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I Howell's School.

I War Items.

I Parliamentary.

Br. Rutherfoord Harris at…


Br. Rutherfoord Harris at I Maindee. A large public meeting was held at Chepstow- road Board Schools, Maindee, on Friday evening in last week. under the auspices of the Maindee Conservative and Unionist Association. Mr. E. Phillips presided. When Dr. Rutherfoord Harris entered the room he was received with a burst of applause. Mr. E. Phillips said that it was always a great pleasure to preside at a Maindee meeting, but it was especially pleasant that night because they had with them Dr. Rutherfoord Harris (applause) and Mr. Isaac Lyons, who would address them. He was sorry to say that the Rev. J. C. Harris, of Johannesburg, who was to have addressed them would not be able to do so, as he was ill, and prevented by doctor's orders from leaving his room and coming to the meeting. DR. RUTHERFOORD HARRIS, who was received with loud cheers, said Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,—I believe this is my first appearance in Maindee, or nearly so-it certainly is the first in this hall. I trust you will agree with me when I hope it will not be the last. (" Hear, hear," and "I hope you'll keep on coming.") I have been asked to say a few words, but the main reason for our being together is to hear Mr. Lyons, from the central association in London. No doubt we, as Unionists, will listen with profit to what he has to say. But there is one question connected with the war and the subsequent settlement, which I think will in a short time take place, and on one phase of which I should like to say a few words. There has, I have been told, been at last a platform discovered which will bear the divergent opinions of Sir William Harcourt and Mr. Labouchere, of Mr. Bryce and Mr. Courtney, of Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman and Mr. Morley. (Laughter.) As you know, they are AT SIXES AND SEVEN'S on the justice of the war and the settlement, and, as Mr. Chamberlain pointed out, one preached one doctrine and another a doctrine diametrically opposed to it. There is a worship known as the "cult of the jumping cat." These gentlemen- and no shame to them-have discovered that the British public on the question of the war and the settlement have made up their minds that the danger and the menace to the Empire in South Africa shall not occur again. They have made up their minds that, while dealing fairly and justly with the rebels against Queen and country, these rebels shall have punishment meted out to them. They also know that in the general course of events a general election cannot be tar distant. Therefore, they feel bound to reconcile their statements and speeches, which were made some months ago against the war and annexation, when they have found out that the prevailing opinion in this country is that these two Republics should be annexed. (Cheers.) The issue to be brought prominently to the front, and made THE GREAT ISSUE BETWEEN US at the general election is this: I believe the Unionist Government will urge that after annexation and peace have been concluded there shall be a period of pure military administration of those two Republics-a period sufficiently long, at any rate, to enable the rifles hidden to be discovered, to discover the hidden ammunition, and to deal with the case of the rebels in our own Colony-the men who rebelled against what you know to be the purest form of government under the sun. (Cheers.) Following upon that period of military administration the Unionist Government will recommend a policy of what is called Crowu Colony Goveinmetit "-government by officials appointed by the Crown, exactly the same form of government that existed in Natal a few years ago, and not more than twenty-fire or thirty years ago in Cape Colony. The Colonies of Australia and I Canada went through that phase, and I think we may fairly say that if after annexation we finally PLACE THE BOERS I on the same footing as that on which the Natalians, Australians, and the Canadians stood not many yenrs ago, we shall not be dealing badly with them, and they will not have very mach of which to complain. (Cheers). And after a period of Crown government—say of five or six years-after they have proved themselves loyal subjects of the Queen, when they have proved that they have really joined in spirit and heart the Empire to which we belong, then by all means give them absolute self-government and the freest institutions the same as we have here. Now, against that, I believe, the leaders of the Radical party are going to urge that the moment peace is concluded and the country is annexed, all at once and at the moment, we should give them back free institutions and self-government ("No"). They see they must agree to annexation—the views of the British people are so overwhelmingly for annexation that they for the moment will be Imperialists and vote for annexation, but in their speeches I believe they will urge that as a settlement after annexation we should give free institutions and self- government. That will be the point which will be at issue at the next general election between the Unionists and the Radicals. WHAT THE UNIONISTS SAY is, Let us go through the stages of administration of Crown Colony Government, and after the Boers have proved themselves loyal British subjects, worthy of being under the British flag, then give them the same freedom and the same institutions as we have got." I want you to bear this in mind, because you can make fine speeches on liberty, freedom, and of dealing with the Boers on terms of equality as men but you must remember that they are a very tricky foe, who have had their white flags and treacherous armistices. If you again give them a chance, Mr. Hofmeyf, of the Bond, and Kruger and Steyn will again acquire political power, and we shall in twenty years be faced with the same position and the same war. The only way of avoiding this is to put them through a period of probation, in which they will be given an opportunity of proving themselves worthy of the magnificent, but disastrous, freedom which Mr. Gladstone gave them. Why not give them self-government and trust them?" say the Liberals. We went through that in 1881, and we should go through it again if the Liberal proposals were acted upon. They feel impelled by the overwhelming force of public opinion to vote for annexation, but they will try to make that division of which I have spoken later on. Therefore, I am glad to have this opportunity, for the first time in Newport, of directing your attention to this, and I hope I shall have many opportunities of doing so again. (Hear, hear.) There is no other point upon which I want to address you at the present moment. I HOPE TO HAVE MANY OPPORTUNITIES of dealing with other questions, one of which was considered at a full meeting at the Tredegar Hall the other evening. (Laughter and cheers). In reading the report of that meeting I was amused to see that Mr. Carr, whom I expect to see this evening, had said that he did not mind a moderate amount of interruption. (Laughter.) Mr. Oarr is coming to stay with me for a few days, and I am going to tell him that I don't meet with even a moderate amount of interruption when I come before you in the Newport Boroughs. (Hear, hear). I have made up my mind on questions of education, questions of licensing, and upon all such questions. I know what I am going to say. It will be no double answer or half-hearted answer, and when the time comes every man who goes to the poll will know exactly what I am in favour of. I thank you very much for listening to what I have had to say to-night, and you will do me a favour if you will bear in mind the points between what I believe will be the Unionist programme and the Radical programme as to the I settlement that is to take place in South Africa. (Cheers). Mr. Isaac Lyons followed with an excellent j speech. Mr. J. W. Hunt proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Rutherfoord Harris and Mr. Isaac Lyons fot their addresses. Mr. Pearce seconded, and it was carried unanimously amid loud cheering. Dr. Rutherfoord Harris and Mr. Isaac Lyons acknowledged the vote. CONFIDENCE IN THE GOVERNMENT. Mr. J. Farmer Powell proposed the following resolution of confidence in the Government, which he declared needed no words of commendation from him :That this meeting of the Maindee Ward, Newport, Moil., Conservative Association, desire to convey to Lord Salisbury and his Government their most unqualified and undiminished confidence in them, and also wish to record that in their opinion their wise, firm, and statesmanlike conduct in respect to the war in South Africa, in the cause of liberty and freedom, commands the admiration and appreciation of this great Empire and they trust that all their efforts may be attended with unqualified success, and thereby add to the prestige of Great Britain and to the well-being, happiness, and prosperity of her Majesty the Queen and all her subjects both at home and abroad." I Mr. H. T. Winterbotham seconded, and the resolution on being put to the meeting was carried unanimously. I TH ANKS TO THE CHAIRMAN. A vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman, and the meeting terminated with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by cheers for the Queen and Dr. Harris.

IThe Powers and China.

-__._-_-Charge of Abduction…

Chambers of Commerce of the…



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