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PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS CARDIFF. fjTHEATRE JJOYAL, CARDIFF. Leasee and Manager.ROBEBT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING. at 7.30, and SATURDAY, At Two. LAST MUSICAL PIECE UNTIL JANUARY 28th NEXT. GEORGE DANCE'S PRINCIPAL COMPANY IN THE MUSICAL PLAY, THE CATCH OF THE SEASON. By SEYMOUR HICKS and COSMO HAMILTON. NEXT WEEK—THE POWERFUL PLAY. THE gHULAMITE. Box Office at Theatre, 10 to 5. Nat. Tel.. 362. a7909 'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more—deserve it."—Addison. THE CARDIFF ^MPIREj QUEEN-STREET. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! THE GENUINE SENSATION OF THE YEAR! 1.1 A MILO, In a Series of Classical Poses, and CRMKSHANKS, Lightning Caricaturist. Managerial Note.—This unique and artistic creation was originated Jane 24th, 1905, and at ones appealed to the popular taste. The somewhat daring nature of La Milo's repre- sentations has aroused a storm of conten- tion, but the unquestionable beauty of bar Art and iÙ5 purity of conception and detail have effectively disarmed the most austere critics—in fact, drawing from that great stickler of public morals. Mr. W. T. btead, nothing but unqualified approbation. Consensus of London Prees Opinion— "Unique," "Beautiful," The Natural Girl—LA MILO, the Born (not manufactured) VENUS. MEZZETTI and MORA, In a Comedy Triple Bar Performance. "Now send yonr friend up here." "Low Bridge." BARTON and ASHLEY, An I ^conventional Comedy Act, with an Irresistible Amount of Go and Breeziness. Cliff RYLAND Himself. With a Remarkable Way of Saying Remark- able Things. The STEIN-ERETTO TROUPE, The only Troupe Jumping up to the Top of Thiee Tables on Both Hands. ARTHUR REECE, The Bright and Snappy Vocal Comedian. "When there a Girl About." AMY SULLIVAN, Comedienne. THE TOM-BOYS, A Long Scream of Laughter on the AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. You have had some English, Irish, and Scotch Humour, Now Try Some Welsh. TED and MAY HOPKINS, The Welsh Comedy Couple, in Cambrian Courtship." Bicycles Stored Free of Charge. Two Performances Nightly, at 7 and 9. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plan of Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. "To amuse and entertain is good, To do both and instruct is better." gTOLL'S pANOPTICON, IHILHARMONIC-HALL, St. Mary-st., Cardiff TO-NIGHT at 7.15, TO-NIGHT. MATINEES—WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 2.30. THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE COMPY. Announce another Magnificent Programme, including THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, A Powerful and Exciting Melo-Prama, in Twelve Acts. BREATHLESS INTEREST THROUGHOUT. BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HATE, LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE, THE SONG HIT OF AMERICA. Effectively rendered by REG. WILLIAMS, aided by Beautiful Illustrations. THE FEMALE SPY! QUEEN OF THE EARTH, Sung by GWILYM NAISH. GRANDMA'S READING GLASS. THE WITCHES' CAVE, A Gorgeous Production, introducing many Ingenious Tricks and Transformations. A really fine example of Colour Photography. LITTLE RUTH WALTERS WILL SING 'KILLARNEY," With Pretty Picture Effects. THE ALPS, AS SEEN THROUGH A TELESCOPE. Grand Views of Mountain Scenery, Water- falls, and Cascades; altso the dangers and humours of .Mountain Climbing. Quite a unique picture. A PLEASING FEATURE- Messrs. REG. WILLIAMS and GWlLYM SAldH, in a Magnincent Pictorial Duet, DOWN THE VALE. THE ROYAL VISIT TO CARDIFF, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Laying the Foundation Stone of the New College, also other important functions, faithfully Reproduced. THE SUNI LOWER AND THE SUN, A Popular Chorus Song, by ADA FBARE. THE BEGGAR MAIDEN, The Deserving Poor and the Good Samaritan. Synopsis:—1, Poverty; 2, The Frozen Coun- try J, Sunday Churoh Service; 4, The Cook Shop (Magnificent Scene): 5, On the Bridge; 6. The Good Samaritan; 7, The Happy Hour. MUSICAL. ITEMS BY MISS HETTY HOCKING. Prices of Admission: —Grand Circle, 6d. (bookable in advance, 9d.); Orchestra Stalls, 4d. (bookable in advance, 6d.); Pit Stalls, Gallery. 