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JO The County Observer Forty-ninth Year of Publication. -0- Scale for Advertisements. PER INSERTION. Official Announcements. Single Column. Parliamentary Addresses.. ( Legal Notices r 6d. per line. Prospectuses of Companies ) Election Addresses Property and Stock Sales Auction Sales Municipal and other bodies Ordinary Notices }- 3a. per inch in depth, Balance Sheets I Statements of Accounts. 1 Booses Wanted Souses to Let J Entertainments t Entertainments *1 Agricultural Shows [ Subscription Lists Is. fid. per ineh. Wedding Presents 1 -——— iíJ SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. ') Servants Wanted. J2 words 18 words 24 words Situations Vacant. Apartments Wanted JUjartments to Let 6d. 9d. lB. Money to Lend .Articles Lost Articles Found Artiotes for Sale J Three weeks for double above charges. Most be paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps. — M J; — "■ Printing orevery Description AtrCHONEKES' Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SOBHOTOBS' Prospectuses Lithographic Maps, & Plan. TRADESMEN'S Cards, BIT T»ads,& Note Headings. All communications to J. H. CLARK, COUNTY OBSERVER Office, USK, Monmouthshire. WANTED, by a gentleman, really good FISHING in the WYE, between Ross and MONMOUTH, near SYMOND'S YAT preferred accessible by motor car; exclusive use required.— Address particulars to B," MESSRS LBAB & Soif, Malvern. WANTED, good GENERAL SERVANT.— Apply, D," Gounty Observer Office, CTsk. WANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT.— Apply, MRS J. J. EDWAIILDS, Usk. WANTED, WOODCUTTERS.—J. H. KNIGHT, IJsb. FOR SALE, a few White Wyandotte COCK- EEELS; also some Plymouth Rock COCK- ERELS, pure bred also a few white WYAN- DOTTE EGGS.—HEATH, Llandenny, Usk. =- IANOFORTE.-Lady must SELL at once, 63- JT guinea black ebony UPRIGHT GRAND, on massive brass sounding-plate, fitted with grand repeater check action, heavy gilded steel frame, handsome marqueterie and beveUed panels, carved pillars, nearly new; maker's 20 year's warranty transferred. Take 20gs. Approval willingly. Carriage paid both ways if not approved. No finer instrument could be deaired.-Apply, LANCASTER, 231, Burdett Road, Bow, London, E. CT TO LET, good SIX-ROOMED HOUSE and GARDEN —G. ROWLAND, Llancayo, near TJsk. TO LET, COTTAGE, with LARGE GARDEN, at BLACK BEAR, near Usk.—Apply, MARFELL, Llangeview, Usk. TO LET, good COTTAGE & GARDEN.— DA VIES, Woodbine, Usk. THE Llandenny Hand Laundry (Under Government Inspection). No Machinery or Chemicals used. Family's Work Contracted For. Terms and Price List on application to the PROPKIBTOB, LLANDENNY, NEAR USK. Cost 1/-Save 10/- Wood-MHoe ly" nee Is Greater 3 Comfort. Smarter AppearMoo. EASILY WiU 8td 12 ordinary wear. Non genuine unlesS sta.mped 'Wood-Milne'on tha face. Sold pr where. For Printing of all Descriptions try the Oounty^Observer Office. ( BEVAN AND COMPANY Are now offering the remainder of an eminent Manufacturer's Stock of handsome Saddle-Bag Suites. A TEN-GUINEA SUITE FOR £5 19 6 and ea/Sis0^JS?? art6,of,OTCel,ont fin!sh. ™>7 handsome designs, 18 ""ranted for the long period of Ten Tears. They fori one of the I'1 A GREATEST BARGAINS y We have ever offered, and cannot be repeated at the price after this consignment is sold out I! I DJELIVEft-y- ^_Z2_E?