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AT The County Observer Forty-ninth Year of Publication. -0- Scale for Advertisements. PER INSERTION. Official Announcements. Single Column. Parliamentary Addresses.. I Legal Notices f 6d. per line. Prospectuses of Companies J Mection Addresses '} Property and Stock Sales .1 Auction Sales | Municipal and other bodies | Ordinary Notices. J- 3s. per inch in depth. Balance Sheets Statements of Accounts. Houses Wanted Houses to Let J Entertainments Agricultural Shows j Subscription Lists. Is. 6d. per inch. Wedding Presents I j SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Servants Wanted. J2 words 18 words 24 words Situations Vacant. Apartments Wanted Apartments to Let 6d. 9d. Is. Money to Lend Articles Lost Articles Found Articles for Sale J Three weeks for double above charges. Must be paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps. ■ I iSi i ■ 11 mi Printing of every Description Aumox=usl Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SOLnCTOBS' Prospectuses Lithographic Maps, Jfc Plaa. TRADESMEN'S Cards, Bill Heads,& Note Headings. All communications to J. H. CLARK, Uotrarrr OBSERVER Office, USK, Monmouthshire. WANTED at once respectable GIRL as GENERAL SERVANT, ajje 15 to 17 years.-Apply to lIbs. Koisiua, Camp Farm, Llan. gwm. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to the BLACK- SMITHING and TURNERY TRADES.— DATIBS, Woodbine, Usk. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to the PRINT- ING TRADE, or an OFFICE BOY.— Apply, County Observer Office, Uak. WANTED, ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER; small dairy; reference. Al«o Girl as GENERAL.-Apply J.L., "Observer Office, Usk WANTED, in Usk, a small HOUSE, with SHOP, for a family of three. —S.E., "Ob- server" Office, U sk. LOST, on Friday night, July 24th, on the Chepstow Road, between Usk and "Cefutilla Crate, a GENTLEMAN'S RIDING SADDLE.— Finder rewarded. RExxBssiar, Saddler, Uak. WANTED TO PLACE, 100 EWES, on halves, in one or more lots.—Apply, H," Observer Ojfilce, Usk. WANTED, a Morning GOVERNESS lor little Girl, 4| miles out of Usk.—L.M.P., Ob- server" Office, Usk. Llantrissent Tea Party, IN SCHOOLROOM, and ADJOINING FIELD FOR GAMES, Wednesday, August 12th, 1903. Tea from Four to Six p.m. THE USK VOLUNTEER BAND WILL ATTEND. Tickets, Is. each after Tea, 6d. Monmouth Boroughs Ambulance Cup Competition. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in the COMMITTER ROOM TOWN HALL, [Newport, on SUNDAY, AUGUSr 9TH, at 3 p.m., to pass Balance Sheet, elect Officers, and make arrangements for the forthcoming com- peti i,)n which will take place in October All interested in Ambulance Work are cordially Invited to attend. JOHN H, HILL, lig, Corel Crescent, Hon. gee. oil. ASK FOR « WALDRON'S "raw™ « | "PALACE" SAUCE 1 T BEST & CHEAPEST. J 2 Of all Grocers, Stores, &e„ or U/nPPCQTCD 2 Z Manufactory: South Quay, LLF UROLO I til. I A FAMILY'S WASHING is now done quicker better, and cheaper by "sing BRADTORD's I*proved *VOWEL' WASHING MACHINE, than by any Other way. See Catalogue of our MEW 'VOWEL XLS' Conibined Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machine. Price)64 15s. od. Cash Discount. Carriage Paid. THOMAS BRADFORD & Co., 140-142, High Holborn, London Victoria Avenue, Manchester 130, Bold btreet, Liverpool; and Salford. I TRY SIMPSON'S, For SUITS to Measure. For TROUSERS to Measure. For BREECHES to Measure. For RAIN COATS to Measure. D. W. SIMPSON, Merchant Tailor MM-ILCIL