2d. Children under twelve Half-price. Doors open at 6.30 each evening. Wednesday and Saturday at Two o'clock. Sea Us not guaranteed. No m.oneeed. e2644 p A RK-HALL, A RD1 ENORMOUS SUCCESS (The Huge Building Crowded Nightly) OF THE ST. LOUIS PICTURES. LAS T W E E K, MATINEE, SATURDAY, THREE P.M. MATINEE, SATURDAY, THREE P.M. POSITIVELY CLOSING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. GRAND CHANGE OF PICTURES. PRICES-3d., 6d., Is., Is. 6d. Children Half-price except to 3d. Seats. Doors Open 7.30, Commence at 8. Early Doors Open 7 p.m.; 3d. extra to all parts. LAST DATE SATURDAY, Nov. 24.  e2915 -_u_- ^NEWPORT. rpHE NEWPORT EMPIRE, "7 CHARLEiS-S TREE1. Managing Director STOLL. TO-NIGHT! Harmony Four, the Funniest lour on Earth—or Anywhere Else. "At Hom" Twice Nightly. Music, Singing, Dancing. Maud Ross, Comedienne. Clemart, a Ventriloquist with Uncommon Ideas. Whit Cunliffe, the Topical Light. The Famous Football Match, South Africans v. Glamorgan, Re-produced, on the American Bioscope. Paulinetti and Piqoo. Will Mitoham, Musical Comedian. Lil Hawthorne. L18864 T Y C E U M N E W P O R T lessee A Manager, Sidney Cooper. At 7.30 Nightly, the Ever-popular Musical Comedy, F L 0 R O D O R A, Farewell Visit. Operatic Chorus. Full Band. Next week, November 26th, the great Human Play. "The Silver King." Box office open 10 tiiil 3 f Saturday till 2. Nat. Tel., 158. e2945 PUBLIC NOTICES ÕXD GLAMORGAN RTGTA. (VOL.), /wi RRGILMENTAI. ORDERS by H. OAKDEN FISHER, V.D., Commanding, For Week ending Saturday, 1st December. CARDIFF. 23rd November, 1906. 1. Parades, at 8 p.m.—Tue.^day and Thurs- day, Mind'atuire Rifle Practice and Specialists' Tr aiming. Duties^.—Company on du.ty for enduing Week, No. 4 Company. Medical Officer, Snrgeoni-captain J. L. Thorn a.< C.B. 2. The following extract from "London Gazette." dated lith inst., is published for •information2nd Glamorgan R.G.A. (Vol.).: i.-iciremunt. W. R Rarw+ali resigns hi Commis- sion: dated 8th October. 1906. (Signed) J. E. G. FOLLETT. <^aptain and Adjutant. 2nd Ghamorgan R.G.A. (Vol.). PENARTH COM PAN IKS. Monday. GUll Drill and Speeial:>.ts' Traln- at 8 r m.. Pr day, Miniature Rifle Practice. y Paty—Sergeant. Symtnond. Trumpeter-! tergea-rit. Rainer. H. C. VIVIAN. Major, I e2166 Commanding PenartVi Companies. CTRDIFF CAGE BIRD SOCIETY. Pie^id^nt Tile Risf'nt Hon. Vircount Tredegar. The TEXTn ANNUAL OPEN SHOW of CANARIES. HYBRIDS, BRITISH and FOREIGN BIRDS, will be held in the OORY- TLA1.-U WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 and 29. Admission: Wednes- Thursday, 6d. all day. Children (a-ocoiapanied by aiulis). One Penny eZ955 STOP PRESS Latest Telegramt. LATE TIPS. The Tribune.—Fir9 Clay or Fugleman, Deaa Swift, Dee or Master Hojsoti, anAl Oixah or Do?'-a.. Daily Telegraph.—Longcroft or Fier Clay; John Gilpin, Master Eopscn, Tiiam- Kaffir Chief, Gretna Green, and Portland La;?. The People.— Char is map:, Euretae, Master Hcpson, and Cannon Ball. Winning Poot.—Fire Clay, Master Hop- son, Koorhaan, Tacitan, and Portland Lacs. Sporting Times.-Titania or hTeRiatlo, and Roseate Da.wn or Bean Swift, i TEMPLAR MAIilNS* NEW QBMTBAL RooKS. 