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— by (Anriicii. lVIESSRS JlELL AND CO., MANUFACTURERS & AUCTIONEERS, 3, CASTLE-STREET (late Angel-str^et), CARDIFF, pi'J SELL by AUCTION", without reserve, all kij11'? "LAS:?. CHINA, MAJOLICE, JET, ancl EARIHEN- WARE, every Evenin" at Seven o'clock: SPECIALITIES IN DINNER AND TEA SERVICES.. Private sale during the day. Inspection invited. Mlsss"RS thomaTS & C0T7 -L'j_ AUCTIONEERS HOUSE, LAND, AND commi^ion AGENTS. VALUER*, AUDITORS, CHARTERED ACCOUNT AN TS, 4- c. E«g to announce the' they KaVe opened 'Wines* premises at "™M 14. ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE CAPDTP- where they purpose carrying 011 thP that by strict and untiring at leu: ion -a lst matters entrusted to theie to rpcoir,. given to all support. eCeive a of public Wa beg to add that out- PY™ period of lb years, during v"Ce over a lege to conduct some of thp 1.™ /'u8 wias ou.v PJ1V!" Sales held in the Western ™fwProperty and Stock convinced, if c;irr,^ 11 P1' £ of ales, and thus feel satisfaction both 1, von w;th >"°ur favours, to give Ob"emtrivly a PU M" Asents tT i'-8T" •1<>aN'S-SQUAItK, CARDIFF. Farniine stool- !e> F,re' Accident- Plate-glass, and Annn «-■ Assurance Societies liUHies arranged for without delay. 130e THE BOROUGH AND COUNTY SUPPLY STORES, 20, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. S. FLETCHER & CO., PROPRIETORS. THE THOROUGH AND COUNTY SUPPLY STORES. The Original Supply Stores. lr rl'EB OP,.OUGH AND COUNTY 'U' SUPPLY STORES, 20, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Established 1376. TIlE JgOROUGH AND COUNTY SUPPLY STORES Supply all Articles of Domestic Consumption. THE JJOROUGH AND 0OUNTY !E> SUPPLY STORES. 20, ST. MaRY- STREET, CARDIFF. New Prioe List Free on Application. Sell Goods :.t Prices from 10 to 30 per Cent. Cheaper than those Usually C hare-en. "fl^OROUGH AND 0OUNTY -UPPLY STORES, 20, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. S. FLETCHER & CO., proprietors. 11902 71937 I- OPTH A GLRINEA A L,'O-X BEECHA m7^ pills A ^E admitted by Thousands to be worth :l GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous dis- such as wind and pain in tlio stomach, sick ,;i.<laclji/, giddiness, fullness and swelling' after lueale, iizziiies.,s and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of beat, loss of appetite, shortness or breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, Mid ail nervous and trembling sensations, c. The first relief in twenty minutes. This is r.o fic- Glon, for they have it in" thousands of cases. Every 'Jtrterer is earnestly invited co try one box oi these Ill", and they will ackno v. league! to b WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. tew°i ^e!ua*.tJS °f :^Ses these Pills are invaluable, as a 0!)f)t 0Se.s °' them carry off all gross humours, open all "cciosKs and bi-injt about all that is required. No ,(Y £ V; be without them. There is no medicine ;u, e,'oaii'J to equal BEKCUAM'S PILLS for removing :n"•• ^V?truc' or irregularity of the system. If taken wjM>t.un,S to fhts directions given with each box, they r ole ail "J-* T;0 sound and robust J" *'«ak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- °f t*le 1 iver, thery act like -MAGIC," and a few "e" will iiij found to work wonders upon the most 'Uk/1 iaiiC <)l'W-ns h; the human mach.ne. They streng- coiwti v'hi'ie muscular system, restore the long' lost uron H> 'r''hig hack e k-el, ot appetite, and who! '"to action with the ROSEBUD of health the "rVwJ.'Vsical energy of the human frame. These are Of admitted by thousaiuU.t-mbracing all classy Von C"%> and one of the be** guarantees to tlie ner I S h. !ai,U,s and debilitated is. BEECHAM'.S PILIA have the sale of any Datenti medicine in the woim. REECHAM'S MAGIC ^'OUGIt PILLS -4s a remedy for Coughs in ^er.eva), asthma, difhcu.n.- 31 breathing,"shortness of breath, wgu.ness .md op- oyessioi, of 'the cheat, wlieeziiig, <ic., these Pihs stand HU'ivalled. 