Outfitter, Crane-street, PONTYPOOL. Are You Fond of Money? If so, you can save lots of it by placing your Furnishing Orders with BEVAN AND COMPANY. Who are, beyond all question, the LARGEST FURNISHERS In South Wales and Monmouthshire, and whose large resources enable them to BUY, and therefore to SELL,* at Prices far below those usually charged by their competitors Bevan & Company Bevan &> Company /0 For Suites! For Bedding! Bevan &o Company Bevan & Company For Bedsteads! For Carpets Bevan &> Company Bevan & Company For Linoleums I For Floorcloths I Bevan & Company Bevan & Company For Pianos & Organs! For Reliable Goods! Bevan & Company Bevan & Company For Largest Selection! For Free Delivery! Bevan & Company Bevan & Company For Highest Value! For Lowest Prices Large Illustrated Catalogues Gratis and Post Free! BEVAN AND COMPANY, LIMITED, Carpet, Bedding, Furnishing, and Music Warehousemen, Opposite Town Hall, NEWPORT. PILLS & XL RECOMMENDED AND USED BY ALL ■ GOOD Ah NURSES MF FOR W M SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, lkJL INFLUENZA, LIVER COMPLAINTS AND AFFECTIONS V 9 IP* OF THE THROAT AND CHEST. 1- OINTMENT. -y- v' ..Jf 2%4 c IND COOPE & CO.'S BOTLED ALES AND TOUT. Family Ale Imperial Pints, 2/6 per dozen. Family Ale Imperial Half-Pints, 1/9 per dozen. Double Diamond Imperial Half-Pints, 2/- per dozen. Double Extra Stout Imperial Pints, 3/6 per dozen. Double Extra Stout Imperial Half-Pints, 2/- per dozen. .V V. E. JONES, CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, U SK. MOTORS ) T. H. G. SAVEBY, t MOTORS AJTD 1 CYCLES. 1 I CYCLES.; Sole District Agent for HUMBER, EXCELSIOR, WERNER, CLEMENT GARROD, and RILEY MOTOR CYCLES; and for HUMBER, SWIFT, RUDGE- WHITWORTH, ROYAL ENFIELD, PREMIER, and TRIUMPH CYCEES. Several good Second-hand Cycles for Sale, | Agent for Carless, Capel, & Leonard's Petrol. from £ 3 upwards. J Cycling taught by competent Instructors.' Agent for Bassinettes and Go Carts. Motor and Cycle Accessories of all kinds kept in Stock. The" Counn Otasr" Newsier aid Pill Company, Lt. PUBLISHING OFFICES BRIDGE STREET, USK 0has been established 48 years, and from the advantageous position of the Publishing Offioes- IN THE CENTRE OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH —and its Circulation in the Bural and Agricultural Districts it stands PRE-EMINENT AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM For the Sale by Auction of Farming Stock, Produce, Furniture, and Landed Property for Wants of all kinds, & within a radius of many miles. It is read by all classes of the community, being essentially A FABUJLY IrA PF, B combining Reports of Local Events (many not dealt with at all by other journals or very shortly noticed), Local Courts; County, District and Parish Councils, and other Public Bodies; with Interesting Notes on Local and General Current Topics, Sports, &c.; Historic Sketches; Field, Farm, and Garden Operations; Housekeepers' Recipes; Ladies' Fashions; Art and Literature; Markets; A Serial Story; And a variety of other interesting reading matter. 0 0 Special Reports are given of the Meetings of the Monmouthshire County Council, the Monmouthshire Chamber of Agriculture1 fyc.9 With which no other Paper in the County attempts to vie. I e- DON'T FORGET Usk Flower Show, I In the Crickct Field, Aug. llitii. I £ 60 in Prizes I Special Prizea for Dressed Poultry. I Fall particulars and Schedules from THOS. JONES, 13, Bridge Street, Usk, Secretary.


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