_ET ——————— V Catalogues Gratis and Post s7 "4 y Free- <*5^ &r y/ j&A*/ All Goods Delivered Free. V P <fÆ1' &. ) ø.iJ O Another y V" Great Bargain! x v #y For Cash only, consists of the Entire furniture for a "y SITTING ROOM! Viz., a strong leather cloth Suite comprising a large Couch, Gent.'s Easy Chair, Lady's Easy Chair, and Four Small Chairs, reliable Walnut Centre Table, Bevelled Plate Overmantel in Walnut, handsomely bordered Tapestry Carpet made and ready for laying, heavy Brass-rail Fender, set of Fire Brasses, Cornice Pole, with brackets, ends, and rings complete, a & pretty pair of Lace Curtains, and a reliable Timepiece. Tlxe Lot— £ 9 17 Lot. Everlasting Wire Mattresses, 9/11; Massive Iron Bedsteads, £ 1/9/6 Solid Walnut Sideboards, £ 3/19/6 Handsome Cabinets from £ 4/4/0; Useful Bedroom Suites, £ 3/17/6 Solid Satin Walnut ditto, £ 6/19/6; Strong Leather Cloth Suites X411010; Capital Saddle Bag Suites, £ 5/19/6. Have you seen our "Prineipality" Pianoforte, 28 guineas celebrated Iron frame, full compass, check action, walnut or ebonized case, double candelabra, splendid touch, tone, and finish, and fully equal to those often sold at forty guineas. Ten years warranty. Cheaper Pianos from 18 guineas, BEVAN AND COMPANY. Good Coal! Cheap Coal!1 roo THE PHCESII COAL COMPANY, LTD., Are now offering, at undermentioned prices:— s. d. s. d. Best Forest 16 0 I Cobbles I5 6 Best Red Jlsh I6 0 Nuts 14 o Best Greg -Ish 13s. Ode At their JI. DEPOT AT USK X C3 '%T' RAILWAY STATION. W Best Forest Mouse Coal a Specialitg. jgji TRUOK LOADS AT COLLIERY PRICES. Manager :-MR. A. HATHAWAY. wgggggpBSBBBS9BBBB9BB9BBBBBBBBKSS8BBB8SBS8S8SBBB9BBSSBBBBS8BBS8BBSSSSB8SSSSSSSSBSSS^BBeBBBB8S8S^BBBBB9B9QBBSSSBZ^Bb ColftiS Browne's TheORIGINALand d. ONLY GENUINE, Mm The Best Remedy known for Admitted by the»ProfessioQ n U IIAIIAUO nni nn M 9(111 TO HE THE MOST VALUABLE H B IjImJuIIU) COLDS, Bemedy ever discovered. |« I ACTUM A DDniinUITIO INs^H Effectually cuts short all (9 nASfnivlA,llKUnbHIHb,|SB attacks of SPASMS. ■ In AAAICIIUDTIAII The only Palliative in J» 1 M ?V FEAL NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, M 60UT, RHEUMATISM. M ML CHOLERA and Overwhelming Medical Testi- x' DYSENTERY. mony accompanies each bottle. 60LD IN JBOXXLES BY ALL CBEMI&TSf gLt HIM, 2/9, and 4/6 Such. -y". BUCHANAN'S SCOTCH WHISKIES. Black and White Blend 4/- per bottle. Special Buchanan Blend 3/6 per bottle. SolCl toy— V. E. JONES, CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, USK. —■ FISCAL RECIPROCITY. The Conservative and Unionist Policy. I RETALIATION AT WORK. Radicals have three objections to the Conserva- tive and Unionist policy of Retaliation. They say: (1.) That it cannot be effective. (2.) That it would injure us more than Foreign Nations. (3.) That Foreign Nations would be offended. These statements are not true. HERE AKEWBE PROOFS: In 1860, Mr. COBDEN was able to arrange a commercial treaty with France, greatly to the benefit of our Exports. WE HAD .SOMETHING TO BARGAIN WITH IN THOSE DAYS. A year or two ago, France and Italy reduced their tariffs on each other's goods. Germany has a very high tariff which she uses to bargain with. Practically all countries have bargained with Germany. Her high tariff per- suaded