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-7-t XC fJIr. A ALF- r E :iN i A WORD. One Three > !3 i 0 ?.rds ? 6 1 0 If) wo-di 0 8 1 4 20 words 0 1'J 1 8 24 words 1 o20 fiO words 1 3 ••• p i-, ouiy to prepaid advertise- rr'ata. Advertisements not paid for rv.?n IV ;r. be charged extra. The Publishers do not guarantee the insertion ot an advertiscmeiit in any ep.,cl^p:: f^oe, or all, and vrill not be liable for any loss occa.sioned by the failure of an advertisement to appear in an- speeif-ed issne, «r at all. They also reserve the right to refuse insertion of ftii advertisement. Whilst .jcreat- pams arc. taken to secure y accuracy, the Fa'olhbfr* wonld impress upon ad v or risers the need for legible writing. In any case they only insert *dv&rtisem«nts upon the condition that tliy do not accept responsibility for in- accuracies, nor for any consequence arising therefrom. V-CELLANEOTJ8- ^AVI-oir CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Best prices paid by Paster, 1. Upper Ann street. Call or send postcara. seiid I)O?- ?'-li-I. ■flrA^T"D Second-hand FURNITURE Yy B'< -cle?, Gramophonp? Old Gold and Silver, etes., etc. In fact, we buy (and sell) anything that has any value. Whole houses of Furniture bought outright; distance no object.—Silverstone, 35-36, Murray street, Llanelly. ,.r-; H GRN-W VAN DO TIE pullet., laid V from November to April after having K^swood Poultry bpiee con- taining ground insects. Packets )Cl.. 1 —Phillips and Co., Grocers, Thomas street,, Llanelly. ADAME BRiIAN?iA, LADY ??- Phy.-Loguomist; satisfaction guar- ").6" .t.JI"" (.t t.. L. ;> ll ?te?d to  'all" Hours, 10.30 to 0 p.m. 4, I :) 1' )¡-, -7 "Y^VANTED, HOUSEMAID, nci under V LJr- .lln(:l' ?? IS. Ap?iy, Mrs. Jack Evans, Cac- glas, Llanelly. 7AN1LD in?aediar.?'. gcod ashe r- v.c?u; I-.vo day. prc fen?d. Ap- ply Sbr (.1mc. '0. I Xlf Ta.% Ij iJ, COOX-U EN JJi AL a.td '? ??;?. r'¡¡'Gè,r;ii:C:))1y, r:'s'l ") I): 1. _l WiA:ams, L'ias, LHmUGn, near Blandly. WANTED, Strong GIRL as hcusp-  T.? gentleman's family, ae IS Appiy, Mrs. Ncviil, Glyneoed, Llanelly. V; z'AN'i LD, good GIRL ioi housework, V? sl.-p?t. A-?uy. ?'rs. Lane, Ccnio.-tic"- Chuich sir;. et. TANTED, a NURSE GIRL, from S j bfar Othce. '??. RANTED jm?.jdmkly, a respectable D?Y L, a 1) o ? i 16. Apply,— tngrield, 12, Coldstream street. J?! i CA-Ti'-bNo. "1 diat,-y, general Y V CLERK (inelegible), for Shipping Ofiic-o one with know ledge of shorthand ani p. *g preierrcd. Appij-, OMi-c. MUiUtib, like Ladies' Real m, Llau- 1.,1 J ,.1.c .u.k ',("ill, Ai' JJVJL c ?., !<.„ a vacancy for a smart, w.L-. i??:? L?l ?s APPRENTICE lo the Drapery. Trade thoroughly taught. Wki^s-^ to commence, Apply personally. j -4- I.i" J'nH"r' ,or H- I'D U EbblNG.— A anted, an IJ.i- j JUT ?'?-??,——?-cv-a? an • 2or,/i wages to suitable V n G. Eab-v. Givraiield Budd- ings. l^rr V^'TUD. ?c?.i?i rTmd GiRL.? Aupiy Mrs. Casgoirne. Jiark t c- stre. f. L. D. D. at euce. 2 LALiEb t "V £ a a■■■t-va'ls for boot trade; age is '"v :2.), Apply, J. Auckland, Stepney StiOct. -t?TANTED? a Strong ERRAND BOY, W .??. ?? drive pcuy and deliver.— Owrn and Bc.vser. + -MJBCF.LLANE'")US. rpo E'?BUILDING L 4 ND, Ty'rfran j p.? ?'