r- f IMIIHB THE CLUN, HUE WELSH LEAGUES I lC. & D.R.U. Doings: C. & D.R.U. Doin g s: School Game. ABERDARE ANTRICT LEAGUE. I The inatdh. which realiy deci d-ed the cham- pionship of this league, between Cefnpennar United amd Mfmnrtia.rn Ash Stars, took ptuUCe At the Mount on Monday. The interest taken in the struggle was Srrtense. No leas than 700 spectators paid for ladnmsaion. The ground was dn a terrible state, being inches deep in IDud, with miniature lakes there and there as a set off-to improve the ownery. The game was a cross between Rugby and •had Soccer, with .a. dash of water-polo. The iPcamar boys were defeawd by eight points. Cefnpennar claim that the tries should not thta-ve been allowed, Iti.8 England, th,6 iAtars' (wling, hit the earner SLig down when crossing :-1th the first try, while supporters and ■playeru of Penuiar further state that the •second try was not correct on the ground that it was grounded in the field of play—on tihe wrong side of the goal-line—by one of the forwards, and that one of the other forwards, noticing the mistake, picked up fcbe iball a/nd ran over a-nd was allowed a try. Ably led by their captain, H. Fortt, the tPermar "upe" strove mairfnlly to avert defeat. They beat the opposing octave, but the backs, with the exception of D. Williams and Hawkins, were entirely off form. Perhaps the -greasy state of the ball was the responsible factor. CefcLpeiraiar have lodged a protest against itfhe Stars. The ground is that the winners j>iayed ineligible men. The Pennar Club cfiave reason to believe (writes a correspon- dent) that the protest will be successful, and Chat the points will be awarded Cefnpennar.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GLAMORGAN LEAGUES, etc. I Aberavon without Tim Madden appears imtoosible. It is said that Tim intends this to be his last eeasan. He has had a good timings—something Jike fourteen years in Aberravon's pack. No matter what the for- tunes of the oin-b have been, Madden has railways been loyal, and has rendered yeoman per vice to his side. The game at Caerphilly between the cheese- linen and Mountain Aslh was, by mutual con- sent, reakoned as a. friendly. The match at the Mouni last Saturday was in ita place. The result 1b that the Old Firm" secure (both league points instead of one. This thelpe to make the meeting between Peny- STraig and Mountain Ash at the Mount next Saturday pai-ticularly interesting. A win by the home men will draw the two ;«)lubs level, and, providing Aberdare win their protest against Treorky on the ground that Treorky played men without transfers, itthe 'Daxiaja* vall be on an equality. It will 4bhen be a ding-dong battJe for the league flronomrs between Penygraig, Mountai-n Ash, and Aberdare. PenygTaag. bowever, express their deter- tmination to secure a triumph at the Mount. If they do the championship is certain to go to the Belle Vue men. Caerphilly, considering their loss of players, oocapy a. farirly creditable position, in the league for a first season team. The mew forward, Dork, has returned after a Bengtlhy sojourn in India. Some seven years ago he played for Pontypool. The number of league clubs anxious to arrange fixtures in France is daily increas- inp- Treherbert players have recounted their "wanderangs" so well that there is (hardly a player who is not anxious to play on Pans. Saturday was a slack day for senior league matches. The only two played were Treher- ,bert v. M-thyT--a pointless draw—-and Moun- tain Ash v. Caerphilly—on by Mountain. Ash (by one goal and two tries to one try. Penygradg, Mountain Ash, and Aberdarrè lnave eacii five league matches to play. Confidence is felt by Penygraig supporters in the ability of their team to come out. on top this season. They point with pride to ltlhe fact that the majority of the league eames aJready won have been played away trom home. GLAMOBG-AJf SENIOR LEAGUE. Club. 1'. w. L. D. pta. PenygTai? 9 s 0 1 17 Mountain Ash 9 7 1 1 15 .Aberdara 9 6 2 1 ?'??3 Trcorty ?. 11 5 5 1 I, 11 Merthyr 11 3 5 3 9 !D»herbert 11 3 6 2 8 C?rptuUy 9 4 5 0 3 Troedyriirw 1' Aixer aeteating uerthyr Seconds at Mer- thyr last SiafUirdav (writes Cambria-n "), the Cambrian Boys have snoeep'l^d in forging theur way to the very top of the G-lamorgan Times" J-eag-ne laxider with a total of 36 points. IiLwynypia come nest with 54 points. It will be interesting to know how there tAaans come off when they meet on April 2. as the one or the other will surety win the cup. 1/1 wrnypia ?.e aoing great ?una in the ? ? Times" Lca?-o?. Oajnbrum ?Boys are their most dangerous rivals. Mountain Ash Reserves and Tylorstowai Mxtnaig the last fortnight have had a. "slip" ieaoh, and their chances have becoiiie small for top position. Nerfc reason Llwynypia will be seen in the genior league—'that is, providing the senior clube are agreeable, and there is every like- linood that they will welcome LlwynTTwa* again into the competition. Tyloratown, after making us think they were determined to make Llwynypia go all lore way, came a. cropper at rnrph;il. On a "wretched ground. the Grasshoppare won bv one goal. one try to one try. Tylorstown bave now Placed 26 gomes, lost three, and strawn four. Camibrian Boys will not forget their visit Penyda,rren Park in a. hurry. The ground seldom been in a worse condition—it w-ac little better than a mud lake. The rain fell in. torrents. In the first half Referee fpugh ordered Stan-wood off for threatening to strike a player. At the interval the only Bcore was a, try by Evan JVaies for the Boys. A few minutes of the second half was enough. Rain fell heavier than ever, and both sides scampered from the ground owning that the elements and mud-had conquered even their thirst for league points. Bead-constable McKemrie, of Cardiff, is to beoome famens in the Rugger world t ln\-TKrh •atorwinsr that ball in the Scotch match a.t Cardiff. A ruling on the point will, no doubt, be interesting, but, ha-ppening to ce directly cpoosite the go-al-Hne at, the time, I must pay tha.t had Mr. McKenzie not beon in the ? it ig ??o'?'??y certain that the ball would have gone out of bo^uwls before any- pne could have got t-) it,. The fcree of the re-bouad from tlt<; head-oonsta.ble proves this t.r any prf)Of be required. ',??tland oqld nof p>«ibly have smt(,d from the kick over the lane.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MONMOUTHSHIRE FIRST JUNIOR LEAGUE I rae M<?mouth?h:"p First J?mior I^gue t1eld its mma.J monthly moeting at the Lon- don Rof-ta-ura-nt, Newport,, on Saturday lat ■ 'on noil lor William Davie-: in the cboir. After the usual routine business the reports unrfuliiDed fixtures were d^ialt with. In be first .;<1:0 Varteg reported Aberba.rgoed." rhis case was adjourned to next moeCfng leather party appearing to support their saee. Varteg were the defendants in the ne-xt ease for disappointing Ehymney. After hear- ing evidence. Varteg were mulcted in a fine of one guinea. TaTywain were the next defendants, Rhym- ney being the plaintiffs. Found guilty Fine one guinea. Vajpteg were again defendiints in two cases, N('<W'bridgoe and ictoria. aad were fined one gviDtxb in eaoh oase. In ea"h of the foregoing ciases matclwe roust be arranged within fooirteen days. asked the leagne to fix a daite for their final with Abetrbargocd. A-ber- "ba^ft>ed wanted to play at Tredegor, 'hat Talywain could not agree. It, was decided they should play off at Ebbw Yale on a Motb- ft-y, if the ground is available, the idaite to be arranged within. 21 days. The secretary prod need the letter sent by Aberbareoerfs secarrtary to the Welsh Union re Dai Jones. It was decided to acknowledge the letter and allow the matter to close. The league intends to improve its P-Afti-. On April 28 am open meeting will be (held at Nawuxart. Tt is poesfbte that the title of Junior Tjeagme wffl be dropped owing to its being a rorisnomer, and the Momirttrnttehire Vatleys iLeague* adopted in its place. 