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.)a1£5 bll Jturtilon. JjiiSRS J^ELL~AND CC)., MANUFACTURERS & AUCTIONEERS, 3, CASTLE-STREET (late Ansel-street), CAHDIFF, >Yvli SELL bv AUCTION, without reserve, aUrtHEN- 1 CHINA, MAJOLICE, JET, aud WARE, every E.-enim: at Seven o'fi SPECIALITIES IN DINNER A^u A g42 _J^ivate sale during the day. ^jgspectl0» "ivited. i\|ESSRS THO^s & G0-, 110 use> AGENTS- ACCOUNTANTS, &c., io announce that they nave opened business iu premises at 14 ST- JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF, ^beis they purpose carrying' on the above, and trust '■i»t i>y strict an" atten:ion being given to &1I "^tti-rs entrusted to taem, to rcceivo a meed of public 3UJ>pvrt. e beg to add that our experisnce extends over a pfcnod of IS years, during which time it was our privi. iege to conduct some of the largest Property and Stock ^ales held in the Western part of Wales, and thus feel convinced, if eurrusted with your favours, to give satisfaction both to venuors arid purchasers. jyms strict!v moderate. U-Jsorve H," ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. A its for Lite, Fire, Accident, Plate-glass, and 1.. •"•ig .Stock Assurance Societies. Llluties arranged for without delay. 130e FOR -p- IESENTS -i-' -E- ORNAMENT AL Axrl r TTSEFUL, 'JO TO— U W T)0BBS'S' 11363 151e CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. |JfiilF^CTIT LAST IN HORSE AND CATTLE SPICE. *sf "sfs ™ IlOYAL CONDIMENT. DISTINCT from all other F.'cds gives universal satisfaction. Way be "Stained from A. J. Grove, Saddler, Aberystwith. ba«- sent carriage paid for 14s. SmaU sample w.stfree on application. 'Royal Cattle Food Company, °»k-road Crumpsall, Manchester. Agents wanted *'vwywhe're ^^6 235e_ TllE^l^I^irFLANNEL <t WOOL 1. .J,;J SHOP: b7. BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. I Try Our Real WELSH FLANNELS. WELSH YARNS Also all kinds of KNITTING YARNS. BERLIN and o-lier FANCY WOOLS. Tty Our KNITTED SOCKS and STOCKINGS. Stockings Re-footed at 6d. per pair. I AYeLh Flannel Shirts always in Stock. 215e ] 1 i TRIMXELL'S LIFE-GIVING AND PRESERVING Jj" E R v I 3" E rp O NIC, 'I ither Sex; will cure all kinds of nervous. ''ability arising from any source of weakness, from ^•-atever cause it may arise. These are a few of; tht¡ Symptoms of Nervous Debility :—Depression" ef spirits, inaptitude for exertion, unfitness for "•dy, dislike for society, dislike to enter any kind t,f business, inv duiitary blushing, dimness of sight. sharks before the eyes, deafns^s and noise in the 8,1 "S ellse of tightness, of suffocation, constant lr.,ta! v: ifai?is in tfte Joips anli a constant • oi -a t:;xri iu:H,s, irritation of the kidneys and, tl!'«!«lev( palpitation nf the heart, geiieiti treiyiii any sudden impulse, extreme iliffid- lice, ¡ ":l'i of niopieg alone, morbitl sensibility, ewe)ess l5>out life, iv* j. >6, it.> pleasures, and its unties llrL'i;ir:>i;y f ri: bo v-'s. fueling good for nothing, ■!l'b»v.! ;.v;i!i.ry ,'iue!Ieeluai power ami faculties'. •'uon, i;:i ;;l e( 1, t.xtJr8nl- restlessness, flatu- "'■■cy ,-ii,i indigestion, irequenfc headaches. silent '•.•in-une. from the t"ar of physical wealt- 'i:a:- ,n iasMiu.y, miserable forebodings for the "s3n, jin hopy for the future; starting during sleep, •iillgai.d feeiing ill without apparent causm. One, or \'V' package- <>f Triuuiofl's Nervine Tonic •will cure •'K»5 ca^es of t!!