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Mr. EDWARD RIBBON, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, and PIANO- FORTE TUNER, LelilBons given on the VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANOFORTE. MERLIN HILL, HAVERFORDWEST The Haverfbrdwest and Milford Haven Telegraph IS now on SALE, directly after Publication at Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SONS. New Milford and Pembroke Dock, and at E. J. WRIGHTS', 2, Dimond- ttieet, Pembroke-dock. BLAKEY'S BOOT PIIOTECTOKS NO TROUBLE TO FIX. Sixpence spent in them saves 10s. 00 NOT BUY VILE IMITATIONS. Agent: Mr. CHARLES MATHIAS, Dew Street, Haverfordwest. T":E c2eA. de VIS1TE, 2a. 8d; C' Six 1. 8a. C.rt? en?rfOf) to M in?e*. 5, Cabinet, ?. Sad Csrte with itarapi. Perfect copies "nd uri.?i?tt r?mrned free. London Photographic Co.,$)i. Tl« ;«jrit > roet, London. W. o. O. PHILLIPS. Man tfer. TCWLE'S PENNYROYAL & STEEL Plll FOR FEMALES quicklv correct all irregularities and rolieya. tke distressing symptoms so prevalent with the set. BOXf. b. lid. and 2R. td- of all Chemists. Sent anywhere for 16 01 14 Stamps, by the Mak(ir, E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Nottingham tm?'m'S ttf  ..?? PURELY VEGETABLE, Fcrftotly Harmless CsB? Will reduce from ??° to fiv .?aa? nd@ r wee acts on th: ?i?t)!? ".r:s'tgcet: ,I in its conversioninto Fat.  So?i d b Chemists. Send J|L lfi2|k ????i????? stwm I or pamphlet. aM?? ?????? Botanic Medicine Co-,  ??'-3L? 3 ??? Oxford-street,  ,.c-  "? London, W.C. L AVE IT IN YOUR, HOUSES, JEjL and l'bliow the advice of the eminent Doctors Prout" Stevehs, Morgan, Turley, Dowsing, Gibbon, Sparks, Ac., who hare borne unqualified testimony to the value of T XJ" AMP LOUGH'S PTBBTIO SALINK. It givof instant relief in headache, sea or bilious pi ou- ness, constipation, heartburn, scarlet and ether favors, smallpox, mcasle.i, oruptivo and skin complaints. Use no substitute. H. LAMHOUOH, 113 Ilolbom, London. BRYANT I M. -AY's MATCHES SOD for the cure of WIND ON THE STOMACH. GOOD for tli6 cure of INDIGESTION. øOeD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of HEARTBURIT. GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. Ciao]) for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVER. Sold by all Hedidne Vaudors, in boxes at la lid, 28 ilia. and 4s 6d each or free for 14, 33, or M Stamps, from PAGE D. WOOBCOCK, HIGH STREET, LINCOLN. TOR THE- BLOOD IS THE UPEP WOR^-FAMED M!?«f.M.) ? A.M, ? wM.M? tjM??.?J'a? J?t f  i THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For oleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. Far Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a .never-failing and per- manent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Uloeratod Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Fact. Cures Sonrvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. < Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Onres Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From hatever cause arising. -As this mixture is pleas ant to the taste, and warranted free from nything injurious to the moitt delicate con- stitation of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to gtre it a trial tootesil its vallic. THOUANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. old in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases, containing six times tke qity, lis. each-sufficient to effect a per- manent eurnD the great majority of long-standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE V KNDOR8 throughout the world, or sent for 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AITS MIDLAWB VItTlIts Debo OoirpjkHX, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"Blood Mixture.")  A LIJ.¡ tiov-al Anil Steamers to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FHOM LIVERPOOL. SARDINIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 15 NOVA SCOTIAN, for Halifax and Baltimore. Nov. 20 CIRCASSIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 22 POLYNESIAN, for Halifax and Portland Nov. 29 AUSTRIAN, for Halifax & Baltimore. Dec. 4 PARISIAN, forHalifax and Portland, Dec. 6 OCEAN HATES. Saloon, 12 to 21 Guineas Intermediate, £ 8 Steerage, jE4 4s. Through tickets at special rates to Chicago, and to all points in the Western States and Canada. NOTF.-The best, quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba and the Great North West is by the Mail Steamers of this Line. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Quebec are granted to General Labourers, Mechanics, &c., for X4, and to Agricultu- rists, Agricultural Labourers, and I' emale Domestic servants for £ 3 and Through to Inland points in Canada at special rates. Passengers landing at Quebec and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special conductor. PAMPHLETS on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western States free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., James Street, Liverpool, to KELWAT & SONS, Milford Haven; JAMES f xo.nivjr. NTewo<>rt, Pom J. VV. Fivson, Go tO-sDreeC, tlaverfordvvest. 206 BUY IT AND TRY FOR YOURSELVES. glNCLAIR's COLD WATER a SOAP ?"? The Family W?sh without the misery of a steaming bouse.