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PREPAID ADVEHTISEMEN rs. ™RD9- OCK | TIMKsf sn: TIMES. 'rIMES. 20 Words 0 6^0 9 | 1 0 30 W orels "I09Tloi16 '-1-1- 40 W ords "III 50 W'or da 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Won18 .11 6 3 0 4 6 ACADEMY (Sargent's), 12, FUzalan place, near Universitv College, Cardiff, shorthand efficient in three months book-keeping, month: !,andw<iting, eight lessons a.ithmetic, promptly. Kstilished 15 years. Xc greater success. Mo fixed hours. 304 "ANT ON s H < > RT H A N D S O H O O L IJook keeping, (lj Handwri'ing, Aflthme'ic, Grammar, We*h Every Evening Separate Instructions Certificated Teache¡s -Ptincipal, Wooùènrl House, Neville-street, Canton, Carc.liif. 4ob FRENCH Ccnversationa Classes, private 1-ssons, and chiidrens classes.—Madame Davies. Deé Mirault, 12, .Richmond terrace, P ;rk-place, Cardiff. 22 1rnst nni) JJl1UUl). FOUND, White Dog brown spot en eye and tail. -1 Not cKimed in three days shall sell.-Moss Hose L;othl!;e, Jiuianey. 656 tj^OUND an Irish Terrier Dog. Owner can have 7 same by applying to 13, King s-parade, Pin ¡;wenlIy. If not cl-umoo. in three days will be sold to defray expenses. 9EJ7 F;'OUND. rough, brown Greyhound bitch on Friday, April 11th if not claimed in three days will be sold to defray expenses.—Apply 41, 1Ienry.street. New. port. 965 F OUND, ApriI8h. a Black Colt, abouo 10 bauds if not ciaimed in 7 days will be sold to defray expenses.—Apply 21. Wyrulh am-crescent, Cardiff. 629 LOST, un6y.13t11 inst., from 2, St Andrew's- cn'scent, young bhtck ami tan ColIey Dcg, tan -uark ovnr each eye those detaining do after this dace wiIJ be prosecuted. 703 LOST, from 40, Craddock-street, Fox 'tcripr Puppy evenly marked on head spot on back Es re- ward ai above address. 693 LOST, on Sunday, 13'h, small White Squirrel Terrier, brown ears, spot on back, lame on one leg. Answers to name Tiny" Finda returning same to Crown Inn, Garnfach, 1\alltYl{lo. Mon., shall berewaiued. lJetlotiniIJg ssme after this date be IJro- Tecuted. e6i T OST, Tuesday night, b..twecI1-Carùif( äï;(C N W: 3-A port. Leather Pock..t-booit, containing pawn- tickets and certificate of discharge. Finder rewarded on returning to Mr Evans. Superintendent, Board of Trade Cardiff. E98 LOST, in Cardiff, on Monday. 14th, White Bull Terrier litch ears cropped answering to the "ama of Nell. Reward given :wyone detainmg her will be prosecuted. -15, Moy-;o:1d, Roath. £ 74 ilamestic ^mmuis. CLEVEll COOKS can add to their Jist of dishes I the preparation of cho;ce dainties for the dinner and npper table by consultin the pages of a litle book elltitleÜ Pastry and Sweets, given to pJl cooks sending their' ad(lre".e to Alfred Bird and Sons, Birmin!{ham. Every lady "nd housekeeper in the laod hould have Pastry and handy lor reference. There is nothing to pay, and the book Il1 be sent by return of post, free, to any address. 147 GOOD General :-e:vant- wanted at once.—Apply Havelock House, Dorset-place, ;ewport, £ 59 WANTED, a good Rtr(mg GhI for ornce cleaning. I' -Apply, b6tween and 9 a.m to Mrs Williams, South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. T ANTÈD-g-.=;z.(C- Ganeial Servant, also a v V Nu ge.-ApplV MIS Richards, 45, James-rreet. Docks, Cardiff. 699 '1' ANTED, good General Servant; must be early I )i,er and have Oe)d character no washing — ath Cottage, Newpoit-road, Cardiff. 614 "\XT ANTED, thoroughly respectable girl, 1) or 14 f from coun"ry preferred Apply Mrs Fisher Morley, Temperance Hotel, bO, Commeicial-ro; d, Newport. 946 TT4TANTED, respectable Generaf Servant, aböm TV 13.—Apply 1, Glossop-terrace, Roath, Cardiif. .626 iiA'S\TIW. a General Servant small family nurse I kepc.-l0, Cwrtyvii-wa(l. 538 W ANTED, clean, respectable Girl, ;ige from 14 to f f 16, for housework.-Apply. after 5 p.m., at 3, Adamsdown square, Cardiff. 543 \\7 ANTED at once, strong active Girl as General V T Servant; from country prefened.-AppiY 24, Wood ville-road. Cardiff 536 ~V\7' ANTED, cleaarespectllbJe Girl, about 15, as V V r.urse—Apply Shin Hotel, Harry. 661 WANTED at once, thomugbly good General Ser vant 4 in family.—Ashby Hous, Caerleon. road, Newport. 631 WANTED, a- good General Servant.—Apply at once, Liberal Club, Cardiff. 619 \T7 ANTED, Worn n, to wash fortnightly.—Mrs It Borrows, 18, Liaubleddian Gardens, CardIff, 6)9 WANTKD immediately, a clean, respec table Girl (about In), on" from the country preferred.- Address _\lrs Edwards, 93, Tudor-road, Cardiff. 476 WANTED, at once, strong Girl, for the couml:i:tõ do General Housework where another is kept. -Apply between tile and seven, 49, Fitzllo1Tlll>ll- embankment, Riverside, Cardiff. 475 Xl' ANTED, a thoroughly clean English Girl to as"i,t in Ceneral Houseworu. — Apply, any evening afLer 7, at 19, The Parade, Cardff. 447 ANTED. General Servant, able to do plain "W cooking two children nure kept good Teferences inoispensable—Apply la, Westbourne. trescent, Cardiff. 428 r .aMTED.a goodUeneral Servant for small f<uuily; another kept -Apply 1\11's Davies, 73, Newport, road, Carditf 949 WANTED, good General Servant ;_able to cook and iron. Apply, after 5 p.m., 7, York-place, New- port. "56 ANTED, clean, respetable General Seiv^nt V v early riser able to do pI iÍn cooking small family.—Mrs Clarke, <ardilf.road, J.Lntl¡¡.tf, 610 WANTED, General Servant, able to do plain cookin good clwucter indisptJusable olle from country preferred.-Apply l'el11brokú House, Conway-roao. Canton, Cardiif. bll WANTED, dean. respectable General Ser\'am; early riser able to no plain cooking Mnall family —Mrs Clarke, Cardiif-road, Llandaff. 334 WANTED, good General Servant, for small family, Rge about 20 — Apply between 5 <ed 7 p.m. at 17, Cardiff-rotid, Newport. 942 WANTED, a respect >ble Y oun Girl as General 11' Servant, age 16; family Jiri t'l—Mrs J. Hawley, Emsworth, Caerleon-iva i. 941 WANTED, strong Girl, about d); housework and to assist cook.—Apply 42, Partridge-road, Roath. 478 WAN TED, respectable G;¡:-f; housework age about 15.—Apply IB, Miskiu-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 422 WANTED,respectable young Girl to a;:ïst in shop and house work. -Apply 9b. Clifton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 413 -T ÃNfED;-a good General Servant, ago 16 to 20. -Apply persundy to Mrs Williams, 2, St. Mary-street, CareWf. 375 WANTED, at once, good, strong, willing, tru"t- wonhy GirJ, lb or ]6, for housework good character.—19, Dumfiiesplace, CaniitL 378 1*7 ANTED, good General Servant, about 20 must V I be honest, clem, ,arly riser, far cook, and Chuvchwom <n two 111 family no washing late dlllners 110 Cardiff girl-Apply 174, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 3.1 Vf A x TED, immediately, experienced cook cood W references required.—Apply Mrs Sessions. 13, Marine-par¡Hle. Pellarth, oil í1untian!i 1.11 nrmH. AECUJTEO'r and SURVEYOR h1s a vac,mcv for a t\. Pupil, where a sound tmming would be given. Small pr.niium required.-Address Architect at Locke's Advertising Offices, 3, Commercial-street, Newport, MOB. b78 APPRENTICES and Improvers wanted for )Jr-s.> mafcii: — Apply R. Mwi»-, Manch 'ster-house, Porth. "06 PPHETICE Wanted at once (thoroughly res- .r, pectable).—Cook and ont;,ul:rl Diapers and Milliners, Clifvm-strer. lloath, 'Cardiff. 425 lYARBER Wanted at onCe. -Call or address Patti, .J 5, Upper George-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 608 BARMAIDS, Under-Barmaids also Barmaid and to assist in house.vork Waitress, Clnmber- maid, iSx — Davits and Co., Albert-hIll, JSewpr.48 CCLOTHING Tratie.—Apprentice wanted —F. W. j Wastnage, 18 High-street, CardIff. 