« above. Where it has been badly w;cc.i!«l it vi:l require a km-er time to a cu"f. a cu"f. Is I jil and b Pd per packet ,t,. vi i;i! siiliicien; to prove thejviriueof the Com;io. to be iiaci at nusi; respectable ■. auÜ JTedicino Vei.ilojs throughout I: you have any difficulty in obtaining it, or Post-office Order" direct to the >t will ho ior\v,i:ied at onwu. | :,>;( Js ;,it W'Z.-s iVtt- rree to any purt of the x -None are equine ulIes they 1hve the it •"••• wgitlv bk FOUGlJiRV. JT ¡.1. DIRKCTIONS ox E\Ci! L.. j :(:1i: t.si> !;E/<1:Crt:- \V 'ti-MM.NKLL, :1'-£:llt .-i.j VJ.; <■ :7e M<in.TKj".r: AT! c.Uv.D:it in GIIDTK > jp:»EV J,|x-r WITHOUT D.bAY b? the S.. <Ti a;n<t-ckO'-s BAiCK (ite«d.). V. ;d:-T Strand, J.ondou. Est abashed 1870. Wir>i;.il £ Iu0,0C0. Reserve Fund, £ 50.0.JO. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADiS l <'II ,¡, l>1.,);,c(1 I'roiiii-^sory Notes as follows, without liedu^tions. A(Jv.-uiCe £ i<b -12 monihiv .repayments of £ 2 5 oO „ 4 11 S 100 b' 6 4 t.arger aÁ¡oun;:<{ he same in proportion. ■A|i,aaces of E2,5 to £ 2,000 !rJ ntcd at a few hours' t¡,h;>J 1; town or tountrv, mafe or female, on mortgage lUitti^ure, tra.de and farm stock, plant, crops, &c jtL'o! removal, and to assist persons? into business. /««:• «a deeds, policies, *and reversions at 5 percent, on,, inor.t'a to 14 years. Difctanco no object. Easy ^trictly private. Call or write. „ -^ot;<>»-I'efor» applying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, A-o.: in Kn^aud and Wales knowing this idyou wulat once find oui vou are -reifino- ^•.tl, ':vli iild-establislied (1870), Se Having large capital, we do, business cheaner thers. Responsible Trailers, Farmers, and ''theix e.an have money witaiout bill of .-ale. No good 'oan ever refused. Current accounts oii-ned.; according to the usual Practice of other ban-is. No charge for keeping acci-unis. Interest at the rale of 4 per cant, allowed 11,1 *b'J minimum monthly balances. of £ 10 and upwards received at 4 per cent. payable on demarud. j,. to three months' snotico of withdrav.-al, 6 "¡è to six months' uotiice. of withdrawal, B per ) ;?{ to twelve months' notice of withdrawal, 10 101Cl'tst ^aHTij»nthly. Quarterly, or as agreed. A. WILLIAMS, Jlanager. ^i(!t IH WALjig EVENING ECHO. SE, A. TL SPECIE EDITION, which cottta^ test News, Telegrams, ^tock Exchang0 ices, Markets, Spc.rting ard Local Intelligencs r da,, is published in Swansea nt 8.60 p.m. Sola f'HjboOD, News A^enc, Gxc&" ostein iii.I*-street, Swansea, and by newsboys^ WORr;, to the Wise Cause and. cure of V.V>u ri'!ity,, "ant of energy, and premature decay. In- Jtruetions to regain health and vigor. Sent on receipt of «ta Publishers, Fitzalan-squaie sheifield. 201e -a o F I > V; r (} H 0 RT o '11 fN WILLIAMS, 12, Lower Mercban1, t. the Town-nail Corporation bill-poster I c.rwT lienis the principal hoardings and stations sw-r> j,nd Neighbourhood. Two good bill k' Work attended to with quick despatch °ld 1VXE?^ w. h! SMITH~ and SON rr,J>rthe SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW* rowns"0ui'each Morningm ail parts of the follow ^WANSEA NEWPORT Ck\>MS fefliYK PORTSKEWETT lIU{'E.únCK B.ERDAlm PONTYPOOL ROA t, iiULT). END NAv^FCFO PKMBROKE DOCK f i-ATIi BH1ST^'F0RD GLOVUC^^Vl<J8'1 C\HYUrT ABERYSTWYTH Tb r pLi-w 'rM?