'J'hey speeaily remove that sense of oppres- •ion and diiffculty of breathing which nightly deprive -iie patie-io of rest. Let any person iiiv; fj-'l'liAM's ^ILX.S a trial, and the HI. violent i'on»it v. ill in a short time lie reiuoveii. The public are requested to notice that ;e word's J'EECHAM s PILLS, St Helen's,' are on the government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If lot on, they are a forgery. p.. reVarea and'soht wholesale and retail, by the olT. Beecham, Chemist, St Helen's, Lanca- 'le> in boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sent post free Cft"1 proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps.—Sold by all ,el ts and Patent Medicine. Dealers. tlll directions are sivon with each box. 11506 jf^UZZONE FOR STITTIA. Y^ZZONE J'OR ^STHM7\! rZZONE FOIBRONÖÜîTYS n r|^UZZONE FOR gRONCHlTIsT r|^LZZONE FOR ^JOUGlls! pUZZONE FOR QOUGHS. -1 ) A new Ctii-e, which thousands praise as an iport int discovery. ONIC DOSE of this pleasant and narvellous medicine does more to remove a cough, no '■latter how long standing, t.h:Ln a bottle of the many •vorthless so-called remedies in the market. In Asthma 'zone has no rival. Be sure when asking for iuzzone V°u get it. Hitherto no spurious imitation has (f in the market, owing to the very unique way I'eparing tins medicine and the impossibility of thus TUZZODB stands alone, iinapi ro;! ebed feXceUence as a safe and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, sthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ri«»Jhf%i^naU8oStte and Thr°at' TuZZ°"e I:opriet()r, Å. it Atà;d t3H{ 2s 9d, by all Chemists, Proprietor, A. J. Abdy. 33, Fetter-fiine, London, E.C.- Agents. ohan and Stephens, Cardiff and ?e»ar-' l5je 71632 ^Sle means6of"seif-cure. He^ Jte tapp^ tWo^- >T<1 the particulars to any„ °n receipt of a ),\ ^Ped and directed envelope. Address J. Sewell, Chiswick. Middlesex. gig SOUTH WALES EVENING ECHO. SWANSEA. J'he •' Evening Echo,' FIRST EDITION, is.P^ 'shed at the Ofcce, 2, College-street. Swansea, E ^^i'ERNOON, AT FIVE O'CLOCK. T„ mor, Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, • ;Iumbles, Ac., and by the boys of the Sell Help 'gade.' 111 ile SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the ^vtest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing' r'ces, Markets, Sportiiig and Local Intelligence of the ?y. is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by R JOG FORD, News Agent, Great Western Building, ^Uih-street, Swansea, and by newsboys. RELIGIOUS SERVICES.—The atten- ■i tion of Church and Chapel Managers is invited the t olio wing SPECIAL PREPAID TARIFF for Ad- ^tiaements announcing the holding of RELIGIOUS ["■RV1CES, ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET- One Three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions. b"ni, > s- 4" s* s* s- tines 1 4 4 0 6 0 8 6 E^^nes. 2 0 „ 6-0 9 0 12 0 Lines.. 2 3 8 0 12 0 16 0 l8l £ eLines. 1 0 12 0 18 0 24 0 H Ws •• -6 0 18 0 27 0 36 0 ftoh? 8 0 •• 24 0 •• 3fc. 0 48 0 is li I ('or,-I:, may be calculated to a lire. This Tariff Xbftt)? strictly to the Advertisements enuTnerated illese Notices can also appeal' in the CARDIFF !r .and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in 'P iU o r a ^ith those in the South Wales Daily Sews, WW uart 0! uj fj levies of InsertiofiS- public ^iiuiaements. TIIEATRE POYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTIJiG MANAGER Jir JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGIIT, WEDNESDAY, January ]4th. ,T „ j nt' Every Eveninii until further notice. Ed warrl Fletcher's Fourth Christmas Pantomime. YK QUEEN OF HEARTS. Her Wonderful Tarts, and Ye Knave who fettle them or Princess Yo Sleeping Beauty and Herne, 1 e Demon „ Huntsman. „ PRODUCED ON A SCALE oF UNRIVALLED MAGNIFICENCE. Mr Alberto and Miss Hales in their Astounding SOMERSAULT DANCE.. frnrn Procession of Kings and Queens of William I. to Queen Victoria; GRAND'TRANS- FORMATION, "BIRTH OF ju™ Comic Harlequinade, invented by the Ciown, the Famous JOLLY LITTLE LEWIS.. Dav Performances every Saturday at Two oclock. Half price to ail Children for Day Pel form.