for bo?.t«. knives, etc.—Apply to Mr R. M. Hugh-Jones, p°h^ Hou?. RhyL c W. ANTED, -immed.ia.tely, Hoa.id-\Va.¡f re&i also gc?,od a,blp-? to make butter; gond W¡lgN gi'en to suitable person.— App'y. Rit.ha.r4s, Glan'rafon Hotc). BMt.Hech, t. 9L' ?- y \'T A-TED experienced Gmcral; young; good cooking ?eMntia.t; two in family; good ^vagea. Aleo Under Housemaid; 16 to 18; two in family; throe Maids; both for Cheehire. Apply, Mrs R., Bay View, Llarifairfeohan. "W7" ANTE!F emale Assiatan t, by Messrs ajw\ Co., Ironmongers, Bangor. for the Electro-plate Dept.; one with some business experience proforred. 0 \V AÑTED, fu-O;;t.oh(:-g;¿ ainglp-h¡wdc-d Cook; two i.n family five Maids kept; hdp whM) reces&ary; under 35; good references essential.—Apply, by letter, Benarth Hall, Con- way. c \\TANTED, a Working Fo-ester. — J. 8. f-turio, Baroit Hill Estate Office, Beau- maris. cl ??.f?T'RD?. by Mc?r& Jo?ia. HughM and Co., Ionnton?ers, Bangor, a Tinplato Worker aJ'd General Work&hop Ha,nå. 0 WANTED, General, or Young (xii-I to train, for Wallasey, for Oetolie.r; smali fami I home. Apply, Btillen, Victoria Hotel, Bangor. o POULTRY. EGUS. stc. Jr i ';vi POULTRY POWDER. Ma. i s' iig and egg-producing Food- Adjmn-t. Splc-i.dijd with house scrape, middlings, ,k. 6d cartnn !ash 20 heria a fortnight.—Obtain to-day from Edwin Jones and Co., Grocers, Mues- hyt'ryd, Holyhead. Business FOR DopoaAL. R IIOgNEWR-l¡;l-d¡;i.ø' disposaJ R Grocery, Fruit, and Mineral Bu¡nH,S. Es? t.a.b? ')s')K<{ 15 yp?M. O?cra invited for Fruit Car, Counters, and Fixtures; a.U in excellent condition. APPIY. Wm. Jones, AngLeaey Hotwo. d I Ezra Johnson & Sons, TAILORS AND- HABIT MAKERS, ¡ 30, EASTGATE ROW, I > CHESTER.  LADIES' DEPARTMENT. I Telephone 259. ? Telegrams: Ezra Johnsons, Cheater I TWEED, CHEVIOTS, HOMESPUNS, &c. WE hold a very large and exclusive stock of these Materials in I Men's quality, which we are using for LADIES' COS- TUMES because the quality of materials now being made for I ladies' wear is not equal to the pre-war standard, and we strongly I advise customers to ask for men's suiting materials. 0 BLUE SERGES. WE are still using our extra fine quality Blue Serges (Men's Suitings) for LADIES' COATS and SKIRTS, and these are thoroughly reliable. r HARRIS TWEEDS. WE have always been very (large buyers of these Homespuns, j and have an exceptionally fine collection. These materials are becoming very scarce. 1 RIDING HABITS. WE keep specially trained workmen to make Riding Habits, W and recommend placing orders for Habits now as Habit Cloths will shortly be unobtainable. V.A.D. UNIFORMS for RED CROSS an d V. A D UNIFORMS for WOMEN'S ARMY SERVICE I CORPS, REMOUNT, &c. miTwrmini mw1 jji 'naKjaMaaamaggB -=-=- Miscellaneous. AccoumiMENT.-private Nursing Home, A secluded Garden; Medical reference (con- fi den tial). -.b(lers,-y Viow, Glebeiands-road, Sale, Manchester. e BIRDS BIRDS! Catch Sparrows, eto., by JD thousands with the Always Ready" Trap, 6s 6d; Spring Self-acting Net Traps, 2s 9d; for Soft Bills, 3a 3d; Wood Pigeons, 5s; strongest Birdlime, 3d; Half-pound, Is 9d. All carriage free. Illustrated Liat up to date, Ciap Nets, Traps. etc., stamp. List of Parrots, Can- ari«, fto., flee. —"Rudd, Specialist., Xurwiofr RASS^ANDS^ S\rantad, Set of Instruments JO or Single ones, Second-hnnd.