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;ÜC5 1111 j^urteoit. M ESSRS JjlELL AND CO., MANUFACTURERS & AUCTIONEERS, 3, CASTLE-STREET (late Angel-street), CARDIFF. Will SELL by AUCTION', without reserve, VHEN- <«LASS, CHINA. MAJOLICE, JET.and EARIM^ WAUE. every Evening at Seven SPECIALITIES IN' DINNER a:nU oa? SERVICES.. Private sale during the clay. Inspec ion inviuer • Essir«_7i'HT7irAS & ccT7 A. uCriONEERS HOUSE, LAND,' AND AGENTS- VALUKHb, AUpiiORS, CHAlilKHlii' ACCOUNTANTS', Ac., Beg to an"11"1106 tl:a(' ^ave opened business premises at 14, ST. JOIIV.XJUARE, CARDIFF, where they purpose iy.. 1 yui- oil the above and trust that by srrict ami Li I" ii-II)g;t,tell! ioll being ivel1 to All matters entrusted to them, to receive a meed of public bupp?rc. K tiprinrl'o^ lh vhI» .our'experianee extends over a P^o-c tn i-nn(i;i^"N 1Vln" wllu'h time it was our privi- S-Ues e'd ill til 0i clle larKest Property and Stock -r part of Wales, and thus feel ii,itii your favoitrs, to give S' •I'Arm-lf1 • ?.t'111' Ve:l' "rs and purchasers, nh c-v wodrrate. V en'd 14, ST. JOUN'S-SQUABE, CARDIFF. -■vRents for Lite, Eire. Accident, Plate-glass, and lining Stock Assurance .Societies. Annuities arranged fur without delay. 130e PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degree subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory, relaxed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollen twnsils. enlarged uvula, weakened voice, &c. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargle prevnt the huskiness, dryness, and irritation so frequaiitlyattendaiit on over-exertion also of pro. ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat. Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, la 6d. Sold everywhere. PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree- able cure for roughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second _dose. Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d each. Hold by all Chemists. flRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH \_y PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enanjel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearanco. /RACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes cf decav, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. C By using this delicious Aronwtic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specialiy useful. Get Cracroft's. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &c. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of eases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming sounds so frequent with affected hearing, are Removed. Sold everywhere, SORNS! CORNS t! CORNS 1U BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They jliffer from all plasters. shields, or compositions. P.y Instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere. SULPHOLINE SOAP, (a soap contain- 01-Y ing sulpholine), is a delicately refined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant. and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, Dit. K ING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the stomach to properlv ner- *unctio"s- quickly and entirely removing all it it ,le;u'aj'le'dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, uiisagremb.e taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend- ing bilious attacks and liver derangements. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. 247 SOLD EVERYWHERE. 11945 TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIVING AND PRESERVING IV E R V I N E 0 N I C,. Jj-ERTINE rjlONIC, For either Sex; will cure all kinds of nervous debility arising from any source of weakness, from whatever cause it may arise. These are a few of the Symptoms of Nervous Debility :-Depression of spirits, inaptitude for exertion, unfitness for study. dislike for society, dislike to enter any kind ° involuntary blushing, dimness of sight, spar s before the eyes, deafness and noise in the ears, sense of tightness, of suffocation, constant mental misgiving, pains in the loins and a constant i7'^tionl. of the kidneys and bladdet, palpitation of the heart, general