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ar» JMGIK. -jrSgglX^ li&agjjfcr The County Observer Forty-fifth Year of Publication. -0- Scale for Advertisements. PER., insertion. Official AnnouncementsSingle Column. Parliamentary Addresses,. ( Legal Notices r 6d. per line. Prospectuses of Companies J Election Addresses ") Property and Stock Sales ) Auction Sales .{ Municipal and -)r bodies ) Ordinary Notices. 3s. per inch in depth. Balance Sheets Statements of Accounts, Houses "Wanted Houses to Let J Entertainments Agricultural Shows | Subscription Lists Ms. 6d. per inch. Wedding Presents | Wedding Prerents J SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. ") Servants WO.Titc-d ) 2 words 18 words 24 words Situations "Vacant. Apartments Wanted Apartments to Let r 6d. 9d. Is. Money to Lend Articles Lost. Articles Found. Articles for Sale J Three weeks for double above charges. Must be paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps. II' = Printing of every Description AUCTIONEERS' Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SOLIICTOES' Prospectuses,, Lithographic Maps & Plan. TRADESMENS' Cards, Bill Heads, & Note Headings. All communications to J. H. CLARK, COCXNTY OBSERVER Office, USK, Monmouthshire. WANTED TO RENT, HOUSE with about 20 vt Acres of Land.—Apply, "D. Observer Office, Usk. TXT ANTED, COOK-GENERAL, and HOUSE- V> PARLOURMAID. — Apply, Mrs. B., Observer Oiffce, Uak. =-=:=-===- WANTED TO RENT, in the Neighbourhood of USK, some PARTRIDGE SHOOTING, for September and October.—Apply, stating rent, to R. W. RICKAKBS, The Priory, Usk. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFS, HAY. V, SHEDS, and BUILDINGS of all kinds- Plans and estimates free. Enquiries invited.— STANLEY M. WILLIAMS, Trosnant Stores, Pontypool. ae:=:=: FOR SALE, RICK SHEET, 6 x 5, in good con- dition .—VICARAGE, Llantrissent. -.0" V¥ J ASTE PAPER FOR SALE, good and clean TT 8s. per cwt.—Apply at the "COUNTY OBSERVER" Oiffce, Usk. -w_ 0 LET, "GLEN VIEW," on the CHEPSTOW J. ROAD, UI-K, containing 3 Bedrooms and W.C. on the first floor, and 4 Rooms and Pantries on the ground floor. Also Stable and Coach.house, with 3t Acres -Apply, J- PAEKEB, Trostrey, ziear Uek. :=: PUBLIC NOTICE. Usk Amateur Athletic Sports. THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST to the above for the years 1897 and 1893, is open for INSPEC- TION by any one interested for One Week from this date, at Mr. E. B. HAYNER s, Hon, Sec. Dated July 14th, 1899. €§ USK IT PAST Alii PIBgFJT, CONTAINING 304 Pages of LOCAL INFOR- \J M A 1 ION, Bound in cloth ONE SHILLING. To be had at the COTJNTY OBSERVER OFFICE. "W." WILLIAM DAYIES, Timber, Lime, A Gsal Merchant, WOODBINE, USK. 9W Orders promptly attended to. -===-=-: -=-=-==-=-:=-==-=-=-=-=-=-==-==-==-== =- [^he flOADRAMT" Patent ~"| CHAINLESS BICYCLE Witti croM-roller gear, 1899 Modal to acknowledged to ba the fe groat masterpiece of modern oyols construction. f WRJ.TB FOB I'BICE LIST. k M»kor»_XhQ QUADRANT CYCLE Co., £ td., J m m m BIRMINGHAM. | C9 STARI BEHEB CYCLE. WOLVERHAMPTON. LOW CABHPRICB from ca ION. Od. HIRE PURCHASE. 12 monthly at £1 ls. Od. Send for List and Forms, or apply to Nearest Agent. PUBLIC NOTICE. Why Pay Exorbitant Prices elsewhere for your BEDDING, CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, PIANOFORTES, And every Description of ,M- _Bt, NLJt m HOUSE, HOLD FURNITURE, When you can obtain such marvellous value from BEYAN & COMPANY, Limitea, And Registered as The Cardiff Furnishers," And who are universally acknowledged to be the Cheapest, Best, and LARGEST FURNISHERS IN SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTHSHIRE I Special attention is directed to the magnificent heavy Saddle- Jtflff Suite of -Ni"c S, licicx. now selling at the astonishingly low Price of £9 17 6. FIVE HUNDRED SUITES TO SELECT FROM ALWAYS IN STOCK From Four to Fifty Guineas per Suite. Delivery Free Train Fare of Cash Customers paid. Agents wanted in every District. BE VAN & COMPANY, SWANSEA, NEWPORT, CARDIFF, & Clarenee-slreet and Hanbury-road, PONTYPOOL. BEDDING