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•pfrsffttal. ALL EX PEARCE^a^t#7 MLaonkdmon,; ?? Trusses, Bdts, Stocku?s Eye? JM??? Muv.Lddres?, 13,The Parade, Cardiff.  ?MOKE 'Archer's '?Golden Re?M"?? ? Tobacco manufa?u'ed?__  822 ?-?T-ALTER.?A.' ;ÿ,- \V}í:ln;poï.'t ?Imn?oi-ter1 V y Chepstow-road, Newport will get  a.sh?i?-e.sucn extraordinary vaiue for -rnr money, 4llatrtm0ntal. See M?cenane.ws. jjk.—wn r -» «rrm -rIf v- T?HE' ??BlONIAL POST"?F?n?e J ?u-h?e Advertiser ?sh?ie 'J'!Ja'l1ces;  elasses suited price 1 :,cl private 'V»JV$?T Address Editor. 9. Nicholas-s; Bristol.^ -iL- 4HcMcriT rerr?eiv ifter IS TIEMALE Corrective Mixture .u?"??? jn n.1^ otiiers Ikv* c tails* tc<.ivsrj;-| -o.,Lnem)?., .lir;Y:]'if-rti;i:o" che1 T?.?TY?rupd.n<. fntoler?)?tc??'?? i? skin Diseases from v-hatf-vt"- ?U ??Immed?er?ie???aPpJv a?tonc? Pea?on a"d Co.. Cl;n>ts, 1,0, epi., Cirliff. Me(l?cal advice oil ail d-soar-ry f;v .— M i 1 "—i.—.— ICast ?n? jfcu?' ,uu-" .r-' Y?T: Fox Terrier Bitch Fiw/ d if^-v*^icd to Ej Hack Md tan head.—6d f rc.m?t to 181, Ciirliff. T "OST.Number SWth, L Do?, mark on lef, ear ii dC' iiiai?k oil lef- ,ecl thI's notice win be prosecute;—Churles' 1 IP o' site post: ox, opposit(, p')st iionustic A GIRL W?ted, one ?h. can" ^^tTeS A and "hop.-Apply at oIt), ??L"???' Carttiff jMLEVER COOKS CPU add to jfJ^' foVthe1 dinner <L- the pre-?ration c; choice 7].;nties for the rliner and supper t???y;mti?:????,.? to a:: book, entitled "p¡l.tl' ,'n,; -,eets," glYe to all q»ks sending then auiresses Alfred Bird and S»is, Birmingham. 1< very antl housekeeper in ?s. Hirn-nn?m..very '?,? .?t," h?ndy for the land should t?? "?stry .?f the book ?1: reference. There is not¡¡¡n'l' oE:Y' and the hook w111 be sent by returnof post, free, t<a!; j es_. '147 EN¥BXL SFRV\ £ NT^T^.(I Wmiiy->p5p33ly.~ age from 18. tc) 20; slit!. IilJ11lIy-A¡¿TJl 2, Gordon-road. Card?. ,,83. -,tb Illt 20 inu-;t be W- ANT'lil:G"(;eero-¡;:en,0bort20-;11t be W c??u ?nd str<,n? ofl1try ;1r1 prefel'ect, Epl' JtY\:1::0;ft1.:mll,!Jble, î f — 'irl, •. r-s-oeetable Girl, WANTr.D. lor asmnll fanf\v^a(i Maindee, :K ew\){)rt, I()n, fI) OJ! 8.3le from lo to iu.—ApplySS 931e W"u Til);:t¡';¡ic;fO:íjfG£-t:?cenr?:i I serVallt.-ADp'y 'ful ¿. L. mm;or.pLee, Cardiff. • r — L, ..ssist in housework ,50 •«risx»™sp,rtSd™Siy ° & Captain l-obert; 100, U;tJJ(lJ.n::ilton'(;¡'l2'\l..l W. -0fÓÙ¡N'lis'Gii ;t 13, for one. haby,- W Aip?3' CO-lia-.n 919e &loll. ?' ..——- -r'(.?f"fo7"Kitchen ?nd ?-?AXT?b %Nro,k ?slee,I) ont.-Manageress ?? General Work t? s'e! rardiff 663 G. \R Station Refresliiner1,, CLi!clit" TSTAM-EWj, respectably^fGirl aa servant, i\')!:C ? ? i,ú to 13 !,ood no Children.-Appiy 29 rijirhondd'.i.S C|r- i-ardlff- 596 )} tn an a ¡t5 fL.Æ! hi. ALL-¡'i¡t,) ;l:;l 1ne: in spitre time, eaily, J% honestly, aiv.l with «eiutUUt- v should apply to .D hl'lcs'l\" an.! 'tl ceúawt\, should ;¡,pph to wfl¡i};f;c :¡'č T. C hnnself .?c'teraUv Itflil iti J.loor, l Keall, 199, High-street,  H Apply Cl?-?A. ??'?"' .2. B street. Canliff.  ;!tv. I'-RONI 9x(1 E*Y-='td't-'nl;;i; J? -furiior ?'cish 'ndi?pens?hIe.—AnpJy E. A. Smith, Ifolitilorl? Oi'mavon. Port T?Ibot. p y LAD Wan??tr?irnn?ee"?'? 'lili.I:ll\'Z ;¡;()oI-11õUie-: Jt? r:ulway fo"o ?ttt?'"? ? suitable; age ;¡¡j wages. —Marshall, Da,u-?"?'_?-?''?_  572 MTXTMS7-Armren^ccvs \{dfuli';=;-oc'Ju-: .iyjL no premium sw.r: second year; good figures preferred. —Apply ? D' Richardson, 170, ComnHCj!< 1.1 street, Newport. 87, OUT7)F eMPLOYV-on should never be when ?' you can "a.ve ? salary of from thirty suthnRs to three pounds per week, by a few houM apphcn.t'on.— Apply to Box (95 G)' ?, Bm?fie?-?reet, London, API)L y to Bo-, (cij C+), H2e E.C. T.. 'o-Ür:oW;-ltle-;t,f:g00l1-11 JL Ma.ke?.-<)9,"Comu?''o?-?'?'' N ewpon, ?ou. 923e \V AXTED,-a\u;g;'Ian :to; n;:UíTe'f":one used to V V horses abstainer. -Ap?v. ?th references and '-B?i,y :C.r!t, Co-oper.Mt?S'?ic?. ?????h.JSS WANTED ilrmedii-tely a'-ALI)ly W Victoria Tea C.nnpany. JH!?-?? Merthyr. 574 .09 W,E ¡';I(L\Uï',ip;;¡:viulay be realised by ?'? either sex, without hindering present occupa- tion.—For samnia Ac.. cnc?oss ad'h'??d envelope.— Ev.s, Watts & Co. (P 133), .Merchants, Birmingham.— This is genuine. 251 CUrlis. JEanagn'ii. &z. 4.t.1.1. (\.a.l t.J. \.r. EXP^RIENCf/d'Junior Clerkvrar.ted must be El g;IJ?e;; ? e¡e'i el';¡; indispen.?a')ie._Ap;' >ly, oe.=ona!Iy. Fnhnug, IS. C"l .1 street, Carcl;,f. ^32 ~ANTED] expei''el,cc.l :riÍ;f;.fllt ist VV thoroughly understand meas\irements and quantities, and be a good Demit Drpu?ht?man Pre':l\¡ et{;¥t"Ji¿: Contractor, Rect or v-ro^'l. Cant on. _Cardi^ ff. 710 "1 1"'1'); 1 1"'c' ¡ WANTED, b? respectable Yeiinga a:, Driver: ample experience of the' '1.ll:at:o¡t acquainted wirh t!ie ton'n, docks, and shipPine, ".ól :nt;fir£>m:a:£: G. H. J., Echo  !??. ?r?. _? 600 Y~ OUXGLA»S •■•v.rts Mimation as Mothey'.? UeIw y OU-NG J,. sljghr. knowledge of busi- ness.—Select Registry, n, K:n?-)'oa.d, Canron '\s: dif". ?7 ^QVTsQTyh{iTf*ek$Situation in Gfa^^stablisl;- Ji men't, take ciiarge oi horses and deliver ?und- — Adrtreas .1. Sellars.^9. ^'■eroi-cresceni. Xe-.vnort. 0?? ??'?5. ?'?b?Um,. -?. t'2F;¡;2!¡s,i;¡# ? A?.nr??: weekly p.ern;?.? raiJwav p..<s? go ? ye.u?y '?- .Sl'OC.-Ap?,- Ac?dent. Keho' OBSc-?, <?.?. 6;? ?o?hu?. ??ari'.nr??,  A LADY Ie??!? (1.(\ilr":j¡,. to 'lor r?rn? lor live wee.es, v.-jth piano; neighbourhood New- port-roHd terms, 10s wee'.i <no,' ]!,ghoul'ho(,;t\ Xc\ Caditf. "y.-f 590, "Echo" Üå;rC', t?OARD a'? Lo.t?in? to. ,U_- tm JJ» mu5tbea!? ¡¡,à;l1t'" ]J;c.(: .a,.IIe onng ?bn rt: htlb:;l. tl'C'et, .9'Ör. 'H' ObGI?G? t? I?t. ?.r r?pectarde?Yot.n?ri??- App*y -itn-street, Aberdar^. 'y AMY h?. < ''?"?r?:? A,,3.rtmpnt? ?o ??''r River- :è;: ::t;í:tfr:f,rl Cl};ji cG?nM.?urc.:th..ce!? ?'/? "Echo" 0;tu-, Car ,47 T EVIiILE:tRIEET-'Í'o-s..4n. J:, .1'h,'C', \I'el:-fllmi,¡h;l B", Ie. Æt fte.l:C.h,l'istH1as, to ciiree or ?ol?'. OentJ¡v,) ç l.ro.l1'} 11:(1 Htlu;2.-roornt n;e;ij:9. -Dover ?')u?e (:11:; {gs j;Uh,'I;'1;nCX (.arui.t. 591 rpo o'nnjor sittin-j -tm i bed room hot A anii cl, no children.—53, Despencer- srr. t. R'rev .ar' (' inton. Cardi! 654 ^rtviiisac.i ttt-onis ( r.e.troom F-nu .sitting-room ) "d .st;^cruH modo'a,t;e; near trams and town. —A. pp.y 6- Office. Cardiff. 636 \i 5 '■ ■ ''T^ioif.cu require two Bed-, i- ■>" i n t-room in vicinity ot Ktiy:viiV't -? ?. A ;,?.. .3l. (' :;i„ A'? d e. M7  ?' 'j' ? V 1 r- :?:i.-? A ]-. t ?