\\TnEN ABERGAVENNY uny fiJ,i f ;dso delivered every Fr day n ?n aoove mentioned Towns. u."5 to he seur zc :h& Managers of tco various public ^umseinrnts. qlHEATRE l^^YAL, CAllMFF." tr.sSEB & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGLR Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT, SATURDAY, January 10th. Mr Edward Fleteljer's Fourtii Christmas Pantomime. YE QUEEN OF HEARTS. Her Wonderful Tarts, and Ye Knave who stole them or Princess Ye Sleeping Beauty and Heme, Y e Demon PRODUCED ON A^CALtT oF^ UNRIVALLED MAGNIFICENCE. NIFIC MAGNIFICENCE. Ye Village of Snoozeweil—Magick cnan.^ ■ Ye Grand Palace of Cards. Gorgeous N^d Balletgtie of Windsor. Mr Alberto and Mis Hales in their Astounding SOMERSAULT I^NCK. of En,.land froD1 Procession of Kings and Vjuee XRANS- William I. to Queen ^IIE ROSE." New FORMATION, BIRTH tjla Q]own the Comic Harlequinade, invent'Hl uy 'SSr^SgSUS'Sw S»t«rtWat Two o'clock. BS3f.;?S S&SS&m&t Pay Performances. -|3 H I L H A R M O N I C TVTOI'.ELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES, ST MARY-STKEET, CARDIFF. ..lA'AG'R J. MORELLA. LESSEE a^2NDACHANGE^"OF'COMPANY !°RLLLA- SATITBDA^' JAN. 10, AND EVERY EVENING. S First appearance in Cardiff and most expensive engagement of J THE FOUR AUBREYS, The Marvellous Grotesques. Special and important en- » 'oeirent, for one week only, of the GREAT LEONATI, ri-*P Cham'oion Bicycle Ascensionist of the World. Re- en^ement for Six Nights only of Mr HARRY FREE- M aN the London Star i:omique. First appearance in Cardiff of Messrs ROSE AND OTTER, the Knockabout Niogers. First appearance in Cardilr of Miss BLANCHE BAiUtETT, St-rio-Comic and Dancer. Re-engagement for Six Nights, on account of great Success of Air HAURY TURNER, the Celebrated London Star Comique. Prices of Adn-wsion; Private Boxes, Ós each talls, 2s Pit and Promenade, 1 Gallery, 6d. Half-price at 9 o'clock to Private Boxes, S.alls, Pic, and Promenade 59b Mr GEORGE HARRISON, Chairman. LOOK OUT FOR lp. ROGER TICIIRORNE. PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE When you can become the owner of a nice instrument for the small payment of 10., 6d PER MONTH ON rpHOMP.SON AND 1,7, E 1, L'S HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument, delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, and GLOUCESTER. 24Ue "O A R R B 11 O T HERS, jL> TAILORS, 64, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. re now oifeiiup; a very choice selection of stylish Cfubraere, worsted, of Eiipjahd, and Scotch Autumn and Winter Overcoating, Suiting* and Trouser- ings. Tn their selection strict aUenUon has been given to secure the most fashionable, patterns and colours, com- bined with materials which B.B. can guarantee for durability, feeling assured that the latter, combined with trood fitting garments, is the only method to secure the continued confidence and support of their cus- tomers Gentlemen wlio_have_ not been able to obtain gar- ments to their satisfaction in Cardiff, and have been compelled at extra expense and inconvenience to order elsewhere are very rusj et-.tfully solicited for a trial, as in B.B. they tille, cutters who can compete with any 111 the kmgdom, while their prices will be found as reasonable as first-class materials and