1Jn b roeaostiime, any teams WiaNng to join for next season should conrnmnicaifce ■with the secretary, Mr. W. D. Ijerwas, 123, High-stiwt. Mxrrsyobaa, as wt!t as pnsBihlc, so that fixtures may be aananged for next season. A Junior teagrce may ateo Tw formed in connection wftlh it. If so an age limit will be fixed, as in both leagues at present the majority of pfoyera are over twenty years of •eet H was decided that the offer of the Ebbw Vale CMab for the use of their ground for the mmttcb with the spcoad inndor league be ■BOBt^ed. The match will he played on SotactSsy. March 24. ?NteJMBDn?n? tmin has be*?n selmted, and' t?t?oM? ratuter a good amou-nt of them.selves: J; BtMCt. Lawrence (EKbw Yale); three-rimarter B. Da.viœ fl'lutywaa Hall (Orumfin)^ tfoMadchta!. ta? Pacty (Tic<!ona.). amd Ohrjs. WiI. phjm?  bks. G. CooP(!{" wards, Richards and Mayle (Ebbw Vale), Syd I Tudgay (Talywain), Fred. Williams (Victoria), I "W ii liams (EhymneyJ, Capel Thomas (New- bndge), Jeremiah (Cnmtti$nX and T. Pugh (Aberbargoed). Reserves: Back, Crowiey (Talywain;; tbree-quaxier hacks. Morgan (Ebbw Vale) and Thomas (Ebbw Vale); half- backs, Jones (EJbbrw Vale); forwards. Bevan and lidwaiTds CBbbw Vale). It will be seen that the committee have dropped most of the veteran players, thus giving more encouragement to we youn ger ones. Only two league matches were played last Saturdlay—Eo"bw Vale v. Orumlin and Taly- wain v. Newbridge. Newbridge made the journey to Talywain, but were poorly represented, as several of their players stayed at Pontypool to see the Penarth match. This is a pity. and. 110 doubt, ooet thedr team the two points. The game, which was a very close one, ended in a win for Talywain, T. Green scoring a. try which was not converted. Crumlin were visitors to Ebbw Vale enclo- sure, to play their return with the league leaders. A very good game ended in a win for the champions by two-tries, D. J. Thomas and G. Cooper being the scorers. Crum-tin are to be oongra,tulat.ed. npon the i. mproved form shown by their young for- wards, and if they keep up their present form they will have to be considered in future league games. I hear Victoria have arranged to pl-ay a benefit match with the Viaduct boys in aid of the latter's funds. It is to be hoped a good gate will result, as funds are badly neoded. Owing to the disastrous strike no ga..e mony has been taken this season. Otr teams are at liberty to copy. Victoria entertained their near neighbotrrs, lalywam, to a friendly at Cordy's Fields. I'alywain had the asaistance of their old for- ward. Ooldrick, but ultimately the -Vies" ran out winners by two tries to one. It was thought that at leasst Ponty £ bol ought to grant tihe league a £ 10 guarantee, but there does not seem any likelihood of it pemg done at present. They could afford to do it, as they have had valuable assistance. LEAGUE TIABLE TO D.TE. Olub, P. NV. L. D. Fm Ag. Pt- Ebbw Valg 12 10 1 1 109 11 21 Victoria 10 6 2 2 60 33 14 "alywajn 9 5 3 1 37 19 11 CrumJin 10 4 5 1 41 43 9 Aberbar^osd —, 9 3 5 1 30 47 7 Newbridge 7 4 2 2 36 40 6 Rhymney 10 1 6 3 5 60 5 VarteST 7 1 5 1 3 64 3

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF AND DISTRICT RUGBY UNION. I elements were cruel last Saturday. Of I all days in the season the looals desired Saiturday's weather to bo a. little after the mjarii, xor it wits the opening day of the cup contests. Only one of the many gavies was actually finished, and tha.t was the Malletft Cup match between Mackintosh and Penarth united. I For once the prophets were wrong. Ninetv- Irine out of every hundred local enthusiasts pmdioted a substajittaal win for the Penarth Lmted men, especially as the match was played on the Penarth Football Club ground. The unexpected happened, for the Grave- diggers won by a try, and thoroughly well deserved their win. Their team was all sixes and sevens, but the old veterans, especially Fred Priest, rose to the occasion. The ground was tTldy awful- and made a soiemafic display impossible. One part was covered in water. and tiiie stTan^e eight was witnessed of four ducks swimming La and oui amoilg the players. The incredulous may not ac--ia this ? gospel, but it ? an absolute fact. I must give my opinion that both teams were absolutely mad to pla.y in such weather on such a, ground. As one of the "Macks" rightly said at the finish. "Both fifteens deserve three months' imprisonment for turning out under the circumstances." Another, however, -was of the opinion that each player deserved the Victoria Cross for their pluck m playing. It was absolutely cruel to interfere with the ducks! The effect on the players is shown by the fap,t th.a.t a, Mackintosh player fell in a fit at the conclusion of the game. This is proof that it was utter madness to play. Out at Jubilee Park the old Welsh inter- national, Mr. Jere Blake, had the courage to start the big struggle between Canton and Boath Hornets. Despite the. weath--=d it was terrible- ■ a huge c-lvd, risjung meamatisra, pneu- monia, and kindred ills, cheerfully got drenched in watching the play. Oanton scored an unconverted try, and some time afterwards the Hornets equalised. Some fourteen minutes remained for play, when a Boath Hornet fell in a fit. It is a strange coincidence that a similar incident happened iaS, Penarth. Both sides were exhausted by the strenu- ous game, the heavy going, and the terrific downfall of rain Both captains then decided to abandon the game and play it to-day on a neutral ground. It is a pity that the game was ever com- menced. The teams mutually agreed earlier in this week to meet to-day at the Ely Bace- conroo on the Ely Rangers' fine pitch. M r. 0. R. Crawley, the referee of the urangetown v. Bomilly match at tJae Sophia Gardens, took the wise course of deciding that the ground was unfit. Skipper Joe Casper was annoyed, for he wanted the game finished that day. Pro. bably he has a great belief in the eophers'" cleverness at water polo, for foot- ball was impossible. Roatih journeyed to Dinas Powis. The offi- cially selected referee, Mr. T. Ro-berts. was not present, but had be been the probability is that the game would have been aban- doned. Pontcanna could not muster a side to meet Canton Juniors, so tne latter have been awarded the raa&ciL, and today meet their greatest -ri-,ig. Grange Windsors, in the second round of the "eipokes" Cup. Pena.rth Stars made a watery journey by break to Sophia. Gardens to meet the Cru- saders. The latter did not turn out, and the Star will meet Garth to-day at Penarth. Donovan, who recently played for the now defunct St. Miohaed's club, must be a diamond. No less tham three clubs claimed his services. As the only transfer that the committee-could trace was to Cardiff Eastern, he was held to be an Eastern player. CardifF Northern are in luck's way. In the present league table they increase their points by eight, owing to Barry withdraw- ing from the league and St. Michael's becom- ing defunct. Saturday last was almost a blank day' but to-day there are no lees than fifteen cup- ties to be decided. THE LEAGUES. I DIVISION 1. No change since last week. OTHER DIVISIONS. Club. P. W. L. 1). Fts. Grango United 13 13 1 4 30 Cardiff Northern 13 12 0 1 25 St. Paul's 15 12 0 3 27 Canton J,W icre 11 9 U 2 13 West End 12 6 6 0 12 Eastern — — 16 4 9 3 — 11 Bajry 14 6 3 0 _» 12 University 1: g =: i Garth 10 4 2 3 11 I rtlli;' 12 7 l 1; Crusaders 9 6 3 0 12 Penarth inters 7 4 1 2 10 Cantoa 'Quins 11 3 5 3 9 Victoria 10 3 6 1 7 Adamsdowu 7 4 1 2 10 Grange Old Boyss 3 1 5 2 4 St. Mary'3 7 0 6 1 1 Ely 10. 4 4 2 10 Pontcanna 8 3 5 0 6 Canton Wanderers 10 5 5 0 10 It appears that Canton were down to play Merthyr, but the Merthyr secretary in- formed Canton that there was a probability that it would be impossible to play the game owing to the ground being unfit. Ganton then accepted an offer from Peny- graig, but the Merthyr ground recovered so speedily that Merthyr called on Camton to fulfil the fixture. Canton did their utmost to get a team to take their place v. Penygraig, but f.a;t,pd to do so. RoeAh Hornets made art application on Tuesday for the removal of the suspension on Ijevi Brown, who was some time ago pro- hibited from playing in local football. The plaiyer deepfty regretted has indiscrettion, but the committee could do northing but unani- mously decide to ratfiLse the application.

