Scientific Eyesight Testing ê For SPECTACLES. —? Eyesight Testing and Spectacle I Boaner J!lo1llrla.n r S Me FHt!ng only. No charge is made for B tH?VO*MM?'?C* r tMMVnif??? <?.Hn?? F t.JS .iM i.?C .t advice. The Testing is thorough. ■ QV ALIFIED Cases requiring Medical attention H OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN, are refened to an Ophthalmic cao- | t Park PlaLce, ({lFeïst:r:e) Queen St., Cardiff. J


Family Notices
BIETHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, AND IN MEMORIAM. Hotlces apDeartng nnaer these headings are charged at the following rates:- If inserted in the EVENING EXPRESS," H WES- t TERN MAIL," and WEEKLY MAIL," 3s. for 30 Worda ".nd Id. for each Additional Word. If inserted in the EVENING EXPRESS" and '"WEEKLY MAIL only, Is. for 30 Words tad Id. for Ovary Two Extra Words. No notices of this description will be inserted unlea authenticated by the name and address of the sender. Telegrams or telephonic message cannot be acted Oil natil confirmed in writin*.

AUGUSTINE J. STONE (Late STONE BROS.), FUNERAL FURNISHER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Personal Supervision to All Orders. Nat. Tel.: Cardiff, No. 704; Barry Docks, No. 37. PoIIt Office Tel. N. 612, Cardiff. Telegrams: STONE BROS., CARDIFF. STONE BROS., Barry Docks. g T?ORKING-ST.?ARDIFF.  DOCKS. loi, HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCKS. 101, HOLTON-ROAI), BARRY DOCKS. J. MARSH & CO.. FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS, REMOVED, ( a, FREDERICK-STREET, and 41, WESTBOURNE-PLACE, < Price List on Application. i: I i JONES AND SON, < UNDERTAKERS, 212, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH, '1 AND 1, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. CARDIFF. 'THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Leasee and Manager.Mr. ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.30, The Musical Comedy, THE GAY PARISIENNFI. NEXT WEEK:— Jlr. WEEDON GROSSMfTH and his LONDON COMPANY in TWO COMEDIES. BeK Oftice at Theatre. 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 362. a1675 nijnL-HEATRE JJOYAL, ^JARDI^ j MAY 4th.-IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT OF WEEDON GROSSMITH, AND HIS YNTIRE LONDON COMPANY. MONDAY, TUESDAY. and SATURDAY (Afternoon and Evening), the Farcical Comedy, THE NIGHT OF THE pARTY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, an Original Melodramatic Grim Farce, t THE CURE. Seats can now be booked. al6328 G RAN D THE AT R E. Lessee & Manager. Edward Quigley. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30, T4-E, G REED OF QOLD. ?-? ?'' ea3Q Next Week:' A FAITHFUL FRIEND. FIRST TIME IN CARDIFF. ■ A SHORT SEASON ONLY. Inspected by H.M. the King and over 3,000.000 People. The Famous and Original SLAVE J^JARKET AT CAIRO. This Magnificent and Colossal Painting, by M; Maxime Dastugue, of Paris, and awarded the Gold Medal, is on View Daily from 10 to 10. 6, HIGH-STREET (Near Castle). Admission 6d. a16745 CARDIFF CRICKET CLUB (PAVILION FUND). G R A N D B A Z A A R, pARK JJALLS, MAY 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. OPENING CEREMONY By 'The Right Honble. LORD WINDSOR, P.O., At 2.30 on WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th. ENTERTAINMENTS OF EXCEPTIONAL ATTRACTION. SIDE SHOWS IN GREAT VARIETY. Joint Hon. Sec..  GIBSON^' »16798 ?A. GIBSON, &16798 Town-hall. Cardiff. Z?'Tiis not in Mortals to command success, but we'll do more—deserve it."—Addieon. THE CARDIFF EMPIRE, QUEEN-STREET. Managing Director .i OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! MARK SHERIDAN, A Comedian that should not be missed. ALICE MAPLE, Comedienne and Dancer, AMBER AUSTA, Comedienne and Dancer. THE TWO BELLS, Refined Duettists and Dancers. Leaders in Refined Comed y HARRY C. STANLEY and IDORIS WILSON, In "THE PROFESSOR." THE NEW GOTHAMS, In their Original Vocal and Comedy, Speciality. LES LIOS ALFA SISTERS, In a Clever Transformation Act on the Trapeze. ALF CHESTER, Versatile Comedian. SISTERS MORGAN :ELSIE and ANNIE), Duettists and Dancers. JULIUS PAWELL'S PANTOMIME COMPANY OF 7 PERFORMERS In their Side-splitting Absurdity, entitled— "A QUIEf ROOM TO LET. Bicycles Stored iree of Charge. Two Performances Nightly. Early one between 7 o'clock and 9; late one between 9 o'clock and 11. All Artistes Appear at Each Performance. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 10 a.m. to 5-p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. L18863 plan of Grand Circle. No booking fees. NEWPORT. THE NEWPORT EMPIRE, i CHARLES-STREET. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. 3fa.naging Director i i a' r d Coinedian, in his TO-NIGHT! Wilkie Bard. Comedian, in his Latest Songs. Nellie Stratton. Henry A. Hoore. The Wortleys. Griffin and Dubois. | Mpna Quintette. Beatrice Willey. George )' Cosman. A New and Original Pantomimical Speciality. "A Zoological Comedy," produced by Donaldson Brothers and Ardel and Com- pany L18864 MRS. WILLIAMS, '28 AND 30, ROYAL A RCADE NEW SPRING SHOW of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S MILLINERY, INFANTS' COATS, PELLISSES, PINAFORES, APRONS. LADIES' BLOUSES. SHIRTS, SKIRTS, UNDERCLOTH- ING, CORSETS in ail the best makes. ING, LACE COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES. All Newest Goods and Moderate Prices. An Xaspection Solicited. e11243 1803 ^asHT'S. ^12. sample -PR ?a t?DY'S & SENT'S. ??' S??P? °°' Station for C..b 46 Gs. Od,; or s?,,d 40& with order, and 'b?-i- ?iT? ??\ "? ance, on its arrival. EAST (§;bPAY=TS 10/ with order ???j? M bin.? pay.Lbl. 10- or 2Ue. monthly until £ 8 68. b" £ 12 been paid, and 5&. _trboklnc 12. &ddren: Dept. R  .Irree ated lt:t *WWlC5. ] THE BEST METHOD OF SATISFYING A WANT IS TO INSERT A SMALL ADVERTISEMENT IN THE EVENING EXPRESS." FOR SCALE OF CHARGES SEE BELOW. _———i SALES BY AUCTIONS NEXT WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1903. NEWPORT CATTLE MARKET. IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE OF THE SECOND DRAFT OF 40 TRAMWAY HORSES, Principally Thick-set Cobs, Nags, and Light Cart Mares and Geldings, including greys, bays, browns, roans, blacks, &c., standing from 14 to 16 hands high, and a large num- ber 5 to S years old, which MR. JOHN H. RENNIE, favoured M%. ith the further instructions of the Newport (Mon.) Corporation (in consequence of the substitution of electric traction), will SELL by AUCTION, Without the Slightest Reserve, in Newport Cattle Market, WED- NESDAY NEXT, May 6th, at 11.45 a.m. (after Sale of Fat Stock). Note.—These Horses are equally as good a lot as the first draft, comprising several smart, well-made Cobs, Match Pairs, and Upstanding Vanners, with quality and substance, and in capital condition, a large number of which go well in single harness, and they can be recommended to Hotel and Livery Stable Pro- prietors, Tradesmen, Agriculturists, and others requiring reliable, useful animals. Inspection may be made at the Tramway Stables and Depot, Clarence-place, Newport, on Monday and Tuesday before Sale, and any Further Information and Catalogues (on i Monday next) obtained from H. Collings Bishop, Esq., General Manager. Tramway Department, Town-hall, Newport; Mr. G. H. Winsor, Traffic Manager, Clarence-place, Newport; or the Auctioneer. 6 and 12, Skinner-street, Newport, also at Usk. 85308 QUEEN-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. LARGE UNRESERVED SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, Src., removed from Gordon-road. MESSRS. MOORE and CO. are in- —" structed by the above Tenant to Remove to their Salerooms, Queen-street, and SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, May 7th, a Large Quantity of Superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comprising 6ft.. 5ft., and 4ft. bedroom suites, dining and drawing room suite3. 6ft. and 5ft. sideboards, bookcases, cabinets, overmantels, dining tables, hall-stands, fenders, curbs, coal vases, carpets, rugs, bedsteads, bedding, spring mattresses, chest of drawers, ward- robes, easy chairs, coaches, tables, pictures, ware, commodes, vases, Ac. Oil View Morning of Sale. Sale at Two o'clock. a16853 CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS. CARDIFF. MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1903. Ttf R. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, gg above date, a Large Quantity of Second-hand HOU; THOLD FUR- NITURE and other Miscellaneous Effects, removed from various Residences for Conve- mence of Sale. No Reserve. Sale at Two o cloc k sharp. 3441h4 CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS. CARDIFF. MR. A. SETCHFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY NEXT, May 7th, 1903, a Large Quantity of Superior HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE and other Miscellaneous Effects, which must be Sold Absolutely With- out Reserve, comprising several drawing, dining, and bed room suites, overmantels and c&bineta to match, pier-glasseagAJiandsome pianofortes several. walnu eboards, chiffoniiiei:?s, bookeasi ?e n of carpets, rugs, pictures, toilet ????finket sets, Ac.; also heavy brass anot!?? bed- eteads_ overlays, wire mattresses, beus, &c., and the usual kitchen requisites. Sale at Two o'clock sharp. 3563h7 BUSINESS ADDRESSES "LOOK, MUN." ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM For Freezers, Transfer Pots, Tubs, Glasses, Spoons, Wafer, and Cornet Holders, Tablets, 100 Cream Carts, Celebrated Ice Cream Mix- ture, Wa.fer and Cornet Biscuits, Freezing Salt, ajid every requieite in stock to select from. G-READEP. AND JJOWELL, SCALE MAKERS. CABOLIlffiS-STREET, CARDIFF. THE OLD FIRM. Established 1876. Nat. Tel. 1276. ell326 CARDIFF'S PREMIER LAUNDRY. LADIES, have you seen the Premises and frocesseB at the ROATH SANITARY. gTEAM L AUNDRY, MAELBOROtJ(JH-ROAD, ROATH PARK? Ii not. please call (Take electric tram to Wellfield-road). laundering UNDER MODERN AND SANITARY CONDITIONS. Superior Work. Private Family Trade. Regular Collection^ Accurate Returns. Vans to all Parts of Cardiff and Penarth Daily. Environs within a radius of Ten Miles Twice Weekly. Send Postcard for Full Par- ticulars. E10683 FIRE I JpIRE I I F IRE 11, 1 LARGE CLEARANCE SALE OF LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, slightly damaged through fire. The whole of the Stock must be cleared at less than half cost previous to re-building. MRS GORMAN, WARDROBE BEA 13 and 15. BRIDGE- R ER, 13 and 15> BRIDGE- STREET. CARDIFF. ell358 WBITE OR CALL FO5 ILLUSTRATED LISTS OF DALE. FORTY & CO.'S 'BEGISTEBfcjj MODELS OF PIANOS & ORGANS Lowest Prices for Okgh or may be had on our Extended ±^yjnent System Terms. INSTRUMENTS 13Y ALL MAKERS, Which can be selected either at our own or London Show Rooma and the advantage secured of our FR DISCOUNT TERMS, including DELIVERY. D ALE, VRTY, AND CO., HIGH-STREET & CASTLE-ARCADE, Also at ?ARbipF. Nat. Tel. 1103. Also at Nat. Tel. ??- A!eo at ?B.IrBcMM?Y Q??? ? 89141 CHELTENHAM, &c. e9141 GENTI?MEN, It will pay you to a pair of our SPECIAL 10/6 BOOTS. SQUIRE'S BOOT STORES, U, WOOD-STREET, and at 58, QUEEN.8ET. CARDIFF. e 10957 JMM] Wem?ethn a L?peciality CASTLE selling to?so? OASTLE We. therefore ?? the whole I ARCADE ^wlS-'oSr0'0™' ARCADE We, there?t?? imposition we are, thero-f,,te, in a position OOL to i,,  Customers the benefit Of tl"' knowledge. STOR ?? prove this to your STORES t"factio'. by %u you with those T\)Ols you are KNOWN ?antu?. AS THE Remember! Ev?y article is r« A T Q warranted, will be ex- A,D, changed if f.-ity.wiU be ex- J. T. AVE Y & CO., THE CASTLE ARCAKAE TOOL Co., 35. CASTLE ARCADE, ?.?biFF (THE Arcade facing the Castle). Carriage Pai d 011 orders ot?s.?o?y???g Send for Price L?. ALFRED K. JENKINS (Late of WARING & GILLOW, Oxfofd-street, London), PLUMBER, HOT WATER and SANITARY EXPERT. DRAINAGE BYSTEMS PRACTKJ^J ^Y TESTED AND REPORTED UPON. 11, FREDERICK-STREET I [off Queen-street], CARUlfF, Nat, Tel.: 01306. 1 r. PREPAID SCALE. Small Prepaid Advertisements are inserted in the EVENING EXPRESS at the following rates:— ..J ONCK. THB™ "? 'r»R8. T1MKS. S. D. S. D. S: D; less 0 3 0 6 0 9 'a to 19 words. 0 5 010 1 3 20 to 26 words. 0 7 12 19  0? 0 4 0 6 I words. COMBINED SCALE for Small Propiid Adver- tisementa in the "WESTERN MAIL" and "E"EN- ING EXPRESS":— TITRF.K IX ???- ?C.. ^MR;SK J?. TIMES. TINIS. E. D. S. D. S. ID. 12 or lesEI 0 8 1 4 2 0 13 to 19 1 0 2 0 3 0 20 to 26 1 4 2 8 4 0 Each ex a 0 4 0 8 0 words I In all cases the name and address are counted as part of the Advertisement. LOST AND FOUND. IF Sailor's Bag left at 127, Alma-street, Cwmtillery, JL is not claimed in 3 days' time will be sold to defray expenses and debt. el546hl MEDICAL WANTED, a duly-qualified Medical Practitioner for a colliery district in Rhymney Valley. Applica- tions, stating qualifications, age, experience, &c., to be sent in by May 18th. As a result of canvass, can guatantee 450 subscribers.—W. Hares, Secretary, 11, Herbert-street, Brithair, via Cardiff. ellSS5 MEDICAL.-KotiCe.-Dr.-bavies will continue to i keep his Surgery and qualified Assistant for the convenience of those living at Brithdir and Cwm, and paying to him at the works. el476h2 SCHOLASTIC. WANTED, Assistant Master for Penarth National Tt School; Churchman; ex-P.T. or certificated; drawing, music; strict disciplinarian; salary, £55, rising £ 5 annually to £ 70.—Apply Hon. Secretary. eh7 WaXTED, in the hwenny Scnool, an Assistant Mis- TT tress (Art. 68); salary, £25, lodgings Iree in school-house.—Apply with references, to Vicar. el475h2 PAINTING Lessons in Oils by Lady; terms moderate. J. M 97, Evening Express, Cardiff. el598h4 HOUSEKEEPERS, &e. WANTED immediately, good Generat or Working TT Housekeeper; plain cooking and I;Boag.-T. and J. Price, Treharris. el47h4 A Housekeeper, or Housekeeper-General, wanted for A entire work of small house; 4 in family; no small children; state wages.—Address L. C., Western Mail, Newport. el46Th2 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. WANTED, J,pok-General, House-Parlourmaid; also TV Housemaid; good wages to experienced servants.- Apply, with references, Mrs. Mackay, 28, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. el605h7 WANTED, good Cook-General.-Apply Mrs. Wain, tV The Knoll, Sully, mu Bear. emh7 COOK-General wanted; two in family; housemaid kept; good wages given.-Apply 2, St. Andrew's- place, Cardiff. el597h7 WANTED immediately, a General gery aot.-Apply, W with references, to Mrs. John, Péntwyn Farm, Pentyrch, near Cardiff. el579h6 W ANTED, two Country Girls, May 4th; able to YV milk.—Williams, Splott Farm, Cardiff. el588h4 G' ENEBAL Servant wanted at once; three In family. G-89, Flymouth-Mtd, PenMth. etMlM ANTED, respectable young woman as General in W boardiBg-houae.—App!y 4, London-street, Cardiff. el6Mh4 W- ANTED, Co?-?Berat; tt?t?'M't 2!; tKMMBtaid W kept; references necessary; small family.-Apply Mrs. Allen, 48, Stanwell-road, Penarth. el560h6 USEFUL General Help wanted, to wash, iron, and tj bake; state age and wages required.—Write Mrs. Francis, Llangeview, Usk. el599h7 ANTED immediately, thoroughly experienced VV Nurse for two children.—Apply Mrs. George Isaac, 5, Uplands-crescent, Swansea. el572h6 OUSEMAID wanted; abfe to wait at table.-Apply, _[1 with all particulars, Mrs. Boutledge, Woodlield Park, Blackwood, Mon. el585h6 EXPERIENCED Parlourmaid; must be Welsh-speak- Eing and have highest references.-Mrs. Behrens, The Acorns, Faiiowfield, Manchester. el546h5 ANTED, experienced House-Parlourmaid.-Apply Wmrs. Pontifex, 9, St. James's-gardens, Swansea. el542h6 COOK-General; good references required; housemaid kept.—Mrs. Grigson, 118, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. el519h4 WANTED immediately, an experienced General; YV wages, JE12; good home; 4 in family; good refe- rences.—Apply Mrs. Fine, 35, Frogmore-street, Aber- gavenny. el525h4 W ANTED, in farmhouse, strong, trustworthy Girl; tV one able to milk.—Mr. D. Jenkins, Mount Plea- sant, Monknash, Bridgend. elMlh4 W ANTED, Nurse-Housemaid; nursery governess and YV cook kept.—Apply Mrs. Valentine Pegge, Bryn Rhosyn, Briton Ferry. el5O7h4 w ANTED, good General; another servant kept; W small family.—Apply 231, Newport-road, Car- diff. el494h4 GOOD Plain Cook wanted.—Apply to Mrs. S. D. ?jr Grimths, Druslyn, Swansea. el462h2 WANTED immediately, young House-Parlourmaid, family three.-MISI Perkins, Raglan Vicarage, Mon. el476h2 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS PAINTERS are requested to Keep Away from Cardiff, as a strike exists. el606h2 OUTFITTING and Boots.-Youth wanted; good window dresser.—Louis Goldstein, Dunraven-street, Tonypandy. eIS89h4 RAPERY.—Wanted Junior Young Man.