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The County Observer Forty-fifth Year of Publication. -.0- Scale for Advertisements. PER INSERTION. Official Announcements.Single Column. Parliamentary Addresses.. ( Legal Notices ( 6d. per line. Prospectuses of Companies J Election Addresses .) Property and Stock Sales I Auction Sales Municipal and other bodies j Ordinary Notices. 3s. per inch in depth. Balance Sheets Statements of Accounts. Houses Wanted Houses to Let Entertainments ') Agricultural Shows. Subscription Lists Is. 6d. per inch. Wedding Presents I J SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Servants Wanted 12 words 18 words 24 words Situations Vacant. Apartments Wanted Apartments to Let 6d. 9d. Is. Money to Lend Articles Lost Articles Found Articles Found. Articles for Sale J ;,¡. Three weeks for double above charges. Must be paid for when the order is given, or double the above scale charges will be made. Remittances received in Postage Stamps. I'" Printing of every Description AUCTIONEERS' Particulars, Posters, & Catalogues. SomcTOES* Prospectuses,, Lithographic Maps & Plan. TEADEBMENS' Cards, Bill Heads, & Note Headings. All communications to J, H. CLARK, COUNTY OBSERVER Office, tJSK, Monmouthshire. WANTED, GENERAL SERVANT, able to do W plain cookinz -Z., Observer Office, Usk. TX^ANT^D, HOUSE-PARLOUR-MAID; two TT in fan ily; house-maid kept.—Apply, Mrs. GUSTAED, THE Mayfit-id, Usk. WANTED, Steady MAN as WAGGONER.— Apply, E. MASON, Berthllwydd Farm, Bettws Newydd. ("1 ALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFS, HAY" T SHEDS, and BUILDINGS of all kindr Plans and estimates tie-. Enquiries invited.- STANLEY M. WILLIAMS, Trosnant Stores, Pontypool. j ("TOOD CIDER FOR «ALE.—Apply, JEFFREYS, J Castle Vale, n"g "n. I^OR SALE, BAY HORSE, 15 hands, quiet to ride and drive, 4 years o d.—Apply, BEECH HILL, Usk. (xlen-^yr-Afon, Usk. TO LET, FURNISHED RESIDENCE for Summer Months, or longer, near Iliver and Town. Full particulars on application.—Mrs. SATCHELL, Glen-yr-Af'on, Usk. -r- C. J S K •. TO BE LET, WALTON LODGE, containing Dining »nd Drawing Rooms, Kitchen, and Offices, Six B edrooms, Good Garden, and Lawn Tennis Grouni.-Apply to H. A. Addis, Usk. USK URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Grass Crop. rpENDERS are INVITED for the GRASS CROP X now standing in the Council's Sewage Meadow, the grass to be cut and removed within a rea~of»nble time. Closed Tenders, marked Tender for Grass," to be sent, in to me on or,before MONDAY EVENING NEXT. ARTHUR F. LUCAS, Ush, 8th June, 1899 Clerk. By fender. GRECOS MEADOWS, LLANTEISSENT, Mon., 41 ACRES GROWING HAT CROP TO BE SOLD, to be Kot into Kick hy JULY loth next, and to be cleared off the ground altogether before XMAS AY next.—To view, apply Mr. MILES, Church arm, Llautrissent; Tenders for whole or part to W. BBER, High Mead, reu Abergavenny. -ciVt r Wusk^=== 'C/> PAST AI B» PRBftifiNT, CCONTAINING 304 Pages of LOCAL INFOR. J MA'l'ION, Bound in cloth ONE SHILLING. To be had at the COUNTY. OBSERVE* OFFICE. ^staS1 CYCLE. PiJWMgff WOLVERHAMPTON. • X.OW CASH PRICB from x&P *9 10*' od- <OT £ T HIItJ: PURCHASE. 12 monthly at .tI1 Is. Od. Send toP List and Porms, or apply to Nearest Agent. CYCLE. PiJWMgff WOLVERHAMPTON. • X.OW CASH PRICB from x&P *9 10*' od- <OT £ T RtRI PURCHASE. 12 monthly at CI Is. Od. Send toP f jgf anc{ Porms, or apply to Nearest Agent. {The" QUADRANT" Patent^! GHAINLESS BICYCLE GHAINLESS BICYCLE j —* ysia» h J ft—. BUMIPMO, M •OOftrarftOK. I Wiurs TOM P&ZCM LIST. I 0»*»«A« CTCUMO^ EM* I imi ■^rS i i°8Air t' .