—-D.M^Cwwy, 136, Jubilee Drive, Liverpool. 0 OR SALE, Ceneral Drapery Businesa and Prenneee.—Apply, J. T. MoKiliop, Brad- ford House, Llanerchymedd. cl -ENERALACCOUNTANCY. — Rent and G Debt CcUection. Ail Cla?sea of Insurance. —Llew. D. Jones, House and Estate Agent, 125, High-street, Bangor. 0 K ARSWUOI) Harmless Spice, containing ground insects, ensures full egg baskets Packets 2d, 6d, Is.—Morris, Penrhyn Pharmacy, Betheeda. 0 IANOFORTE TEACHERS will find it to JL thoiir advantage to buy their mui-rio from Crane and Sons, Ltd., where a large selection id ¡>Jwa.ya kn,.pt in stock.— Address, 156, High-st-, Ba,ngor.- R ABBIT-NE'TING.-Long Field Net4 Lines complete, in brown, green, and tan colour; also Purse Nets and Special Netting Twiree. List Ba.mples free. E. Parnall and Co., Netting Works, Bedminster, Bristol. o s EED POTATOF-cJ,I am now booking orders for Seed Potatoes; Autumn deli vary. GlIQwn from Scotch Seed this season. Prices on ppplicatioli.-J. Jones, Awelon, Gian Conway. ¡ 'I-\BÜ!:COTIIS.-=:LÙlyoffm three beautiful A Real Ir?h Damask Table Clothe, nearly two TY11r", square; &)&o six handsome Serviettes, un: goUcd; acceot 18a 6d for lot, worth double; ap- proval willingly.—Write, Office, Bangor: o WANTED, a good Oak or Mahogany Ikass- faoed Gi andifatihior's Olook; also email Oak ■ Bureau, and a istcely psinelled or car ved Oh est.— Meacher, Antiquarian, Conway. P MINES, ZINC, LEAD OR SULPHIDE. MINING ENGINEER, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.M.M. ?JL F.G.S., oH'?M se??-icea far ir?ati.g?t.ion or clftvel^prnenvo. Would consider operating with sliare interest or arranging for linanee.—Addresa, Bcox Office, Bangor. 0 T a ksrr. rA ilO BE LET or SOLD, No. 10, Menai View JL tormee? TTppe.r Bangor.—For fm-thor p&rti- culars apply to J. Lloyd Edwards, Solicitor, B=- gor. c Tú LET, with immediate poo9ion. tht? S??i- -'L detached Vma., Halys," Garth-road. — App'y, 0. T. J&nce. F:rwfÚr, Bangor. c_ J^PER BAN(J()R.JV>lLeC"No. 11, The Crasoent; oomfortablo house; rent., Elg per annum clear; cheap.—Apply. Llew. D. Jones, 125,. High-street, c ^TLElThTUppea- Bangor, with immediate JB- poc^ession, a good Room for offico.-Ad- drMe, "Box- 245," Ciu-on'de" OflMQ, Bangor. CO5TM< ) DP H ^^6rNTOY~li ESU >EN CE— ?' three Bedrc&m.?, tEree S?t.ti:?-rc'&ms; fur- r.i.-?d; po&??.?n ifnn??di'i?'!y: (?.?{'?; Fish- ing "1;W'o-mi; frotn 0:wti,aii von.-—Apply, Mrs Owen?, Bnv, Pontrug, Carnarvon. c Furnished HOUSES Wanted A TO Let. B-. ANGOiFu.rn¡-tt'jd House; six months; JL9 from October; sea view; moderate terms to careful tena.nt. "Box 312," "Chronicle" Office, Bangor. c UPPER BANGOR.—To Let small Furnished House; three Bedrooms, Bath (H. and C.). -Apply, "Box 295," "North Wales Chronicle" Office, BargoT. 