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:=: j ai£s ira Juiaion. AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. CARDIFF AUCTION A STORAGE CO (L1M.) (Mr J. G. MADDOX. Auctioneer) Usual Saturday's Weekly Sale of Furniture .Jan „ Aiossr. OCT i'Wa LTiri an.. K ,0> 12 i Paintings, at Cardii Jtin- t" jan. 20 Horots, &c., u-t c ;ii« ill Furniture and Appointments^at Cavciux t i FORTHCOMING- SALES BY "T7 -5 GOTTWALTZ and BOWRING PiWPHIETORS OF THE CARDIFF HOrtSE EXCHANGE. OFFICES AND SALEROOMS ;-11, HIUK-STREET CARDIFF. CARDIFF. I Qg$WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7TH, AND FOUR FOLLOWING DAY. SALi'-ROOMs, «1, HIGH-STREET, MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION 0 I' I\ .c"\ j OIL PAINTINGS, FORMED BY mi: GEORGE WILSON, of London, .ncluuinc: sp -ci• <.e: 1 :> SPAGSOLETTO, BROMLEY, ARJiFIELD, 'J'. S. Cool'iCR. R.A., J THORS, TOM BARKER, BiRii, FOSTER, &e. The whole muAe ca view Jaiitiary 6th and dUi. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd AND THE VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FROM "OAKFIELD," BELONGING TO MAJOR BUTLER, WHO IS LEAVING CARDIFF. Also (by order of a Merchant removing from Hdatl1 to Penarth and refurnishing) larger portion of the CONTENTS OF A lO-ROOMED VILLA. The whole will be on view Janur 20 th and 21st, and catalogues ready Monday, January lytt. gog* Full particulars and catalogues of ail the above Sales may be had free per post or on personal appliCH. tion to the Auctioneers, at 11, lligh-sticet, and Ca.ditf Horse Exchange. _6.:>e SALE TO-MORROW. AT THE CARDIFF AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY'S SPACIOUS SALIC ROOMS (adjoining Messrs Frost (k, Reed's picture shop), 24, 25, and 26, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFI. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARTIES FURNISHING OR REQUIRING A MARKET FOR DISPOSING OFSURPLUS FURNITURE ,STOCK, T OR OTHER EFFECTS, MR MADDOX begs to announce that arrangements have been completed for cCln- tinning to hold SALES by AUCTION of all classes of NEW and SECOND-HAND GOODs FURNJTURK or otherwise forwarded from the manufacturer, or from private sources, for absolute sales at these rooms EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, COMMENCING AL- WAYS at 2 O'CLOCK PRECISELY. These ESTABLISHED WEEKLY SALES offer ex- ceptional opportunities to PARTIES FURNISHING, as an immense quantity of NEW and SECON I>- R N D FURNITURE of every description is being comt8.ntly forwarded from ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY for absolute sale. Tradesmen having Surplus Stock on hand, or parties having furniture to dispose of, will find at these sales ft ready market for selling to advantage. Advances are made on account of Goo.is forwarded for Sale, or Furniture purchased in cases w here the vendors require the same. All entries for purposes of lotting and arrangi ng must be made by 12 o'clock the day prior to either of the sales. Goods on view mornings of sales. The splendid cellars in basement as also a portion of toe galleries for storage purposes, or either of the auction Moms for sales (when not occupied by the company's Suctions) to be let.—For terms, apply on the premises. 72527 J. G. MADDOX, S54e Auctioneer and Secretary to the Cor.1pany. jyjESSRS JpELL AND~0a7~~ MANUFACTURERS & AUCTIONEERS, 3, CASTLE-STREET (late Angel-street), CARDIFF, il1 SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, all kinds of •LASS, CHINA, MAJOLICE, JET, and EARTHEN- WARE, every Evening at Seven o'clock, SPECIALITIES IN DINNER AND TEA SERVICES. 208 Private sale during the day. Inspection invited. V/f ESSRS THOMAS & CO., AUCTIONEERS HOUSE, LAND, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUERS, AUDITORS, CHAR'i FRFD ACCOUNTANTS, &C„ Beg to announce that they have opened business premises at 14, ST. JOHN'S.SQUARK. CARDIFF, wl)Fre ttien, aii(I ',rait Utat by siriGo uiui untiring i.1VtniJn being given to «J1 sitters ¡O then;, )0 nceive a. meed of public Mirp-rt.. \Y". be •• to M<'d th-'t nur cxperiancp extends o\ei a ."fiio o:" is ycVv- duriea wlrch time it. was our pnvi- t>> I'oeduct some of 'be iMivrest si opert* and Stock Sale3 e!