-. m R ??h'"<)r 1 itr.tou no di,vctk'u.!d.'u anot h er. —iate fevins,  s 'uo^erate. ]? 678, E:?. ';?c? CHrd?ft. ??-g ,c. ,1 ¡J if c t. ifydon Teu-voomed tu to T.et," Park-ter^ ce ? »Zà:t:(ifFl tomi.—Anplv 7, If;l¿t£: dens, Roa-th. ('ardiif. (,ko npc ;-l:i Nifdl Ho:ue (No. 74) hro r¥aF Frederick- -«• .strre' -^ppiy dl. Ilavelock-street, Temperan -e ..<r.v.?<'?-?? ? 654 r1'i:Y;L'¿11']b ro ■il'so:i,Kstj., Barrister, in Howard Gar(i, en-\ < T ?. couL'?un?tine entrance h:?U,thr?e sitiaiig room.<. wlmlr,?c kitchens, bathroom, and live bedrooms. — 1 o view, apply 011 the premises. ?93 b4;ii;;f?:;E:¡; ?- goo? Ctmrhtion ? 6d per week.—Kvans ond .Uugh(' 5?4 .q. '4tc.?:- '?c?s:?, ?r.??ntri?. ??AjRTH.—V!U"Rcsid?ncp, n? I?YthM??vo ( bedrooms bathroom, with hot and cold water, -H>ensable. ??.nit?ry :ur¡tngément must be perfect. £ 40 to £ 50. Near station preferred.—Laugher, "jlhyfryd, Covbridge. 430 its ^KUtX5«S, V%C. aOOD openini; for Christmas.— To let, Bakehouse for housekeepers' baking.—Apply No. 1, South Tn-strcot. Cardiff. '° 558 ?& -LL'T (f i-!?!.i.v s<:n-?ea, .the. onl' si.bè no ?, uno?cu,Aed iii tllis dL-crict). seats, gas stoves Branch Mission rrdcred.-Apply Iy. E?,?; toves -iteli Nlis-sion rr?ferro(t. Cati,,L\,s, (arclifr. TO LET, an ok!-estabhshed Cook Shop and Bc?ard. ?. ing-house, 223, Bute-road. —For particulars a))ly to Edwiu Bca.rd. 2?7. Bute-road. Cardiff. 434 .5- ') c.sT'iE:H(ÚD- CardiM'.—SnbstAntial Fru?and OO. Greengrocery Bu-?inexs to Let possession Jfm lst,?89l lea,ing Lbrolllih Hi-heatth. 623 iubHr Hawses. POST FBFE.-Lar,-est Published List.-G-L-niiine JL hotels, spirit vaults, country inns, baerhouses, Iji^weriranee hotels, coHee taverns, grocery, n d:i.ir Y, butcher's, greengrocery, tobacconists', ¡tnd hooksellers' businesses, every de?rtption ?10 o SM.OOO lons arranged. Con- sultations free.—John Downing, F. A. I., Hotel Pub- 1134{p s' Valuer, 1. Bristol. Estatdished ?naicaL P l a,?ts, Harpist? A ? -Experienced Violinists, Pianists, Harpist? A i- ?e for Christmas 1 arties. Terms on ap?Ii' itio?l. E. I-,anes, 63, A(I- can.E.nes,3-,(ree¡;, Cardiff. 575 A M ERIC AN ORGAN. 'i'ocTOeradvpnee.—Solid _J_3L walnut case 13 stops, including grand orsun and knee sweJ tour sets of reeds powerfnt and "T"nd insn-ument: quite new; six years' warranty "from makers, Bell and Co. suitable for drawing-room or small church cost 00 guineas; will take 17 guineas" Will send "packed" on trial, and pav return carri^e if disapproved. Drawings and particulars forwarded"— Ardwick Discount Office, 159, Stockport-road, lllan- chester. 3/14 A MEPvICAN ORGANS, from 20 guineas to~ 70 ±\_ guineas. at, hab-price. Large stock to select from, Makers warranties for six years Cash only Beavan, W holesale Agent, 10, Tredega,r-p!ac° Bine- -?-ewl)ol,t 81,le BANDSMEN -We have bargains in 'Trombone,  B?.ntone.s Eup.ionmms, and B flat Basses (leadin- makers); Trombones (pJated).Bnn'ett's Bass Clarionet? cost £ 18.price ?o.-lurtle. Maker and Pepairer, 0-dpn'. str!i.<k, Manchester. "01 BALLS Banquet. ?-c Cltrence Sti?iiig Jt? Band. Patronised to Plav before H.R H Prince A?r?ictor?-Ada.a-treet: Cardiff. 576 ?HHAP MUSIC??Vhis??he?ogie?an?'- .J "Sonl{ that '?'? my heart Daisy .ka" ?-"?'?'?n.ty Maiden-sPrayer"- I-araway. Tom Bowimg Anchor's Weighed  -?.tute Wilil-?4" ',Val'Lz." T?Mnce each, post tree. Hundreds of others.-Jones D43, Coni!1'l'-lI1il1m: —?"'le., ?t.j, ?O?HRTINA?OLO?TwonM 'like to correspond J ?'??"???? ??e busmess.-ApPlY Con- I <él'L¡a,' Echo?pt?ce. Cardifr. ?  P^e; ?' Toi^n^riy-i-t F i.4 10s. Very chetp only 35s.-Barnett and Son, 6, Caroline-street^ Cardiff. I :-1"'I"AiÜXND-f'celeb;.a:tÆ;i-Pi:1nos, awarderl :Ü\oe; Med?lLdmburgh Exhibition, 25 to 50 Kuinea. hole?gent..MpyM.MuH?se]?r.C;owbr!(tge-rd.,?'ardin-: t «T ?. ^^ATT, Tuner and Renovator of Pianos,  over3°years'  40, )ía!"treet!2a1'ditr, 683 xMV.l Kl^ F- GA?RETT7Tianr?e?TuiMr'"?nd ?i RepaZire\r r A?any-road, Cardiff over 12 vears' Prmc.palj uner  to Messrs R? llea?& Sons 726 PIANOFORTE, iron frame, check ?tion. )mT P nr ^ainnt, panel front ???cent tone genuine • ^v price, ^eM;^lS^' 25 guineas offered for 14 ?rdi? ? ?' ?" ?'"?'' Cowbr?ge-r?d. Cl1'(¡¡tf. 266 PL^C!F°^T^ iV0!\frame- check action. ^valnut I 1 L\?\L .OFORTE," iron frame, cheëIaction<1Innt I .? i-ioa"- V pnnel '?? senuine; list price, 40 ¡!;l1ineas; cash, oi guineas; offered 14 days.- ?'?_?_ 266 )IIANOI,'O ?Tl,, geiiil;ne; list price; 36 g-llineas; 16 e?neas:fun compass, tri- Cardiif C Ped?.-Moyns, Cowbridge-road, Car(Iii' 266 t. 266 — I:— >Ii0PIAi'(?S 33' Castle-arcade, Cardi?? Thf' cheapest house in South ?.Ues for cash buyers; 6Jp2r cent. discount.. 686 1-]7j'I,-C'-the v?oll wtInut, i- °i ?'?'??.e?.; bargain.- "v;~ Ctsti?? AA vcade, Cardiff. J-5iAXO. e!e.?ant ?ngircla?r upri?ht???''ove? ?,-?'"S' ?'e? modern ?n-ovement; list pnce, L/0 gu,i;n„eas cjwh,, 23 guineas. Castle Arcade, Car- ?IANO.-E!pgantir.,n'Fn?7 ?heck"action7?? PI^" J t???e ??' ?PMvcments co?t 42 gineas cashl8?uinea.??,?a.st!e Arcade, Cardiff. -ii IA Ime overstmngcheck action all j, -b the latest Improvement* list price, 60 Kuineas cas',i l?r.ce, 26 Castle Arcade, Cardiff. I ]:>Itk f1;:t:Ife4f){;eaF'o,;g: ?" ciiec.>. -???" ? ?'? price, 45 guineas cash, £ 20. Arca("e,li-,t. 45 ca.?7-it, ? 2 C 9JHANO-E[eK&nt, irotrirame, '"overst?nt? r?ir ?he II J: iS "nprovements list price, 55 guineas nett c.' sh, ? gun)ea-?-65. Castle Arcade, Canliff. tjiAN6:F ;C:;i,cl;'k-ctioJ; sweet .J.. tone, '?u"<! in every respect; bargain, 8 guineas I ='_Sr.rC¡t(l! "OIANO.—Elegant Walnut'?Cotta?.7octaves' IL trichord 15 guinea.—53, Ca?tIe'Arcp.de, C'ardin'. PIANO.—Handsome Walnut CottageT 7 octaves, Iron JL frame list price, 36guineas net cash 16 guineas. ??? Arcade, Cardiff. ? ARK OPPbRTCN[TYjIlGood?ecc'nd?handt!ri:Ts- Jt! mead Piano to be Soh1: a bargain.—Kennard an rf Co. '#. Omrcb-street. Cardin'.—Price. !g:tS, 66 ??AXTED.l?rchaMrs?orthe '?t'StandnTd?ttd Popular Music dancea, polkas, song?. etc. no better to ?e bought elsewhere will send 20$ worth post free for J?M.?B?Maehan. Pentrc. Rhondda. 586 WHAT Ofr"for .Rrah?C?net?yiti7sM,,? and ? V case complete ? Also (;oncer Flute, eM? Ws' ?l;'ark?'!d?p!ace?Mainay._Cardit?. ° ?7 K GUINEAS Cash. S.stop Organ'Harmomum:7?d 5 tmlC, rosewood case; genuine bare-Bin—?',vn. Mudic Seuer, Cowbridge-road Cardiff. s? ISxqjjcks, ^rxmks,7 LARGE Stock Safetys, Bicycles, ■ ricycles to be .1:)J,; 0 t: \j, D le, 1." ç", l.. J JLj) ciearcci, regardless of cost; no vaasonable offer reined, lor 1411ays only.