tremu lousnesson any sudden impulse, extreme diffidence fond of moping alone, morbid sensibility, careless* about life, its joys, its pleasures, and its duties; about life, its joys, its pleasures, and its duties • irregularity of the bowels, feelinfc good for nothing,' failure of memory ,intellectual power and faculties more or less impaired, extreme restlessness, flatu- lency and indigestion, frequent headaches, silent' wretchedness arising from the fear of physical weak- l1ss, fear of insanity, miserable forebodings for the f^ent, no hope for the future; starting during sleep, t *ingar.d feeling ill without apparent cause. One or slj„iPackages of Trimnell's Nervine Tonic will cure the above. Where it has been badly ,1'Krt. 1 neglected it will require a longer time to < care. One trial ls an<* 2s 9d per packet ai'ove to Prove the virtue of the Chemists, Druejrilv*0 be had at most respectable World. lfv<W \.a,n<1 Medicine Vendors throughout <i stamps or any difficulty in obtaining it, siiirwds to ,b" VI 2s 9(1 Sizes Post fo™arded at once. ir0e to any part of the kingdom. N.B.—None are genuine unless they have the Proprietor's signature on the Government Stamp- w. TRIMNELL.. „ TO IMITATE THIS WOULD BE Forgery. FULL DIRECTIONS ON EACH pacKAGE. SOLE MANUFACTURER AND PROPRIetor :— W TRIMNELL, MEDICAL BOTAIST. 167e 9, MOIRA.TERRACE CARDIFF SJCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS.—The 0 attention ox Principals of Private and ocm?,1' SCHOOLS is directed to the following moderate Pl-E PAID TARIFF for School Advertisements :— One Three Six Twelve Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. Insertion s. (I. s. d. S. d s. ti lour Lines 1 0 2 6 4 0 6 0 Lines 1 63 0 6 0 9 0 Eight Lines.. 2 0 5 0 8 0 12 0 twelve Lines 3 0 7 6 12 0 18 0 Eight words may be calculated to a line. Advertise alao appear in the CARDIFF TIMES and WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with tnor-e in the South )!•'«;«$Daily Snvs, so as to form par; 01 a sewes of insertion: ER-VOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, and VITAL POWER-A gentleman having tried in vain t^ery advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means ot self-cure. He will be happy to for- ward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. ^Address J. T. Sewell, *M| CWdwiok, Middlesex 2Y4 -,¡t1Tli! 1nU52mrnt5. POY-KL) CARDIFF. LKSSEE & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ^HEATRE- ROYAI^ CARDIFF. ACTING MANAGER MR JOHN SHERIDAN. „ TO-MGHT, TUESDAY, January 13th. Mr Edward Fletcher's Fourth Christmas Pantomime. YE QUEEN OF HEARTS. Her Wonderful Tarts, and Ye Knave who stole them or Princess Ye Sleeping Beauty and Herne, Ye Demon Huntsman. T T IRN PRODUCED ON A SCALE OF UNRIVALLED MAGNIFICENCE Ye Village of Snoozewell—Magicfc Change. Ye Grand Palace of Cards. Gorgeous Naiad Ballet. TO. Ye Ancient Castle of Windsor. Mr Alberto and Miss Hales in their Astounding SOMERSAULT DANCE. frnm Procession of Kings and Queens of E]UamUrom William I. to Queen Victoria. GRAND JUA.^ FORMATION, BIRTH OF THE ROSE. X\ew Comic Harlequinade, by the clown' Famous JOLLV LITTLE LhV^IiS. oVlork Day Performances every Saturday at Two o clock. Doors open at Ilalf-pasfc One. Half price to ail Children for Day Performances. PHILHA R M O N I C t TO-NIGHT' TO-NIGHT! AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, the Grand Spectacle of EGYPT IN 1832. The whole of the mag- nificent scenery painted expressly by Mr Edwin Day and Mr Frank Jones. Music by Mr H. Ball. Mechani- cal Effects by Mr Clark. Scene 1—Birdseye View of Alexandria. Scene 2-Grand Square before the Fire. Scene 3—Grand Square after the Fire. Scene 4—Eve of the Battle. Scene 5—Bombardment of Alexandria- Great Naval Battle-Occupation of the Forts—Victory of the Ships—Town in Flames. The ships in action are as follow :-The Inflexible, Monarch, Invincible, Sul- tan, Penelope, Alexandra, Condor, Temeraire, Superb, Helicon. The fireworks in the above production in- vented and made by C. Adams and Co., Pyrotechnic Artists, Summer-street, Birmingham. Expensive Engagement of Mr CHAS. OSWALD, the Laughing Philosopher the Four AUBREYS, in their Marvellous Entertainment: Prof. ARMSTRONG MOSE and other Negro Comedians Miss BLANCHE BARRETT, Serio-Comic and Dancer Mr HARUY TURNEH, London Comique. Doors open at 7, to commence at 7.30. Prices as usual. Half-price at 9 o'clock. For the Best Tobacco and Cigars,try Morrella' Cigar Divan, adjoining the hall. The best and cheapest place in Cardiff. 