51, Q UKEN gTRBBT, CARDIFF. A RECSIPT in giren when Payment it mado for Extractions, and then reoelpta. if kept, go towards the ooet of NEW TEETH Ordered to re-Place thoee eitraoted any time within 12 months afterwarda. lIOUU. it till 8 Daily (including Wednew days}. N*t. Tel. uca. LADY IN ATTESDANCH. e.18 DALE. FORTY & CO., PIANOS AND ORGANS. HIGH-STREET (Near the Castle), CARDIFF. BEST ENGLISH PIANOS, BEST GERMAN PIANOS, BEST AMERICAN ORGANS, BEST HOUSE FOR LOW CASH PRICES. BEST PERIODIC SYSTEM TERMS. HIGHLY-SKILLED TUNERS. REPAIRS OF WORN PIANOS and ORGANS. CATALOGUES FREE. DALE, FORTY, & CO., CARDIFF, CHELTENHAM, BIRMINGHAM, Sx. Sold rrvorywhere, at Illi, 2/9, 4/C, & 11, O't!P.Iiq TEYI LUNG TONIC, WORLJD 'a culty, I FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, & ASTHMA Le68 EVERY BONE ACHING Wrth Acute Rheumatism. For Weeks Helpless in Bed. This Man Suffered Tortures. Now Fre-e from all Rheumatism. Strong, Well and Active. New Blood and Good Health In DR."N'ILLIAMS'PINK PILLS I Like many other men, I have to he out and at work, rain or shine," said Mr. Thomas W Arch bell, of 21, Kippax-place, Leeds, "and liko many others I have had to pay the penalty. Acute rhpiirnitirm set in until every bone in my body ached; and I felt an icy chill running down my spine. I roiild not sleep, but lay twisting and turning all night in pain. At last I was forced to give up work, with my fingers contracted and pains atta/jk- ins all my joints; my KXEES. WRISTS, SHOULDERS, AND EIÆOWS all became swollen and inflamed, and every movement of my body caused excruciating I agny. For ten top. weeks I lay Buffering in bed. unable to move band or foot. My nerves were 1ll such a state that noises in tho street or even voices irritated me and sent a thrill of pain through my body. My limbs became ;r.,o inflamed with rheumatism that even if the bed clothes touched me I HAD TO SCREAM OUT IN PAIN. "I steedily grew weaker; my face became haggard and drawn, and dark rings formed under my eyes. At times I wanclered in my mind. The fever increased day by day, and I became terribly reduced. In addition, I was troubled with a cough that shook my whole frame, and I eventually beoame such a complete wreck, worn out with continual pain, that death would have been a welcome release. The torture of those weeks cannot be described; day and night were the same to me, for the blinds were always drawn, and for weeks I did not seo daylight. All this time I was being treated by doctors without feeling any better, despite the fact that my medicine .was changed time after time. Thus I went on, losing hope every day, until it came to my ears that a friend of mine, who had suffered cruelly with rheumatism, haft found a cure in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. So I determined to give these pilL". a trial, and sent for a supply. You can ima,gine my joy when, after taking four boxes, I felt RELIEF FROM THE TERRIBLE PAINS. This encouraged me greatly, and I continued with Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs. The inflamma- tion gradually pasted away and the swell- ings left my joints I regained the use of my hands and feet, and my throat became easier; my appetite began to pick up, and I could actually eat a little food. The fever left me entirely, and 1 (VOlli/1 f. I new ??? AAT ?j\ I Sp?p ILLS FOil B'LLS EECO),PLF-T .I blood coursing through my veins. I per- severed with Dr. William*' Pink Pills, and soon reeainedI All tr?f?a of rheu- matism diaapp?ar?d. and in nix w,.e6 I was to ]pave my hed, Dr. ?Hiams' Pink P'Hs also eff,?(?ted a, great improvement in my ?pnerai health, and I I quickly put on flesh; soon I was in posses- sion of my full health and strength, and returned to my work-a grateful and vigorous man. By actually making Good. Red Blood that drives out all the poisons that set up Rneu- ] matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pi lit- have achieved their many curea, including not only Rheumatism and Sciatica, but Anaemia. Indigestion, Eczema, Nervous Dis- orders. Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, and ¡ Paralysis; also the special troubles of girls and womn. Sold by dealers (but look for the full title, seven words, on every package); also direct from the British Depot, <16, Hol- born-viaduct. loridon, post free for 2s. 9d. for I one box, or six boxes for lis. 9d. L460 Afford Instantaneous Relief to Sufferers from Inflammatory Affections of the THROAT & CHEST, arising from Climatic Influences, Exposure or Undue Strain. are composed of Purest Ingre- dients, and Entirely Fre, from temporary ?i?f-giving Agents. They are Invaluable to PUDliù Speakers and Singers for Clearing the hroat and Enriching the Voice. IMMENSELY POPULAR WITH CHORAL SOCIETIES. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTI- MONIAL AND BE CONVINCED! London, S.W., Nov. 7, '06. rp The Glyccule Company, Crediton, Dpvon. GentJfmen.—Having recently tried your ylyeculois for the voice, I have grea,t pleasure in saying, as a vocalist, that after much expe- rienotj of many different kinds of voice lozenges, pastilles, &c., I find the Glyceules the beet thing of the kind I have ever taken to relieve hoarsen ess, dryness, phlegm, or other temporary affections of the vocal organs. The conveniently i-inall size of the Glyecules lB. I consider, a great point in their favour, as it is thereby possible to keep one in the mouth whilst singing or speaking, a thing impossible to do wit-h the ordinary voioc lozenge. I Ktrongly advise all singers to give them a triaL-Faith fully yours, (Signed) FRANCIS GLOYNS, Late of the Savoy Theatre, and D'Oyly Carte Opera Companies. GLYCCULES are DEMULCENT and ANTI- SEPTIC; they loosen the Phlegm, and Reliev both BRONCHIAL and NASAL CATARRH. They are Pleasant to Take and Convenient in Size. A CLYCCULE PLACED IN THE MOUTH before leaving a heated room greatly reduces the risk of COLD or CHILL. Sold in Boxes containing 150, Is. lid.; 450 2s. 9d.; or Dost free from the Manufacturers, Is. 2id. and 2s. lOd. per box respectively. To be obtained from the following Chemists- ?D. L. EVANS, 27, Walter's Road, SWANSEA. J. DAVIES, High Street, SWANSEA. (A. HAGON, Bute Street, CARDIFF. I EO. JOSEPH, 84, Albany Rd., ROATH PARK. JA0. JENKINS, 372. Cowbridge Road, CANTON. I Or direct from the GLYCCULE CO., CREDITON, DEVON. THE ROATH FURNISHING CO., I ^2, ?nT-ROADAYrEBZ-STMEET, ROATH, QAREIFF. Nat. Tel., No. 1324. LONG-LIFE FURNITURE!! That just describes the Furniture we make. It isn't only the kind that LOOKS good. It looks good and it IS good-not knocked to- gether anyhow, but carefully made and finished throughout, every article being solid, reliable, and wear-resisting. ISN'T THIS JUST THE SORT OF FURNITURE YOU WANT? We rather think it is; and when wc tell you that you can buy it from us at prices which CANNOT BE BEATEN, it strikes us very forcibly you won't be long making up your mind to give us a call, to see the goods for yourself. We know our combination of low price and superior quality will be an eye- opener to you, as it has been to others. CASH OR EASY-PAYMENT TERMS. WESTERN VALLEYS BRANCH- CHURCH-STREET, ABERTILLERY. e7364 THE BEST REMEDY FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS&COLDS is HICKS- BRONCHIAL MIXTURE. It contains no morphia. or any other poison, and can be given with cafety to the youngeet child. Is efficacious and agreeable. Also Rub the Back and Chest with HICKS' Electric EMBROCATION 9d. and ls. 6d. per bottle. W. T. HICKS AND CO., STORE CHEMISTS, 28, DUKE-ST., and 219, CITY-ROAD, CARDIFF. And at BARRY DOCK. ee953



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Big Boom in Burgtaryi














Cardiff Steamer Los1 f










