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THE WELSH MEMORIAL. 1I1 WHAT WILL PEMBROKESHIRE DO? ) Attitude of Mr. W. G. Eaton Evans. I Interesting Correspondence. I The following interesting correspondence bearing upon the attitude of some members of the Pem- brokeshire County Council in reference to the King Edward YII. Welsh National Memorial Scheme for the treatment of tuberculosis, which has passed be- tween Councillor W. G. Eaton-Evans, of Haverford- west, a member of the Pembrokeshire County Council, and Mr Gwilym Hughes, Cardiff, the secre- tary of the Memorial Association, has. been for- warded to us for publication Haverfordwest, November 19, 1913. WELSH NATIONAL MEMO-RIAL. Dear Sir,—As you have thought tit to address several circular letters to me as one of the members of the Pembrokeshire Council, perphaps you will not mintl giving me information on the following points: 1. It is presumed that the income of £6,300 belonging to the Memorial Association represents the investments of X200,(M collected and the X,,40,000 Wales's share for erection of a sanatorium. 2. When, therefore, the sanatorium is erected the iUvSOO will disappear out of the income account. 3. The estimated expenditure is put at X81,012 10s whilst the income, including the X6,300, is put at XSI,600, showing a surplus of £587 10s only, but after deducting the £ 6,300 a large deficiency is shown. How is this to be found? 4. If the X200,000 collected is not to be used in erection of a sanatorium where is the money to come from, as I presume the £ 80,000 will be quite insufficient ? 5. If the income is insufficient who is to find the deficiency ? 6. I have been unable to find out who are on the controlling Board of Management, but I am told that each County Council who will be giving 1:3,300 capital grant and an income of £ 800 will only be represented by one member, whilst anyone giving a donation of a couple of hundred pounds may be put on the Board. Surely this not reasonable. 7. Then again the counties who erected Allty- mynydd are not given any special benefit although it is admitted that this establishment is a valuable asset for the Memorial Commissioners. Yours faithfully, (Sgd.) W. G. EATON EVANS. Gwilym Hughes, Esq., Secretary, Memorial Chambers, Cardiff. DIFFICULTIES ELUCIDATED. Having formally acknowledged the receipt of the I above letter on November 20th, 1913, the Secretary of the Memorial Association, on the next day, replies as follows November 21st, 1913. Sir,—In further reference to yonr letter of Novem- ber 19th, I beg to send you herewith a copy of the Annual Report of my Association, which I think will give you full information on all the points you have raised in your letter. The following short replies to these points may, however, be of assistance to you. 1. The income of £ 6330 represents the interest received from an amount of X171,071 17s 5d the investments of the Association, which are set out in detail on page 15 of the statement of accounts which is attached in the form of an appendix to the annual report. It does not include any interest on what you term the X80,000 Wales's share for erection of a sanatorium." 2. It does not follow that when our sanatoria are erected the whole of the £ 6,300 will disappear out of the income account." I would call your attention to paragraph D capital expenditure on page 15 of the report, from which you will see that we estimate that the share to be provided by the Memorial to- wards capital expenditure on institutions will be about £ 54,000. Even when this amount is spent more than two-thirds of our investments will remain, and the income therefrom will appear in our accounts. 3. The reply to No. 2 disposes of the point mentioned in your third question. Any deficiency in the working of the national scheme will be found as to one half thereof by the Treasury and as to the other half by the County Councils. (See page 17 of the annual report). 4. The money for capital expenditure will be found by the Treasury and the Memorial Associa- tion without any call being made in respect thereof on the County Councils. 5. The reply to this point is covered by the replies to Nos. 2 and 3. 6. The annual report herewith sets out fully in pp. 127 to 135 the names of the Governors and the members of the Council of the Association The Governors meet once a year. The Governing Body is the Council. The Council consists of 80 members, and details of the constitution appears on page 13 of the annual report. From this you will note that of these 80 members, 32 are appointed directly by the County Councils and County Borough Councils and 21 are appointed directly by the Insurance Com- mittees. The 16 other persons are appointed as to one half by the Board of Governors and as to the other half by the Council. 7. The counties who erected Alltymynydd are being given special benefit in respect of the 25 beds contained in that Institution when it was banded over to the Memorial, for in the agreement between the Memorial and the Executive Committee of the West Wales Sanatorium, it was provided:- That until adequate provision for Sanatorium benefits for the whole of Wales and Monmouthshire shall be provided, priority of admission shall be reserved for patients of the three counties of Carmarthen Cardigan and Pembroke. I have, I tbink, answered all the queries you put to me, but if there is any further information I can give which does not already appear in the annual report which I am sending you, or if there are any points in that report upon which you would like to have some explanation, perhaps you would kindly write. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, (Sgd.) GWILYM HUGHES, Secretary. Councillor W. G. Eaton Evans, Haverfordwest. HOUSING AND DISEASE. Haverfordwest, January 7tb, 1914. Dear Sir,—I am obliged for your letter of the 21st November last and also for sending me a copy of th6 Committee's first report which appears to be a very elaborate one and must have cost a lot of money. From the report it would appear as if the Com- mittee had at their disposal plenty of accommoda- tion for all patients in Wales, but I am informed that the greatest number of them were in existence long before the National Memorial was started, and the Committee have no control over their manage- ment nor can they claim to send any patients to any of them except as an act of grace. It seems to me therefore that the report is most misleading. I also understand that when the National Memorial started their campaign they stated that if they could collect .