"ROVER'S" GOSSIPI Unluckily <for Merseysiders, their two clubs are drawn together in the semi-final round of the national competition. Well, you have to take pot luck in cup-ties. No doubt Liverpool people think that both their teams would have reached the final, had it been otherwise. Anyway, they are certain, now, of one side appearing at the Palace. .Everton have been there before, but they have not yet succeeded in winning the pre- cious trinket. Once Wolverha.mpton Wan- derers defeated them by tne odd goal in five, while three or four years later their conquerors were Aston Villa. Everton took part in the semi-finals of 1893, 1897, 1898, 1904, and 1905. Liverpool have thrice reached the penultimate stage, and, curiously enough, both Everton and Liverpool were in the last four in 1897. It was the year Everton were beaten by the Villa in the final. The business which followed the draw for the semi-final at the recent meeting of the Football Association Council included the selection of the English team to meet Wales. Ashcroft was rightly ohosen as the goal- keeper. The selectors could not have done better, nor could they have improved upon Crompton and Herbert Smith for the rear division. Common found favour as the oentre-forwaird. They say that Common is ORE. I the most marked of all forwards in the Eng- lish League. Halves and full-backs certainly give him little rope, for he is a dangerous man in front of goal. He cost Middles- brough SI,DOO, and if he saved them from the second division a year ago, he was worth the money. There is one other matter to which I should like to refer, and it is the presenta- tion of a gold watch to Mr. C. W. Alcock, in recognition of his 40 years' unbroken service ee an officer of the Football Association. Mr. Alcock has an English Cup medal, for he was the captain of the Wanderers who won the trophy the first season u was put up. He can look baok on a long vista of yearns, and he has helped to make the game of football what it is. All honour to him. There were two oases of whistle-blowing by spectators in the cup-ties a week ago. When 20,000 or 30,000 spectators are gathered together it is next to impossible to discover the culprit. Someone, however, must see him. and honest men. men who love the sport and fair play, should make it their business to point out the offesnder. It is a practice that must be stamped out.. At day- ton, where the Arsenal defeated Manchester United ty the odd goal in five, -the whistle was heard just as Freeman received the ball and wa.s about to start on the journey which ended in a willJninggütaJl for ItJhe Londoners. This victory by the Arsenal was one of the best things bf the fourth round, and the Beds have the satisfaction of reachin.g the semi-final for the first time in their history. Ashcroft in no small way helped them to success at unlovely Clayton, and he further strengthened his claim to be England s goal- keeper. At the first time of asking, Birmingham drew with Newcastle United at Ooven-try- road. It was while the Brume were attack- ing for all they were worth that the spec-II tator's whistle was heard, and play was stopped. Birmingham and Newcastle are teams of dfferent styles. The Tynesiders are a classic combination, but the short passing game is not likely to succeed on a very heavy field such as that which was prepared for them at Coventry-road. Birmingham, on the other hand, have always struck me as being what we call a cup team. They have pluck and resolution, as witness the way they defeated the 'Spurs in the previous round during the extra time speriod. They 1_ IftSLLORS. swing we pan aoout a, lot. un a fasit field, and with a Slight ball, however, Newcastle are the prettier team to watch. They have an exceedingly clever line of forwards, and on this occasion I notice that the versatile Colin Veitch was playing centre. Orr, on his left, is not a big player, but he is wry nippy. He stands no more than 5ft. Sin. It was he who scored the first Off theTvnesiders' two goals at Coventry-road. Southampton, the last of the Southern Leaguers, was the onily side that failed to score in the fourth round. while Baybould did the hat-trick for Liverpool. Sheffield Wednesday have been in the b ami-final on seven occasions, but it is not thedr fortune to reach the neutral ground stage this year. Everton dismissed thetm at Goodison, and it -was only after a. hard game, in which seven goals were scored and the Toffee men gained the odd trick. Manchester City's chance of overhauling Liverpool as leaders in the league table was not improved by the defeat they experienced from Sheffield United at Hyde-road. On the 24th the City receive &toke. while the Anfield- road hrigade are at Preston. Liverpool have a real good chance of bringing off the double event-^the cup and the league championship, and, anyway, Tom Watson 'will be keenly disappointed if- one or father of the prizes do not come his way. Preston are well up in the taible, amd, indeed at the time of writing, they iare only two points behind the, leaders. The match next week is.' there;fore one of importance to both parties. Aston Villa, drove another n'all into Middlesbrough at Ayresoroe Park, and in that victory some people declare that they Fee the beginning of the end of tihe end of the Tynesiders' chance of remaining in the first division. The Villa are not a great side just now, but they are keen on building ti, their team again, and the acquisition of Kingaby and Eoden from Cl^pten Orient was attended with happy results. Who would have thought at the bee-inning of the season that the ViHa's half-backs in the middle of March 'would be Greembalgh, Boden, a.nd Harris? Next week they are due at Newcastle. Of the other matches on the card for the 24th, refer em-co may be made to the meeting of Birmingham and the Wolves at Mblynem. He would be a bold man who would predict a viatory for the visitors. Woolwich Arsenal, who are not yet safe, so far as the first division is concerned, O'PP03e the Wednesday at Sheffield. Ruddlesden and Chapman, of the Wednesday, take a Jotnt benefit on the occasion of a, visit from the semi-finalists. Extension of the Southern League from eighteen to twenty clubs is not at all un- likely. I understand that several clubs are in_favour of the proposition, and more will be heard on the subject later on. Meantime, FnLham are feeling more certain of that championship. Events lave taken a decided turn in their favour. The 'Spurs have gone all to pieces since their defeat in the Cup competition, and a reverse at New Brompton has been followed by another from Swindon. I do not forget that t,he 'Spurs bave several men on the injured list, and, p^haps, they will coone agaan before the close of the cam- paign. On the 24th they are at Luton, and they will meet some of their old players in "Sandy" Brown. M'Ouxdy, and Warner. One good turn deserves another, and be- cause Bristol Hovers defeated the Argyle a.t Plymouth, earlier in the season, Plymouth needs must cheat the champions by a con- vincing margin when they go to Bristol. The victory gained by the Pilgrims a week ago was one of the best things they have ever done in out matches. A week hence Bristol are at home to Beading, while Plymouth appear at Portsmouth. Brighton oppose Fulham. There are a lot of good goalkeepers in the South, and Mellors, of Brighton, Kitchen, West Ham, and Whittaker, Brent- ford. are numbered with the best. Mellors, despite Brigh.ton's lowly position in the table, is a class man. He came from Notts County, a;nd immediately made his mark with the Sieaaiders. I have seen him give wonderful displays for bis side, but I shall never forget one particular* match at West Ham, early this season, when he could slop nothing during the first ball, and everything during the second. Yon never saw such a.n. extraordinary change. At half-time people were asking whether it was actually Mellors dn goal. They found out before the finish. Norwich City. who go to Swindon a week hence, can claim to be one of the most remarkable teams of the season. Their forwards tound the net in every match but one before the New Year. They have now stopped scoring, and their last four games have all been goal-less drnws. Followers of the Rug-by game were rather surprised hy Ireland's victory over Wales. It was not altogether expected. As a fact, Ireland should have won by a bigget margin. The forwards of the Green Isle were seen to great advantage, and their success was due to dadh. in the loose, a-nd fierce tackling, In the course of the game, Cad dell had the mis- fortune to break his ankle, while Purdon was to reto^tow^tra&rj&he x*Ioee -of. ????*?' .? 