693 CULLIERS used to :;kep measures wanted for opening out new work and headings.—Apply Manager, Mei;os ColIiery. Llauharran, Llantrisaut. (H DRESSMAKING. —Wanted. Apprenfices ami Im- provers to Dress and Mantle ]akilJg' first- elas" trade.1iss K. Morgan,33, Bolt-street, Newport. t39 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted immediately, Appren- tices and Improvers. —Apply 47, Castle Arcade, (;an!iti. 45 LH.EI)io:HICK G. sTliWART, Hairdresser, 104, iP (J<lmlUercial-Heel, Newnurt, has a, Vacancy for for a Youth as Apprentice (indoors (11' outdoors) small premiulll required. 460 <lROCERY ami PROVISIONS.—Wanted imme- 7T diately, strolJ Junior, Welsh, widing to make himself generaiiy useful g;¡d references required — Apply u. Hiley. Treherbsri. 352 "foT 0.1, GLOUCliSTER-STREET, Riverside. Canton, .l Cardiff.— Wanted, a Message GIrl; every o)pOnuIlity to learn a trade. 303 OUTFITTING.—Wanted, Assistant with know- ledge of shipping trade, and used to canvassing; thoroughly.good rdcrenc\?, indispensable.—Apply I. F- Blackmoiv, liarry. 233 I)AlNTEIt°.—A couple of good Hands wanted at New l:ui.dins, t:anWt Workhouse.—Apply at the Works. 673 '1'0 TAILORS.—Good (Joat and Trousers Makers wamed-Apply J. Wills Wildings, Limite.1, Newport, MOll, 9ii6 JHjno PAINTERS —Wanted, a good B1Uh Hand- B Apply 4, Higli-street, lhrry, near Car'.iff. 625 T* 7ANTED, a smart steady Young Man, to drive v horse aud cart one who thoroughly unùer- Itands horses.— Apply Robr. England, Custom House- Itreat. Cardiff. 523 "i,\T A¡ÎHED, Painters and Faperhangers alsGM Aoprentice.—Apply L. U. C. EVa.n, House E enovator, 14, George.street, Caihiys, Cardiff. 688 "Y"S HEELWRIGHT 'anted at once young Dla, v 'f preierred-Apply Batten, Coachbuilder, Cùbum. .treet;. Cathays. 635 W ANTED, au Improver to the Wheelwrighting.— Addre ss D679, Kcho Office, Vardift 679 ANTED, a. Young Man, from 16 to 18, used to V f horses.—Address C630. "Echo" Office, Carditt.680 ANTED, good ?Vheelwrtght to join mith; H established trade and good premi,es. Wm. Leaker. Shoeing and General Smith, The Moors, Cadoxcon. 695 -n_ WANTED immediately, Fupils and Apprentices 7? to the :Sciemific Dre?smakins—Apply 21, Bridge-street, Newpoit; also Bank Chambers, Market- square, POIt)'pridl¡ 944 \?7'ANTED ?t once. a. t?ilw?y Wagon Carpenter, to take ch ;rge of repairing depot one used to Swansea district preferred. —Address Wa1wn, '?cmh Wales Echo," Swansea 952 \VANTED, lespectable Youth, as Apprentice to Mantles and Window-dressing; salary; no premium required.—Apply W. D. Richardson, 170, i Commercial-street, Newport. 953 WANTED, Stone Breakers hberal price —Apply Rock Quarry, C:1doxLn. 55 j WANTED. ()Oa Monumental Mason, at oncë:= Apply to R. ?r Herbert, Church st.Rhymney. 286 'f AN'l'bD, a handy, usefu! man accustomed to fixing railing and general jobbing.—Apply Westgate Ironworks, Newport, Moo. 423 ??/'ANTED, apprentices to the waistcoat mak?'K— i. Apply A__J?'Ecu.'UtH.'e. Cardiff. 57? AlfANTiOD, an Uphobterel'; one that can do t cabinet in king "s weil nrefened.—Apply to Francis Davies, 44. High-street, Merthyr Tytifil* 101 OUTH, 15 to 16 wan led, at once,in all office quick ..I at figure> wi,h som, f'x!)erinCt\Apply, by letter, stating wages, to W 631, "Echo" office, Cardiff. 631 V7OUi\G LADY wanted, to assist with children JL light house wort good needlehand: trel red as one of the flI1ily.Addres>! letter toll., Ech." Office, Newport, Men. 9o0 If') WEKKLY realised by persona of either sex, toJ without hindrance to presellt occupation.- For sample, Ac., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and Co., (P 133) Merchants, Birmingham. 36i Situations (lIlan&D. ARDENER (di'icient) would atteml one or two ( H gentlemen's gardens in Pontypridd. -Address Gardener, "Echo" Office, PontyrAid i. 95U WANTED, Engagements at ladies' houses as VV Milliner, Dress or Mantlemaker or would give piivaie Lesson* ill either at 2s 6d per (jay.- Madam, livho" Office, Cardiff. 3i4 ^fOUNG MAN, Üm Army, educated, seeks Em. JB ploymeut ill trustworthy place 12 years' very good character.—Hitchcocke, 13, Wells-street, Canton, Cardiff. 628 OUNG MAN, age 25, seeks engagement in some light business or pltce of trust held good positions Wuuid not obj ct to valet and travel WIth elderly gentleman lor the season. Excellent refe- rences.—Apply Phillipson, 37, Rsdlayer-street, Grange, Cardiff. 5C8 IkQtiitits, \C. A SALARY of 30s per Week ;Xg;Z¡C-mmiss;on Á'-JL may be earned by a few hours' application daily. Highly respectable Agency. N" samples "1' goods t,) Stll.-h}J;:>ly, by letter, (A47), 3, Brushfleld-street, 872 KNITTING MACHINES. — Wanted, Buying JR? Agents in every town for the Swift Gold Med?i Harrison Knitting Machines.—133, Portland-street, Manchester. 965 JIFE, ACCIDENT, and JNDUSTR!ALT—Agents wanted fur Newport amt surrounding distdcts salary anti comUlis¡;ioll.-Apply superintendent, London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Assurance Com- pany, lb, Fairoak-terrace, Maindee, Newport. 9;]. r 3 TRAVELLER wanted for Tm?liing D'apery J Trade, a Y OUn. Man to sen'e, dine or salary good inferences required.—App-y, in first instance, to Traveller, "Daily»News" Office, Cardiff. 4^5 ?t?'A?T?l).a. Ca.nvassu? Agent in Cardie for 't pushing the latest novelties in Artistic Portraits by A. G. Taylor, Duke-street, Cardiff. 69 HoDuiugs, ^parinuitis, &z. V GENTLEMAN in llvder-street has comforta' le Rooms he would like another to share- Address iWd, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 463 A PARTMKNTS to Id (unfiu-idshed) back par- \jL\. lour anù front bedroom; tel 1118 mo!lrate.- Apply The Fernery, 57, Planiagauet-street, Riverside, Cardiff. APARTMENTS (unfurnished) to I,t; front bed-  ? room, back sitting rccm 3 minutes' walk from U.W.R. Station. — Apply 31, TressiUau-teri ace, Cardiff. 46 APARTMENTS (superior). Untuniishe(T,n??r j"? tram and raIl; b1th-A.R, Echo Office, Cardiff 432 A PARTMEMTS (lint uraished) to Let. hot and cold .c).. Lath, for thoroughly re,¡pecta.1JltJ young couple (\1' (furnished) for one 01' two young ladies.—3, De liurgh-sireet, Canton, Cardiif m |>ED and -Sitti;lg-:Rnl-; required "by a Gentlem j' (furnished) permanency. — State terms, w¡1Ïch must be low, to Rooms,' "Echo Office, Newport. 937 /"COMFORTABLY Furnished Sitriog-room and j room to Let bath /;0 children —Apply 112, Richmond-road, Roath, Cardiff. 607 a ^OMFORTABLhl Lodgings, or a. Front Room to V J.et.69, Weliington-street, Cardifi. t3 n (^OMFOiiTALE Lodgings for two respectable young j men no children board if required,-Apply 3, Station-street, N¡¡wport. 940 JCOMFORTABLY Furnished Front Sitting-room, with Bedroom, hot and cold baih, and every CO!Jvemeuc.-J3., 135, Richmona-ioad, Cardiff. 458 /COMFORTABLE Unfurnished back Sitting-room, front or back bedroom, Riverside, to quint reo spectable people terms moderate.—G. 459, Echo Office, Cardiff. 45j F I K' IHHED Apartments to Let use of piano X and bath terms Moderate.—App!y 7. Pianta- genet street. Riverside, Canton, Cardiff. 466 .I- URKI H E ¡) Sit(i.g;úma;;d He¡ii'oõi;i-i, Let. I rent 7 per week, at 3, Moira-street, Adamsdown, Uoath, Cardm. Every convenience 390 OOD Furnished Apartiuents, suit Lady and ™J5 Gentleman without family, or Lodgings for Gentler, an terms moderate.— 9, Mjira-sureet, dm8own, Cardiff 1'16 LODGINGS (clean and comfort?bh ) Wanted by ?_J young m?n at once scate terms, which must be low. — Address K. 627, Echo" Office, Cardiff 627 KOOMS to Let, for two gentlemen hot and cold ??, bath —Appiv 10, Gcnkn-roa.d, Roath, Cardiff. 367 \0 Let, Comfortable Apartments, furnished or ?S unfurnished, near Ai?xatxtra Dcck Post otHce.