r The County Observer Forty-seventh Year of Publication. -0- Seals for Afivsrtisements. rZB INSBBTtON. <M5eia.t Announcements. Single Cohmm. ?rliamentary Addresses.. ? I<egaJ Notices f 6d. per line. Prospectuses of Companies Section Addresses fcoperty and Sta<:k Sales Auction Sties Monicip*! and other bodies 'Ordinary Notices. ? 3a. per inch in depth. Iti?ttce Sheets. Si*iement6 of Accounts. BouMS Wanted Souses to Let .J Entertainment.q Agriculturat Shows. ) Subscription Lists. }- Is. 6J. per inch. bedding Presents J SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. 8ernnts Wanted. 12 words 18 words 24 words .tStaations Vaca,ht. Apartments Wanted Apartments to Let 6d. 9d. Is. Money te Lend Articles Lost. Articles Found. Articles for Sale J Three weeks for double above charges. Meat be paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps, -1 Printing orevery Description AucnoNEEBB* Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SoMMTOBS' Prospectuses Lithographic Maps, & Plan. TRADESMEN'S Cards, Dill Heads, & Note Headings. Al communications to J.H.CLARK, ÐomrrY OBSERVER OSice, USK, Monmouthshire. WANTED, STRONG YOUTH or SINGLE v IF MAN for farm work.—1. HBATH, Trostra, Tbntypool. SKETCHES OF MONMOUTHSHIRE-pub- ?J lished by J. H. Clark in March, <868, cloth, gilt. at 2f.—Double the Published Price will be jgivea for C!e'<n Copief sent to the PuBMi-HER of the "County Observer" Newspaper, Usk. ?0 LET. a comfortable COTTAGE in JuMLBE t TERRA.CE. UBK.—Appiy, J. PAKKEK, Kemeys Commander, Usk. fITO LET, The HtLL FARM, in the parish of JL WoLYBSNEWTON, contmBing about 350 Acres, from 2nd February next.—Apply to W. C. A. WILLIAM and TWEEDY, Solicitors, Monmoutb. ?< OOD CIDER FRUIT FOR SALE.—Apply, T. ?Ly JoNEs, Russell's HH1, Trostrey. TfT'OR SALE.—About 40 INDIAN .GAME and JT MIXED CHICKENS, about 4s. 6d.coup!e.— HcTCHEK, Pear Tree Cottagf, LIanbadoc. 1?7 ASTE PAPER FOR SALE, good and clean 'V 8s. pfr cwt. — Apply ht the CopJsTY OBSERTHR Onice, Uak. TT 03T, from TREWfBGAN MEADOWS. OYlTHrRSDAY, ?j NOVEMBER 7tb. LIGHT GREY PONY, 6 years old. about 12 hand8 high, swish tai), burn wnark behind left shoulder.—Information to W. F. BpowNE, Rag)au Level Crossing. Connty tourts in Circuii 24. COURTS will be held at the several Court-towns ?? on thia Circuit, before His Honour JuDM: t)wJ!N, the Jadge thereof, on the days and at the jtimebereunder mentioned:— Time a.m. Oct. Nov. Dec. Chepstow 10 21 4 2 Barry 10 1 6 3 Cardig 10 3 6 4 „ 10 3 T .5 < 10 4 8 6 K) 5 9- T .A bergavenny If) 7 — f} Btafnavou 10 11 Tredegar 9.30 8 ]2 10 Poutypoo: 10 ') J3 11 Newport 10.30 10 14- 1,2 11 15 1 Momnouth 10 22 18. ]1 Boss 9.30 '3 — ]A Crickhowell.. 11 29 — 16 Usk 11.30 18 — 118 BRADFORD'S UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Y.AUNDRY and DAIRY MACHINERY. Over 450 Gold <& Silver Medals and First Prize Awards )M YOlcell" Washing, )Vi-inging, and Manglinq Afachines, Z<tMH(<y Requisites, Diaphragm Chturrns t Butter W,.rkers, Dairy Appliances. Mber&l Cash Terms. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. "???THOMAS BRADFORD & Co., i4))-142 Hish London. London 130, Bold Street, Liverpool; Victoria Avenue, Manchester; Crescent Iron Works, Salford ? WATCH &OHAtMMR?MOAVSWOM.?? t Boys amd Oirit CM ?t ? ??? ????? A PLATED WATCH. ?M ft CHAIN and ?-\?? i ?. CHARM.forEeUinsUdozenpiMMgMot tt- *"?-? 0 BLUJNE?tFivepencoeach. Bendyour ?f?