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J, l ???? The County Observer forty-seventh Year of Publication. —.—o—— Seals for Advsrtissmeiits. PBB tKBNMTON. mcial Announcements. } Single Colomn. )Parliamentary Adthesses.. ? Lega.t Notices f 6d. per Hnw. <rroapec?uaes of 'Oempanies 7 Election Addresses ? Property and Stock Sales Anction S&Ies Municipal and 'other bodies Anction S&Ies Municipal and 'other bodies Ordinary Notioaa. }- 3s. per inch in depth. Btda-nce Shee'<?. Statements oif Accounts. Bouses WMite? tfouses to Let .J Entertainments ) Agricultural %ows. SubacriptMn &i8ts. ? Is. 6d. per inth< Weddmg Presents J 8KATiL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. ) ServaiCts "?Mifed. 12 words 18 wor?s ?4 ?ords S?EHttioB*; Vaca'ft. Apaa'tments Wanted Apaa'tmeats to Let r 6d. &d. la. i Money <? T/end Avd-olesTound ? .&riidles\ror Sate j J 'mlree weeks for douMe above,&arges. DfUW%e paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges wSl be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps 'wt "'ing Or "ery Description AUCTIONEERS'Particulars, Posters, A Catalogue)! SOBECTORB' Prospectuaes, Li&ographtcMaps.&TTa.n. 'SEBADESltEN'a Cards, DtH Heads, & Note Headings. All communications to J. H. <CLARK, COUNTY OBSERVER Office, USK, MotHnouthsMye. \W ANTED, YOUNG MAN', to took a?'?p"ir f of Horses ffood wag?es if atiitab!e.—Apply, XBowBLM, GoTetra, Llanvibaagel, Pontypool. WANTED TO RENT, permanently, in the W country, HOUSE; Coatpact Villn preferred 'oHthin a mite or so of Nuntyderry, Uak, or Penper- ?'wm Stations. Not less than ? sittina' rooms, 4 Ðedrooms, and usua) domestic oOicex. Gnod garden attached.—Apply, X., Observer OSice, Usk. z OOK-GENERAL WANTED in February for Ic CardiS. Must be experienced and early riapr. Wages jEI7. No washing. No Children* Yteterences required.—Mrs LENNOX, 286. N'ewnor)- Boad, CardifE. TT?ANTED, a respectabte YOUNG GIRL for ?V House where more servants are kept duties -according to abilities .-Apply, Mf6 OsBORNB, SeyborwpQ, Usk. inrTANTED, COTTAGE and GARDEN, with W few Acrea of Laud.—Beale, Observer Qilioe, Usk. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED; one in \3f family.—App)y, Mrs. PmLLiptt, Gordon jHouee, Usk. ?AS COKE FOR SALE.—Apply, G?s AND ?JT WATER COMPANY, Pontypool. UND, Black and Tan COLLIE DOG. If not J' claimed within seven days, will be aold.—J. BBM'H, Dandenny. STRAYED from Great Houae, Clytha, a black ? €t<oed yearling RAM and Ootswoid EWE. Aayono giving imformation to P. C. Thomas, Uamatth, will be rewarded. UNG BOYS prepared for PUBLIC SCHOOL JL ENTRANCES and the NAVY at their own or Tutor's Residence—Apply (by letter), TuTOB, Observer" OSice, Usk. Wanted, with Possession ??N of before the 1st MAT next, a DWELLING- ?/ HOUSE, in or near BsiDGE STNEbT, U K.— Applyi MAMrELL & PooLE, AuctMneers, Trostrey -Court, uear Uak. County courts tH Circuit 24. ?lOURTS will he held at the several Coatt-towns ??/ on tbia Circuit, before His Honour JuDGB OwzN, the Judge thereof, on the days aad at the time hereunder mentioned:- Time, a.m. Jan. Feb. Mar. Chopstow .10 ? 4 4 Barry 10 8 p 5 Cardiff 10 9 6 6 „ D 10 T ? „ 10 11 8 8 „ 10 12 9 9 Abergavenny 10 H! BIaenavon 10 14 11 Tredet<M 9.30 15 M 12 Fontypoot 10 16 13. 13 Newport 10.30 17 14 l4. „ ..11 18 15- 15 Monmouth 10 2 19- 19 Roa* 9.30 2 CrickhoweU.. 11 16: Pak 11.30 i I A RECORD IN FURNISHING! BE VAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 31?(??? ? ? ?? ??' ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? December ye? am?- t? ? ??? ?'' '?? ?'' ? ??' ???' "? ? previous SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS The trade don,e in the last year of the Gentry has, therefore, beaten a!t previous ?? ? our F?fty Years' trading! Th? very succe?ful result ?f the ?reat ?? ? ??e ??lepartments twelve ninths since is not only extremely grati?i? ???r ? ??'? ?" ????? P?? to our army of cu?meraaud to the general public that we stiM maiataiu the proud position of being THE LARGEST FURNISHERS In fh Wales aB<! Monmouthshire. a aJt?::?? .?????? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ——— FIRST YEAR OF NEW CENTURY. IMMENSE SELECTION! LARGEST STOCKS! SMALLEST PRICES! ') LARGE CAT.!l.LOGUES €'iMjFM. DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS FREE. ALL COMPETITION DEFIED! α- 11 BEVAN AND COMPANY. Carpet & Music Warehousemen, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, NEWPORT, ALSO AT SWANSEA, CARDIFF, & PONTYPOOL. <- CLOTHING 7 A BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR THE SEASON AT im SON, 89 PONTYPOOL. Inspection Invited. ? ? 'a'tjp' ?? 's* ?f?'?'E''sr ? ?y?<?! awax u'Ova' L L 'Ovw WV OIRTMBRT Cures Lumbago, Sctatica, Sprains, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints and Contracted Musctes. THERE IS MAGIC IN ITS TOUCH ? When apptied to Poisoned Wounds, ??????? <Sores, Bad Legs, PHes, Fistutas, ???????? and all Ailments of an Innammatory nature. ? ?????\ FOR SKIN DISEASES IN ALL FORMS —y????E?a? ?? CANNOT BE EQUALLED. J Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London sold by all Chemists and Medicine VendoM. ALES AND STOUT. GUARANTEE OF PURITY. -Iae" The Executors of the late Mr Edward Jones have pleasure in informing the public that the Ales and Stout supplied by them are guaranteed by the respective Brewers of the same to be entirely FMEE -'IIC.l( ARSENIC or any other deleterious ingredient. n CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, USK. '4:>=" '> :IU'a. I R. HERBERT, -V VV -3r I%T S Q U-.A. :a. E, Tcrsx AGENT FOR W. & A. GILBEY'S. WINES & SPIRITS HENNESSY'S THREE STAB BRANDY. JAMESON'S IRISH WHISKEY. Rogers' A.K. Ales and Stout in Quart FIag-ons, & 41I 9 & 18 Gallon Casks. 2 Or BASS' ALE AND GUINESS'S STOUT IN BOTTLES. UT 'n The" Connty OÙrvr" NwDaDer an m priDtiRl CompRDY Ml PUBLISHING OFFICES BRIDGE STREET, USK ¡ ouuy 'nÛfV has been established 46 ye-ars, and from the advantageous position of the Publishing OSices— IN THE CENTRE OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH —and its Circulation in the Rural and Agricultural Districts It stands 0 PRE-EMINENT AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM For the Sale by Auction of Farming Stock, Produce, Furniture, and Landed Property for Wants of all kinds, &c within a radius of many miles <S?pec? .Re?o?s a?e ?n?e? q/' ?6 ?e??s <?/ ?Ae -?o?TK?M.?s/?re CoMM? Couiicil, the Monmouthshire Chamber of Agriculture, 9"c., With which no other Paper in the County attempts to vie. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE TT?B. J. COLLIS BROWSE jL?.f?teAnny Medical Staff) DISCOVERED A REMEDY. to denote which he coined the vord CHLORODITVE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE INVENTOR, and, as the opm. p08ition of Chlorodyne cannot possibly ce discoTered by Analysis (orgamo aub- atamces defying eUjninatMn), and since the Mimnia has never been pnbUshed, it is evident that any statement to the eCectthat a oompoundia identioa.lvith Dr. Browne'a Chlorodyne mM< iefalse. .TT?n. J. COLLI8 BROWNB'S J? OHLORODYNE.—Vioe-Chan- eeSor Sir W. FA&E WOOD stated pubUotyin Ooort that Dr. J. COLM8 pubUotyin Ooort that Dr. J. COLM8 .RROWNE WM ITNDOTIBTEDIjTr the INVENTOR of CHLOBODTrNE.that :C:O::f3I:: lpea; ]mMi WM deliberately nntme, and he Mgtetted to say it had been sworn to. —See a?nnet, July 13th, KM. R, T. COLLIS BBOWKS'S OHLOBODYTnBiBthe TRUE PALLIATIVZ iB jT?TBURAI.CHA. OO?T. 'JM CANOBB.TOOTnAOSB. -lUœVJIATI.K. THZ GREAT SPECIFIC FOR CHOLERA. FOR /?nOLERA, T?IARBncEA, DTTSEtrTBRT. &EMEBAL BOARD of HEALTH, London. REPORT that it ACTS as a CHARM, one dose generally auS- dent. Dr. MBBON. Army MedicttI St&S. Calcutta, states: "< DOSES COMPLETELY CUBED ME of DIARRHOEA." The ImrsTRATjED LomooN Njnrs of Sept. 28.1895, says: Ir I were Mked vhioh eiMie medioiae I shoc!d prefer tot&e abroad with me, M titely to be most ?emeraUymeM, totheexohNton of aH others, rshould aay OBELO&ODTnnB. I never tmvet vithont it, <md ita Koneral appUoaMUty to the relief of ? iajc-e ncinber of aimpJe tUmente fonM its best reoommemdaHon." Roytd Msh FnBiHent, CMt. Feb. 6th, 1896. DEAB SiB.