— Address G. Ii., Echo Oi'fi .e. Newport, Moil. 945 i WO Unfu; nisocil Rooms to Je in respectable neighbouthood; 38 6d per week.—Appiv 8, Miriam street, Spiotiands, Cardiff. 432 rSpWO or three Unfurnished Rooms to Let with a J respectable couple Ilù clnld. ell close to town. —4, Coram-terrace, Penarth-road, Cardiff. 532 mO JÆT, two Unfurnished Rooms (back sitting JL room and MH) bedroom.—App y 10. De Burgh* street, Cauton. Cardiff. 453 TO LET, a large Front Bedroom and Back Sitting. JL room (unfurnished); rent moderate.—10, Brook- street, Riverside, Cardiff 343 *S"J NFURNISHKD .Ap?rt-re?nts. pleasant back ? sUting.o?nm.nd bedroom, fiont underground h?chens, Ktng'd.road terms modrra.?e to suit?hte people —Home, Echo Office, Cardiff. 694 UNFURNI&HED Apartments, Kitchen and Front Bedroom; every conv mence; hot and celd water back Riverside, Cardiff'. 5g0 Ijausss. &t.. ijijtnnÜi). ITETANTED, House and ^iiop, with Bjkehouse and W Stable attached. — Address 20, E!don-read, Riverside, Cardiff. 448 1m: Houses, €and. &c. BARRY poyK.—Cottages, ViUaa.a.nd Shops for J?'? sale, within 5 minutes walk Larry Dock Station. —David Jones and Co., Auctioneers, Cdoxton. 683 FOR SALE, Two H?us?s, in good condition, FIora- J? s t, Ca.th?.—Flora, DA'Iy News Umc-, C;tnlHf. 300 HOUSE to be Let or Sold, 9, Canal-street, Barrack- hill, Newport.—Apply Lewis's, Corner Shop, Dos-road, Newport. 858 mt> (CABMEN and others, to be Let or Sold ch ap £ house, centre of Maindee very convenient. Watkins, Chepstow-ioad, Newnort. 929 'TILÜ.S for .?.tie. hot and cold b?ths, papered, T one with side entiance.—Apply M. Lawrence, 70, Glenroy-street, CanhlL 667 1 r.) Cvfarthfa-street, improvements paid gis fittings; workshijj at back; £16J: small vilias Cottrell-road.—Apply Jonas Phillips, Builder, R'> Mi. Cardiff. (,:)2 j Ijolisps. ,'I,: r OTo Wet. I A RE ALLY GOOD HOUSE, nine ro?m?, 8 clears ?? all; garden back and f'onr; f.?vi !?use.—5, Ccmrner?ia?. Alexandta-road. Carditf. 257 ,.1"'0 LET, 7-roomed House, 21, Margaret-street, f- Docks gas throughout.—Apply Lawrenny House, Moira-terrace, Spiotiands, Cardiif. 700 TO LET, 13, Evelyn-street, Docks, newly papered, immediate possession. low renta.1.Apply Atlas Furnishing Co., St. John's square, Cardiff. 435 f 0 LET, Mission-room, Fort-street, Broadway would suit carpenter, plumber, or anyone re- qmnng large room —Issac Pring" Claude-road, Roath, Cardiff. ° 689 LET, good Family Residence, Trafalgar House, | Tht Parade, Cnrr)iif, three reception rooms, ten bedrooms, and conservatory rent immediate fglO LET, Six-roomed House, East Moors, newly ..It papered, 5s 6d.—Mr Crowther, 11, Llanelly- street, East Moors. Cardiff. 438 '1"'0 Let, J, Jestyn-.stret?. bs 6d 50, 54, 56, Eth?r E. street, Camon, 4s weekly.—Sessions and ?ona, Canal Wharf, Cardiff. 420 mO I'et.-iiusnifas premises. vVr. HAIRDRESSERS.—To Let, oM-estabUshed Busi j ness.2, WoodviHe.road, Cathaya present hands 7A years incoming low.—Further particulars B ker, Hairdresser, Fredenck-street, Cardiff. 45 i RHONDDA VALLEY.—To Let, uuo'.i?ase, from tH, the 16th of May next. that well-known Double- licensed House and Premises called the Rhondda Hotel, SH.U/l.t9,j at Cymmer, the most populous and increasing district in the Rhondda Valley, and doing an immense trade.—Apply to the Rhondda Valley Brewery Company (Limited), Treherbe) t or to tha Secretary, J. D. Williams, Tymawr, T'onypandy. 603 8WEET -EushwbS in imyortam thorougbfàre, doillg ?? good trade. 1-erge profits good living accom- modation moderate rent.—Address M595, "Echo" Ciltce. Cardiff. 59a TABLÏft; L"tëÏit 2s per wceK also StabUng for 3 or 4 horses. and coach-house, cheap.—Apply 74. Thesiger-street, Cathays. &54 mO LET, Bakehouse a.nd Loft; rent low.—Apply JL 80, Eldon-road, Cardiff 589 rgSREFOREST, Pontypridd.—To Let immediately, X Double-fronted Shop, main street, good opening for outfitter.—Apply 68, Park-street, Treforest. 467 ARCADE HOTEL, Cardiff: to Let: long lease.—Apply Hancock and Co., ],1\, South Wales Brewery, Cardiff. 1130 .= Ihisinsssps for iBisjrasa!, AN OLD ESTABLISHED China, (Has", and ?'T? Earthenware Business to b" disposed of in the large and thriving town of Newport. ¡i;>csy terms. — Address 2.419, at Locke's Advertising Offices, New- port, Mon. 340 HUNDREDS Genuine Hotels, Spirit Vaults, Beer- Jtn houses, Country Inn-, Brewe'ies. Beerhouses, Temperance Hotels, Grocery, Drapery, Dairy, Lreen. grocery. Tobacconists.' Booksellers.' Businesses every description, £10 to £20.000. Cash advanced. Con- sultations frt:Tohn Downing, 1, Nelson sc., Bristol. 407 IRONMONGERY, Oil, and Coiouf business, Man- JL chaster. established 29 years, doing good nad-, weekly", splendid chance, ingoing low ill- ness cause of selling. —E. S., 254, Liverpool-street. Salford, Manchester. _5 f/'ORESl OF DEAN.-£190.-Well.knowll Family J and Commercial Hotel. Capital house, garden. s;abling. Present hands many years.—Downing, Hotel Valuer, Bristol I>RISTOL — £ 200. Famous City Spirit Vaults, near > police courts rent, £ 25. Nearly all counter trade. Fortune for industnous, steady man.—D )wn. ing, Nelson stree-, Bristol. 409 jS ATH.— £ 250.—High-class Spirit-house, near Mid. U land Railway Station and Victoria Parte rent, £ 30 Splendid family and counter trade.-Downin"" Certificated Auctioneer, Bristol. 410 it "I Q/V-Wiltshire.— Wayside fun-licensed Inn; ^J OVT. principal houqe; busy village popu)?- tion, 4,000. Netr large town. Three ?cres rbh pas- ture stabling.—Downing, Bristol. Ul Kfi—Bristol.—Noted oldest estab)iahed, full- cM-0<?. lie?nsedlon ?'?a.?aKtrinking ditrict. Rent oHly £ 24. Wundcdul opening for pUshio man —Downing, Nelson-street, Bristol. 41 I <nK??/t.—FRUITERER'S and CREENHROCER'? ?<)?7'? (North London); returns, ?23 weekly; £ 50 in summer bound to increa,e as the neighbour- hood is rapidly growing 20 years leaRe at £ 55 three horses, VIln" and cart ,uduù"d; beginner instructed. -P.. 1?, Cavendlsh.tliuace, EasL Fmchtey. N. 35a jliustcai. BARG AIN.—Must be sold, excellent Pipe Organ, A 2 manuals, complete pedal organ £ 55.—Address B. 684, Daily News Office, Cardiff. b85 A oO-GUI.nEA PIANO iron frame, trichord, tor Sale for cash, or on the hira system for a low sum. Apply Monmouthshire Loan Office, Albert hall Chambers, Sfow Hill, Newport. 930 bTANJO, Mandolin, Violin, and Guitar rapidly 13 Taught by a Professor visiting Cardiff Wednes- days and N ew port Thursdays. For terms address Mr D. Forrest, 174, York-road, Bath Bridge, Bristol. 839 (COPYRIGHT. — Music Made Emy? mMV?I)ous7 _j easy, practical m..l?d to play pianoforte, harmonium, Is.—Rev WIIHa.m Hughes, N&utymop? Bridgend. 262 JH GARRET I, Practical Tuner, Renovator of U. Phnos, Pipe ami Reed Organs. Satisfaction guaranteed.—40, Marion-street, Cardiff^ 344 '& %7 ANTED, Second-hand Baritone or Euphonium T T inu-t be cheap.—Address D, Echo" Office, Cardiff. MSTOP American Organ, handsome case, latest, JL-i- improvements, six feet in height 18 guineas bargain—Moyns, Cowbritlge road, Cardiff. 179 | Q PI ?OFOftTM. walnuF?a,?latest, imi ^lO provements. fu'lcom'?ss b?r.?in ?uiM.n- Music Warehouse, Cowbridge-roa,d. Care lift. 180 Wicmles. (Micvths. X-r. -XrRAORíHNAltY ? UCCESM — We ? are "the (1..1 pioneers f te cycle trade in Wak. and cannot bs b,%ten. which is proved by the enormous business dOll:, by us during tho holidays, which has exceeded our best expectations. We endeavour to despatch all orders promptly, but are not mfailibie. We supply anything add everything in cyclealities at lowest prices. Our 10 guinea Light Safety best value in trade. Any make supplied; ea8Y term", or discount for cash. Our new and second-hand lists, with Self- Propulsion and useful practical hints a.nd statistics, sent post-free, 8d stamps. Repairing, plating, enamel- ling, promptly and cheaply done.