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A REVELATION IN TEA DRINKING I INVOLVING ENORMOUS SAVING. STONEHAM'S GOLDEN TIP, TEAS. CflHM w May iiaw „ MORE Cups of good Tea per lb. can be made from Stoneham's Golden Tips than from any other Tea. Saves TiMe Stoneham's Golden Tips produce strong Tea quickly. Only three minutes required for perfect infusion. Saves Health Stoneham's Golden Tips possess none of that harmful astringency found in many so-called cheap Teas. Saves Disappointment- Stoneham's Colden Tips can always be relied on To be obtained only frem ?N??? ?f W. T. STONEHAM ? I 0 pe ARGYLL STORES, l^ll lb. ABP?RGAVENNY.b.p.???..?p? of the Kingdom. I I THOMAS & SON$G I The Golden Fleece, A Visit to our SHOWROOMS is cordially invited ARE NOW SHOWING THE LATEST SPRING:: FASHIONS IN MILLINERY BLOUSES RoigES. UNDERCLOTHING SCARVES PRINTED VOILES AAPuPvUflUllnNl TAflHPV Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts and I ftUll ■ Balance Sheets prepared. Periodical Audits performed. Businesses supervised. lifN(PuUftMlAE t TAX Claims for repayment. Abatement or Adjust- 11 ment prepared. Appeals against Schedule D, Excess Profits Duty Assessments conducted. COMMERCIAL Ideal Courses of Instruction in all Com- —————rrr~ mercial Subjects. Students prepared for EDUbnTll)P( Examinations. — I  -WHITWELL- R. H. JACKSON9 ABERGAVENNY. ptACE DAY IS NEAR — FLAGS of ALLIES in Various Sizes, also || J STREAMERS, SHIELDS, FLAG= I I POLES, etc., in great variety. = II 'I nET THEM NOW. E. HOWARD DAVIES & 9 Co. HIGH ST. and St JOHN'S LANE, ABERGAVENNY. TEL. 52. (E. HOWARD DAVIES, Proprietor), Heins & Company, Ltd. The All British Piano Firm We ask you to call and see our Stock. OPEN ALL DAY and EVERY DAY All through the WHITSUN HOLIDAYS. IF YOU WANT A NEW PIANO WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A SECOND-HAND ONE WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A NEW ORGAN WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A SECOND-HAND ONE WE HAVE IT. C IF YOU WANT A VIOLIN WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A MOUTHORGAN WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A JEWS-HARP WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A GRAMOPHONE WE IIA VE IT. IF YOU WANT A RECORD WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A NEEDLE WE HAVE IT. IF YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE at a FAIR PRICE COME TO US IF YOU WANT ADVICE about BUYING. A PIANO, COME TO US. IF YOU iLkVE A-N OLD PIANO OR ORGAN To SELL OR EXCHANGE, COME TO US ——-—-————————— IF YOU WANT VALUE FOR MONEY, FAIR DEAI.IM,, RREE DELIVERY, PLENTY OF VARIETY FROM WHICH TO SELECT, AD A GUARANTEE WITH A REPUTATION BEHIND IT, COME TO THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND ALL-BRITISH FIRM OF HEINS & COMPANY, LIMITED. BUSINESS Mcrunnc CHANGE, We have to Keep Up With the Times, but there is one thing ^?cir^ar^OT CIlANGED FOR FORTY YEARS, and that is OUR xss..? "'? Heins & Co., Ltd. THE 0LD FIRM THE OLD FIRM THE ALL-BRITISH FIRM, WITH THE 23 FROGMORE STREET, W1TH T(JE NEW stock. ABERGAVENNY. YOU PASS IT ON YOUR WAY TO THE STATION. ——————————————— THE ABERGAVENNY STEAM LAUNDRY, CO., LTD., Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE CHARGES. Address: MISS TAYLOR, Manageress. I W. H. BUTT I Buos to announce that he has re-opened the Gentlemen's Measure Dept., m and is now offering a large variety of Patterns at reasonable charges. All orders entrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention I HIGH STREET ABERGAVENNY. L iV PLANTS PLANTS PLANTS BUY YOUR PLANTS FROM THE GROWER. Early Cabbage, Early Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Vegetable Marrow. Mangel, Swede and Turnip direct from the Growers.. ALL KINDS OF BEDDING PLANTS. Stocks an d Astern, gd. per dozen. PLANTS have been MY SPEC!AUTY for the past E!GHT YEARS. ?ww?? f*???L??Y\? STORES. 1I j e?/???\??????? FROGMORE STREET. 1 UNA V H /« ? ABERGAVENNY# —J FLORIST AND A* FRASFR'S ALWAYS! ??Dsrw? ALWAYS FRASER'S! 0 A Te?cpho?e No. 4. 'Vegeta' Pep Tin 6d. & ll2d. I An Assortment of Choice English Vegetables, cooked leady for use in Stews, Soups, etc. Indian Chutney 11S & 211; Bopmer. New Shipment. Lisbon Red Wine Port Type 4s. per bottle. "r r jE?T-i\?Ti <EB? :JVLORGAN & EVANS THE SUPPLY STORES, Abergavenny and CrickhoweH, EYESIGHT HEADACHE This is the result of neglect. Some small defect exists in the eyes, which though too slight to prevent dear vision, is serious because it places the eyes under a constant strain. Nothing wastes nervous energy like eye- strain-indeed Dr. A. L. Ranney says, I look to Eyestrain as the chief cause of nervous derangements." Nearly everyone nowadays suffers from some kind of nerve trouble—neuritis, neu- rasthenia and nervous breakdown are every- where. It behoves everyone, therefore, to make sure that their eyes are not imperilling their health. o Pains in and around the eyes (especially (] behind and above) as well as at the back of o the head, nearly always indicate eyestrain. o fl Whereas medicine can only relieve the o symptoms in such cases, proper Glasses will remove the cause, and thus effect a per- o manent cure. Z Headaches which follow eye work such as 00 reading, sewing, sight-seeing, railway travel- U ling, or visits to theatre or picture house—all o show the need for Glasses. å Chronic headache—the kind which recurs periodically—can be cured, in 19 cases out å of 20, in this way. Best Quality Lenses and Frames correctly Fitted by I HARRY SHACKLETON, QUALIFIED CHEMIST & OPTICIAN, 9. CROSS ST., ABERGAVENNY. I Oculist's Prescriptions Dispensed.  