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.A Hundred-Guinea Cottage.


Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

NOTES ON THE BUILDING, COST, AND 1 ACCOUNTS. The subjoined accounts are an exact abatement I of the sums actually paid out. It will ba notioed that good wag" have been paid but to good I mea-aad to employ labour at aa appareat tar- ing of, say, twenty-live per cent, per hour would by no imtuiu meoaasairisjr Uksesn a proportaonate rc-duotion in the labour onarge; mdoed, it might weh ado to M. xne ciue-ic-acy and nueUi- giittw of the men —eepeetal'.y of tne kwdrng nand (and itoad)—are of priiite iin:xjrtancc .on a job of tihia sort if it is hi coute out weJ as to price; otlo eaTMioS af'Vird mieta.keg or tho waste of procions time of materia* In this connection one may obt^erre that previous experionee of simi- lar work would be vci'j heiptul to the mert and it would ccrt:-v:.n4y bp iotsnd that the tabmtr cost on 000 Eto-ali-d "tage be flul>ita<nttally Ivm than on the lirsi- RUrl Blmilarly, that-on the third ipaa that oil Ui-0 second—by wii:ch time the gang should have jictirly attained tholr h!ghes'| posaibio efficiency in ttheir u«e of time and. materials. Most of tha materials and fittin.ga were pur- chased from local tradesnwn (Gui.dfotf'd, tnree m' les), and the prices paid frerquentiy i-mllid-ea delivery to the job—which aeoounta tar tho oom- parabively email oartage bill. If bought in bulk, the materials would naturally cost less. The oosti of fencing, water supply, and drainage z'is awt In- eluded because, as tne nature and extent of the work necessary are likely to vary very widely in overy oaee. its inclusion would be rather mis- leading than otherwise. As a matter of fGOt, as the site selected was a field-corner, only one eihort straight lino of fenoc is necessary. Company's water ia-l:tid on from the iroad-rnain ImxA by, &nd effective drainage is provided through tilo medium of a trapped gulley set in concrete and coninocted to a line of agriculturai drain-pipea which are puddled in clay, and disci Largo into a ditch same forty feet from the cottage. This drainage coat las 9d hi labour and materials. As the two leading men came from a distance a ocrta-tn amount of time was wasted travelling, in mding lodgings, collecting gear arid materials, -tc. while calling on merchants and tradesmen, erecting temporary shed, clearing away and load,. icig on rail, tvvelvc, hours' office work, and the 11kg also absorbed time to the value of £ 3 16a 5d. On top of this come incidentals such as .postage and pstty cash disbursements amounting to 9s 5d. Thus, in addition to the £100 195 lid, tho a-ctual cost of the building in labour and materials, was an indirect expenditure of JE4 5s 81,1. On a.n estate this woctid practically disappear as am dtem of building oosfcs, thoug'h it would stilt survi ve -(much shrunken) in fact, probably being unconsciously borrt,3 at no apparent extra ooat by the csitate offioe. It is open to any landowner to do wihat the. architect did in this case, that is, to engage* a competent managing foreman at all adequate wage, pay direct cash for all materials and wages weekly. fThe foreman wilio carried through the cottage nn question would build repeats, or do other cot- tagra work, by contract or otihorwiae—his direc- tion be.mg: D. Groombridge, Hartfield, Sti»s?x. C. F.ooei- oontractor, also of Il-artfield, S3 oarry- ing out similar work for the architect eke- where, and would also ba glad to tender.1 Tho building of the cottagc irequired. a toâ! of fiftoen man-wee ks of labour (including ftlatm- ;ntid p'a?arer ?md ma.)or three men {? 