—Morris Bros., Cycle Works, Pontypridd.. M:0—21)53 a OR SALE, 2 Bicycles, 4oiu and 50in ball bearings; 1 in good condition 35s each —Apply 18, Arabella- street, Hoath.. 310 "H ENUiNE Rover Safety (No. 1), ball bearings ail ( X ov?r, including pedals, with all accessories, 1 £ 89 pattern in thoiough condition £13 10s.—S. Row, 1, HUM HER Tricycle, very strong, S4: bargain. Trial allowed.—32, Cilve-st., Grange, Cardiff. 512 | C t^AFETY BICYCLE (RoitdstJr)?tr'Sa!e. 1889 pal. ?,' krH; cash, £ 8.—Address M 53, Echo (JHi?e. Cardiff. 534 ?m- TOWNSEN l> CYCLE COMPANY, X LIMITED I 113, Commercial street, Newport, Mort Are now showing th brest and bt selection of SAFETY BICYOIiBS & TRICYCLES, By all the leading makers, consisting of Premier's, Singer' Swift s, R tleigh s, Humber s, British Star3, Ac., &c. Any vÎ which can b" supplied uoon their easy terms of payment, or best discount allowed for cash. 59g WH DAVIES & CO, CYCLE AGENTS, TV CARDIFF. Are Selling RUDCiE SAFETIES At £ 9 9 each, lIew. LIGHT QUADRANT SAFETIES, £1b NETT. \V e are selling these very fltst. Our Genuine HUMBEit SAFETY, at jSll lis is a miracle at the price. As lYe cll thp- la-gest \lumber,vf Safeties, probably, of any local tlnn. iL wd; ùe to your advantalJ to call and ee our stGck. 801 W ANTED, to Buy, Safety Bicycle. State makt-r, condition, and lowest price to Traveller, Echo Office, Newport, Mon 955 "(AN'l'iJ:-O. second-hand Safety Bicicl'-=Addl'es< ? stating particulars and pjice, to C 616, Echo Office, (anlilf. 6,6 X'XJ HEELER ANn CO., CA?DtFF CYCLE ?? DEPOT, JO, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH. Sole Agents for Singer and Co., The IVEb, Bayliss and Thomas's Eureka, the Centaur, f.Il,1 other first. class makers of cyds. Several genui >e Jargains offered. Call and inspect their large tock. To Racing Men :-Jf yon want tIJ will prizt's, you must ride an IVEL or an EUREKA. Ail tile successful local racing men last year were. mounted 011 one of these higl1.cl:ts machines. We stock them from 19lb weiht. To Hiiers. — We ke -p ollly First-class Machines for Hire. No rattletraps. Accessories of all kinds cheap. Enamelling, nickel-plating, alld repairing charges very moderate. Good workmanship guaranteed. Official Repairers to the C.T.C. 487 iior U.—ittisreilnufous. A LAHUE Biack Retriever Dog (young) for Sale.— ?-? Apply at 70, Gttnroy auee[, Carditi 6&& I > UJji. TERRIER Jiitch. prize bred, also a good Skye Terner, and a few good Pigeoijs for saie.— Davies, Hairdresser, Caeiphiily. BON MANGLE, not much used, patent, easy working; ill good order very cheap; must sell.—Apply Mangle, Echo Office, Cardiff. 474 BLACK and White Minoicas, 11011 sitting, best laying strain f: om tirst pen; setting; fresh; carriage paid.—J ones, Fair Oak Inn, Maindee. t; uwpon. 9D2 -j1,\(JG from 1nre Hondam magnificent birds .4 iarge cre,it, good ice' best known laying stmin, reduced to 3s 6d dozen.—HoJIius, Chepstow. 314 j1",01t SALE, a Haulier s Cart and Harness, four- wheel Dogcart, two-wh ed Trap, and several sets 01 Trap Harness, or will exchange.—Apply Rowland, Star-street, Roath, Cardiff. 631 Ij^OR SALE, a Trel1b:\lk Fo\'Ib'-house. snitabie for a lawn cheap.—Apply Price 9, Crescent- ruad.Maindee. Newport. 970 {j%OH SALE, 1 Office Desk, nenly new, t,fob?- 2it 8111, with two large drClwer"pply Desk, "Echo' I Office, Newport. 964 .1-1UÏi SALE, cheap, strong, active bay mare, 15 j hands, good and quiet 111 harness also trades- man's cart ana harness, and heavy et of cart harness. —Appiy 18, Topaz street, Roath, Cardiff. 704 IT^OR SALK a Bargain, a genuine diamond-frame 1 Premier Bicycle IL H. ?nd Co. s make equal to new —96, Upper Alma-street, !Ií L wport. tuB I'-OR- SALE, a Bardetc's doub'e Weighing Machine iL' and Weights, cheap; nearly new. -Apply 57, Constellation-street, Roath. 573 Wagoas, suit- 11 able for Taff or Great Western Railway- A d dress Wagon, South Waies Ecpo, Newport. iJ51 Bull-temer, splendid ratter and -1 rabbittr, very game, pace 12s 6d. 68, Com- mercial-road, Newport, Mon. 947 15aK SALE, a 30^foot Inngged Racing Gig, good going order, all comjilete price £ 4.-84, Maughan-street, Penarth. 6W ??OUrSAm. a, splendid thle:year.old Donkey very JL? f"st; !dso new set d Harness; together or separate.—Apply 52.Crcft-st'c?t. Rodh, OardilL577 I-;on. SALE, Second-hand Timber Cairiage also X1 Jjicht Flat Cart, (suit ti^monger or greengrocer). —Apr)lv'Bishop, Wheelwright, Upper Grang ■, Cardiff. g ?o7t ?.ALE.Ra?z?tUouncam Roller Canaries grand songsters, with many chang"s, 109 6d superior, 12s ód.-OrmonJ, la., Cross-street, Newport. Stamp for reply. 299 FOR 'S?LE.—Before purchasing your Breedin Jf Birds, inspect the stock aL J. H- Ormond's, la' Cross street,, Newport. Grand lot oi Singing Can'tri?s- Good Breeding Hens- Cages of every description at low prices. Inspection invited. Send stamp for reply 298 t^ORSALErihree Sha«s ic thes.s. Walter Thom?? E.' and two shares in the s.s. Clarissa RadclIffe; offVrs invited.—W. R Hanson, .^harebroker, Halifax. 2cb V?OR?ALEra. bay Horse, 16 hMtds. 8 yems old, j1 sound, and wanallted a good worker price £ 14. —Apply C. Bounds, Machen, near Newport fc.8 'g?OR SALE, 4 Brown Leghorn Hena and Cockcrel; S' pure bree prize winners cards sent.—Rogers, M?ntey-road. Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. 3H FOR SALg, 40,000 new and second Grain Bags, JB' also Cargo Mats of all descriptions.—M. Gallivan, Lute Docks. Cardiff 739 > OLD FINCHES Goldfinches 1 Goldfinches I 1 -Selected fpr Mule breeding, 5s, and (is each hen; Cauaries, 33 each.—Baker, Hairrireaser, 2, Fred.Tick-street, Cardift. 6::4 HANDSOME Laverack Setter Brood Bit^h, grand JLB. pedigree, careful mother, and ha.s good litters also Puppies: must be sold, owner giving up keeping dogs low prices to clear.—Richards, i isheruate, Pr.-ston. 275 HEAD WASHING at Home mad easy oy using MA Tapps Shampoo Powder Is per box.—Depot, 3/. College-green, B?istoi. 2628 726 8 IDNEY HEANsT?carIet Runners good sam- JLv p!e lCd per quart. Crown in Somerset —44, stow Hill, Newport, Mon. 966 PEDIGREE WiHoughby lady Pug, 10 months, £ 3 3s mother, ? 3s: little gem lady Pug, 3i months. 7jlbs, £3 3s.-0., Ilighfield. Winchester. bd2 6 DEAL PACKING CASES, 4ZCt. broad, and 4ft. high, price 5s each also 6 Piano Cases, 6s each, one jined with zinc. price 8s.—Rhodes, Je samino- terrace, Halifax. 705 liMIM I WH—MMWaaBU mTHIHTlT—3——M—g Il{' IN D LING W t) 0 D STICKS CHOPPED BY MACHINERY. Uniform in J,ength, ,->- Delivered Free at 1 9d per cwt., or 9s 6d per cartload. Apply- PONSFORD BROs., Clarence Wharf, Riverside, 35o Newport. NOTICE, Tradesmen Generally.—One of the best stout built young Cobs in south Wales, 14 hands 2inche high; famous animal for load; can Úd 60 miles any day when required without whip; staud" anywhere unattended only cause for disposal, too !;trg for owner s present Ue; would not object to exchange for smaller, or would "ell a bargaiu. Veterinary examination ami tnal allowed no dealers. -Apply 35, Theodora-street, Roath, Cardiff. 337 SOME Broody Hens for Sale.—Apply No. 1, IIe of .ButP,-vms. Newp-rl:-r«iid. Cardiff. 519 (1-10 MILK VENDORS.-For Saie, about 20 callous JL (or more) (If .'111k davy.pply 1\. Uf)"er, Langstone Coun, near Newport. 963 rT'HE PEOPLE'S COAL SUPPLY CO. (upon the JL Unionist Co-operative Principles). P. Wiide, :\lauttg8r. n. Alaik-sit ect, Cardiff. Why pay 18 per ton for Fuel, when ,on can obtain pure Forest (If Dean Compressed Coal at 16 per tnn, delivered? Send pot card for samples. 963 1^0 be SOLD, cheap, a splendid Feather ed, Piano, Banjo, Te!