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COFFEE Roasted per lb. 1/6 Costa Rica 9 2/2 Pea Berry 2/4 W. T. STONEHAM, COFFEE SPECIALIST, Argyll Stores, Abergavenny. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. The secret of success in acquiring a knowledge of Commercial Subjects lies in the efficiency of the system of Tuition adopted. IDEAL COURSES of thorough instruction in all Commercial Subjects provided, including Short hand, Book keeping, Typewriting, Business Methods, Arithmetic, English, Secretarial Work and Practice. ENROL NOW FOR AUTUMN SESSION. R. H. JACKSON, Fellow Society of Commercial Teachers. 1, el low Hii, -k-k"pi,,g Teatherie A Mociation, Fellow Institute of Commeerse, Vrilaw N iL, ioual Shorthand Association, WHIT WELL. ABERGAVENNY. We claim for our MONUMENTAL WORK that it is equal to the best London firms in DESIGN and QUALITY of WORKMAN- SHIP. but at least 50% cheaper. G snuine offer of Memorials in, stock at old prices. Photos and inclusive terms on application. ROBERT PRICE & SONS, Adjoinin.g Cattle Market. ft Move with the Times PIANOS By the leading London Makers. Gramophones. > 2,000 Records. AGENTS FOR "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" REGORDS & MACHINES. Cash or HE INS & Co's. Easy Payment System. HEINS&Co. LTD., The All-British Firm, Broad St., and Widfmarsh St., HEREFORD. AND Frogmore St., Abergavenny. I DOWNES I i BEST & CHEAPEST I FOR RELIABLE I FURNITURE I I OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FKOGMORE ST. ABERGAVENNY. I REDWOOD'S BREAD AND CAKES PERFECTION. t, I Redwood's Hygienic Bakery. I.. I GENTLEMEN'S SUITS I JUVENILES' SUITS I LADIES' COSTUMES PATTERNS AND DESIGNS ON APPLICATION ( W. H. BUTT, Tailor and Outfitter, 7 & 8 High St., Abergavenny. THE ABERGAVENNY STEAM LAUNDRY, CO., LTD., Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE CHARGES. Address: Miss TAYLOR, Manageress. BANK HOUSE SUMMER SALE NOW PROCEEDING. UNi Great Reductions in all Departments. JOISTES 00- (F. TREVOR JONES, Proprietor) DO YOU CONTEMPLATE MATRIMONY ? If so, you should marry and furnish your home with He let possible delay, for lu, iiittire is continually becoming scarcer, and the indications are that for a con- siderable time AFTER THE VICTORY furniture will be altnbst unobtainable. tAt their Seven Branches and numerous Reserve Warehouses throughout South Wales, BEVAN & CO., LTD., Wales' Largest Furnishers, Newport, Pontypool, Cardiff, Ugs-W still" have immense stocks at reasonable prices. IMENSEKSELECTIONS. RELIABLE 64MOUIL ALL REQUIREMENTS* I Free Delivery in Mergavwny and Otetrlci. I is/Loxiarj^N & EfV ANS THE SUPPLY STORES, Abergavenny and Crickhowell, HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN OFFERING Very Fine LIGHT DINNER ALE AMONTILLADO 6/- per Dozen Puit Bottle-s. AND MANZANILLA MANZANILLA HEREFORDSHIRE SHERRY CIDER CIDER ALSO SOME 4/6 per Dozen Pint Bottles. Choice Old MADEIRA. BOTTLED 1887. STILL WHITE WINES PRICES ON APPLICATION. 30/. per Dozen Bottles. THE WH ITE SISTERS GIVE LESSONS IN French, Pianoforte, Violin & Mandoline, Painting, French Painting, Poker-work, Needlework .0 Children and Adults, both ladies and gentlemen They take nlao yonng I&dies who have left school for nccou) pli-h menta, French &od Needlework at moderate charges. FRENCH CLASSES are bold. Terms: 12/6, if CI&6 iB composed of at Ismt six memberoi 15/ if only fonr members. For further particulars Apply to The REV. MOTHER SUPFRIOR, I Pea-y-punad Honee. P 0 30 Abergavenny. Telegrams: Stanley, Abergavenny. CHAS. P. STANLEY, BLACK LION YARD, ABERGA VENNY. Always a Buyer of Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Pewter, Spelter, Gun Metal, Raga, Bones, Rubber Bottles, Rabbit Skins, etc., etc. BasT PRICE GIVES. Upo* receipt of Post Card will wait npoa yoa immediately. ALWAYS NUMEROUS ARTICLES FOR SAIJL R. M. WILLIAMS, LTD., s Chemists and Opticians I (Opposite the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny) EYESIGHT TESTED. I R '+1:; "'}'t"f'   I' r: 'i; 190- f I' -t'- "h l ? :??'?_ ?'' /i" I! I r OCCUUSTS' ALL !i J\ OCCULISTS' REPAIRS   \A h PRESCR!PHONS 7' ''1'' /1 ifyt ACCUBATELV PROMPTLY »ír /1  ACCURATELY I Al/" (4. t. ), P ¡:¡l-: "fY l'i"1" ,II EXECUTED. Mfc. Wl? DISPENSED. I  ?u? ? PULL' RANGE OF SPECTACLES & LENSES IN STOCK. 1- y- YE OLDE FYRME. T WILL. EVANS, SCULPTOR, 2 Brecon Road. ABERGAVENNY. i t h ottier-, -in d not Compare my work with others and not be misled by bluff advertisements, as all I want is a fair price for an honest job. Unequalled for accurate work in MASONRY, CARVING & LETTERING, as I specialize in this one business alone, and it is impossible to put up a first-class job and give satisfaction at shoddy prices. JESSE PRITCHARD, PRACTICAL BUILDER, I 1, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, ABERGAVENNY. 5 Fonry description of Work promptly ere i ented. Yarda &t.at Paih3 Asphalted iieaa^ntod 01 Gravelled at moderate charges. Cirefn! .-ttentior glven to all Jobbing ^->rb I Heating Apparatus, Boiler and Grais Fixing a speciality. A Trial Order respectfully solicited NO COUPONS NEEDED. WE HAVE SPARE RIBS FOR THAT BROKEN UMBRELLA. The Umbrella Repair Depot: It. J. HARRHY, 5 HIGH STREET, HAIRDRESSER & TOBACCOKIST.^ VEGETABLE PLANTS. Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Brussels Sprouts, Tomatoes, Vegetable Marrows. Savoys, Cabbages, Kales & Broccoli all at 1/- per 100. Bedding Plants! Bedding Plants I Geraniums, Begonias, Calceolarias, Mar- gurietes, Heliotrope, Dahlia, Violas, Lobelia, Asters, Stocks, &c. Insecticides, X Potato Wasb, Kalakilia, Abol, Ex All, &c. Bordorite, Sulphate of Copper, and Pure Washing Soda. Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets & Cut Flowers. 1 | HENRY PITT, (F n. L:f B.) Brecon Rd. & Old Nurseries, Abergavenny. Licensed Agent to stock a .d sell Poisonous Com. pounds for use in Horticulture. Tel No. 19. New Grates soon pay for themselves apart from increased warmth and comfort, and I are astonishingly cheap x at ROBERT PRICE & SOUS, LION STREET & PARK ROAD. District Agents for the Celebrated Oakeley Slates, and the firm for Jall Boildiag Materials, Timber, &c.