-4d. per lb. gINCLAIR's COLD WATER SOAP ?? A Government Inspector of Soap Factori& says: My opinion of It is very high, on no account would I be without it in the house. gINCLAIR's COLD WATER SOAP For Laundry use. -4d. per lb. SINCLAIR's COLD WATER SOAP Or ALL GROCERS and OILMEN. JAMES SINCLAIR, SOUTHWABK, LONDON. S.E. OROIDE GOLD LINKS, Elegantly engraved, 3/- PEE. SET. STUDS, 2/6 per set, post free. Send for j FUIII. ILLUSTRATED PRIem LIST or ORODDE GOLD JXWXLUBB7, Free per post. G. n. R. n WR 16r-?mpl?? R.;d, 11;?d,;? 8- W. ONE BOX Bl: PILLS Is arranted to cure all discharges from the Urin Organa, in either sex eq d or constitutional), G=I, Z?dr= In the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Venden throughout the World or sent to any address for sixty Stamps by the Makera, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTISS Diara COMPANY, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, BABCLAT A BONS, London, and all the Wholesale House*. re iw rmw Arm Of Aln -I- D" THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OIl AN INVALID. DNfgned M a_ Wanun? and a Caution to otben: encDiTmc at the Bame the means of SELF-CURE, bv who lcured ?on"?d?cSe?? the usual Mnoun.dioa?? ftngle copies may be had (post f-) by son4ft stamped tioSn lngl:a6 enrelow. to the au goor near London. O ¥ U S BI and ?e Ar? 0?  Diseases wlsing from Frrore and IndiMreUont :-lge,a, l.u.%I  of Vitahty, &c. P08tfree 3 sta SEA, Kof 8 BOAD? & SEA, LON ON. S. W. '— ?-L"< ?tu?-?, UREL- JAPa KF*a £ d CHINESE GOODS Importem. y, 128 aIld I3°- HoundBditoh. London, E D R. SCO I BIL OUS & VER-p-iL-0 CUBE SICK HEADACHES. CURE SICK HEADACHES. URE 8 CK HEADACHES. it. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & L VER PILLS CREATE APPETITE. CREATE APPETITE. CRBATB ?P?'T.TTE TkK. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PlLLS J -U PROMOTE DIGESTION". ^GOMOTE DIGESTION. PA0:M[0TS DIGESTION. D ?N TT''S g ILIO S & L -P L D THE BEST FAMILY A3ERIE^R XREDICMBIIJ THE BEST FAMIL APERIENT 1'trEDICINE. TmSHS B BE3T FAMILY APERIENT ]WE -?cc-I-N- R. SCO T'S 1 10 & Ll L tN'??P'????? square green package <B sold at la. lid. & 2s. 9d. a box, ofan Chemists,or  post for 14 or 34 stamp8 ot the Proprietor, W. LAMBERT. 17§. Wmur T?0n^P8j.f rmour ?1., Lo,?dozi,_Vr POST FREE FOR SIX STAMPS. The MARVELLOUS WORK on CONSUMPTION, BY GEORGE THOMAS CONGREVE, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, Loudon, S.E. Mr. Congreve is publishing ONE RECENT CASE of CURE EVERY WEEK in the "ChriatiamWorl and other Weeklies. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! 94 1 14 llr4 FOG-S! And DAMPAIB produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4a. 6d. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES. BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, Euston Road, London. MORISON'S VEGETABLE -LYA UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To be had of all Chemists throughout Great Britain. CORNS CORNS I!—EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. "/>(ffTfinPlfTlT'Krif "the latest invention, will posi- | jmHUrU?J.IOJ?, tively cure. A trial whi convince you. It __e anything yet invented. Price l3d., free by retnrn 15 stamps. Try it. ottage,Ch igt,Beverley. OSE'sl LIME JUICE CORDIAL. The favourite Beverage for lunoh, nuor ,or supper party. Iu:PJ;ô thPEfE!i and entirely free of alcohol. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Delicious in water, also in hot drinks for the oo?d season. The Favourite Family Beverage. No table should be withon; fe ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Possesses valuable medicinal roperties, purifying the blood An excellent Stomachic, stimu- lating and assisting digestion. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Reoommended by the h:f:die:uh;ilies hwte,?il.e T't'y wholesome. 8ee L.et &c. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. t?t Is sold by Grooers, Wine irse;gls,G¿"oor:tï: Cliemists &c., at home and ib r,??d- LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Purchasers should order Rose's Cordial only, all others being imitations. Wholesale stores, 11, Curtain I Road, Fin s bury, London, and Leith. Scotland. 'WfALKER's  CRYSTAL CASE ATCHES » are perseding all others. Prize Medals, Lon on 1862. Paris. I;? 2SO, Regent Street, W.. London. Descriptive Pamphlet free. BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price hist*. G. EDWARDS, 8,W"Y .on hand. WriKte j kLSPLrA ND ROAD ki?- i??L?N? (Corner of Harwar St.), KINGSLAND ROAD, LONDON. WATCHES, JEWELLER YTMIDLAND T T COUNTIES WATCH COY. (Cheapest house in world). Ladies' or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glass heavy cased Watches, 86/ Ladies'heavy caaed Gold Levers, 70/ Gent's Do.. Do., Do 80/ Before purchasing ,end for Company's Catalogue, 1,000 60/ Before p?d illustrated 500 nne copper-plate engraving ti.JP1 universally recommend their readers to obtain one. Sent Gratis and post free to any part of the World. Apply to Company's Manager—A. Percy, le tree-tIBLoir??ly THOSE WHO REAB TIT-BITS A RE NEVER SHORT of a GOOD STORY JOjL. TO RELATE, or a RICH JOKE with which to amuse their friends. One of the QUIETEST Hotels in London.