0 WANTED, amall, compact, modern House, p e  i o l with linon and cutlery; long 4 period; moderate.—Address, "Box 260," "Chronicle" Office, Bangor. 0 X^TTANTED, for two or three months, near » Bangor, small Furnished Hoiuro or Buai- gaJow; three or four Bedrooms; vory moderate. —Write, "Box 350," "Chronicle" Office, Ban -Write, B ox 350, "Chrotiielc-" Office, Baii- Cottage Wanted TTtTANTED, immediately, near Beaumaris 0.1" ▼ Menai Bridge, Four-roomed Cottage, un. furnished; rent, J612-J314.—Address, "Box 271," "Chronicle" OtHce, Bangor. 0 gTMMJJBa-ll-L-1— IL-iS li ■ MU«^EagaBg? Apartments TO LET. APARTMENTS to Ix>t; modem House; plea- C sant locarty. Address, "Box 326," Chronicle" (Wee, Bangor. o Apartments Wanted. HOLYHEAD.—Lady (tv.ithor) wishe-s aeoom- zi-icdatioii with board for wintar and spring; simple requirementa; plain food; little troubk; qui&t indiispensu-b!?: modptr?? Itt?usive weekly terms.—F ul1œt pa.rticul<iM, 11, Bifkb&ck road,  Wimb'cdon, London, c Honyea, Carriage. 4.0. 171 OR SALE, a n?w ('?overne% Car, suitable F for Lady, complete wiih iampa.—Apply, I'<"¿[hblill Bangor. o ?/?L?H "??B."14?h?.da,? we' "— 6,iy, yt-a;rs, wc,, I l (\ bFok?n, very quiet, on Sale.—Can be Men on application to Coaahimau, care of J; Itico Roberts, Esq., PentraeAh. o BLACK POKY, 12 hands high, sound, five years old. Her Ladyahip is selling, as leaving for London. Ha.s been driven all year by The Lady Louth, Bodior. Holyhead. « ST. PATRICK'S HOSPITAL DUBLIN. I In addition to the Main Hospital in Jam»s"s- street, the Governors ha.ve Branch -Establishments at St. Edmundsbury, Lucan, standing in a De- mesne of 200 Acres, and provided with every facility for the Curative Treatment of Mental Cases. The Mansion of St. Edmund-sbury has been adapted for the Treatment of Ladies, and a Villa specially built to accommodate a limited number of OentJorricit. Urgent Cases can bo admitted h the .H-?n:a! on application to the Medioal Superintendent. For E Flirther particulars Forms, etc. apuly to THE REGISTRAR, St. Patnok's ilospita], J amea'j &treet, Dublin. St. MARY'S HOSPITAL, MANCHESTER. MIDWIVES and MONTHLY NURSES ar? ?J? tra.uMd at hhe Ho?pitat in WHITWORTH- STREET WEST, MANCHESTER. I4 or particulars of present Vacancies, Lectures, eto., apply to the Secretary,, at the Hospital. MISS OLWEN ROWLANDS, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., GIVES LESSONS IN PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. p UPII,? eucces&fuHy prepared for Examiim- tions. CARNARVON VISITED. Terms on Application. Tawelan. Bangor. ll95 Furniture Remover. HENRY IONES, FRIARS SLATE WORKS, BAIkDOrg Is now carrying on business ps Furniture Remover, Carting: Contractor. etc. Large Vana available, and estimate free on application.  ? ?' FnrnSsMiig J rlproblenah ?)!? TB  "Bt ?  -Solved.. mtM!« t.trumfirrn'!)! t<?!