-Morris Bros., Cycle Works,' Poll, 51 WANTED a good Safety Bicycle must be cheap. Apply 123, Wellington street, Canton, -¡:1 -==- cr:ï:£5, 1Ciht fl1dt, rr-ia FOR SALE, Bay COP, 13,2, Tory fast, warranted ? S(™!a' 6 -j old, cheap.—Apply 37, Craddock- strou', Riverside, Cardiff. 644 \fi:;es; WTranjÆ(ood wo:n; -1 quiet :C5 c,'re an^ Cardiff. 9,3, ?0 GRpCP:RS??D?O?'TfE?.'ir???ob7'14? 1[ hanftn. 6 years price Bi& warranted sound and good m \larne,Apply Red Hous, Caer?on, New- port, Mon. s?a nHHK CARDIFF ANDSOUTH V^ALKS MANURE JL COMPAN Y (Ltd). Live and Dead Horses, Cattle, ccc., purcliiwed and removed at the shortest notice, undress for Cardiff—Gibbs, Whitchurch, Cardiff. Pontjrprldd District, Gibbs. Treforest. Merthyr Digrr'ct, Gibbs, JlerthjT. 4793 ipxsrstfiis. ,? FEW Pnre:'(ta;'k DO,j;jDg C0cknèls and P:?ts 1\. pr'?"strnin: price 7:? each ssplendid birds.— George Newland, Laverstoke Grange, Whitchurch, Hants. Critrge, 656 "}>IRDS—Hart-/ ií;¡;.¡R'0; m:1.rIJ.:S _? ? ]ength and vadety of song require 110 pnfnn?. 7s t, 1. *? Empire Hairdressing Saloon, Fredertc?- ?re3t. Cardiff. 73-' l'6knch, 2& 6d Sk-I?rk?T Is ?.-J.; (..J BramMeHnche.? Cha?nrhc'. and Linnets, green or red, Is 6d pair.— Stewart, 31, Sy?cm'street.H'?h- CardiK. 7,3:L ??O?KS';?(??.?* <X:???C?r.ari??? song- ? stcrs in (be woLl hl' none equal to any musical-box price 7s 6,1.- 'llorafray.?,tie ?t Cardiff. ?: ? FA!r??OC!a??R'Ls7prize stri; May hatch od, i?L 5s 6d each, "or' exchange Hame brced_.0, Riciiards-tM-raee, Koath. C';UiZlVAN?' (^iTcajja^escau bThcard a" Sam ? Reed's, the Neptune Ynn. Caroline-stree., Ga.cli.t. M?nging dav or gaslight. price fron7s 6d.559 rA pKE"~BIRD ^STOREsTCiOfS-street, meet h¡g 01à Jt J. 1). Onnond will be glad to meet li s old f?nd?a?.cu?e'r. to inspect his !ast import?.on of Jlartz I\Iou:itain Songoters from /s on^ '? ???NTED")' Large Supply,of VV in? M?hes?Orm?d's Bird Stores, (,oss- slreet, Newport. Mon. _? ?  ^SlAS"UI^Y^ib.606 fed speciaUy for <mr '(\ ;lA8. POt, L..R l. \e prices. Spec?t qn<-?- tic,ii.i i,?r leIt T,n(), ?y C i9, tiúllS hI' w;¡ol,a:e "181L.r'I""i.j'0et, Car(lifY.9 for  0: ¿; U-.v ,t>- t", T NAstonivhing Aiiverfeemeiit.-Bhjibeig, Pav.r. ? (:¡-t-r!IYqtl(Jr''r1''1. lot- ;¡¡;'II' "1"1<1)- ;;u..(. i'H'1.' .1. 657 jt\J:.2:;i:tÇ;ifl1:¡:'¡ (ili-C., 1'ei-Y wide and mas- :v,e, ll':?: i:?.]:l1;  "ji"> LAI UK HG, Pawnbrolcer, 2, Bute-terrace, liareahi ?" 9c,rat Ciii,b Alber' Lll,i S?ve! 6.5.i; to re-advanee 55s in picd.e. _?-?-?. 657 J -iÍ-;¡¡:;RG,-P:twllb'okt;r, 2. Bute-temce^-Di:7 Brooch Mtd Earrings 15 camt.,HaIl markd ,},1! 1?(]d) make a. good Chnscma.a Present. i I u: 657 ( 0:-(,. '=- -=- V?I-AIDE?, «??.o?e! uute-terrace—Extra or" ? di?r?G<.odV??outofp?? Gent's 18 cirit G.^hl Lever SM^rer i.ever costs more.) ?'" RKSS D" "SUIT: out of pledge llen Vimi x J?? ];?S SUIT: oRt of pledge ;ns?rlvHew'Tin<? w.t.??. 1.?-e ba?m. <;nty2guine?-? siK. 1.3ie bargain, only 2 "nmr-.i,. nctt au?I Son, ?nhrokei-s. CaroHne-st., Cardie 64? DOUBL&BAKRIBL Bveecb-ioadiiw Guni?c? a:?? cnih-at itTp, cno?o hot? ?t}. ra?-) -ad every ?qui.no a \(r;a,i'll, on" ? ? ? ?6s? .B?"ne' ? ?n. ( ?.-<?u?-.strMt. C?,&' '?ett <S;r;;st;:l':a;th' S:'J.it1rt F cently hound; ?ne.t ',OlK, ma;>:n1ll' "6* 'p Ta,m ?ortunity on!y 2 gUine'as,B,I, :l¡gr::nn.g; ,l;¡'¡' brokers, 6, CaroUne-stlget. -B?L f?'??.' ??'' ???" =rs, 6. C?aroli?e-scl.ect,, Cardiff. FOR SALE, BrRdbiu-y'^Kfn,Maclnr.e nF'rtrl'y 1113'" lH'i "3c' "— r=—— Fnearly new, ln.j^ 3% S >, nTd'?nS ?lchine, h* ? ???;?'c?e ?/????'?P <oth. ctea.r the I consistim. of stair cloths and '<In. :1.lll InO e unl! lot at :1.1' price,A 'l í1o"l( P::J,s:c cJotI1. clear he .=-P. ,l.loum)f)-.st., New'!)()rL 9O(? 1 11 EAVOOI) -o o 1) OAK LOG FOR BURNING, Is PER OWT. 9" 6d PER CART LOAD, DELIVERED FREE PONS FORI) BROS.. CLARENCE WHARF, NEWPORT, MON. 441e F°" SALE, ciltë-9rt:ëh1:iz:es;Iar I ?cnnpt ? also smaller sizes small Portable Oaice. — 1" lake, o„, Llanbleddian-gardens, Cardiff. 612 (RENT'S 18-l.t GO]I.El'l¡;'II' J?vcr??xquisite?y JT ch:ts?d ca, very heavy; maker. Dave. Liver- Pool wmuine forfeited pledge, only £ 11.—barnett & ion, Pawnbrokers, 6, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 643 7!t/S ANGOLDS.—20Y'onfor Saie, 18s per ton, delivered if .JL in Cardiff, or on rail at Cardiff.—Harding, Monachty, Maindy, Cardiff. 693 TVCAG'NIFiCENT fady^T Seal jacket, genuine for. jLTJL feited pledge, in splendid condition cost £25. A bargain, only £7 10s.-Barnett and Son, Pawn- brokers, Caroline-street, Cam iff. 643 OLID Oak Wardrobe, with hanging-pegs and drawers, 23 10s; Mahogany Bookcase, S5 3s Dining TaWe, with patent screw, 8 feet; Cottage Pianoforte, £ 5 5s; splendid Dining-room Suite, S6 6s. Edes, Old Cariosity Shop, Newport. 882e SPECTACLES and Eyeglasses, veal Brazilian pebbles, guaranteed, 4s 6d pair periscopic crystals, 2s 6d pair,-Strong, Optician, 18, Castle-road, and sq, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. 521 TO PUBLICANS.—16 dozen Ovals and Flats; cleaned, ready for use cheap.—W Gaze, I, Here- ford-street, Saltmead, Cardiff. 6;2 rplf K DIAMONDPATENT FUEL CO are JL prepared to supply their jj. High-class Fuel (in 61b. blocks) at 17s per ton, delivered in the town. Orders to Hevbyrne and Brown, Friars Chambers. 'Dock-street, Newport. 721* r w BA!IE}.. AND CONFECTIONERS. Jl G. S. TUNKS AND CO., LTD., PATENT OVEN BUILDERS, SupplY all kinds of Bakers Requisites. 3, MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 564-5001 AS7 "ENGIN FS. — Tinr r' Cycle is the best, economical. durable; no slide any size. Particulars on application to G. S. Tunks and Co., I Limited, Mill-lane,-Cardiff.. iitisceltait^aus. TT^TJRNtSH 011 our New Hire Svstem. Houses Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock of Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made; no bill of sale; svervthing private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, tetc., at 10 per cent. less than anv price-list issued by any firm in Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our im. mense ;;iock, and compare prices before purchasing el-Hi-.yhere. We will supply S5 worth for 2s 6d weekly; B10 worth, 4s weekly £15 worth for 5s weekly B20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger qnantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31, Castle-st. (opposite the Castle). CBLOCKS sent for and Repaired with despatch best workmanship, wanante0 twelve months.