<! ;n the Western pert of Walas, and thus feel convinced, if en-rusted with your favours, to five satisfaction iioMitu vea ors and rchasev. 'Terms strict. moderate. Gbservv i-r, ST. JOH.VS-SQUARE, CARDIFF. Agents s tuv. Accident., Plale-glass, and I) arming stock .W.u-ance Societie "ii'l,ii.e(I t ('r 130e "rt, A GUINEA A BOX B E E C H A M S PILLS ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nenous and trembling sensations, Ac. The tirst jlose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no tic- ''°n, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these 1"s. and they will be acknowledged to lie WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a lel,v doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health.. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few dozen will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They streng- then the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS" admitted by thousands,embracing all classes society, and one of the best guarantees to the ner lar? an<* debilitated is. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the g sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS „f Kri^Spedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty acajon^!?gA shortness of breath, tightness and op- vailed chest, wlieezing, &c., these Pills stand u.nr speedily remove that sense of eppres- S10B f.vnt ot T»It0i breathing which nightly deprive the Pa :ai and any person give BEECHAM'S 'PiLLS a tnaL and the most vio2ent cough will in a short time be removes. Caution-^ are requested to notice that the words BEE affixed1^8' st Helen's,' are on the Government Stamps™*™tobos of thePills. If not on, they are a xorwt! y. Prepared only, and s sale and retail, by the Pi-oprietor, T. Beechami gs 9J Helen's, Lanca- shire, in boxes at Is lid sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or —Sold by all Shemists and Patent Mediant U N.B.—Full directions are given^wlLa eac^box 11506 RELIGIOUS SERVICES.-The. tten- tion of Church and Chapel OTFR 3fnv;ted to the tollowing SPECIAL PREPAID 1fp,r|T/.Ad- vertisements announcing the holding of M OU55 SERVICES, ANNIVERSARIES, and lulifcjr- 111(38One Three Six Twelve Insertion Insertions. Insertions. Insertions- s. d. s. d. s. d. s- "• Pout lanes. 1 4 4 0 6 0 8 Six Lines. 2 0 6 0 9 0 12 0 ^IghtLines.. 2 8 8 0 12 0 16 0. rVelveLines. 4 0 12 0 18 0 24 0 SLines 6 0 18 0 27 0 36 0 ^nes 8 0 24 0 36 0 48 0 jj?ht words may be calculated to a lire. This Tariff '•nited strictly to the Advertisements enumerated rri\o» These Notices can also appear in the CARDIFF T1AiEi: and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS in eonjuity.jon with those in the South Wales Daily ISews, eo as Oform part of the series of Insertions. BIH-POSTING.— PHILIP R. JAMES, —— PONTYPRIDD and RHONDDA VALLEY BILL-POSTER and DISTRIBUTOR, Treorky, and 6 Pontypridd Rents all the principal POSTING STATIONS in Pontypridd and Rhondda Valley a.r¡¡ and Trap and Pianoforte kept for Hire "1400: ^public AimiSEineuts. ROYALI CARDIFF" LKSSEE & MANAGER Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. Acting MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. TO-NIGHT, F1UDAY, January 2nd. Ami Every Evenii)^ until i'urthe notice, Grand Pro- duction on a scale of unrivalled mauniticeiice of Mr ard Fletcher's Fourth Christmas Pantomime, "YE QUEEN OF HEARTS. Her Wonderful Tarts, and Ye Knave who stole them or Princess Ye Sleeping Beauty and Heme, Ye Demon Huntsman. Ye Village of Snoozewe'.l—Magick Change. Ye Grand Palace of Cards. Gorgeous Naiad Ballet. Ye Ancient Castle of Windsor. Mr Alberto and Miss Hales in their Astounding SOMERSAUJ.T DANCE. Procession of Kings and Queens of England from William I. to Queen Victoria. GRAND TRANS- FORMATION, "BIRTH OF THE ROSE." New Comic Harlequinade, invented by the Clown, the Famous JOLLY LITTLE LiiAVTs. Day Performances every Saturday at Two o'clock. Doors open at Half-past One. b3237 Half-price to all Children for Day Performances. p II I L i l A W M 0 N I C MORRELLA'S PALACE OF VARIETIES, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. LFSSiiE AND MANAGER J- MOP.RELLA TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! Re-engagement ior Six Nights of Mr IIAKRY TURNER. Important re-engagement of Miss LILH ERNEST. Ke-engagement of Mr ARTHUR WEST. Re-engagement of Ali-s MARIE FREDERICK' Re engagements; of Mons. GASpARY, Miss MAI !