workmanship will pennit. _122e TERMS. CASH. 71253 "^TSAU |>ENFOUND'S ~|^OOTS FOR HEALTH, STYLE, & ECONOMY. Sole Agent for the Celebrated "P. P." BOOT, Made of SPECIALLY-PREPARED LEATHER, and guaranteed absolutely waterproof. h j A brilliant, selection of LADIRS' and GENTLEMEN'S [ DRESS BOOTS and SIIOUIS in the newest desj^ns, marvellously cheap. J i J T-J p V N E f) U N I) 2, r';ktK HALL CARDIl-'f" 227c W and CO., Stockbrokers and V'f ii'-inj; Share Dealers, White House, Tele Rraph-sneet, Ljndou, KC., buy and sell Stocks and ^flares of se, I for cash or fortnightly ac- count at nominal commission. Options dealt in- Speculative lLccnUlIts opened at from £1 per cent. j over with wo further liability. Bankers references. Circular, post iree, on application. C, -.1. DYMmiSEMimT^ I J attention oil Principals of Private and other SCHOOLS is directed to the ioilowiug moderate PRE PAID TARIFF for School Advernsoinoiits:— One ;-Si Twelve Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. 11e:tiOH t Four Lines 1 0 i, 0 6 0 Six Lines J. 6 5 (I b 0 9 0 Eight Lines.. £ 0 5 o t> 0 12 0 Iwelve Lines o 0 7 6 12 0 la 0 Ejght words may he calculated to aline. Advertise- I jiients can .-dsi) appear in the CARDIFF" TIMES and SoLTil WALES VV JiKKLY NEWS in conjunction with -n South (zip- j)civ.1.7 ^wVvo, so <is fo iovm pat'r o; 11 series or insertion: iviti II South ate" j)civ.1.7 so "S to form parr, 0: 11 series or lllSCrtJ'JJ1: |Jiw ROOKE'S FAMILY MSDIOINES. "a > R. RoOKiVr. I | ROOKE'S H^R. ROOKE'S U. ROOKE'S It. ROOKE'S -y § ^R. EOOK15V j ^R. ROOKE'S. |^R. ROOKE'Sj | ROOKE'S R 110"1-T rz,. J^R. ROOKE'S DR. 1100K |R. ROOKE'S l ylt. ROOKE'S AE. ROOKE'S Itvr. 1;ooKh:v lyi ROOKE'S |Kb. ROOKE'S |^R. ROOKE'h rvR. ROOKE'S J^R. ROOKE'S ROOKES DR -ftOOK E'S; Ð It Koqkf;s| DR. ROQ, ROOKE'S -|KR. ROOKE-S | VU. EOOKE'S | "k Ti. ROOKE'sj j ROOKE'Sj "JJJR. ROOKE'Sj DR. ROOKE'S; jjp. ROOKE'Sj J^R. ROOKE'Sj | SOLAR ELIXIR AND; OKIKNTAI. PIU.S. I'These CKLKBUAIICD! havcj Ibeen before the Pub-: jiic for nearly UAI.FI A CTCNI'UR'aiid havej ju'oved invaluable hi' thousands c-f Cases. )r iu" tion of these inetii-J cines and their u*ej in the Treatmeu! and Cure of Disease,' with scores of genu-l ine Testiinoniais,sce| Anti-Lancet. ANTI-LANCET, j This well known work contains 172 pages, and may be bad gratis and posst- f r e e from DR. ROOK E. Scarboro', England." '1 SOLAR ELIXIR is sold in bottle ^0 &d and lis, and K NT A Li ILLS m boxe. 1- lid and 4s 6d each by all Cnemi.sts anb Patent Me.iic, Vendors and bv Dlt. ROOKE, Scar- borough. DR. ROOKE'S IIA NOV POCKET-GUIDK TO t Ukaltu AN 11 "Salth RKSTORI.Wi Full PlaCES,' iii„ of pleasing: us ^'a-ions ail5! 83 D This Book be obtained gratis froni all Patent, Medicine Vendors, and p(,st free from Dr. Rooke, Scarborough, Eng' land, on receipt of a. peluly postage- stamp. i^j;:XENTAL p I L L S '^RIENTAL Jjj ills.; &- |RI!NTAI, p 1 L L S I^RIENTAL P 1 L L S ^RIENTAL piLLS OJUETA L I L L S. 1.1.i. .J.. ^RIENTAL fj p ILLS.! II O1;™ | p I LLS. g"ORIENTAL plLLS.j ORIENTAL S > 1 n S .1 ^RIENTAL P"'Lsj ^RIENTAL pit J. S. ORIENTAL pILLS. ORIENTAL I L L S. o IUENTAL I L L s. 4 ORIENTAL L I L 1, S. IJIMENTAL I L T, |iLNTAL L L 1, DIT EOOKE'S FAMILY ME D1CINES~ giC'i 161!,Sin£.55 ;Abùr£5z£z. JOTHAM & SONS, 0YERCOATS FOR BOYS & FJP OPCOATS FOR YOUTHS. XI'ANDSOME AND -Ja-Ji- BECOMING. ARE NOW SHOW- ING MEN'S OVER- COATS j AND COMPLETE -L-α- SUITS IN "T^TEWEST STYLES -LL AND MAKES DIRECT FROM MANU- -L'' FACTURERS. SUITS IN TWEED AND WORSTED. OVERCOATS IN ENDLESS VARIETY FIJJ OVELTIES IN SMALL BOYS' -L" OVERCOATS. QCOTCH TWEEDS, MELTONS, ASTRACANS,' BEAVERS, &C, 26 & 27 -IT. MARY-ST., k.7 riARDIFF. VV 204e 0HINA CHINA QUINA CHI:.J A CHINA CHINA QHINA CHINA CHINA QHINA TEA SETS, good patterns, from 10 s 6d TOILET SETS, complete, from 6s 6d. Cottage DINNER SETS, from 10s 6cl. Sets of JUGS, from Is. TUMBLERS from Is 6d per dozen. A choice selection of which will be found at EVANS'S CHINA ROOMS, 58, BRIDGE-ST. A good assortment of Fancy Articles suitable for Christmas Presents. QLASS ^TLASS A ^LASS X (jjLASS Q LASS Q-LASS LASS GLASS ( i LASS \.J1 LASS \J\ 207 G O i\ 0 M Y IN FUEL. ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER II E A T E R. ,TILLIAIHS' PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN WILLIABIS AND SON, VY SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 107e C H R 1ST 1\1 ASp leT U RES, -&. A. LMANACKS, FOR F R A M lNG, & c., GO TO E. W. R0BKRTS'. 5, ARCADE (ST. MARY STREET END), THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF. 225e JMPORTANT TO SPORTSMEN. JL r|l pAGE ^yOOD, Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Cardiff and district that he is a PRACTICAL AMD DONA-FIDE GUN MAKER, and all goods snpplied by him are at Army and Navy Store prices. NOTE ADD I. WKSTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite Theatre Royal), Factory 3b, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 181e ^^ROSBY'S^lBALSAiirc^OUGLFTiLINlTr ^ROSBY'S g CROSBY'S v ¡ P, O's B I" | CROSBY'S ^JROSBV'S ^^ROSBY'.n tUOSRY'S \j ^ROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S g CROSBY'S I CROSBY'S /ROSBY'S 'U' CROSBY'S |CROSBY'S D VliOSi'.V'S ^tlOSBY'S ^ROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S V^KOSBY'S ^HOSBY'S I^ROSBX'S I^ROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S ^JROSBY'S g CROSBY'S c ROSBY"- tROSBY' ^'VROSBY'S _J BALSAMIC! COUGH ELIXIR Is. the only rational sub- stitnce for opiates, liar, cotics, squills, &c., so frequently recommended for Corous, C'oi.r), Ae. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR I Is invaluable to Travel, lers, Sportsmen, Emi- grants, etc., who have to encounter exposure to the inclemency of the weather. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Works wonders in cases of PULMONARY CON- ( SU.MPTIO.N, and has been I used with signal success- in Asthma I- Bronchitis. BALSA JIIC COUGH EiTXIR Is an almost infallible remedy for all Cl1est Complaints, it is equally eliieacibus ill Night Sweats, Influenza, (Quin- sy s, iWc. DR. ROOKE'S TA Dn. RooKE,Scarborough, author of the" Anti- Lancet,' writes as fol- lows :—" 1 have repeat- (jtlly observed how very rapidly and invariably it .subdued Cough, Pain, and Irritation of the Chest in casts of Pulmonary Con- sumption and 1 can, with the greatest conti, deuce, recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwiso strengthen- ing treatment for this disease." BALSAMIC COUGll ELIXIH is sold in bottles, at Is lid, j Is I'd. 4s6d, & lis each, by j all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, and I by Al. CROSBY, Ctiemi.