-?—-1 For full particulars, apply Messrs. Roderick and Khoards, t c,, F'-t.ite Agents, 2a, Thomas »creet, Llaneily. T" I-^r)T> vj r.K, hv private featy, D U Ejj- L 1'~ ?r;T'?r. PL'?d.&a:.t street, Solicitor, tlar-1' 1^011 SALE by private treaty, Lease- ..L\I .DD .J 1:.1J.L d" '-c.Åu'l. JL bert Ct:: -ut, L?ar.e-!v Apply. V\ Dalies. =o-itor, Lianeb — T%r? f V^ •' "\70UNG COTTLE ie^ uc ROOMS; YQc, COI'L: n:'ci,, ,R?O:l: hen———I-N?-P. ?.Dohu road. Write Box M.S., S?r Office. ¡"'III.: r 7 ANTED Comfortable APART-! v V' I'i iS for goiitloinan; use of d:. lie tv-rins aud pari-ieulary to Box 2, Star Oilice. C. 1 1 'd: 11 1 -0, 'l.. use of bathroom and kicehen; in goad locality. Apply. Box 44 Star Office. OITTING and Bedroom, suitable for k married couple and gentleicaii l.1.(.t.J jtl ¿ <.1. 0' 'Ult. dining out. Apply, Star Office. '?OUNG MARRIED WOMAX, no cnil- y 1'1 h.c1. nIL LüL',  dren, husband nwny, would Ij!(\ j another in same position to share rooms with her; shop assistant not objected to. Apply, Star Office. f" 10MFORTABLE ROOMS for two young Ladies; Mount Pleasant dis- trict. Apply, M., Star Office. T ODGIXGS for re';pecbhle Gcntlpman. -? Apply, 12, Bridge street, Llandly. rilV,"9 Furnished ROOMS to let; in "geed locality. Apply Star Office. WANTED, at once, comfortable Fm- ''V r?s?cd APARTMENTS for married couple; good locality; near town. Apply It 11'\1" C: C\ rr\ n LOST AND FOUND. LOST in Llanelly on W&dnesday, Oct. -? i?ch, Silver WAR BADGE (No. 427). Finder rewarded on returning to Star Office, Llanelly. OST, on Monday, October 22nd, Gold Wristlet WATCH, with strap, be- tv een Yaughan street, Lane's, baker, ('lurch, street. Finder rewarded on re- turning to "Llanarth," Victoria road. E. HAWKINS, 5 THE London TyreSpeeiaJist to inform you that he has OPENED A RECEIVING OFFICE .l 1 I;) i 'Ii U, Š" 3 i Ii- JI-A ::J.4 .). t.ï j. Jt." AT York Chambers, TOWN HALL SQUARE, !& Tube Repairs, Vulcanising and Tyre i'le-treadmg. Inquiries Invited. Price on appiicntion. — j C)fhco niid DUKE STREET, SWANSEA. 11' r.  &?? -.? 3 ? R8??? &?? w?y It's a loag, loag way  TO GO TO FIND A CHEAPER PLACE I FOR ?  ij;7 -f.' ,¡ 1: I m?? !J, rj ç; Writing Pads THAN TIIE  THAN THE ">- 'Ir' Star StatIc?erySiores VAFGRAN STREET. _1P"'= ,= ATHENAEUM HALL LLANELLY. Grand r.  ? 1 t G h l&?< ? icO; tL' ??? ??? ??? T ???? ?? "so ? Eisteddfod, _Æ::œr- CATUnDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1917. Under the auspices of the Attested Married Men's Association. Programmes now ready, to be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, W. J. HUGHES, 38, Burry Street, Llanelly. tjlVERYTHING in Stock in IlouseholJ :.J Ironmongery, including Mangles, large and Table Mangles, Lamps and Stoves, Blowers, Fire Guards, Fenders, and Coal Vases; Portable Boilers; also Bicycles, both Gents and Ladies, all at lowest prices. I SPECIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT MY LARGE STOCK.. D. Hughes, Ironmonger, Station Road. Money Adva need  PROMPTLY AND PRVATELY FROM k3 upwards on simple note of hand. Reasonable rates, and easiest terms of repayments. Write or call, to— I), GEOFFREY (Formerly trading as L. Benjamin), STRETTON HOUSE, COLLECE SQUARE, LLANELLY. *??.? ?7! ?'