> MONTREssOR, Messrs CARLIN 'and PRICE (tue Funny Comedian-, and Mashers. Re-engagement of Miister FRED ALBION, Juvenile Irish Comedian. Prices of Admftsion—Private Boxes, 10s bd; Kox Stalls, 3s; Stalls, 2s; Pit and Promenade, Is; Gallery, od. Half-price'at Nine o'clock. n0x Stilis, 2s StcJls. Is; Pit and Promenade, 6d.— Mr Geo. Harri-011, Chair- man. lle LOOK OUT FOR TIcHKORN E. e Q.RAKI) CHRISTMAS SHOW; RELIEF OF GEN. GORDON AND EXPEDITION UP THE SILE. A SHOW of the aljovci iiiay be hPPii in E. N A 1 H ) S W I N D 0 W mUDG K-STREET, CARDIFF. All Christmas Figures manufactured on the premises, ana, are ^uaranteetl pure and of the quality only. E. ;<. x a 1 -;i • SUGAR BOILER, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF 226e jJHINA CHINA CHINA ^JHINA CHINA QfflNA (jHINA I QKINA CHINA CHINA TEA SETS, good patterns, from 10s 611 TOILET SETS, complete, from 6s bd. Cottage DINNER SETS from 10s 6d. Sets of J UGS, from Is. TUMBLERS from Is 6(1 per dozen. A choice selection of which will be found at EVANS'S CHINA ROOMS, 58, BRIDGE-ST. A good assortment of Fancy Articles suitable for Christmas Presents. Q LASS QLASS £ JLASS QLASS QTjASS \J! _.lJ' >:J GLASS .tO (JLASS GLASS \>1 i^LASS 207 JPULTON, J^UNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, ALSO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PEN ARTE BASS AND CO., ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BJJRTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. 18s. 21s. 24s. Per Firkin. I 9s. 10s. 6d. 12s. I- And upwards. xoae R J. HEiTH 12, CROCKHERB'l'OWN, CARDIFF. Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS, IX SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH, and on the three years' system, from 10s 6d per month. Pianos, from 15 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. 237e O R O U G H O F N E W P O IIT JL WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Lower .Merchant ,<treet, behind the Town-hali Corporation bill-poster and crier. Rents the principal hoardings and stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. Two good bill posters kept. Work attomied to with quick despatch Town and country. Uld est;] ,Ú¡sneù-more than quarter or -i. co, vr.-v 8058 :4Có3 R()OKE:S~ FAMILY^IEDICINEs. jLJ" 1)R. ROOKED DR. ROOKE'S M. ROOKED DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'I DR. ROOKE'S: DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S D R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S BAR. ROOKE'S ■ \R. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE S TAR. ROOKE'S DR. ROOKE'S DU. ROOKE'S DR ROOKE'S r^R ^OoKE'S |"VR. ROok&s =KE. ROOKE-S RWKK-s | ROOKE'S IR! KO0K^ J 0 K 1) 'lC ROOKE's SOLAR ELIXIR AND ORIENTAL PILLS. These CELEBRATED [PREPARATIONS have (been before the Pub- lic for nearly HALF A CENTURY,and have proved invaluable in thousands < f Cases. [For a full descrip- tion of these meai- [cines and their use in the Treatment and Cure of Disease, with scores of genu- ine Testiinoniagsce, Anti-Lancet. ANTI-LANCET. This well known work contains 172 This well known work contains 172 pages, and may be had gratis and post- free from DR. ROOKE, Scarboro', England. SOLAR ELIXIR is sold in bottles 4s 6d and lis, and the ORIENT A L PILLS in boxes, Is lid and 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors and by DR. ROOKE, Scar- borough. "DR. ROOKE'S HANDY POCKET-GUIDE TO HEALTH AND HEALTH RESTORING PLACES,' Full of pleasing illustrations and 1 useful information. 