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To-day's Short Story-- I


To-day's Short Story- JEANNE'S BRAVERY. Felix Larondie had been a French tireur in the great war of 1870. and I liked nothing: better in the evening than to sit and listen to his stories of the terrible time when France lay gasping and bleeding. "After Sedan, monsieur, a meeting was called in our village, and 30 of us enrolled ourselves as a company of Franca-tireurs. We felt  could do more for France as irregu- ¡ lars than serving under incompetent generala. j We were well armed, and a brave and skilful old veteran commanded us. As the Germans j were in force around Metz, we marched in that direction and made our headquarters; in the hilla behind a village called Poncy, about three leagues from the fortress. It waa in Pency Joanne lived, and from the first moment I saw her, monsieur, I said to, myself, 'If fortune is kind, Felix, that girl shall be your wife.' Her father, was the miller of Pency, and the accursed Uhlans had almost ruined him. They were very bitter against the invaders, and my profession made me find favour in her eyes. Before we had been at Pency a month we had plighted our troth, on the understanding that we should not marry until France was rid of the enemy. "Small as cur -band was, we made our- selves a terror to the marauding Uhlans, thanks to the generalship of old Montbon. Jeanne was invaluable to use. She was all eyes and ears, and Montbon called her the 'head of the intelligence department of our band. 'I used to meet her every evening, when it was possible, in a little cave I had discovered, which, having no outlets, was proof against surprise. "We stayed three months at Pency, and then the place became too hot for us, and we prepared to leave for a village some leagues to the south. I fell into the hands of the Bavarians the very evening before we were to leave Pency. "Jeanne declares to this day, and I believe rightly, that I was betrayed by a villager, a young fellow named Odeau, who believed the Virgin hd intended Jeanne for his wife, and who who was ever savage when she refused him. But be that as it may, monsieur, I was seized at dusk that evening as I was on my way to meet Jeanne, and taken so com- pletely by surprise that I had not the least chance of defending myself or trying to escape, and, worse than all, was taken with the rifle in my hand. 'You are an as-ssussin,' said the stout little officer in command in barbarous French. 'You shall be shot. Where are your com- panions ?' But I profeaeed not to understand. I was afraid of being shot on the spot. There was much of the executioner and little of the judge in those days, monsieur. Much to my relief, my arms were bound, behind me, and we set out for the hamlet where the Crown Prince Frederick had his headquarters. "As Fortune would have it, Jeanne met us on the road. Monsieur would gruppoee that Jeanne is a quiet little woman, but monsieur has not seen her thoroughly aroused. She was roused then, monsieur. She flung herself on me and tried to release me. "Then she seized the bayonet of a Bavarian, and, if I had not begged her for my sake to be calm, she would have fought the whole party single-handed. Then she fell to beseeching them, for she could speak Ger- man well; but thev only laughed at her a.nd drove her off with foul words. My heart was like lead then, monsieur. But I did not know Jeanne. I was taken before the prince's adjutant, who promised me liberty if I would betray my compatriots. But I feigned stupidity, and when he found that I would tell nothing he ordered me to be shot at five the next morning. 'We give you till then,' he said, 'to find your tongue. You'll be dumb enough after.' And he laughed. I was bound like a log, monsieur, and thrown into a hot and brutally kicked. My thoughts were not pleasant all this time. I lay thinking of Jeanne, whom I should never Bee again, picturing that, womanlike, she would go home and weep in her helplessness and despair. But I did not know her then. She was working for me with all the energy amd wit of a woman. Jeanne, Jeanne, ma petite, come here." Jeanne came to the door. Oome and tell monsieur how you saved me, ma petite." A blush overspread Jeanne's features. What, that foolish story again?" "Certainly not foolish," I interposed. "I should deem it a kindness if you would oblige me." If monsieur wishes it, and monsieur will allow me, I will get my knitting. "Certainly," I said. "When I saw him carried off," Jeanne ')egan as Goon as she was seated, "I was in lespair, for I knew what his fate would be. And then the good Virgin put an idea into my head, and