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-piGEON- OULTR &c. -B- lfJ:o'1< OrpiagU/n Chick3; ÏIom excellent winter laYMs; lOd. eSohQIe, 5, The Green, Rumn.ey, cwitf. I l2!4^ BUFF LegbOOr. Bg?:s>, is- 6d. PW sitting, from grand L" coloured pan of Mi3s Edwards' strain; remarkable lay *s; noil-sitters re-placed.—Glover, 34, Haw thorn-road \Ves<t, L!a.ndatf North, near Cacd!!f. eplO "CX CHANGE Buff Rock û?pington Cock Îor Minorca Tj 01' J^eg-hora.—66, dive-street, Ca.r<liíI. e2o31p!3_ FOR Sale, a few Geese, for breeding, 5s. 6d. each, or 2 Geew au-i Gander, l!)S.; also a few good I>uck6 each; 2 Dudts and Drake, 8s. &<1,; and erand I ,t of laying Fowls.—Lagxam, 22, Peaypeel- -oad, Cai <Um, Car, e2905pl0 G\X)lY -rk.In!{ Homing Pigeons for Sale, hom ScL J »cli.—ApiJy F. Johneon, 58, Constellation- treet, Ac. amsciown, Cardiff. eJCtofrp GTrXnlT P^ir of my prize-winning Black R05omb T Bail tan « for Sale; only 12s. 6d.—E. Symond, 11, :3rvn-street. TwynjTOdya, Mertyr Tyd&l. e3002p7 IGEONS.- -i?or Sale 6 good Flying TumbV)IS; will sell at '-5- a pair; a real bar gain.—Apply P. PhiliiW' 207, Cowhridgs-Toad, Canton, Cardiff. e3025p7 YOTirF.. T": w* lame beautiful Silver Grey Parrots; talking Tiiiitling, do not swear; only 14s. 6d. eaeh; good Pai tot Cages, 4e. M., Working men, taeae wi!! li7e far 5l- years.-Cobb, 36, Gordon-road, Dart- ford. e2343p7 PU RE Golden Plieasacts and Si1" Pheasants (1507); fine heWthy bll' good plumage.—Particulars, price, &< apply 17, North. Mor<;aI¡.treet, Canton, Cardiff. pô P"ARKOTS. -Scari Vs &Ild-Grat3heI; not â nOtsy wnistIer; lie anywhere; 10s. Canard, lovelv birds, 2s.; ,1nne. singing, Is.—Parry Bros., Aviaries. Llanelly. r>8 PLYMor'FU Rock: and Buff Orpington and White Leghorn Cocker t% 5?.; Pullets, from 43. 6d. Broody Hens, for sitt.ws, 4s, £ d.—Poultry Farm. Caer- philly. ■ e2920p6 SAY Kggs for Brea. (fast—Five ifrst-cross 1li!lOrcas or Wvwddte6; March-hatched pullets; oaly l^s 3d.; "'¡-igM over JOlb. Hen, for Killing, cp; lame or Wild Ra.biU; pun-hred Poultry ror Sale; approval, d;pûsit.-Emt st WiUiams, Poultry Br, Some. e229p6 TV Fi K E Y S.—F or Sale, a few largp Cock Tarlteys and Hen." for breediag; also fw GOOE and Duck3,- Tn-gram, 22, P¡,nypeel-road., Canton, Cardiff. e230 £ p!0 WHITE Leghorn Eggs; 5. per sitting; remar4b!e lavers; anfertiies n t)iac«<L^ttar Hotel, Dinas J'M:i, e2291p6 "ITfT ANTED, any quanti ty of .11 kinds of Live VV Poultrv, toy c:J2:nt Rabbits. Pigeons, Ban- tam". Do, ,t,send post card to Ingram, 22, Pmy- l-rüad, Canton, Cardillo eZ901plO MISCELLANEOUS .3ALES. 4 Gentleman has fOr:ra, few aaoicc Old I'aintinjs, Water-coloured Drawln-g- v, ami Engravings; no rea.°;:m.aÜle offer will œ r ef used Apply, in fijst instance. to V 63, Evening Express, Cardiff. e2889p6 oG-TiuCJSE; FpeclalJy buLtt; suit large fancier; oourt yard to each keurH 1; .a bargain to quick hUY2'r,Greelllwoo4, 562, Cowcridge-tnoad, Cardiff. epU Ir*OR Pale, in Cardiff, Pwanse.1, 3'ewpcrrt, and Other Weisii Towns, Sole Rigrlits o( Leaf's Patent Proceae iar Cleaning Walls and Cciliiigs (pa.pered or di&- tenn r>ered i and all Paint Work. 4; :,hops, Houses, OfBc-es, &c.. Without Removing FIt. r.:1.iture; an idead anitary oration without ma.c!lirw ry; an energetic man with small capital can earn a good living from commencing, and establish a profitable businœs, without competition; now i-a the time oi Y6 cr to commence; 110 town and city right already difep< >sed 01.