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I >1 ?i%? | THIS WEEK IN THE…


I >1 ?i%? | THIS WEEK IN THE GARDEN. I ? In Nature's infinite book of secrecy A\ /? A?A l l?iittttl,e I .c-?a,n read.—??/!?7!y & ?ojoa?ro. ?( I >- -3N Watering Plant,Nc;t much water is re quired bv the plants in a cool greenhouse during December. When it is necessary, supply it beiore mid-dav. Always have water standing in the greenhouse in a tank or tub, so that when given to the plants it is of the same tempcrr.ture at, the air ci the house. The Winter Jasmine.—Every one admires the bright yellow fiow-ers of Jasminum nudi- florum, which are produced so freely on its green branches, at a time when flowers are few. They continue long in bloom. The growths furnish valuable material for ineide decoration. Deep vases suit the sprays best. Cut the sprays to suitable lengths whilst in bud, and place them in the vases. In due course every bud will expg-nd fully and re- main beautiful for a long tirie if fresh water is added occasionally. As a water- sweetener, use a few small pieces of char- coal. # Violets.—Admit plenty of fresh air to the frames on all favourable occasions. Do not keep the lights closed with the idea of keep- ing the plants warm. This will cause the foliage to grow at the expense of the flowers. Look over the plants at 'least once a week, picking off runners and damp lea-ves. Cover up the frames 0:1 frosty "night? with mats, straw, Michaelmas Daisy stems.. or fern bracken. # Lily of the Valley.—Pot up the crowns or clumps as soon as they are received from the florist. Plunge the pots to the rim in aohea outside, and cover with moss to protect the tops, as they should not be covered with soil. The first batch of a dozen or so of pots may be brought into the greenhouse. If a propagating fra-me is not available stand a box on the hot-water pipes. Place damp moss in the bottom, and on this t-tand the pots. Cover with more moss, and place sheets of glass to closelth-e top of the box. Lawns.—Brush and roll lawns freely at this season of the year, cxcept during frosts. Sweep the whole of the grass; in addition to clearing up fallen leaves it spreads about the worm caste. # Wall Climbers.—Thinning cut crowded j growths should be attended to. leaving the actual pruning until early spring. Climbers of doubtful hardiness should be protected. Spruce or Yew branches are largelv used for the purpose; they afford protection and exclude a minimum amount of light and air. exclude a mliiinium atpouijt c;A light an d air. Cuttings of Trees and Shrubs.—On a border outside insert cuttings cf Poplars, Willows, the London Plane. Tamarix, Howering Currants (Ribes), the hardier Roses, Privets, and Laurels. Should the soil be at all heavy, work some coarse sand and leaf-mould in the trenches when inserting the cutting-s. Place the lines cf cuttings about 1ft. apart, and cover at least half the length of the cuttings with soil. # Protecting Plants.—The careful gardener will be busy among his plants, giving pro- tection from frosts and excessive moisture where desirable. Various means are adopted: for example, mounds of allies or bracken fern are placed round the stems of Tea Roses and the Lemon (Verbena) plants: ashes are hea.ped freely round the Torch Lilies (Kniphofias), also protecting the so- called hardy Fuchsias, Salva patens aDd Crinums, if they are not hfted. Grease Bands.—Where grease has been ha, 1, e,- -i used as a guard agamst Winter Mcth look over the bands and freshen them up with a little more grease. Unless this is done the surface becomes set, and the female moths have no difficulty in crawling over the bands. danure. G et # on to -acan, Manure.—Get this wheeled en to vacant ground a- early ac p(\"lblc. but where dig- ging is not expected to immediately follow stack it in one heap in the centre of the plot instead of in numerous small heaps. Maiiurin g in 21 Manuring Ground —Many amateurs in a position to do ?c give their p?ots far too much manure. As a genera! rule, where land was liberally treated with cow or horse manure last spring, the same soil mav be expected to prod uce fair crop* of most quick-growing vegetables or salads without further manuring. # # # Pollarding Trees.—Whilst trees are bare of foliage do this work. If thee trees have been allowed to get large care and skill are necessary: such work is then best entrusted to experienced workmen. A mistake is to cut the main stems off practicallv horizon- tal, the result being that moisture remains on the tree and decay starts in the centre, gradually working outwards and down- wards. The better way is to cut slightly on the slant: this gives an opportunity for rain and condensed moisture to run off easily. A coating of tar to the cut surface teoal tar, for preference) renders them somewhat im- pervious c a to moisture and preserves them ?rom decay. Orchard Trees.—At this season bad weather may make conditions impossible for work on the open land. Time may then be employed profitably in attending to trees growing in grass orchards. Prune out all dead wood. and have this taken away for burning. Where the leads of the trees have become crowded, thin them out, opening the centres and removing those branche- which cross. t Pruning Young Standards.—It is neces- sary to deal rather severely with th"e in the early stages. Growths not required should be cut back to three buds from the base. Extension growths must be shortened T,c) ensure strength and induce sufficient young shoots to be produced for the proper furnishing of the trees in the future. All the later pruning will consist of the removal of overcrowded growths and the thinning of the centre of each tree. » Planting.—There may be periods even at this season when it may be possible to pro- coed with planting. Take advantage of every favourable opportunity. When the soil is very wet on the surface and appears likely to collti!l""e n this de-?er the work entirely for a week or two. c-r,tireiy for a or Calceolarias.—The herbaceous or green- house calceolarias are best- grown when the pots ,are standing on a cool. moist bottom of aes or shingle. Oilly sufficient artificial heat or proteftion with covering is neces- sary to keep cut frosts. Watch carefully for slugs and greenfly (aphis). Zonal Pelargoniums.—These are among the brightest flowers in the greenhouse in mid-winter. Give them the lightest position in the house, wash inside and outside the glass and woodwork, particularly in towns where smoke and fog quickly colltet, dark- ening the inside of the house. # # # Seed Potatoes.—Pack seed potatoes into light wooden boxes for early sprouting. Select those that are iairly deep in prefer- ence to the usual shallow trays. If this 13 done several boxes may be stood upon each other in such a way as to give additional protection against frost, and also ensure plenty of light reaching the tubers. # Young Trees That Are Too Vigorous—In the rich soil of many gardens YOUlJg fruit trees are apt to make too much growth. Something can be done to meet this by car'. in pruning, but the only effectual check is to lift and replant the trees. It does not always follow that root pruning will be nece.~sary, the lifting and re-Dianting in most cases being quite sufficient. I Pruning Cherries.—Too often the mistake ie made of pruning these too severely. It should be remembered that Cherries bear best irom the younger growths and. though they succeed in a certain measure wlieu closc-ly pruned and spurred, it is wise to re- tain ail the young wood for which enace 18 available when inev are growing against walls or fences. o,' fr(:)st Spring Cabbage.—Alter a period of frost do not fan to go over the bed of Spring Cabbage, making the soil about the roots quite firm by heavy treading. ♦ # Parsnips.—Get a few roota of these infra the storehouse before real winter sets in. If stored between damp soil c r ashes the quality will be just as good in six weeks' time as others left in the ground, but if simply thrown in a heap the roote soon shrivel. # 0/; Sea-kale.—Lift a good batch of the strongest crowns and, after grading, store these in boxes of dry Boil under cover. If this is done now, no matter how severe the opening weeks of the New Year may be, no trouble will be experienced in maintaining a supply for the forcing house or warm greenhouse.

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? H)! III) Helpful Hints for…

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