-Apply L. DSmith, Anchor House, Pentre. el590h7 W ANTED, a steady Painter.—Apply J. R. and T. A. W Webb, Limited, Aberbeeg. el6OOh6 ANTED immediately, Groom-Coachman; must thoroughly understand horses; reliable and willing; state experience; references required; wages, El per week and house.—Apply F. D., Evening Express, Swansea.. elo96h4 W ANTED, Groom-Gardener; married, without chil- Vt dren, pleferred.-Apply Gables, Dinas Powis. eh7 RT._Wanted, Ladies and Gentlemen to Colour Fine AArt Prints, Post-cards, at home; easily acquired.- Particulars addressed envelope, Haise, 6, Great James- street, London, W,C. el534h5 AN and Wife wanted by- doctor-man groom-gar- dener, wife cook-general; no encumbrance.— Medicus, M 95, Evening Express, Cardiff. el592s4 'Jr?OO'TT?de?Wanted immediately, Branch Manager; Balso smart Juni8r.-All particulars hrst letter, Witchell, Blaonavon. e!583h6 RAPERY.—Well-educated Lad wanted as Apprem- Dtice; indoors; high-class business.—Apply Samuel Hall, High-street, Cardiff. el493h4 BOOT Trade.-Wanted, smart Junior.-Apply Crid- _D land, Hannah-street, Porth. el551h5 W ANTED, by Young Man, 24, recently returned W from South Africa, Situation in any capacity; well educated, energetic, and not afraid of work.—M 33, Evening Express, Cardiff. eI490h2 FARM Labourer Wanted; hedging, thatching, rick- making, &c.—Akers, Pentrebane Farm, St. Fagaa's. ellS86 w ANTED, Groom-Gardener (indoors); make him. W seli generally useful.-George, Deri, Whitchurch, Glam. el553r4 WANTED, respectable Lads to sell the Evening W Express nightly.-Apply to Manager, Evening Express Office, High-street, Newport. el0220 WANTED. a couple of smart Boys to Ride Bicycles and make themselves useful.-Apply Evening Express Office, Cardiff. ell203 ANTED, Foreman Mason for new schools; none W b\K steady men need apply.-Applications, stating wages, experience, Davies. Contractor, Blaengarw. eh2 W ANTED, Groom-Gardener at once; make himself generally useful; good references.—Apply Mrs. Langer, YnyspenUweh, Clydaoh B.S.O., Glam. et582h2 W- ANTED immediately,, for fortnight, Gardener, understanding care of vines, &c.; might lead to permanency.—Apply The Lindens, Bradford-place, Penarth. ell402 B AKERS.-Young Man, 23, seeks permanency; assist JD with bread and smalls; disengaged.-Pike, Meshaw, near South Molten, Devon. el6llh4 SITUATION wanted as Gardener (head), or otherwise; thoroughly competent In all branches; married; good ence.-oyd Station-square, Tondu. e558h5 GROCERS' Hauliers.-Thomas and Evans, Porth, have ?J? vMancy for thoroughly experienced Man; out- doors.. el514h4 WANTED, Groom-Coachman; married; feottage pro- yy vided.-Apply, any evening, 8 to 10, Hibbert, Brvnawel, Penylan, Cardiff. el492h2. WANTED, smart, respectable Boy; angeed 15.—Apply W 4, Windsor-place, Cardiff. el584h6 -TRAVELLERS, AGENTS. RELIABLE Man, of good address and business capa- city, wanted spare time appointment; liberal remuneration arranged.—M 82, Evening Express, Car- diff. el575h6 YOUNG Man wanted; 3 56. per week and commission; regular work; splendid openibg.-Address Compo Works, Farnworth, Bolton, Lanes. el5l7h4 W ANTED, position Manager, Salesman, or. Travel- ler; highest references; five years' experience medicine factory and travelling.-M 70, Evening Express, Cardiff. eIS47h5 j W" ANTED, experienced, responsible Saleswoman; W good colUery district; comfortable b=e.-8tate? Kealaxr M 50, LveuU EmieM, CMdiC. «U15M DRESSMAKERS, &c. MILLINER wanted; stylish, serve, keep stock.—W. C. Edwards, Dunraven House, Bridgend. el523h4 W. ANTED, experienced Skirt, Bodice Hands; con- stant employment.—Hillman, 2, High-street, Weston-super-Mare. el538h5 CLERKS, MANAGERS, &e. JUNIOR Clerk wanted in shipping merchant's office; shorthand required.-Apply, stating age ani salary required, to E. S., Evening Express, Swansea. el500h4 QUALIFIED Accountant, free evenings, will under- take writing up and balancing bOOKS, preparing revenue account and balance sheet On moderate terms. —M 32, Evening Express, CardMf. eH89h2 ?W ANTED, situation as Clerk, &c.; capable charge- man; married.-L. B., Western Mail, Newport.  el46Sh2 I Daily.—Easy evening employment anywhere offered anyone who writes legibly.—For terms send addressed envelope North (Dept. 83), 6, York-buildings, Adelphi, London. el478h2 ENVELOPES, addressed, 38. 6d. thousand; Circulars, Edetivered, 2s. 3d., guaranteed.-M 94, Evening Ex- press, Cardiff. el593h7 4 3 Weekly.—Persons wanted everywhere for address- dC/ ing circulars.—Send addressed envelope for pro- posal Manager, 8B, Elm Lodge, Scot hall, Middlesex. PARTNERSHIP. PARTNER wanted, £ 200, for development of Smat] steam coal colliery.-Apply M 41, Evening Express, Cardiff. el495h4 HOTEL SERVANTS. WANTED immediately, Chambermaid-Waitr and good General Servant.-Apply York Hotel, Bridg- end. el59lh7 WANTED, Steward and Stewardess for Treorky Con- stitutional Club; salary, £2 10s. per week, with house, coal, and gas.—Applications, with copies of three recent testimonials, must reach the Secretary on or before Wednesday, May 6th, 1903. ell404 WANTED, a Barman for colliery district; total abstainer preferred; must have good references from last employers.-Apply M 73, Western Mail, Car- diff. e11400 WANTED immediately, good Housemaid; also W Kitchenmaid.—Apply Mrs. Lloyd, Duke of Welling- ton Hotel, Cardiff.. el560h5 BARMAID required for Commercial Hotel, in colliery Bdistriet; must produce good references.- -A pply Pentre Hotel, Pentre. elSIOli4 APARTMENTS. TWO Unfurnished Rooms to Let; suit young couple; Tevery convenIence.-37, De Burgh-street, Cardiff. Ol423h7 ABERYSTWYTH.—Clarendon Boarding-house; pro- prietress, Miss C. Lee; facing the sea, and in the Aprietress,  ery convenience; special terms for best position; every convenience; special terms for Whitsuntide; private apartments, if desired. el576h6 SUPERIOR and comfortable Apartments for Gentle- men.-2, Talbot-place, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. eh5 COMFORTABLE Furnished Apartments or Lodgings; suitable Yor two young men; terms moderate.-34, Penarth-road, Cardiff. el555h5 SUPERIOR Apartments or Board Residence.-64, Rich- mond-road, Cardiff. t4465h2 PREMISES. MESSRS. 8 HERN AND FKBTWEB, JM. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AOENTS. 7m UM 01 Business Premises and Houses to be Let or Sold see Wsstern Mail" Daily. Printed Register free. Offices, 93, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. Established 1S49. CORNER Premises, main road; also Houses, Den ton- road.-Apply 413, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. elSMh6 'l;'OR Sale, 29, Glynrhondda-street, Cardiff; exoelient J condition.-Apply on the premises. el604h4 MBDIUM-sized House; in good locality; about £ 500.— JYL Particulars M 71, Evening Express, Cardiff. eh5 TO Let, Chatsworth Villa, Conway-road; three recep- tion and six bedrooms, bathroom, &c.—Apply James Herne, Llandaff-road, Cardiff. cl554h5 SS, Splott-road, to be Let or Sold; doubh-frontage house; 8 rooms and scullery; bath (hot-cold); lava- -¿ory..w .C.; side entran"; immediate tc&seMuoQ; suitable for business.—Apply 1, Laseettw-road, Cardiff. el531h4 TT?&EHARBIS.—A first-class Shop to Let, main street; Tbast position in town.-Apply D. Marcombe, 17, Fox-street, Treharris. e11391 ]It AI)YR.-Villa to Let.—Apply Post-office or Davies, _[\, 45, Talbot-street, Cardiff. el481h2 IGH Field, Colwinstoae, with 9 acres of land, to JJL Let from the 1st May.-Apply Harrys, Six Wells, Llantwit Major. el460h2 LONG Lease of centrally-situated Shop, Queen-street, VC&rdiff, for Sale; immediate POssession.-Illtyd Thomas, 17, Quay-street, Cardiff. el459h2 WNERS, Solicitors, or Mortgagees, with property on hand to let or sell, should forward particulars to R. Penrose Kernick, Edgcumbe-chambers, Bridge- street, Cardiff. He receives numerous inquiries for land, villas, and shops. ellos9 T?rEWPOBT.—Good Suites of Offices to let in Western J?j tt?il-chambers, 22. Hi?h-street.—FuU particulars on aD" Dlieation to Local Manager, on the premises. el0686 I PUBLIC-HOUSES. TO Let, Fully-licensed House, IIfracombe; imme- J. diate possession by valuation; low rent.—J. and T. Usher, Brewers, Bristol. 