Ð.s. PUBLIC NOTICE. t' .1:;). :7 LI Why Pay Exorbitant Prices elsewhere for your BEDDING, CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, PIANOFORTES, And every Description of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, When you can obtain such marvellous value from BEYAN & COMPANY, ô,' Limitea, And Registered as The Cardiff Furnishers," j And who are universally acknowledged to be the Cheapest, Best, and LARGEST FURNISHERS IN SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTHSHIRE Special attpTltion wdwocted to the magnificent heavy Saddle-Bag Suite of lime ft teles. now selling at the astonishingly low Price of £ 9:17:6. FIVE HUNDRED SUITES TO SELECT FROM ALWAYS IN STOCK From Four to Fifty Guineas per Suite. Deliiery Free Train Fare of Cash Customers paid. Agents wanted in every District. L1 f. BEVAN & COMPANY, SWANSEA, NEWPORT, CARDIFF, & Clarence-street and Hanbury-road, PONTYPOOL. BEDDING PLANTS. BEDDING PLANTS. PILLINGER & COMPANY, LTD., HAVE a large quantity of the leading Varieties of the above in Stock, also extra strong Tomatoes, flUCUmberS, novv ready for planting, and will be pleased to quote Sorts and Prices on Application. Swedes, Turnips, Kales, 'c., of the highest quality at lowest market prices. PRICK LISTS FREE. ,v THE NURSERIES AND SEEM* STORES, CHEPSTOW. T STANDARDS TEN GUINEAS. 0 M. 39 C. SPECIALS FIFTEEN GUINEAS. Head OfficeCOVENTRY. I Price tist Free on Application. I LOCAL AGENTS SAYERY & Co., Monmouth & Usk. ,'U.. #L |w* L 0 W A Y PILLS -,J-: ARE A SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION and its attendant ailments, such as BILIOUSNESS, SICK-HEADACHE, jffl Pains in the Chest and Side, BAD APPETITE, NAUSEA, GIDDINESS, &c. '^W^m AND WILL BE FOTJND WITHOUT EQUAL for the USE of FEMALES. If fir NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM, AND Us H DO NOT BE PERSUADED TO TAKE SUBSTITUTES. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. • K' REASON 1899. DlUUi. 43 ^^ovea bwede Seed, Champion Purple Top Swede ™ peili S n Turnip (be8t of all)> at 6d. per Pound; 5/6 p r 12^1bs. II/- per Bushel, 25lbs. or 21/- per .'lushel of 50lbs. Assorted. Z1/ Devonshire Grey Stone Turnip, Pomeranian White Globe lurnip, 7d. per Pound fc/g per Peck of 12*lbs. White, Red, Green, and Yellow Tankard Varieties in Stock and to Order. Also Hurst's Monarch Swede Seed. and ^aS\3in District for Burnard ftniTT nmn»ci 6 and Guaranteed Manures. GOULDlIsGS DUBLIN & CORK SPECIALITIES:- "Bone," "Dissolved Bone Compound," "Superphosphate," etc., etc. Basic Slag by the Bag or Ton, in Store. W* Prices on application. Cash Buyers on Exceptional Terms. 11 HARVEST BEER in 36 Gallons Casks, only 21/ Cash with r J20/ (From Stores or Railway Station not delivered.) Light Table Ale, X, in 9, 18, 36, 54 Galls 0^- Gallon. Good Sound Table Ale, XX a nd Golden Crown Ale At Golden Hop Bitter Ale a in Double Stout i/f A t* 1 1/4 ft Any of these in H, 9, 18, 36, and 54 Galls. Any of these in ii, 9, 18, 36, and 54 Galls. A Discount of 5 per cent for Cash with order, or on delivery. BURTON ALE (IND, COOPE, & Co., LTD; Family Ale in 9, 18, and 36 Galls. 1;- Gallon. No. 7, specially adapted for the Trade, in 18, 36, and 54 Galls. 1/ Cash with Order or on delivery secures a Trade Discount. Guinness's Extra Stout in Firkins and Kilderkins. ■orvTvpT-i™ ( Saf8'B Diatll°n<l Rale Ale, £ Pints and Pint. BOTTLED j Guinness's Stout, } Pints and Pints. ( Dinner Ale, bright and sparkling, 2/6 per doz. Pts. T EDWARD JONES, THE MONMOUTHSHIRE CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, USK and RAGLAN. i Sole Agent for Raglan District, for BURNARD & LACK'S PLYMOUTH MANURES. I SPRING & SUMMER GOODS i.. .