< mrtrmmr-)——r-  How can I increase the put. chasing power of every pound which I am about to speud on F urnilure ? The soktion of that problem will be ..md in our free catalogue and our 1 1 Showrooms, While we only supply | arlislic, *tujraoy-i>uilt our perfect manufacturing. nnd se ling orgamsation enables us to quote prices j that are nmch below those charged elsewhere for the same articles. No matter whether you I ForMsh for Cash Convenient: f PapmentSystem 1 YOUT money will go farthest if you purchase from us. Facts worth notinig. We allow 2/Ïq the £ dSaoouni for Cash. PGyments can be arranged to suit Customers' convenience. No objectionable agreement* to sign. Every Article manufactured under our own direct control and supervision. We pay carriage to all parts. Goods delivered in Private Vans. Every Furnishing Requisite supplied. O) Value and satisfied Customers account for tne phenomenal growth of our business. "umrantee r?   Guaraimtee. rtlnd  article that does not give absolute satisfaction. I W Write or calli for Cfttalsgue. TPS r*TrnWim*TTriMiriiia»rr»iiimnM»-MilmiliiMHii n iiiniiiiii L %e Furnishing Go. J (J. R. Grant, Proprietor). Pambrolke Plaoe, LIVERPOOL. Business Hours 9 to S. Early Closing, Saturday 1 p.m. Railway Fare Allowed I MILNE c .ø; mNCHESTER | m INViTt tNSP?CnON OP ThE)?? v l J i faPN?SMED Sp!=C!M?N ROOMS. ?5pAaou5 5HOW ROOM  CONTAINING thc LATEST PRODUCTIONS J [ T/J Aptistic FURNITURE  ? ARTiSHC fURN!TURE FORNITORR- C&NTAININGTHP- LATE.5T PPODUCTIONS' THE ORCHESTRELLE CO., Trr Station Roa d COLWYN SAY, 'Phone | 222.. tatIon oa, 222. (Head OQice-New Bond Street, LO-NDON), jI| -FOR- British-made Pianos & 'Pianola' Pianos. j AND VARIED STOCK, induding WEBER PIANOS, FARRAND PIANOS, MILSOM PIANOS, GREGORIAN ORGANS, HIS MASTER'S VOICE GRAMOPHONES, iEOLIAN VOCALIONS, GRAMOPHONE RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC, &c., &c. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS. Up-to-date BOUDOIR GRAND. Splendid condition, £ 45. f -L- I '= J BEACH ROAD, I BANGOR. The Oldest- Estab- lished Laundry in I the Dist^ici: G. R. GRIERSON, pstoprietop- Tel. 49. THE BANGOR SANITARY LAUNDRY. CASTLE HOTEL, BANGOR, Oldest & Best. Most Central Officially appoin!ed AA, R.A.C., & A.C.U. FREE GARAGE. CANS/or HIRE.. UndeP ESntlrely English SSanajsixient. ToIepHone 181. CITY LIVERY GARAGE ?s ?'' ??' En??h 6S9ater. <?U'SBTt! rWY B! B.SS?V&FS??V H ???????A??& ?' Landu¡ettes, and Englisb Tourln Cars by the best macra, Decorated Cat's for Weddiag3. Fourteen experienced Ohaaflours. Reasona.ble C!lI."t}g. Proprietors- John Owrn ;t- So.v. Ring tiTel. No. 194. JONES BROS: GARAG E Tieliephons 143. BA.NG-Oft, ) See Large Advert. R. ? C. OFF/C?4L RêPA/S. J —— E* I Tel* Opposite the j OPE.nED and C LOSED CASTLE GARAGE. I 181 j CATHEDRAL, I CARS for HIRE. REPAIRS and OVERHAULS. ?'?' ^trol Grease and Oil kept '"?'?