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Mr. EDWARD RIBBON, PROFESSOR of IftlSIC, and PIANO- FORTE TUNER, A small Band for Private Parties only, VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANOFORTE. MERLIN HILL, HAVERFORDWEST The Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Telegraph 18 now on SALB, directly after Publication at Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SONS. New Milford And Pembroke Dock, and at E. J. WRIGHTS', 2, Dimond- stieet, Pembroke-dock. B L A KEY'S SOOT PROTECTORS No TROUBI-E TO FIX. Sixpence spent in them SJIVRS 10s. 00 NOT BUY VILE IMITATIONS. Agent: Mr. CHARLES MATEIAS, ] Dew Street, Haverfordwest. TWELViTcARTES de VISITE, 28.8d; .i. JHt, t? M. CMte euJar",od to ]0 t?ch.?. C.biMt, ? 8«m4 Camwith .tamp*. r.f.tc.p.?<"?'??.n?r?..rn..d<.?.. London rhotofr'phtcro.tM.H?'? o«ioct„ London, W. H. I'liiM.i U»n *<>r. TflWLES PEKSmOYAL & STEEL PillS 'j, Son FKilALES auickly correot all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. i»o»* Is. lid. ftnd 2s. ga- of all Chemists. Sent anywhere for 16 01 34 Stomps, by the Maker, E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Nottingham IMMR mawl tif\j?'?? rmLE?VBMTABLB. Perfectly HMnUMe, llrW— *j*BHL Will reduce from two to Ave pounds per week: acts on taa 1- S*Kl ?=Idn o t rl? r stomach, prevent- t»%94 -?dm?f tt?t? co?eraion intora? j?'?. ??NL??? ? by C???' Send S?L tg? Stamp for pamphlet. 4j§f jgjSL Botanic Medicine Co., a J 3 New Oxford-street, London, W. C L —— "O"AVE IT IN YOUR. HOUSES, XL )md tMtow?e ..hics of the eminent Doctors Froot? -Sveb8, Morgan, Tnrley, Dowsing, Gibbon, Sparks, 4o.f who h?Te bbrM nnquauBed testimony to the Yt?uo of T AMPLOTOH'S PYRETIO SALINE. JLJ Jtgires instant relief in headache, sea or bilious sickr ness, conaMp&tion, heartburn, scarlet )md ether ?vera, <m&Ht)ox,m?B!e?, eruptive and sMn complMnts. U. tt&enMtitaM. H. LAMMouGH, 113 Rolbom, London. sli ti BRYANT MAY'S 1 f § r« t1 ^h§1 fq a !?Sp*'?? ? 8??*'a?i? ? %?rit?? ?-? 1 —! "> | •_ „ ,»;i: f ,-<     :???A???:?.???.???a 600B for the cure of WIND ON a 112 STO-SiiCiL GOOD for the euro of INDIGESTION. GOOD for the cure of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the cure of IfEARTBUR, GOOD for the cure of BILIOUSNESS. • GOOD for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the ■'STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVES. ■*■} 'by all Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is 1, 2s ?, t aAd «d each or free for iii(ili or 64 St "uiapt c,, from &Ad 4, ?d owh or freo for 14 38 $TRE L' .U, LINCOLN. TH¡,BLÓOD)STHE LirE ? ??t?t?iUS /tHf CnEAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine In the World, •> OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, i; PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For olølU1sg and clearing the blood from aU impurities, I&œ W too McMy recommended. F*r Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, "d gores of rw Scwofulail kinds, it is & never-failing and per. ■*■ ?nre. It Oures Old Sores. C?mks UJcerated Sores on the Neck.  gures Ulcerated Soro Le?B. ?" Pu?s Blackbeads, or Pimples on tho F?ce. :,Vkzmm souzty Sores. "I, Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. i Cures Glandular Swellings. u ( Clears the Blood from all impure matter, ■ from whatever cause arising. "A? Wø mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted m CrM from 3nhing injurious to the most delicate con. .tion of eithersex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to jrfve.it a riaJ to test its value. 'u A OS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. ,? ? å'1lQttle8 28. 6d. 6ach, and in cases, containing si -,tiam,tbe xluautity, lis. each-sufficient to effect a per- manent cure in the crraat majority of lrng-stan(ling cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VUNDORS throughout the world, or sent for 30 or 132 stmps:by the Proprietors, Txx LINCOLN in MISLAITO 'W#Xvlzs Dikim OOHPASX, Lincoln. ,f (Trade Xark-II.Blood Mixture.") ?AN ?/ N -iA'-  o is  RoM) ?taft Stwmers to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. CASPIAN, for Halifax & Baltimore, Nov. 6 SARMATIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 8 SARDINIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 15 NOVA SCOTIAN, for Halifax and Baltimore, Nov. 20 CIRCASSIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 22 POLYNESIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 29 OCEAN RATES. Saloon, 12 to 21 Guineas; Intermediate, 1:8 Steerage, 94 4s. Through tickets at special rates to Chicago, and to all points in the Western States and Canada. NOTE.—The best, quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba and the Great North West is by the Mail Steamers of this Line. ASSISTFD PASSAGES to Quebec arc granted to General Labourers, Mechanics, &c., for 14, and to Agricultu- rists, Agricultural Labourers, and I'emale Domestic Servants for jC3 and Through to Inland-points in Canada at special rates. Passengers landing at Quebec and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special conductor. PAMPHLETS on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western State4 free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., James Street, Liverpool, to KELWAY & SONS, Milford Haven; JAMES Rivelva, P ¡;G,nar) fIigll-struet, Newport, Pem. J. W. 206 BUY IT AND TRY FOR YOURSELVES. SII COLD WATER SOAP ?? The Family WMh without the misery of a steaming house.