-it, Scar- borough, England. "JGJLIXIR J^LIXIR l^sLIXIR. J^LIXIR. J^LIXIR |LIXIR. J^LIXIR. J^LIXIR. J^LIXIR. ELIXIR. ELIXIR L LlxiR.. pnxm. i^Lixm. I.1X IR JOJ IjXXIK. ¥4lixir I^LIXIR. jjJMXIR J .^LIXIR tli |7?LIXIR. ii^LIXIR. rivr E KL!X!R |^LIXIR. j i .^LIXIR. J "l^LIXIR. j I^LIXIR -\LIXIR tj G TILIXIR ioj 1 1 LIXIR, Euvm-1 "l^IJXIR j LIXIR K,IXIU-1 I^LIXIK ^JROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR j HBttaimaa :àùr£5z£s. IV E Av EVENING pAPER NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. THE South Wales Echo Will be published EACH EVENING, As follows FIRST EDITION 2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPEOIAL EDITION. 6 O'CLOCK P.M. 23 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY PRICE ONE HALFPENNY PKICE ONE HALFPENNY THE SOUTH ALES CHO Is supplied with a SPLENDID SERVICE OF NEWS Comprising TELEGRAMS FROM ALL PARTS OE THE WORLD, Wired by REUTER'S AGENTS, THE PRESS ASSOCIATION, THE CENTRAL NEWS, AND OUR OWN REPORTERS AND COR- RESPONDENTS, Up to the latest possible moment FULL REPORTS 0 ALL LOCAL MEETINGS, Including POLICE-COTJRT NEWS. QUARTER SESSIONS NEWS. TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS. ASSIZE COURT NEWS. CORPORA TION MEETING S. LOCAL BOARD MEETINGS. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS. FOOTBALL MATCHES. CRICKET MATCHES, &c., &C., &c. In addition it contains LATEST SPORTING TELEGRAMS, A SPECIAL MONEY ARTICLE, WIRED BY A i.KADjNG AUTHORITY ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. LATEST SHIPPING TELEGRAMS, FROM LLOYD'S AGENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENTS. SPECIAL FEATURES. In ord'l' to render the SOUTH WALES ECHO' one of the most attractive Evening Papers in the Pro vinces, a variety of SPECIAL FE TURES will be in- troduced, including SERIAL STORIES by Eminent Authors. SHORT TALES. JOTTINGS UPON POLITICS, ART, AND LITERATURE NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA WIT AND WISDOM. CHAT FROM THE METROPOLIS. FACTS AND FANCIES. ECHOES OF PUBLIC OPINION. GOUTH ALES JJLOHO v JBJJ WILL BE ISSUED THIS AFTERNOON FIRST EDITION .2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6 O'CLOCK P.M. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY ) NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPEtt I PUBLISHING OFFIOKS 75, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. Proprietors. D. DUNCAN & SONS. BSttsiiwss Qbbxtssts. G- P%EAT SHOW OF OVERCOATS ¡ AND AUTUMN AND WINTER CLOTHING, AT g O Y L E AND QO.-S, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. I ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND EWEST STYLES IN BOYS', YOUTHS', AND MEN'S 0VERCOATS, sun's, EEFERS, TROUSERS, JL H ATS, AND JJOSIERY] The prices will be found on comparison to be so astonishingly low that no one need now deny themselves the luxury of a well made and com- fortably fitting garment. gOYLE AND (J°-» GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 11869 CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 127e ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. HENRY r- H 0 INI A S, iLiL r ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE. SOLE AGENT FOR B P, A D B LT R Y'S PKIZE MEDAL g E W I N G ill- ACHINES FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT. GRISWOLD'S PATENT KNITTING MACHINES. Washing and Mangling Machines of the