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PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR'S 21st BIRTHDAY. IPKESS ASSOCIATION- TELEGBAMJ KING'S LYNN, Thursday, 8.0O a.m. » night there has been a contl°^l°ceof°difficulty to and it will probacy be a m rate this drive over the nine intentions of the town and Sandnngnam. -TI^ thQ houge fey Ifrr ^re, be probably i Cor.rlrin"ham includes tne takin^ gramme at photographs of the S T'Cr Jv -V photographer from Koya! I ^y. commanded to take London has necu J interesting the photographs commemorative occasion. As far as ,» known the^ telegraphing, there will be notbi 0^^ public character nan ^;v^ent!y the wish addresses and prese«its. 1 shouid be con- of the family that the.J1^ith;n their own family fined as far as possible few valued fnenus. — r^rnALNEWS TELEG11AM.J rri ,r-rliv Morning.—A sharp trost silvered -the young woods during thegiving the whole country around &- fc of winter. The household was the genera makingfinal preparations fi dL'sfertivilies. E»J>.ve to leat .A Prince Albert Victor of W ales, last nigh"> llui I i10 to-day attains his majority, received ^,0 affectionate congratulations of his Royal parents, and of many of Ids illustrious relatives. This morning the con- gratulations were renewed, and many compli- mentary surprises were prepared for the young prince and for the Prince and Princess of Wales on meeting their guests at the breakfast table. Congratulations from all quarters were received by telegraph (there being a private wire at the house), very eariy, and the flow is in creasing as the day advances. Outside of the house itself there is but very little, to indicate the celebration of any domestic rejoicings in the Royal family. The broadway leading to the Prince's exercise grounds, where the circus entertainment is to be given later in the cay, is decorated v/itn flags, banners, and yards of hay bunting but the general aspect o: these and the is little changed. The first portion of the horses and camels, forming part of the circus, arrived yesterday, and the remainder, including two elephants, came by special train early this morning. This part of the programme is principally for the bene- fit of the villagers around and the tenantry of Sandnngham. The prmcipal streets and buildings of the borough of Lynn are gaily decorated with flags and bunting, and extensive preparations have been made for illuminating this fine old his- torical town. A deputation from Lynn this morning will present Prince Albert Victor with a gold cup in fac simile ot the cup presented to the borough by King John. During the morning the members of the Royal family were photo- graphed in group. 0 WINDSOR, Thursday morning.—The coining of age of Prince Albert Victor of Wales, was ob- served at Windsor this morning by the ringing of pea's from the bells of St. Church, the Chapel Royal, St. George's, Windsor Castle, and the churenesin the neighbourhood. The Mayor, Mr J. Oibiii Havr.s. issued a notice calling upon the inhabitants of the Royal borough to flag their houses. Thin was responded to, and a vast quantity of bunting was displayed, the Guildhall being com- pletely coveied. The Royal Standard was j hoisted, and Royal salutes were fired in tne .ong j walk facing Vrcgmore House, where the young prince was born. In the evening a, fancy dressy ball will take place in the Town-bail to celebrate the eveirt. The mayor, corporation, and bur- gesses of Windsor forwarded to his Royal High- ness a congratulatory address, which was beauti- fully illuminated. LONDON, Thursday Morning.—The occasion was celebrated in London by the 11 of peals as various est end churches, w hi.e flags were hoisted at the Govern- ment offices, and the band of the Grenadier Guards played a selection m the court- yard of St. James's Palace during the ceremony of mounting and changing the Queen's Guards. PORTSMOUTH, Thursday morning.—In celebra- tion of the attainment of his majority by Prince Albert Victor, the Royal Standard was hoisted at ali, Government establishments at Portsmouth to-day, and the ships in the har- bour hoisted masthead flags. The Royal salute will be fired at noon from the flagship, and the salutinjj battery and flags are flying' from clubs and all public buildings. Prince Henry of Battenburg leaves Osborne this morning, to attend the festivities at SANDBiNGHAJf, 11 o'clock.