PLANTS. BEDDING PLANTS. PILLINGER & COMPANY, LTD., HAVE a large quantity of the leading Varieties of the above in Stock, also extra JH strong Tomatoes, Cucumbers, §C-, now ready for planting, and will be pleased to quote Sorts and Prices on Application. Mwedes, Turnips, Kates, *$'€ of the highest quality at lowest market prices. PRICE LISTS FREE. THE NURSERIES AND SEED STORES, CHEPSTOW. UNDII TI-IE PATRONAGE OF The Right Hon. Lord Tredegar, The Right Hon. Lord Llangattock, n Sir Henry Mather-Jackson, Bart., Lady Caroline Jenkins, The Vicar of Usk, And the Principal Gentry of the Neighbourhood. Messrs. R. WAUGH & SON, Reliable Piano and Organ Tuners, REGULATORS, AND REPAIRERS, Visit USK and neighbourhood at regular periods. Terms for single tuning or yearly contracts forwarded post free on application, Orders may be sent direct to Monmouth, or left at the COUNTY OBSERVER Office, and will receive prompt attention. A large Stock of PIANOS and ORGANS for SALE, EXCHANGE, or HIRE, on Moderate Terms. WA0GH & SOKT, I MONMOUTH AND CHEPSTOW. 0 L L 0 R "'v"" ¡, I/4QKV mwhhot I Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints and Contracted Muscles. I t WILL THERE IS MAGIC IN ITS TOUCH J "4\ When applied to Poisoned Wounds, 1 a 1 Sores, Bad Legs, Piles, Fistulas, and all Ailments of an Inflammatory nature. J I FOR SIKT IN CADNINSEOT ASBEE S IEN QUAALLL LEFDO.RMS j' Mannxactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London sold by all Cbpmists and Medicine Vendors. -L.IJ" SEASON 1899. BBBS STOUT, <350. — &C. CLARET. Sound, Useful, 11/- per Dozen Lion Brand," full-bodied, I/O per Bottle Good Bordeaux, 1/8 Medoe, good, full-bodied, ^/U; ot. Juhen, fine Claret, 2/6- MANY HIGHER GRADES IN STOCK. BURGUNDY. Big Tree Brand in Flagons, 2/4 per Flagon. 3d. allowed for all Flagons returned with Stoppers complete. CHAMPAGNES. Golins' Saumer, Pints, 1/9; Quarts, 3/ Moet and Chandon's W.D.S., Pints, 3/9; Quarts, 7/ SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKIES. Glenara," Old PRIORY>" "Uam Var," "B.O.S." "Scotia," U Melrose," and John Dewar's," Perth. AERATED WATERS. j Syphons and Bottles (large and small), Soda, Seltzer, Potash, !?•«• ■JJ^NONA<LE> Gmgerade, Stone Gingers. Eiffel Tower Lemonade 4|d.-packet makes 2 gallons. HARVEST BEER in 36 Gallons Casks, only 21/ c., vviili T Order, 201-. (From Stores or Railway Station in,t..ered.) Light Table Ale X i.i £ 118, 36, 54 Galls 8<1- G»«on. Good Sound Table Ale, XX nd Golden Crown Ale IV Golden Hop Bitter Ale i/0 Double Stout \,7 ••• — 1/4 Any of these in 11, 9, 18, 36, and 54 Galls. A Discount of 5 per cent for Cash with order, or on delivery. BURTON ALE (IND, COOPE, & Co., LTD). Family Ale in 9, 18, and 36 Galls. 1;- Gallon. No. 7, specially adapted for the Trade, in 18, 36, and 54 Galls. 1i-" Cash with Order or on delivery secures a Trade Discount. Guinness's Extra Stout in Firkins and Kilderkins. -RFYTTT T?"n ( na-8'8 Di,amond Pale Ale» i K"ts and Pints. J5UIi.Li!,D j Guinness's Stout, £ Pints and Pints. MoU „' Bin"er Aif, bright and sparkling, 2/6 per doz Pts. Malt and Hops of excellent quality. EDWARD JONES, k I THE MONMOUTHSHIRE CENTRAL SUPPLY STORI-S, USK and RAGLAN. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, SIMPSON T7ie Outfitter, Has just received a Big Stock of Garments, Up-to-date in Style, Price, Fit, and Finish, FOR MEN'S WEAR, x FOR YOUTHS' WEAR, FOR BOYS' WEAR. -Iddress- D. W. SIMPSON, Crane Street, PONTYPOOL. HEINS & Co's YEARS9 PIANOS ?8^; 8HOWERO(Ss. ABERGAVENNY| "Schoolrooru flaiio," £ 15 10. Upri;rtit 18. Cecilia Piano, Sett £22. Kxcelsior Piano, lett 125. Beethoven Pianos, \ett. £3. 10. Our 16 Tuners sent throughout Monmouth- shire, South Wales, and the West of England. Largest Stock of Sheet Music out of London. Orders sent off by Return of Post at Store Prices. STOCKROOMS. ABERGAVENNY, HEREFORD, ROSS, LEOMINSTER, BRECON, &c. LIST FREE. DESIGNS FREE. *==— —- ESTABLISHED 1851. lilRKBECK B A N K, -fU' Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. TWO-aud-a-HALF per CENT INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand. TWO per CENT on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on minimum monthly balance, when not drawn below £100. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased aDd sold ———— SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives smal sums on deposit, and allows Interest monthly, on each completed .£1. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW to PURCHASE a HOUSE for TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY HOW to PURCHASE a PLOT OF LAND for FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENCROFT, Manager. THE HOST HUTBITTOTTS. nor-" GBATEFUL—COMFORTING. if .<¡; p? '10;'# 'fg, ;} C O C O A BREAKFAST AND SAPPER. FPUXITDBE. FURNITURE. P FREEDMAN & Co JLtd., THE CELEBRATED HOUSE FURNISHERS, WILL SUPPLY Good Reliable Furniture AT CASH PRLCES ON THE FOLLOWING TEEMS:— £ 5 worth of Goods 2/- weekly. £ 10 3/6 11 4/- 1 1 £ 20 „ 5, 51- 11 £50" 7/6 zeioo 10/- Our only Addresses are:- 75 & 76 High Street, NEWPORT (on the Bridge), — AT — Elliotstown, New Tredegar, i 1 « | i"dÔ'i}; c y F: c ^l&lSTS7 POST^Jv™^ Carri^e I'M —»;5:a»C5sS2Ss5.i«'M- "4«lliSES3CSfii'ir.5UP' JunoNo.?, £ 10 lOs. 17/s Monthly, f?? 10 8 Mouthlv Write for Ssw Season's List of Juno Cycles Si, 5 H G f"- and Accessories, sent Post Free. •• J,'? i0'- do- M6t?op°llt&B Machinists' Co.. Ltd.. H ?V'" go- 75, Bishopsgate St., Without, B.G.. and^- }- S do- Piccadilly Circus, London. W.3 do. Type Writer., R9 go, 15 9 Monthy. The man who does not advertise is nowhere, and that indvidual will soon need advertising for —The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. I Pontypool Union. APPEAL AGAINST VALUATION FOR | POOR RATES. THE ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE will meet i. at the COURT HOUSB, USK, on MONDAY the 31st day of JULY. 1899. at 11.45 a.m., for the purpose of SIGNING VALUATION ADP-P§YIP?LEMENTAL LISTS AND HEARING APPEALS AGAINST and OBJECTIONS I TO the VALUATION LISTS Pond the ASSESSMENTS therein for the several Parishes in the said Union. All Persons wishing to Appeal must give notice THREE CLEAR DAYS BEFORE THE MEET- ING to the Overseers of the Parish anj the Com- mittee by sending the same to me, and if the objec- tion be made in respect of other hcreditsaieiitd which may have been omitted, or to which another person is rated, to the person who is rated or is liable to be rated, of their intention to Appeal, with the grounds thereof. A Form of Notice can be obtained on application to T. WATKINS, Clerk to the Assessment Committee. Dated, Club Chambers, Pontypool, 28th June, 1 99. THE WELSH INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION ACT. Usk Higher Grade School. THE SCHOLARSHIP MANAGERS announce that they are able to offer Bursaries to Children attending, or who wish to attend, the Usk Higher Grade School. These Bursaries" ill be Money Payments, granted at the discretion of the Scholarship Managers, and it is hoped will enable Parents, otherwise unable, to keep their Children at School for a longer period. They will be awarded on application to the Scholarship Managers, such application to be made on a form supplied by the undersigned, oil or before the 14th day of AUGUST, 1899. FENTON GEO. HARRIS, Clerk to the Scholarship Managers Estate Offices, Usk, 4th July, 1899. gSf £ 4,000,000 HAVE Now BERN PAID IN LB-PECT OF RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ALL ACCIDENTS WORKMEN'S ACCIDENTS, FIDELITY GUARANTEE, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. A. VIAN, Secretary. Local Agent: Mr. J. B. Maybb«, G.W. Railway. Pontypool Road. | WATCHCHAiK FOR ONE q j 'f Beys and. Girls can get a NICKBI- I 0 PLATED WATCH, also a CFMN and I A *»«■ •elling 1\ down V F'fPSf *}Tepence each. Head your -Uj) | full addr«aa including name of County, J by return matl, and we will forward the BSutae l F?,, Jar^e premium list No nioner I m »WIM Co, ^Department C3) I Olpgy Road, Wast Norwood, London, S.E. | TLFLFK. 0(' /1:\ 1> ';¡X -c' O(,vli\i\>. -—: "OaD k Sum insured in 1898 exceeds £ 43os000,000. For all particulars :,plv to MB. THOMAS REES, JFNR., AGENT AT rBK.