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1WW"«T fr ua» iv I nni j i I vi The County Observer Forty-sixth Year of Publication. -0- Scale for Advertisements. PER INSERTION. 'Official Announcements. } Single Column. Parliamentary Addresses.. ( Legal Notices r 6d. per line. Prospeccuses of Companies J ElectiOOi Addresses Property and Stock Sales Auction Sales. Municipal and otfcer bodies Orditaarj' Notices 3s. per inch in depth. Balance Sheets Sta^eroents of Accounts. Houses "W anted i i Houses to Let J Entertainments. Agricultural Shows Subscription Lists Is. 6d. per inch. Wedding Presents j J SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Î Servants Wanted 12 words 18 words 24 words Situations "Vacant. Apartments Wanted Apartments to Let 6d. 9d. Is. Money to Lend Articles Lost Articles Pound ■, Articles for Sale J .-•> Three weeks for double above charges. Must be paid for when the order is given, or double j the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps. JPrinting of everg Desci-iptiOn AtrcnONEEBs' Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SO&ncTOBS' Prospectuses, Lithographic Maps, & Plan. TRADESMEN'S Cards, Dill Heads, & Note Headings. All communications to J. H. CLARK, COUNTY OBSERVER Office, USK, Monmouthshire. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, STRONG LAD, to make himself generally useful. -Apply, PoRTIIYCARNE, Usk. WANTED, APPRENTICE to the IRON- W MONGERY.—Apply, BUNKING, Usk. WANTED, A STRONG BOY on Farm, able to Milk.—BICHARD W. WATKXNS, Little Trcstrey, Usk. SEED WHEAT and WINTER OATS FOR SALE.-Apply to J. PARKER, The Hill. FOR SALE, TWENTY GEESE.—Apply, G. THOMAS, Croeslace, Raglan. EIGHT HIVES of BEES for SALE.— Apply, T. RAYSON, Common Trip, Gwe- iielog. TO LET, A FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE & GARDEN, at Kemeys Commander.- Applv to J. PARKER. rUO LET, a Four-roomed COTTAGE and Gnr- I den at Kemeys Commai-ider.-Apply to J. PARKER. Usk Football Club. A GENERAL MEETING of the above Club will be held on MONDAY NEXT, at 8 p.m., at the CARDIFF ARMS, USK, at which all interested are requested to attend. C. R. DAVIES. Hon. Sec. Raglan Farmer's Club. Chairman COLONEL J. A. BitADNEY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER nth, has been fixed for the Annual Ploughing Match. To be Let by Tender. ABoUT SIXTY ACRES OF LAND, at COMMON COED-Y-PAEN, from February 2nd, 1900.-Apply to SIDNEY MOIIGAN, Trosnant Villa, Pontypool. The Owner does not hind himself to accept the lowest or any Tender. COAL. Why pay ttigh Prices ? When you. can get a really Itp GOOD COAL For 16s, per tonal T. WILLIAMS & SON, Trosnant Wharf, PONTYPOOL. Depot for all kinds of Building Materials, i I .————————————— LAST AND LARGEST I. FURNISHING s SALE OF THE CENTURY COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, SEPMBSR 29th, 19(18, 7 u And Continuing throughout the Month of October, 1900. BEVAN A.NI) COMPANY (LIMITED), Registered and known throughout Wales as J zn THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Will hold their great Annual Autum Sale, as above, when "■' GREAT REDUCTIONS (!, Will be made in all Departments in order to make room for the Immense Consignments of Goods on order for the heavy winter trade. An unusually good opportunity is thus afforded customers to save money, and at the same time secure the reliable goods of this well- known and old-established Firm. DELIVERY FREE BY ROAD OR RAIL, throughout Wales and Border Counties. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. 4. ¡. ,ç' 1.1 r. BEY A N § COMPANY WALES'S LARGEST FURNISHERS, Opposite TO WIS HALL, _VEWPORT, ALSO AT SWANSEA, CARDIFF, & PONTYPOOL- f)JI i'. {',I: .11':4: CLOTHING A BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR THE SEASON AT SIMPSON'S, • ..J I&-lv- 'JL" PONTYPOOL. Inspection Invited. 1 t) ¡: f .L |< HOLLO A YJg PILLS ARE A SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION and its attendant ailments, such as BILIOUSN'ESS, SICK HEADACHE, fill lli Pains in the Chest and Side, BAD APPETITE, NAUSEA, GIDDINESS, &e. AND WILL BE FOUND SW\M§ WITHOUT EQUAL for the USE of FEMALES. JB NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM, AND M V DO NOT BE PERSUADED TO TAKE SUBSTITUTES. "Wlff.i, Manufacturedlnly at 78, New Oxford Street, London sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. 