-1"0'1' par- ticulars apply The British Clemfsr; Company, 24, Brecknock-road, London, X. Fiea-?h and Italian Patent-; for Sale. eS390 FOR Saic, Pair of Bronze Turkeys.—For particulars apply Henry Morris. Brcoklands, A berk em tig. eplO IjlCR Sale, a govd Breeding Cage. 2ft. long, lain. r hig-l1: wire 12in. wide; partition, beotween.-V 85, Evenin Express, Cardiff.. e2908p6 FOR Sp.le, lalge Dosr's Ken-nel; in good condition.— Apply W 31, Express, Ca«liff. e3067pll GOOD Office Partition, Mahogany Cetmter, Writing Table, aad Desk for Sale; cheap; 8pf!mdid cen- dition.—12, Taff-embankment, Cardiff. e2309p6 LADIES' Companions (with useful pattj):-O!fa Book" &c" what, offers In exchange?—V 34, Evaning- Express, Cardiff. e2905p6 OVJEEMANTEI,. bevelled plate, 27s. 6 d 9ft. square Carpet, 6s.; Second-hand Mail-cart, g: quan- t:tv of Japanese Lanterns; barga.ins.ooæ, 29, Cow- brfdge-ro.i(f:- e2987pll SOAP.—Id. lb. in bars, wlÙœ or carbdtic; 3€lb. sent for 3s, postal order—Address Britannia Soap Company, 16, Douglas-Street, Wigan, Lanos. X30me t!1is I aper, e2849p!0 KLITO. i-platø Camera, with complete outfit; 35,, 02, Cowbrídge-road, C=ton: e3013p7 COPYING Presses, "Lton" Brand; 21s.. 3Ds- 42s7, 455. Stand. 12s., 14s.—Prices and particulars on application Stationery Stores, Westeru Mail Lim'.te4. Cardiff. GARDENING fcr the Masse6; By a Practjal GaT- dener.—A gardening book containing aJI the in- formatioil for amateur gardeners. Price 6d., bound Ífl cloth 1" postage 1&d.-St3ot!()I1eTY Stores, Western Mail Limited, Ca.rnJ1T. MOURNTXG Cards, Chcice Designs.—We will send .t a sample book anv distance, caniage paid.— tationery .«tor»?. We«ternM1 Limited, Cardiff. PILLOW vleys,-l dozen, 3880rtoo sizes, In box, beautiful lace edsres. 8td., p6st!vsr? ljd-—Stationery stores. Western Mail Limited, Cardiff. XT7*RTTf}<"(>-Casp, in French Morocco, with leather v* flap, lock and key. compartments for paper, n"elop. stampa,- :J,f\ blotting-pad; a very "Western prewnt; 5S.. post fræ.tationery Stores, Western )1all Limited, Cardiff. WEDDING Cards, Latest Designs.—We w!11 send > I" sample book any distance, carnage Daid.— I'j,?nery st01'. Western Mail Limited, Cardiff. "y jsRLET Fountain Pen, fitted with solid gold »T Waverley nib, in fir.e, medium, or broad point*; !11ft eleeant pen. supplying a "on-felt want; lOs, M.. post. f:ee.-Statlool"ry Stores, Western JIail Limited, Card if!. FIFTY Japanese Serviettes; assorted deslrns i v i rv arUstic; 'pTie' 1. postage id. e>tra.—Stationery Stores, Western Mail Limited, Cardiff. "DWAS" Fountain Pentt, from 10s. 6d. to 42s.. post "8 w free: write for price-list.—Stationery Stores, Western Mai! Limited, rdiff. A TL.AS? of the Wor! ''s "Commerce, edited bv ,T O Bart'-iolomew, F.R.S.E.: a new work of remarkable "aln. Price 21., carriage P<tid,- Stationery Stores, Western Mail Limited, Cardiff. WRITING-Case, in Boan rAi:her.