88 \')"'N ,lay bel jootained gr:. t> s from Parent ,\j: licine j Vendors, i post |ire«ironic,. Uooke, .Scarborough. Kng i land, or. receipt of a penny iostage. ORIENTAL piLLS. ^IlIENTAL J> ILLS, /ORIENTAL piLLS. ORIENTAL I LLS. ORIENTAl. pILLS jL ORIENTAL: pI L L S. ORIENTAL P I L LS. ORIENTAL p I LLS. i- 0 RIENTAL p I LL S. ORIENTAL I LL S. RIENTAL piLLS. ^ARIENTAL p HlS. j g ORIENTAL pil IS. ^|RIENTAL IL LS. RIENTAL p I L L S. ORIENTAL puts. /^RIENTAL piLL S ORIENTAL p I L L S. DR. HOOKE'S FAJS11LY MEDICINES. 9024 49413 IBusutBss ^bbrggses. JOTHAM & SONS, QYERCOATS FOR BOYS & rpOPCOATS FOR YOUTHS. HANDSOME AND JL&. BECOMING. ARE NOW SHOW- MEN S OVER- COATS A ND COMPLETE J\. SUITS IN "VTEWEST STYLES AND MAKES DIRECT FROM MANU- JB FACTURERS. QUITS IN TWEED AND k_) WORSTED. €^VEI-;COATS IN ENDLESS > VARIETY ]\T OVELTIES IN SMALL BOYS' -L*\ OVEKCOATS. QCOTCH TWEEDS, MELTONS, O ASTRACANS, BEAVERS, Ac. ST- mary'STm CARDIFF. 204 e J^/|* O N E Y G A V E D IS jyjjT ONEY E A P, N E D. F I R S T Q. K E A T SALE 'Ur OF QHRISTMAS F P, U I T. "|^UY YOUR QHRISTMAS IT-LJIT -AT Jj] D W A R D glNSEY'S, g ^JUSTOM JJOUSE-STREET, QARDIFF. gY SO DOING you WILL SAVE 223e PER CENT. HE WELSH"FLANNEL & WOOL SHOP,' b7, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. Try Our Real WEL-Ii FLANNELS. VvELSlI Y ARKS; Aiso ail kinds of KNITTING YARNS. BERLIN and other FANCY WOOLS. Try Our KNITTED SOCKS and STOCKINGS. Stockings Rebooted ao 6d. per p iir. Welsh Flaunt Shirts always in Stock. Please Note the above Address. 215e OR QHRISTMAS PRESENTS, ORNAMENTAL AND Go TO- USEFUL, W. DOBBS'S, 11868 151e CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. NERVOUSNESS, LOSS of ENERGY, iN and VITAL POIVER.-A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a s'tnple means ofself-cure. He will he happy to for- v^ard the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address J. T. Sewell, Esa.. Chiswick. Middlesex. 212 (JWSBY'S BALSAl\:IlC CO lTGHELîXIR /CROSBY'S CROSBY'S '<L' c A CROSBY'S /"CROSBY'S cR O-.Il B y I s d CROSBY'S |*1ROSBY'S c ROSBY'S c ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S /CROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S CROSBY'S | IROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S JKROSBY'S A CROSBY'S IJ^ROSBY'S ^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S |^ROSBY'S 4 CROSBY'S /LROSBY'S /JROSBY'S d CROSBY'S /^ROSB\"S c ROSBY'S ROSBVS c ROSBY'S d IROSBY'S J^ROSBY'S /^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is the only rational sub- stitute for opiates, nar- cotics, squills, &c., so frequently recommended for COUGHS, COLDS, &C. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is invaluable to Travel- lers, Sportsmen, Emi- grants, &c., who have to encounter exposure to the inclemency of the weather. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Works wonders in cases Of PULMONARY CON- SUMPTION, and has been used with signal success- in Asthma & Bronchitis. BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is an almost infallible remedy for all Chest Complaints, & is equally efficacious in Night Sweats, Influenza, Quin- sys, &c. DR. ROOKE'S TESTIMONIAL. DR. ROOKE, Scarborough, author of the Anti- Lancet,' writes as fol- lows :—"I have repeat- edly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain, and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Con- sumption and I can, with the greatest confi- dence, recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthen- ing treatment for this disease." BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR issold in bottles, at Is lid, Is 3d. 4s 6d, & lls each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, and Wholesale by JAMES M. CROSBY, Chemist, Scar- borough, England. ELIXIR jgLIXIR I^LIXIR. JpLIXIR. jj^LDQR S.TLIXIR. j'l J^LIXIR. jglLIXIR. TJ7\HXIR. I^LIXIR. jpLIXIR I^LIXIR. I^LIXIR. J^LIXIR. jgLIXIR jgLIXIR. S^ILIXIR i^IJXIR. ^LIXIR. ELIXIR E Tj |^LIXIR. E jpLIXIR. J^ILIXIR. ELIXIR. I^LIXIR |^LIXIR "I^LIXIR |^LIXIR. jjgjLIYIR. J^LIXIR |^1LIXIR ELIXIR. ELIXI1,t. 1 c HOSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR !BnaitwaB JUtosses. NEW EVENING PAPER NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW EVENING PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. THE South Wales Echo Will be published E A U H EVENING, As follows FIRST EDITION 2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION. 