-ii.ies. PHILHARMONIC. TO-NIGHT' TO-NIGHT! AND EVE IIY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, the Grand Spectacle of EGYPT IN 188^. The whole of the mag- nificent scenery painted expressly by Jlr umin Day rnd Mr Frank .Tones. Music by Mr H. Bail. Mechani- cal Effects by Mr Clark. Scene I-Binbcye View of Alexandria. Scene 2—Grand Square before the Fire. Scene 3-fjrancl Square after the Five. Scene 4—Eve of the Bat tle. Scene 5—Bombardment of Alexaii(Iria- Great Naval Battle—Occupation of the For.s—Victory of t ie Ships—Town in Flames. The ships inaction are as follow -—The Indexible, Monarch, Invincible, Sul- tan. Penelope, Alexandra, Condor, Temeraire, Superb, Helicon. The fireworks in the above production in- vented and made by C. Adams and Co., Pyrotechnic Artists. Sunnnei -street. Birmingham. Expensive Engagement of Mr CHA-. OSWALD, the Laughing Philosopher the Four AUBREYS, in their Marvellous Entertainment Prof. ARMSTRONG F and other Negro Comedians; Miss BLANCHE BARR'.TT, Serio-Comic and lancer Mr HAR,;y 1URNEK, London Comioue. Doors open at 7, to coilimenceat 7.20. Prices as usual. Ha'f-price at 9 o'clock. For the Best Tobacco and Ciaars.try Morrella's Cigar Divan, ndjoining the hall. The best and cheapest p-ace in Car iift. 967 EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION JL-li IN SUGARS. BROWN MOIST lid per lb. Is 3d per doz. WHITE do. ld do. Is 6d do. FINE CRYSTALS 2d do. Is 9d do. LARGE do. 2d do. 2s do. EXTRA do. 2d do. 2s 3d do. FINE DEMERARA.. 2d do. 2s do. FINEST do. 2i do. 2s 3d do. 2 GRANULATED 2d do. 2s do. FINE LUMP 2-jd do. 2s 3d do. FINEST LUMP 2^d do. 2s 6d do. W marchant and (J'v ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. OILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT. MON. .!> DK RUES, STEAM PACKET HOTEL, NEWPORT BILL-POS'i'i-ih' an<i DEL- V ERE IT for TOWN and all the principal do trdings in New port Ac Won; executed with o.esiuteh 311 g CONOMY IN FUEL. -Cj I-IALL'S PATENT FEED WATER H E A T E R. w ILLIAMS' PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN ^YILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 107e rip HE WELSH FLANNEL & WOOL L HOP" b7. BRIDQ K-NTIC.KET, CARDIFF. T. v ()nr Heal WEL.-H 1'LANNELS. WELSH YARNS r.y Oa! Re-UJJ 0, KNJT TING YARNS. BERLIN and o:her FANCY WOdl.S. Try Our KNITTED SOCKS and 'STOCKINGS. Stockings Re-footed at 6d. per p: ir. Welsh Flannel Shirts always in Stock. Please Note the above Address. 215e CJPECIA L T lies IN WINTER KJ? CLOTHING, AT w PRICE & SONS FANCY TWEED SUITS, Price-, .7/6, 20/ 25/30/ 40/ 45/ BLACK WORSTED SUITS, Prices, 2b/ 35/ 45/ 55/ 65/ FANCY CLOTH AND TWEED OVERCOATS, Prices, 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ 50/ BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS, Prices, 25/ 35/ 4: obi., NAP AND PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices. 25/ 35/ 4b/ 55/ NEW MAKES IN WATERPROOF COATS. HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS. ADDRESS—1THE CARDIFF HOUSE. 60 & 51, ST. MARY-ST., 46 & 47. CAROLINE-STREET llle CARDIFF. 23 QROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR /CROSBY'S CROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S | CROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S ROSBY'S )^ROSB\'S C"08"™ ^JROSBY'S |^ROSBY'S ^-IROSBY'S /•^ROSBY'S ^jROSBY'S d CROSBY'S Crosby'S nOSBY'S /CROSBY'S /^RO&BY'S /ROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S XROSBY-S J^ROSBY'S J^ROSBY'S /ROSBY'S CROSBY'S ^ROSBVS J^ROSBY'S CROSBY'S J'LROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is the only rational sub- scitute for opiates, liar- cotics, squills, &c., so frequently recommended for COUGHS, COLDS. &c. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is invaluable to Travel- lers, Sportsmen, Emi- grants, &c., who have to encounter exposure to the inclemency of the weather. — j BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Works wonders in cases Of PUI.MONARY COX- SUMPTION, and has been used with signal success- in Asthma & Bronchitis. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is an almost infallible remedy for all Chest Complaints, it is equally 'efficacious in Night Sweats, Influenza, Quin- sys, &c. DR. ROOKE'S TESTIMONIA L. DR.. ROOKE, Scarborough, author of the Anti- Lancet,' writes as fol- lows :—" I have repeat- edly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain, and 1 ation of the Chest in sui.of Pulmonary Con-, with tK11 aild I can, moTiafcl^'? an otherwi8ee st^n^hen" ing treatment fof thu disease. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR is sold in bottles, at Is ld, Is 9d. 4s 6d, <c flis each, by I all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, and Wholesale by JAMES M. CROSBY, Chemist, Scar- borough, England. jgiLIXIR jpLlXIR LIXIII. jpLIXIR. ELIXIR ELIXIR. ELIXIR. ELIXIR. LTXIR. I^LIXIR. jgLIXIR jgLIXIR. E LIXIR. J^LIXIR. |^LIXIR ^LIXIR. T^LIXIR ETlLIXIR. JgLIXIR. |^LIXIR! jf^LIXIR. TjlLIXIR. X^LIXI TT^LIXIR. I^LIXIR. TT7TLIXIR. I^LIXIR. J71LIXIR' J ,1LIXIR jglLIXIR IT^LIXIR. T^LIYIR. ELIXIR Jg|UXlR gLlXIR. jgLIXIR. QUOSBY'S BAL&AMJC COUGS ELIXIR | uhtt£í P.refí5.tfí JOTHAl & SONS, OVEPCOATS FOR BOYS & FJLOPCOATS FOR YOUTHS, HANDSOME AND JLJL BECOMING. ARE NOW SHOW- ING   CUAT.-i AND COMPLETE J-TL. burIS IN EWEST STYLES -L^l ANI) AiAliES T YiitECT FROM MANU- JLS FACTUKERS. UITS IN TWEED AND I WORSTED. OVERCOATS IN ENDLESS VARIETY JVTOVELTIES IN SMALL BOYS' -LX OVERCOATS. SCOTCH TWEEDS, MELTONS. KJ ASTRACANS, BEAVERS, Ac. 26&27 ST- MAKY-ST- /CARDIFF. 204e CHINA CHINA CHINA c HI-NLA (JHINA (JHINA CHINA QHINA CHINA QIIINA TEA SETS, good patterns, from IOs bet TOILET SETS, complete, from 6s 6d. Cottage DINNER SE is, from 10s 6d. Set of JUGS, from Is. TUMBLERS from Is 6d per dozen. A choice selection of which will be tound at EVANS'S CHINA ROOMS, 58, BRIDGE-ST. A good assortilltmt of Fancy Articles suitable for Christmas Presents. QLASS Q.LASS 1 GLA66 GLASS | ^j_LASS GLASS Q.LASS GLASS 4 1 LASS I G LASS V* 207 i QHRISTMAS PICTURES, A LMANACKS, FOR FRAMING, &c., GO TO E. VY. R OBERT', 5, ARCADE (ST. MARY STREET END), THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF. 225e w EAR PENFOUND'S jgOOTS FOR HEALTH, STYLE, & ECONOMY. Sole Agent for the Celebrated "P. P." BOOT, Made of SPECIALLY-PREPARED LEATHER, and guaranteed absolutely waterproof. A brilliant selection of LADIE.S' und G )-'NTL,E, AIENI.II DR ES BOOTS and SHOES in the newest designs, marvellously cheap. J. H. PENPOUND, 2, PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF 227a CHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. —The o attention of Principals of Private and other SCHOOLS is directed to the following moderate PRE PAID TARIFF for School Advertisements :— One Three Six Twelve Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. Insertion s. d. s. d. s. d s. d Foiir l,ilies 1 0 2 6 40.. 60 Six Lines 1 6 5 0 6 0 90 Eight Lines.. 2 0 5 0 8 0 12 0 Twelve Lines 3 0 7 6 12 0 18 0 Eight words may be calculated to a. lille. Advertise- ments can aiso appear in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with those in the Soliti, Wales Daily Sews, so as to form part Of a series 01 insertions. DR. ROOKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. jj^a~ROOKEV J^ll. ROOKE'S a "kh ROOKE'S TTXR. ROOKE'S U. ITOOKE'S ])R. ROOKE' DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S¡ R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S JAR. ROOKE'S I^R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S TVR. ROOKES DR. ROOKE'S TpwR. ROOKE'S T^R. ROOKE'S DR ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S BR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S R ROOKE'S TJ"WR. ROOKE'S |\R. ROOKE'S T^R. ROOKE'S D R. ROOKE'S j SOLAR ELIXIR AND ORIENTAL PILLS. These CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS have been before the Pub- lie for nearly HALFI A CENTURY,and have proved invaluable in thousands of Cases. i For a full descrip- tion of these medi- cines and their use in the Treatment and Cure of Disease, with scores of genu- ine Testimonials,see Anti-Lancet. ANTI-LANCET, This well known work contains 172 pages, and may be had gratis and post- free from DR. ROOKE, Scarboro', HOOKE, Scarboro', England. SOLAR ELIXIR is sold in bottles 4s 6d and lis, and the ORIENTAL1 PILLS in boxes, Is lid and 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors: and by DR. ROOKE, Scar- borough. "DR. ROOKE'S HANDY POCKET-GUIDE TO HEALTH AND HEALTH RESTORING PLACES,' Full of pleasing illustrations and useful information. 