- Tuition in Driving, Running Repairs, and Mccaarasm. Pro?etar: H. FLETCHER FINANCIAL. NO PRELIMl.L AR¥ FEES. Money Lent Privately IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS (not less tlran £10). On Simple Promissory Note. ESTABLISHED FORTY-SEVEN YEARS AND NOW LENDING Upwards of £ 80,000 Annually. PROSPECTUSES, Terms of Advances, or any information desired, wiU be supplied free of charge on application, either personally or by letter, to George Payne & Sons, 3, Crescent Road, Rhyl. IMMEDIATE. LOANS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE WHATEVER UNLESS CAoff IS ADVANCED. London & Provinces Discount Co LIMITED, 5.4, LONDON "f?OAr>, Leicester. A DVANC? from £ 10 to CIOW on NOTE of ? HAND ALONE, or other Security, to all respectable d&jees. ii deaired, a HepcesentaMve wiii atiexui at your home with the Ca&h, and carry out the advance THERE and TlIEN. Call, or write (in confidence) to the Manager, G. K. HOWE, 54, London ROAD, LEICESTER. S30 TO £1000 lent on note of hand alone in a few hours. No Fees. Special terms to Farmers, Drapers, Grocers and all other Shop-keepers. Distance no object. To those interested under Wills and Settlements, cash accom- modations can be arranged at a nominal interest per annum. Apply to the actual lender A. M. JONES, 16, Conduit Street, London, W. 1 SUMS ADVANCED FROM 96,0 UPWARDS. No Fees or Money-Lenders' Routine. FOULKES, Ltd, 5, Bold Street, LIVERPOOL. Tel. 3651 Royal. Telegrams:" Privacy." y OWEST INTEREST IN THE COUNTRY. No Fees. £10 to £5000. No Bonds. S10 repny Ell. S50 repay F,56, £ 20 n-L.:y £ 22. £100 repay £ 110. Bills of Sale or Loans paid off and increased, i L. LIVINGSTONE (Tel. 3071 City), HOPE CHAMBERS, 107, MARXET-ST MANCHESTER. 10 1 alooo yn epbfwyn preifat i Amaeth- wyr, Maanaohwyr, ao eratll, ar Note of Hand. Buanc3 drwy'r Post, unrhjor bellter. Llog ao atdaiiadau if yn y wGd.-NulioTial Ad- var,ca and Investment Soc., Ltd., 41, Corpora- tion-street, Manchester. 32. Farrar- -.a. or" ..r. I T t T THE Smmess raInIng cnool, 137, HIGH ST., BANGOR. SHORTHAND TYPRWRiTlNG BOOK-KEEPING ARITflMETrc HAN DWRITIN G ORTHOGRAPHY COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND OFFICE ROUTINE. Students now enrolling. A Prospectus with full particulars will h: sent on application. 338r Notice of Removal. The North Wales Music Co. Mr. S. W. PIDGEIV, By an arrangement with Mrs. Williams, (widow of the late Mr. E. D. Williams Will CARRY ON THE BUSINESS known as The NORTH WA!-FS MUSIC Co. No. 139, HIGH STREET, BANGOR (Next Door but one). Large New Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC, and everything in the Music Line at prices to suit all. Please note the New Address- THB NORTH WALES MUSIC CO. 139, High Street, BANGOR. Ladies' Fashionable Boots High Cloth Leg, Glace Kid or Patent Leather Goloshed, Short Vamps: in Black, Fawn, Navy Blue, and Nigger Brown. PRICE 18/6, 21/6, 22/6, 23/6. R. MVIll WILLIAMS, HOLYHEAD. Drapery and Gents' Outfitting. We hold a Good & Varied Stock at prices very considerably under those of TO-DAY. Griffith & Hughes, DEVON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. No Shopping after Six o'clock or between One and Two p.m. daily. JARVIS & FOSTER. BANGOR Establi-shed 102 Years. PIIGIIC IYL. M. A. CROOKS' DEPOT FOR FIRST-CLASS SERVICE BOOTS FIELD BOOTS. Repairs by Practical Workmen. 222 High Street, Bangor, MenaiBridge, AGENT FOR- The 11 K", ,-LOTUS," "DELTA," "SAXONF," "FOOTGLOVE," JAEGER'S," "BECTIVE" ETC., ETC. J. MOUNTFORT.