—Charges Moderate. TNNS of COURT FAMILY HOTEL," High JL Holborn & Lincoln's Inn Fields,W.C. Dining Rooms, &c., overlook Lincoln's Inn Gardens. Hydraulic lifts. Table d'Hote. JTL-A .ADIES' GOLD EYLESS, WATCHES, 1 J all the latest improvements, jewelled in every hole. Per- fect Timekeepers; Beautifully finished and of exquisite work. manship. Equal to any watch sold at 3 guineas; price only M. 6d. Money returned if not approved of. Send P. O O to eönebt'VrcrM tf.P-Wslf. /oe:t L'2is' to FREESTONE & CO.'S SPECIALITY. Ladies' Keyless Hunters, magnificently chased. Equal to any ;Lh worn by ladies of title. West End houses are charging ?M U Od. for similar watches without the keyless movement. marveis of dheapnew. Sent on approval on receipt of P. 0 0 for 60s. °i-r::g:coeîcPi Wo1pr.led: o-d. y ,,Od.. Lee  s. BADDELEY& REYNOLDS, 19 &2?01d Bailey, BILO., Makqm of INDIA RUBBER STAMPS. Agents wanted. TAAFFE & COLDWELL'S CELEBRATED PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS, With Pure Irish Linen Fronts and Cuffs, 4/6, 6/6, 6/6. 7/6, now admitted to be the best-fitting Shirts ever introduced. Simple Self-measurement Form on application. Anyone can measure himself. We guarantee a perfect fit or money returned. Sample Shirt per Post ad. extra, or half-dozen free to any address in the Kingdom. TAAFFE & COLD WELL, 81, GRAFTON ST., DUBLIN PARCELS POST.—PARCELS POST.— JL On and After August 1st. 1883. ONE PAIR of LACE CUR- TAINS, four yards long plendid design, will be sent to any oolitf P.Oz)s 71?* ed.,carriage free.-W.OOTTON W -cros Nottingham. ADL?Y'S AUTOMATIC PENS, durable kmda g IMq* 4 ff as Gold, flexible as a quill, points smooth as glass. 4 Dozen_s pos?tfree,1/1. HADL V & Co.. St. Paul's, Birmingham. RIROWE'S BALSAM of UNSEED and \J HONEY perfectly cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRON- OHITIS, DIFFICULT BREATHING, LOSS of VOICE, and all OHEST and LUNG AFFECTIONS, is more reliable and efficacious than any other known medicine. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d or by Parcel Post, 15 or 36 Stamps, by THOMAS CROWE, Practical Chemist, 31. Wardour Street, London. 57777777 of MEDICAL WONDERS, should be read by &I BO 0 Kyoung men. Important to d.bilitLWd nervous sufferers and KDiUlU l I IIt V those about to marry. F?ee in Envelope for 4 stamps. Pub- lt.h.d Fit..I,qu.Sh.ffl-ld. Estab¡S:JO. '\T r?D'T?Tr A T d 'rliosewhowishtomar N UP X IALS. should read NUPTI?Lrd A Journal ?tabli?lied for the promotion of matrimony. AIsocontains Sketches by"Demb(jwler 'E'"titif?d"'=ltio ofourTown."Ilrioe 3d. In envelope 4d Ad(i,? ditor, 40 Lamb's Cond?it St., London, W .U. E* AVANT YEAST WILN C jb" AV?-L   LONTI)ON FATAL FIR?S AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE-occurring daily, F;rs n)ratf\Æi>IJ'9i' A<?NIU8EcÀ'Ö£Dg fi1i B,CAPE to be fixed I. every House, Shop Factory, Ho?el, Theatre, or oth*n building. Aff, d ready, easy, and certain means ot -p..t any moment. Noone is safe without them. Can never get out of order, co?t but 'trifle, last for ever, simple in construction, can be used by a child,- For particulars, dd,?., A. DIHS (Inventor), Builder, &c., Col- ch ^ter.or London Agents, -'4i,l.. & D. K.ight Ri,].r..t:, ?L%A?LI§ESS??NIXEY? BLACK ? LEAD NlXEY'S -? Celebrated Hoiined JJLA.CK LEAD. Has over THIRTY YEARS' World-wide Reputation. Polishes Instanllv equal to BUR?I?HED STEEL. Used without Waste or Dust. "CAUTION!"—There are several Spurious & Worthless Imitations. W. ?' 'tXH? Ulack Lead WorM, Bono Bquare. London. A4,,?'?E_NTS WANTED.El??tricS(,?IfPolishingWate?proof 'r kin-r Co..Aehton-u-Lyn". Samples & partlcularn free 124mps. SHARES i?ST?LMERS?—FoFhighly iviuauerative Ii vestments in the best & safest. Steamship ,¡;< p. opertle exIHtwl"OPI,ly Th08.Beer,Bteamship S.?,yr L ""d Sk.?, Broker, Docks, Cardiff- Bankers* referen_. JE25 REWARD. Will be given to any person who can prove, after a fair trial that Bell's Patent Life PiUs and Ointment" Will not cure the worst forms of Liver complaints, General Debility. Indigestion, Bile, Disordered Stomach, Costirenesa, all Female Complaints, Ulcors, Cancers, Abfccsses, Piles, Cats, Burns, lioils, and eveiy form of Skin Disease and Euruption. When nil other medicine fails this will positively cure.. Sold by all Chemists, in Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. boxes and pots. Post free for 15 or 36 stumps from sole manufacturers, W. BELL & Co., Reading, Berks. If your Chemist does not keep them he can get them in a few hours. 554 ROSEBUSH AND FISHGUARD GUARANTEE FUND. rPHE AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED by Guarantee to I- the above, now reaches E4,660 worth of Shares, to be taken up on the Line being completed to Let. terstone. BY PARCELS POST. 5l-t -t TROUSERS i TROUSERS K/-J "i JL PARCELS POST. PARCELS POST. Send for pa.ttMM at C/U to 10/6 per pMr And vou will receive an assortment f Black ù5:Is, Scotch Ang01as, & All-Wool Tweeds, together with fashion plates, and dneotioM for self-measurement. You will find on comparison tha.t our 0()dg a?e at least 20 per cent. cheaper than ay other hD?e in &. tra le. Patterns for OVERCOATS on application. Goods exchanged. Address, TARLING BROTHERS, ??L?AL?ANUFAC?RING CLOTHIERS,. GOS- W?L ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Established 1840. H LENNARD'S "WILBERFORCE" G*WATERPROOF MANUFACTORY, W 41, WATERWORKS STREET. TX LAD E should purcbM6 their ReHuislc Canton or HVLL. Gossamer Bain Cloaks at the ?bove ad'lress. GENTLEMEN'S Wdle Cont-? Capes, Box Coats, &C. BUTTON & Pull-up Overdls L,??her nd C. Leggings, BU 1'°? ?? ?ir or Wa?r H?s. U?e Y?. Cushions, &c. Ifi1C; iÁp'Wlj,Irl r1ilngs&c.  8PORT8MEN'S Couriers, Cartridge, Game and other BaP. TRAVELLERS' Everel,?.n C,,if.?, Front,s, &e. YACHTSMEN'S Oil Garmeno, India Rubber Slio?, &e. PaUCKLS DKgfiTCHBP TO ALL PABTS M POST OR THIS. J 1/ LOOK HERE. V-.  