— Strong, Watchmaker, 18, Castle-road, and 94, Salis- bury-road, Cardiff. _h.- 5i.9 ITiRANK"PARKER'S Hair Tonic is the best remedy for baldness Frank Parker's Scurf Lotion, a cer- tain remedv. Hundreds of testimonials.—Frank Parker, 40 and 43, Castle Arcade, Cardiff. 640 ?S"YOUi?rwATCH'WRONG'?TBH BEST _AND £ CHEAPEST SHOP IN CARDIFF for the repair of wat ches of every description, English or Foreign, is 38, Castle Arcade (third shop from Castle-street). Pro- prietor, James Keir, for 10 years with Mr Spiridion. Hands, glasses, and keys. 43ti -I"T Jj;iT NG1:;c¡:;tne-b)'tile best makers. Cash or j?? Easy Tenns,-Henry Thomas, Sewing Machine Depot, St John's Church-square, Cardie. 832 ~^UNDRYl}LAMNOSECRETi—C».iffs, Collars, Ij and Fronts like white China; nothing used in the Starch no polishing iron required particulars free.—Laundry, 75, Liscard, Birkenhead. 477 -w: !iRsïíïci{.-ÜÇ-Eëä;llfÕl't'¡;I'e;;t-Br'ynnî[ffi; ivS for a lovely selection of Christmas and New Year Cards. ? _?_ 715 ,[ AINSPRIG-t(-W;tc¡;-2;JO¡;t, catIl;ill .LV lL to brooch, 2d warrantcd twelve months.— ?[rong, Watchmaker, 13, Castle-road, and 94, SaUs- bury-road, Cardiff. 520 LvEN lTYOUR I'frOTOGRAPHlind 13st.ainps for ?? three Christmas or New Year Cards with photo of yourself. Three very superior Christmas, New Year, or Birthday cards, Is 9d original returned un- injured.—diaries John?on. Photogmpher, Wells. 716 TOYS FANCYGOODS Presents Novelties !— i_ W. Watkins, Importer, 1, 2, and 3, Chepstow- roail, Newport, Ims returned from the leading manu- facturers in Europe. Handsome model dolls, 22 inches long, 5%d each, 4s 9d per dozen. Boys' strong steel tricycles, 15s 6d to 2 guineas. Handsome do.is carriages, bicycle wheels, 2s lid to 30s. Musical ElIy, with thirteen interchangeable metal tunes, ail different- and popular airs, 5s 6d. Real skin li-icycle horses, 2 guineas. Clockwork novelties. Walking Fred, 5%(1. Clockwork galloping horse, L. Clockwork canary, 8Vid. Panfr lanterns from 3d dozeu. Christmas tree candles, lud per lb. Strong penny toys, 8d dozen, 7s 6d gross. Over 50 cases of toys and novelties, and 2o to 50 per ceni, under usual ciiarges. Christmas earns. o5 for 11.i to 2s (xl each. Coloured tissue poper, 3doinre. Best coloured tissue paper, 6d quire. Clear E^ngli_sh wine-glasses, Is dozen. Tumblers, extraordinary value. Solid leather half-guinea albums, 6s 6d. Writing ase", purses, ,Iuph ?aods. bags, 20 per ?cnt. under store prices. Vivey Fins, 5s per 1.00 choice foreign cigai.r, from 8s 100 'largest importer in South Wales, bazaars liberally dealt with special terms to shops list free avoid the crush of previous years, and shop eaily 10 minutes from hih-streeL by bus. i, 2, and 3, Chepstow-road, Newport? '? _?_  J!')7iZ¡¡;1¡{iitn/l1>acJ2n'cî03-ia,' \V ttrers, Golds?orLhy & Son, 17, Ph.ppen-street, Bf).. o!. Orders bv post promptly attended to. 1 rices on application. J. G. was for twelve YèMiJ niai.a^ to the late Mr J. L. Harbour. 69?0-?le iUxsrfUaixuottS Q7!n:1tfz. C y~<\SH (fu't value) ?ven for icti:s" ,(:tle¡s, V am! Children's 'Cast.-o? Clothing a so miscel- ?ous ? M-tMes: All orders punctual. aMcnd? o o? r?eip of post-card.-Mrs CaiU.M 46, Broadway, Heath, C?rdi? _? -?VRS'BOBINS, 192, Commercial-road, Newport, (he ft vll1r'est Wardrobe Purcha?rm S01Jh Wales, ?v? Fu r '?ue for CaM-o? cAh.Fg of every de- ?ti<?. Postcards and parc S s receive prompt attention. ° ?? (T?RBOWKETTSHAM?V? Purchase U one or two Books.-Ad.u-ess, R.G., Echo Oftee, NewjXirt., Mon. „ ? tT'\NTEb every one to buy Frank Parker's 2s 6d V, parcel, ontaj¡n!; iil of hair, hair pins, fancy r' mirror h?ir brush, and comb post tree, 2s 9d.~ F?'kPa.rker, CMtIc Arcade, Cardiff. Send pattern for hair.  ?9 ??T?'ANl?D by a yonng Lady, a morning tuition for ?V young children,-Apply C., 59), Echo" OflkC' Cardiff ^0 g:diffl\i';D, a Customer for Mayhem's .7'J ??' Doctor," beau-L?'r.Hy illustrated with ovr 400 c'tt? 1390; 17th edJt.wn, beautifully bound; published "t 2,1 ?!! '?Hd it free for 103 postai onIûr-B Meehan, Pentre Rhondda. n- 5S5 ,c"ÍorV 'AN'l'ED, B5,000 worth of Left-off Cl()thin" of yy every description Furniture, &c.— Mrand'Mrs Vince, 29 and 53 Wyndhim Arcade, Cardiff, 457 HI II OC* ;(,1lHtn. ORROWl-'B>S in want o; money from a rtrietiy > private source, free from annoyance, fraiubilAn't i fees (extracted under some pretext or other) and the routIne ot loan office agents, &e., are invited to write fully as to position, income, Ac., when, if sett-fie torv, the money will oe advanced in a few hours '— Apply Charles Clayton, 21, Goat-street, Swansea -n- 78i0-697e *i>t-> AD UPWARDS ADVANCED to liO't; H< vr.DERS, MECHANICS U' &0 AND OVIll'i'M, ?ONTHEIK' OWN co No preliminary fz'('le ? -? borr1 o'wWeUrss' convenience, by l Sill. ,)()!'rowns 71 .?r J. P. THOMPSON 7-' ApAJ.I-STREET, CA?hFF ??,?, ??- ?? ?_Wedn3?y., 9 to 2 82 '1\ irON EY ].ent Írom J.'c, Bf ° rn^e hf^'iSf -?.? ^50? ?t r a ^«u^ of liers on promissory ^tote aiv^PS(iS'0lderSan'1 eription are made 1\nles h1sil1" ) cal'es of a,ny des- one reouiving a strietlv m-ivn ►c t „ ny, own name. Distance no object 'Tn r-hol i-oriowers the usual publicity ami loan'lne should apply to Phillip Ü't:"t't <11n Potiwe routine shonI¡l T'rifd, 1, en'11.squaTc, Pont,y. COMMn? f A AI)V ANCE 3O:-  £500w, e; I1 -'SITf REET, CARDIFF. £ 3 to "oni p-o<v?!lu,ecl ? the ?me day?s applied for bv ^^jfon)a! g'euGl8men tradesmen, ? ???.?P?au:???- ——————- I V^V- ^eIy ° u LIe detest. secrecy being obtierredoiinw 10uera'e'ail(^ no enquiry or other fees charge.! mi SS^sh <Ldvance<L (?ountrv ap?I.ca- ?thout dda.y. Apply personaUy or bo> v lieetktter r w I'. ,Mr L. JOSEPH, ??"???lILAD?AN?' BANK, — ly, QUA?-STHELT. CARDIFF. jÙ9 cii;; to 'tJ-; -'V l0 £ 500, to b fanners, l1ake g?dcnr; 'ol,dors, ?? ?'?" ?eneraUy in strict co? ?? i'1 'tnout pubHci.y no preliminarv fees oslw *-or-—Apply to \V uham Thornley, Lundy th'?rn? C.MrphiUy. t)?-2554 Ü ii:î1-£i;R:lÜ)lFF. -J l ished '?' 40 vears. -5 TO ANY AMOUNT ADVANCED, "n '!?y of applying, to ail classes, as usua!, without oil. p. ",ni. '1,¡,íi) tl;c s(':itiy d ], ]; no Jeet. Town business .msacted' at a great reduc- 'on. Trade biHs discouni ed.—Apply ■ LOUIS BARNETT,  73?141__ 9? Caroline-street, Cardiff lf\b:T];-Of; S\L <1IJ;lC-Sj6f.: MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND ALOXE, m Sum. from to National Mercantile Bank, Baldwin-street, Bristol.