^r "CRAIGFRYN," GARTH, BANGO 6t>«l jYterehcEtit and Wholesale and Retail 1 ?UierY ?gent.?  ?>? Dcalcr Bast Drawing-room Coal, Kitchan Coal, Nuts, Slack, f?  f ?"? ? Steam Coal and Coke. ??????? ? ????? Bsst Staffs. Derbyshira and We<sh «j ???? Coals aiways m Stock. 1^ Special Qjj^taiioa for 4-Ton Lots aad.Trac'c Loaij. 1 A Trial Order is elicited A!! Bn?mries promptly attended to. I WATCH 4 JONES BROS., Motor Engineers, t. HIGH STREET, BANGOR. J. FLETCHER Ltdol: PENDREF MONUMENTAL WORKS BANGOR. t H ALSO AT '4 ALSO AT I I Victoria Dock, ? g CARNARVON. I ?  4 LARGEST STOCK. BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES. r INSPECTION INVITED. -= ¡ "1 ): '?. t,   ?or the triHing saw of I:  ??? ?jg, S??H????S? B?ath?y you can have this  1:. -ùsoJ!le ruJI trlchord. "OLD Medal*' Britisb made Piano, and the instrument is delivered to I; your deor, packed free and carriage 111.' paid immeùiateJy on payment of do pcsit, We arethé I ar?-est pi avo and org-in- firm in the world, and not oaly *I ? ? ?''j-??.??????????????{???SSr r ??????????? guarantee to save you POUNDS if you  M e !????M??!'?y direct from us, but we offer you a?? A ???S?S??r much wider chcin of inptrumenta and more^ i j ? t.S???????jf ?*??§ ?????? liberal temg of payment than you can obtai, ?') c ere. i'. WeBUppb'"An!son.Brtns!Be?:6."? S   ? ??F???S?t. "Rcp?inxon." and all other celebrated pia.iioa^| a1. uarg'm -s, an  easy te-mg of.t r.-3o-.ithly, Wo7t '.oldÙ1.t, ti»,t p¡""r,'l "q. Xi, I railway fares to patrons, a]low approva "Po-lo' fi 19 mouths frea, and gl ve a 25 years' guarantee. "je 1 JfpS CarneliSonSu I ??????? FpF? 1;6, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. f ";?. IM ??   f ????'  ma ?fj?c/iM ??ry?f? ? '?? L 'IM 0 .Yf 11 -m raw an iw TP The JKciiciac For you I tt must possess certain advantages without which it would hardly commend » itself to your' confidence. It must be perfectly safo under all circumstances. M u It must be mild in its action but none the less efficacious on that account. I ? It must be, par e?ce//ence, W family medicine, that is, suitable fo!" Q ? old and young of both sexes and be fpeely obtainable in town or I ?B country. It must be asy to take, regular and rehable in its curative I ?j effects and possess a great and genuine record of .success. Such a | Q medicine is Beecham's Pills which still hc!d? and will continue to hcld, J M the highest position in popular favour. It is very interesting, after so R t6 many yoa?s service, still to find B8echam's Pills at the top of the ?t M tree among digestive remedies. They are everywhere acknowledged U to be unrivalled in the treatment of such troubles as biliousness, sick tj headache, heartburn, constipation, giddiness, failing appetite, poorness f' of blood and a general run-down condition. If you are in any way a ta Q sufferer from digestive ailments take Q B ":J¡ "1. Bcccbam's Fifc ;l :«v.,j, I a Pr^0^d%tttTby THOMAS BRECHAM. St. Helens, Lenc. [ Sold everywhere In boxes labelled Is-3d and 3s-0d. _¡iii} III: W'P"" )