\y ? tequir?d.' BLUIt?B?S?StmrtmentFl), ? Ml. OtP'V Road, West Morwo.d.,Londcu.. S-E-. I BEVAN AND COMPANY, WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A PIANO? The Musical-instrument portion of oar Business has recently shown a very considerable increase and with that object of stiil further developing that section of our trade, we have arranged with a very eminent Firm of Pianoforte Manufacturers for a constant supply of the justty-celebrated CORONATION PIANOFORTE, particulars of which we give below. The special arrangement referred to will enable us to supply this beautiful instrument at '¡ TWENTY SEVEN GUINEAS ONLY! DESCRIPTION. ExTERioR.—Handsomely figured Walnut Case. Moulded front, with two bevelled ZD compartments, inlaid with splendid Marqueterle design, pair of strong eiegant sconces; lower front in two moulded compartments, brass pedals, case polished by entirely new process, retaining the lustre many years. C, INTERIOR.—The sounding board of best Swiss pine obtainable, and screwed in every part; plank of carefully-selected beech, six bracings, heavy iron frame, full trichord full compass, best check actiun.. TEN YEARS' WARRANTY! w 7 Ar,& OUR REQUEST IS lqcw That you will, before purchasing elsewhere, call and see the above pianoforte; when after close examination and comparison, you will readily admit that at the very low price of Twenty-seven Guineas it is a full Ten-pound Note cheaper than you will get it from any music warehouseman solely dependent upon this one branch of our large business for their heavy expenses. Common fuU-compass Pianos from 15 guineas. The King of all Pianos," 40 guineas. American Organs an great variety and at astonishing Prices I BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), Registered, and known throughout Wales, as THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," The Largest and most Complete House Furnishers in the Principality, CLABENCE-ST. ( HANBURY-RD., PONTYPOOL. ALSO AT NEWPORT, CARDIFF, AND SWANSEA. S E! :E! C?Tri?/fT?C??\?T?C? ?iMJr?UJ? b PONTYPOOL, FOR W2A I-M UJP TO DATE CLOTHING FOR .t' GENTS. YOUTHS. &. BOYS' WEAR. GOOD AND CHEAP. GOOD AND CHEAP. v ???nr? ? MNMULLOWAY OERTMEKT Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains, ???????? Rheumatism, Stiff Joints ??????t?? and Contracted Muscles. THERE IS MAGIC IN ITS TOUCH ? When applied to Poisoned Wounds, ?????\.??? -Sores, Bad Legs, Piles, Fistulas, ???????y' and all Ailments of an Inflammatory nature. ?/"a????\ ?? SKIN DISEASES IN ALL FORMS —/?????E??? ? CANNOT BE EQUALLED. {. ? Manufactured onty at 78, New Oxford Street. London sold by !tH Chemists and Medicine VendoM. L————————————————————————?——' DINNER ALE. Imperial Pints—2s. 6d. per Doz. ,v The Executors of the late Edward Jones, CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, USK. RICHARD HERBERT. I T VV "3r W S ::a: C) :P Tjr S3 3EC. rJ/ AGENT FOR W. AND A. GILIBEY. TRY OX7JR PORT, SHEERT, CLARET. MADEIRA, HOCK, & OTHER WINES Sure to give satiqfaction. At I Sure to give satisfaction. Rogers' A.E. and other Ales in 4, 9, and 18 Gallon Casks. QUART FLAGON ALE 4/- PER DOZEN. ? "Cmty Otsm" NewDaDer aM Pr IR t iR Cmm, LM. PUBLISHING OFFICES BRIDGE STREET, USE ¡ "3!