very Best Makes 170e 10, 3i, A- li, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. A7Stone' IT N D E R T A K E Pv, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR, OSTRICH PLUME & GENERAL FURNISH- ING ESTABLISHMENT. I' The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 7 lMe J. NEWTON AND CO., TAILORS, HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS, .13 CROCKIIERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Are now Showing a Choice Selection of GOODS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER WEAR, Consisting of WEST OF ENGLAND, SCOTCH, AND FRENCH GOODS, IN THE NEWEST MAKES AND STYLES. Fit and Style equal to any London or Provincial House. An Early Inspection Solicited. lost3 Established Twenty Year 71405 LEVIS AND LEVIS THE CARDIFF AND NEWPORT UPHOLSTERERS. LEWIS AND LEWIS, having much increased their Stock of Cabinet Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Bedsteads, and Bed- ding, are now offering specially good value in all Departments, ALL GOODS WELL MADE, ARTISTIC IN DESIGN, AND LOW IN PRICE. LE W I S AND L EWIS, 23, DUKE-STREET, | 137, COMMERCIAL-ST., CARDIFF f NEWPORT. 121a FULTON, D UNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, I'EiSARTII BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. Per Firkin. 18s. | 9s. 21s. j 10s. 6d. 24s. 12s. And upwards. 155e ¡ l-t. J. HEATH AND SONS, 12, CROCKIIERBTOWN, CARDIFF, j Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class PIANOFORTES, j ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a j LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASHJ and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. 5 Pianos, from 15 guineas. 1 Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. 237e j |_> ELIGIOL'S SERA' ICES.—The atten- I tion of Church and Chapel Managers is invited j to the iollowing SPECIAL PREPAID TARIFF for Ad- vertisements announcing the holding of RELIGIOUS j SERVICES, ANNIVERSARIES, and TEA MEET- f IN US :— I Owe, Three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions. { s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. f lour Lines ..II- 40 60 86 Six Lines 20 60 90 12 0 r Eight Lines.. 2 8 8 0 12 0 16 0 1 Twelve Lines. 40 12 0 18 0 24 0 18 Lines. ó 0 18 0 27 056 0 24 Lines b0 24 0 it 048 0 Eiuht words may be calculated to lire. Thh Tariff is limited strict!y to the Atioeitisementx enumerated above. These Notices can also appear in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in conjunction with those in the South Wales Daily A'etvD, j so as vo form vat:- 0: the sei ies of Insertions » 1l1u5ínt55 «Ai)tiressjc5. c HRISTUAS HOL ID AYS. Special Low Prices for this Week only at T. H. 0 O M L E Y J CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. FANCY TWEED SUITS, Prices, 15/ 18/11, 221-, 25/ 301. BLACK WORSTED SUITt" Prices, 20/ 26/ 30/ 35/ FANCY TWEED & PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 15/ 17/6, 21/- 25/ 29i-. GOOD VALUE IN MOLE AND CORD TROUSERS. HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, VERY CHEAP. ——— 228e ADDREss-STAR CLOTHING STORES, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. CHARLES pA RD O E, TOBACCO PIPE MANUFACTURER, V BROADWAY, ROATH, CARDIFF. PIPEMAKERS WANTED. 