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. ATS101"5- UNDERTAKER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR, OSTRICH PLUME & GENERAL FURNISH- ING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 7 154o-. BA R R BROTHERS, TAILORS. 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. re now offering a very choice selection of stylish Cashmere, worsted, AVest of England, and Scotch Autumn and Winter Overcoating, Suitings and Trouser- ings. In their selection strict attention has been given to secure the most fashionable patterns and colours, com- bined with materials which B.B. can guarantee for durability, feeling assured that the latter, combined with good fitting garments, is the only method to secure the continued confidence and support of their cus- tomers Gentlemen who have not been able to obtain gar- ments to their satisfaction in Cardiff, and ii ive been compelled at extra expense and inconvenience so order elsewhere are very respectfully solicited for a trial, ao in B.B. they will find cutters who can compete with any in the kingdom, while their prices will be found as reasonable as first-class materials and workmanship will pei m:t. 122e TERMS. CASH. 71253 THE" WELSH FLANNEL & WOOL SHOP., b7, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. Try Our Real WELSH FLANNELS. WELSH YARNS; Also all kinds of KNITTING YARNS. BERLIN and other FANCY WOOLS. Try Our KNITTED SOCKS and STOCKINGS. Stockings Re-footed at 6d. per pnir. Welsh Flannel Shirts always in Stock. Please Note the above Address. 215e OILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, MON. J DE REES, STEAM PACKET HOTEL, NEW PORT BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN and COUNTRY, Rents all the principal Hoardings in New- port &e. Work executed with desDatch^ 311 C O NO MY IN FUEL. JJALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. w ILLIAMS, PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN WILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 107e c ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR /"CROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S y^ROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S ROSBY'S ROSBY'S ROSBY'S |^<ROSBY'S SCROSBY'S Y^ROSBY'S y^ROSBVS ROSBY'S y*^ROSBY'S >^ROSBY'S CROSBY'S a. ^ROSBY'S CROSBY'S CROSBY'S Z^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S c ROSBYIS {CROSBY'S c nosel's 0ROSBVS ^JROSBY-s CROSBY S V^ROSBY'S V^ROSBY'S V^ROSBV'S pBOSBVS c ROSBY'i G CROSBY'S IQROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is the ouly rational sub. stitute for opiates, nar- cotics, squills, &c., so frequently recommended for COUGHS, COLDS, &c. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is invaluable to Travel- lers, Sportsmen, Emi- grants, &c., who have to encounter exposure to the inclomency of the weather. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Works wonders in cases of PULMONARY CON- SUMPTION, and has been used with signal success- in Asthma & Bronchitis. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is an almost infallible remedy for all Chest Complaints, & is equally ,efficacious in Night Sweats, Influenza, Quin- sys, &c. DR. ROOKE'S TESTIMONIAL. Dit. ROOKE, Scarborough, author of the Anti- Lar.cet,' writes as fol- lows :—"I have repeat. edly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain, and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Con- sumption and I can, with the greatest conti- dence, recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthen- ing treatment for this disease." BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR 'n pu 'r lls each, bv all Chemists' and Patent Medicine Vendors an.l Wholesale by JAMES M CROSBY, Chemist, Scar- borough, England. JfjLIXIR JGLIXIR ELIXIR. T71LIXIR. "MJLLIXIR T^LIXIR. TT^LIXIR. |7LLIXIR. XpLIXIR. JJJ^LIXIR. J71LIXIR YTLLIXIR. |7<LIXIR. | .