Ûfa¡ has been established 46 years, and from the advantageous position of the Publishing OfSces— IN THE CENTRE OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH —and its Circulation in the Rural and Agricultural Districts it stands PRE-EMINENT AS AN ADVERT IS ING MEDIUM For the Sale by Auction of Farming Stock, Produce, Furniture, and Landed Property; for Wants of all kinds, & within a radius of many miles. It is read by all classes of the community, being essentially A FA 19 11 ILY B*AM*ER combining Reports of Local Events (many not dealt with at all by other journals or very shortly noticed), Local Courts; County, District and Parish Councils, and other Public Bodies; with Interesting Notes on Local and General Current Topics, Sports, &e.; ) Historic Sketches; Field, Farm, and Garden Operations Housekeepers' Recipes; Ladies' Fashions; Art and Literature Markets; A Serial Story; And a variety of other interesting reading matter. Special Reports are given of the Meetings of the Monmouthshire County Council, the Monmouthshire Ohamber of Agriculture, g-c., With which no other Paper in the County attempts to vie. SALE BY TENDER. Coppice Woods. qPO BE SOLD BY TENDER the FALLAGE L of the COPPICE in the LowEB Tr VMz GREAT WOOD, jn the Parish of LLANGWM: UCHA, adjoining both sides of the Main Road, leading from Uek to Chepstow, and containing 15 Acres, more or less. All Timber Trees and Stores are reserved. MR. NEHEMiAH Lswis, of Lower Ty Vree Farm, will show the Wood. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, by whom Tenders should be received before the Isr DAY OF DECEMBER, 190L J. MAITLAND WATKlNS, Solicitor, Usk. Notice of Audit. PONTYPOOL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. T?OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Half- ±?t yearly 8tar?ment8 of the Accounts of this Rural District Council, together with the respective Books of Account, will, on the TwEXTT-FipTH day of NOVEMBER iNBT., be deposited at the Council's Oniees, CruB CHAMBBBS, PONTYPOOL, and such Statements and Books of Account will be open to be inspected, examined, and erpied by any Ratepayer in the District of the said Council, at any reasonable hour in the day time when the Council is not sitting, until the FouRTH day of DECEMBER pRox. and that on the last-mentioned day, at the hour of 10 a.m., the Accounts of the eaid Rural Dis'rict Council will be audited by WILLIAM GEORGE COX, Esquire, the Auditor, at THE UNION WnRMousN. GpiFFiTHSTowN, when and where every such Ratepayer who mav have any objection to any matter contained in the above- mentioned Accounts, may attend and prefer his objection, and the same will be heard and determined by the Auditor. Dated 12th November, 1901. T. WATKINS. Clerk to the said Rural District Council. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, INSURED AGAINST. THEFT INSURANCE AND FIDELITY BONDS GRANTED BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, Established 1849. Claims paid £4,300,oc>c> 64, CORNHILL, LONDON A. YIAN, Secretary. Local Agent: Mr. J. P. MAYEps, G. W\ Railway, Pontypool Road. I i,,& I ..I 4% &N ED Nli .110' SUN INSURI-A,CE OFFICE. Sum insured in 1900 exceeded £5c>,OOO,OOO. For all particulars apply to Ms. THOMAS REES, JuNB., AGENT AT USE: WE GIVE FOR A GUINEA ????????? ??. ?J ? ? 't??' ?? Heavy TwM Sheet., '? !?? ? if?dsome?osaie Quilt, fastcotors? ???? ?? T?' ?? Cotton Pillow A? ?? ? ??? .?P?'o'- quality Md Sniah.' a?n??!? ?? P?'? ? recent ofT.0.0. ?2???' Market S«.. Smffo?. ??M.sA?o??.??y?? (Enclose cocpon). Printing of aU Dpscnpttons at the Mce of this Paper.