SPLENDID brocaded SILK HAND- A KERCHnF, 28 In. square, never before equalled, post free for Is. or 13 stamps, two for 18. lOd. or 24 t.mps, three for 2?. ad*or 90 stamps, six for 5s. or 60 stamtwelve for Os. or 109 ettmm. M?ney returned for all sent q ek unsoiled if or 108 it L&mXm 'l'l THOMPSON & CO., COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, STocKro?T. A LL SCHOOL REQUISITES -BOOKS, A. STATIONERY, MAPS. DKSKS, BLACK BOARDS,AP- P ABATUS. &c.-supplied from Stock ona?hort notice. ?heap pricd?-R M. CAM?RON. M_ ?r_ On.ES' STREET, EpMUMm. ir>()URNEMOXTTH.-BWRNE HALL VIfSTTORS- Rc?deDt M.D. Prospectus forwarde A-gfi- -Ev X -FA-V1 L ?TE .-Lately ? honoured hTaprotongedf?y of H-R?theMMeofWalM. d. inegroun(dli?. Tennis. &c. Lift. M. Ellmer, Propr. H-O.RSE RUGS, strong, Uned with blanket- JH. ing, with buckle at chest. Price, pony 516;cob.6/31 horso 7/— with girth attru-h?d. 1/6 extra. Camage pait I Tloduction for quantity.—HOWES ?OTHEM. M. Tabernacl# Walk. FmRIlUrv. K.C. _—————— ONLY V- — YARD. GREAT BARGAIN. WOOLLEN DRESS (MODS, 40in. wide, lonpth cnt-DRESS FABRIC MANU« for EZR94?4? 1I Any FACTUKTN& CO.. Manchester. Tvr ACNIVEN Md CAMBBON'B PENS Ml ITS the bmt.11-A&io Opi"im. They come M a boon and a Nea?M to men The Piokwick, the Owl, 1:dbXlV tto o=k._ Standard says," They are treasure." ad. and Is. per box Sold throughout the .d& Also the HINDOO PENS, Nos. 1, 8, ft 8. Speolmen boxes, oontaining all the kinds, by post 1L IL PATBNTEBS OF PENS AND PIKHOLDBES 5— MACNXVEN AND CAMERON, S3 to 33. Blair St.. Edinburgh. (Est. 1770.) "OUR TEA" A SPECIALITY rolt FAMILIES. alba. Post free for Joy-Postal Order GOD-FREY- & CO., io. I GODFREY London, B.C. Tea direct from the Importers. PARCELS POOT FREE. lib. and upwards at 1/4. 1/10, 2/fl. Postal Order, P.O.O., or cash most accompany all orders. AGENTS WANTED EV3MYWHERM CHS. PUSNOT'S CHS. CARTRIDGE CASES NEVER MISS FIRE And are THE BEST and CHEAPEST. Particulars of OSCAR ScnoMM. 9 New Broad St London B-0 NGINES or Dairy and Farm PUCses, -Ej Chaff Cutting, Grinding, Pulping, Steaming, Boiling, to. E. S. HiiDiEY, Bourton. and H. Queen victona-et., London, &.Q. TA.MMERING ef!ec CtTRED by Correspondence k_7& practical Manual, or pe?- o?&Illy. Articles 11 Tho NATXTRA1 VY ?B-X Eimutionist, Deo.. t8M Copy ree.-N. H. MASO?, if gTAT»°"r» T" mntTTiTTPV r/iunftM  PLATE GLASS INS CE. gents in -?- every Town required on remunerative terms by a nrst-claM Plate Glass Insurance Company.—Address, Messrs. WILLIAM POOM t Co. INSURANCE BROKERS, 75. PtHNCMS ST.. MANCHMTER. FIRE INSUR CE.- nts & others having JL- speoia.1 or other Fire risks in hand can place them & Mcure to themselves a good OommiMion by sending particulars to Messrs. Wm. Poole & lnsurance Brokers, 75,Princess-8t..Manchester. JUST OUT, an elegant little work, useful both to Students aa Young Teachers. TTALUABLE HINTS ?0? PIANISTS ?Hnw Vto Become Pronoient. By E. M. CAMPION. Post Free, Is. Id.; Cloth. Is. 7d. Address Alfred B. Campion. Ilfracombe. O Q 1 A -Retirmg from business-Remainder of &3 lV» Stock.—A few LADY'S 18-at. GOLD WATCHES, worth e5 Quite new, best workmanship, elegant ifnish, war- ranted perfect timekeepers.—Will forward on receipt of P.O.O. addressed Henry Gamlen, 2, Trewern Villas, Fmham Road, Fulham. P.O.O. made payable Post Offloe, Walham Green. m R r? P r?)r?'*)r*<? f "0 Pe" ) -< -< D?' CARPETS{ii11},11 D. ??? /A ?rt)tF — <J( T.I]RUSSBLS yard' 't SUPERIOR ditto 1/4?. Immense stocks of new & Mcononand Furniture, Table lAnens, Curtains, Blankets. Sheetings, &0.4M warranted .j ?Mf?e<f/ree. WM WAIMM Oompi f&loeu. AslUe 1ii1mtRfï{9.rÑún:  A L V E B a n (I T A P MATHER and PLATT, galford Iron Works, Manchester. LIBERAL TERMS to the TRADE. XbERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS; from zC5, carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beau- tiful Plans and prices from J. W. Legge, Soulptor, Aberdeen. E SHORTHAND." Popular E n. 2/- E. Pockne 1inp<irial Bldgs.. Lnd^ate Circus, London.Ë.C. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. JLJL LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It is the Rate antidote in Scarlet Fever, Small-pox, and other diseases. An in. valuable domestic medicine, removmir Headache. Biliousness, Constipation, Skin Affections, Blood Poisons & FevoriRhness. See numerous Medical Testimonials, such as no other Saline"can show, therefore USE no other. bv H. LAMPLOTJ&H. US. HOLBORN, LONDON. AV^ IT JN YOUR HOUSES & WITH YOU IN YOTTR TRAVELS. ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, j DR. J.CcLLisBM?-E-sCHLQRODY?E, A fw doses quite ^fTect^al.-Cn.'ition.—The extruonliiiary modic?t reports on the of racy of yod'V y it of vital !fie ort.al1cc thlLt the pu':>!io should o^s^in <1IP p'unine, which !IDP rot.f'ctec'l by a eovornment st:unp. bea;u? the worda? D..1. Collis Browne's .Crdor"dYl>" Keo division of VUJ& Ch?nr?Uor Sir W. Pare Wood, th. Tim* Ju!y ].?h. 1^64. Many testinionials from eminent l" Slf'l'S' Ih each b?ttle. ""? ?'??VC. \M.K\?'?- Si»nldini?. 7'. Ksf).. F.H.C.S.. si'ntdinx. the benefit is very marked. "? J''rom?