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I HOME HINTS. To keep steel ornaments bright when not in use, store them in a box containing a little pow- dered starch. Brass trays are kept in splendid order by wash- ing them in boiling water, and afterwards polish- ing with a leather. A little soap may be used if the tray be very dirty. A cloth dipped in arnmonia and rubbed thoroughly on a coat collar will remove the greasy look. Velvet collars may be treated in the same way, but must be held in front of a hot iron directly after to raise the pile. To clean white felt hats, make a paste of pow- dered magnesia and water; then, with a paste brush, paint the hat thoroughly all over v ih this mixture and leave it to dry. Brush off all the magnesia with a stiff brush, when the divi will come off with the white powder. Scorched Linen.—To restore scorched linen, boil to a good consistency, in half a pint of vine- gar, 2oz. of Fuller's earth and the juice of two onions. Spread the composition over the whole of the damaged parts, and if the scorching is not quite through, and the threads actually con- sumed, after allowing it to dry, the place will appear as white and perfect as any other part of Hie linen. Useful Notions. Water in which rice has been boiled should be saved for starching muslins. The juice of a lemon squeezed into a sponge will cleanse and sweeten it. Stained teacups and other china should be rubbed with a little salt, and then washed. Silver that has become discoloured may be cleansed by rubbing with a little prepared chalk mixed to a paste with sweet oil. Combs can be cleansed by working a piece of cardboard between their teeth, and afterwards rubbing them well with a flannel. A tiled floor should be wiped over with skimmed milk once a week after washing. It is a good plan to rub the tiles with a little linseed oil once in two months, and afterwards polish with a clean cloth. Crickets may be destroyed by leaving about at night a saucer containing the dregs of tea or beer, with sticks of wood resting on the hearth. A dying fire may be stimulated by a handful of moist sugar, or a few well-dried potato parings. A couple of handfuls will cause the fire to burn up quickly. If possible, in carpet sweeping, use fresh grass rather than tea-leaves, as they frequently make dirty stains, whereas grass is clean and fresh. Dainty Sandwiches. Here are some valuable recipes for sandwich making, for which we are indebted to "Kath- leen," of the Agricultural Gazette" Cheese.—Melt lIb. of good cheese in a double boiler, with half a breakfastcupful of milk or cream, and add a tiny pinch of mustard. If necessary, thicken with a little cornflour, and when removed from the fire, stir in a well-beaten egg. Spread the mixture on cream crackers, or shredded wheat biscuits, and serve very hot. Viennese.—Pass a breakfastcupful of chopped white meat, either rabbit, veal, or f-owl (cooked), through a mincing machine twice; and then add a lump of butter, the yolks of two eggs, and a little celery seed and chopped tarragon—season with cayenne and salt, and pound all together in a mortar, with a little cream to make the mixture about the consistency of thick cream. Spread thin slices of bread and butter with the mixture, placing a very thin slice of tongue between each sandwich. These may be varied by substituting celsry or tomato for the tongue. Lemon.—These are nice made with new bread, spread with lemon curd mixture on the one slice, and clotted cream on the second press them together, and cut into any pretty fancy shapes, and garnish with a few vine leaves or flower petals. They should be dished on an open-work lace d'oyley or paper. Afternoon Tea.—Very finely mineed crisp radishes form the basis of these2 sandwiches. They should be washed and peeled, and' be as young as possible. Wafer-thin slices of brown bread must be spread with whipped cream and some grated Parmesan, and the radishes added in a thick layer between them. Some Seasonable Puddings. "Lady Lydia," of the "Agriculturali Gasreite," gives the following, which should come in useful when fruits are scarce: — A New Apple Pudding.—Peel, core, and' cat up 21bs. of sharp-flavoured cooking apples. Put them into a stewpan with six cloves, the thin rind of half a lemon and Ilb. of loaf sugar. Add 4 just enough water to keep them from burning, and cook over gentle heat until the apples are pulp. Line a piedish with thin slices of stale spongecake, add a thick layer of the apple mix- ture (from which the cloves and lemon peel have been removed), and repeat the process until the dish is full. Put a teaspoonful of arrowroot into a basin. Mix it to a thin paste with a little nsilk. Put the remainder of a pint of milk to boil, and when it boils pour it upon the arrowroot. Re- turn the mixture to the saucepan with the yellow peel of half a lemon and six lumps of loaf ¡¡ugar. Stir continually until it has boiled foi three minutes. Then strain the mixture upon the yolks of two eggs that have been beaten to a froth, stir for a minute, then pour the custard upon the pudding. Leave until cold: Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff with a tablespoonful of white sifted sugar, pile it upon the pudding, and bake to a golden brown. This may be served either hot or cold. Savoy Pudding.—Ingredients Six ounces stale spongecake, £ lb. preserved ginger, two table- 4 spoonfuls of ginger syrup, half-pint of milk, loz. fresh butter, one tablespoonful of caster sugar, and three eggs. Method Put- the butter, sugar, and milk into an enamelled- stewpan, bring it to the boil, add the ginger syrup, and then set it aside to cool. When cool, beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately, and add them to the milk. Crumble the spongecake^. cut the ginger into small pieces, acid' add thesa to the other ingredients. Well'butter a fancy pudding mould, pour in the pudding, and steam for two hours. Turn out carefully, and serve with cus- tard sauce. Orange Souffle .Ingredie-nbs- Three eggs, one large juicy orange, a dessertspoonful of lemon juice, and two ounces of caster sugar. Method: Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, add the lemon juice, al&o tha of the oran-ge strained, and continue beating for a quarter of an hour. Then stir in the whites of the eggs, previously whipped until stiff. Turn the mixture into a well-buttered souffle dish, and bake in a hot oven for about fifteien minutes. It should be a golden brown when done. Stand the piedish in a silver dish or put a pie collar round it, and serve very hot with sweet sauce. For the sauce: Mix a teaspoonful of arrowroot with, a teacupful of water and I'oz. of caster sugar. Stir constantly over a gentle heat whilst it boils for five minutes*. Add the sprained juice of an orange, make very hot, and serve. This is an excellent sauce 40 serve with any kind of hot orange pudding. Pudding a la Seville.—Ingredients: 4OZ. of isinglass, Jib. of caster sugar, two oranges, 4 whites of two eggs, half-pint of water, haif a wineglassful of Curacoa, a teaspoonful of i^mon juice-, and a gill of cream. Method: Ma £ e the watar slightly warm, and then put the isinglass in it. When the isinglass has dissolved, fuid to it tha caster sugar, the strained juic& of the oranges, the grated rind of half an orange, and •ijhe lemon juice. Put the mixture in-eo a stew- pan, bring to boiling point, and tben simmer gently for te-n minutes. Strain into. a bowl, and set aside to cool. When It IS qUlt cold and be- ginning to stiffen, add half the Curacoa. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiE froth, add them to the mixture, and beat until it is white and Ix spon»y. Pour into a wet fancy mould that has a hollow centre, and stand it in a cold place until set. Beat the cream with the remainder of the Curacoa and a teaspoonful of powdered white sugar until it is sfia, When the pudding is quite firm and set, turn it out carefully on to a 1 glass dish, and filltliq centre wife$1$Snipped cream.


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