<:cope. tw,) splendid needle- work Chairs, Gra ndfather's GJock, 8 Day Clock. amI two or three ooù Cruet.s;ands.-i\pply 1'11'8 allce. 257, Bute-street, or 33, Wymiham Arcade, Cardiff. 472 nno BAKERS.—G. funks and Co LiiÏted, have X on sale 2 well-made Bakers J)divry Barrows, 1 second-haud llougkiuson's" Patent Dough Kneader, 1 new Bonlbecker" 110 1 second hand Morton s Combined Whisk and Cake Beater (for power). 1 pair Mason's Patent Portable Ov jns, 3 secoud-hand L'yro. meters above WIll lJe 801:1 cheap to crear. Á\h1l1ufac. I turers of aIlllakms requisites.—3, )IiIl.lal1e, Cardiff, 667 '11'1 ifliscellaufoasi. 11' '-Ú'J-iNi:H on -u. New Hire Svstein. Houses or Apartments coupletely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by \N, whereby aU publicity, exposure, ami enquiries usnally made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have au immense stock 01 Househnhl Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All gooù" sold 011 the Hire YS(;tHi1 at ready- money prices. We make no extra charge ior credit amt all goolls sent, h..1I.I ill a private van free of charga l'n stamp or agreement charges made Ut hill of sale; everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, Wt;J guarantee quality, ulll willlllllierta:e to supply furniture, etc. at 10 uer cent. less than any price-list issued by any linn iJ: ardiff gleven showrooms Call ami inspect OIH imnllnse stocs, and compare prices before purch;J:1ing elsewhere. We will supply £ o worth fùr 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ i5 worth for os weekly: £2- worth 6" weekly, and HO un in proportion. Special term" for larger quantities. Please HOW! f he Addre .» SOUTH WALES FUltNlHŒO COMPANY, 31, I Castle-st. tnext to Angel Hotl. Cardiff 127; £ -1105-v{5 A 8TROLOGY.-Yuur futuf* ,i:'a correctly foretold. Send binl1êilue and seven salrp;Professor Thornton, 97, Buckingham Palace-road, London. Old established. 597 A\ TH,üJ.OGL-Love, Marriage, Success, Is 7d; x~.4 Future Prospects, 1. ld Three 2s 7d-—Send sex. birthtime, Signor Dasmail, COil- naught-ioau, Waltham8to.v 005 A TROLOGY.-Wlmt IS before you ? Send date of X.V. birtù, stamped addressed en velofJe, alld postal re!_ls_to J. Wibon, Wilton-road, London, S.W. 3S4 4M ARDIFFCOP YING COMPA NY.— end photo- gmph for 12 Crk8 or 6 Cabinets, and 35 stamns, to 49, King's-road, CarditL 657 FOH. GOODaiulCIIEAP PAINTING A:DPAPER HANGING, a c., go to WILLIAM PULLEN, (før many years witll :'11' 11, L. Daw), 27, Hill-street, N ewport. 927 If 1<;l\L\LE Corrective 1ixture, a safe find certain remedy for all irregularities.—For ùook, itc ad. dress D. Higson, Box 8.5, Xor.l1-c., Nottiugh .ni. 403 ('- LAZING Linen like China, wtlIout polishing Jí irons simple, original, genuine recipe eix stamns; satisfaction guaranteed.—Madame C., Heron-road, Twickenham. 399 T S TUNKS :wd Co., Limited, Cardiff, supply aU ( Jr. kinds of kueaders, whi,ks. tins, pee1. and bakery requircments from stock.—Office, 4, Mill-lane. o connection \tl¡, any other firm. 643 ("1 LASS SHADES and Stands, all sizes, cheap also K Fish Globes and Goldfi-h — J. Cording, Naturalist and Taxidermist, 42, loyal A re;¡,de. Cardiff J'ó EI IGHEST PRICE GIVE for LIVe and Dead ..IC l HO¡"es, Cattle, &c, removed at shortest notice, day or night,—4, Llaudaff-road, Canton, CanWf. 656 J EWgr..LEUY, Watches, Watch Materials, Hard- ware, Toys, Musical Instruments, Pipes whole- sale li"t post free.Vri;ht, St. Luke s-road, Birming- ham. "go MRS ROBINS, wardrobe purchaser, gives the )'f h¡ghe: p' ice for ladies gento men's, "nd chil- I dren's east .off C.ott,j11g Ladies called roon by 1\1rs Robins n receipt, vf post-card. Full value remitted for parcels sent.-192. Commercial-road, Newport'7n. f | TOBACCONISTS Commencing.—Wiite for Illus. A traitd Guide(229 pages), 3 stamn -.—Tobacconist-' Outfitting Co. (Registered), 186,Euston-rd .London. 179 ri^lCKKTs for Ami.rica, Cltnrtlia- .A!lkàlh.- Imlia, X China, Buenos Ay es, Bermuda, The Cape, Ac., can h had of tl1 Authorised Ag-nt of all Royal Mail 8leam<J¡s, Mr >. J Davies, 9, Edward-place, near T. V.R. Station, Can1Ïû. 347 mHE CARDIFF d: South Wals-Janûre Company, I Limited live and dead horses, cattle, &c., purchased and removed at the shortest noti¡w.- Gibbs, Whitchurch Cardiff. 218 iflisrrilanpous oSlants. DVEllMSER wish-s Cleaning Work by the day. 1. -A,tdress 57, Glamorgan-str. et, Canton, Cardiff. 292 ^ASH (full value) given fõr Ladies', Gentlemen's. VV add Childten s Ca-t-otf Clothing; alsu miscel- laneous articles. Ailorùers punctually attended to Oil receipt of postcard.-Mrs Cuter, 46, Broad way, Roath, Cardiff. 480 MRS MORGAN, 34, George-street, Newport, MOll: l' gives ,he highest pric for Ladies', Gentlemen s, and Chi;ùrens J,eft.o!t C1othes. Bought to any amomH. 9t4 MRS M. MOItlSCO, 13, Broadway, Cardiff, i pre- l't pared to purchase to any amount Tallies' and Gentlemen s WarÚtOU. Bihst price giv.m. 876 I30NY -;)]' Cob Wanted; handsono\ warranted Hlmnd, quiet to drive, good acti rising five.- Crouch, 16, t. Mary-street, Cardiff. 295 SECOND-HAND Furniture of e"ery description wanted Plate, Books, Anriquø China, anything of value, from £ 1 to £ 500; c::sh same day.-Apply Eele's Old Curioöity Shop, Newport, Mon. 618 4 Æ!ANTED, nelY or second-hand Furniture, in ▼ v large or sma'l quantities, for caRh, at 80, J<ldon-road. Cardiff. 500 _7 ANTED, £ 3,000 worth of Left-off Clothing, V» Yurniture, Boots, Pianos. Tradesmen's Stock, Carriages, Harness, or anything of valuO),-Mr and Mrs Mnce, 207, Bnte streeo, and 33, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. 471 Wr ANTED, s- cond-hand Beer Engine, 4 or 5 pull, long h:tndls (tod condition.—Particulars to K Jones. Melbourne House. Maindee, Newport. 9;8 \T ASHING ant) Ironing done by experienced v V Laundiess 10d per doz. — Address 57, Glamor- ,tan street. Canton, Cardiff' 291 $hDn¡;. <2 ONEY Lent Privately, otlnote of hamt, to Hous, 11.1 holders, Farmers, Ac., 011 their own security; advances made the same: day a applied for,-Apvl. Wm. Thompson, Market-buildings, Pontypridd. 1148 7C MONEY LENT, without bill of sale.—a pnTd.te 1'9 gentleman is desirous of maikiug Advances, upon promissory Hotes alone, to farmers, cow-keepers, publicans, &c.. whlwllt sureties, antl strictly private. Write James Thome, Cowbridge. 91-11 HOUSEHOLDERS GENERALLY And every description of TRADESMEN requiring au I IM:\1E])IATE ADVANCE OF CASH ■ FROM £ 5 TO £ 500, Without delay and in strict confidence, Without Loan Office routiue or PreLiUlillary Fee alo without Bill ot Sale, but entirely on their own names and security of Promissory Note, or upon Deposit of any Valuable Articles, should Jose no rime ill applyin personally cr by letter to ■ 1\1 R H. l. JLESIEK 15, BRIDGE STREET NEWPORT, MON. N.B.—This is IlO a company. ecrecy guaranteed in writing if required, llCO-l21 ■a f ONEY.Frol1l £ 5 to £ 1 000 IMMEDIATELY l1'i. ADVANCED oil simple note oÍ hand, withou sureties, to Pro. fessional Gentlemen, Farmers, Tra.desmen, House- holders, and others, repayable lJy ea y instalments, 61' In one SUIU. at moderate interest. No Fees or Law Costs. o Bills of Sale taken. A WrItten guarantee given that transactions are not published ill any Gazette. Distance no object. No genuine application refused. Call or write to — Mr J. FORD, 119, T MARY-STREE1, CARDIF1". (Op,¡osite Church-street.) KH.-Having; a large. surp;u> capital at command, all advance are grantud cheaper than at any other establishment in town or country. 567—2192 I' 1\:1 -ONEy'Ürél'-Wl'lT!(JÜT ]ULl7 OF SALE —A Jt. Private Gentleman is desirous of making I advances upon Promisbory ote Ione, at 5 per cent. lIlterest to male or female, without sureties, and strictly private, for any term not exceeding 10 years.