them. The United States told LORD LANSDOWNE that they had a right to make special tariff arrangements with any country they pleased. Is Retaliation an effective policy ? Would it injure ua ? Would Foreign countries take it badly ? No. They would be ready to come to terms. They cannot afford to quarrel with us. We are the best customer of the United States, Germany, France and Spain; the second best of Russia, Austria-Hungary and Holland; the third best of Belgium. The Conservatives and Unionists ask you to give them something to bargain with-the Power of Retaliation. It is the way to get fair trade; in fact, it is the only way to secure KEAL Free Trade. SUGAR. READ BOTH SIDES. BEET SUGAR. SUPPLY IN TONS- 1903-4- 5,882,000 1S04-5••• Ml 4,950,000 1 DECREASE 932,000 Cause of Decrease—DROUGHT. If the Unionists had not got foreign countries to do away with the Bounties, there would not have been the large increase in Cane Sugar; the eupply would have been less and the PRICE HIGHER. CANE SUGAR. SUPPLY IN TONS- 1903-4. 6,613,000 1904-5. 6,890,000 INCREASE 277,000 Cause of Increase—Sugar Bounties done away with, the principal cause. We have had 18,000 more tons of Cane Sugar from the West Indies alone. The supply of Cane Sugar is greater, for the I growers have got fair play) Instead of being dependent on one source of supply, as was rapidly becoming the case owing to Foreign Bounties, England, in future, will ( have two sources of supply. ,o-I' TLLBL FISCA L POLICY OF THE CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST PARTY DOES NOT INCLUDE A TAX ON FOOD. It will NOT RAISE the price of bread. It will NOT makp the loaf any smaller. It will NOT INCREASE the cost of living. But it WILL DO AWAY with unfair foreign trade. It WILL make the way for our exports easier. It is NOT a policy of Protection. It IS a policy to secure real FREE TRADE. IS THIS FAIR PLAY? Look at these Figures and decide for yourself. WHAT BRITISH GOODS HAVE TO FIGHT AGAINST. Here are some examples of Foreign Tariffs:- On every £ 1 of goods we sell to— RUSSIA we have to pay El 6 0 UNITED STATES „ ti 15 0 AUSTRIA HUNGARY » 7 0 FRANCE. » h 7 0 GERMANY "It 5 0 SUPPORT the Unionist Policy of FISCAL REFORM, and get these Tariffs lowered, which 60 years of Free Imports has failed to do. ARE WE BEING RUINED BY FREE IMPORTS? Read what SiR HENRY CAMPBELL BANNERMAN, M.P., the Radical Prime Minister said at Perth, on June 5, 1903: "There is about 30 per cent. of our population underfed, on the verge of hunger. Thirty per cent. of 41 millions comes to something over 12 millions. About 30 per cent. of the population is living in the grip of perpetual poverty." Daily News, June 6,1903. IS THIS THE RESULT OF OVER HALF-A. CENTURY OF INDISCRIMINATELY FREE IMPORTSII For this unsatisfactory state of the people, the Radical Party offers no remedy. AGRICULTURISTS: DON'T BE HUMBUGGED! The Radicate say they are in favour of cheap Food. B BO, Why did they mot vote for the Agri- cultural Rates Act in 1896, 1900, and in 1905, wtidh Reduced the Taxation on AgxicuifcturaJ Laod, aaid 'necessarily reduced taxation on the pDodOOtsof Agricultural Laud-Food, Cattle* «tc..a jik- LET THEM PRACTICE WHAT, TUff PREACH. »* 'Iff ';<è: Kririor the Unionist Cagdiftiel CL, c. MORGAN.

I Railway Time Table for January.…

