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- - - - - - I ALARMING FIRE…






-' The Nile Expedition.


The Nile Expedition. ANOTHER REPULSE OF THE REBELS. Gordon on the Qui Vive. j Letter to Lord Woiseley from General Gordon. [REUTER'S TELEGRAM. 1 CAIRO, Thursday.—The Mudir of Dongoll telegraphs under yesterday's date tha an Arab from the Mahdi's camp, wb has reached Dongola, affirms that th Mahdi's followers are in force at Mizan El N e twelve miles south of Omderman, whence the, have made repeated attacks upon Omdermatf They were repulsed with heavy loss, and con) pelled to return to Mizan El Nek. General Gordon having learned that tti Bedouin Arabs came during the night to tbi wells, sent armed boats to stop the practice, th causing great suffering among the rebels, many o whom died of small-pox and dysentery. Th Mahdi in consequence withdrew with his army ti Jabbara, two days' journey from Omdermanf Several tribes afterwards deserted him. It is added that the Mahdi subsequently suitf moned his principal chiefs and declared his intefl tion of marching against the Mudir of Dongola The chiefs professed their readiness to follow thi Mahdi if instead of remaining behind the armi he placed himself in the front, and thus charmed off hostile bullets. On the following day thi Mahdi again summoned his chiefs, and told theO he had seen in a dream that the Mudir of Don gola was a saint against whom it was useless fr fight, a reply which caused great consternation The Mahdi's forces were still at Jabbara. CAIRO, Thursday. Lord Wolseley receivet yesterday a small piece of paper from Genera Gordon, containing the words, Khartoum at right.—C. G. Gordon. December 14th." N" doubt is entertained as to the genuineness of thit paper, as it bears General Gordon's seal on the back. ["TIMES" TELEGRAMS. ] KORTI, Thursday.—There is no doubt of th1 authenticity of the letter from General Gordon which is both signed and sealed. The messengei adds that General Gordon has occupied tw< palaces, placing a gun on the roof of each. lIt goes to the top of one every morning and lookl round the country with a telescope, and he spend! the day on one or the other of them. At night hi goes round the works. ALEXANDRIA, Thursday.—It is hardly possibU to consider seriously Mr Blunt's proposals. HiJ good-natured credulity has evidently been in* posed on, as it was by Arabi. But the conse- quences of his action have already been tod serious in Egypt to encourage us to repeat ev periments in the Soudan. [" DAILY NEWS" TELEGRAM.] KORTI, Thursday.-Though Barrow's Huasatfi through an error, yesterday only covered 010 flank of Sir H. Stewart's advance, the reconnaissance procures important information' Many miles of the desert were without traces of human beings, but they found one camp of nomad Arabs, from whom they learned that no hostilo force was within many days' march. Large nutftl bers of Arabs are said to be procurable from thif and other tribes if necessary. From the infantt1 advanced post near Barkel I learn that no attempt has been made to proceed towards Gerendid at present. [" STANDARD TELEGRAM.J KORTI, Thursday. No definite information has reached head-quarters with reference fctf the strength of the enemy at Metamneb. It is sup- posed that the plaoe is occupied by a detacb- ment of the Mahdi's Dervish army. [" DAILY TELEGRAPH TELEGRAM.] KORTI, Thursday. The desert march may now be regarded as settled, not merely for the camelry and mounted men, but also for the infantry. The Royal Sussex are already under orders to be prepared to start for the Gakdul Wells, and my belief is that the General will himself start for Shendy and Khartoum with three, it not more, infantry regiments, in addition to the whole mounted force, except a few detail. His column will probably number close on 6,000 men. Yesterday, a Bedouin stated that ha had heard there was a man who had upset the whole country still on the river Metem- neh with a large f:)rce, but it was not the Mahdi. He knew, he said, that the rebels were there a week ago, [" DAILY CHRONICLE" TELEGRAM.] KORTI, Thursday Night.—My informant with General Earle's division, wires me that the tele-* graph wires were cut by the enemy on the river: bank last night, but a party of Hussars repaired them. Large quantities of stores are being col- lected at Abudom, on the south side of the rivet facing Merawi. The present intention is to make a start to-morrow. Colonel Brackenbury with a squadron of Hussars has gone to choose a position. The messenger who brought Gordon's briel message of December 14th all right was instructed to inform Lord Wolseley that Khartoum can hold out, and that in the last en. gagement lie disabled one oi the enemy's guns Skirmishes with the Mahdi's followers are fre- quent. Gordon still keeps a gun on the roof of both palaces at Khartoum, making play on the enemy encamped on the west bank. At night ht makes a round of the city's earthworks, and by day he learns the enemy's movements. General Earle has ascertained thatthe Monassers, the tribe most deeply implicated in Col. Stewart's murder, ha ve assembled at a difficult pass on the river some miles beyond Gerendid. The tribesmen have however, not responded to the call to arms, and iv is not probable that our passage will be disputed, if at all, by more than a hundred or two of the enemy.