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6 O'CLOCK P.M. 28 COLUMNS. 23 COLUMNS. 28 COLUMNS. < PRICE ONE HALFPENNY PRICE ONE, HALFPENNY PRICE ONE HALFPENNY THE G 0 TJ T II WALES JGCHO jp_j Is supplipd with a SPLENDID SERVICE OF NEWS Comprising TELEGRA :UJAI ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, Wired by REUTER'S AGEKTS, THE PRESS ASSOCIATION, TO_N THE CENTRAL NEWS, AND OUR OWN REPORTERS AND COR- RESPONDENTS, Up to the latest possible moment FULL REPORTS o ALL LOCAL MEETINGS, Including POLICE-COURT NEWS. QUARTER SESSIONS NEWS. TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS. ASSIZE COURT NEWS. CORPORA TION MEETINGS. LOCAL BOARD MEETINGS. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS. FOOTBALL MATCHES. CRICKET MATCHES, &c., &c., &C. In al:,1¡tion it contains LATEST SPORTING TELEGRAMS, A SPECIAL MONEY ARTICLE, WIRED BY A LEADING AUTHORITY ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. LATEST SHIPPING TELEGRAMS, FROM LLOYD'S AGENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENTS. r SPECIAL FEATURES.1 In order to render the SOUTH WALES ECHO' one of the most attractive Evening Papers in the Pro vinces, a variety of SPECIAL FE TURES will be in- troduced, includin SERIAL STORIES by Eminent Authors. SHORT TALES. JOTTINGS UPON POLITICS, ART, AND LITERATURE NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA WIT AND WISDOM. CHAT FROM THE METROPOLIS. FACTS AND FANCIES. ECHOES OF PUBLIC OPINION. gOUTH WALES imCHO WILL BE ISSUED THIS AFTERNOON FIRST EDITION .2 O'CLOCK P.M. SECOND EDITION 4 O'CLOCK P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6 O'CLOCK P.M. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER. NEW LIBERAL PAPER Publish!Mt OFFICES 75, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. t Proprietors. D. DUNCAN & SONS. lusittess J.&fcr £ ss £ s. GREAT SHOW OF OVERCOATS AND AUTUMN AND WINTER CLOTHING, AT jg O Y L E AND CO.'S, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND NEWEST STYLES IN BOYS', YOUTHS', AND MENS OVERCOATS, gUXTS, 4 EEFERS, fJlROUSERS, jj ATS, AND f JL r_; OSIERY, i.A The prices will be found on comparison to be so 3,stun:.chiz¡g]y low that no one need now deny themselves the luxury of a well made and com- fortably fitting: garment. BOYLE AND CO., GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 11869 CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 127e w J EF F S OF 282, BUTE STREET, CARDIFF, WHO IS REMOVING TO 286, (4 DOORS ABOVE), Begs to return his thanks to the public generally for the patronage he has hitherto received, and to assure them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit an increased continuance of the same. PRIME MEAT FRESH DAILY. 23613 v ( ERFECTION AT LAST IN HORSE -i- .\ND CATTLE SPICE. I The most perfect blend ever obtained, and the BEST FOOD lor liorses. Cattle, Poultry. Ac., is THE ROYAL CONDIMENT, DI'STINC 1 from all ether j Cv.tt) Foods gives universal satisfactio i. May be obtained fru," A. J. Grove, taddier, Aberysiwith. I Sample bag sent'carriage paid 'or 14s. Small sample I post free on application. Ruyal Cattle Food Company, I Oak-roa- Crumpsall, Manchester. Agents wanted everywhere. 