- Apply for prospectus and scale of repayments to G. H. SHOVE, Esq., 21, John-st, Adelphi, London, W.C. 112 (1 O M M Jnt C I A J. A D V A N C E U A N K, 19, QUAY-STREET, CARDIFF. £ 3 to £ 500 can be obtamed on the same day as applied for by professional gentlemen, tradesmen, farmers, eowkeepers, and householders. Applicants may rely on the strictest secrecy being observed. CiIarges moderate, auù no enquiry or other fee" charges unless cash .advanced. Country applica- tions attended t., without dday, Apply personally or by letter to -'11 I.. JO:-iEPH, COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK. 143-60 19, QUAY-STREET. CARDIFF. I S. FIELDING Mod CO. LIMITED 10,CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF, Having a Iarge caPical at their command, are prepa red to grant advances OIL reduced rates in sums from £ 3 to £ 1,000 UpOIl Personal Security, Bids of Exchnge Deeds, and Securities of every kind. No bills of sale no sureties no de;ay no fees; no law costs. The greatest promptitude an 1 strictest privacy guaranteed. Distance no object. Apply personally or by letter. Prospecuses free lHl application or stamped envelope. 36 | 0 CAROUN 1-'I'RÈIa' ^JaRDIEF.—Established «/ 40 years. £ 5 TO AY A)lOUT ADVANCED, on day of applyi" to all classes, as u-uai, without bill of saie. All transactions "trictly pnvate. Distance- no object. Town bl1:>ineós transacted at a great reduc. tiou. Trade bills discouuteù.-Apl>ly LOUIS BARNETT, 1279-141 9, Caroline-street Cardiff. ,t PRIVATE Gentleman has Money to Lend from A £ 5 to £ 500, to farmers, market gardeners, householders, and public generally; III strict con- \1 fiùence anú without publicity; uo preliminary fees asked for. Apply to William Thornley, Lundy House, Caerphilly 629—2&>4 i-imra——— HOUSEHOLDERS and Others wanting Cash Bjt should apply by letter to A. Blight, 27, Uan- bleddian Gardens. Cardiff 704 0»y AND UPWARDS ADVAN?Kif?oTaOUSE' k, HOLDERS, MECHANICS, AND OTHERS, UPON THEIR OWN SECURITY. No preliminary fees repayable to suit borrowe convenience, by Mr J. P. THOMPSON, 72, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. Hours, 9 to 9. Wednesdays, 9 to 2. 62 ( « o- TO'?.OOO???AN'CED to Professional Gentle- ,'?t) men, Tradesmen, Mechanic:) and Householders generally npoil Note of Hand, Furniture. Stock, or o other security. Repayable to suit borrowers' convenience. ??N0 DEDU'CnON??NO 'F?KES. Borrowers arh warned against advertisers who proÏess to lend at 5 per annum on note of hand. Boni tide lenders cannot advance at such rates we candidly dmit we cannot Suh alluring advertisements are out tral)8 to obtain fees try them, Imt don't pay fees. Our customers can rely that no unfair advantage will be taken of tbevi. Ascertain our terms, and thell decide whether to borrow or not. All communication strictly private. —WII, LI AM I S1IER& CO..LIMITED M, PICTON-PLACE, SWANSEA For t .'Je convenience ut our numerous customers in 1\ewp'l district we baTe opened a Branch Office (9 to 6 daily) it *126. STOW HILL, NEWPORT. 668 "V'B ONEY LENT u? KOTE OF HAND ALONE IT! in ums from B20 to E3,000,-The National Merc^Wile Bank, 6aitlwin street, Bristol.— The Directors of this old-established, well-known office, haviiigiai-ge available fnnds, offer unusual facilities to all resp ctable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assistance. Casli in amounts from £¿o to £.5,000 is advanced in all parts of the kingdom, without sureties delay, or publicity, and on the security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These auvances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quai terly instalments, extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paid. No bills of sale taken and the t ransactions are not tmblished in any newspaper or gazette.— Apply, itatingttiiotint required, to Mr T. C. Milburn, General Manager. 701 ^.muscntenis. rm H E A T R EROYAL. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, APRIL 18th, DAY PERFORMANCE SATURDAY NEXT, APRIL 19th, at 2 o'clock. Gigantis engagement, at enormous expense, of inir AUGUSTUS HARRIS'S OPERATIC BUliLESQUE COMPAN Y in the New Burlesque Extravaganza, in Three Acts. y E NUS, GP, N D THEA-l'ItE, CARDIFF. Tile best Companies and Popular Prices. TO-NIGHT AND DURING THE WEEK, G. R. Sims' and Wilson Barrett's Great Drama, G. R. THE GOLDEN LADDER. Fuii London Company. Special Scenery. Price;; :-Dres!I Circle, 2s Sralls, Is 6d Bacit Circle, Is Pit, 8d Gallery"& 4d. Box Office at Messrs Thompson SbacbeH's (Ltd). Monday Next. Lewis West's Original Company, Monda Muldoon s Picnic up to Date." THIS S P A C F, RESERVED FOR T HAVE"N:' IRE I -a..jfj SM ADVERTISEMENT. X.(1tr510tt5. THE BRISTOL CHANNEL PASSEN- JL GER SERVICE, LIMITED. THE DAILY SKRVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WEsTON-SUPER-MAltE WILL COMMENCE ON THURSDAY, MAY 1st Season Tickets (a limited number) will be issuetl at £2 2s each, :1vaihble for the Company's entire Bristol Channel Paseenger Service (Bank Holidays excepted). Books of Family Tickets are also ismed available between Cardiff and Weston. For fnrther particulars nnd prices, app" y to Eil wards, Robertson, and Co., 105, Buto Docks, Cardiff.957 ;3311 in* Jmrtton. r?HE?NR?HSERVED?UCTION AND TADVANCE COMPANY'S (late Eagle Furnish- ing Dep&t), 8), QUK?N-STRKET. CARDIFF. Mr A. H. )?,DELL, MMMgor. Mr T. WEBBEll, Auctioneer. The above Company is NOW READY TO ItB- CItIVE GOODS to any extent dhese extensive pre- mises being well suited for all kinds of property), and also to advance promptly from Bi. to £ 1,000 according to value, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. Sales will be held regularly on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 2 p.m., commencing March 2,tit. 1890. Settlements second day after each sale. N.B—No goods received except for absolute and unreserved sale. 953 SQ3 | T HE LN EWPOP?T THE T? EWPORT QION.) FURISHING -1 0 M P A N I J IMITED. 5, Skinner-street, Newport. SIR OFL I-NIADAM,- Tue unqualified success of the NEWPORT, (MON.) FURNISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, iu giving satisfaction to their many Customers, has decided the directors to make the advantages of their mode or business mora fully known, and all who require their houses furnished on the Weekly Payment System Rhouid write and obtain terms, but if possible pay a visit to the Warehouse, g gKINNEK-STREET, OPPOSITE WESTGATE HOTEL, "VT EWPORT. 12 t 312 (NEWMAN & SONS, jpiANO AND QRGAN MERCHANTS, 1, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, AM.) £ F QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. SECOND HAND INSTRUMENTS JUST RETURNED FROM HIRE. BRINSMEAD.—Walnut full trichord Pianoforte. 47 guineas. Reduced to £ 2a cash. ERARDS.—New model in Blackwood. bO guineas. Reduced to S29 eash. WALNUT HARMONIUM in splendid condition. Seven stops. Reduced to E6 cash. ORGAN—10 stops Knee sweil. Equal to new. 25 guineas. Reduced [0 £14 10s cash. HARMONIUM —16 stops by Czirini. Walnut case, very powerful. Suitable for a Church or Chapel. Iteduced to 1;20. IBACH ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE-(eqnal to new), Check action full trichord. 6J guineas. Reduced to £ 38 cash. WALNUT PIANOFORTE by Eavestoff. Very hand- some case. Full compass. Reduced to £17. COLLARD'S New Iron Cottage, with organ attach- ment. 75 guineas. Reduced to £40. WALNUT PIANETTE, in good condition excellent tone. Reduced to £ 14 cash. ORGAN in Walnut case knee swell. Reduced to £ 6 cash. HARMONIUM—5 Octaves. Equal to new. Reduced to £ 5. COLI.AP..D' WALNUT—65 Guinea Piano. Full tri- chord, check action. Reduced to £ 3- 73 ESTABLISHED 184.. LOUIS BARNETT & SON, PAWNBROKERS, 6 and 7, CAROLINE-STREET, AND 49 & 19, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. MONEY ADVANCED UPON ALL KINDS OF VALUABLE PROPERTY AT 4D. P E It £ PER MONTH. CHATWOOD'S FIREPROOF SAFES FOR VALUABLES. ——— 837 OPEN ALL DAY ON SATURDAY. 