01543h5 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. O be Let, as a going concern, a sm&M Steam TLaundry; can be seen working any time; reason for selling owner going abroad-M 37, Evening Express, Cardiff. el499U4 DOMESTIC ARTICLES. THE Patent Eclipse Knitting Machine, the most per- J_ feet Knitter of Socks and Stockings in the world. Simple in construction, easy to learn, and light running. -Send post-card for price list to Spencer's Baby Car. ria?e Warehouse, St. John??square. Cardie. eII012-5 OME Employment.-Knitting Machines, latest [style, w nderfu]IY easy; cash or hire; Imons free; distance no object; est. 1871.—W. Grifnths, Machine Depot, 146. Windsor-road. Weath. ell232 MEDICAL REMEDIES. 1ron., A ETIFICIAL Legs, Hanas, Eyes, Trusse:, Leg IroM, ACrutches, Belts, Children's Rubber Trusses, Elastic Stockings, &c.; repaiM or re-covering done; lady atten- dant. Catalogue frft-Note only addresses, Allen Pearce, 7, Charles-st., Cardiff, and Broadmead, Bristol. elll21 S a family medicine K.emick's Vegetable Pills are Aunique. Indigestion, headache, biliousness, and liver troubles quickly disappear after a dose or two of Kernick's Vegetable Pills. 7id., 134d., and 2s. 9d. per box. K~ ERNICK'S Vegetable Pills are not coated with a thick w ite une?luble coating. They are tasteless, quickly and tasily swallowed, immediately absorbed, and cure promptly. 7Ad., 13d., and 2s. 9d. per box, of all chemists, or of Kernick and Son (Limited), The Old Drug Stores, 85, Bridge-street, Cardiff. elous COAL FOR SALE. COALS per ton for cash on delivery.—Our Special Large at 21s. is noted for heat, durability, and cleanliness; Red Ash Large, 16s.; Cobbles, 16s.; Range Coal, 15s.; other qualities at proportionate prices; please send postcard.—Shields Bros., Crwys Coal Yard, R.R., Crwys Bridge, Cardiff. Estd. 1875. ell392 PARK Coal Co., agents for North's Red Ash Coals, JL Salisbury-road, Cardiff; Wyndham Red Ash, dur- able and clean; Maesteg "Deep," double-screened and economical; Maestey Deep Cobbles; Ocean Nuts for bakers. Nat. Tel., 599. Established 1885.-D. Beynon, Manager. ell296 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Ac. Tj10R sale, square-fronted Brougham; splendid condi- rtion; single or pair; suit doctor. Also set full- size, braes-mounted, double Harness, complete.-Apply 171, Castle-road, Cardiff. el527h4 PHAETON; light, pretty carriage; equal new; also cheap Han.som:-Vica.ry and Co., Coachbuilders, Aberdaie. el52fih4 RING Up 3xl Nat. Telephone if you want Harness, Saddles, Bridles, and Saddlery Goods. List free. NG Up Sxl fo: Bags, Trunks, rortmanteaux. Repairs in all departments. Price list free. R" ING Up 3xl for Bargains. Our Clearance Stock Sale is now on; send for illustrated, price list R- ING Up 3xl, and we can supply you with any J\, article in the trade; actual makers. el0795 RING Up 311. It will pay you. Our Harness and J[\, Saddlery IS a ctMS by itself; immense stock. ING Up 3xL Repeat orders from all parts.- R" Steward's Harness & Bag Factory, Wood-st., Cardiff. SECOND-HAND Landau, thoroughly done up right through; new four-wheel Dog-cart, with bent sides; new Wagonette, to carry four inside.-Lewis, Carriage Builder, Clare-street, Cardiff. ell039 < OYEl1 70 Vans, Wagons, Trollies, Carts; Ac., for every purpose, at J. Norman's Cart and Van b-nowtoonia.-I, Market-road. Canton, Cardiff. <10781 HORSES, LIVE STOCK, Ac. "L"OR Sale, or exchange for real good wire bitch fit J to win, the smooth, maiden Fox-terrier Bitch, Penal Pennance. winner 2nd and 3rd Cardiff last year, and now as fit as ever; price -LB.-Porter, proprietor Westgate Hotel, Cardiff. el487h2 PIGEONS, POULTRY. BROODY Hens, four and five shillings each.—CoUier, B2, Romilly-road. Cardie. el565h2 PURE Minorca Eggs; sitting, 2s. for 13.—90, Llan-  daff-road, Canton, eardiff el488h4 UCKLINGS, few days old; 7s. 6d. dozen; healthy j jL? birde.—EdwMO Evw, PODtzhyteA, Glamorgan. 1I el550h5 BICYOLES, &c. Lady's Bicycle for sale; medium size; in really A ■ sound, serviceable condition; &: 10s.—Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. A Quadrant Gent.'s Bicycle, dropped handle bar, fixed gear, just re-enamollfed and plated and nicely lined red and gold; a bargain; :CS.-Sutton and Co., 54, Com- mercial-street, Newport, Mon. Gent.'s Rudge^Whitwprth Road Racer, 25m. frame, AClipper Reflex tyr"; jointless Y'ms, roller chain, had very little wear aad warranted perfectly sound; E5 10s.—Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-st., Newport, Mon. Lady's Standard B??Whitworth, medium size, A 23in. frame, Palmer tyres, warranted in perfect irder; jM.—Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. ALady's Bicycle, medium frame, fixed gear, pretty Aupturned handle bø, in splendid order; E4 10s.- Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. A Lady's Imperial Di e, 'Tee wheel, New Dep&rLure Ahub, with back pedal brake, Crabbe front rim brake, plated wheels, Wejtwood rims, shop soiled only, usual price, £12 12s.; accept L7 15s.-Suttun and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. A Bradbury Gent.'s Road Racer, free wheel at 'vviii, A cost E15 15s. last year, accept Et 10s.-Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. Rudge-Whltworth Special Gent.'s Roadster, Palmer ?? tyres, medium xize, 23in. frame, fixed gear and tyre brake, original price LIO 16s., accept £5 10s.; free wheel and back pedal brake can be fitted for 26s. extra.- Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. A Rover Road Racer, quite equal to new, warranted A perfectly sound, neif last year, £ 6; free wheel and back pedal brake can be fitted for 26s. extra.—Sutton and Co., 54, Coinmercisj-street, Newport, Mon. AEndge-Whitworth atandard Road Racer, just re- enamelled and plated at Coventry works, free wheel, Bowden brake, £ ft 17s. 6d.—Suttcn and Co., 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. SPECIAL lot of Boven jus? arrivea, nmd with two ? Rover Bowden brakee, Rover frictionless free wheels, Dunlop tyres, plated rime; any size frames, ladies' 01 gents', in Hock; £ 10 10s„ or Els. per month. FAB and away the best value ever offered for ten F guineas is the NeW Hudson Cycle, fitted with Dun- lop tyres, plated rims, patent head-lock, ball bearing free wheel, 2 Bowden brakes. patent chain adjuster, any shaped handle-bar; call and inspect, or write for cata- logue.—Robert Bevan, Castie-etreet, Cardiff. THE Cycle of Cycles.-Tlie Swift Racelagh, fitted J. with Dunlop Tyres, ball bearing, frictionless free wheel, two very powerful rim brakes operated by one lever, heavily plated riles, frame enamelled black aud beautifully lined; made in sizes to suit all riders; second to no machine made; £ 12 12s., or 24s. 6d. per month. A Number of second-hand &nl shop-soiled Cycles to ??. clear, from L2 10s. ANY of the abo-ve Machines may be purchased new gradual payment system. Write or ask for particulars. READ this Carefully.—Bowden Brake, 15s., Celluloid JH; Mudguards 3s. 9d., Rubber Mudguards is. 6d., Outer Covers, fully guaranteed, 13s. each; Inner Tubes I with Dunlop Valv? 3s. ef. each, Dunlop Pumps Is. 4d., Guest's Outfits 10id. (IL size), John Bull TomUp3 W. pair, leather stirrup-shaped Toeclips Is. 3d. per pair, and all Cycle AccesomWs at equally low AVres.- Robert Bevan, Castle-strcgt, Cardiff. eW57 EARW1LL CYClœ.nt.'s Free Wheels; plated- rims; two brakes; f8 8s. cash, or 12 payments of 16s. 8d.—Norton, 126, Queen-street, Cardiff. SINGER Cycles-Them celebrated eyclcs can now be tj had from £ 10 10s., fith free wheel.—Norton, 126, Queen-street, Cardiff. HUMBER Cycles.—New, Special Standard Free Wheel JLI. Machines; usual cash price, tl2 12s., for £ 11 7s. 6d., and will inclvde accessories. Humber, Cross frame, Beeston make, L16 16s., fo?^ £ 15. Beeston-Hnmber Path Racer, 920 machine, for Norton, 126, Queen-street, Cardiff. R OYAL Enfield Cycles, the pick of the year, on show, J\; or beautifully-illustrated catalogue sent free.— Norton, 126, Queen-street, Cardiff. LADY'S Enfield, free wheel; second-hand, but tyres good and in good order, for E7 17s. 6d.-Norton, 126, Queen-street, Cardiff. ell394 Limited number of old machines will be taken in Apart payment for 19œ Bud?e-Whitworths; fair price allowed.-Rudge-WhitwortbL, Ltd., 106, St. Mary-street, Cardiff.  Standard Rudge-Whi,rth can be purchased on A the 0-Y 4z maatwy 44mous of £1 Is. each; the machine becomes the property of the purchaser after the first, payment Is made; send for easy payment fonu a -al particul,,trs.