11946 235e rpUZZONE FOR J^STHMA. TUZZONE FORA STHMA. UZZON FOR B IRO-NLCIiITlS. .i. TUZZONE FOR BRONCHITIS. r|l UZZONE FOR ROUGHS, rp UZZONE FOR ROUGHS: JL A new Cough Cure, which thousands praise as an important discovery. ONE DOSE of this pleasant and marvellous medicine does more to remove a cough, no i matter how long standing, than a bottle of the many I wurthle. so-called remedies in the market. In Asthma I Tuzzone has no rival. Be sure when asking for Tuzzone that you get it. Hitherto no spurious imitation has appeared in the market, owing to the very unique way appeared in the market, owing to the very unique way of preparing tins medicine and the impossibility of copying it, thus Tuzzoue stands lone. unappro-iched in excellence as asafe and certain cure for Coughs. Colds, I Asthma, Hoa-feness, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Lungs, Air Vessels, Chest, and Throat, Tuzzone triumphs when all others fail. Sold in bottles, Is Hd and 2s 9tl, by ail Chemists, Proprietor, A. J. Abliy, 35, Fetter-lant, London, E.G.— Agents: Stranaghan and Stephens, Cardiff and Penartu 19Ce 71682 QHRISTMAS pIC T U RES, ALMA N A OKS, FOR FRAMING, & c., GO TO E. W Ii"R,irrs- 5, ARCADE (ST. MARY STREET END), I THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF. 225e j J J^E WTON AND 0 O., j TAILORS, HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS, j 13 CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Are now Showing a Choice Selection of GOODS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER j WEAR, j Consisting of WEST OF ENGLAND, SCOTCH, AND FRENCH GOODS, IN THE NEWEST MAKES AND STYLES. Fit and Style equal to any London or Provincial House. An Early Inspection Solicited. 108e Established Twenty Year 71405 /CARDIFF ADVERTISING. HILL V7 POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED;. OFFICES: CHURCH-STREET CHAMBERS. j SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and eighbournood Contractors ior all deSCflPGions 01 I Advertising Circular Distributing .te. .11 Ail o'-der.s :ivi»;n:>siv atten.to-i PAINE, BILL POSTERT UIS- TRIBUTOR. &c., 25, CARDU i'-M REhf ( ABERDARE, begs to inform the public generally that i he rents ail the largest and principal Bill-Posting | Stations in Aberuare, Aberaman, Hirwain, and all out- yin't districts. Contracts maae weekly or veariy N.B.— Note.— At Paine's Temperance Hocel and Board ing House at above address, tobacco, cigars, and refresh ments of all kinds may oe had at any time, and good accommodation for travellers. Ac 805S -*0.1 ( MESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY XJiWS at an ea riy hour each Morning in all parts of the follow 11a towns:— CAltDIF F SWANSEA NEWPORT all all ea riy hour each Morning in all parts of the follow 11a towns:— CAltDIF F SWANSEA NEWPORT JWATlI MEIITHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABERDARE PONTYPOOI, ROAD BUTE DOCKS JfKREFCFD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDG END N EW MILFORD HAVERFOltDWITS'! NEATH PdUSTiM. GLOUCESTER LLANELLi TEN BY ABERYSTWYTH LAMPETEK CARMARTHEN A BERG A'V EN NY Tljj I" TIMES also delivered every i,r day to anv address in the above mentioned TowlIs. ORDERS to ue senf to tne .Managers of the various I books-tails. }.J)i)r£55£5. cHRIST-AIA S HOL I DAYS. Special Low Prices for this Week only at T H O0 M L E Y' J CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. FANCY TWEED SUITS, Prices, 15/ 18/11. 22/ 251-, Ol. BLACK WORSTED SUITS, Prices, 20/ 25/ 30, 35/ FANCY TWEED & PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 15/ 17/6, 21/ 25/ 29/ GOOD VALUE IN MOLE AND CORD TROUSERS. HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, VERY CHEAP. ——- 228e ADDRESS-STAR CLOTHING STORES, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. '1^ C O N O M Y IN FUEL. I HALL'S PATENT FEED WATER -i-L HEATER. -y^ILLIAMS' PATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR ST E AIM BOILERS JOHN ^TILLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, Q U E E N S T R E E T, CARDIFF. lC7e ^TEAR jpENFOUND'S J^OOTS FOR HEALTH, STYLE, & ECONOMY. Sole Agent for the Celebrated "5 "P. P." BOOT, Made of SPECIALLY-PREPARED LEATHER, and guaranteed absolutely waterproof. A brilliant "elecêioIl of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S DRESS BOOTS and SHOES in the newest desi/ttrs, marvellously cheap. J H E N F o U N D 2, PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF 227e "I^NLARGEMENT OF pREiISES NEW AND EXTENSIVE S H 0 Wi.. () 0 \1 g H O W |> o O M u. rjn 11 0 si A s jj A v 1- E s Beg to call the Special Attention of Parties about Furnishing to his Immense Stock ABINET JJVURNITURE All Goods Marked in Plain Figures at Lowest Prices. jgEDSTEADS, ^EDSTEADS, Oil. to his Establishment will convince anyone that T. V. is in a position to supply Goods of every quality equal to any house in the Kingdom. j^IRE-IRONS. JpiRE-IRONS. rj H O M A S yj A VIES, JLI GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, 7, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. 