I prayed to her to give me the! strength and cunning to carry it out. There had been a sharp fight a week before, and I knew Jacques Pellot had possessed < jimaelf of some German uniforms that he aad tr.ken from the dead. So I demanded them from him, and threatened him till he produced them. A sous lieutemaait's uniform Attend me nicely, and after cutting off my hair And concealing a pistol and dagger in my tuni-c, I hurried away. I crept along cautiously when I neared the enemy's lines, for my plan was to get through the sentries without being challenged. When I heard, the pickets I dropped on the grou'nd and crawled like a snake. And yet I was nearly caught. A Germaji officer was leaning against a tree, and I almost touched him. I lay still, without breathing audibly for a long time, how long I cannot say-until he moved away. Then, once inside the lines, I rose up and hastened to the prince's head- quarters. I prayed for courage, and then walked up to the door. I trembled so that I could hardly speak. Fortunately, the officer did not observe my agitation.' 'Take me to his highness instantly,' I said, in my best German. Important dispatches.' 'Who from?' he begun. To his highness, instantly,' I said boldly, but my knees shook under me. He looked at me closely in the dim light, and I felt ready to faint. Then, without a word, he took me to the prince's room. Im- portant dispatches,' he said, knocking and showing lie in. From whom?' asked the prince. In private, may it please- your hig-h- eces, I stammered, but feeling that I would not leave without Felix's life or another for tt. Retire and leave us, H.aupt: said the pri. nce, and the officer, closing the door behind him, obeyed. i "'And now,' said the prince, kindly; 'you ;Looi4 pale L-nd ill, sir. What is your name?' The key wo.9 in the door, and I turned it swiftly. 'And now,' I said, pulling out my pistol and pointing ;t fall at his faoe-my hand did not even tremble at that supreme moment-' your highness,' I said rapidly, 'if you caJ out you are a dead man.' j he waa a Grman. but he was so brave' He did not even wince,, but he looked straight into my eyes and smiled. "'Ah.' he said lightly, 'a stratagem! Who are you, and what do you want?' 'Monsieur 10 prince,' I said. 'I am the daughter of the miller of Pency. My lover, Felix Larondie, was taken by your men to- night as a Francs-tireur. If he is not already dead, he is condemned. I want his life or • you ioee yours, monsieur.' '"A woman!' he said. 'Well done,' and he smiled, and the pistol almost dropped from my hand with the pity of it till I thought of Felix. 'I know nothing of this, my good Woman. No, but atay. Here are some papers Elberfield has left for me to sign. Ah, here it is, Felix Larondie, peasant, taken with arms. To be shot at five a.m.' 'He shall not die, your highness, or'—I could not. threaten him with words, but my pistol was steady. 'But he is fin assassin.' 'No,' I cried; 'he is a soldier, though he does not wear the uniform. Imagine, your highness, I said, 'if I should have dared so m,u00h for a murderer.' 'But he has fought as a not | as a soldier.' 'What of that, monsieur? And if he had I not fought for France in her hour, I would spurn him from me. He must go free, your highness, if you value your life.' 'My life is in the hands of God, made- moiselle,' he said, lifting his eyce to mine. "Ph reats do not move me, but you are a brave woman. "And then my courage left me, monsieur, and I dropped the pistol and flung myself sobbing at his feet. and beseeohed and entreated him. And he raised me, monsieur, and made me drink wine and tell him all Ii the story. All! but he was a brave and a i true gentleman! And when I had told him all he said, He ahall be pardoned,' adding with a smile, Such a devoted woman must not go husbandless.' And then I fell to weeping again, monsieur, and kissed his hand and tried to thank him. And he took me to Felix, and he was released. I flung myself on Felix and cut his bonds myself, and we thanked the prince together. We women don't find out if men are worth it till afterwards, monsieur," with a sly look at her husband. "Three days later an orderley came with a bracelet from his high- ness, and on it was engraved, To a brave and devoted Frenchwoman.' See, I wear it still.' Ah, monsieur, we wept when that noble prince died, and the great doctor could not ave him. We sent a wreath, and I presumed to write to the empress. She is a. worthy laughter of your queen, monsieur. She sent me, a letter written with her own hand. She was worthy of thI6 fcnw and brave gentle- 4"

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