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Ratepayers' Association.


Ratepayers' Association. FORMATION OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. A meeting of the ratepayers of Ward II. vas held at St. Paul's Schoolroom on Mon- ay night, for the purpose of selecting rale- ?&yers to act on the Executive Council of the llatepayers' Association. Mr D. C. Parry pre- sided. Mr. John Henry Williams, James Street, "served that the committee pro tern., which '\Vas appointed a few months ago, had drafted certain rules to govern the Association. They V,'ei'c only appointed temporarily, and the TatepaySrs now had an opportunity of ap- pointing persons whom they desired to act on Ae,cor(iiiig. to the rules, twenty- 16 members were to be appointed to repre- sent each ward, making a total of 63 for the re-e wards. Seven members from each ward %vollld retire each year, .and seven would be laPPoillted to succeed them. In order to de- fray the expenses of the Association, it was Necessary that each member should pay a •subscription of one shilling, which would help 1,6111 to float the Association. The council should also be appointed by ballot. The Chairman said that men who would iake an active interest in the affairs of the °Wl) should be elected. The committee pro nl. had decided that the meetings of the Association should be held in each ward 5|ternat«ly, and that a general meeting should .%e held next Tuesday in order that they lhight decide what steps tliey should take in reg,ard to the Harbour Bill which was likely 10 be promoted jointly by the Harbour Trust •^d "Urban Council this session. Mr Williams: The only question that in- vests us to-night, is the appointment of a couneil. The Chairman expressed the hope that a arge number of ratepayers would join the Association., so that they could carry on the 1rol'k effectively. Mr. Daniel Evans, Dillwyn Street, asked Whether it was advisable to proceed with the Section ?- a council that night, seeing that *|le meeting was not a representative one. here were two thousand voters in the ward. The Chairman said he was sorry the rate- I payers did not take more interest in their own ffail's. It was expedient that they should 'Proceed that night, because it would be neces- for them to discuss the promotion of the arhamentary Bill at once. According to the Tilles the Association was to secure all the 18 etalls and information that were necessary, 0 that they could do what was right. The Promotion of the Harbour Bill was an impor- tant matter to the town of Llanelly, and it its the duty of the ratepayers to support it 1 they were in favour of it, and to oppose it if e) thought it would he against the interests the town. Air. Warlow suggested that they should ap- point half the members from the lower por- LOn of the ward, and the other half from the J.1Pper part. h Alr. Peters stated that as the largest' num- or of ratepayers was in Ward II. their repre- on the council should be more than tat of the other wards. ?he Chairman replied that the ratepayers \f.W-ard II. would be perfectly satisfied with enty-one representatives. Mr. Peters: It is hardly fair. A ratepayer pointed out that each ward had -jt16 same number of representatives on the rhan Council. t1ln reply to a question, the Chairman said he members of the Council, Harbour Trust,  Board of Guardians were not allowed to ?'oine members of the Association. Mr. Williams thought that the matter should have been discussed by the ratepayers >>efore the rule was drafted. There were many Rations which were not understood by the ratepayers, and their representatives could flighten them. ? I'be Chairman: The?e rules have not been allopte(I by the Association. I Mr. Peters: Are our representatives to be "xeluded altogether? I The Chairman: There might he matters ?Pou which the ratepayers will not agree with 11 hen representatives. They wiH then he to attend a meeting of the Association, We will appoint someone to seek their I We might disagree with our .represen- ai-ives, ar;d desire to reject them on the ^feetiou day. We do not desire to persecute Olir representatives. rr. Peters: Is that one of the rules? The ( hair) nan: Yes. Mr. Peters: I think we should take our re- presentatives into our confidence. The Ctlairman- Th<> A ssu'w-i a t i lill was formed the ratepayers had lost some of their I <eolliidence (laughter). dMr. D. ft. Jones: You have not lost confi- tHlce in all of them. The Chainnan: No, not all of them. Mr. W. T. Williams Alban Road, expressed ?'