-Rudge-Whit- worth, Ltl1., :5t. bI1;.ue"t. rui¡r. worth, Lta., lu £ b't. C?ru!? ? Few Shop-soiled Eudge-Whitwerths Me still on Aoffer at greatly reduced prices; second-hand list sent free on application.-Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 108, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. A Standard Rudge-Whitworth at L10 10s. is the best A value in the trade, and the Rudge-Whitworth cycle has the greatest reputation of any machine; beautifully finished and up-to-date with free wheel and 2 brakes fitted, plated rims and plated spokes included for £10 10s.; this machine can be purchased on the easy pay- ment system.—Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 108, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. AERO Special Rudge-Whitworths won an enormous Anumber of races in South Wales during the Easter holidays. Bert Howard, of London, alon won five first prizes on Easter Monday and Tuesday; C. E. Baker, of Carmarthen, won two firsts at Pontypridd; other riders using this famous machine'show greater speed aim are doing better than ever; send for full particulars and 1903 list.—Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 108, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. eiiios I AJaoen Cycle, Jaays or gent's, Hyde free wheel, 2 J- rim brakes or option bMk pedalling, hob brake, plated rims, i roller chain, for £10 10s. cash, or 20s. monthly; 2 speed gear fitted 30s. extra; other Models at 12 and 15 guineas. Thoee cycles are built by a mm of 25 years' experience, and Loth racers and roadsters are famous an the path and road; free-wheeling aultd back- pedalling Lady's and Gent's tTicycles a swiality.- Write to-day for 19QS catalogues and deferred payment order forms to the James Cycle Depot, 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. ellOTl  N ExceL?ior Cycle, by Bayliss Thomas, Coventry, A?-dy's or gent's, Hyde free wheel, 2 rim brakes, plated rims, Clincher A-woo. tyres, roller chain, hub brake optional; each, £10 10s., or 21s. monthly; grand value. A Eureka Cycle, same makers, complete with front rim brake, mudguards, steering lock, roller chain, for 98 8s. cash or Its. 9id. monthly. This is the beat working man's machine made, and is fully guaranteed.— Catalogues and order forms from the Excelsior Cycle Depot, 138, Castie-road, Cardiff. Nat. Tel., 395. ell071 A few sliop-soiled and second-hand lady's and gent's A Cycles for disposal at very low rates to clear; cash or monthly payments. Repairs executed to all makes of Cycles at lowest rates; largest stock of accessories kept in South Wales. Send your inquiries; prompt attention guaranteed.-Address 138, Castle-road Cardiff. eU071 ks ACRIFICE.-Gent,A Safety for Disposal, Clincher tyres, hollow jclfjtless rims, silver-plated, free wheel and rim brake, iin. chain; elegant, high-class Coventry Machine; as new, not soiled; every accessory with machine; no use to owner; LS 10s.; approval before cash.-C. House, 1, Oxford-place, Oxford-street, Weston- super-Mare. e11331 ENT.'S high-grade Safety for Sale; bargain; new ?, at Xmas; not soiled; free wheel, rim brake, silver- plated rims, Dunlop licensed tyres, latest l all accessories; elegant machine; cash urgently required; sacrifice L4 18s. the lot; approval with pleasure; worth double.—K. Gill, Waveney Villa, Beach-road, Weeton- super-Mare. ell330 PARRY and Co., Siren Cycle and Motor Manufac- JL turers, Mill-lane, Cardiff, will shortly Remove to Larger and more Convenient Premises in Penarth-road, close to G.W.R. Station, where they will continue to manufacture the Celebrated Siren Cycles that still hold the 50 and 100 miles unpacod Welsh road records. Siren Cycles built to order, fitted with the 1903 New Departure or Eadie's New Combination Hub, from 10 guineas. Pre- vious to removal we are offering all machines now in stock at greatly reduced prices for cash. New Departure or Eadie's New Combination Hubbs fitted, including new spokes and nipples, foSs. Repairs promptly attended to. Stove enamelling; nickel-plating. eII304 IONEER Motor-Cycles lead the way; Pioneer, Rex, 1. Minerva Englmes; prices from JS40. We are makers of engines, parts and fittings for cycles and cars; try us for repairs.—Parsons and Co., Below. AS usual, Pioneers lead the way; B.B.A. and Eadie Afittings, free wheels, 2 brakes; built and finished in our matchless style for 10 and 12 guineas; no higher price; Morrcw, Eadie, Perry free wheels; Crabtvj and Bowden brakes, air tubes, outer covers at cut prices; plating and enamelling..—Parsons, Tynycoed-place, Donald-street, and 48. Broadway, Roath. ell289 < REPAIRS, if sent to Morris Bros., Cycle and Motor Works, Pontypridd. always give satisfaction. Over- haul, enamel, and re-plate for 25s. if sent at once. Accessories to trade at wholesale factors' Drices. el647 YRES Re-mbbered7 from 5s.; repairs equally as Tcheap.-Turner, Commercial-road, Newport. el564h6 SPORTING TO save 25 per cent buy your Fishing Tackle, TCricket, and Tennis from Chambers, Gunmaker, 21, Castle-street, Cardiff; also at Bristol and Shepton Mallet. Nat. Telephone. No. 01339. el0642 FARM AND GARDEN. WANTED, 2 or 3 Dairies of well-cooled MJlk.-Apply W C. Wheeler, 56, B09combe-road, Shepherds Bush, London. e11401 ARDEN Netting, Garden Netting, Garden Netting.— GCord Netting, best quality for covering seed beds, fruit trees, fowl runs, &c., &c.; 16 square yards for Is.— Grainger, 8, Working-street, Cardiff. ell397 MOTORS, MOTOR CYCLES. "TTrrpRNER Motor Cycles tan be obtained from our w large stock, which we now have ready for delivery; 2 h.p., £ 45; 2i h.p., £50. These are not freaks built for the race track, but they are reliable roadster machines, and have been first in nearly all the long- distance road trials; agents now being appointed.— Sutton and Co., Sole Wholesale Agents for South Wales, 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. -TTTT-EBNER," "Excelsior," F.N. Princess, and W Ormonde Motor Cycles or any other make sap- plied without delay. We hold a large stock on the pre- mises, new and second-hand.—Sutton and Co., 54, Com- mercial-street, Newport, Mon. A Singer Motor Bicycle, 2-h.p., quite equal new, one A new tyre just fitted, thoroughly overhauled, original cost E75, accept :C45.-Suttan and Co., 54, Commercial- street, Newport, Mon.  Loco Mobile Steam Car, 5-h.p. 2 seats, in perfect A conation., ju? overhauled, cost 9225, accept £110; trials allowed.—Sutton and Co., 54, Commercial- street, Newport, Mon. c11410 x Motor Cycles, world-famed for speed JEj and hill climbing; winners of all the principal con- tests; hold world's records; the most reliable motor cycle made; in 2, 2i. and 21 brake horse-power; spray or surface carburettor, valve lifter, rim brakes, and all latest improvements; prices Irom £ 45; comparison tests invited.—Catalogues and booklets from Excelsior Depot, 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. Nat. Tel., 395. ell070 c Lr.MENT-Jain,,s's Motor Cycles, by James's Cycle Co weight about 701b„ latest improvements; price with belt drKe, £38, or chain drire with 2 speed gear, £ 42 ■ other Models with speoial design frame, 2 h.p., £ 45, 2t h.p. ditto, L50. Lists on &pplication.-The James Depot, 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. Nat. Telephone, 395. ell070 SEVERAL Motor Tricycles and Quadricycles for dis- posal; 2i and 3 h.p.; in nearly new condition; by Perry and Co. (Ltd.), Birmingham; excellent hill climbers; Bowden lifters, Fpare tanks, band brakes, jrappler tyres, Do Dion carburettors, celluloid accumu- lators; guaranteed in perfect working order; from £ 35 each; cost double; trial allowed to intending purchaser; great bargains; motor castings and complete engines and spare parts In stock; plugs; volt-metres, valves, springs, washers, contact screws, and blades, &c., of all makes. Petrol, Ac. Repairs executed. Any make Car or Cycle supplied at lowest prices.—Inquiries Motor Depot, 138, Castle-road. Cardiff. Nat Telephone. 395. ell070 MUSICAL. COLUMBIA Graphophones and Records.—Inspection ? invitcd.-96, St. Mary-street, CarcWf. TALKIKG Machines froni 5s. ba.; Records from JL Is. each at 96, St. Mary-street. COLUMBIA Records (genuine) from Is. 3d. each; thousands in. stock at 96, St. Mary-street. RECORDS to fit all kinds of talking machines; large choice at 96, St. Mary-street. OLUMBIA gold moulded, extra loud Records, now '?s. &d. ?ach at 96, St. Maty-street. DISC Records for Graphophone or Gramophone, now J? 2?. each at 96. St. Mary-street. REPAIRS to all kinds of taking machines promptly executei at 96, St. Mary-street. RECORDS exchanged, old ones for new, at reasonable JH, rates.