^LIXIR. T^LIXIR T^LIXIR. JRILIXIR T^LIXIR. XI^LIXIR. Tj^LIXIR' L^LIXIR. THLIXIR. I^LIXI;. Lixin, ELIXIR. I^LIXIR. ELIXIR. X^LIXIR |^LIXIR M^LIXIK |LIXIR. F^LIYIIT. |LIXHL I^LIXIIt JgLIXIlt. J^LIXIR. QROSBY'S BALSAMIC.COUGH ELIXIR J nsínt55 bhrt55S5. JOTHAM & SONS, OVERCOATS FOR BOYS & T OPCOATS FOR YOUTHS. HANDSOME AND BECOMING. ARE NOW SHOW- ING E.NL'S OVER. COATS AND COMPLETE -CJL. SUITS IN "TVTEWEST STYLES I AND MAKES DIRECT FROM MANU- JU' FACTURERS. SUITS IN TWEED AND WORSTED. OVERCOATS IN ENDLESS VARIETY IVOVELTIES IN SMALL BOYS' OVERCOATS. COTCH TWEEDS, MELTONS, s ASTRACANS, BEAVERS, &c. ST- MARY*ST'» CARDIFF. 204E QHINA c QHINA QHINA C CHlliA QHINA C (JHINA C TEA SETS, good patterns, from 10s 6d TOILET SETS, complete. from 6s 6d. Cottage DINNER SETS, from 10s 6(1, Sets of JUGS, from Is. TUMBLERS from Is 6d per dozen. A choice selection of which will be found at EVANS'S CHINA ROOMS, 58, BRIDGE-ST. A good assortment of Fancy Articles suitable for Christmas Presents. QLASS- GLASS Vk-X LAS GLASS LASS GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS QLASS /1 LASS VX 207 QHRISTMAS piCTURES, A LMANACKS, -C3L FOR FRAMING, &o., GO TO E. W. ROBERTS', 5, ARCADE (ST. 1ARYSTREET END),. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF. 225e w EAP. PENFOUND'S BOOTS FOR HEALTH, STYLE, & ECONOMY. Sole Agent for the Celebrated "P. P." BOOT, Made of SPECIALLY-PREPARED LEATHER, and guaranteed absolutely waterproof. A brilliant selection of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S DRESS BOOTS and SHOES in the newest designs, marvellously cheap. J. H. PENFOUND, 2, PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF 227e SOUTH WALES EVENING ECHO. SWANSEA. The Evening Echo,' FIRST EDITION, is pub- lished at the Office, 2, College-street, Swansea, EVERY AFTERNOON, AT FIVE O'CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod. Plasmarl, Mumbles, &c., and by the boys of the Self Help Brigade.' The SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day, is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by R MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Building, High-street, Swansea, and by newsboys. DR. ROOKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, DR. ROOKE'S IAR. ROOKE'S Kt ROOKE'S -|R. ROOKE'S |1 R. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S TT|R. ROOKE'S TCR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S J XR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S R. ROOKE'S D R. ROOKE'S DR, ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S | R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKES D R. ROOKE'S D R. ROOKE'S D R. ROOKE'S JTVR ROOKE'S DR. ROOKES DR. ROOKE'S TTVR. ROOKE'S IAR ROOKE'S 1T|R- ROOKE'S B\R. ROOKE'S TxE. ROOKE'S g ~|R. ROOKE'S SOLAR ELIXIR AND ORIENTAL PILLS. These CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS have been before the Pub- |lic for nearly HALF A CENTURV.and have proved invaluable in thousands of Cases. For a full descrip- tion of these medi- cines and their use in the Treatment and Cure of Disease, with scores of genu- ine Testimonials,see Anti-Lancet. ANTI LANCET. This well known work contains 172 pages, and may be had gratis and post- free from DR. ROOKE, Scarboro', England. SOLAR ELIXIR is sold in bottles 4s 6d and lis, and the ORIENTAL PILLS in boxes, 13 ld and 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; and by DR. ROOKE, Scar. borough. "DR. ROOKE'S HANDY POCKET-GUIDE TO HEALTH AND HEALTH RESTORING PLACES,' Full of pleasing illustrations and useful information. 