6?.3 wc,d, A roof of red Bridge water tiles co:Nd be substi- tuted for tho grey Mod- &4-Aad ? deeii^ ttidi- 1o.tt iincreaso of cost. SUMMARY OF THB ACTUAL BUI?B!? I ACCOUNTS. ? I ea.a. Bricks, fu?bia, <Mnd, ?!laatt oenwat Mra<pibo p!a?te'i', i!nM, oow-Lait, 8 0 TUmbar! Vo.f!tnx <M?.ntiu?, H?,m" Mrcath?f-bo?rdis, nmtoh?a?, laths, boards, "kth aad ?if.), ?tc., oto. 10 15 a Jo?ry: Window fnun?a, aMthea, doors, fioor-frain-es, linings, finishings, etc., ta, 13 0 B Smith and Ironmonger; Chimney bars, guttora, brackets, nails, screws, bolts, brads, hiinges, butts, casement &nd door furniture, R. W. pipes, hoop- iron, range, mantel-register, fur- nac*e-pan, steam-vent, wife notling, eto., otc 5 5 11 Hire and Carriage of SoalIoldin.g 1 0 0 Plaeterw (including lathing inside a-nd out, "erziai-plaafetring and xte.rn31 r.e.n.Qaring), 7 1 11 Slator; 'Cointract with A. W. Allard and Co. for special diagonal 141n. by 12;n. grey "Madoo" aiafcing (new sya»tom), .including batteins, ridgoo. and labour (bi squares—1200 slates).. 9 0 0 oundr-ies: Dump-proof course, roofing, felt. sink, etc 15 9 Painter and Glazier Paint, glaea, soLg- naini, putty, aium, mangaujese, oop, p,t:'ra.i, etc 1 10 4j Carting and Carriage: Carter, carrier' and rail {goods and passenger) 1 17 a Labour on Sito: Foreman-Builder D, C?rn?-id.g? 273 hourB at Is; Oar- ? f'?'??r H. H?bon, 3231 ?ho? at 5id L,%bouxer R Gate&, 135i h<? 1? at Sd. 28 17 l?01 j durance: N?nai'H?:bha.nd Ú- ? ?  ployed Ja?raDce. ?o Employs' L..bd?y y a0 19 7 102 16 6 Credits: BY discounts ? c?h where aucih allowed ?nd not already Met. wf  M);byrot?  ktFolfr' ff' ef1-«'« lu 7 Left over (gi lid; 1 16 7 £100 19 11 anfir ? U>W1 ^wnl-ntly ohoaW, and tho wkolo uf bl,?p ? 'ie- ssuirefdd bL e soon si i jjw iwculttK<!r'« o/ficn, A.??J HÙ'w;a, \1^ Nm)??,M?. L??, W.O wnf° Spectator *nrJtws-"Mr ?ili a.??i?. ??? ?,??, ? poMibility ?n? bv^ha of • ootta^ by Ch.j o?no 't?Dnvinci,ng toit o? <?? bmid? a?d ??nc<i hi??f ?J Mr 8?ghfy t??t U (? ba rep?-tad &t much ?.a ?)M ftwi? ? m?t avf%rd,go tee -wh,o tiio work in managed wlrbh duo caro and ocaftomy—hc iiaa, wifeli /¡,.rI\lO public spirit {tIK! g^wro^ity, tnado A t¡r¡j¡ (Jf tha plana, q ltit:03, and «p?ciflp.itbj;9 to fclio (-o¡ 1 fo I o^ectafor to malto what u4o of iheon may ba thought b«at. Bolbving, aa \'ft. do, that fchia oottugo marks a real advanco in clwap rural housing, wo ere having tho data that havo Iw-m pkcod at otis- disposal put together in cooivonient form (sjiecilioatioiw, quantities, working plans, M¡,d dakiik), and vrlkcn rtvdy wo ^hai? ba pks»wl to forvvard the somo to who catc,.i to apply fur thorn, »::<! who will N?}>J"2 £ 6d to caver tha cntiinuttxl co*>t of unrtotim^, lithr^majyliy, post.ri?rt>, otc. Iti til* of sny profit aeoniiir.,tf, it wiil handed o gis* 'Jvura! HOlliIÓ w Organisaitrod So^fy <4, Squyre. W.C.) in aid th.r« H;,k. oaUona far tho date* ca ft bore sliould tnsitkpd on th pnvoktM the word* "Model Ç:êH'9'n.:jJ Wç. cra>s-a,t«bto Mr he-airjily on h:s ftciiiovemont, trust his model will" be many fclmafl re*p»ated. It oan always b? e.4 Mei-row Oomawin, throe miles from G^dJaril Si»tioa%"

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