-it¡' pockets for notepaper, envelopes, post-cTds, and f<tatnr! ¡rossetted, blotting-pad; C()mpat, ron\ and 1Isernl; ™s. M., post f,<;tat:onery Department. Western Mail I4mited, Cardiff. DISH Papftrs,—Tqe Premier Box. coniiininr- six doun assorted, uefu.I jijes. 6id., postage 2d. 72 Oval T ce Dish Papers, anmrted sizes. IS., JIOS t'" 2d. -StatJ?2f'TY- Stores, We<em Mail Limited, Cardiff. ~AW fm- the "llpTonTjtv ~iT^artteOTi^er rewv L taming ajl information TeQ\ÜrM fo? ordinary "1], No h9me 9001111 Ns without this book. Price Is" bound in cloth 1s. fid., p.o..tMr", 3<j.— Stationery Stores, Western Man Limited, Cardiff. WATERMAN Fmmhín Pens, from 10s. M. to 30s.. t" post free; write for jlh13trtød' price-Est.- Stationery StQ, Western Man Limited, Cardiff. 1 ■ MISCELLANEOUS. „ LL Kinds of Trucks for Sate or Hire at The .1 Tunnel, Queen.¡¡trœt, and East Canal Wharf, Cardiff. e2980p7 4 1RGa.-ó)x'!Nonexplœí..e_iT..{:¡M-p¡;¡;t5; rrUike jr\. your own iiluminant: clean, cheap. brilliant, Don- explosive.—Catalogues and fun particulars from Gnen- wood, 582, Cow bridge-road. e30C6pll 5TItOLOGY.Madam Proctor, late of Cardi!Y,- ± Send biTth time, Is. 1d, P.O. :I{r¡a! bniYlœs banges, 2 years' events.—11. New Bond-nrèet' London. e4855 DESCRIPTION Future Hnsband or Wif<\ Position Calling, e of Marriage, Is. 6d.; o Year's Events, Is, 6d.; FiT" Y6'8o!'S'. 2s. 6d. Life Cbart, 7<, 6tl —Sex, birth tim", ,stamp repl, Prof. MorrÍ<5, Blldvi1!e. V£endip-rœd, Weston-super-Mare. e3094p12 FECIXG, 30vds.. m. hiZh; Two Sets Double Door-; anv reasonable offer will be considered' .—Greenwood, 562, Cowbrid"e-road. Cardiff. _e3005pll- INSCRE Amst Sickness nd ACcid erit: Is. pe? month aseures owe SOV]gTI per week ï.n caoo cf either ficknesj or accident —Write ar call, Greenwood, 562, CQwbTid;re-roa.d, Cardiff. eW:J4pll MRS. Gorman, 15, Brid2"e-3trt, Cardiff. Lad.ie?, .1 Ge'1t1e='s, and Chi1dren's Wardrooee, Boots, &.c" Purchased; country Ord¡¡ attended. N at. Tel. 01294. E¡;tabJtsh 1864, e2303pg PALMISTRY, PhTenololrV Astro!ogv 7 Ac^—Madarr.e Linda, the American Palm'st: consultations danv. fee from Is.; i.l&tlact'on guaranteed; the s!'venth rtild of seventh child fOT t1Iree generations; acknow- ledged to he most expert palmist now in South Wales cientific Palmistry Tau1bt.-50te address—29, Wynd- !wm Arcade, C3.l'dtff. e2929p10 PALMISTRY, Phreooto^v, by Mdme. Elvira, F0l!ow and Gold M.edaInst, Beg. Examiner, Fowler Tn,ti- tutu. Lon1on. Advice oo Heajtli. B1\iness. M1Jic, Marriage, 5peculatlon. ("-11anœ. 8poc ¡"J advice on the education of children. Lemamm in Palmistry and Kindred Soienoes.-Qaen" Arcade, CSardlff, è4B23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS W,TËD Gun Case.—State part;cu!araan« ^price Rees, Porthrhyd Ho. Yshrad, Rh<m<Ma. e2mpS WT.TË-D-¡;;hOW Ca.se-Rafri¡:itorn¿ood con- TT dition.-tate price, 202, Cowbridge-road, Canton. eS)19p7 COAL, &c. — C OALS -p;r- Ton for Caish on Delivery Rd 'L&rge 19s. 6d-, Range Coal 13s. 6d., North's Large T>4s. Moo 258.. 6d., 2611. MOo Cobbles 23s.. 258,. Nut "s _-ShIelds Bros., Crwvs Coal Yard (RR.), nea,r Crwv3 Bridge, Cath&. Nat. Tel. 4282. e483Ó DO M E STfCA RT!C LES good, sound -coRdtHôiL B Also GeU\ S 2-speed Cycle, splendid condition with lamp, U. ump cPø; £ 3 5s.