—The Directors of this old-established, well-known office, having large available funds, offer unusual facilities to all respectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent asistanee. Cash in amounts from B20 to £3,000 is advanced in all parts of the kingdom, without sureties, delay, or publicity, Q1ld on the 1Iecllnty only of thl) horrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or ouarfcerly instalments, extending over a period of time conyeni2nt. to the borrower or the prmcipal may remain so long as the interest is paid. No bills 01 sale taken, and the transactions are not published in any newspaper or gazette.—Apply, stating amount reauired, to Mr T. C. Milburn, General Manager. 887e ?MPORTANT?o ?-Tner? and  others.—Money ad- ? vanccd without delay in town or country from £ 10 to £1,000 to Farmers, Cowkeepers, Householders (male or female) on noto of hand alone, without sureties no bills of sale; low interest easy payments strictest privacy no law costs; no fees. Being engaged in country business, applicants had better write to Howell Griffiths, 6, Rope Walk-road, Llanelly. 7816-696e I s7"F.CELDrNG ifi & CO., LIFTED, ADVANCE DAILY sums to Bl.OCO. M E T H 0 D OF BUSINESS FAUt INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. NO DELAY. ABSOLUTE PRIYACY. NO SURETIES. Trade. Bill-, Discounted. Prospectuses and particulars free.—-Apply te Secretary, 18. CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. 36 )NEY?CR?)\\ N?.OAN TJTJCF? ON'Tlns'"wiTHOU'L1 M( )N 1'Y^—CR7)\V N"1/JAN J!? AND DISCOUNT OFFICE.—CMhimmediateJv Lent, from BIO to any amount, ?t lower interest than charged by others, to Male or Female BOITower. Farmers, Gardners, Carriers, C'owkers DajrYn;n Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, Clerks, Schoolmasters,Clergy- men, Doctors, and all other Professional Gentlemen, Lodgmghonse-keepors, Private Householders, and others, on df'Jr ovm security (without boDdsmen) and Note,of. hanr1 alone, repayable by very easy insÜdments to suit I every case borrower's own convenience. AU communications, hy letter or 01 h'rwis.e, kept, in strict confidence. Applicants waited upon at their own 10mes, by appointment, with the cash required. All Illf01:ma,:on free. Distance no object. 0 genuine ?phc<Uion ever refused. If yon cannot borrow money from us you cannot do so eJsewhere,-Apply to the Manager, 5, Rotunda Buildings (first floor), St. Marv- street, Cardiff. Close to G.W.R. Station. 436c MRA^RMONEY !—A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN J.II.. IS prepared to make advances in sums of £ 10 to jB500 to fanners, contractors, cab proprietors, trades- men, cow keepers, hop growers, and all classes of householders generally, upon their note of hand alone. No loan office routine. No bills of sale taken. Repay- ments to suit borrowers' convenience. No publicity —Apply in confidence (by letter only) to W. Ii, Tothill, 4, Depot-street, Newport, Men 611 e Anmsmenia. fjl H E A T R S IOYAL ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24 (CHRISTMAS EVE), N EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE g IEAT PRODUCTION of Mr EDWARD FLi .i CHER'S 10th MAGNIFICENT COMICAL CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, entitled—The Wonder- ful Adventures of gINBAD THE gAILOR, K,3 OR k9 HARLEQUIN, THE WICKED LITTLE OLD .MAN OF THE SEA. THE EM F I RE. j Manager .OSW.H,D STOLL. EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EIPntE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPU'E EMPIKE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE [ EMPIRE EMPIRE [ EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE RUPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE TO-NIGHT. THE STRONGEST MAN OX EARTH. C. A. g A M P S 0 N THE CHAIN BREAKER, from THE ROYAL AQUARIUM, LONDON A. S A N D 0 W and his pupil L 0 R I S HERCULES AND SAMSON, (Bros McCann), CYCLOPS AND VULCAN are all coming to THE bv seeing each in turn you will be able to compare LLlf In addition to SAMPSON TO-NIGHT, THE NOVELTY OF THE AGE- A Marvellous Production for a Variety Theatre—The W A T E R SPECTACLE REAL WATER! REAL BOATS REAL DUCKS! REAL RAIN' Varieties by oth, er able Artistes. NO ADVANCE in the LOW PRICES CHARGED for the BEST ENTERTAINMENT OUT OF LONDON. 456 -u_ J-OHN SANGElt AND ROYAL CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE, PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT at 7.30, ENTIRE CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE. THE STAR TROUPE OF LADY AND GENTLE- MEN EQUESTRIANS. THE EDUCATED STUD OF HORSES AND PONIES. THE WONDERF UL RIDING LTON. THE MARVELLOUS BLONDIN BEAR, THE CHALLENGE HERD OF DANCING MILITARY. MUSICAL, AND CLOWN ELEPHANTS. The IRREPRESSIBLE CLOWNS and HllOTESQFES, and without doubt the LARGEST AND BEST EOUESTRIAN* PERFORMANCE IN THE WORLD. Illuminated Morning Performance on WFDNFSD A v Dec. 24, Equal in every respect to the Evening, Commencing at 2.30. Prices :-ThreR ShiUin? Two Shili; Sllil- ling, an,1 Sixpence. Chibh-en ?dertOn.' of a?ite Half-price to all parts excent (iiiw V » b <nay booked ? Thompson and Shackell's NOTICE-WiU be Produced on WEDNESDAY Evening:, e Dec. 24th, R,nd every :dternoon and evening till further nol?ice, A GRAND AQUATIC CARNIVAL In which, the Ar? will be flooded with 40,000 galIons of Real Water. See Posters, Bills, and Advts. 14316-7910-747 QULONIAL HAIJL, CARDIFF BIRRELL'S XEW GREAT DIORAMA OF SCOTLAND AnC, Grtiid SCOTCH CONCERT Byt? ROYAL I CALEDONIA i'N J MINSTRHJLS -w- 675 Commencing with Christmas ty, for a Vei" Short Season onJv. Afternoon Performance on Christmas Day (Thursday, Dec. 25), Iridav, 2o, Saturday, 27, Monaay, 29, &c. Admission, 3s, 2s, Is, and 6d family tickets, a dmitting tive to (-0 35 seats, lOG 6(1 or five to 2s seats, 3s 6d. Tickets and plan at Messrs Thompson & Shackell's. _j?a?s ? ?uEiinn. $«axk:KOOMS,^cardiff\ -? ???"? < ???'??'? I-UR?ISKING. M -??.. ?'lOORE & CO. are instructed l?ic to SFl -,L l?y ADCTIOX, on Friday', &ttnr- div t \Tr„?,i''1! ,Tnuesday, Dec. 19, 20, 22,and 23, a li-e v FU!tNI- ] U Rl<, and other EI1:C[' "ii?c cac h da,y at 2 and 7.3C.  EYESIGHT, .LJ .