-96, St. Mary-street. OLUMBIA Graphophone and 6 Records for 36s., special, at 96, St. Mary-street. TALKING Machine and 6 Records, ID. only; special JL cheep line at 96, St. Mary-street- DISON Phonographs and Records at lowest prices at Egg, St. Mary-street. TALKING Machine Agency (Ltd.), 96, St. Mary- ? street, Cardiff, are lazgest dealers in Wales. ell046 I BACH Piano, in handsome rosewood and marqueterie; j. returned from hire, but absolutely equal to new in every particular; only £ 37 10b. cash; listed at £60.- Thompson and Shackeil (Lixcited), 24. Queen-street, Cardiff. BECHSTEIN Fiano; returned from hire, but very Blittle usd, and in perfect order; offered for £ 35 cae?; listed at L60.-Thompwn Md ShackeU (Limited), 24, Queen-street, Cardiff. IANOS, returned from hire, in great variety, at J. prices ranging from L12 to L25, including instru- ments by most of the leading makers; full descriptive list free on applicatkn; easy terms arranged, or a Special discount for cash.—Thompson and ShacxeU limited), 24, Queea-atreet, Cardiff: 32, CastlMtreet, Swansea. eOTOl PIANOS, Pianos, FianM.—S. J. Heath and Sme  special ?Bers m ?roa-tMired I'icrtee, with tH the laØØt modexBr-iaumrKraients. "A. RTISTIC" Model; S;ta walnut case; full com- ?_ pass; cash, £15 15&. "T-IUBOPEAN" Model; Aw wamut case; check jtj action, trichord, &c.; cuh, £18 las. JA LEXANDER" Model; full compass; handsome A. marqueterie panel, Ac.; cash, £ 23 12s. 6d. ANDSOME Pianoforte, in LouiM cMe; full size I | and compass; ch CUM and lone; double lcoacea. cash, £ ?5 4s. "TirUSIC Trades Association" Model; marvellous JxL value; øut1ful. rich tone; cash, £31. "VvBAWlNG-Boom Model"; a perfect in5trut for J? tdueb, tone, and darabiUty; cash, 10s. "t^TTIS shall be pleased to arrange for any of these W instruments to be obtained on our improved Hire ?ystem.-For terms, &c., call at R. J. Heath and Sons', 76, Queen-street (corner of Charles-street), Cardiff. Alst Pontypiidd. Penarth. and Port Talbot. e11188 I DALE. Forty, and Co.'s Specialities in full compass, JLF iron framed Pianofortea. "/COLLEGE" Model; cash, £ 18 16s.: (elMs A) BOlio ? wainutwood c& "COLLEGE" Model; cash, £18 lb.; (class B) solid walnntwood cam. "T^pUCATIONAL" XWOI; cMh, tx2 10s.; handsome r? waludtwood case. "TI NFLEXlBLE'' Model; cash, ?2: 1?.; full size, uprigb t piano; vertical stringing. "XI BONCLAD" Model; cash, £28; small upright grand JL overstrung. "X ISZT" Model; cash, &N 10s.; maguine?mt value; JL? over?tnMc. "-[7-AISER" Model; -Uh, .E4?; a full oprj?ht concert J\. gr?nd ALL above Models "an be had on our Uke Purchase ?? Syetem for a emMi sum monthly. Call and inspect above specialities if seeking a good and reliable Piano at. a moderate cost. ALE, Forty, and Co., fmno and Ocgan Merchants, DH!gh-st.reet and Castle Arcade, Ca?He. ei0536 FURNITURE. JA LL kinds of Stock and Household Furniture pur- chased; best cash prices given; strictly private; 1etters receive the attention of the principal—Write, giving full particulars, to M 46, Evening Express, Car- diff. el506h4 GREAT Bargains in Floor Covn:ngs.-Seven miles GCork Lino and Floor Cloth; Cork Lino, Is. square yard; Floor Cloth, good painted back, two yards wide, la. 3id., Is. 44d., le. 5±d„ Is. 6id. per yard; splendid r floral patterns, to suit all rooms.—E. E. Harris, Whole- sale and Retail House Furnisher, in the Market-hall, and 3, 4, 5, and 6, Market-buildings, Newport. Caution. -No connection with any other firm. H ARRISIS celebrated Reliance Suit, at £4 15s., is a JJL marvel. Get Harris's New Furnishing Guide. Look on Page 21. Over 3,100 already sold.-L. E. Harris, Wholesale and Retail House Furnisher, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Market-buildings, Newport. el0045 BEVAN and Co.'s special Dargaing ror caan.—CMdlC, Wgwause?, Pontvpridd, Newport. Pen. BEVAN and Co. for handsome TapeMJT Carpet*, B!Ardt,,red ..d ready for 1çm¡, from 13o. U4. EVAN and CO. lor ?rMid pattofM and excellent Bvalut in FtoMCloth and Linoleum. EVAN and Co. for Carpets and Uearthmga of every Bdeactiption at lowest priom. EVAN and Co. for massive Iron Bedsteads, 21n. jDplMars. from 91 115. M. BEVAN and Co. for Iplendid Head and Ft Ail-mSll BRedateads, from £ 4 K EVAN and Co. for best value in Wire-woven Mat- Btressea, fuU-aifed, from 7s. lid. EVAN and Cc. for full-sized own make Feather .D Beds, good UtMn ticks, from Nt. 6d. BEVAN and Co. for handsome Walnut Sidsbcarda, JE) plate glass backs, from :£3 19s. 6d. BEVAN and Ce. for imm<?M selection Walnut and Bother OvtrmantM, Sc Md. to 10 guineas. EVAN and Co. for tpeMal Bedroom £uit., chest, JO gtaM marble stand, obaln, &a., ?! 17s. 6d. _BEVAN and Co. for grand value Satin Walnut Bed- Broom Suites, from 10 to 25 guinea" BEV AN and Co. for Chippendale and cthM Cabinet* JD and Sideboards; great variety. BEVAN and Co. for American OrgMH, OvM 1A8Uu- B, WMMBt?d 10 y. from &7 n*. W* EVAN and Co. for Pianofortes, full compass, hand- -D?VAN tnd Co. tor PUnotortM, ?U compMB. hMid- EVAN and Co. for handwme Saddlebag Buitm, Birsad patterns, from 8 to 16 KUimeM. BEVAN and Co. for the oet<?!tted EmpfMa Piano, a BmagzLidceat tMtnuNeBt, 2S 6MtneM. EVAN and Co. for )t<:Uybt<mtMul SuitM in meured J[) silk, from 12 cuimeM to 25 guinm. BEVAN U4 Co. for the King of all PiMoe; it Bbefore buying elsewhere: 40 guineas. 610M6 EVAN and Co. (Ltd.), Largest Furnishers, Cardiff, Swansea, Pontypridd. Newport, and PontypooL MISCELLANEOUS. MASONS.—To Let, by contract, thePfoundatlons fot JM. 3 Lancashire Boilers and retaining wall.—Apply Ffaldau Collieries, Pontycymmer. el1408 ALMISTBY, Phrenology, Photo-reading.—Professor r Eugene's first professional visit Cardiff.-Wharton- street, Cardiff e11289 KIRO, the Americ" Lady Palmist, may be con- Ksulted daily Queen-street Arcade. e11253 S your Watch Wrong? The beet and cheapest shop J. in Cardiff for the repair of watches of every description (English or Foreign) is 38, Castle Arcad" (third shop from Castle-street), by James Keir (for ten years with Mr. Spiridion). Clocks and Music Boxes cleaned and repaired. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. FR Sale, at half cost price, Stocking Press, a quan- tity of Stocking Lasts and Bobbins, Outside Shop Blinds complete, in good condition, with tapes and rings strongly sewn on pole 18it. long; 2 strong iron Brackets, 4ft. 6in. long, and Sockets.—John Stephens, London House, Llandilo. e1513h2 fTS?Guineas Cash.-p.Wster Tlll for Sale; sacrifice 3-ing to alteration of premises; £ 25. R. E. Jones, Limited, Swansea. el549h5 SUN Blinds, every description, for sbOps, residences; S estimates free; any disnce.-FM Morgan and Co., Cardiff, Manufacturers and Contractors, also of Tents, Flags, Tarpaulins, Horse, Cart, and Rick Covers, Har- ness Awnings, Oilskins, Sacks, Coalbags, Rope Netting. ell095 fm /s%.—Suit Lengths, 7s. 6d., 1M. 12s. 6., 15s., in 7 0 AU Wool, Vicunas, Serges, Tweeds; paMerMtree; any length cut; carriage paid.—Albion WooUen Manu- facturing Co.. 68- Woodhouse-Iane. Leeds. ell085 AFES. 150 Fire, Thief; from 40s.; carriage paid.- Levy's Safe Co., Sunderland. elll21 MONEY TO LEND. RJFL I- HB CHARING-CROSS BANK. Established 1870. 119 & 120, Bishoptsgate-st. Within, E.C., and L..da& 2, Bedford-street, Charing Cross, W.C.. $ 0 < Liabilities £209,415 0 0 Capital nd 'i;2W *;?* ;C209,475 0 0 Capital and Reserve CM!,OM 0 0 LOANS of MO to ?2,000 granted at a few bouw j_. notice, in town or country, male or female. 02 mortgage of furniture, farm and trade stock, plant, crops, Ac., without removal, and to 2sslst persons into business. Also ct deeds, policies, and reversions. Dia- tance no object. Etay payments. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under.