88 cases. This Book may be obtained gratis from all Patent Medicine Vendors, and post free from Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, Rng land, on receipt of a penny postage- stamp. ORIENTAL I L L S. ORIENTAL I L LS. ORIENTAL BILLS VARIENTAL pins RIENTAL pILLS RIENTAL IL LS. ORIENTAL jj ILLS. ^VRIENTAL p ILLS. L/^RIENTAL pI L L S, F"VRIENTAL P ILL S. ORIENTAL pI L L S, FARIENTAL ILL S. ORIENTAL IL LS. ORIENTAL ILL S.. RIENTAL pILLS. RIENTAL OIL LB, lUENTAL P I L L S. /ORIENTAL p ILLS. DR ROOKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, 9084 49413 j uine5 ^TOGGJS. e JpREDBXlIOK 0 OX'S Jjl I li S T ,1 ilr HALF • yearly tt. JL < J M A N T B SAIJE /•jj, IS NOW. PROUL, EDING I: troD. J I;. c » f- 21 DAYS- -'L i f. AND WILL CONTINUE TO THE END OF THE MONTH. .1 J ■ h t -• V pes* y,L. GnAT REDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OF Jj A D I a m A N T L ES, JACKETS, ULSTERS. J( FUR-LINED CLOAKS, &c. F. OOX, L ONDO ANTLE w AREHOUSE, S3, gx. fRYSTBEET, It D I F F, ALSO LONDON, LEICESTER, AND WOLVERHAMPTON, 239a I I UZí1tr5S ^otirgjssga. SAMUEL BROS., s Universal Clothiers. Grand Display of inlen's suits, Boys'Suits, Knicker Sujts, In Choice Patterns, And Most Reasonable Prices. SAMUEL BROS., s Men's Overcoats. Yo-.i Ills' Overcoats. Boys' Overcoats. Children's overcoats, SAMUEL BROS., k3 Hespoke Tailors. Trousers to Order, From Ss 6d. Suits to Order, From 53s lid, Fit, Style, and Quality Guaranteed. SAMUEL BROS., Ladies' Tailors. to Order. Mantles to Order. Dolmans to Order. Riding Habits to Order. SAMUEL"BR"OS., Hosiers. Hatters. Shirtmaker?. SAMUEL BROS., Send for Illustrated Pamphlet and Self-Measurement Forms, Post Free. GAMUEL BROTHERS, 7, ST. MARY-STREET AND < f 3 AND 4, MAuiifel' iiUlLDINGS, 241 CARDiFF. 727C2 Ií EXTRAORDIXARY REDUCTION Jfj IN SUGARS. BROWN MOIST 4r iLi. Is 3d per doz. WHITE do. li-d do. Is 6d do. FINE CRYSTALS 2d do. Is 9d do. LARGE do. 2d do. 2 do. EXTRA do. 2d do. 2 3d do. 2 FINE DEMERARA.. 2d do. 2s do. FINEST do. 2d do. 2s 3d do. GRANULATED 2d do. 2s do. FINE LUMP. 2d do. 2s 3d do. FINEST LUMP 2^d do. 2s 6d do. W. MAROHAST AND CAFE ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. PIAKOS.—'WH¥ BE WITFIO-¥RFGNK- -K- When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON RPHOMPSON AND SHACKELL'S HIRE SYSTEM ? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser 011 payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument; guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, and GLOUCESTER. 240e SPECIALTIES IN WINTER JKJ CLOTH I N G, AT W PRICE & SONS FANCY TWEED SUITS, Prices, 17/6, 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 45/ BLACK WORSTED SUITS. Prices, 2'0/ 35/ 45/ 55/ 65/ FANCY CLOTH AND TWEED OVERCOATS, Priees, 15/ 20/ 251-, 30/ 35/ 40/ 50/ BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS, Prices, 25/ 351-, 45/ 5'0/ NAP AND PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 25/ 35/ 45/ 55/ NEW MAKES IN WATERPROOF COATS. PATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS. ADDRESS—THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 60 & 51, ST. MARY-ST., 46 & 47. CAROLINE-STREET, llle CARDIFF. 23 ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. HEN P, Y RP HOM AS, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE. SOLE AGENT FOR B RADBURY'S PRIZE MEDAL SEWING JYJACHINES FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT. GRISWOLD'S PATENT KNITTING MACHINES. Washing and Mangling Machines of the very Best Makes 170e ERFECTION AT LAST IN HORSE AND CATTLE SPICE. The most perfect blend ever obtained, and the BEST FOOD for llorses. Cattle, Poultry, &c., is THE ROYAL CONDIMENT, DISTINCT from all other Catte Foods gives universal satisfaction. May be obtained from A. J. Grove, Saddler, Aberystwith. Sample bag sent carriage paid for 14s. Small sample post free on application. Royal Cattle Food Company, Oak-roaci, Crumpsall, Manchester. Agents wanted everywhere. 11946 235e WALDEN and CO., Stockbrokers and Mining Share Dealers, White House, Tele graph-street, London, E.C., buy and sell Stocks and Shares of nil descriptions, for cash or fortnightly ac- count at nominal commission. Options dealt in- Speculative accounts opened at from F.1 per cent. cover with no further liability. Bankers references. Circular, post free, on application. 230e JMPORT ANT TO SPOIITSMEN. T. pAGE WOOD, Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Cardiff and district that he is a PRACTICAL AND BONA-FIDE GUN MAKER, and all goods supplied by him are at Army and Navy Store prices. NOTE ADDRESS- 1, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite Theatre Royal), Factory 35, Nicholas-street. Bristol. 