-.?M)njna.n. of New Halfway, &t,llJd. A'<?Sedati\e. Ar'?dyne..T.nd ..lie, I consider ])r. J. Oollis Browne'> (Jhlorodyne the jnedirin#* known* Sold in Bottles, 1;1.?, ? U. ? ?/Li, by Wi Chemists. A!)IES' GOLD KJ?YLL? WATCHES. -fl J Gold diulft. jewc. lied ncvtirYhoIc.pert'cc! tin).-ke"pcrs.ox- quisitcl.v ifnished. L-nidon shopkeepers are char, ius £3 08. L??d()U-.h.)l)k''crs''s:t-'cch?iuK ?3 iOs. at tli,, ,;?iit on oval rUCI'l", of f,)?- Z2 2s. toDA)'?'? '? 0- 7, ï)r;)1)er' H:u'pn L.t.lf'?.? C.? MINES and Lll?lFG. Hll. LEWIS & CO., B — t •—Bartholomew House, Bartl olo-jif- Lune, London. And 157. St. Vincent Street, (r ji-virow. MINING EXPERTS AND BLTOK URS, Give "pedal infonnaLion as to the too ;ti(?ii prospecte Off 811 Mines Home and Foreign. H. R. Lewis & Co. devote themselves entirely t? J)f?M a? Minino, and their long practical experience enables them to give valuable information to intending investors. Investors I MIXING SECUHITIKS will avoid los and trouble by seeking and acting on H. 11. Lewis and Co.'s advice before buying or celling. H. R Lewi' & (;o. have agents and correspond. 'utK ui all inin Districts at home and foreign. Corre6ponde nee invittMi on all Mining matters. Spectthuive acnonvt* *>ot. ev'eruihird. EST. 1873. r.ARiC CHANCE. SEWING MACHINES AT _Otf> )? Under Miimifactunrx' Own 7')-;f?. ?'/<W Family Treadle Machin')s new from Wor?s. Makers I nee, £ 6 10s Od.; OuM. £ 4 10a. Od. S?nd at once for par- ticIl1ars'n,s Olî(yafewåre Ilowleft. L<?Xr'0\ & PROVINCIpAML. SUPPLY ASSOCIATION Ld.. H3. Pnnces"t,, MMoheKter. THE J:1G1-1T THING IN TilE RIGHT PLATE. BEE CHAMPS PILLR fAre a dmitled by thousands to bp worth ;¡bnv{' å Guinea a Box ?? ??" ?'  ? for M?o" and n"n"OU8 dia. ?'?<?  <<\ orders, ?t?ch as wi'id and pain in the stomach, siek hcadaches, gi(l,lin?F; and s?ellinq ?'<?/ ,T,, ,?- \?" "?'c'' mea Is, dizziness and dr?w. j!-? ..?i"A.i E?T Mt "?' ?' "? f heat, loss of appetite, ?nrincss t t ?. /?? of breath, costivpneM, "curvy. t? rr?!t LL.S /?? Motchcs on the skin, distorbpd \?? ——— /'?/ sleep, frightful dreams, and al \?\ /<S?./ "crvons and tremb1in wnsn. \??\ ,?< ( ?Y tions, ?c., &c. The first do., ?*<  ??-e-?K  ?? ?'? ive riief in 20 minntes.   T?? Thi. is no fiction, for they have done it in thousamh. .f y?? cases. The proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great e"pcne) a patent for them, he Challenges the whole world to produce a medicine equal to them for removing the above complaints, and restoring the patients tf sound allrllasting hea Ith. hvery sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills and they will be acknowledged to he WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For female-, of all ages these PiUs are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all pross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about ali that is required. No female should be withou them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beecha. tills for removing- any obstruction or irregularity of the system IflaUcn according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust hea th BEECITAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general. Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Shortness in Brcaih, Tightness and Oppression in the Chest, Wheezing, &(?., ',hcse Pin, stand unrivalled; and anyone labouung under anj of the above complaints need only try one Box to prove that they are the best ever otfered to the public for Asthmatic ai d Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Clies They speedily remove that s!'ns of oppression fine, difficuliy of hieathing which :iisht:y deprive the patient of rest. They give aim' st ;nst.int relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, « hen neglected daugclfllls complaints. Let any person troubled with anv of the above complaint E,iv(, Beeclininlv Pills a tzi; The most violent (,eugli will in a short time be letnovec C'tiiUru).—- flie public are requested to notice that the words Beecham 1 i Is, St. I-Jelen's," are on the Government stamp artixed to eucn box of pills it not on they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proptietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, in boxes at Is ld and 2s 9d each. Sent post free for 15 or 3C stamps. Sold by every drug- gist in the United Kiegdoo. Full directions given with each box. 744 HAVER FORD WEST CENTRAL POSTING ESTABLISHMENT. j MARINER'S LIVERY STABLES. I 0 EN DAVIES, (For many years in the employ of MR SAMUEL THOMAS, Draper. Haverfordwest.) [ "QEGS to inform the Public that he has taken Stabling for his own use at the above old established Hotel, wbi-e he has commenced in the POSTING BUSINESS' and where he trusts by keeping good u&ful Animal and strict economy in charges, to merit a share of Public Patronage. ,t.' 1 Saddle Horses and Vehicles of all kinds. 771 ONE OF THE OF ALL ALCOHOLIO STIMULANTS," "BRITISH MEDICAL. YOURNAL" ON WHISKY The under-mentioned "Castle Grand" Whiskies have been selected from W & A Gilbey's Stock of 10,000 Butts, as the choicest specimens of old Scotch and Irish Whiskies. wwlmsx SAWA ?-;? @"CasteJiffAND" SCOTCH WHISKY) B01TLE ???g Fme?%sHand Malt Whisky_Very old ( 3/6 42/ -fife'- io per aw wder Pwf ) ?S? "Cast?RAND" IRISH WHISKY Y M?Y? FB? i?bUn Malt Whisky Very old ? 3/6 42/ ?  ? 10 per ?"