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t??t/ "?M&    ? Grea^se'-stairio or; paper may be removed by T:-e:k" B a::16 o paper be removoo by applying a coating of P,)-cle-rad pipeclay óalllp enough to a: a I :e it stick. To clean an euarnelled. bath, take a lump of corbmon suit and a little paraxon oil; rub the mixture briskly over the enamel with a tfinnel, polishing it after with a soft, A 4 a? *ter w  a ;i4-, f t, cloth. If the liver you buy for a dUh seems tough, before c<>okiug allow it to simmer gently over a very low heat for hali an hour. Then prepare as desired. Cse a loofah mop for washing up if you dislike anything that "holds the grease. I^oofah mops are useful for scrubbing veget- dv)LCS( too. Wheti dishes used for cooking have become dUeohmred, rub theiu with damp salt until ail stain is removed. To fiil up floor cracks, immerse newspapers in cold water, squeeze dry, and stafi -into the cracks. Bread should be stored in an earthenware crock, covered with a lid which allows air to penetrate The crock ohould be kept in the cook^t available pla.ce. Save every bit of oold porridge to make oatmeal pudilings. Y Oil c:tn add a little grated cheese to the^e puddings and bake them in the oven, or make an oatmeal pud- ding of chopped onions and herbs. ON CAKS-Basii:#. I If you find your cake rising in a cone in the centre, you may be sure your oven is too lot. Coarse granulated sugar gives a hard -crust and a eotmse texture. ver leave a. cake standing in the paa in which it is fcaked for even a minute. The steam cannot escape, and a gocd cake will be made heavy in tnia wuy. 11 AIU- {; PlWLSn:.R:m FTTRNITUP-E. I The best way to clean a hair-seated sofa is to take it out into the open air and beat it all over with a cane, tckmg care not to hit Tiard enough to damage upholstery. As the dust rises to th44 surface, and becomes visible, sponge oil with a soft duster wrung mt in a weak solution oi axuaonia and ,-water. The duster must be wrung- until it is onlv just damp, awl must not be allowed to -wet the hair. Repeat the beating ,and ■wiping away of the dust until no more can "be brought out, and finish by giving a good '.Tubbing with a soft, dry duster. Apply a ht-t? furniture polish, t? the woodwork to .jbrightcii it up- it up THE CUP TUXT CZEKHS. I One small spoonful of tea f^r each person, df properly prepared, makco a well- favoured, refreshing beverage;. Follow this Tule when making tea for several people at ■once, but if ytiu want a pot for one a lar-,e spoonful ? sufficient. Be careful about the dll the kettle until it u .quite time to put the water on to boil. Hinge the kettle, fill it up with fresh water, and boil it quickly as possible. The instant the "water boils, pour it on. When warming your tea-pot, it isn't enough to j List ffinse it out with hot water. Warm it by all means with hot water, but see that it is dry before you ipnt the tea in. When the tea is in, stand the pot iu a warm place, so that it keeps lot. This helps to bring cut the flavour of the tea. Crashed BKOOMS. ] Brooms should never be stood head down- wards, aa this causes the bristle,, to become «rushed and broken. The proper method is to haug brooms by a ring in the handle, thus raising the head from the floor. To re- store a crush-ed. broom, one of the best methods is to hold the head in the steam from a kettle. In a minute or so the bristles will rise to their original position; ,to hasten the broom's recoverv, pas the hand briskly to and fro across the bTLi tles. This method wil be lound elective for both bristle and fibre brooms. I DOING UP TASLECLOTHS. I Laundry ch2.1" ges are now so high th-t mauv people are compelled to do all they can at home. Tablecloths c*an be done quite easily. After washing, put a tcaapoonful of turpentine or paraffin into the copper water, .■which will remove all tea or ether 'stains. After ringing, pass the clotli through the wringer, and then into hot st-arcn. Let it soak for a few minutes', rill; the starch well k in. then fold ami again press through the wringer. This equalises tbes starch. Hang -w,zin g ,er. Tnis  double over the line to dry, the ends quite straight. Double the cloth before ironing, and irom from side to side, and hnidh with a pohshing iron. With a little practice you will get an excellent result. SOME USEFUL RECIfES. I SALTSD HKHRING WITH POTATOES.—Take two or three .lilted herrings, soak them ,well, and then dry them. Have a stone jar holding about a quart, and nearly, fill it with the fish and sliced raw potatoes. Pour a little water over, and cover the jar cJose. Bake in a moderate oven until the potatoes -are cooked. Sufficient for four oc nv-o per- sons. Pickled herrings must be soaked for a long time to remove excess of salt. Some cooks soak them Lillrtv-ix hours, changing the water occasionally. Others use milk •and water or lukewarm water, steeping the fish for six or seven houre, with a frequent chang e of water. The time for soaking must be regulated by the saltrs«ss of the herrings. MEXICAN; COBSHSAL CASES.Scald four cupsful maize hour fith a little boiling watah and sift into it two cupsful flour raised with one ^.uail teaspoonful bicar- bonate of soda, half teasooonful of calt, and ful melted fat, and mix to a stiff dough with milk (skim can be used). Shape quickly into small fiat cakee, and baka ten to fifteen minutes in hot oven or on a "griddle." The.ve cakes axe k.st. eaten hot. AN OLD FOWL.-u.. aa old fowl, half a T?urd cf bacon, one o:'Ün, one tomato. Hace the fowl in a c-J?erok', cut up onion and tomato and add to it. Roll up lightly tiM pieces of bacon nr.d add. Steam gently from two and a hrdf hours, acccrding to age. Serve with bacon r->u:id, auci ."train gravy over. MAIZE CKOCOI-ATE PUBBING.—Set one tea- fcpoenful of golden syrup, thrco tab«espoon- fuls of ground maize or maize .semolina, two breakfastcupfuls oÎ milk and water, cne -tablespoonful of chocolate powder. Boil the milk and water, and stir in the maize, cook for five minutes, stirring all the time; add the chocolate powder and golden ejrrup; cook for another ten xmauta, and pour into a dish. Serve hot or cold. Sco-vic3 WITHOUT SUGAII.—Three teacup- j fats o? aour, oDc loa?po-?ful of cream o? I tartar, half a. teaspoomn! ci carbonate of J ccda, a p?ce t? laBd about ?c b?e of a, A walnut, and a tea-spoonful of # syrup. Rub., well together, and mix to a stiff paste with < milk. RÜ:, on a floured tin in a medium- pized


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! . ■'*I SHAMROCK IV. .j






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