BUSINESS ADDRESSES. W. P. CARYL. FS.M.c. Qualifted Specialist for SIGHT-TESTING end SPECTACLES. 16. HIGH-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF. e156.1 James Lulham & Co., (Of Leicester) Desire to draw the attention of BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS to the large stock of Boots and Shoes they hold at their Branch. Warehouse, 89, Bridge-st., Cardiff. WRITE telling' us yonr requirements. AH orders are despatched within a few hours of receiving them. We are noted for our CENTURION & DINAS NEWYDD BRANDS in Meat's Boots. We are also agents FOR the Oceanic, New Century, and Liteaneasy Brands. Ladies' New City, Violet, Esperansa, and Cameo Brands always in stock. Children's A Nursery Goods a Speciality. Our LISTS. are mow ready. We shall be pleased to send them Post FTee upon receipt of business cards. WHOLESALE ONLY. e2088 JLETJSTRATE YOUR BUSINESS T ITERATURE. NOTHING ATTRACTS ATTENTION SO QUICKLY AS A PICTURE. Architects, Batata Agents, Auctioneers, Manufacturers, Merchants, Shopkeepers, Printers, Bookbinders, and others requiring ENGRAYED BLOCKS IN LINE OR HALF-TONE SUPPLIED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Having a large and skilful staff of Artists and Operators, and the most up-to-date appliances in the country, we are in a. posi- tion to produce blocks in the most artistic style without a. moment's unnecessary delay. For Particulars add Prieas, a-pply to WESTERN MAIL LIMITED, I PHOTO-ENGRAVERS. CARDIFF AUGUSTINE J. STONE I FTJUEftAL FURNISHER & FCNE.RA1. DIRECTOR. Personal Supervision to All Ordars. I Nat. TeL: Cardiff, No. 704; Post Office TeL, No. 612, Cardiff. Telegrams: AUGUSTIXE STONE, CARDIFF. AUGUSTINE STONE., BAERY DOCKS. "^TORKING-ST., 0ARDIFF, j 0) TV ? ? t -101. HOLTON-ROAD, BAREY DOCKS. B BABIES, 3B. 6d. PER DOZEN. Mothers wanted who will not grudge 3s. 6d. for a DOZEN BEAUTIFUL ENAMELLED POSTCARDS OF THEIR. LATEST CHERUB. A. & G. TAYXOR. DUKE-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF. Appointment invited. Nat. Tel. 0771. e—2 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. DEATHS. FJ0RRIEE. —On March 17C5, at FaJoonhjrst, l'enarth, Dora., tiilrd daughter of Mr. J. B..terrier, J.P. No flowers. MOREISH.—On March 15th, at Pentonville, Newport, after a long illnees, Frederick William Morristi, the beloved aon of n. W. Mormh. aged 27. Funeral Eleven a.m. Man day, March 19th. FOR Sale, smart Governe5S Car; nearly new; suit pony 13 to 14 b&ld"Wade, The Garth, Bassa- leg, near Newport. e28621 AIL, Phaeton, Landau, and BaJU Car for Sale! _D'i bajgimM.—AU?a FumœWng Company, Hayes, Carc',»fE. e2862u24 To Let e Tflera Arms HtYteC Lhtngoncyd, near Bridgrend; double licence; immediate possession; reasonable ingoing.-AppJ.y J 2, Evening ,Exprest;, Car- diff. e2881u24 CIOVVMA-N* Wanted immediately, and Fa.rm WQrk; J good milker; cottage and garden.-Baker. Forest, Whitchurch, Cardiff. e2859u21 SMA-KT Junior wanted; OM who has been in an office before; a good opportunity to a smart applicant; wages to oam.menC<1, 5s.—Apply J 3, Even- ing Express, Cardiff. c6447 WANTED,  CoDlery, South Wa?es; state distMca from port, royalty, quality, acreage, e&timated reserves, &c.-Ca.loric, c/o Roberts-Jones, Solicitor, Ma.rket-cMmber8, Cardiff. e2858u24 WANTED, experienced young ?L?dyfcrBoot Department.—Apply, personally, Wednesday next at 6-45 p.m., or by letter, stating age, expe- rience, and salary required, Co-operative Society, 49, Glebe-street, Veaarth. cô4% ANTEI>r Groom-Gardener, andto be GeneraŒÿ I age and re¡erenoœ, Surgery, Eesolven. cB444 "tXT'AiITED, exPëTië-n-C'cdiliiard-1:ar}:er,-tõ f f Manage BiUiard Saloon; preferen<? given to one understanding the routioo of restaurant trade.- Apply, giving particulars, by letter only, to Billiard Saloon, I> ant anas-hall, Treharris. e'2S57u21 W~ ANTED, General, to go with family to country f when required.—H S8, Evening Express, Car- diff. e2S56u21 ANTED, Occupation, legal and literary-oiÙy; f f not identified with collections; no goods received on credit; communicate face to face only, as I am universally betrayed m hypocritical amd deluded quarters.—William Medway Davies, formerly a Practising Solicitor, Cardiff. e2G"S5u19 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL MATCH, WALES V. ENGLAND, At CAKDIFF ARMS PARK, MONDAY, MAROH 19. Kick!f, Four p.m. Admission, is.; stands extra. Grand maud tickets 38., and ring tickets 2s., can be obtained from Mr. Berkeley, Secretary, F.A.W., Queen's Hotel, Cardiff; Mr. H. Williams, 13, High-street, Pontlottyn; Mr. C. Axtell, Llantwit Vardre; Mr. J. Jarman, 12, Rees- terra.œ, Llanbradach; Mr. E. W, Wathen, 1, EssJch-1 street, Cardiff; Mr. T. D. Jones, 24, Albert-street, Aberdare; Mr. W. J. Hood, 12, Lower Moral-street, Barry Dock. The Official ProgTa.Il1!IJ::Ie, with Bed Pmgcm, printed and published by Rees, Electrio Works, Cardiff, will be Sold at One Penny. e2056 ENGLAND V. WALES, The Welsh Association have selected FRANK SUGG'S FOOTBALL KING for this Mat oh on MONDAY at CARDIFF. jfo. Cricketers and Footballers please ^Sj rNw note that F RAlK SUGG (Limited.) ? -1? OPENING A BRANCH IN ?T\ CARDIFF at ? ?' ?' QUEEN-STREET, < L ?m} where they hope to haye the /ft Hlnm pleasure of mtMJg old &ad new f Jfn ?a customers. II /I tfaaIn j n Seasoned Goods Direct from the ? ci? well-known Liverpool address. CRICKET, TENNIS, FOOTBALL, CROQUET, GOLF. HOOKEY, FISHING, RUNNING AND ALL SPORTING GAMES. "Write for Catalogue to 12, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. No 8, QUEEN-STREET, will be OPENED No OR 8, ABOUT 313t MARCH. e2087 THE WESTERN MAIL ABC TIME TABLES, FOR CARDIFF, NEWPORT, and SWANSEA. PRICE, ONE PENNY EACH MONTHLY, month immediately after publication. The Western M&il ABC Time Tibbies are published every month in three separate editions, namely, Cardiff, Newport, and Swansea, each, of which can be obtained for I One penny from all Newsagents or a.t any of the offices of the "Western Mail." For an Annual Subscription of Two Shil- a C£1 py o i of the Time Tables ::Ie\. J! BUSINESS ADDaESSfcS LIKE A— j POT EGG— Tailoring Supplied by the "Capital & Labour" Clothing Stores. CAN'T BE ——— BEATEN.——j "I don't know how they do it," is one of the many remarks made about our COMPETITION DEFYING SUITINGS Offered in Black Twills, Black-won't-shine Vicunas, Blue Twills and Vicunas, and in "Classy"-looking TWEEDS TO MEASURE. AT We've made POPULAR-PRICED TAILORING A FINE ART. About our Garments there's a BUILT-FOR-ME LOOK. For any Wear anywhere our Tailoring is right. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD, Simply put us to the test. We know that the style is "right," the fit u right," and the work "right." But we want YOU to know it. THE "CAPITAL AND LABOUR" CLOTHING STORES 59 and 61 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. (NEXT TO ANDEEWS'-HALL). XSTOP ONE MOMENT. 03. DEAR  ? DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING jOC THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE. BUT TRY fWDOR T^TILLIAMS' JL PATENT JJALSAM OF JJONEY. Which contains pure Welsh Honey and an Essence of the purest and most Efficacious Herbs gathered on the hills in Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when their virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. luere are thousands ol children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a- grand discovery for the cure of such complain to. It is invaluable for weak-chested men, delicate women, and children. It cures when other retnedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It cures Thousands of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It cures for One Shil- ung when Pounds have been spent in vain.: FRY IT! If you have >a Cough, try it; if you a. Cold, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expeotoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. SEVKRE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, combined with Asthma and Heart Affection (eight standing), CURED!—"I have been under doctors for eight years. They did not do me any lasting good. When I began your treatment(I was at my very worst. My breathing was very bad. I had to sit up in bed all night, and my cough was so hard I could not cough up anything. In the day- time I was worse. I used to get such Jits of perspiration and afterwards turn quite cold. I wa6 always catching fræh colds. ? am now able to sleep at nights, and when I rise up in the morning am able to do mv work with ease. MRS. JACKSON. "Sea View, South port." A STIPENDIARY AND A MAG-ISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS: I feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Bal- sam of Honey in my family, which is a large one, for many years, and have proved its great value, having used nothing else for Cough during Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and can highly recommend it to all parents for such complaints." For Vocalists and public Speakers it has no equal. It makes the voice as clear as a. bell. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOR PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. Sold by all Chemists and Stores rn Is., 2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample Bottle sent (post paid) for 113. 3d.. 36., and 5s. from the inventor. Saying in purchasing the large size bottles. PROPRIETOR; D. TUDOR WILLIAMS. R.S.D.L., MANUFACTURER: TUDOR WILLLAMS, M.R.P.S.,A.S.Ap!i., I ondQTI Consulting and Analytical Chemist and Druggist, bv Examination. ABERDARE. e1513   "I_ MOTHERS Never Neglect a Cold, however slight, or it may prove tbe beginning of a long aud serious illness, end- icg in death. At the first symptom give at once a dose of I DEAKIN'S », LUNG HEALER f ?h)ch will MmnedKitely arrest the course B of the disease & guard against all UI-e1Ioc.ta. HI| j WHAT A MINISTER SAY&-  I beg to add my tœtimony to your H ?? inv?lua.Me ?prepa-r?tMn, Deakin's Lung H Healer. It marvellous proper- Hj ties, and gives Instamt Belief to Coughs, |H Cclds, Hoarseness, Difficulty in Hreath- iD in?, &c. It is very beneficial, and haa liar proved for many yeara a M BOON TO THE WORKING CLASSES." §1 Prices, l/H and 2/3 &{ all ChemiSts and i? Druggists. If any difficulty in obtaining ill write direct, enclosing 1/3 or 2/6, to the !I9H Sole Proprietors and Inventors:- G. DEAKIN & HUGHES (Dept. 8),The jjj|jn Inflammation Remedies Co., BIa?na.von.        ???.Si?M?? ?  IIgc foldenreturms §WjB9t RE3 ISTERgp Nj B Facsimile oj Ont-Ounct tatkcU Archer's Ooldsn Returne fhe rsrtoction of Pip* Tobacco* Coov, a"IIT. A"'1> Ptia6raxt» —iw n.iw —^■ — THAT COUGH. TRY COLTSFOOT CeKff8S9iZgS8E3|rff<raBH**aiROTrTSKSC23SX!reQS9S!FjHHti6e» LUNG ELIXIR. A GREAT REMEDY. Thousands Praise It, Never Disappoints QUICKLY CURES COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, & CHEST COMPLAINTS. FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. In Botitlea a.t ls. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, at all Ohemists, or post free from inventor, MORGAN W. JAMES, M.P.S., StANXTFACTU BIN G CHEMIST, LLANELLY, B.W. e1676 Afterpoop Cea is never more dainty and inviting than AT when accompanied WfX by a few delicious m cakes and scones, so easily made by using t Brown Be Poison's 1/ '— a raising powd er Paisley PiQur* (Trade Mark) Judge for yourself by trying Jam Sandwich, Hot Muffins, and other^d.'pMs. ? M-U-1UU. W J-i i Wt- ii *«*> CARDIFF RACES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st. First Race 1.30. Last Race 4.15. PRICES OF ADMISSION:— Tattersatils (reduced to) Ba.. Ladies St. Paddock (extra), 2s. 6d. Pnblao Stand, 3s. Course, Is. a £ 095 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. R^N I ■ B1 j H.P. SAUCE I (HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.) i j j A THICK DIGESTIVE RELISH I i PREPARED FROM ORIENTAL gj I FRUITS BY A SECRET i I PROCESS. I H.P. SAUCE I Dr. BOSTOCK HILL (M.Sc., M.D. j D.P.H., Camb., F.LC-, County I Analyst for Warwick) says:—" IT H IS OF A PLEASANT AND 8 PIQUANT FLAVOUR, AND IS 8 IN EVERY RESPECT A THO- J ROUGHLY GOOD SAUCE." 1 I H.P. SAUCEI EVERY BOTTLE OF THE REAL | g ARTICLE BEARS A COPY OF | | Dr. BOSTOCK HILL'S CERTIFI- R CATE OF ANALYSIS AND A i PICTURE OF THE HOUSES OF | I PARLIAMENT. I H.P. SAUCE IS DISTINGUISHED FROM j j ALL OTHERS BY THE 9 I EXCELLENCE IN FLAVOUR, g H.P. SAUCE I OWES ITS SUCCESS TO THE j I 8 FACT THAT IT IS SO I g DIFFERENT FROM ANY B g OTHER RELISH. i H.P. SAUCEI I YOUR GROCER SELLS IT. B I ASK HIM FOR A SMALL FREE I TASTING SAMPLE BOTTLE. I H.P. SAUCE LSOLE PRúPRIETORS: B MTnr.AXO VINEGAB 00? H Bt BIRMINGHAM. B — r —R Trni flnTi—rrTiTirIT T This Day Published The Little Book of the Puritan Girl. Pictures and Useful Information, I Post Free for the asking, from Chrrstr. Thomas C& Bros., Ltd., Bristol. — war THE J Ii SOLD EVERYWHERE AT TWOPENCE SEVEN FOR ONE SHILLING. See that each Cigar bears the name on the registered STAR band. NO BETTER CIGAR at the price. 