200a 0ORNS "U N D A Y S ^JORNS y I R I D I N E. c v (10 RNS (Registered Trade Mark.) A CERTAIN /"LORNS CURE FOR CORNS. 7 Painless and Harmless. £ \ORNS! This infallible remedy introdurfjdby c 0 sI J., MUNDAY has obtained a worla- j wide reputation. 4 I It succeeds where all Piasters and V Caustics have failed CORNS! IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS & WARTS. ^jjOivNS price Is, by post Is 2d. CORNS Messrs WILCOX and CO., English, French, and German Chemists, French, and German Chemists, French, and German Chemists, ^-jnmvTo 239- Oxford-street, London, W-, (T10RNS write:- Aug. 5,13^ vy Please send a further supply of your ^ORNS VIRIDINE We find th*1' it gives y great satisfaction to all th«> customers (^Apvn | to whom we have sold fc, as it really \UTki-\o cioes ^vhat it profess^ to do; and J many who have sufiered for years from C^ORNS! bad corns state that since using it j their feet have become quite com- CORNS f°l table. We have also found it equally • efficacious for ihe removal of warts. 0ORNS /^ORNS PREPARED ONLY BY (JORNS J. M U N D A ^ORNS CHEMIST, V HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. ^JORJSS SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. gOUTII WALES EVENING ECHO. SWANSEA. The Evening Echo,' FIRST EDITION, is j>nb; lished at the Office, 2, College-street, Swansea, EVj<;lY AFTERNOON, AT FaVE O'CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swan-ea, liafod. Plw Mumbles, &c., and by the boys of the "Sell-* 1 i.rigade.' Ihe SPECIAL EDITION, which corta"1 Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchai"" Prices, Markets, Spor.mg and L -.cal_ Int'J 0 sold hv if uav, is published in Swansea at a-o^P MOGFORD, News Agent, Great. High-street, Swansea, and by A WORD to tlie Wise; and cure of debility, want of energy, 1'ri^V'nt :-tractious y regain health anf Igor, oe 1 4stamps by Publishers. Fb^an-soua-.e siiclne.ft. ^Qle NOSTAJ D E L i Y E R Y i 0F Tiu: II SOUTH W I* LJ E S DAILY N 11 .S The Propriety's of the SOOTH WALKS DAILY N i,V- be" toaniiouice that by a special concession tin Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their ji-jrsc Editbn each morning by the Mails leaving Cardii: at -.30 a -11 and 3.45 a.m. Country Subscribers lesidin. j within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIR13, CARMARTHENSHIR13, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE. As well as those portions of BKi-.CONSHlRE a.nd MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar ami Rhvmuev Yaiiey Postal District. may now nave the SOUTH'WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at the- res; (iuiiees Ciiily by the sairili as thai wnich convey.- their London letters London and West of England subscribers ;ec ve tneir papers 011 the afternoon of publication. The SECONL EnixioN ot .Llie SOUTH WALES ]hI¡' NEWS is forwarded, prepaid, to residents of the follow- ing and all itber places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the first morning delivery St. Fagan's Pencoed S Brides-sup. Ely St. Nicholas Bonvilstone Pcterstone Llamiaff J Pcterstone Llamiaff J Radyr iMorganstowii Melmgriffith Peutyrcii I St. Andrew' Suily Courryraiia I)inas Poivis Cadoxton I Barry Caerphilly Bedwas Ystrad Myua. i Pwllypant St. Mellon's Tefn Mably Micuaeistn-ie (1" Castieiuwii Marshiield PenartU Llaudougii Lií[lI1t> Li.aii.