-V 36, Evening ;Ex pre6s Cardiff. e231\4p4 MAIL-Cart for Sale.—54^ MaJef8llt-st.reet, Ca.tlÏavs. e3«lp7 P £ R*AMBUL*ATOR for Sale; cheap; gOOd condition —Apply A., 2&, <hœvenor-st?eet, Ca:nton. e300lp7 MEDICAL REMEDIES. ARTIFICIAL Le, light weight, strong, Comfort- able; Hands or Part Hanas, Hook Arms Crutches Leg Irons. 8ptnal ApPlLratu, Lad;e9' BeJt. 'TrusS: Domen Belt Corsets, Elastic Stockings, Ac.; Makers of Steelless Easifit Truss; list free. Lady attendant. Estd. 1853.—Allen Pearce. 23, Charles-st., Cardiff. Nat. Tel. 1282. e-4861 A DYICE Free tor Stamp.—Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Á'-1 Herbal Speeial\¡¡ts, 9, Grove-place, Swansea. e47iiR M1;r::ak;:S'Mur;h=1 Herbalist Herbs, in packets, 6d.; cure yomceif of a.; 1 complaints; advice fr oi charge; Massage Treatment and Magnetic Healer.—16, Wyndham ArcOOe, !iff, em'ip7 T- 'Rl.NRLL'S pms have Cored Thon sands. Whv not you? See that you get "Established 1879" !)D every label.rimnell. Th Herbalist, 144, Rich- mond-road, Cardiff. Agents wanted- e.)4 rOPrevent Fraud see that you get "Establ!,shed 18" on every label and wrappeT of Timnelrs preparations, without which none are genuine,-Trtm- Jeil, The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. e3499 ""»4-PAGE 8ûiJK ABOUT HERBS AHD HOW" TO O USE THEM, pMt free; send for one. Trimnel1, The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-orad, Cardiff. Establishea 1879. PU5ASB NOTE NEW ADDRBRS e5499 -RM-ANDGAR-DÈN PPLES Direct from the Orchard; 221 be. 4a., 56lhs 7s. 6d,; packed in boxes; c m:¡ge paid; cart with IMer.-Fruit Growing Society, Hereford. 64'783 LAND AND FARMS. rrSo i^eti sma 11. WiíefulFarm Of22aë.res good-hOuse X awl buildiD.gs.-Apply A. PAillipl!, Wood .rn, Ow&belog. near Ust. e27bup8 ST ABLES,^ YARDS, &c. T lOON :e:g;¡{;;1ith 7itt-lÏ4lli- sub5Íi- tiaGy and expensively built; never been used; with double and all particulars rom Greenwood, 562, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. epll DHKli {rwn&ii); suitable for store or cattle; ^iron 5 roof; cheep to cleR.-GteenW'OOd, 562, Cowbridge- coad, Qt.rclitr. ll BUILDING MA TERIAL. H- OWE-Made JoiDéï-Yš'1PPUëd-t(;-CoÜage or Casti, C:Jar>eI or Church.—For estimates apply Barry Oock_ry Oomoacy (limited). Nat. Tel. 198. LA.DDEBS. Ladders. Ladders.—All kinds of Ladders tn Stock, including Window-cieasiera' Extension ..adders.—3, Darran-street, Cathays, Cardiff. e2893p6 j Vi Bnfldern, Painters, &e.-AiI kinds at adder In 1 .("k at t. Darran-street, CafJiays, Car 1.1f. e2882pô CRICK ET LY3SWOOD CE7CKBT CLUB want Fixtures far the omIng: -on.a. S. PbmLpe, 23, PpI3œ, ¡ iofIt h Park, Cardiff. e233p7 STOP PRESS Latest Telegrams. GA/nVTCK MEETING. l.'o-COULSDOX IiriiDLE RESFLT- ii B (isrv'j I.apsan^; —Gom ¡1 11 Capt L S Denny's St Cyprian Gully 8 11 1; I HIGHEST CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE CHARGES. Telegrams—" Painless," Cardiff. Tel. 334 Nat. MR. GEO. POOLE, SURGEON DENTIST, 13, WESTBOURNE-CRESCENT (Facing Sophia Gardens), CARDIFF. EXPERT IN THE FITTING OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY. Oakfleld, Ruthin-gardens, Cardiff, 