? bope that the Association would be more IIr "P-to-date than some of the Associations in till" ?".? Chairman said that some of the rules ."C-re similar to those adopted in other towns 1.11 this county. Mr. Williams: I have heard that the Asso- Cl.ation has followed Carmarthen. 1 hope we be more up-to-date than Carmarthen, -fhe Chairman: We did adopt some of the '^rinartehn rules. Mr. J JJ_ Williams: The new committee has power tf) alter the rules. Mr. ]). R. Jones asked when the annual Tlleeting of the Association would be held. The Chairman: In February. It will then held before the Urban Council and Board or Guardianselec.tions. Mr. D. R. Jones: When all the members are on their good behaviour. The C'hairmal: That is the time we will decide whether thev have behaved well or not. Mr. D. R. Jones agreed that the executive j- ouxveii 0f (;]ie Association should be more in iouch wlh their representatives, whom they lad appointed to represent them. 'I* J. H. Williams said they could attend he meetings of the Association, hut not the c-onnni(tee ;ne.eHngs. I Mi-, W. T. Williams, Alban Road, raised the Question of employing the officials of the ounoil to act as poll clerks on the day of the "Elections. If they were appointed to" act as Coll clerks he did not think they should he Omicl double pay. The presiding officers were Paid three guineas a day, and were also paid {Y th, Council. He hoped the matter would taken up by the Association. Mr. John Henry Williams said the matter ^_as outside the jurisdiction of the Associa- lIon, and before they could deal with it it ]Y°u].d be necessary to promote a Bill in Par- Htrnent. Mr. W. T. Williams: The Urban Council can ,,)n that they do not grant a day to their officials. Mr, J. H. Williams: The returning ofilcer IS tlGclcrk to the Council, and he has the Pt(,)Vv. r the poll clerks. Mr. W. T. Williams: He has no right to them a day off, because they are paid n,, the Council. Mr. John Henry Williams: There is no 8 why they should get double pay. Mr. W. T. Williams: It has been done away by the Rhondcla. District Council. v The returning officer states officials of the Council are the most •M-cri.r od men to do the work. A ratepayer: They do not require much ex- perience to hand out tickets. The following were appointed to act on the executive council for Ward II.:—J. H. Wil- liams, Dan Evans., D. C. Parry, John Owen (Cleveland Buildings), J. W. Roberts (fruiterer), Evan Evans (Greenfields), Dan Evans (44 Dill- wyn Street), Isaac Jones, John Harries, W. Jones (contractor), W. Christmas, Fred Vivian, Samuel James, George Davies, Warlow, W. Morgan, W. J. Hopkins, John L. James, David Thomas (builder), T. Thomas. —o— A meeting of the ratepayers of Ward 1. was also held at Tabernacle Schoolroom. There was only a very small attendance, over which Mr. J. H. Williams, Min-a Street, presided. The Chairman explained that the business of the meeting was to elect twenty-one rate- payers to act on the executive committee of the newly-formed Ratepayers Association. It was their duty to see that the executive work of the Association was well and thoroughly done, and they should therefore make a most careful choice. Mr. W. H. Samuel: Do I understand that we are to appoint twenty-one members from Ward I. to-night The Chairman: I understand from the Sec- retary that that is so. Mr Samuel: If that is so, what is wrong with the twenty-one members, already appointed? r The Secretary (Mr L. W. Adams): They were elected to form the Association, and that has been done. Their work is now finished, and it is for you to elect a fresh committee. The Chairman: If it is the pleasure of the meeting that the same gentlemen be re-elected to form the executive, you can do so. Mr. Evan Rees: Have the gentlemen pre- viously appointed been notified of the fact that they have been elected? The Secretary: Yes. The Chairman: I may remind Mr Rees that that committee is not now in existence. It was decided to appoint the executive de novo, and the following were elected:— Messrs C. Meudwy Davies, Station Road; D. J. Thomas, Coldstream Street; Evan Rees, Dan. Thomas, Princess Street; Rhys Richards, J. H. Williams, Mina Street: T. R. Ludford, .1no Hughes, Old Castle Road; Jos. Llewelyn, Brync-aerau Terrace; Thomas Davies, Sunny Hill; James Howell, St. Peter's Terrace; Paton, West End; J. S. Thomas, Pembrey Road; H. Rooksby, Pembrey Road; William David, Tyrfran; Thomas Jones, grocer, Old Castle Road: William Davies, Amiesley St.; David Francis, Bryninor Road; Pugh, Vje, toria Road; Edward Sherlock, and L. W. Adams, Vaughan Street.

Borough Member and the Budget.





I Llannon Parish Council.…

"Wars of the Roses."II

ILate Chief Constable.


Sanatorium for Consumption.