-ne:1 Whiteu arch Tali's Well 'luu"w\ ;11; WamucTrei u. I ? PER CJ«.'A«-.KB, POST-FRKK | PER HALF-YEAR « PER YI:AR 1 S SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS CMCES, S SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW, CMCES, » 75 and 76. St. Marv-st eet. C::a ,¡;ft. Watsiness TAPESTRY CURTAINS. JL JJOV/ELL AND COMPANY JUL ARE NOW SELLISG A SPECIAL PARCEL GF 125 PAIRS rjl A P E S T R Y CURTAINS) 19s. llD. USUAL PRICE Js9s. llD. gO WELL & QO MP ANY, AJL \_7 "THE CARDIFF DRAPERS,' i 1 A R D I F F 178a 70153 N E W TOOL DEPOT, SHEFFIELD HOUSE (Next door to Inland Revenue Office), CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF. CHARLES PUDGE Begs to state that he has OPENED the Premises with a Large and Varied Stock of JOINERS' AND MECHANICAL TOOLS of every description, all oi Guaranteed Quality, ami sX Lowest possible Prices. An early inspection is respectfully soliciteu EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. i.Je JMPORTANT TO SPORTSMEN, rjn pAGE ^TOOD, Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Cardiif ai)d district that he is a PRACTICAL AND BONA-FIDE GUN MAK ilii. and all goods supplied by him are at Army and > 1, Store prices. NOTE Aj)!)Iz 1, VVEsTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite Theatre Royal), Factory 35, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 181e SPECIALTIES IN WINTER s CLOTHING, AT W P RIC E & SONS FAXCY TWEED urn;, Prices, 17/o, 20/ 25/ 30/ 40/ 43/ BLACK WORSTED SUITS, PrjcL: 2D/ 3õí", 4"1, bbi-. 65/ FANCY CLOTH AND TWEED OVERCOATS, Prices, .<11'. 20/ 25/ 30/ wj-, 4c' BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS, PrCt,, 2bj-, 3'5/ 45/ LD., INAII AND PILOT OVERCOATS, Prices, 25/ 35/ 40/ 55/ NEW MAKES IX WATERPROOF COATS. HATS. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, AND UMBPKL!AS, ADDRESS—THE CARDIFF HOUSE. 6,1 ST. MARY-ST., 46<fc47. CAIiOLINE-S ."REEI, llie CARDIFF: 0HRISTMAS JJOLIDAYd. FOR THE CHEAPEST AND JJEST F"Fv: GO TO ~W (ju-< THE NEW SHOP. AT 8QT. T OHN?S-SQ TARE, 9 O o Lie WALDEN ;7id CU., Stockbrokers and v V MiniRs share Dealers, White Ho as j. Tele E.C., ba3- and sei: Stock.s and hres of h descriptions, for cash 01 iori,nightly ac- count at n.iuinal coumissioi!. Cations dealt in* Speculative accounts opened at from £ 1 pel eeau cover wit* no further liability. Bankers references. Circular, post free, on applicatiw., 23C>e 'AdYertfsement TarisT ° SmaSI Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING • WORDS. ONCE, ™EE s. d. s. 20 Words 0 6 6 9 1 0 SO Words 0 9 i 1 0 i 6 40 Wn'ds -10 j 6 2 S 50 Words 1 3 2 C 3 9 60 Words 1 6 S 0 4 S 1"Q These charges apply only to toe ai advert:*<j- ll1ent M-eciiied veiow, ,:]1<1 mo stw- iy 4íHdi11t.cl) ::i«» which are ordereo ior CONSLCU i i iusertiou aud rAID FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION: if tith«.r diLions i. HOt. complied with, tii-* a. tT:aJP,f}t will bt- charged by the j;u:lless settle :— 'ÙElJ. APARTMENTS TO LEl. ARTICLKS LOST. ARTICLES FOUNJ). iAsiNKssiis i or. i>:srosAL i -usiNKSSHS \»'ANTKT». HOI:sr;s TlI Lbi. OUSES WANTKD. .+_=- il<TS|> n' I' Si,a. | iVonky W.«. i::J. MONEY TO "tlSCtlLL-iNMv. S -UlSCi-:l ..vNEOUS SALi'S P^HTNKHSHIPS WAN, -T;. t:,4,1 s I i'l'AT»> 'XS. V'ACA.A, -0< -4 Genera! Advertising I a* I!" RAT. PJ hJR L- CLA OF AD\ KltTiSKMKNTS. .3 r: li d iii.- It (UiS' Hi ss | Educational ;•< -s Publishers ) >•—■•!<•«»« ? Entcrl; Ar.cLic.i Legal Public Non.'e- Munici ..nd .hooi _,s t^mtracts J j public utn.ents j 1'rospe.. -e: • Paiiiiw.-fiii.ary <■ ifcti 'ns j Parliar'it»ry Notices i/- ] 1;- '• Government .inn- un<-«mt-m-. ) PARAGRAPH APvusriSKMENTS are charged 1 w e insertiot-. od per line 6 to 11 iuaertb.m. 4d per s 12 insei' ns ana upwards, Sit ;>er line. Notu.-s Binht, Marrie-ges, and DeaUiaarecharge ? Is eacb. J1 Hot exceeding words, and 6d for i-C -T,is,I NotiePS macit 1* i ticated the signatun* and 4»ddre-« of the sei ^er. Ai>vi:i; whim sf.) linx. aiivf-rfcisemeiijinniana- scupt, calculate words a I. Paid ÃJ lines to a', men. In 'iar,.i; g ji«vertisett>t/.ts tue Iwea ,ire no- com.ted, hut uie iwtvertijsaMiyfci..IMIIHUUM'. large lines, dashes, and wntie hmeiumrin'. «M the space .ccpieu is Ci-arged 4.)^ r&te of i wetM lines to au iucLL