3S YEAR.S .pROVEN ] AN EVER RCADYHOUSEHOLD REMEDY, ji LOOSENS PHLEGM. •=• ALLAVS COUGH. 40 CI VEStM MEDIATE RCU€P. •> | OtfftARTICUM PILLS. S 5 FOR INDIGESTION & ITS EVIL5. SiCXflEADACHS BlUOU5 DERANGEMENT < te. K AN AGREEABLE APERIENT- J PILLS I CURE FACEACHE 4 NEURALGIA. 8 < ttemse sussTrrtrres. ♦ ♦ %SCU> Sk-*LL CHEMISTS THROOOHOIIT 8MTMM &112 °  ?_tui_ ?.??.——? .? ? ..?.?.? ..m?,?? FOR FEMAT/ES ONLY. Horton's Original Benedict Pills 111 a ftvw days correct ail irregularities and remove ail OlWt.Tl\ctions; aJeo cure Anæmi6, and cause no injury; lo tiJe ID3rned or single are invaluable. By pest, under cover, for 1/14 or 2/9, from G. D. Horton (late Chief Dispenser from Birmingham. Lying-in Hospital), Dept. 19, .A.stanoad, North B inn Sag-ham. Sold ovcr 40 years. 6UPKLIED BISECT OXLY,-SXTOiOB EVER W2S4- BUSINESS ADDRESSES. SMOKERS YOU DON'T SMOKE TINFOIL OR FANCY LABELS, BUT IN BUYING PACKET TOBACCOS YOU PAY FOB BOTH. E. NELSON* CO. ABB* OFFERING SPECIAL VALUE or LOOSE TOBACCOS. AND THEY GlVE YOU FUlli 'WEIGHT. 08578 I TUAS FURNISHING CO.* rfHE HAYES, 0A.KDIFF, THE LEADING. HOUSE FURNISHERS IN WALES EVERYTHING CHOICE & UPTO DATE. PRICES UNRIVALLED; EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO eUIf OUSTOMZBS* CONVENIESOa. £50,0001 £50,0001 £ 30,000! WORTH OP STOCK TO SELECT FROM. CATALOGUES DELIVERY FREE WITBLLV 101 MILES. A CERTAIN CUBE FOR HARD 4 SOFT CORNS. PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. In BcrtUes, price Is.; by Post, Is. Id., from the Sole Proprietors:— D. MORGAN & Co. (Late J. MONDAY), CHEMIST. 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. e 2018 FURNITURE AT HALF-PRICE. BANKRUPT STOCK FROM LONDON FACTORY. MUST BE CLEARED QUICKLY. GRAND OPPORTUNITY. Guaranteed New and First-class Condition. BEDROOM AND PARLOUR SUITES. BED- STEADS, BEDDING, PI ANOS.OVERMANTELS. SIDEBOARDS, KITCHEN FURNITURE, &0. DON'T BE ENTICED into OTHER SHOPS-COME TO US. LIST FREE BY RETURN OF POST. DELIVERY FREE. Six Kitchen Chairs Given with Each Furnishing Order. HUGHES & CO., FACTORY PRICE FURNISHERS 4, CHURCH-STREET, -) AND fCARDIFF. 8 & 11, SALISBURY-ROAD,) hm Fine Enamelted Health & Beauty FOR CASH AND EASY PAYMENTS If your Teeth are becoming decayed and oseLees for their daily functions of mastifica^ tion, or unsightly in appearance, and yon wish to retain your personal attractions cuad benefit your health. Tieit N. S. BURSTEIN, 97, ALBANY-ROAD, Roath, Cardiff LOWEST PRICES. Part Railway Fare allowed. 8eiraarta attended at Reduced Charges. All ad-rice free. Extractions eratis to persons requiring teeth. rp Y P E WRITING.. ARCHITEOTS' WORK ACCURATELY COPIEDl BY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS. ALL BRANCHES OF COPYING EXEOUTBD. WESTERN MAIL OFFICE. CARDIFF. Printed by the Proprietors, Western Man ..L1m.1ted. publiBhod by them ,at their offices, St. Kary-8treet, in the City of Cardiff; Castle Bailey-street, Swansea; Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydvll; at the shop of Hr: Wesley Williams, Bridgend—all in the county of Qb+. morgan; at their offices, 22, Higi-street, Newport; at the shop of Mr. J. P. Caffrey, Monmouth—both, ia the county of Monmouth; at the shop at Mr. Iterld Jotm, Llanelly, in the county of Carmarthen; and at their offices, The Bulwark, Breoon-tu tl*> count* ot- Brecknock.

NEWPORT AND DISTRICT LEAGUE. Through d efmdmg BTaca? Maohenhave prac- ? tioa?Uy won the ?manpionship of the league, the cap, and medals. The absence of dross Keys from the compe- tition this season bas done much good. In past eeaeons the Keys have beaten all oppo- sition, and clubs have become disheartened. This season the league has not been as robust as desired, but stfll the competition has been more open. Crews Keys next (season will be admitted into the Monmouthshire Senior Ie. and they right well deserve the position. Mactoen appear to play -as well from home at* on their own pitch. On Saturday, despite rain and flood, they defeated Uek at TTek. Maohen had a. brilliant try through Row- kmd,s, and it was converted.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MONMOUTHSHIRE SECOND JtMUOtt I LEAGUE. Th>e<re has been quite a revolution in Cap, leeugue during the post week. During recent SajtAtrdiaye aefvertul clubs have failed to fulfil their aJway fixtures. The result has been that not only been disappointed, bout have lost i .grutæ." eund, in many instances, are now on the rocks." financially. The league flomradttee took the matter in hand, and ofd?r?d th? d'ef?atBc? to oonven- homd uhe oluœ awy h?d dwavownaed. ,t,e d?yg was a3ih)??d for the money to be 2vo?,2;dn .da7"e was allowed f<yr the money to Sev?e  the financial demand, amd as a consequence they have been expelled from the league. With the oolloipse of a few clubs prior to this, the league has been whittled down to seven clubs. Two matches were on the card for Satur- day last, but Talywain Seconds failed to appear at Blackwood, and, therefore. Black- wood United had no match. Considering the weather, they ddd not lose very much- It has now been finally decided to play tihe match First v. Second Leagues at Ebbw Vale on Saturday next. The second league select their side "to-do or die" at Newport this evening. The struggle, owing to the rivalry between the leagues, will be a grim one. It is hoped that there will be a bumper gate. After a spell of three weeks Abertillery Gym took the field on Saturday. They visited Groespenmaen to play the juniors. After some mud kicking in heavy rain a pointless drafw was the result. LEAGUE TABLE. Points Lge. P. W. L. D. F. A. P?s. Victoria.?.. 10 4 rz 4 t 1, Llanhilleth 7 2 1 4 6 5 8 Rhymney 8 5 0 3 15 0 8 Cwm Stars 8 2 3 3 20 19 7 Talywain Seconds. 