1MPORTANT NOTICE TO FANCY GOODS AND TOY BUYERS. J. E. COMLEY & SON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE MERCHANTS, IMPORTER^ OF FANCY GOODS, &c., 24, MOIRA TERRACE, CARDIFF, (Near New Infirmary). HAVE NOW a Large and New Collection of Fancy Uoods of all Descriptions for the Coming Season, in. cluding Indiarubber Balis, Bats, Wickets. Dolls, China Sets, WorKboxes, Albums, Purses, &c.. Ac., LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION OF FANCY GOODS, &c.. IN SOUTH WALKS. Railway Fare Paid on all Orders above £ 5 within 30 miles of Cardiff. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS 446 t?AY," an infallible remedy and pre- J TentativH. Rapidly succHssfut in all CtHe?, either recentor chronic weil adapted for quick cure. Cures without inedicinm-Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each. by post 2s 9d, by all chemists. londoji Agents, F. Newbery and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C Agent for Cardiff, J Muuday, Chemist. 1. High- street '1. iiusinsss Aftftressgs* JONES & COMPY., CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, AND TAILORS, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW PREMISES, x -OHUKCH STREET, Õ, CEUHOH STRT, c A RDIFF, WHERE THEY ARE SHOWING A" LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED I STOCK OF m ENIS, YOUTHS', AND JgOYS c LOTHING, IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN 1 FIGUKES. 606 IS L IFE N-IT ORTtl LIVING ? THAT D EPENDS UPON THE L IVER. The Best Medicine in the world for SICK HEADACHE, STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, ) And those diseases commonly called Nervous or Bilious, is JJUNDAY'S PILLS, I As evidenced by the ten following reasons, and valuable testimony of those who have used them 1.—They are compounded from purely vegetable in- gredients, comprising aperients, alteratives, and stomachics, and are thus rendered purifying and strengthening to the stomach and bowels, whilst re- moving diseases of the liver and other organs. 2,-They are manufactured on an alkaline principle, rendering them perfectly oluble, therefore do not cause griping paill, unless there be a large amount of poisonous matter in the system to be dislodged. S.-Tliey are entirely free from mineral preparations, consequently do not leave the patient in jeopardy by taking cold by exposure. 4.—They may be taken at any time by persons of both sexes and of all ages, evrn those advanced in years. 5.—They are particularly soothing to people whose occupation produces irritability of the mind. Nervous, chilly, and fretful persons will find them invaluable, especially in cold, melancholy weather. 6,-They are highly recommended for tick headaches palpitation of the heart, shooting pains in the limbs, giddiness, pains between tha shoulders, itc. 7.—They are a great boon on board ships and on foreign stations, as the) keep ior (any period, and the distresdng effects of cha nge of climate are effectually warded ofi by their timely aid. B.-All heavy, drowsy sensations (the forerunner of apoplexy, paralytic strokes, epilepsy, and many other serious affections) are thoroughly removed by a few doses. 9.-They also produce sound, refreshing sheep, impart such pleasing serenity of mind, vigour and lightness of body, and keen appetite for the plainest 'food as must be felt to be believed. 10.—For elderly people, they are undoubtedly the most comfortable medicine that can be recommended, gently strengthening the system, and causing con. tinued cheerfuluess,thus severely prolonging life to the latest possible period. Prepared only and sold in boxes at Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 63, free by post, by J. m U N D A Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS, 911 TOOTHACHE. LEWIS'S I ODONTIC IS THE ONLY CERTAIN CURE FUR TOOTHACHE. IT NEVER FAILS TO GIVE 1 JNSTANT RELIEF. 752 Sold Everywhere in Bottles, at 71,1 and 13^1 each PARK COAL COMPANY, SALISBURY-ROAD, < CARDIFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL D RETAIL COAL MERCHANTS AND CONTRACTORS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED INTERNATIONAL COAL. ALSO "PARK,' •'ECONOMIC,SMITHS' AND ENGINE COALS, THROUGH-AND-THROUGH COALS. ALSO PATENT "WASHED NUTS." PRFCES ON APPLICATION. SPEChL QUOTATION JiOlt THREE TONS* ANI) UrwAnDs AGRNTS :-J. COCKS, 94, E!m street: C. H. CRUSE, b2, Lower Cathedral-road; and P.WRIDE, 11, Mark- street Canton. 607 R E A T 13ARGAINS. THE Jjj N T E R p R S E LATEST IMPROVED AMERICAN LAWN MOWEtig. These Lawn Mowars are made upon what we believe to be the correct principle. This has been ascertiined by careful and expensive experimenting. They are essentially" rear cut;" mowers, having a guiding roller in back, an.1 a convenient ana simple way of adjusting the same. Width of Cut 9 in. 11 in. 13 in. 15 in. Price 45s Od 55s Od 6bs Od 75s Od Grass Box extra.. 5s Od 6s Od 7s 6d 7s 6d NOTE.-25 per cent allowed off above price, and Carriage Paid, AY JOHN WILLIAMS & SONS', IRONMONGERS, 9, 13, 15, AND 17, QUEEN STREET, CAl-DIFF. 143 N E R V 0 U S DEBILITY. ¡ ±? GENUINE GRATITUDE. The Advertiser haviiisr discovered a Remedy and Cured Himself, is willing to send the recipe as & FREE Oliff To every Sufferer forwarding a stamped directed en. velope, and enclosing this advertisement, to ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., 2097-520 14043 Uounslow, Middlesex. i&usnuss l\i)i)ress'ts. MANY YEARS' EXPE- N RIENCE In the Clothing and Tailoring Trade gives us confidence in appeal- ing to the public for a continuance of that generous support which we have received in the past. Our long connection with the manu- facturing districts enables us to place before the public the best and most stylish goods in the market, and our prices are based on the very lowest margin of profit. We have, therefore, no hesitation in asking the public to compare the value we offer with anything in the trade. MASTERS & CO., THE CARDIFF CLOTHIERS. 29 & 30, ST. MARY-STREET, 292, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF 59 J lyjARSII AND COMPY, FIRST-CLASS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT, IS THE BEST IN THE TOWN FOR AT.L CLASSES OF FUNERALS. ,FOR AT,L C I A S S I 80. S" 1\1 ARY STREET CARDIFlf. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION 15341 43 LETTER FROM H. M. STANLEY, THE CELEBRATED EXPLORER, TO I CELLULAR CLOTHING CO., LD. I Villa Victoria (Telegram Address— I Marini, Csiro), Cairo, 29th March, 1890. Gentlemen,- I am instructed !y Mr Henry Stanley to inform you that-, tbo shirts were ftn admirable fit, and the other goods excel- lent indeed. Mr Stanley further requests me to ask you to send him 1 d, z. shirts (dress) simi- lar to the one sent him, and of the eame size and number sent before. By sending them to Care of Edward Marstou, Esq., Saint Danstan's House, Fetter- lane," with invoice, Mr Stanley will be sure to get them, and will send you cheque for the amount all soon as pos- sible. Yours faithfully, LEONARD K, WILSON. HENRY M. STANLEY. Messrs the Cellular Clothing Co., Ld. SOLE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF, JOTHAM & SONS, 26 AND 27, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, 142 J. NEWTON & CO., HIGH-CLASS PRACTICAL TAILORS, HABIT, AND BREECHES MAKERS, 55, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. I DRESS SUITS FROM 3* GUINEAS. BLACK MORNING COATS AND VESTS FROM 45s. BUSINESS SUITS FROM 50s. DU. TROUSERS FROM 13s, THE ABOVE ARE CASH PRICES. J-. NEWTON AND CO., TAILORS, HATTERS, AND HOSIERS 53, QUEEN-STREET, r CARDIFF. I' ESTABLISHED 1865. 