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To-DAVWS SNORT STORY.] An Easy Prey. David Lesley ran quickly up the i-te-ps of a woert. select; cinb in Pall »a,ll and hurried into the magnificent lonn-se. His Fabe clouded ¡ immediately. No one here. Kictevrd*he acked im- patiently. turning to an attendant. No. sir. Lecuytways, Lord Lillingtou is toe-re." besSpy ha?re>i<Kl thro-iigh the billiard-room, vhere his lord^i'i). a tali, i m maculate ly- d-ef-wi youth. with an eye-al-a-i?* and a. super- t"Hi1)"u sttoi'p. was practising screw cannons. 1 "Momln', Lesley. Spaii-kiu" fine hot that, wf:at Morning. Lily." Dt"f'p callinc me Lily, Lesley." cried his I>rdi;'hip, in q-nernloiie tores. think I '1 a srirl." Sorry. Liilinarton. Look here. I want you to do me a favour." David Let ley heg-an. rye a coueia arriving at Kind's Crosa n-t twelve (>'•■!C'k. I promised faithfully to be there to meet the train, but I'vt- jiwt had a Ts-ire from my solicitor, and I must be in the City M twelve." Beastly sorry, Le?!ev, hut It's a. arirl I want you to meet." David infer runted. The lokk of boredom which his lordship was bee,T)iiinz to assume commenced. to disappear. How 011? he d?mn?d?d. Somewhere aoouttwenty-two:" 'I What's she like?" for reply T^s'ey pro-dueed a photograph, which Lord Lilli rag-ton examined, withe-at interest, and. :i-, he fondly imagined, with the e.re ot a cünnoiur. Scuiiran". am t she? he remarked. Well. wiM .c'j meet her for -me ¡ Rather, I.,e:e% Just my ticket. 'Wha.t!" .o.)k here, -toti, just remember I Y m I'e talkiusr &r my cousin, Da'nd Iesley  bald -rerrtly. R:¡rl1!o: L?-)ey. don't s?t your rag oa?t." remarked Lord Liiiington. Now, then, ■wh-at'e your cousin's name? Delf mere—Mis. Agrnes Dela-inere. She io travelling from Yorkshire, and the train is due in at King's Cross at just, about twelve o'clock. Tell her yo-L, come from me, and pilot her to the mater's, will you?" Charmed. Lesley." "You ve srot her photo all rig-lit? I'll clear off now. I may see you at lunch at the welter's." "Trot lol." cried Lord Liiiington. "Dnnt know about atoppin' to lunch." he muttered, when David had departed. It depends on how I get on with the girl. Kippin' fine bit she looks in her photo, hope shedl let me make the runuin'. But I can I generally hit it off with the girls." he added I reflectively. "I suppose it's a way I've got with me." lie continued to practice fancy hots, until two booms from Big Ben warned him that it was time to start for King's Crose. A. motor- cab conveyed him swiftly to the Great ?ort.her? terminus, and punctually on the stroke of time a hu?e "Atlantic" with it31 10a1 of eiht coaches slowly eid'ed along the platform. I He waited slowly along past each compart- ment, getting in everybody's way. but he fould see no sign of David Lesley's cousin. I .h! there she is." he muttered, making Ills way towarda a tall. good-looking girl who had jl1t:t stepped out on to the platform. He raised his hat gracefully and bowed at the j eame- time. I "Good morning. he said, and then swore to himself because he had forgotten her ¡ name. The zirl looked askance at once, He noticed her expression, but wa.s. not perturbed by it. for, he argued, she expected to meet David I Lesley, whereas he himself was a perfect ) stranger. "I—er—have been deputed to meet you," he ?;ud. i 1'nmet?ateiy the zirt's pretty face cleared, and she smiled in a charmin? fashion that ?et his lordship's heart beating at a preposterous rate. "Are you Mr. Ca \"endih?" she a?ked. "Er—no," murmured LUlin?ton. "Theu Mr. Cavendish asked you 'to meet j me, "Xo. David Lesley asked me. f'omt along, I'v(, Gt a cab waiting. Have you any lug- I gage". "Rut 'here must be some mistake." pro- tested the ?!rl. ?azjng anxiously at him. "I dont know you." ?y names Liiiington," responded his 'ordship. "Y?u sce, Lesley was in a bit of a h )e at the mir,tlte, and he asked me to I eome ."iud meet yo" "You are in error, really you are," cried II tiie girl nervously. I At that moment a quiet-looking man, with I a keen, clean-shaven face, strolled alongside j the couple. He had been listening intently to I the conversation. I "Can I be of any assistance?" he asked calmly. Lord Liiiington and the girl gazed curiously I at him. t "My name is Ro')ert.son," the newcomer j said. Detective Robertson, of Scotland I Yard." "I don't think your services are needed, otbeer," said liord Liiiington haughtily. "You will pardon me if I think otherwise," said the detective quietly. "I have over- j heard your conversation, it i^ a part of my duty, and you art' ewdentty trying to force I yourself on this lady. "Don't talk rot," cried Liiiington angrily, ".My friend, Mi. David Lesley, asked me to meet this young lady, she is his cousin." "I am not," sard the girl quickly. "I am COP. my way to Mrs. Cavendish's house. She lives at 164. Cecil-square. I was told that ill nc one was here to meet me I was to go to the house. When this gentleman accosted me 1 thought he must be Mr. Cavendish or some- one sent by Mrs. Cavendish." "Now, sir," said the detective sternly, turning to Lord Liiiington. "Will you kindly explain ?" "I tell yon I 'nave come to meet this lady," lillington protested. "Mr. le-it-y gave me her photograph so that I should know her. Here it is." He puiled a photograph from his pocket) and handed it to the detective. The latter | evamiued it and srgiled blandly. He passed it on to the girl. "I" that like you. mi" he a.sked. The arirl at the carte de visite. ( "I ti-u--t not," she answered icily, "Tiia-t is a photograph of Kitty BeIton, of the Frolic Music-hall," the detective said, returning the photo to Liiiington. | His lord-hip gazed at i ill horror, and saw Ail at Ko:>ert.