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iNEED OF NEW SHIPS. Perhaps it was nothing more tnan a coincidence that a few hours after the Harbour Trust were discussing the possi- bility of reviving the shipbuilding in- dustry in Llanelly, a new steamer, just purchased by local owners, entered the .North Dock. The "Xew Giyn," upon the acquisition of which ill". Coombs and Mr. Harry Evans are to be congratulated, is .one of the first fruits of the shipbuilding "hustle" that is now in full swing along our coast. The need of new ships to take the place of those sunk by German sub- marines is one of the most urgent calls before the country to-day, and it is of good aug 4ry that already, one ox the standard ships authorized by the Govern- ment is ready for-the sea. We had hoped that by this time, practical steps would -have been taken to inaugurate construc- tion in Llanelly seeing tha^ a slipway is already in existence. In view of the fact that the Shipping Controller is scouring the ports for suitable shipbuilding sites it is difficult to understand why he does not take over the local Slip. The Harboui Trust, of course, cannot undertake the ,enterprise. Their financial position, un- fortunately, precludes them from launch- ing out in this direction. There are plenty of enterprising engineers in the town, .however, who would be able to carry on the industry and would have no difficulty in securing the co-operntion of the iiuard of Trade. As Sir John Jcllicue pointed out a few days ago, the output of new ships is a question that concerns every one of us, and no measure that helps to make better use of our labour and our .machinery can be neglected. "W e who are secure in our homes owe it to the brave men who are dying hourly for us on land and sea and in the air to spare no effort to give them the weapons J with which to win the war for 11S." TH: HOUSE OF WINDSOR. f We are quite sure that public opinion, will applaud the Proclamation issued by the King. His Majesty has determined upon two important steps of great his- torical interest. One is to relinquish and t c, i ?-I discontinue both for himself and his descendants and for all other defendants of Queen Victoria who are subjects or these Realms the use of all German titles and dignities. No reasons are assigned in I, the Proclamation, but they iiro obvious. Germany in this war has broken the laws cf civilization and humanity as no belligerent had hithei to done for two hundred years. The impulse to them has come from the highest circles, where the maxim that CJormaay is bound by no considerations of honour where her interests arc concerned has been laid down, as a guiding principle' of State policy. Official Germany has put herself outsde the moral pale, and while Úe memory of her crimes is fresh, her titles and dignities are no longer titles and dig- nities of honour. His Majesty and the Royal House may well feel that there is now a deep gulf fixed between them and the Kaiser and the Royal and Princely Houses of Germany, and this is the best method of proclaiming to the world the full measure of the cleavage which has taken place. The King also announces that "henceforth Our House and Family shall be styled and known as the House and FamilJ". of Windsor." Again the same considerations must have been uppermost. While the most fer- ocious hatred of England, and the ruth- less. destruction of English life, civilian as well as military, by all means, whether fair or foul, have been preached as a moral duty incumbent upon every true German, it canriov have been any gratifi- cation to His Z-IajesLy's lcyal subjects to remember that he v. a-.» cf the House and Family of Sasm-Coburg-Gotha. 2ETHMANN HCLLWEC. No tears will be shed in this country 1. over the fall of Bethmann Hollweg. His quality was proved in his famous inter- view with the British Ambassador in Ber- lin on August 4th, 1914, "Just for a. word—'neutrality,' a word which in war time has so often been disregarded—just for a scrap of paper, he whined, "Great Britain was going to make war on a kin- dred nation who desired nothing better than to be friends with her." When this specious appeal fell on deaf ears, the vrheedler turned bully and asked whether the British Government had counted the cost of keeping their plighted faith. The man who sanctioned the outrage 0:1 Bel- j giurn while publicly admitting the wrong I clone, who exclaimed in his next breath that "necessity knows no ,and that Germany must "hack her way tl-ii-oti,rii," the man who has presided unmoved over the nameless abominations that fill the German roll of hishonour, may pass un- wept into the twilight haunted by the shades of previous Chancellors. Of his successor little is known and less need he said. By repute a Prussian official of a forceful type, he has yet to show his fit- ness for the office, and to prove whether he is more that a puppet put up to cover the play of powerful influences and in- terests. The disappearance of the one and the appearance of the other mark but a stage in the German "crisis." The f "crisis" itself continues, and will pass through many a phrise before Germany I acknowledges herself beaten and accepts peace on the only terms which the Allies can grant. I

iI Tip to the Military. I…


I',.! .Overstayed his Leave.…

iOccasional Notes I —.0——

The Boroughs. '

i Theft by a Girl.

Another Local HeroI

[No title]

I A Dangerous PracticeI

:Boys and the Apples.I

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