10, 1906. Dear Sir,—It affords me great pleasure to let you know how pleased I am with the teeth you have made me. I am perfectly satisfied with them. Your new process of extraction of teeth without gaa is almost painless, and your charges are very reason- able. I can with the greatest coarfidence recom- mend any one requiring the aid of an able dentist to place themselves under your care, when they will (like myself) be more than satisfied. I am, yours truly, (Rev.) J. JONES. G. Poole. Esq., Surgeon Dentist, Cardiff. Professional Hours, 9 to 9. Sundays, 5 till 8. ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS. CONSULTATION FREE. CHEERO TEA wtJ "THE KING OF TEAS" has a richness and delicacy of flavour unsurpassed. It is a positive revelation in Tea-excellence, and is be- coming more popular every day. If you have not tested "Cheero yet, try a packet this week—it's superb! 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 per lb. FULL WEIGHT WITHOUT WRAPPER. ] THE — DIRECT TRADING CO, Lo | Branches in Cardiff, Swansea, ■ I Merthyr & Barry Dock. ■ Hoe's | SAUCE I Good food Is worthy of good sauce Therefore ask for the best. Just say Hoe's, and it's at your service. VV. P. CAKYL.F S.MC Qaalifled Ophtbalmlo Optician for SIGHT-TESTING sod SPECTACLES 16, HIGH-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF, and 15, SWANSEA. SPECTACLES WHICH SEEM ABOUT RIGHT." The diffeerrtoe between spectacles which are aibeolufcely connect a.nd spectarieg which. mf y seem, "about right" is just the difference between the rougti-and-rc-,dy work wtoA often goes by the name of testing" and the c;woful, exact, and experienced work of a responsible op-tickm. My wihoie business is devoted, to this one speciality, arsd I try t-& ensure tha.t all my results are aR thorough and exact as care, skill, and the most modern of appliances can make th.-m. My little bofi?d.e»t, "The "Why and Where- fore of Defective Eyefn^bt, contains much matter on the. smbject, and will be sent pest free. BONNER MORGAN, QUALIFIED OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN, 101, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. A TERRIBLE CASE. Little Boy Helpless. Three Hospitals fail. Cured by DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS. Mrs. Watts, of Sheetp-street-lane, Etching- ham, Sussex, writes Eighteen months ago my little boy developed infantile Paralysis. He was so bad that te could not stand, so I took him to a hospital, when he was put in a, plaster of Paris jacket, but he was too weak to wear it, so the doctor took it off. Then I got him into a-not-her licepital, where he remained a long time, and yet another, but he got no bettesr, so I took him home. He was practically helpless when I began Dr. Cass ell's Ta/biets, but in throe months he could run about, and is now quite well. My friends consider his cure a miracle." Dr. Case-ell's Tablets can be got at any chemists for 10Jd., and are a, perfect cure for children's weakness, and nerve, stomach, and kidney troubles. 3343

The Man in the Street .I


I.,iiimuaiuwiLg INAZARETH…



I Cardiff -College
























Blighted Affection -