181e A WORD to the Wise; Cause and cure of debility, want of eHergy, and premature decay. In- structions to regain heaJth and Yigor. Sent on receipt of 4 stamps by Publishers, Fittalan-square, Sheffield. Role O vV A N S E A O J#' F 1 C E O OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE STREET All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Office. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers ear y every morning in any part of the town: ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clow" will secure insertion in the next moraine's isime of th* DAILY NIlyti EBusiness JUtitrassss. QHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Special Low Prices for this Week only at fjl JJ Q OMLEY, 1 CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. FANCY TWEED SUITS, Prices, 15/ 13/11, 22/ 25/ 30/. BLACK WORSTED SUITS, Prices, 20/ 25/ 3[1/ 00/ MANCY TWEED & PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, lbl., 17/6, 21/ 25/ 2d/ GOOD VALUE IN MOLE AND CORD TROUSERS. HATS, SHIRTS. HOSIERY, VERY CHEAP. ——— 223e ADDHEss-STAR CLOTHING STORES, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. QHARLES pARDOE, TOBACCO PIPE MANUFACTURER, BROADWAY, ROATH, CARDIFF. PIPEMAKERS WANTED. 245 N E W TOOL DEPOT. SHEFFIELD HOUSE (Next door to Inland Revenue Office), CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. CHARLES PUDGE Begs to state that he has OPENED the above Premises with a Large and Varied Stock of JOINERS' AND MECHANICAL TOOLS of every description, all of Guaranteed Quality, and at Lowest possible Prices. An early inspection is respectfully solicited. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 217e FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST JjTRUITS GO TO "W AND O0-' THE NEW SHOP, AT 8, ST- Johis"s-squarJ- FOR JpRESENTS QRNAMENTAL AND TTSEFUL, Go TO- U W. D OBBSIS, 11868 151e CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. R. J. JJEATH AND SONS, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have row on view the largest Stcck of High-class PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOfe CASH, and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. 237e LE W I S AND L E w I s THE CARDIFF AND NEWPORT UPHOLSTERERS. LEWIS AND LEWIS, having much increased their Stock of Cabinet Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Bedsteads, and Bed- ding, are now offering specially good value in all Departments. ALL GOODS WELL MADE, ARTISTIC IN DESIGN, AND LOW IN PRICE. L E W I SAN D L E w 1 s 23, DUKE-STREET, 137, COMMERCIAL-ST., CARDIFF NEWPORT. 121e FULTON, D UNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. I 9s. 21s. I 10s. 6d. 24s. j 12s. And upwards. 155e 10ELIGIOUS SERVICES.—The atten- XV tion of Church and Chapel Managers is invited to the Tollowing SPECIAL PREPAID TARIFF for Ad- vertisements announcing the holding of RELIGIOUS SERVICES, ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET- INGS itf One three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions. s. d. 8. d. s. d. s. d. tour Lines 1 4 4 0 6 0 „ 8 6 Six Lines 2 0 6 0 9 0 12 0 Eight Lines.. 2 8 80 12 0 16 0 Twelve Lines. 4 0 12 0 18 C, 240 18 Lines 60 18 0 27 0 36 0 24 Lines 8 0 240 36 0 48 0 Eight words may be calculated to a lire. This Taril: is limited strictly to the Advertisements enumerated above. These Notices can also appear in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with thoe in the South Wales Daily JVewv. so as to form part of the series of Insertions CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL POSTLNG. AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES: CHURCH-STREET CHAMBERS. SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and eighbourhood Contractors for all descriptions 01 Advertising Circular Distributing &c, 991 All orders nroIll9tiv attended to, 55251 BOROUGH OF NEWPORT JD WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Lower Merchant street, behind the Town-hall Corporation bill-poster and crier. Rents the principal hoarillugs and station,. in Newoort and Neighbourhood. Two good bill posters kept. Work attended to with quick despatch Town onci country. Old established—mora tban feu&rur 0: a century 8058 34063 t business ÀÙOr£55£S. ————————————————————————————————————— IMPORTANT 0 T I C E rj his DAY ON SALE AT H O W E j 1 L &■ O M P A N Y S, j Jj R E S S GOODS EXTPAOPDINAPY JLJ 35 Pieces CHECK LUSTRES .from lid per yard, 45 STRIPED „ 2id „ 80 „ TWILLED ALPACCA „ 2-d „ 50 „ DRESS MELTONS 3d „ 100 ASSORTED VARIOUS.. „ 4d „ 60 STRIPED SKIRTING.. 