{ XX1. I),lily KXpft-iftice proves that JMPERFKCT GLASSES, TV'.rsthei; wilh HAPHAZARD PLAN OF SELECTION (x-MiRraliy ttnpic.yed by the rrtsre Vendor, are frequently the cmnse of THOUSANDS OF PERSONS uS'Ting P-iMrt.infint. or tl TOTAL LOSS OF SIGHT, SPKO l'AOLES scientifically adapted to assist ;>n i wtmig'hei) t.be Wrtek^st Sight- by J. 11. WOOD, PRACTICAL 0 P T I ilAN, IjASTLK ^RCADF. J J OPPOSITE" DOROTHY CAFE, O MM) IFF. 177,' Special o/rtention to young persons suffering from Myopia or Short Sight. í. REAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE ILx WINTER TRADE. My Shop and my Stock are worth coming to see, while name and the fame of my celebrated 5s lid MEN'S BOOTS arc rapidly spreading over hill and dale. LACE BOOTS, ELASTIC SIDE, AND HOBNAIL DERBY'S, all at one price, 5s lid. THE REPAIRING TRADE A COMPLETE" SUCCESS. WHILE YOU WAIT A comfortable Waiting-room, Slippers, and Newspapers provided. Ladies' Hoots soled it heeled, Is 6d Men's do. do., 2s 6tl LADIES' DEPARTMENT. One of the most magnificent, stocks of all kinds of MKN'S, WOMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS in Cardiff, and at prices defying all competition. LADIES' BOOTS from 2s liy.d BOYS' AND GIRLS' SLIPPERS from. 21¡;,cl BABIES' BOOTS AND SHOES froiii 61 245, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, ON THE CANAL BRIDGE. M. HILL. 5J5 '-?636 J]SSl \'TlljLllJVrS' I N nIGESTIOX  MEDICINE UNDiGESTiON 8 ■ MEDICINE INDIGESTION MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION AND WIND. J>ARK JJALL j_>UILDINGS JL JLJiL C~ ARDIFF. 707d ? 707? ? WONDERFUL MEDTcTN? Are universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA a Are uruversa,lly :Mhnitted to be worth a GUINEA a pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of lieat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, SCU»TT, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frihtful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will lie acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. There is no medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills for removill any obstruction or irregu- larity of the system. If token according to the direc- tions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sounlí and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried tlieni, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonder upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole mnscula r system, restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is Beecham s Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, bv the Proprietor, THOMAS BEFXHAM, St. Helen's Lancashire, in Boxes Is Id ajid 2s 9<1 each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere 62 are giyea with, each boy. ,JllJ4. 1-!ií:5_}:_5_- THE jgCHOLASTIC fJlRADING COMPANY, LIMITED, 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. HMSI^S ^^CARDS^VonT 4% <T per dozen to 2s 6d each. in HRISTMASr CARDS. —Greatest Variety in Cardiff. i.fIlÜS'i'jÙXS- B O OKLETS. Yariou s 'LJ Prices. HRISTMAS ROOKS—In Great 'Ya- rietv. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.-Largestock C Hrl'ISTMAS ANNUALS, Di,,Ies, Al- manacks; tho Cardiff Scribbling Diary, Is; cheapest. in the market.— The Scholastic. Trading Co., 7, St. John-square, Cardiff and Bristol. 743-7881 LISTERS' WAREHOUSE. THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF MANTLE, JACKET, and ULSTER CLOTHS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. | The Latest Productions of the Leading The Latest Productions of the Le:,ding Manufacturers of the World. LIST;tu'e Wodd. SEAL PLUSHES. In Single or Double Width. FAST BLACKCASHMERE DIRECT FROM THE LOOMS. FOX BROTHERS' NOTED SERGES WATERPROOF MELTONS, 58 inches wide warranted not to spot with the rain. MAHONEY BROTHERS' BLARNEY TWEEDS AND FRIEZES. SCOTCH TWEEDS AND WEST OF ENGLAND COATINGS. BLANKETS! BLANKETS BLANKETS; At Warehouse Prices. PATTERNS POST FREE. CARRIAGE PAID on ALL ORDERS of 20s and upwards to any part of the United Kingdom. LISTERS' WAREHOUSE QUE EN-STREET, CARDIFF. 622e VV —" MISS'WALTERS BEGS to announce time, she is prepared to Execute ALL ORDERS FOR KNITTED GOODS With Promptitude and Despatch. GENTLEMEN'S PANTS and VESTS, FOOTBALL JERSEYS. STOCKINGS. LADIES' WRAPS, PETTI- COATS, AND COMBINATIONS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING of everv description 26. QUEEN STREET ARCADE. (Opposite Thompson & Shackell's.) 873e M UN DAY'S | 'U! J .l ..11 1:).1. "VI11J ?"NM' i (Registered Trade Mark No. 362;S THE (Uep,iôtc'red T'\lark No. 368di .< < U R E THE CURE FOR COHNS. FOR — ?'??'!NS PAINLESS AND HARMLESS ?? Tu Xliis iitfai'ibio remedy introduce*! IJJ d'" ? ? ? tt. j? J. MUNDA Y has obtained p. worid-w: C,. p 5v reputation. T?e eilicaoy of VIR' -p DINE' may ba jt?sd by ih bavin d lO itN1,b c< Cared Corns of OVOT 50 years standing, ?/ TBK which bad re.i' :od all ther reu?dics.   ? succM(.U where "II PJastNs sn Cf U K 32 tiiustic h?ve ip.iled „ :N REMOVING BOTH HAW) ■ IN REMOVING BOTH HARD U 0,S()FT CORNS AND WAK'i". Ci U R E TESTIMONIALS — J 10 R. CO'CN}; II,FllACOl\IIiI'; ?? -j?;? 1 fee! ) owe an scknowl dg>»«erir, to ? ?  .vou f,;r i ie w.,til Your •« onder- fill Viri,lin,?. For y?i-s i .3u ered a ??' ? FOR great <l"r*l of p .in from a very ob finite /^ORNS! corn, but illc" applying your remedy (,/ T 11 l? it has entireiy aone. I Ie!. one "lù n an ("1 U R E hHe a bottle, and ho S'liu if he had 100 ? • GUIKKAS be wotud ?iTe 'hem to vou for  .I i :i!prel!"f))eh?d. i lG-li-iNS Pier Hotel A. W. CA;>IP»ELL. T F, F (1 U if, E SUNDERLAND. j Fo'lI you to scvii me two bottles of \Vil?i,i:lle fort of -.j,.ine. 6 tried it myself "nd hiÚ f"und it to he I THE ,n ex,d,eut cure for corm,; I my ?:,y ? JE lb?'t,elia,i i,? out to BrH?it with m?. FOR :<nd t. und it to keep in warm climates £ ^ORNS remarkably well. B. Hu?e?s' )' :'J H. Av?.ue-t.er.?. 1 L R E CAU'nOX,-Ae /'e several im ? ? U It i'J CA?'?tON.-As therf. &.M seYera.; un i Uil'NS S".e rnqu^ted to ASi\ FOB <T7HP V L M 0 N D A \? ? ?? Ckok "VIR I DIN K 7 FOR And SKI4XHAT MY KIONM'ITRK is on t! ? <t)?NS t And?KU.THAt'?Y SfGNATURKi-i <)!)' c H • E By ordering Corn Cure" you m?t? L ? rece?M one of the M!my so-eatJe? "remedies' which only give relief, a • lOlvJNo or some wtirtbless imitation of Vir ■ 'I dine.' IN ROTT?.M?. PRtCn Is, BY POST 1? 2d. I PllKPAKmnONIiY BY  ??'? S   'I) ? .? 'r J M U N 13 A Y H E M 1ST. j 1, BIGil-STllEH'T. CARDIFF. 14000 sold BY ATJ CHEMISTS 18 Q oENS co RN s corjTs BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, DEFORMED AND IN-GROWING TOE NAILS Instanuineously and Absolutely Removed without Causing the Slightest Pain. T^/jTR F. D. SIEMMS, J??'