?-?  ? "T4 '"s ??F?a??? 1 ??-??- j? ?? ??<?? r    ? ??? !g" ?'? ??? ji?? a ??? i  ,j "If" "4 ".cr. y-' 1c. é\ I-¡'" :I i.< c-i: ;}7 t- ii,g;#y ('.Íi. (; U U "h) .¡ ffi' -I '1'' 'iii ,I i:1íiJ WAR is cos sing considerably mora this year than last year, and _4 4- >I ou. '.J.1. W, "1. ic. the cost is still growing. Thersfors it is necessary that everyone 41-han they did last year, and lend their savings to the State. Those of us who are not in the Array or Navy must help to win the War by lending to the State all the money wa do not require for absolute necessities. Buy all the Savings CsitiSeates you can. Increase your holdings of Certificates if you already have some, and if you are not a holder start buying them to-day. You can get them at any Post Office, Bank, or through your Local \:lIar Savings Association. Keep each 15/6 Certificate for five years and the Government guarantees to pay you £1 for it in cash. If you need the money in the meantime, you can cash your Certificates at the Post Office. They increase automatically in value year by year. Save at least 6d. a day for this purpose. When ycu have 15/6 buy a Certificate. Each member of a family can held up to 500 of them. They are eyitive'y f?ee from Income Tax. It is the best r/ay of saving to prepare for a hoy's start in life, er to start a small fcusmcc-e. Save for the rainy day; it is sure to come sooner or later. Saving helps you towards success in life. Begin at once to save and so help your country and yourself. 17 E ;Z£î;;2:,=-.ii;?"zf:f.!iih7J¿0¡ifi/t:kt¡éi  ;k;wJ.>Jr7?'J' §   9??? H I ¡¡.>[ij .(". Qi, | /*>- I p# f rj> f <f% I ?. ? ??? ?.? ? .?? ? ? ?  ? ,??. ¡,1& ?? .??      -iÎ" :> c"'1 ti it?f:" 1,)$ l' .y- 1 LtcL? Llanelly. g !f -1 n T ¡r-. 1 r '.i¡' "7 ;1 F Tin"?h ? FIRM THAI LOWERS PRICES FIRST, | t:. £.L. 1 .:J.1.Hl .I!. 1. 1.1. ï L.u'??? A&?L?-j ?'i??i.  y 11 .1' "i f ? Make P?si aFs? Si?r?s V 'B SMMr ?   .¡; U Óç,,]. tI I Retailer. I Under Lord Rhondda's Scheme? the |1 I Food OSee wiU issue a SUGAR CARD H to each Householder after the 5th jRg ? October. | ? The Scheme does not ?naHy come in- S jS to operation until the 30th December. || H 11 ld .) t -¡'" ? Householders must regls er with 1 H their Groeer or Provision Merchant? ? ? and leave with him a portion of the II ? Card issued by the F00a Omee. ¡; l..I' i' .l 1< | IirasehoSde*fs are free to select their > í1 C"> Od' n = ,].. Cw? G?oce?' c? r?cv?Ion Merchant ? Feelers' Stores? Ltd., welcome Lord 9 ? Rhondda's Scheme? and ??iU do all in ? ft 1 c & their to Yr.a-k- i'(.  | their power to make it a success. | ? Peglers' Stores, Ltd., have now 'i1 .c I ? opened at e?"??-c?h of their Branches a ,?g; C" I!.J ,'1!6 .d 5; t- f") o-f ,<-A" f=".t;< J 11 j register for the names and addresses fjj of theip customers. t1 .<\ ,d. ,J.. "'JU ,ç. Householders should now register g |j their names and addresses at the I nearest Branch. I Bring your Card to Feglers' Stores, Ltd., 'A j¡:i.J1b JW'<'A.z. "lU II..I. ,-£;t4 1t..#t.0¡¡,i7, .I< I as soon as you receive it. tij T L. r.