3N Y E R Y gPECUL. 590 PIECES OF FANCY PRINTS, FROM 1|D PER YARD—worth double J* 1 1200 JJLANKETS, j AT REDUCED PRICES Brown from Is 11 gd per pair. 1 j White „ 2s 11 Id I SLIGHTLY SOILED. Better qualities equally good value. JTTE A L WELSH SHIRTING j FLANNEL, FROM 124-d PER YARD. LEAKING LINES IN CHILDREN'S 'I J A C K E T S, M FROM 4|d EACH. '{J FUR-LINED CLOAKS. FROM 7s lld. UR CAPES, MUFFS, TRIUMlNGS. f ETC., AT MAKERS' PRICES. *J>ANKRUPT STOCK OF WOMEN'S MACKINTOSHES, M FROM 2s 6ld EACH. 1\1 ANTLES, JACKETS, JjOLMANS,J J>ALETOTS, AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS PRICES. JflANCY ^JHRISTMAS Q OODS TO BE CLEARED REGAliDLESS OF COST. M — —f j ALL THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ij ONLY FROM fj JJ O W E L L & O M P A N If, "THE CARDIFF DRAPERS," 178 CARDIFF. 70150 Advertisement TarE ? o Small Prepaid Advertisements, 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. ONCE. ,I l- 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 ————————————!—————!——————————- 1 30 Words 0 9 10 1 6 'i 1 1 1 40 Words 1 01 6 2 3 50 Words -j 1 3 2 6 3 9 1—,—1 u 60 Words 163 0 j 4 6" These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered lor CONSKCUTIVE insertion and PAID FOlt PREVIOUS TO INSERTION if either of these coo. ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the Business scale APARTMENTS WANTED. I HOUSES TO BE SOLD. APARTMENTS TO LET. MONEY WANTED. ARTICLES LOST. MONEY TO LEND. ARTICLES FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL I MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSINESSES WANTED. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED. OUSES WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. ,1 General Advertising Tariff. RATE PER LINE FOIL A SERIES. CLASS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. ,1 to 4 or 6 to 12to26& 3 5" 11 25 'npd jinsrlinsr insr insr insr Business „) Educational > -/4 -/4 -/3 -/2 -/l^ Publishers ) Religious Services > n r>n Entertainments f ~,Z Auction Announcements -/6 -/< -/3 -/3 -is Legal and Public Notices Municipal and School Board.. ,■ 'Tenders and Contracts t '<* "/6 'lb Public Appointments ) Prospectuses ./9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Parliamentary Elections ) Parliamentary Notices y 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- l/« Government Announcements, j PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged 1 to r insertions, 6d per line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per line ] j 12 insertions and upwards, 3d per line. Notices of Births, Marriaa,e3, and Deathsarecharge4 Is each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for eaclJ additional 10 words. These Notices must be authen- ticated by the Signature and Address of the sender. MESSRS W. h. SMITH and SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS at an early hour each Morning in all parts of the follow ii £ towns:— CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABERDAKi: PONTYPOOL ROAD BUTE DOCKS HEREFCKD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MIT,FORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCESTER 1 LLANELLY TENBY ABERYSTWYTH 1 LAMPETER CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY J The CARDIFF TIMKS also (ieiivered every Fr day j to any address in the above mentioned Towns..1 to any address in the above mentioned Towns. ORDKRrt to be enr ¡'4 :L.j:L!J:1;:cr or the various bcok.wsilh. ILL-POSTING.—PHILIP R. JAMEil PONTYPRIDD and RIIONDDA VALLEY BLLL-POSTEll aud DISTRIBUTOR, Treorky, and 6 Church-stseet, Pontypridil Rent.-s all the principal j POSTING STATIONS in Pontypridd and Khondda ,1 Valley Horse and Trap and Pianoforte te&?" 1 .1