7 2 4 1 10 28 7 Blackwood 7 2 4 1 16 21 6 Ebbw Vale 9 1 4 4 3 14 6 School Rugger. I LLANELLY V. BEtDGEND. The ground was in a wretched condition, and the game was played in a downpour of rain. Passing under such cond-itions wae ont of tihe question, and the game was a tussle 'between the forwards. There was even play throughout the first hialf. Bunstone, a Bridgend forward, was very conspicuous for his fine dribbling. In the second half Llanelly attacked hotly. Roberts scored a lovely try for the visitors, but the attempt at goal was a. failure. The attacks of the Bridgend forwards were now irresistible, and ISanith, picking up in the loose, ran in witih a grand try, after beating all opposition. The points were not added. Thus the gaane ended in a draw. It is a great credit to the Bridgend League that the boys made such a good show against the (Llginellyites. Wood and Smith, have been chosen for tihe trial match, and Oliver, the fuil has been selected to represent the West. This is very gratifying for a nev/ly-formed league. NEWPORT V. SWANSEA. Phew! Swansea beaten by five tries to nil was a surprise. The aJl whites came with a wonderful record, but Newport fully merited their win. Had thie ground been better and the rain l«ss Swansea wercild have suffered a hea-vier defeat. Edwards was ait his best. His two tries proved him to tb2> a regular genius. Many say he is the beat schoolboy Newport has had. Trevor Williams, too. was great. IDs run from the 25. which culminated in a fine corner try, was very fine. Swansea were beaten at half very chmmly. Hioekey and Richards were far smarter tihan Jones and Jenkins. Wyndham Jones showed strength end deter- mination in his try. Three Swansea boys were hanging on to him when he dashed over. The Swansea back, Jenkins. had more to do tihan Wetter. He's a small 'un, but he has plenty of pluck, is safe. and kicks well. Swansea fell below expectations. Their show was very moderate. Ham-meft and Webb showed that they pos- sess football brains. Brimfield. Tooze amd Trump were great at scrimmaging. Clubu P. W. L. D. Pts. Eveswell 11 10 0 1 21 Crinday 10 9 0 1 19 Maindea 11 8 3 0 16 Alexandra 11 7 3 1 15 Bolt-atrect. 10 6 2 2 14 Stow Hill 11 6 4 1 13 St. Mry's 8 5 3 0 10 CorpoTation-road 10 2 4 4 1 St. Michael's 9 3 5 1 7 Spring Gardens 9 3 5 1 7 Barnardtown -10 2 6 2 6 Tredegar Wharf. 8 1 5 2 4 St. Wooks 9 0 6 3 3 Durham-road 9 0 7 2 2 Lls:rerry 10 0 9 1 1 Welsh Schools Union I The match committee of the Welsh Schools Union met at Bridgend last Saturday to pick the trial teams and other business." Why is there so much secrecy about the movements of the union? Why are not the doors wide open, as they were in the incep- tion of the movemienrt? Surely there aatinot be many phases of the movement that would not be aided by the former publicity. It is allmost impossible to gather any infor- mation Gibout the oh airma nship of the match comimtijtitee, but I believe Mr. A. W. Swas/h has defiimirtely retired from that post. If this is so, it is a pity-a. pity for tine schools union and a pity for the sdhoolboy game. In losing Mr. gwiaoh as their chair- man a, great blunder has been made. Surely friction should end, and a united effort Should be made to again secure the services of the man who has done more than anyone e1.e to found and work the schools and inter national match. The teams chosen appear fully represen- tative, but I must eay that the eastern bcuck is a. surprise. Be was a failure at Leicester last year, and his re-selection would weaken tihe international team. He is not big enough nor strong enough, in any depart- ment. There are many good backs available in Oliver (Bridgend), Wetter (Newport), Keen (Cardiff), Ac. Jenkins, the little Swansea hack, is handioapped by size, but I stoou'.d even prefer his selection for the National to tbiaA of the baok chosen for the feast. The West haive picked Oliver, and are to be cocn- arsended for doing so. lie or Wkfbter ought to have been chosen for the East. The Western backs are strong. Unfortunately, the selection of the inter- national team is likely to be restricted to the boys who play in the trial game. If this is done. the choosing of the Pontypridd full- hack puts Wetter and Kean out of the run- ning. Those who are not partisans will algTee that this is an injustice. Coombs and Cox, of Port Talbot, and Rees Da vies, of Neath, are remarkably fine boys, and right well deserve their places in the Western quartette. Roberts, of Llanelly, is a little half who is a veritable mina-ture reproduction of Dicky Owen. The East have great forwards in Smith, Woods (Bridgend), Edwards (Newport), and Goodman (Pontypridd). The English Union held their trial mat-oh on Saturday last at Gloucester, and after- wards -picked the following team to mefet Wales:—Back, Watson (Torquay); three- quarter backs, Collins (Birmingham), Wager (Gloucester), and Feltham and Gregory (Bris- tol); half-backs. Hines (Leicester) and Barker (Gloucester); forwards, Martin and James (ExMAr). Pitclhet, (Leicester), Holmes (Aston), Parsons (Bath), Head (Northampton), Skid- ,m,re and Williams (Gloucester). No less than nine unions or leagues- are represented in the above. The fear is ex- pressed that this will handicap England. The English trial match was utterly spoiled by the terrific rain. The Gioucester,.grouiid was in a friglbtful state. Mr. F. Witts, of Bristol, an old Newport teacher, has been chosen as the English touch iudge. The English reserves- are-BIlck, S. Farmer (Leicester): three-quarter backs. Hickin- bottom (Leicester); hadf-back. Vowles (Bath)- forward, A. Smart (Leicester).. The skipper of the English boys is T. H. Fitehett, amd right well wiM he lead .h?s comrades. He is a son of Grand Master Fittibett. head of the mysterious and honour- able "Football Scissors Brotherhood. Fitehett has represented England in the two former matches, and will play his third international on the present oacasdon. Hines was in the team which represented England last season at Leicester. CARDIFF SCHOOLS RUGBY UNION. I The following are the position of the schools I up to and including March 10: FIRST DIVISION. P. W. I j. D. Pts. Grangetown 14 13 1 0 26 St. David's 11 9 1 1 19 Whitchurch 12 8 2 2 18 Court-road .— 13 5 6 2 12 Cogan 11 4 6 1 9 Roath Park 11 4 7 0 8 Ely 9 3 5 1 7 Eleanor-street 10 2 5 3 7 Metal-street 7 1 5 1 3 Victoria 13 1 11 1 3 SECOND DIVISION. P. W. L. D. Pts. St. Peter's 10 9 0 1 19 MtStuaj-t^quare 9 6 1 2 14 St. John's 11 6 4 1 13 St. moniag 9 4 2 3 11 Adamsdown 11 2 7 2 6 8. Church-street 12 2 9 1 5 St. Mary's 13 1 7 2 4

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. I K Edwards (Oaxdiff).—In c-ise of a draw I the game must be re-played on your oppo- nents' ground. MITLnt (Mountain Ash).—I can-not advise you on the matter, as your 1 ear-ue rules are umkzi/own to me. C. G hi vers (Cardiff Jv orthern).—Thanks for note re points. They are credited to your eiv,b to the twbie. H. W." (Llanelly).—Tom Evans's age is 23. He was born at Ammanford. S. Edwards (Abertillery).—Pomtypmfl have to fulfil a league match on the Pill ground.