? SURGI'.ON-CUIROPODIST AND MANICURE FROM PARIS, NEW YORK, AND LONDON, Maybe Consulted at 7, EDWARDS-TERRACE, QU EEN-STREET, CABDIFF. Hours from Ten till Eight Daily (Wednesdays and Fridays excepted), FROM D. W. DAYJ ES, E?Q.?'J?P.. M?ES-Y- FER'tVD, TONYPANDY. I have much pleasure in testifying TO the ability of fr Sierains in extracting several corns without causing any pain, adding thereby very much to my comfort." FROM PERCY HEARD, ESQ., MACHEN HOrSE, NEAR NEWPORT, MON. It affords me much pleasnrc to testify to the skill and painlessness of Mr Siemms' operation, he having extracted a troublesome bunion corn mtieli to my satisfaction and relief. INSTANTANEOUS CURE FOR CHILBLAINS &C MR SIEMMS' ROYAL RUSSIAN LOTION for Chilblains, Weakness of the Ankle, and Perspira tion of the Foot, in bottles at 4s 6d and 7s 6d. Newly" -invented Bunion Cushion, for enlargement of great toe-joint, 4s 6d each. NOTICE.—NEWi'OPT, MON.—Attendance Wednes- day and Friday, at 31, Bridge-street, from 11 a.m. to 9P-m. 7525 9P'm' C. I?yLMCK, PAWNBROKER & OUTFITTER, 40 and 41, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. A Large Stock of UNREDEEMED GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, ALBERTS I CHAINS. WEDDING and KEEPER RINGS, and a good choice of DIAMOND RINGS at a GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. Also a HEAVY STOCK OF MEN'S, WOMENS, and CHILDREN'S UNRE- DEEMED PLEDGES and BEDDING. ——— 8251 —Exceeding 40s, 4d in the £ interest. 58 THE GITEAT SPECIFIC. MAT MILTON'S AMEBIC AN HERB PASTE MIlMlN'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MA* MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S M'AT MH;TON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. h warranted to cure all {11;3c.h3.,re.. Thoroughly reliable. Con- venient to taka In tins, ?2?39(l and 4s 6d ea?h. Free by post Srd extra. IHEWSON'S COMPOUND- PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEMALES. In boxes, Is 10 and 2s 9d each free by post 2d .extl-a..1 Loc?l Agents Cardiff, Mr Munday, C??emist, 1, Duke-I ?street; Newport, Mr J. ?PhiUips. 92, Commercia.l- Istreet Swansea, Mr Keall, !Chemist, 199, Higb-stleet E. H. Hewmn, 8, Victoria-' avenue, Maindee, NewportJ Mon. Barclay«& Sons. *i ? AMERICAN :nlltICAX I PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. A3IERICAN HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE., j Bustntss '¡.e ,¡,I.I '+ _cv/Ii. TOU SHOULD GO TO THE i L CANTON FRUIT & POTATO STORES, | COWBRIDGE-ROAD. CARDIFF, To see a, Christmas Show. 1 000 CASES of Prime Sweet ORANGES are j VU'vf to be sold at 3iin PER DOZ. i Also 1 A TONS of Prime Table and Cooking APPLES, PE-P. Ll- 200 TONS of the Best Cookim POTATOES, /Wl/V I'ROM 3s 90 PER CWT. Apply to the Importers, THE CANTON FRUIT AND POTATO STORES, CO WBRIDGE-ROAD, CARDIFF. y° CQPuection with any other stores in the town. No coniie(, tion v  NOTICE. I EDWARD E. BR IBER Begs most Respectfully to .Inform the Clergy, Gentry, and general Musical Inhabitants of Cardiff and Neighbourhood lie will OPEN his j^JTUSICAL JNSTRUMENT "TAREHODSE I AT I NO. 5, CHURCH-STREET, 1 CARDIFF, I WEDNESDAY NEXT, DEC. 17, 1390, With a personally-selected Stock of ¡ 1. 1 [-CLASS piANOFORTES, /^MERICAN ORGANS, TCFARMONIUMS, And all Musical Instruments. I The same" Sterling Quality and Cheap Prices" which has been the motto of BRADER for 50 years will still be his. Being a PrRcticai Pianoforte Maker, intend- ing Purcoa?s?rs can rst assured they will be I consulting their own interests by placing their Orders in his hands. Tuning by Contract or otherwise. Repairs to all kinds of Instruments carefully and economically undertaken. PIANOS FROM 10s MONTH ORGANS, 7s 6,.1. E ARMONIUMS, 5s. ILLUSTR.VTI'D PIT ICE LISTS SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ON APPLICATION. 3,12-908 V AM A S -^7- M A S ..L'!L. FOR NOVELTIES AND PRETTY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS CARDS, AND ART GOODS CO TO THK CO-OPERATIVE ART COMPANY. g £ JASTLF. tgTREET, CARDIFF. ?. 'j ? ?/ ——— 700 MRS H. P. BROOKS, PROFKIETRESS. J}y O'TQ' raiLLIPS& SONS' NOTED ONE GUINEA x l't,tf i ç T'S' '?T?'?'? XMASHAMPER Contains ONE BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE. One Bottle Old ru..t. One Golden Sherry. One Mart ell's Brandy. One London Gin. One Irish Whisky. One Old Jamaica Runt. Hamper and Bottles Included. Address. 820e i ,tI.JL.u..f Cv u ..l, BREWERS AND WINE MERCHANTS, NEWPORT, MON. SUGAR CONFECTIONERY, CHRISTMAS, 1890. FOIL ALL THF LATEST & BEST SELLING NOVELTIES WM. FRANK, JUN., MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONER, J O ?pHE ARDIFF, -B?.?<ti', ?_ ?_? \_? Is the Best, and Cheapest Houss in Cardiff or South Wale-. ESTABLISHED 1867. BARHATT & Co.i only direct agent in Cardiff. Carriage Paid on £ 1 worth and upwards, bole ripHK J^ING OF ALL (^OFFF'-S -a- i? ?. TLr ?? *???? ?i?S ???? :[) DAN I) E I. I 0 N COFFEE I acknowledged (II ba IT S S HEALTHY, R'FRt.SHtNG, AND 1 is V1G OR ATI is G. It in the Best for Prisons M fi" Iroui W«:<k Ditfestl.-n, B'IKIUS i Liv.il- C'-li." pluintf, liui nte 15!«*> Hysto •••, &••. It NOT A MEDICINE., but a Most ELICI(-)US ,F And can bs n :«d with Evnv Mi- >1. Shonid be drunk in preference to l^ei. CJCO;>, or oidbi'.ry Ci ff¡8II. In tins, 6 Is 1. 61, 2 r-acb. BLAIBERG, | P A W N B R O K E R, 2, BUTE-TERRACE, CARDIFF, Will advance the Most Money on Diamonds, Golei and Silver j Plate, Watches, Jewo!vy. &e., &c., at a much cheaper rate than other Shops Twelvemonths' ticket given on all Pledges. The largest quantity of Unre- deemed Pledges for Sale in Wales. 932 TO CONFECTIONERS. BEFORE BUYING LY 0 H R I S T M A S N 0 VEL TIE S IX 51 GAR WOnK, GIVE ALFRED E. NAISH A Look Up at his Factory, OXFORD-LANE, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH. and at 59 a.nd 60. BRIDGE-STREET, where he has the LARGEST ASSORTMENT of lld, b^d, Id, 2d. 3d. 6d, and Is NOVELTIES IX CARDIFF. AGENT FOR BARRATT & CO. 'S LONDON NOVELTIES, direct from Barratt's Factory. AGENT for TERRY & SON'S Superior ConiecLionery. SHOW ROOMS NOW OPEN | AT .53 and 60, BRIDGE-STREET, and 8, CASTLE- FACTORY, OXFORD-LANE. 644e I :¡;tt:lnt',S5 ?i.)Ùr.£,r;FS. A. PLOT TO SAVE MONEY.. .JL 1- .i. ¡. 1:.¡;.1., 1." ..t2.I .L. BE OJN '"RHHCTV1' Hr\ICH I, AGAIN T TRASHi CLOTHING. i THERE IS DANGEK, DISEASE, AND SOME ilMES DEATH, I IN WEARING PO.'R CLOTHING IN BAD WEATHER. I MASTERS AND CO'S CLOTHING Ha "tood the test of Public Opinion for inany I y^arg, and the secret of their success is that they supply GOOD A iND SERVICEABLE CLOTHING AT glill VERY LOWEST MARGIN OF PROFIT jV|~ ASTERS AND CO. DEFY COMPETITION LARGEST STOCK LARGEST ASSORT- MENT, AND LOWEST PRICE. 