£300,000 they would not ask the public for any more money. Now they have collected over £ 200,000 and with the capital grant of £ 84,000 the X300,000 is nearly made up-yet, they ask for all contributions from Insurance Committees (9d per head per every insured person) a id rate throughout Wales and an equivalent amount from the Treasury (the Hobhouse Grant). The Guardians at Mertbyr opened a new sana- torium a few weeks ago. This was built indepen- dent :of your Committee-am I to understand the latter are to have no control over pauper cases ? The paupers as a class contain a large percentage of consumptives and the scheme of your Memorial Committee will be quite futile unless they undertake the treatment of paupers. This would increase the Association's expenses enormously, but in any scheme for the conquest of consumption these above all others should be treated. In several counties in England the Sanatorium Onicer also acts as School Medical Officer and carries out some Public Health duties. Why can- not your Officers do likewise? This would be a great saving in expense and would give the rights to the Sanatorium Officer of entering all bouses which he has not -now. With further reference to your letter it seems to me that JeveD by your own admission the income will be insufficient by one third of £6,300 (about £ 2,000). From what source is this to be provided, as the half-penny is insufrlcient even with the whole ;E6,300 ? As regards the capital grant from the Treasury, this amounts to X84,000, if all the counties in Wales come into the scheme and continue in it, but otherwise this sum will be insufficient. From the outset I was always of the -opinion that the only way that tuberculosis could be controlled or stamped out was to start at the root and improve the dwellings and the ways of living of the people, the latter specially, as the former is receiving attention now. It is quite useless sending a patient to a sanatorium for a few weeks or months if he has to return to the same surroundings and the more I can learn about the Welsh National Memorial, the more I am convinced that I have no reason to change my opinion. I thank you however for answering my first letter, bnt I must tell you that I shall not support your views at the County Council. Ifours faithfully, (Signed) W. G. EATON EVANS. The Secretary, Welsh National Memorial Association, Westgate Street, Cardiff. BASED ON MISCONCEPTIONS. January 9th, 1914. Sir,—I thank you for your letter of January 7, acknowledging the receipt of my letter to you of November 21 last, in which I replied very fully to all the points which you raised in your letter to me of November 19. As you do not, in your letter of January 7, repeat the points contained in your letter of November 19,1 assume that my answers, together with the contents of our annual report, satisfy you. I am therefore very sorry to read in the concluding paragraph of your letter now in hand, that you are determined not to support the inclusion of Pembrokeshire within the scheme of the Association. This is all the more regrettable because all the fresh points raised in your letter of January 7 are obviously based on misconceptions. The annual report, with which you have been supplied, contains on page 17 the estimates of the Association in respect of the year 1913, shewing that the estimated total cost of treatment of all persons suffering from tuberculosis in Wales would be £ 80,000. This being so, it must be clear that the Association cannot, out of its own funds, find all this money, even had it at its disposal, which it has not, an invested fund of £ 300,000. It is true that the National Memorial, in organising the national cam- Paign for collections, declared that if a fund of *300,000 was forthcoming, there would be no need of I a second collection, but there was never any inten- tion that the Memorial,with a fund of £ 300,000 should extend free treatment to everybody in Wales suffering from tuberculosis. When the Memorial started, the only Institutions in Wales and Monmouthshire dealing with tubercul- osis were the West Wales Sanatorium with 25 beds, and the Penbesgyn Home with eight beds. To-day the Association has at its disposal 302 beds in hospital and 281 beds in sanatoria, and the large majority of these are in Institutions provided by or under the control of the Association. Your state- ment that the annual report of the Association is "most misleading" in this respect is quite nn- 1 warranted. The Association makes no differentiation against .paupers. The object of the Association being the abolition, the prevention and treatment of tuber- culosis, it seeks to extend treatment to all who are in need of it, and when all the Institutions of the Association are complete, there will be accom- modation for all sufferers. The Department Committee on tuberculosis have laid it down in their interim report that the Tuberculosis Officer shall be a whole time officer, independent of control by any other medical man so far as bis clinical duties are concerned, and the Association is carrying out the policy thus laid down. The answer to your query as to the sources of income of the Association is supplied in para- graph F Income for maintenance," which appears at the bottom of page 16 and on page 17 of the annual report. It is contemplated under the scheme that any deficit will be provided jointly by the County Councils and the Treasury. The connection between the housing conditions of the people and the prevalence of Tuberculosis is a very close one, and I am very glad to read your remarks on this point. The County Councils and the District Councils are armed with very consider- able powers to deal with this phase of'the question, and the Association hopes to bring its influence to bear upon local authorities to carry out their statutory duties in this respect. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Sgd.) GWILYM HUGHES Secretary. W. G. Eaton-Evans, Esq. Secreta.ry. Solicitor, Haverfordwest. .———————————————


-1 Pembrokeshire New Scheme.j



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