-on'.s words were true. "You're ppw to the game, aren't you?" the detecJve asked. I don't think inuca of your cards." X'\e ;r¡'1: you the wrong photo," cried Lord Liiiiigton. Here's the right one." lIe ehed i'n; iously through his pockets, and) a gra-;joi annoyance ieit hi# lips. i "Hang it c.' he .-aid. rye left it at the due." i-e a n nv hand, but you've lost, this .-a'Me." remarked the d-etec- ti, I'm soi -v have detained you, miss." lie went <)¡. tn,11- to t'iie gilt. "Will you V" me your name ami address, please? We •ball merely rectnire voar evidence." Suhei Gordon, care of Mrs. Cavendish, 164, Cecil-squaro," leylied the girl in trembling tOliet>. "S'ia:¡ I call you a (.ab, miss?" he asked i Miss Gordou. rrt"ifu the giri. The detective huilsd a ltan-a.tn and ore- #en?1y the srifl was drivca off. then, von come along with me," Jtobertson 1ent on. | rli see von handed Jir.-t. I'll have you turned out the force. My father, the Duke of Xoptbiwvt'S. i& -a peraonal friend of the Ikxnia Seoretarjr." "Ali. I thotmiit we should get to a. dcrke soon," the detective aid with a grin. He hailed a second hansom and turned to LiHington. "Come Gll," he said. lxird Liiiington dreaded the prospect of a ::oocrie, tad 00uum011-sen.se told him that it j would be better to go with. this* officious per- suii-he could easily explain matters at Scot- laud Yard. Presently the hansom was meandering in and out- the baok streets that intervene between King's Cross and Kuissell-square. "You know it's all a, beastly niistake." said -bi.s lordship. "Here—why didn't I think of it before?—-here's a letter to me from the secre- tary." He pulled the letter out and gtixe it to the detective. The latter read it through, noted the na:Ol' of the club, and stared thoughtfully at Lillingtrvn. "Have you any other papers?" ho asked. His lordship searched his pockets and pro- duced several letters addressed to himself. "Look here." he said, "you have really made a mistake. I am Lord Liiiington, and I don't want to have any What do you say to a tenner, now?" Robertson shook his head. "I'll make it twenty-five," Liiiington pleaded. "Think what an as* I shall look, man. They U never forget it at the club." "All right, your lordship. Perhaps I ha-ve made a mistake. But voull own it looked mighty suspicious, won't you. £ our lord- ship?" "I suppose it did." murmured Liiiington as he extracted three notes from a pocket-book and handed them to the detective. "Thank you. your lordship." Robertson said. "Perhaps I'd i)etter get out here and go back to King's Cross. Where shall I tell the driver to take you to?" Liiiington gave the detective Mrs. Lesley's address, and aboiit twenty minutes later he was admitted to that lady's presence. With her was David and a pretty girl who consider- ably resembled Miss Gordon. "Awfully sorry, old chap," cried David, jumping to his feet. "but my cousin came by an earlier train." Within half-an-hour Lord Liiiington set out to seek the solitude of his chambers, and just outside the station he came face to face with Inspector Warren, of the C.I.D. "Good morning, your lordship." he said. "Have you been helping the force?" "What makes you ask that?" he inquired. "I saw yon in a hansom this morning with Dick Robertson." said the inspector. Liilinarton breathed more freely. "A h. yes." he murmured. "I thought you miht have caught him at something, your lord»hip." "Caught who?" "Dick Rabert-sOn—Flash. Di-ck, as we call him The cutest bird untrapped he is. your lordship." "But that was Detective Robertson of Scot- land Yard," oried the astounded Liiiington. Warren la-vsrhed. I hope lie hasn't bad your lo dsiip?"' he said.. "Oh, no. no. I gave him a lift. He was in a hurry and there wasn't another cab," tied Liiiington. "So he's not in the force?" "-No, your lordship." replied Warren, trying to stifle a grin. Lillingtoa went into his chambers filled with a keen desire to kick himself. "Its all through that girl of Lesley's," he muttered savagely, jabbing his fiagers into his vest pocket. Then a learful expression came over his face as he slowly withdrew the fingers of his left hand holding a piece of a broken watch chain. His 50-guinea :;0111 hunter had gene with his £25. I



Passing PleasantriesI




IFor Women Folk. ! -.0. --1














[No title]


/ 1 Bowling Tournament !





r Welsh Rifle Meeting