59 e  AND j?OMPY. ? J I ARH AND COMPY. j FIRST-CLASS I FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT, j i J .)..ab' t_, 1 ..Ed. I IS THE BEST IN THE TOWN } FOR ALL CLASSICS OF FUNERALS, S O, ST- MA"r SmBOT 0' .I,ll "1 l\, kJ ,r,d'- ¡ /^AnniFF. | V.7 { PRICli LIST ON Al'PLiCA'JTON \33- J THE SOUTHERX ? RUBBER COMPANY, oil ,6 L ..L.d, fl..l.. 1. j ?VATERPROOF ?.LAXUFACTCRERS, Has tl?e Largest r?d Bet Selected Stock of LADIES" AND GENTLEMEN'S OOF ,'t. 12.#, l L J_. 1. GARMENTS i L. SOCTH WALES. AN IKSS-ECT-OX SOLICITED. X 0'1'1; THE Addhess— Q? '?T'lG?I-ST., pONTYPRIDD. ?'?? ? -]- ? E??,5e NORMAN JONES & CO., NORMAN? ONES & CO  A r7^ (\i: :;E-X gTREET, ¡,; kj f", A R DI F F (Next door to Empire Theatre). n." f\ -7 IT' -r- Q | 300 DOLLS A T H A L .F P It ICE. DOLLS ÐÜ .Lf' y .I P I C E S. ALL KINDS OF TOYS AND PRESENTS, | Customers would oblige, by buying soon to avoid the Christinas crush. 178 IPURE WHITE SOFT SOAP. A BOON TO HOUsF.KEEPr.RS. Unequalled for I Uiioc,iia.1?d i(-i- Home Wash in: y ;r; n. Washing Paint, and Geneml House- hold j Purposes. Af: FOR WHITE SOFT One Trial will con- I SOAP.; Yince you of it" Im. I11Gne' ?-ority over any other Soft ir, tl'.(- it is as (y.ieap as the Con-, moil est ?so;tsm') I'in the :\l\l1'k(-t. & Pure, and will not Injure the Rkin Better than 1 any Other Soap, j Sweetens and BJea"he,: Clothes, j Sold in 21h., 4Ff.,an? 7?b. Tjn, and in In If Firkins, I ap d CaFl, bv all Grocers and Stores. WHOLESALE ONLV FROM J S (J L 0 M 0 N 8. NORTHAMPTON PLACE. SWANSEA CABDIFF. -S8le  | R E E D M A N A  r' L ? L. ¡ 1 CABINET MAKERS & UPHOI?-TH?ERS. BEDDING MANFFAC'fl'RERS I) CAR PET M E K, Hold a large Stock of Excellent "tlfOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 'j '.e:; '1-, Iii. L 1.L,' JLjt. (THEIIt OWN >EL!,TvNOAYN MAKE), AH (If which js Of FIRST-RATIQUALITY, ELEGANT IN DESIGN, A-N I, LOW IN PRICE FOR CASK. I|R ON THE EASY H I R E P U R C It A S E SYS T EM. I Terms vrt-y l!1O{:erate an inspection Ï1:¡ted, P. F F, E D N A CO.. 1,2,3. A ,LU1KET BUILDINGS, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT 130 lABLLSHED 104b. 'r R H IGGS, I 1 -CT ?c-x s AYINDOTv7 GLAKS, LEAD, OIL, COLOUR MERCHANT, i Jfa J ^TORKING-STREET. | ? ?0. ? ? ?'?'ORKING-STREET? JL<?P? ?y _l. CARDIFF.. L:¡Tgé' ;tock of dl kim:. E!wLsh Glass, Foreign Glas; Lead, Oils, Colours, and Spouting, kept at atx)?? address. Quotations on applica- tion. SQUARES OF GLASS CUT TO SIZES. Goods in qniantities delivered Free, per own trolley in C'artUf? and Meiglibourhood. Cardiff Telephone No., 598 Worcester do., 1L Telephone communication between Cardiff and Worcester. Charge for telephoning from Swan- sea to Cardi if is 6(1. Te!egra,p)uc;?dr2!== :—" Colour;?, Cardiff." C olours, Worcester." ''Hi g'g'?. Worcester." WORCESTER" WAREHOUSE— 8380 ST. NICHOLAS-STREET. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. JL TUtt GREAT BLOOD PCRIFIER-Pnrify the foulest b'oou and relieve every disease of stomach, liver, "lid kidneys. These wonderful Pills cure diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheuma tics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, Ac., Jaundice. Dropsy, and Fevers of all kinds. In box es at Is lid and 2s Sd each.—Sold by all chemists, or fr çnu. the majiuiactvr?, 41, Oxford- street, Swaasea. 19 business *——— PURE CONCENTRATED COCOA. To secure this article ask for" Fry's Pare Concentrated Cocoa.' 44 "rBY DO PRUDENT MEN PIN THEIR FAITH TO MASTERS AAD CO.'S CLOTHING? BECA USE IT IS RELIABLE, ECONOMICAL. AND ELEGANT, And always makes r. Man look at his Best PUBLIC OPINION Confirms the fact that Masters and Co.'s Clothing is the FAVOURITE WEAR TO-DAY FOR ALL CLASSES. RASTERS COMPANY, CARDIFF. SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYiv PONTYPRIDD,. HEREFORD. ABERDARE. PONTYPOOL, AND ABERGAVENNY. ige I TEE BEST INFANTS' CO (G H MIXTURE HICKS9 BRONCHIAL MIXTURE FOR CHILDREN. AN EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR COLDS COUGHS, WHOOPING COUGH, &c. SAFE, AGREEABLE, EFFICACIOUS. It contains no opium or poisonous drug, and can be given with perfect saiety to the youngest child. SOLD IN BOTTLES AT 9r AND Is 6D EACH. Prepared only by— W. T. THE CARDIFF DRUG STORES, 23, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. IMAS PRESENTS .1: "'1.. ,u u J.:J .L' GRAND SHOW OF SENSIBLE PRESENTS, SUITABLE FOR THE COMING SEASON, ARE NOW BEING DISPLAYED IN NAISH WINDOWS AND SHOWROOMS. CABINETS, OVERMANTELS. COAL VASES. MUSIC CABINETS. ORNAMENTS, CLOCKS, &c. FURNITURE, BEDDING, BEDSTEADS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Prices and Quality defy all Competition. TERMS—CASH ONLY. NAISH BROS., HOUSE FURNISHERS, 7'2 QUEEN gTREET, 9 CARDIFF. æa ? H 9 2 R" fry the Crown Househoiii Fuel, E S. MADE FROM BITUMINOUS COAL. PRICE 17s. PER TON OF 230 BLOCKS, Delivered in Cardiff. WORKS OLD SEA LOCK. LOCAL AGENTS— THE CARDIFF PARK COAL COMPANY. SALISBURY ROAD, 774e jpIANOS, QRGANS, J^LVNOS. CHEAPEST HOl-SE IX THE TRADE. Pianos from 10" 6d monthly, Organs from 5s monthly The Public are invited to ins; HEATH & SONS' Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, Ac., As Pounds will be Saved by placing their Orders with them. Every Instrument Guaranteed airu ui-Tuae eac :"8ar free of charge. LARGEST DISCOUNT FOR CASH. II E A. T H & SONS' PIANOFORTE AND ORGAX MERCHANTS'. TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS, O JL (lUEEN STREET, C<ARDIFF, 5p. AND 34, TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD. PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE when you can become the owner of a nice instr' ment for the small psyraent of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjpHOMPSON AND HIRE SYSTEM. No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND S HAC K ELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, PEKARTH, and GLOUCESTER 4e To the Young Men of England who suffer from Nervous Debility. Just Publisl>ed • THE CONFESSIONS A EXPERIENCE -fL of an INVALID, designed as a warning and a cantion to others supplying at the same time tfee means of Self-cure, by one who has cured himself after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposi- tion and Quackery. Single copies may be had (post by sending* stamped addressed envelope to the a-aUMn ARTHUR. DIXON, Esq., 7S2 Heunslow, near Loado*