\ r:¡ ?fV M L A'" ,JJ,t &&; ¡;ii'í h'" ç'O!: "b,; .i ,t'N '?; 3 t"-( j Piffiers'Stores j :ta '1E2 f;¡}. (1. T 11 Ltd., Llanelly. i- I If.¡.?2.t. You must know the Newly-opened Ö u 1 .¡v LJJ. 'CI J. v J W v 1.J e place for G-enuine Value- ;t -L r '¡-' j r oJ J L ,1 'tL- -.II.. ':J.L ¿ GREEN'S :<f:B =. .4 "1;' ??-?-:?.S ? ? ?? H ?'f ?  A? ..? ? ?? j "?? ? "?,——?S 1.i' ,¡).\ 4 â f: i!i\' -â ?—  tc'i1 A á ¡J  J If' ? ¡: fr.j; -I 4-N? f¥"" 1\ ho:j 't i.,?j ,;JJ I 1 1 OJ!: C t L 1 ';1 ¡'Next d:or'A 105St., \YE SPECIALISE IN r' IT '3 "<, J fl, '? ? ?y ?? ??   'u??? ?' L1 ??i' es and .??? i??8 waFm?eoMeB?o?s. FOP Lowest Prices and Really Good Value Fo.r Lc?"est Priees ar!d Realty Good Varae ,j 0 -<? C 0 n e. ø ,i w e defy competition. COME AND INSPECT OUR CHOICE SELECTION R F "i'S. The Noted House for ( ¥.i, .¡I, n f fPf'b .P <i1r'f.\ tHO 0 bf\ íCt H, FOLKOViK   ? .1,  1. '-< ,r.. :p cl I Begs to inform the Public that he RE-OPENED with a Large Stock of Now and Second-hand BOOTS AND CLOTHING; -¡ <,¡ ,¡, 1 11 e fi l' r( t -i ,1 j?.?'?AtJ <i.?.i??-? ?A???.&A??.?'-? AT -— I 1!? £"" t I! ?7 f? ? ?? ? i '? ? '"? ? ?   -? v V? ??? .J' ?? G & (Opposite Mr. Evan Jones, Chemist). < T ;f'Jit1 à r: :iY\" oæ1' ,f Sr!f'" f'{W) 'f,o R: O. 'le'{I' jSV),< '>!A !1 if: MC" i i i j U 'f.fll j" H. (c1 4 A N. Co G l.,¡ 'i}'c C.,J,¡r; A,# \) q > Y A A I" I T D. 1 1 CAB AND CARRIAGE PROPRIETORS, I Tr' r'' 10-; 1\{" r1 ,'1'.T 7 Pc T i""i m"¡/i. 'I' l"f¡ "Ii r'. "i ('" J POSTING- AND JOBBING MASTERS, I ":w y rr ¡ø- I:i.i r:J I Iii .J rill r¡; !,j -:) 'llndertak-ers .Jt..A \!1:> _è' 2._ 4 AND I p !'e ,R, || COFtflFLETE FUS^ERAl, FURNISHERS. 1 ô t' ,Ij, <1 :;Y' ¡; u. 2J' r," l,¡ 't\ g.4 /;4 \.4' l,p" r'" "kõ t '-f; g!ii N' !ili œ Ii iI Ii' Q \,N:2 1.3 J. 1 THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS, I f ALL UHDERS will receive our PERSONAL SUPERVISION. g M Yiadding and Picnic Parties sptc-aily Catered fcr. I' 143. Miss M. JAMES, Maiiag,mg> Director. 1 '¡iiill ffl. '4  ?'  I ifffiasy Lea?. | DAVID DAVIDSON ?S??-?9  ?.i.??.? L?-?V?.L?jUi? i Fi?ANC!??, MAKES CEZK ADVANCES PRIVNU!Y and pro-mptlv from £3 Tl;:JW;l]'(l" tr) respectable householders at reasonable rates of interest. Distance no object. Easy repayments to suit convenience of borrowers. Mortgages arrangari. Applj person liy or by letter Lo ? ? ? ?,7 ?   ? ? ?' The Manag-ep, CLIFTON HOUSE, Queen Victoria Hoad, LLANELLY. Comraercial School ARCADE CExVjIBERS, LLANELLY. Re-opening After Summer Vacation. AUGUST 27th, 1917. COMMERCSAL TRAINING at the above School is directed by Experts. Courses include:— HIGH SPEED IN SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPEWRITING. BOOK-KEEPING. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. BUSINESS METHODS. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. LANGUAGES. Over 100 positions in Llanelly and dis- trict for this year up to date. I Banks, Corporations, Professional and I Commercial Houses are still making in- quiries. DAY AND EVEN'NC CLASSES. For further particulars, apply tho Head- master, Mr. E. T. Reos, or the Head- mistress, Miss L. M, Davies, f 1

[No title]


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