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COFFEE —— — ..— Roasted per lb. 1/6 J\ Costa Rica. 2/4 Pea Berry „ 2/6 We T. sTONEHAM Argyll Stores CoSee Specialist Abergavenny .t .« 'T.- T COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. Special Courses of rapid and ?'' and training in ???. "B???, ?? pe T??d ??'? ?? ?-'? other Commercial S?jects EScie?yc??ec? ? t? ?? ? ord,Mry d.l.genee. Students p.tpared for examinations, a?e?ut? sumed in September. ACCOUNTANCY. Systems of Book-keeping for different businesses provided. Periodical Audits and Supervision undertaken. Preparation of Income Tax Returns and Accounts, and Conduct of Appeals. R. u. JACKSON, ? ?-?????? Fellow Book-keeping Tem&en.' Aw-ociation. Fellow Institute of Commerce, Fellow National Shorthand Association, Fellow of the L?ondon Association of Accoulatanta. 'W"HIT'W'ELL, ABERGA VENNY. WE CLAIM for our Monumentat Work II' that it is Equat to the best London ??? Photos and Firms in DESIGN and QUALITY OF Inclusive WORKMANSHIP, but at least 50% Terms on Cheaper application ? GENUINB OFFBR OF MHMORJALS IN STOCK AT OLD PRICFS ROBERT PRICE & SONS ADJOINING CATTLE MARKET.- WE MOTE WITH THE TIM-ES. FIAJSTOB By the Leadicg Londen Makers. t. GRAMOPHONES! CA&H or F-,Lwz P AYMF.N'J' sv.TRK. j HEINS & CO., LTD., THE ALL BRITISH FIRM. 23 Frogmore Street, ABERGAVENNY. E. A. PEAKE, FLORAL HALL, CROSS ST., FOR Wreaths, Crosses, Chaplets, Anchors, or any design. Bridal Shower. Opera Presentati(\.ns, and other Bouquets artistically made up of tSe choicest flowers in season, at the shortest.notice. New and Reliable Seeds have stood the test for over 30 years. Estimates given for Table, Church De- corations. Wedding Parties &c. JESSE PRITCHARD. PRACTICAL BUILDER, I, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, ABERG-A.VEKKY. Every deaeription of 43nilding Work promptly oxe. oated. Y&rdB and Paths Asphalted. Cemented or Mttveued at moderate chargeB. CareM attantior given to all Jobbing Work. ? Rc"iug Apparatne, Boiler and Crate Fixing a speciality. A Trial Order reepectMly soUcited !ii ? The Welshcmn'3 Favourite. MABON Sauce 'I kW ..4.. good <M <f< Name. $ DONf FAIL TO GET IT. Mc.r.lkJ<.R'CJI"!I, St. P" s< I DEUABLE P?URN!TURE of every description t!? BE?T AND I ? CHEAPEST t DOWNES Frogmore St. I Abefgavenny I REDWOOD'S I BREAD AND I CAKES PERFECT ION Redwood's Hygienic B&kery I; Flannel Street. W. H.BUTT j —FOR— ¡ Hats, Caps, Ties, Coitars, Shirts, and j Gent's Underwear. Chitdren's Outfitting a speciality. Hf&H STREET, ABERGAVENNY. THE ABERGAVENNY SIEAM LAUNDRY, GO*g Lm, Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. UNDHR NEW MANAGHMBNT. HIGH-CLASS WORK. ? REASONABLE CHARGES. Address Miss TAYLOR, Manageress. Messrs. Jones & Co. Havilig returned from London, are now showing The Latest West-End Styles —IN— Gowns, Coat Frocks, Costumes. i Fur Lined. Fur Trimmed & Fur Coats. LAR6E SELECTION OF TWEEDS !H NEWEST DESIGNS. Ladies' and Chitdren's MUHnery. BANK HOUSE, ABERGAVENNY. (F. TREVOR JOMES. PropHetor) <; rjEUSS JHAI?PY COUPLE' I FELL DEEPLY IN LOVE WttH GOODS SUPPLIED BY BEVAN & CO., LTD., Pontypoot, Newport, Cardiff, &c., AND THE RESULT ? THAT THEY HAVE A MOST COMFORTABLE HOME. IMMENSE SELECTION. NEWEST DESIGNS. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. I EVERYTHING FOR FURNISHING. DELIVERIES FREH TO ABERGA.VENNY & DISTRICT FROM ALL BRANCHES. -1t 1.\40RGAN & :E'VA:!STS THEE SUPPLY STTCMRJES, Abdvgn7srerilmy and HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN OFFERING Very Fine LIGHT DINNER ALE AMONTILLADO 6,1- per Dozea Pint Bottles AND MANZANILLA HEREFORDSHIRE SHERRY OlDER ? ALSO SOME S/6 per DoMm Piat Bottles. J Choice Old MADEIRA. BOTTLED 188¡. STILL WHITE WINES PRICES ON APPLICATION. 30, per Bozea BottAes. PERSHORE CO- IOP. FRUIT I MARKET, LTD. 9 PERSHORE, WorM. WE HOLD SPECIAL SALES OF EGGS. EVERY THURSDAY: BOXES SUPPLIED. I. C. ARNOLD CRAPP, Afa"ager. 1 P.O 30 Abefgavenay. Telegrams: Stanley, Abefgaveoay. CHAS. P. STANLEY, BLACK LION YABD, ABER6AVEMNY. Alw&ys a Bwyet of Iroo, Brasa, CepperJ Lead, Zinc, Pewter, Speiter, G<m Metal, Ragt, Bones, Rubber Bottles, RabWtISkina. etc.. etc. BSST PMCC t&VSN. Upon receipt of Poat Catd wtU wait upon yow Mnmediately. ALWAYS NUMEROUS ARTtCt.ES FOR SAIA. R. M. WILLtAMS, LTD.. l Chemists & Opticians !———————————————— ??? ??? <? ? EYESIGHT TESTED Occulists' All PrescnptioRs Repairs Accurately Promptly Dispensed. Executed. FULL RANGE or SPECTACLES AND LENSES IN STOCK —  S?tet Cross <St., Aber?avenny YE OLDE FYRME. WILL. EVANS, I SCULPTOR, 2 Brecon Road, ABERGAVENNY. Compare my work with others and not be misled by bluff advertisements, as all I want is a fair price for an honest job. < Unequalled for accurate work in' MASOKRY, CARVING & LETTER!NG,! as I specialize in this one business alone, and it is impossible to put up a first-class job and give satisfaction at shoddy prices.; -————————.————— COR PURE HOME BREWED ) ALES AND STOUT, WtNES AND SPIRITS TRY THOMAS DELAFIELD, KtNGS ARMS, ABERGAVENNY. I, —— Large Selection of —— I WRITING PADS, GENTLE- MBN'S POCKHT BOOKS & j —WALLBTS IN inATHtR. —— A New Range of —— PHOTOGRAPH & OTIIER -———— FRAMHS.————— MORGAN & CO., ? C'HRONICLE OFFICE. VEGETABLE PLANTS. CauMower, Cetery, Cucumber, Brussels Sprouts, Tomatoes, Vegetable Marrows. Savoys, Cabbages, Kates & BroeceH attaH/-per 100. Bedding Plants! Beddiag Plants I Ceraniums, BegetMas, Ca!eeMar!as, Mar- gurietes, Heiiotrope, DahHa, Violas, Lobelia, ASrs, Shocks, &c. Insecticides, X Potato W&sh., KaLakiHa., Abol, Ex All, &c. Bordorite, Sulphate of Copper, and Pure Waabiag' Soda. Wraths, Crosses, Beuqaets & Cut MeweM. HENRY PITT, (F.R.S.S.) Brecon M. & Old Mursertes, AbergawMBy. Licensed Agent to stock &Qd aeH Poisonoas Cem- ponBeta for use ia Hofticaitore. Tel. N<. H. New Grates soon pay for themselves apart from increased warmth and comfort, and J are astonishingly cheap at !!OBE!!T PRICE & SONS9 LION STREET & PARK ROAD< District Agents for the Celebrated Oakeley Slates, and the firm for all Building Materials, Timber, &c.