ASSOCIATION CODE. I Gossip of the Week. The luck of the South Wales Association is this season abominable. No luck at all. The four semi-finals have taken place in wea,ther of the wretchedest description. At Brecon it was bad enough-min. At Nelson -G snow-covered ground. At Newport—mud. And last Saturday at Treharris-a combina- tion of everything in the rain, wind, and mud li ne that could be served up on any one afternoon. Given decent conditions; the meeting of Barry District and Rogerstone Castle was certain to draw a fine crowd. The two are old antagonists in the Senior Cup, and have before now met in the semi-final. One mag- nificent game on the old Harlequins, Ground comes to mind as I write. The two clubs < have recently played two drawn games in the semi-final of another competition, and, taking everything into consideration, a more attractive semi-final could hardly have been arranged. Friend Axtell had his famous bag specially strengthened. To quote from Parliamentary reports of this week, he had "an intelmgerrt anticipation of events' But all this went wrong. Weather conditions were stronger than ordinary football enthu- siasm. And no wonder. Instead of the £3D "gate," it ww-but, never mind. It was excellent under the circumstances, and those Trehiarris enthusiasts who gave such a proof of their keenaiess really deserved their sixpences back. Yes, it was a waste of money to have the bag strengthened by the extra straps. It was not a bad game, as games go on such a. day. Rogerstone were the heavier players, but Barry played a game which was more suited for a nice dry turf. With a sodden ball aind a muddy field the ball lost some of its life," and peases went astray or were easily snapped up. Rogerstone did not bother with too much elaboration, but noted the latitude and longitude of Dixon, and were,iq-, paying him visits. Whether Dixon should have stopped the shots which scored is immaterial. He did plenty of good work to stamp him as a good goalkeeper, some of his eaves being tip- top. Personally, I should not blame him for any of tihe scoring shots. Wiitlh the forwards of Barry making little headway, the seasiders' defence did extremely well to keep the powerful thrusting play 01 Rogeostone from scoring more than they did. The Monmouth Club now enters the final, and will have to meet their old and powerful friends, the Troharris Club. Tre- harris were in the final last year. but Ebbw Vale carried off the cup after a, gcind game on the Aberdare ground, and Treharris now reasonably expect that ultimate honours will come their way this season. It should be an interesting final, and if the weather should prove favourable on April 7 a keen and lucrative final should do much to make up for horrible experiences in the semi-finals. Dear Mr. Mercer,-Ifa-vimg observed some etat.e.ments in the Treharris gossip re the Welsh Cup competition, I am taking the liberty of asking you to give your opinion through t4he medium of your weekly notes, that is, if you consider it worthy of same. As you are, no doubt, aware, the Yve-ih Association have under notice whether Whitchurch played some ineligible players or no in the competition. If the offence will be proved, we are ignorant as to what the F.A. W. "Commission will rile, but gentlemen from Treharris seem to be oon- ndenit that the Treharris Olub will benefit if the offence is proven. No doubt you are beginning to wonder why I am writing to you in this strain on the subject. Now, to the reason, Mr. Mercer. Should the com- mission find that Whitchurch has broken one of the rules, and throws that olub out of the competition, but decides that Wrex- ham enters the final, the supporters of Soccer football in South Wales will have the opinion that the South has again been put in a back seat. I trust that I have explained the matter satisfactorily to you, and am sure that your opinlion in your widely-read notes will clear the a,ir, and South Wlalians in general will know for certain whether they cam entertain any hopes of seai-ng a South team in the final, (providing, of course, that Treharris emerge successfully in the previous ties. Thanking you in ont-ieipe;tdon.-Yours faithfully, AN OLD COLLEAGUE. I give An Old Colleague's letter (because I have had experience in the past in com- mittee work of his judgment. But, with all respectful candour, I don't quite see what he is driving at. I am given to understand from other sources that the commission has dealt with this matter and reported to the effect that the players in question were not ineligible. Whatever were the causes of this finding1, my opinion is (I don't know w-bieth-ar it is on this that my friend's query Lies) that the question of North versus South had nothing to do with it. It was a matter of eligibility of players, and the interests of this or that particular club could not affect the question nt ail. The Welsh senior cup competition has always been conducted in a straight a-nd above-board manner, and there is no justification to assume that things were different in this instance. For all I know officially, the Treharris airpeial may have (been sustained. A couple of Saturdays ago I criticised pretty strongly the international match airrangeanents (or lack of them), itpd every word of wthat I gaid then I still agree with, but that is a vastly different thing from thinking that North v. South enters into a.ny cup-tie pro- tests. Possibly I have missed the T)oint ()If my friend's letter. If teo, I plead thick- headedness and snob. like virtues. And now for a junior note. I am ttlways gilad to hear of any rising young club, and it is any boast that, senior end junior alike are worthy of notice. Seniors (generally) were juniors once. The old Cardiff player, Sam Bowyer tells me that this Post Omce team is a very sulart one. Very well, Sani should be a good judge. I only hope that the Postmaster-General will not have brought to his official notice the remark aibout the blank afternoons which occur only too often," Ac. I will now pass the essay on to Mr. Printer for him to make immortal. A Soocer football olJJib was Formed at the commencement of the season in the Cardiff Post Office. Considering that this is the first team that the Post Office have put out, its success so far has been astonishing. Leo Newton, who is doubtless well known to inamy of the local followers of the Soccer code, was elected captain, and so far has been able to lead the team into the field without a blot on its escutcheon. To talk sense, the Post Office have yet to know defeat. So far eleven matches have been played, eigllt of which have been won and three drawn. The victims are as follows :-Perrortlb Wc<dnœdays, Direct Trading Company, Pupil Teachers, Barry Wednesdays, Pontypridd Thursdays, University College, and Barracks. Goajla for 25- against, 7. Radnor Davies has so far proved a very effici,emt goalkeeper. The full hiaoks. Hewlett and :Nea.they, have proved themselves equal to all emergencies. Wreford and Collins, the wing half-backs, have been hard nuts for opposing teams to crack. Sandy Mitchell, who by his accent should be a foreigner, dese-rves a special word. He has on several occasions proved the saviour of his side, and his long legs and bu-lky form are hard to dodge. The forwards are good. lyjcke and Roberts are fast outside, and the two Smiths are very capable incers. Leo Newton, the captain, is the centre forward, and aU who know him will realise how well he can fill that position. So far he has shot eight goals. In spite of ths dis- mal prophecies of the Poet Office pessimists, the team 'ht'? kept W&I.1 to?.thsr and has provided m?ch 6poit for blan? afternoons, P?-*d, ?lllir only too often m the Ihœ of the Pt Omoe sorvams. The appeal of Barry District against a. decision of the Llanbradacih Charity Cup Committee revealed a couple of queer things. OlTihs entered and played matches -without having possession of a copy of the rules of the competition. Now. that to me is very -irm-isang. I should not have believed it possible that any club when discussing the question of -ntering any competition had not nrst ?.pplMd for & copy of its ru?es. Personally—but this may be a bit of brag. but it is .s concrete illustration of sny own position—I never acted a? referee m any competition m?tch unless H had been favoured with copy of the rules governing it, The other is that the charity cap com- mittee did not take the obvious, the very Obvious, course of ordering extra time in case of a draw. The spirit and the letter of the actual rule enjoined this course ibeine adopted, and especially as the match was played on a, neutral ground, and that the clubs are this vear hard pressed !for I dates to carry out already postponed ga.me3 i in other comp^tit^'oTia..Mthough- my sym- nathaes are with Barry in their particular contention, yet by no stretch of imagination can it be proved that Barry or Rogerstone has worn this tie- The match has not been won by either club, and as a censure on the charity cup committee for not foreseeing an obvious order, that body most provide a"va.inst any expense oeing attached to the clubs in the next replay.

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