- 5 p.c. per an., euoject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 p.c. pt-r an., subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal. 7 P.t. per an., subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quar- terly. Write or call for prospectus. The Terminal Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent.. and are a safe investment. A. WILLIAMS. H. 3. TALL. Joint Managers. SCMS FROM M to £3,000 ADVANCED AT (3 SHORT NOTICE On Approved Note of Hand,. Personal, or Other Securities. Charges arranged befora Transactions are Completed. Mortgages on Property Effected at Current Rates oi Interest. Tourists' and Season Tickets Purchased and Arranged for Clients on the Payment Principle. Money Advanced on Second Mortgages. Apply 1. W. LLOYD, Manager. FIELDING8 (LTD.), HAYES-BUILDINOS, THE HAYES. 8933 CARDIFF. IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF MONEY, JL Call or Write THE SWANSEA FINANCE COMPANY (LIMITED), 12, Taff-embahkment, Penarth-road, Cardiff, And 16, Goat-street, Swansea. Advances made from jE5 to £ 500 on approved Note of Hand, Household furniture without removal, Shares, Stock, &c., at the Lowest Interest obtainable in Town or Country. Easy Re-payments. ell406 rJiL lHE old-established Provincial Union Bank con- I tinues so lend immerse sums daily, from Xio to 95,DN, on rote of hand alone or other security. No office inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. Easy instalments. Special rates for short periods. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transac- tions with us. A gentleman from bank will wait upon .SOI1 at once with cash.—Call or write (in confidence) to Msua^er, Steaiey Downing, 1, Quwn-sqaara, Bristol or to Mesne. Davenport and Morinan, Queen's-chambers, Queen-street At-fade, Cardiff. ell148 OUSEHOLDERS wanting Money on Mortgages jjL should write Secretary, East Spiott Association, 112, Carlisle-street, Cardiff. el530hll MACHINERY. 2 Very good 6-h.p. Portable Engines; very cheap for cash.-Atlantic Engineering Works, Newport. eh9 ICin. cylinder Horizontal Engine, Portable Cameron Pump, with boiler; 2 Saw Benches, take 3ft. saws; double spindle Vertical Moulding Machine, large Mor- tising Machine; very low prices.—Atlantic Engineering Works, Newport. ell368 TUBE, 36 feet x 4 feet; Receivers, 24 feet x 2 feet 6in., 24 feet x 18in., 21 feet x 16in., 15 feet x 15in.— Lowndes, Metal Merchant, Swansea. el463h2 BLACKSTONE Oil Engine for Sale, 1? brake; equal Bnew, cheap; guaranteed; just refixed larger.—G. S. Richmond, Engineer, Llanelly. el524h4 "IJtOR Sale, Vertical Boiler, 9ft. by 4ft.; three cross Ir tubes, with fittgs complete; equal to new.- Apply D. and T. Jenkins (Limited), Crown Brewery, Pontyclun. el513h4 T.?OR Sale, pair Horizontal Engines, 261n. cylinders, r5ft. stroke, having steam reversing gear and fly- wheel, by John Fowler and Co.; very strong and in excellent condition.—R. R. Longbotham. and Co., Ings Foundry, wiefield. ell359 LITTLE ACHES CAUSE BIGGER ILLS, Especially if Neglected. But a Prompt and Priceless Remedy- KERNICK S VEGETABLE PILLS —is within the reach of the humblest purse. HEADACHES, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, WIND. BACKACHE, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, SCIATICA and RHEUMATISM yield to the power of this marvellous medicine. THOUSANDS TAKE NO OTHER. KERNICK'S VE&EtABLE PILLS are PURELY VEGETABLE, and are quite Free from Mercury. They are, therefore, aA harm- less as they effectual. If you feel ill or out of sorts, or bilious, or suffer from headache, try ONE of KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS, and you will always keep a box by you. Sold in 71d., 13d., and 2s. 9d. boxes, of all Chemists, Ac., or direct from KERNICK and SON (Ltd.), DRUG STORES, CARDIFF. ell240 BEECHAMS PILLS CURE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, And all STOMACHIC TROUBLES. B E E C R A M'S PILLS REMOVE WIND and PAINS In the STOStACH. 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Write your Advertisement in thi? form, cut it ont, and send, with eta?mps, to Head Office, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. — — to Head Oiffce, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. — I 1 I P -V ■ ■ FOB E fEE TOP OF OOLU)(N 3.- <

THE STOLEN PHIENIX, A ROMANCE OF LOVE, INVENTION, AND A GREAT CITY, By R. NORMAN SILVER, Author of H Hate, the Destroyer, "A Daughter of Mystery," Ac. CHAPTER XXIII.—Continued, 1 The End of the Corner. I Allan Temple clenched his fists in a. des- perate struggle for calm. "Do you think I will take your law for granted?" he cried. "You shall fight me, Lord Linacre! I will have your villainous duplicity laid bare to the public eye. I will pillory you in the press and before your fellow-legislators; you shall be hounded out of the society of all honourable men!" A yawn was Lord Linarre's comment on this outburst. "To work, my hero!" he said theatrically; "to work! You will need a long purse, and a deal of time and patience. Remember, too, you are biting the hand that fed you. I in- troduced your patents to expert authorities; I obtained money for your experiments; I have acted throughout for the best. And now that, by an error of judgment, I find myself in debt-nominally in debt to you for a sum I cannot imnvediately raise—what do you do? You fly to the law and ruin me. Oh, no, Mr. Allan Temple! it is you who will be con- demned by public opinion, not I," He leaned indolently upon the shoulder of Oswald Ran- som. My daughter," he said, will, I sup- pose, have to give evidence, and so will poor Ransom here. It may even have to be hinted that you had presumed upon my child's gene- rous interest in her youlfg countryman to attempt to rival in her affections your own colleague, whose brilliant invention actually saved your boat from failure. How do you like my picture, Mr. Temple?" The lieutenant brushed his hand across his eyes; he felt as if he were choking-a red veil seemed to have fallen before his vision. I "I-I," he gmped-"I must think it out! It is horrible! You speak like an inspired fiend with power over the truth itself. If I believed you, Lord Linacre, I should want to kill you. I will go while I am guiltless of violence. As for Ransom, he has not to reckon with me, but with another. Ask him who invented the rudder he calls his; ask him who tried to burn the Phcenix in her dock, and why the attempt was made; ask him whom he has most cause to fear in the whole world-" There was a movement behind him, at the tall folding-doors, from which a few steps led to a lighted reception-room. The great panels yawned, and white-armed, white-throated, with diamonds in her hair, and sweeping skirts of pale green, Valerie Western herself appeared. "Are you never going to finish your game?" she began. "My letters are done long ago." She stopped, perceiving Temple's presence. He himself bent upon her a look of bitter disdain, and completed the sentence she had interrupted. "Ask him," he said; ";Ly, and ask your daughter, Lord Linacre, why she visits this very man in secret, and by doing so finds means to spy upon me, and glut an un- womanly thirst for revenge? Ask her what she knows ot Martin Blair?" Valerie Western set her teeth and snarled— her sneer of mingled: anger and alarm was nothing less. Oswald Ransom put a. heavy palm on a corner of the billiard-table, and his skin blanched with a strange, moist pallor, As for Lord Linacre, he glanced curiously from one to the other; while Allan Temple, having shot his bolt, made blindly for the door by which he had entered, and passed forth, leaving the trio alone Dazed by the cynical climax of Lord Lin- acre's diplomacy, which had deprived him so effectively of the Phcenix, and of his control over her, Allan Temple made mechanically for his hotel, and mounted the steep and winding staircase. He had an overpowering desire for solitude- not that he might think, not that he might plan the necessary attack upon his enemy, but that he might lie numb and passive till his mind should have accustomed itself to the shock it had received. From the hall the waiter Pimm followed him with a flimsy brown envelope. "Mrs. Flemank's compliments, sir," he said; "and there is this for you." Temple thanked him vaguely, and tore open the telegram. It was from the Admiralty, and ran: "Antaeus to commission Portsmouth for Mediterranean. Rejoin at once." CHAPTER XXIV. I The Glow on the River Bank. I "Evening, sir! Quiet weather for the Scour." The words served as a kind of full stop to the monotonous creeking made by a pair of stout sculls in the thole-pins of Jason Ma< goldrick's gig. The little craft lost way, and began to roll upon the sticky swell of the Scour