88 pages. This Book may be obtained gratis from all Patent Medicine Vendors, and post free from Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, Eng land, on receipt of a penny postage- stamp. £ ORIENTAL P ILLS. IjTXRIENTAL p ILLS. jr-IRIENTAL pILLIS i \RIF.NTAL P I J. L 8 /ORIENTAL pILLS RIENTAL I L L S. FXRIENTAL pins, ^WRIENTAL p I L L S. d ORIENTAL piLLS. ^XRIENTAL p I L L S. ORIENTAL p I L L S. ^RIENTAL piLLS, \RIENTAL I L L S. ORIENTAL I L L S. ORIENTAL I L LS. ORIENTAL 51 L L S, RIENTAL p ILL 8. RIENTAL p ILLS. DR ROOKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. 49^13 ) ^ttajngss ^j>rg§seat I I ;• X | < ,I JJ»RE^EIII0K 0 x't6 JJ* I It S T ALF yearly 4. 51 A N L r, S A L E NOW PROCEEDING ♦ f 1m 21 DAYS- 'l 'f J WILL CONTINUE TO THE END OF THE Month. = .a. I gbbat r EDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OF I L A jyj AKTLES, JACKETS, TTLSTERS, d" FUR-LINED QLOAKS, &c. F' COxo L ONDON MANTLE W ABEHOUSE, 1 gg ST. ]yjARy.STREET, A R D 1 F jij ALSO LEI°ESTER, AND WOLVERHAMBTON. 239a 1 IBusliwas es. NE-Wu EVENING pAPER NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW JJBEHAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. THE South Wales Echo Will be published K A C li EVENING, As fo lows FIRST EDITION 2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6 O'CLOCK P.M. 28 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY PRICE ONE HALFPENNY PRICE ONE HALFPENNY THE gOUTH WALES ECHO Is supplied with a JSPLiDN DID SEliVICK OF NEWS Comprising TiDLEGlt A MS FKOM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, Wired by REUTER'S AGENTS, THE PRESS ASSOCIATION, THE CENTRAL NEWS, A -N D OUlt OWN REPORTERS AND COR- RESPONDENTS, Up to the latest possible moment FULL KEPOUTS u ALL LOCAL MEETINGS, Including POLICE-COURT NEWS. QUARTER SESSIONS NEWS. TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS. ASSIZE COURT NEWS. CORPORATION MEETINGS. LOCAL BOARD MEETINGS. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS. FOOTBALL MATCHES. CRICKET MATCHES, &c., &0., &c. • i *—— In addition it contains LATEST SPORTING TELEGRAMS, A SPECIAL MONEY ARTICLE, WIRED BY A LEADING AUTHORITY ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. LATEST SHIPPING TELEGRAMS, FROM LLOYD'S AGENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENTS. SPECIAL FEATURES. In order to render the "SOUTH WALES ECHO' one of the most attractive Evening Papers in the Pro vinces, a variety of SPECIAL FE TURES will be in. troduced, including — SERIAL STORIES by Eminent Authors. SHORT TALES. JOTTINGS UPON POLITICS, ART, AND LITERATURE NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA WIT AND WISDOM. CHAT FROM THE METROPOLIS. FACTS AND FANCIES. ECHOES OF PUBLIC OPINION. SOUTH WALES ECHO WILL BE ISSUED THIS AFTERNOON FIRST EDITION 8 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPECIAL EDITION.6 O'CLOCK P.M. "= PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY NEW LIBERAL PAPER, NEW LIBERAL PAPER, NEW LIBERAL PAPER PUBLISHING Omoss.75, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. I PFTOFRISTOAS.]!). DUNCAN & SONS. 0HRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Special Low Prices for this Week only at T. H. C 0 31 L E Y, 1, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. FANCY TWEED SUITS, Prices, 15/ 18/11, 22/ 'L,'fJ/ 30/. BLACK WORSTED SUITS, Prices, 20/ 25/ 30/ &)/ FANÇY TWEED & PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 15/ 17/6, 21/ 25/ 29/ GOOD VALUE IN MOLE AND CORD TROUSERS. HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, VERY CHEAP. 