431 CARDIFF FUR STORES, THE HAYES. MANU F ACTURING FURRIERS. large stock of all kind to A lar?e stock of alt kinds to of every kind made and repaired. Cloaks and "eal jackets re- made or altered and lined to present fashion. Capbs and muffs re-lined same day, at very low prices. ALL KINDS OF SKINS DRESS ED <c fMOUNT Mi) 7L9 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to bt. worth a. G U IN EA a BOX for bilious and nervous disorders,such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of hmc, loss of appetite, shortness of breatb, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, oic. The first dose will give relief ill twenty minuets. Every suf^rer is earnestiy invited to try one box of these Pills, IIlÍ they will he acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about alt that is required. No female should be with- out them. There is no medicine to be found equal to Beecnaru's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregu- larity of the system. If taken according to the direc- tions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all aces to sound and robusc health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits whicn are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver, they act like MJ OlC, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most mport,ant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system.restore the long- lost complexion, bring bacK the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of ealth, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of classes of society, and one 01 the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in tbe world. Prepared only, ana Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helen's Lancashire, in Boxes Is ld ana 2s 9d each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. 62 N.i>. — Full directions <1.1'" iiiven with fsicti OOK. ;1.;4 r r HOMP,ON'S BURDOCK PILLS. X THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.—Purify the foulest blood and reiiure every disease 0 stomach liver, and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cur diseases which couid not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Paius in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Wounds or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, dec., Jaundice. Droosy, and Fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is 4d and 2s 9d each.—Sold by all chemists, or from the manufactory 44 Oxford tree-, -,Swansea, f Of io or io seam 19 Susiness ^btaesscs. FRY'S PURE CONOSNTRATKD COCOA. To secure this article ask for" Fry's Pare Concentrated Cocoa." 44 MASTERS & CO. Respectfully solicit a trial of their Goods, and promise that no effort shall be wanting on their part to meet the requirements of all who honour them with their favours. A LARGE STOCK OF, MEN S, YOUTHS', AND gOYS C LOT H lNG, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. ONE TRIAL IS SUFFICIENT TO PROVE THE SUPERIORITY OF MASTERS AND CO.'S CLOTHING. MASTERS & CO., THE CARDIFF ^JLOTHIERP 29 & 30, ST. MARY-STREET, AND 292, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE A TLAs FURNISHING QOMPANY CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND GENERAL HOUSh; FURNISHERS, 5, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. JJlURNISH ON EASY rjlERMS OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. THE ATLAS FURNISHING COMPANY CONTINUE TO SUPPLY FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Householders, Lodgers Mechanics, and all Classes in any station of life, on their well-known IRE JpURCHASE SYSTEM, The Liberal Terms of whieh are Acknowledged to be Undoubtedly the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS EVER OFFERED IN CARDIFF OR ELSEWHERE. The Furnishing Department comprises EVERY HOUSEHOLD W(¿UISITl, INCLUDING SHEETS, KNIVES, KETTLES, BLANKETS. FOWKS, SAUCEPANS, QUILTS, CRUETS. FENDERs, FIREIRONS, PERAMBULATORS, &C. The ever-incrtasir.g Buaines. of this well-known Firk and the very considerate maimer in whi:h they tl. with all their Patrons, has made this Company the most deservedly popular in the trade. TERMS. jB2 WEEKLY PAYMENTS 18 6d 1;6 28 6d £ 10 „ 4s „ 6s „ 7s 6d £ 30 „ II 101 £50" „ 158 £100" „ 20s £2&0" 40s ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID within 200 Miles. PIANOS CN EASY TERMS. BATH CHAIRS, INVALID BABY CARRIAGES, Lent out on Hire by tbe Duy or Week, and with Option of Purchase. CHAIRS LENT FOR EVK?IN?" Prospectuses and Price Lists Post Free on application 48 C. FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER & OUTFITTER, 40 A 4:1 |^RrDGE'sl'EEET- CAUDIFL. N.B.—Exceeding 40s., 41 in the £ interest. G RA TEFUL-COMFORTING. E P P S'S (BREAKFAST) COCOA 83 NEEDS ONLY BOILING WATER OR MILK. 1Z>LANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the 811,al1 payment of 10s ód PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKKLLS Hllut SYSTEM No security required, and the instruuititit delivered to purchaser on paymeut of tlrflt monthly instalment. Every instrument fciisranteed, and exchanged if not approved ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. THOMPSON AND SHACK ELI* PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WARKHOUSK, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERIHYB, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, and GLOUCESTER. 4e L. BLENKINSOPP, FRENCH STAY AND CORSET' MAKER, 5, WHAUTON-,STREET, (JAHDIF.F ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. No connexion with any other firm. 3b9 P. Jfl li E E D mTn & QO. GENERAL HOUE FURNISHERS, 1HVL 11IE LARGEST TOCK OF O JJOUSEHOLD j^URNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, BLACK AND uoll) OVERMANTELS, BEDSTEADS, <fcc\, In Newport, and are oiferit. the same at Ridiculously LOW PRICES for Cash or on the EASY HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. All transactions conducted without the least ex- posure, and all Goods are delivered in private vans. By Furnishing on our Easy ystem a saving of at least 20 per cent. is guaranteed. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. P. F U E E D M A N & CO., 1. 2, 3, & 4. MARKET BUILDINGS, DoCK-STREKX, NEWPORT. (Two minutes walk from the Itailway Station.) 130 SOLD BY ALL GROCERS, PIMM'S FLOIUR, PURE SELF-RAISING AND SPECIAL, THE DELIGHT OF HOUSEKEEPERS. PIMM & Co., PACKERS, CARDIFK. It rj^HlT GREAT S P E C I F-i C. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTK. MAT Is warranted to cure all, AMERICAN MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S MAT- MILTON'S MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTF. The I discharges. Thoroughly reliable con- venient to take. In tins, 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. Free by post 3d extra. HEWSON'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL PILLS FOR FEM ALES. In boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each free by post 2d extra.. Local Agents: Cardiff, Mr, Munday, CheunM. 1, Duke-! street Newport, Mr JJ Phillips, 92, Commerciiil-i street Swansea., Nlr Keailj Chemist, 199, High-street; F. H. Hewson, 8, VictorM- avenue, Ldainde e. Norc Mon. London Barclay &Sons HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE. AMKRICAf HERB PASTE. AMERICAN HERB PASTE MAT MILTON& AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT MILTON AMERICAN HERB PASTE. M2