estuary. I The owner of the Pride of Carhaven had taken the butts of his sculls in one hand that he might touch his peaked cap to Oswald Ransom. A blade of the draughtsman's long oars almost grazed the counter of the gig as he sat in his outrigger. He wore a thick sweater," and his coat was tied about his I neck by the sleeves; although there was no wind, the air on the river was keen with the keenness of autumn, and a fine rain descended intermittently. Y—yes," said Ransom, starting from the reverie by which he had been absorbed during the approach of the gig. Jason wiped off his ragged moustache, and spat over the gunwale of his boat. I reckon," he remarked, you was wonder- ing what yon hoarding might mean," and the speaker pointed towards the neighbouring bank. Upon it, amid the familar ruins of the disused and roofless foundry, had risen a rectangular enclosure of fresh-looking, up- right planks. Its nearest side closely skirted the foreshore. I—I suppose I was," owned the draughts- man. Let me see, you are Macgoldrick, the fellow who came to Sir Daniel Goulder a while ago with some alleged news of his son?" The same, sir." answered Jason imperturb- ably; and you are Mr. Ransom, Sir Dan's nephew? Glad to meet you again, sir." Well," went on Ransom, leaning on his oars, and did you manage to give my uncle any information worth mentioning?" That must be for him to judge, sir," responded the other, and bent to the short sculls-a weather-beaten, picturesque figure. My good fellow," was the disdainful retort, "I don't want you to be indiscreet. But about yonder hoarding; what is going on behind it?" Jason backed water, avoiding the projecting rowlock of the outrigger. As to that, sir," he said, there's no end of gossip. But it seema to be pretty sure who's the skipper of the business, and that's Mr. Maqk, as owns the Oriana-a. big, white, square-rigged fiiex of a steam-yacht; yon may have noticed her at the moorings in the Pool. This is the second time she's dropped anchor at Carhaven in the last two months. Folk* will have it he's building some new-fangled sort of a boat on the bank there. Anyhow. he's brought over a lot of Yankee engineerl6 and they're as dumb as fishes about it." "Has the enclosure been up for long?'* queried the draughtsman. I-I haven't been down the river for some while, and so I don', know." Jason Macgoldrick considered. Nigh on a fortnight, sir," he decided, --and I should guess the rough of the job's over now, for I haven't heard their sledges at work lately. But they've been driving day and night, none the less; their flares are lit at dusk, and aren't out till dawn; there must. be several shifts of them." Ransom gazed thoughtfully across the inter, vening sheet of water, darkening beneath the October twilight. A strange expression con- tracted his face, as if he were contemplating some half-realised idea too improbable to be clearly entertained. He roused, and settled his oars for a stroke. "Indeed!" he observed. "Well, we shall learn all about it one of these fine days. Good evening Macgoldrick!" Beg pardon, sir," rejoined the other, but how is Lady Goulder, sir?-better I trust." The draughtsman shook his head. I'm afraid I can scarcely say that," ha answered. She just holds her own." It's hard on Sir Daniel," declared Jason sympathetically. Pardon me again, sir, but you've—you've not heard from Mr. Richard? I thought perhaps as his mother-that is, as Lady Goulder—waa so ill, he-" Not a syllable," intimated Ransom sharply; at least, that I have any know- ledge of. Good-night! His powerful oars swung through their wide arc, and the outrigger disappeared in the dusk. It was growing late for a craft to be abroad that carried no lights, and the draughtsman, pulling strongly, swept the slender boat up the brown lane of water that led to the depot, of his club. Disembarking at the shallow stage, he helped the custodian to get her in, and hastened to change his rowing garments for a more ordinary costume. When, after tipping the attendant, he stepped forth and paused at the exit of the boat-house to light a cigarette before mount- ing from the level of the low, damp stage, the evening had deepened into night. Neither moon nor stars were visible; the sky was too overclouded, but the wind had risen abruptly, and the Scour waa whispering fretfully in the gloom. At the river-side, á. little distance off, there rose a yellow glare, like the reflection of a great fire, but steadier. Around all else was sombre, melancholy, profound. It was the. last day of the\working-week, and the margins of the Scour were at their quietest. Leaving the boat-house, the draughtsman moved inland, progressing slowly, and at times clumsily. He was less phlegmatically; robust than he had once been, and but for the obscurity of the night, it might have been seen that his features were slightly bloated and flushed with the moist, hectic colour of the daring and persistent spirit-drinker. As he passed down the lonely road, he glanced nervously- to right and left, as though its half-wild solitude oppressed him. At length he tossed away the end of his cigarette, and tried to light another. The wind blew it out. He struck a second and a third; each, in turn, was extinguished. He slipped into a sheltering niche presented by an iregular wall that bordered the eartherit kerb. It was the boundary wall of the old boiler-factory, and close to was the ruined entrance where, though he could not know it, Allan Temple and Sybil Hope bacLIepto a certain momentous tryst. From where he stood he could command a view of its leaning gates and mouldering posts, illuminated by the rays of the public gas-standard that happened to be set opposite. His eyes dwelt on them mechanically. Suddenly a cold prespiration burst out on his limbs, and gathered in a clammy dew upon his forehead. A figure was just passings inwards between the toppling gates. To his horror and amazement, Oswald Ransom recognised it was that of Martin Blair, the man for whose death-although in self-defence —he had, during three months or more,, believed himself responsible. Commonsense re-asserted her empire over the draughtsman's brain. He was not at all superstitious, and but sparingly imaginative. Flinging down his cigarette, he stole out, of his covert, gained the entrance of the abandoned factory, and peered cautiously in. Directly ahead shone the diffused and yellow glow thrown skywards from the mysterious hoarding on the river-bank, and Martin Blair was proceeding towards it. Ransom slid through the yawning gates and followed him, at a respectful distance; also, he hugged strategically the gloomiest angles; of the scattered and ramshackle building that occupied the grass-grown plateau. Soon the two-pursuer and pursued—escaped altogether from the wan illumination that penetrated to the central avenue of the place from the lamp at its entrance. The draughtsman was compelled to grope his way; as for Blair. he had apparently vanished. In front of Oswald Ransom, and not inora than thirty yards off, the hoarding that formed the wall of the irradiated enclosure drew a broad black bar. Unexpectedly, a gap opened in it, and he saw Blair silhouetted against the interor glow. Beyond were mov- ing shapes, bizarre shadows, and tall. shimmering flames. The gap shut again, closed, Ransom perceived, by a guardian of some sort. Cautiously the draughtsman gained the foot of the hoarding, and strove to peep between the ranged upright planks that composed it. In vain; the fence was too well built. Ransom examined it yard by yard, bent upon discover- ing some knot-hole or crevice that would grant him ocular access to the enclosed patch of river-side. Rounding one of the corners of the rectangle nearest to the Scour, he started back precipitately. There was a pair of huge doors on that face of the hoarding, and they had been flung wide. The glare that streamed out lay almost to the water's edge, and vague figures were busy in it. A tempting inspiration came to Oswald Ransom. The wooden doors were turned outward and backward, leaving behind each a screened recess. He knew that there would doubtless be a vertical slit in the line of the hinges. If he could reach the covert offered by one of these recesses, he might be able to scrutinise much, if not all, of the mysterious interior. (To be Ooatiawd4 x