'I ) EDWAED J-ONES .¡.. f" 1. Late or Raglan antl UsK, Deceased. ") I;. '-=- rjlHE TRUSTEES of the Will of the above I. '4 ;l' Deceased wish to inform the Public that I ♦ '■< "t 1 I *tt ■ Z I the Businesses both at Raglan and Usk will, I J 1:, 7"" I' I for the present, be carried on for the benefit of "1 the Widow and Children, and they trust that } f: they (the Public) will give them their sym- w (" 1 Ü'I: 1 "1. 4"t pathy and support. iI U 'i J. I' 6'" ¡. EDWARD JONES, USK & RAGLAN. SOLE AGENT FOR THE ALTON COURT BREWERY Co.'s 'I CELEBRATED "FAMILY" PALE ALES. II Trial Order Solicited. C T.SAVERT, PARADE, USE, and at Priory Street, 1.1.1 onrnouth. CYCLE AGENT. Agent for SWIFT, RALEIGH, BUDGE-WHITWORTH, ROYAL ENFIELD SUNBEAM, ROVER, and NEW HUDSON. Repairs of all kinds at the shortest notice. None too difficult; Machines made to order; Accessories of every description kept in stock. CarHps "StriM" Cartriflps! -» Per 100. Per Doz. Llangibby Hunt" Cartridge, Kynoch's Gas-Tight Case, Loaded, S" S 0 Schultze or other Nitro Powder, to order 8 6 11 Lightning Cartridge, Kynock's "Perfectly Gas-Tight" Case, loaded as above 9 6 1 2 Above are now too well-known in the Usk district to need comment. Nobe]s Sporting Ballistite Cartridges (absolutely smokeless and water resisting) also in stock, including the 2 inch, or Parvo Cartridge, so successful for Rabbit In shooting, &c., last season. Double Breechloading Guns from 40s. up. WILLIAM BUNNIJYG, USK | WATCH A CHAIN FOR ONE DAY'S WORK A Boys and Girls can get a NICKEL- & PLATED WATCH, also a CHAIN and Mr* MR CHARM for MQfog 1J dozen package!) of F% BLUIXK at Flrepence each. Send your H™ *T|» foil addresa. iacludln^ name of County, 'HjfVTV*? by return mail, and wo will forward the Bluine, post paid, and a large premium list. Wo money required. BLUINE Co. (Department PI) t. Glpty no". Went Norwood. London, 8.B. e- ESTABLISHED 1851. lilt BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Bldngs., Ciiancery Lane, Loudon. w.o. CURRENT ACCOUNTS 20 t on the minimum monthly balances, O t J^ when not drawn below £ 100. fo DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS 21 on D^osits, repayable on demand. 2 /O dU2/o STOCKS AND SHARES Btoekf and Shares purchased and sold for customers. The BIRKBROK ALMANAOIC, with full particulars, post bve. FRANCIS RA VBNSCROrr, Manager Telephone No. 5 HoVborn. TeUgrapMe Addrtu: "BIRKBBCK, LONDON." County Courts in Circuit 24. COURTS -will be held at the several Court-towns on this Circuit, before His Honour JUDGE OWEN, the Judge thereof, on the days and at the time hereunder mentioned:— Time, a.m. July Ang. Oct. Chepstow 10 9 20 1 Barry 10 10 7 2 Cardiff 10 11 8 3 It 10 12 9 4 „ 10 13 10 5 „ ..10 14 11 6 Abergavenny 10 16 8 Blaenavon 10 13 Tredegar 9.30 17 14 9 Pontypool 10 18 15 10 Newport 10.30 19 16 11 11 20 17 12 2A, 21 30 Rosa 9.30 — 4 IS Crickhowell.. 11 3 26 Usk 11.30 2 27 PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed at the COUNTY OBSERVER" OFFICE. I MONMOUTH DISTRICT BOROUGHS. A MEETING In support of the Candidature of DR. F. RUTHERFOORD HARRIS Will be held on Wednesday, 3rd October, 1900, at 8 o'clock p.m., at THE TOWN PIAI-L. USK. DR. HANS SAUER, Reform Leader, and Chairman of Mines, Johannes- burg and Buluwayo DR. RUTHERFOORD HARRIS. J. DAVIS-ALLEN, ESQ., and other gentlemen will address the meeting. Albert ADDAMS-WILLIAMS, Esq. Chairman. Usk, 28th Sept., 1900. GOYTRE AND DISTRICT FARMERS' ASSOCIATION. THE Annual Ploughing Match, Hedging Competitions, 44c. In connection with the above, will take place on THURSDAY, OCrOBER 18thi AT Parkybrain Farm, Goytre, By the invitation of MR. W. CHARLES. For further particulars see bills, and further information may be obtained of the Secretary, MR. W. H. WILLIAMS, Upper Goverra, Llanvihangel, Pontypool. Usk Technical Instruction Committee. CIDER MAKING. MIZ. J. H. WOOTTON, the Cider Expert, will attend at the ORCHARD of MR. MORTVENT PARKER, Twyn Square, Usk, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1900, at 2 p.m., prompt, when he will give advice upon the most approved methods, of Gathering and Grading Fruit required for Cider Making, in a mauner that may be caraied out with such utensils or appli- ances as are within the reach of ALL. All persons interested are invited to attend. ARTHUR F. LUCAS, Secretary. 1".1

Markets and Mrs. '".v-.'