—I wish to pve pnMie tesMmony to the inBnite Talae vhich ypnr remedy for DyBentery and biMThcfa (DR B&OWIfB'B CHLORODTntnE) preret to ."TOraI members of the Special Service Corps, in the recent Ashamti Expedition. I bought a small bottle just before leaving London for West Africa, and having used it myself with benenoial result, treated some of my comrades them were very bad). I. should be one about to travel in a treacherous posed to thia dangerous malady. Gratefully yours, & G. BMW To J. T. DATMtOBT. f?R. J. coujia B&owttB'a M F CHLOBODYME ntpidty eutt short <tN a.ttM!m of IMPXLZPSY, SPASttB, JUA COMO, PAXAPITATION, _HYSTERIA. -M-xrORTAKT CAUTION.— JL.The IMMENSE 8AJLE ct fMe ?M&??r?? Be CMaM to obMrrw TnMie Mark. ???emiBta, la. Hd.. ae. M? Sol.tMMnn'AOfCMtt, J. T. DAVENTOBT, ?. €hMM! BceMM. StMOtT, W.<N I Re Edward Jones, Deceased. Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 29rd Vie. Cap. 35 intituled An Act to further amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatall erediton and other per'-ons having nny claims or demands against the estate of EDWABD JoKM, late of Raglan and Usk, in the Cr\un!y of Monoouth, grocer, draper, and wine and spirit merchant, deceased (who died on the 18th day of Jutv, 1906, and whose will was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Coart of Justice, on the 17th day of August, 1900, by Richard Hecry MarfeU, of Upper Llancayo, near Usk, aforesaid, aod Charlea John Francis, of Llan- geview Farm, near Usb. the executors therein named), are hereby required to send the partioulare in writing of their claim or demands to us the under stgned. at Club Cbambera. Pontypool, on or before the IsT DAY or MAHcn, 1901, aft- r which date the stud Executors wi!I proceed to distribute the aeseta of the said deceased amongst, the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the cl&ims and demands of which they shall then have had notice, and they will net be liable for the ,isets of the said deceased or aay part thereof Fo distributed to any person or persona of whose claims or demaada they shall not then have had notice. Dated this ninth day of January. 190!. WATKINS AND CO., Solicitors for th Executors. FTSK TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION COM- ? MITTEE.—A Series of MCK NURSING LECTURES will bo ?iven at the Towx HALL, UsK. on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3.16, com? mencmg 9th JANUARY. Admission Id. ParticniMS in small bills, or of ARTHUR F. LucAB, Secretary. ESTABLISHED 1851. BtRKBECK BAMK SoaaMHnptom BIdngf)., Chancery Lane, London, WJO. CURRENT ACCOUNTS ????om&eminunumBt<mtMybala.a<!M,??0? ???wbenmotdr&wnbe!owjBioo. ?? ? DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ??9 MDepoaits.repayabteondemand.?? ? STOCKS AND SHARES Btoctzand ShMee pnrohMed and add for coatomwrt. The BIRKBBOK ALMANAOK, with )Mt pmiClllaftt PON$ hv% FRANCIS RA VJNSOROFT, M lINg" Tdephom No.5 HoHMfM. 2Wwaphic Addrm: BiRXBtcx, LONDON." WE GIVE FOR A GUINEA !Pair Super&neWitney B!ankets, each BIarAet bound pmk 7!bs. weight; PairWhiteTwi!)ed Sheets, 2tvds.by2;yds. hemmed ready for use; ) Pair White Pi)!ow'Cases, fuHsize, buttoned ends; ] WhiteCounterpane.Svds.lonKbY?tyds* Wtdc. woven p.nern, good de?gn; 1 Ddchesse To?et Set? 5'1>1 Paid on tece, oí P.OO. BHOOKFtELOS. Mnrket 3q., STAFFORO. 0\ Tl- 'E\r''s ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, IKSUBED AGAINST. THEFT INSURANCE AND FIDELITY BONDS GRANTED BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1849. Claims paid: £4,300,000 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. A. YIAN, Secretary. Local Agent: Mr. J. P. MAYEBS, G. W. Railway, Poctypod Road. t WA ION & CMAM fM OM mnrs wtem ?? ? A Beyt and Gitb can ? & MCKKL- .????j A PLATKD WATCH, 'bo a CBADf M<d ?"—'jM M C.HARM <t)r tetm? 1; dotm pack?ee <f m?C?-?m at PIvepence eteh. Sand yowr ?? ?Nt ?SN?! pMt ptM. <md tMZB protiBm U<t. No moo? ?«?? j Mqa&ed. Bt.UlWt C<t. (B?pMttBMt t? f JMH. Ot)?y Read. We?iEtTteed. t.aaa?. )Ut. t