? under ?rmf Each' Bottle should bear wI¡bey's Gold Label and Capsule with) ¡ Patent Seal on CoA as is, ??m.and Signature on side of Cork thus— j ? ¡ TO BE OBTAINED FROM W Urs ACENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ..v ? R. IMPORTANT TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. WANTED, FARM LABOURERS and several THOUSAND NAVVIES. ? FABM LABOURE ED, also geveral THOUSAND NAVVIES:-Wages One Dollar, Fifty Ce?Nj?d.) per day, for Railway Work North of Lake Superior." The Government have. cial Arrangements with the DOMINION L?NE of well- known Steamers, to convey Far bourers to QUEBEC at £ 3, and Navvies for £ 4. Form of Application and ffjjjjl Particulars can be obtained from the undersigned, Berths should be seenr#t. t delay by paying a deposit of 91 the balance having tc be paid the day before sailinf F. W. LE WKkgraph Office, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. Parisian DeppSEfror Millinery SS Dressmaking. MRS. L. HARDING Begs ce her return from London with all the LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, COMPRISING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FELT, VELVET, AND CHENILF, HATS AND BONNETS, MORNING ,4FINING CAPS, WREATHS, & DRESS GAKNITURES, XAWT-LF,S AND JACKETS, FUh-LIhET) CLOAKS, ULSTERS, & WATERPROOF CLOAKS, FUR CAPES IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES, Of which there is a Great Variety this Season, SAL SKIN JACKETS, VVR SETS, TEA GOWNS AND DRESSING GOWNS. A Large Assortment of Ladies' Walking Costume, F H 0 1 THE BE S T W g S T END HOUSES, Not to be equalled in the Principality. THE NEW COLOR FUMEE-DE-LONDRES IS WELL REPRESENTED, AND THE MIXTURE OF PEAU-DE-SUEDE WITH NEUTRAL TINTS IS A GREAT SUCCESS THIS SEASON. The SHOWROOMS will RK-OPEN on SATURDAY NEXT, the 20th instant, when the Favour of your Inspection is Solicited. Haverfordwest, Oct., 1883. AUTUMN & WINTER SEASONS 1883-4. i tf\* — GREENISH AND DAWKINS Have much pleasure in announcing that they am now prepared with a display of NE\V GOODS fN ALL DEPARTMENTS, suitable for the present Season. ?!" Special attPntion is invited to the NEW DRESS MATERIALS, 111 Stylish Stripes and Checks, New Colorings, &c. ALSO A CHOICE SKLKCTION OF Mantles and the Long Dolmans now so much worn. LADIES' MACINTOSH CLOAKS Of the Best Quality, and Lower Prices than last Season. FUR SETTS, MUFFS, TRIMMINGS, AND CAPES. MILLINERY, FLOWERS & FEATHERS. Newest Shapes in Straw Hats. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING. CARPETS, RUGS, AND PA PERU ANGINGS. Dress and Mantle Jlaking in all Branches. MOURNING OlfOERS executed with accuracy and dispatch. ALL PARCELS OF THE VALUE OF £ 2 & UPWARDS SENT CARRIAGE PAID. 2, 25, 8s 26, Market Street, Haverfordwest. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. G -Fj T-, IITA-N-D JOH WEGLS8ALE GROCERS Tea, Coffee, Spice, and Provision Merchants9 Tallow Chandlers, Coffee Boasters, fyc., QUAY-ST., H A YERFORD W EST. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE— American Maize—American Bacon-American Hams. I The Universal Remedy for Bad Legs, Bad j Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. There is no medicinal preparation which may be so thoroughly relied upon in the treatment of the above ailments as Holloway's | Ointment. Rubbed upon the surface of the body, over, or near the affected parts, it disappears under the friction of the hand, penetrating at once to the source of the evil, and thus performs its healing errand, rapidly, safely and without pain. In all long standing cases, Holloway's Pills should also be taken, as they purify the Blood and expel all depraved humours from the system. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, and Bronchitis This Ointment is irresistible in the cure of these throat and pec- toral complaints, which when neglected often end in settled Asthma or Consumption. The Ointment well rubbed upon the Chest and Back, night and morning, penetrates the skin, and thus absorbed, is carried directly to the Lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole mass of circulating Blood, it neutralizes or expels all impurities. By these means all pulmonary com- plaints may be cured with rapidity and ease. Goat, Rheumatism and Stiff Joints. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over 1 Gout and Rheumatism, than any other Medicine. Nooneneed remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a vigorous appli- cation of this infallible remedy-according to the Printed Instructions affixed to each Pot. All settled aehes and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment. Skin Diseases, Scrofula and Scurvy. The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly won- derful in cases of Ringworm, Scurvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London: also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilized World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. iid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lIS., 22S., and 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and Can be had in any language. N.B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hoars of 11 and 4, or by letter. No. 18. 4 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ?\ An ever increasing sale of over 60 yeMS. ? KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. J The Best and Safest Remedy for COUGHS. ASTHMA, PHLEGM, and TICKLING in the Throat. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Convenient to keep handy in the pocket. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. KAre universally recommended by the Faculty. Teitimonial (Original map be teen). DtAE Siz.—Havm? tried your Cough Lozenges in have much pleasure in testifying to their beneficial ff in Cases of Incipient Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchial affec- tiona. So good a medicine ought to be known to be appreciated. I have prescribed it largely with the best results. W. B. G. gold in Tins, la Apothecary, H.M. Indian Medical Service. i. and 2s. 9d. each, by all Druggists.  I D IMREBTQ :r;]!¡:. DB,APIMY/?w l v eplwvt CMhmerea. Merinos. Foul^s. Serges. Calicoes. Linens, &D4 BheeMnga. at -? MA&VEU?OUS PJUCBS. CARMAGE PAID TO AST RAILWAY STATIOK. r-SrCASH RDAILRAWAY SpTAT1EoIfR.'  \J 6 T R 1TFDR D, ?OXOOO tVtIAH?JU H DRAPER. T^MPLOYMENT.— £ 2 to L5 per week earned Elby pushing men, by the sale of our Rubber Stamps. A con- necti.. quickly made, as our quality and price defy competition. ,re,3. l?oRdouRub, ?rFiintiug0o.LICbesildeE.C ARrWÄLL PAPERS. 21 INCHES WIDE, I PER 12 YARDS. Specially Deai?ned and Manufactured by ZB"ST E. Co., 38 Mortillier Street, London. A GENTS WANTED (local and provincial A only). to sell" GORDON'SEXTBACT." ThMBplendid Vegetable curative remedy f?, th? h, bic)od, ?Lnd in io bl., gives great and univ ".ti-f-ti?. to urcb-M. 0, botuse 80Id in ftst s?m months. More th= 1.000 _lunt&ry te9ti?ntau reoeived. Free botUee given to clergymen foreiok parishioners. Art4We retails at 8s. only. We hae 3,000 Agents, -d?ant 2,000 m. Attr.atk- printed matter, in unstinted q?ntttt?, to make the medicine known. 'hrms m*ot? neither c?tt?, o..oor rik, _d secure good profits and handsome premiums. IIl'tic pmt ftm- va-ilo coc.? 11, l?ng Lane, London E?C. OCBAPS?CRAPS. For Albums, etc. To the trade. Poa rm. raok*A(eachcorA*Iningl6diffareutdmitrr.)soh..t.,I&.Sd? 100. 8B. 29D, 7a. Od?; 500, 16B. 1000, 308. Sampl? of b.?., 6 d.— J. .æ->Fin&b8: -rd. Higbbury, r?ndon, N. F?-IHIkELISTMAS CARDS. To the tre?d U umples i postfree, 6d. -r-?.d, CMr wiU prove fWr J. MaDett. For address, see Scraps abo". F. ■ |a ■ MRatsfound dead by one dressing Of 8 0 M48 *AT FOISMf. I II tMN I C:iC: Testimonial from F. F<WM?. UI 1U1 ■ 1I1IvII UI Farmer. HenIow. Bedfordshire. I i&'r 'iiï'j,¡'P¡¡ t t ? ? t W t? BANTFORDS MICB for th past "7 Years. Testimonies I 1 t II I I which has given entire satisfaction ■ || ■ -m constantly :O:Inilesn I I §• III I 1/ 3/ of all Chemists; or from III La I I SANMRD & 8011, SANDY ,BEDS.. INVENTORS. — PATENTS SECURED (&Mn t 8Old) in Great Britain or abroad at very low rates. Pro- snectus free. Inventors' Institute. 4 £ & ø. Essei-stÖ Strand,W.C. THE LONDON OPEN STOCK and I SHARE EXCHANGE, GREAT WINCHESTER-STREET, SIRA,RE ,lie=fB. dL&l with th* public in fksEbM=f at the Current Market Quotation* Of the London Stock Exchange. The principle of this 3ygtem,i, charging no commission ot brokerage on purchases or S&lei?.making daily settlements and limiting losses to amount of cover deposited (say from 1 to 6 PC cent.) on from aglOO Stock to any amount. Our system is strongly endorsed by the pubhc, and recom. amded by the prom, as the safest and best plan tht can be adopted in opening speculative accounts. Our option hst, Mao eir ulars ma3, be had on aliertion. ?cial and genera c ??may?h.d?a  frpHE "ACME" CHEST ? E Bhf A and back supporter. Cure round shoulders A stoopinifhabits—Price from 7/6. Write for Price IAmb to 0. W!gwort? Uoad, B.B. NEW BREAKFAST & AFTER DINNER BEVERAGE. CONROYS MALT COFFEE Pure Coffee combined with Malt by Patent Process As a breakfast beverage it 1 "A nouriskng nid health is unsurpassed, producing- articie of di, t."— Dr. 8ANDERSON, M.R.C.S. ( E. DAVIES, F.C.S., &0. ASSISTS DICESTION. Retail from all Grocers, Druggists. &c. Prepared only at the MALT OOFFEE WORKS, 34, FLEET ST., LIVERPOQl "The CLEAN Black Lead.? ?" JAMES' cSnlSc:AL 4*A r\????C' "? Successive aw"& for Ex- D 0 M E ccllenceof Quality and Cleanii- III Bt:?  2 £ ),,BLACK LEAD Economical! BLACK LEAD BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF H A VERFORD EST. FAIRS FOR 18S 3. j FAIRS FOR 1883. HE FAIRS for 1883 will be held as follows, uo- X 1"88 ui foreseen (!ir(,tltuslances shall make an alt erafion necessary •— JANUARY Tuesday 9th FEBRUARY • 13th MARC H > 20th APRIL „ 10th MAY 15th JUNE, for Wool and Stock, 12th JULY „ 10th AUGUST 14th SEPTEMBER Thursday 6th 5, Tuesday 18th OCTOBER, Hiring Fair Friday 5th > Tuesday 16th NOVEMBER „ 13th DECEMBER „ l ith The PIG FAIRS will be bold on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned aprain.t the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instrument for the purpose of Marking any Animal; and NOnCE 1? HER.KhY Giv?w, under the 6t&tute 12 and 13 Viet.. cap. 92, all Persons foun, I Lacerating any Animal will be hable to a Penalty of FI V £ POUNDS. W. FARROW, MAYOK. Haverordwest, November 16th. BRISTOL 'J FAM ?AVtOATION COM PA NY (I.un?d) NOV., 1883. n fTMlF fotlovin? or other eutttb!? Oj  tt!)  ? ? Ste:m Vessels, un!Mt preT.nte4" strike*, want of fuel. or My nn'o" or curirnce, aie intended to sail m linger* mentioned, hom CxmbprtHpd Basin, with or ?r<??