}, SIMPSON The Outfitter, Has just received a Big Stock of Garments, Up-to-date in Style, Price, Fit, and Finish, FOR MEN'S WEAR, • • • • FOR YOUTHS' WEAR, FOR BOYS' WEAR. ———— < -Iddress- D. W. SIMPSON, Crane Street, PONTYPOOL., UNDER TI-IE PATRONAGE OF O- TTThe ^°n; Lord TredeSar' The Hon. Lord Llan^attock, bir Henry Matlier-Jackson, Bart., Lady Caroline Jenkins, The Yicar of TJsk And the Principal Gentry of the Neighbourhood. Messrs. R. WAUGH & SON, Reliable Piano and, Organ Tuners, HliGULATORS, AND REPAIRERS, Yisit LISK and Neiglibi)urht)od at regular periods. Terms for single tuning or yearly contracts forwarded post free on application. Oniors may be sent direct to Monmouth, or left at the COUNTY OBSERVER Office, and will receive prompt attention. A large Stock of PIANOS and ORGANS for SALE, EXCHANGE, or HIRE, on Moderate Terms. watjgh & sore, MONMOUTH AND CHEPSTOW. ESTABLISHED 1851. B. IRK BEe K BANK, JL* Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. TWO-and-a-HALF per CEWT INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand. TWO per CENT on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on minimum monthly I-alance, when not drawn below £ 100 STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased and sold ———— SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives smal sums on deposit, and allows Interest monthly, on each oompleted Ll. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW to PURCHASE a HOUSE for TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY HOW to PURCHASE a PLOT OP LAND for FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH lor ^vii The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENCROFT, Manager. -< -.1 THE MOST 2JUTBITIOTTS E GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST AND SUFPSB. 1 f!; 'GRANVillE' CYCLES ——— mount* embody erery and are celebrated for manghlp, material TH* ROYAL fflRANVXLl.lt" PRICES Monthly. I Popular Gra* vllles do 10 0 17/6 Imperial GranvllleB 13 13 O 31- Royal Granvillea 15 IS O 96/3 Send for Art Catalogue w- GRANVILLE CYCLE Co., 132, CLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W. j JUHO OYCE.ES the *ary best and most up-to-date- e P-id. FOSTJ%? S? Carriage Paid. ■HiUn ii t iini'1f: Cash t)isoount. ROAD RACER, Atla. 18 8 Monthly. 910' 0 10 8 Monthly Write for Xcw Season s List of Juno Cycles f.!2 *?°- and Accessories, s-nt l ost Free. t} 5." Metropolitan Machinists' Co., Ltd., 1; w 7o, BjshopsKate St., WUbont.. E.C., and e] H 5°" Piccadilly Circus, London, W. Io 'O o do- Typa Wrltera. ga pL 159 Monthly. i. Usk Higher Grade School. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. 'PENDERS are INVITED for the carrying out I of REPAIRS and EXTENSIONS to the Buildings. Specification may be had of the undersigned, to whom sealed Tenders must be sent on > r before SATURDAY, the 1st JULY. FENTON GEO. HARRIS, Agent for the Scholarship Managers. May 19th, 1899. MONKSWOOD TEA PARTI, Thursday, July th, 1899. Tea at 4 o'clock. Steam Horses and other Amuse- ments VOLUNTEER BAND WILL ATTEND. HUM; IKK. FURUTPRE. a law ]III Is a i. i ULiiiJ tmin ULuU., P FnLEDMAti &C Ltd., THE CELEBRATED HOUSE FURNISHERS, WILL b bPPLY Good Reliable Furniture AT CASH PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING TKKMS :— zP-5 worth of Goods 2 weekly. £ 1° >> >. 3/6 4/- „ 5/- „ ^50 7/6 „ £ 100 10/- „ Our only Addresses are:- 75 & 76 High Street, NEWPORT (on the Bridge), — AND AT Elliotstown, New Tredegar. PIANOS SOTiSrands, PIANOS "nd Grands, "PTATOTiS i By all the great English and I Continental Makers. FXAJTOS J Send to us before you decide. PIANOS f „ SUBPKISING VALUE. I Enormous Discounts and Special Advantages. ORGANS [ rjPT1K~ ORGANS I 0L ORGANS Music Merchants, ftPPA-Krc ABERGAVENNY V/XiVJAi\ O I HEREFORD, ROSS, ORGANS j BHECO, LEOMINSTER. Established 1830. WASTE PAPER FOR SALE, good and clean 8s. per ewe. — Appiy the Oor_xY OHSERYER" Office, ask. The man who does not advertise is nowhere, I and that ind vidual will soon ne- d adv<rtisiij» ior The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. D l