228e ADDREss-STAR CLOTHING STORES, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. IANOS.-WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON rjpHOMPSON AND ^HACKELL'S HIRE SYSTEM ? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument; guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, and GLOUCESTER. 240e CHARLES jpARDOE, TOBACCO PIPE MANUFACTURER, BROADWAY, ROATH, CARDIFF. PIPEMAKERS WANTED. 245 JpULTON, jJUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. J 9s. 21s. j 10s. 6d. 24s. ) 12s. And upwards. 155e Jj" E W TOOL DEPOT. SHEFFIELD HOUSE (Next door to Inland Revenue Office), CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. CHARLES PUDGE Begs to state that he has OPENED the above Premises with a Large and Varied Stock of JOINERS' AND MECHANICAL TOOLS of every description, all of Guaranteed Quality, and at Lowest possible Prices. An early inspection is respectfully solicited. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 217e MPORTANT TO SPORTSMEN. T. pAGE WOOD, Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Cardiff and district that he is a PRACTICAL AND BONA-FIDE GUN MAKER, and all goods supplied by him are at Army and Navy Store prices. NOTE ADDRESS— 1, WES'l'GATE-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite Theatre Royal), Factory 35, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 181e FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUITS GO TO W. THOMAS AND CO., THE NEW SHOP, AT 8 ST- john,s-squa^- R. J-. H EATH AND SONS, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a I LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH, I and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. 237e WALDEN and CO., Stockbrokers and Mining Share Dealers, White House, Tele graph-street, London, E.C., buy and sell Stocks and Shares of all descriptions, for cash or fortnightly ac- count at nominal commission. Options dealt in' Speculative accounts opened at from £ 1 per cent, cover with no further liability. Bankers references. Circular, post free, on application. 230e BOROUGH OF NEWPORT WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, I<ower Merchant street, behind the Town-hall Corporation bill-poster and crier. Rents the principal boardings and stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. Two good bill posters kept. Work attended to with quick despatch Town and country. Old established—more than quarter of a century 8058 34065 OSTAL DELIVERY I Jt. OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS beg to announce that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving Cardiff at 2.30 a.m and 3.45 a.m. Country Subscribers residing within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, As well as those portions of BRECONSHIRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymney Valley Postal Districts, may now have the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at their resi dences daily by the same as that which conveys their London letters London and West of England ø" oscribers rece ve tneir papers on the afternoon of nub ation. 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Sent on receiptof 4 stamps by Publishers, Fitzalan-sauare, Sheffield. 201a MESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON IrJL deliver the SOUTH WALES LAILY NEWS at an early hour each Morning in all parts of the follow, ng towns CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT BCATH MERTHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABBRDARE PONTYPOOL BOAD BUTE DOCKS HEREF6FD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MILFORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCESTER LLANELLY TENBY ABERYSTWYTH LAMPETER CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY Thi CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every IT day to any address in the above mentioned Towns. ORDERS to be sent- to the Managers of the variou bookstalls.