—ilost of the guests who are to take part in the rejoicings have now arrived, and are assembled in the house awaiting the coining of the various deputa- tions which are expected to reach here shortly JCIore noon. 1 he deputation for Norwich will mee" tne one U'om Lynn at Lynn station, and will thence proceed in procession by road. Lynn Station has been profusely decorated wiflr flags and bunting containing words of welcome. The Norwich Corporation present two addresses of congratulation—one to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the other to Prince Albert Victor, whom they beg to accept a facsimile of the ancient rosswater ewer and salver, being part of the corporation piate. The "presentation takes place in the ball-room. A dinner will afterwards be given to the servants on the estate. When the deputations arrive they will be received by the Prince of Wales and the young Princes at Norwich-gate. The weather is splendid, and everybody seems to be in good spirits. The tenants and officers of the household have been busy congratulating the family. SANDRIXGHAJI, 12.30.-Congratulaticm so far as the presentation of addresses is concerned is now over, and the Royal party are receiving the warni wishes of the labourers on the estate, who are marching past in procession in front of the hall. At haif-past eleven the first carriage arrived, containing the deputation from Norwich and several others quickly followed, bearing messages of hearty greeting from King's Lynn and Cambridge. Upon reaching the Hall the gentlemen were received in the west wing, and were afterwards conducted to the new ball-room, where, in the meantime, a deputation of tenants had assembled, and were drawn up at the side. The room is a magnificent apartment, decorated in white and gold, the walls hung with trophies of antique arms. Shortly before twelve the Royal party entered, the Prince and Princess of Wales leading the way on either side of Pin-ice Albert Victor, the hero of the day. Quickly follow- ing cayie the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince and Princess Christian, Princess Louise, Marquis of Lorne, Duke of Cambridge, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Prince Leiningen, Count and Countess Gleichen and Countess Feodore Gleichen, Prince George of Wales and the young Royal Princesses. There were also present among others Lord Colville of Culross, and Lady Colville. The Prince and Princess then shook hands with the tenants, who then made way for the Norwich deputation. In addition to an address, the Mayor of Norwich begged his Royal Highness's accept- atlce of a massive ewer and salver. He also read an.address specially drawn up for the Prince and th^p6?8- The Prince of Wales, in replying, said nncess and himself received with great grati- -reat ,I-ati- ca iouthe,pKO()d wishesonthe attainment of their eldest son's illajority. He also wished to express their heartfelt thank, to the inhabitants of the county for the universal good will and neigbbourly feeling t..ej iad experienced since they came to Sandi-.ngnam. J Prince Albert Victor, who also replied,sa hat part or the education^his_fpareilts ha(, bestowed aponihim wnslacquireuim visiting,n,r fblIow tifcize;!S in most of the Colonies. Whatever might be the future of this empire, he was sure the Queen had no more loyal subjects than the ISngliah beyond the seas..The splendid fac-simileof thejeorporation plate would always remind him of the feelins of Norfolk towards his father. The deputation from Lynn came next, and, after presenting an address and a fac simile of King John's cup, received a few kindly words of acknowledgment from the young Prince. Two other presents were made, one of an address from the cor- poration of Cambridge and the other from Lynn Grammar School, the scholars of which also presented an ink-stand and two candlesticks. The whole company, after a general shaking hands, then went outside where the school children and labourers were drawn up. A pro- cession was formed, and filed pass the Royal party. At the same time salvoes by the artillery were fired from the fort. All the others of the Royal Family are in excellent health. After the photographs were taken, the deputations were. entertained at luncheon in the ball-room. BATH, Thursday. At Bath this morning the coming of age of Prince Albert Victor was notified by the hoisting of the Royal Standard at the Abbey. The mayor, referring to the event at the Guildhall, said, though he trusted it would be many years before the young Prince would be called to the throne, yet when he was called upon he hoped he would imitate the example of his royal grandmother and father. The whole city of Bath wished him many years of happi- ness, prosperity, and joy. The Mayor of Newcastle gave Is 6d each to 1,500 poor families to-day to commemorate Prince Albert Victor's majority. To-day's Zlorninn Post is authorised to state that the Prince of Wales has no intention of ask- ing for a Parliamentary grant for Prince Albert Victor on the attainment of his majority.








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