< Pilots, and with Jibfrty to tow resseb durinf Month of Nov., i883— R.M IN<OKF-] OCK, MILFORD, AN]) KAP VF.BFOKDWEST. FROM i BRISTOL. Briton. 2. Friday 6J after 9, Friday Ili morn 16, Friday 6j after 23, Friday 12 noon 30, Fiiday 6 after FARES—Cabin, 8s. 6d. Fore l>e»-k, 6". Tenhy or Pembroke Pock to W exford— Fawe—^Icf Fore I)e(k, 6a. J 1 F N B y Briton. FKllW IRKIISTOL 2, Friday 61 after 9, Friday .I. lit morn 16, Fiiday 6i .Iwr 23, Friday. 12 neon 30, Friday 6 after FAKES —Best Cabin, 8«., Deck, fj. Children uniog Twelve years of ape, Bal<-pnee. 4gT OFFICK ■-32 1'BINCE STRKKT. The above Vessel s are fitted up In the conveyaiiM Passengers and Goodr. Female Stewards on Board. Carriages & florsef should he alongside TwoBourabom fore Sailing, and arelanded and embarked at the risk aai expense of their Owners. AGENTS-Mr. F. J. Sellick, Haverfordwest, Milferfl and Ney land; Mr Abcl Beberts, Ptmbroke-doek; Sh T. Kees, Tenby. STEAM COMMUNICATION FETW KEN LIVERPOOL. MILFORD SWANSEA BRISTOL For the Month of November, 1883 1"H E Liverpool and Lristol Channel St, A Naripatioti Ccmpauy'e SUar. Ships BRUNSWICK CAPT. J. BARNES. STITARF, (A]-T. W. F. CAMPBF.I.i. TUDOR, CAPT. E. RUTHERFORD. )IUNCATER, CAPT. J. W. BLAxx t t V ') HEPTARCHY, CAPT. J. PRETRBOE. t JANE BACON, CAPT. T. ROWLSO. LOUISA, CAPT. R. WORK 8UNUGHT, CAPT. J. JmŒ8. ? MONTAGU, CAPT. M. DvvrRzux T WlftDERMEKE, CAPT. J. CAMPBELL NKW "ATP (Buiidine) TH E S S. JANE BACON," (or other suitable vessel) It intended to sail (I(nlos pmxevhd bp any Men occurrence) tie follows, with or without pilots and liberty to tow vessels • — From Liverpool to Mitford and Bristol > ffoi. o'clock. I Nor. oV.loeJr, Saturday 3 11 night I Saturday 17 H night < Saturday 10 5 evn Si-turdNy 24 6 G"a From Bristol for Milford. NOT. n'ctoctt I Nov. o'eloek. Tu.sday 6 9 night 1 Tuesday 20 9 ni«h« Tuesday 13 4t eren Tuesday 27 4t "8 » From Milt or <1 for Liverpool. Nov. o'clock. Nov. 0, clock. Wfdnff?av 7 9 -0?Ti I Wednesday 21 9 «orw Wednesday 14 4? morn We?needay 28 41 mom The 81;11111 liarge Peru broke' i^ intended to ply on the Milford hnven, in connection with the above gteemere carryins Gooc'sto and trom Pembroke-dock, Haverfordwest and the adjacei, i tovns FA HES — Cabin. Deek. Milford to Liverpool 12s. "6d. 6s. ■ Pristol to Milford 8b. 6d. 68. SwHiiseti to Miltord .w. at. NOTICE.—The landing and embareation of Ooods or Pel* pengert, at MiUoid, by whatever conveyance, whether at the expvnee »f t lie Stemner, oi "Ulel w is, is at the riek of the Passcnters and ownersof ibeOoodsreepe For further partirtiiarK-»pe ""It I i bills, or apply to Jota Bacon, 4, Rum lorn PI: cr, lnerpeel; G. H. Evan*, Brim a: ol; K*n*oitbj and Co-, "d. chestei JOHN PllILLIPF. An.nc. MILne. -mDJIDl t-' P, 1" LJ' fíë GRATIS.—Sent r Post to all purrs of the "WoWd tin rcceipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITH7! CUKE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERAIfGE- MEKT- OK THE GENH:ATJVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DEfULITY AND EXHAfTSriOK, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXF.D ENERGTES IS GIYItN IN THE BOOK OF "POSIliVE REMEDIES." Thill Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES The names of all Medicine are given in Enplish. Cases and Testimonials, wttb means used in each c(', IT IS A GUIDE TQ ?'m SEM? TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and Aould be Ooosulted bv all who r' onire medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE rost. TIVE All. 1)1 < INKS GIVES IN THE HOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDICINES USKIXBY DR. SM TH FOR OVER TH 1KT Y YEARS, By the aid of this Book Invalids may torn a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a POSITIVE ltEIEDY for the Cure. The i nines are published in English, to enable Invalids to Scloct the Remedy and CURE THEMSELVES without ionsnHU)(r a Medical Man, making a Written Statement of Case, or Waying c, nsultntion Fees. Send Two Stamps for the BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES" which contains 244 pupo*, 1Iftd- -,ri, a Cure -I(br all Diiy^ws^ Post free on ipeeipt of TWO STAMPS, direct from H SMITH & Co., X"a"bo'rato'ry, 26, Southampton Row. London, W.C. Stt??'?'??r?'?"?? ?B? ??????aaa' < EZ?l it- w WAURANTEl) TO CURE. pLUOD PURIFYING PILLS ARK A POSTTI^I^ CtJBlf r ) FOR ALL DISEASES the Urinary Orwm*. ReeefH-orflM- Stonfling; W( 0 ra,I, Beeka,h, and nil,Discharges, fte. all and every Disease (or which Mercury and Cv.pabia are used o the injury of the Patient's Cbm-titntion. After UllitAjf these Pills, the body and nerves are restor< d to Health atid Vie ottr, Sold in Boxe;- (coiitainiup Mifbcient for the Cure) price 2. 9d. May be had direi t Irom the Proprietors on reeeipt of Thirty- four Stanlp^. Sent by post to any addiess. H s rri it i-I. &, Co, Laboratory, 26, Southampton Row, London, W.M 4" A GOOn PLAN. 910 and upwards judiciously invested ra Options on Stocks and S hares often give hmid some profits in a few days. Full details in Explanatory Book gratis and post free. Address GEORGE EVANS & Co., Stock-brokers, Greshain House, Old Broad Stceet, London, E C Best and safest plan ever devised. 49 BRADFORD'S PATENT HVOWH"-ItiÑ6-jAmTIif8;- From £2 15s. Carriage free and trial free. KWOW" 8v.aYWBp.IU "oil TUK MO^T I'ftt!11¡' iJ|l RI7HAKLB. 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