245 • I •: JMPORTANT g A L V AT 0 x s F. Cox's L 0 N D 0 N A N T L E JU -i3-&- A REHOUSE, 23, ST- m ARY- ks TREET, CARDIFF. THE FIRST HALF-YEARLY C LEA R A C E A L E IS NOW ON, AND WILL CONTINUE FOR 21 DAYS. ALL MANTLES, JACKETS, ULSTERS; WATERPROOFS, FUR CAPES, FUR-LINED CLOAKS, &c. AT HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICES. N OW ON SALE. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES. t *3.. 72628 „ 239e EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN gUGARS. BROWN MOIST per lb. Is 3d per doz. WHITE do. lid do. Is 6ct do. FINE CRYSTALS 2d do. Is 9d do. LARGE do. 2d do. 2s do. EXTRA do.. 2gd do. 2s 3d do. FINE DEMERARA.. 2d do. 2s do. FINEST do. 2d do. 2s 3d do. GRANULATED 2d do. 2s do. FINE LUMP. td do. 2s 3d do. FINEST LUMP £ £ d do. 2s 6d do. W. Marchant AND C°-& 246 ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. E W TOOL DYFOT. SHEFFIELD HOUSE (Xext door to Inland Revenue Office), CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. CHARLES PUDGE Begs to state that he has OPENED the above Premises with a Large and Varied Stock of JOINERS' AND MECHANICAL TOOLS of every description, all of GuaranteecP.Quality, and at Lowest possible Prices. An early inspection is respectfully solicited. v I EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 217e SPECIALTIES IN WINTER s CLOXHI'N G, AT W PRICE & SONS ;1<> FANCY TWEED SUITS, v H Prices, 17/6, 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 45/ BLACK WORSTED SUITS. Prices, 25/ 35/ 45/ 55/ 65/ FANCY CLOTH AND TWEED OVERCOATS, Priees, 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ ?/ 40/ 50/ BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS, Prices, 25/ 35/ 45/ 5b/ NAP AND PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 25j-, 35/ bj., 55/ NEW MAKES IN WATERPROOF COATS. HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS. ADDRESS—THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 60 & 51, ST. MARY-ST., 46 & 47. CAROLINE-STREET, HIe CARDIFF. 23 FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST F RUITS GO TO rjlHOMAS- AND £ JO., THE NEW SHOP, I AT j 8C<T. TOHN'S-SQUARE. >0 218 IVTERVOU SNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, -L^L and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to tor- ward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address J. T. Sewell, E?u.« Chi; wick. Middlesex, 212 business %.&ftrgssgs> JMPORTANT O TI OS 1 T HIS DAy ,i ON SALE AT H O W E ij L & O M P A N Y' S, R E S 8 Q.00 D S J^STRAORDIN ARY 3& Pieces CHECK LUSTRES -from lid per ftÑ. STRIPED „ 2-d gO TWI1.I ED ALPACCA'u, "j 50 „ PRESS MELTONS 100 A^SOPTED VARIOUS. žd 50 STRIPED SKIRTING., aid .¡ "c yERY gP E C I A L; 390 PIECES OF FANCY PRINTS, FROM liD PER YARD-woltb double J 200 pAIRS BLANKETS. t AT REDUCED PRICES:— Brown from Is 11-id per pub. White. u 2s llid „ A SLIGHTLY SOILED. Better qualities equally good valae. REAL WELSH SHIRTING FLANNEL, FROM 121d PER YARD. CLEARING LINES IN CHILDREN'S I JACKETS, FROM 4id EACH. F UR-LINED CLOAKS, FROM 7s lid. JjlUR CAPES, MUFFS, TRIMMINGS, ETC., AT MAKERS' PRICES. JJANKRUPT STOCK OF WOMEN'S MACKINTOSHES, FROM 2s 6d EACH. m ANTLES, J ACKET, JJOLMANS, #& pALE TOTS, AT LLESS THAN MANUFACTURERS PRICES. FANCY CHRISTMAS GOODS TO BE CLEARED REGARDLESS OF COST. ALL THE ABOVENplOODS CAN BE 80UQBT ONLY, FROM JJ O W E L L & Q QH P "THE CARDIFF DRAPERS," 118 CARDIFF. x"J