S -tí1l\2 &Vot\\tës  ?  7\ ANNUAL SUMMER SALE | -Fk -?i'  hf' I ? § «jW ?W) t a? ??? j M) ??B ?'OJM? J? r?*? aNtL?? SaM! ??<t??? ? — aw—. s aw— a S' ?s   s aan.  ? COMMENCES THIS FRIDAY at « ????? 6r, ??r, (?r???? Than ??  f. A M "<v.  'y"" -¡" _-a.. ''I. r-, 1. ,f ¡! /à .(. J:r.' ,I, .i r/2\ \rillS í\   _° ,¡ t. IITBwOliKW ''¡vê',l./ r.. 'L'         ■ | J «ifHw f y iff 1 .J r .}1 \f lij \1 11 n -j f!! St r?Urtb?THUJMMFh.Q .-) i1"'I COAT-FROCKS < o sco IJ1 r1¥''£ l"" ?? §H COSTUMES.. COAT-FROCKS f?f!TE" ,-p- rl: S r.?ti.Mc?tof!p:tter? ?-??.? !?nr<t'c!yT:c-). ? t,i..?'? <(.r.)!i. ?.? '?i: &?'' ri?'?A.??l?\'m<???A.Ti? ? '??? TW ad making. Eery con B??? Adapted LO (?erv ihdivir). ?, 1 J r.?""n'i' .)?'' fi'tv (¡;¡> <t1 ,overt <?.<t- and Wa:M'r.'c"? { t f t?) ?tv!e. <? :1' RAA i le, sty),. 4'omt, y)r,- t:'?'' ",1 want«L .? ""w '?? BL?? "(' ?' RECCED tc ?tch :'r. ? ,J T- '• IVE Trimmed  ?? (?i?Ue buy BIG BARGAINS Came and ,,pe 11, '1'1" i \3 ,I,r',oe, l;¡j: t\t.< x:ent.t!?t?.'<'?t'?t???'? !C? :.?'< \'['<] ?- ?' rarpd to buy Hi!! Har?un. 't; ¡¡r .<'cstU!nc?. MosUy a!')?)?*'?'VtU!-u'ri?v??. <?..? 1?,?(..<.t- 't .?'.??. A:7.(-. Fpvrr.' ?, )?t-)"-n?v-S!?urr') ?X? WTJSA JSri. lk-lined. CI"NS- T0 1TPNS- V, GREAT SUMMER SA'.L^V^^ GREAT S'JWMER SALE GREAT CU?^MER SALE Jv  IN ,,V'ULARLY SA C R F- T   t<?a'.?)S?"Ui.Hnc< SUMMER SAUF PRICE PSJCE PR5CE F\ J 'LT/. ,8„N< r'6RN L| S' ,3L 1S 52/6{^■ 32/6 ];?uiar!y ?.?? ????-?' ??? m? ?' ??" ??.? ??T?,??, ? S,?g?, ??  .?.???'.?   ?????????? ??'?? ?????. ?' ?? ??? ?'-?????'?'? ? ?-"? ?. ???- ?- ?? "? ?? —? ?   ,0.. ? ?  « T1 COME PREPARED FOR LIIJ EARGAIAS! L £ F\. FS ??r?- ?7? X ??? !s??'! Ceme R?sared !er Ei? Ea?"ains!  .?  t .Ia. 'Iù .IL l) .i..av <0 "N ,l-; ,.p\ ü ,)' ;J. \>,>:> 4y 't 2S? F.<rn?v.,?-—— '„ OV,VR,V ..? ? A.I ?-"r? ?  ?'? ?§ L" I" ¡ d d L í' 9^1 :<?.??:u. \V:I1 1 I,I! ^HAVC »V/N ;S;SFL PYR.WI:. 1 !I'.S YC;IR .?-?  ?   S' 1' o: \\1 It;W! :s ? ? L\'SO! V<-F] — "'? PTEVIARN RCCORDR. ? V '? J   ?S YOII KNOW I !• PT-WV-T ,)I A POINI.L TC.-TL:TV (AND IT IS ,J' 'ï' 'JS JI' j' 'I 1 4 I TIMMLLY I' ALLINO-AI OUR SUNUNT-R SALE. I'MWCVCI-. I; -VL!! '>;1 I A- LOWER. ,1I J"fJ S'; ?? ??? ? ? 1 ?"'? ?"?'?"?' T-VEN 111 A' I LA-ION* TL:;> WAR. T1! ?:)r)))'{? "?')'("? \n BE J 7^  ? ?? ???! ?<??'????'??i???L)\-? iY.hu?:s,:u.<? !?ii?u. ri?'?yu??iU L? l  ? # 1'1' ??  :???t')p..y (?.-w'—i<.r(?jt.I(.s. ??" COAT-FROCKS g)M c '1 ,t ") '-A_ AT d ROCKS I ?? FLJRS ???? ?' J)Lunt Sih)\\)<)))ju.?\Y?i')c found La]?.n!? in abniidance, which vou 3?'?'"?"  ,I.. ,( :n.Lr ?..at.♦:Yl;:i' ic TREVIIL" 5|V% nn<J Vwv k < a- « i I V- A NVALK I!:RI;R> NO °},|I^ITIO1' t,rim- ^1 RAULAK°HMW*LI] X- VNU<O-<1 ^O.^ND^BROS SI ISJ PL ?SLi?? ?d'  | -?? to purchase. II.deed. IT y.su OAN prove to our Supervisor you have been W5'1 LE S ?'  ?'?bv (U,\ SJL S^ARV II^S. 10 isojns. r?ss.J ? L>NV WE will ma k. y.u present of your rh.?. ? CREATSUMMERS?E I B REATSUMMERSALE ()lie o  CF.¡;T Sl.mMER SALE V CREAT SUMMER SALE ML Every one of 11. IS wonderful assortment of new. beautiful garments PR,CE )B& X sssns. 7gns s?"i' 4gns. Lj -çI-¡¡-7i-] WINDOWS NOW ,"> ';$- SALEBE91NS « DRESSED. SSSSSP* T-MHM,S TFSRB,SDSAV Y" W "A'A'I_  _À" -,i- i.>:L"q  .??th   ? I SEE  & 'an. SEE I I 3 j WINDOWS I &E????j??g??? j WINDOWS j S} ? ? i?.————.——— B?MCWBs7??eM<tt<eoTKw<OOM<tp?ovtMCB?. '?.— ?) T I — '• BRANCH&S> TKI^QUOKQUT LONDON scPeioviNC&s. —[ SJ 25, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT,UIXSSM.) | 9 (HALL'S STORES NIGHTINGALE. 3 Stow Hill Newport. I MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS About Half-price. Beet in the world at lowest prices. POULTRY CORN UP IN QUALITY, DOWN IN PRICE: 3/- PER PECK. XjTARM & GARDEN SEEDS, all guaranteed r NEW. SEED POTATOES ARTIFICIAL MANURES. All at lowest possible prices, consistent with good quality. LARGEST STOCKS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE, AND LOWEST PRICES A. J. WIBBERLEY, CORN A SKED MERCH NT, 50 Cross St., Abergavenny. BREATHE FREELY. NosnoLINE" Nasal Specific quickly corrects stuffiness, snuffling, nasal disharge, and obstructions in nose and throat of children and adults. Use it to pre- vent and cure Cold in the Head. Influenza, Nasal Catarrh, and Hay Fever. Of leading Chemists everywhere 1/3 (by post 1/5). Sold by H. T. T. Roberts, 56 Progmore-street, H. Shackleton, 9 Cross-street, R. M. Williams, 51 Cross-street, Abergavenny T. B. Dougall, Bethcar-street, A. Williams, Church-street, Ebbw Vale. JESSE PRITCHARD, PRACTICAL BUILDER, 1, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, AUBBOAVENNY. Every description of bmlctmg Work promptly exe- ontea. Tarda and Patfc& Asphalted Cemented or Gravelled at moderate charges. Careful attention Riven to all Jobbing Work. Heating Apparatus, Boiler and Grate Firing a speciality A Trial Ordw r*«t>wttT!i)v t H. BASIL JONES, DENTAL ROOMS, 12, CROSS STREET, (Second Floori. < ABERCAVENNY. HOURS 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. THURSDAYS: 10 a.m. to 1 p m, CONSULTATIONS FREE. MODERATE CHARGES. REPAIRS completed in 3 HOURS. DELIABLE FURNITURE of every description HI BEST AND HI CHEAPEST DOWNES Frogmore St. Abergavenny REDWOOD'S BREAD AND CAKES PERFECTION Redwood's Hygienic Bakery Flannel Street. WANTED to purchase ANTIQUE TV Furniture, China, Glass, Old Sheffield Plate, Pewter, Brass, Bracket and other Clocks, Sporting Prints and Engravings, etc. Particulars by post will receive prompt attention. HARRY LYONS, ROTHER HOUSE, UEIUTEim. COLLECTORS are invited to com- municate with the above, who has several pieces for sale which may be seen by appointment