-4d. per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP "? A Government Inspector of Soap Factories says: My opinion of it is very high, on no account would I be without it in the house. SINCLAI!a2.R SOAP For Laundry u.?.-4d. per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP OF ALL GKOOKRK and OILMEN. JAMES RI.NCLAIR, HwrHWAKK. LUNTMIK. S E. QROIDE GOLD LINKS, Elegantly engraved, 3/- PER SET. STUDS, 2/6 per set, post free. Send for FULL ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST OF OROIDE GOLD JEWELLERY, Free per post. C. C. ROWE, | 92, Brompton Road, London, S.W. TO go roww Non of ElwZand who T» the Yovtig Men qf {]g £ °i*^er J™* Xervmu DMIIt. THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Designed as a. Warning and a Caution to others; supplying at the same time the means of SELF-CURE, by one who has cured MnMeu, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposi- tion ana Quaokery. &agte copies may be had (post tree) by -diug & stamped ,d envelope to the autnor ART??R?IXO? E?q.?ounslow. neM London. D -N JNUKVOUS DEBlLil^ and t eArl of ?'Heading all DiseMca arisin from Erro ra and IndisoretioM of Ygeth Manhood Iossof ?it tiN&.GIPS oU8t OfrAeXe )3 Stamns from PROFESSOR DE VERB, 3210F, BoAD, CHEIr SEA. LONDON. B.W. HR. LEWIS & CO., -*?-* MINING EXPERTS AND BBOB?M. Advise on Mining SecuritiliS only.- Have OorrenpondfeDts or Agents in the principal Mining Dig. tricts at Home and Abroad.- Losses avoided and trouble saved by consultation p_emnvmy. Olt silAR^ES lt>e*ore BUYING, SELLING, or DULING in MINING No sp-ulative accounts underta4m.- tt?,. promptly attended to.— Addrws:-Baitholomew House, Bartholomew IAmuk ?m4mh ESTABLIRHBD 1873. T. R. DENNY, EAST LONDON RICE MILLS, -'L? DENMARK STREET, B. 31 ILLS, RICE FLOUR, RICE CONES, RICE MEAL, & RICE POINTS. SAMPLES AND PRICES BY POST. Postal-Address v Corn Exchange Chambers, Mart Lane. London, K.Q. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs. in either sex =red or constitutiona]), Gravel LOdrfa las. in the Back. Gnamnteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 48. Od. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the Worldj or sent to any address for sixty Stamps by the Makers, THU LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CosrpAirr, Lincoln. Wholesnle Agrents. BAECLAY k ROBs, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. POST FREE FOR SIX STAMPS. The MARVELLOUS WORK on CONSUMPTION, BY GEORGE THOMAS CONGREVE, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, London, S.B. Mr. Congreve is publishing ONE RECENT CASE of CURE EVERY WEEK in the" Christian Worl and other Weeklies. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! 114 FO G-S I And DAMP AIR produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In bottles, Is. lid., 2s. ed.. and 4s. 6d. SOLD BY A" MEDICINE HOUSES. B&IWSH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, '—————' EUBton Road, London T?IT 0 R I S ?"S'°? VEGETABLE -?? UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To be had of all Chemists throughout Great Britain. CORNS t OORNS! !-EXTR,AORDINARY DISCOVERY. ■ /^HTROPOTITNF, t?s latest invention, will posi-  J?m?U?U?J-rt J?, t??y ??j.g A trial will convince You. It differs f?.- -?thinw vet invented. Price 11Yd.. fftree by retu 15 tmp tree by return 15 stamps. Try it. Pottage, Chemist, Beverley. ROSE'sl LIME JUICE CORDIAL. The favourite Beverage for lunch, dinner, or supper party. L P..???.ed from the eim e Ir ui, and entirely free of aleohol. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Delicious in water, also in hot drinks for the cold season. The Favourite Family Beverage. No table should be withoutw. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Possesses valuable medicial properties, purifying ?he blood. An excellent Stomachic, stimu- lating and assisting digestion. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Recommended by the hig::cÜfuh;ies as eminently wholesome. See Lancet," &c. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Is sold by Grocers, Wine :g£:ls,Gè'i¡::t'ï; Chemists, &c., at home ?br ,.dt. ROSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Purchasers should orderrose' Cordial only, all others bein imitations. WhOle\õurtain Road, Finsbury, London, and Leith, Scotland. WALKER's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are superseding all others. Prize Medals, London 1868. Paris, 1867. Silver from JB3 3s. G 0 Ulfrom zCO 6s. 77, Cornhill.E.C. Paris, 1867. Silv erfro ,#. ?L., n. Descriptiie Pamphlet free. 230, Regent Street, W., London. Descriptive Pamphlet free. BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. -M'-1 A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. t?W?e /of fWce ???. G. EDWARDS, always on hand. WriKt? j k6 S LAND ROAD, LONDON. ( orner of Harwar St.), KINGSLANP ROAD. LONDON. WATCHES, JEWELLERY. MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH Coy. (Cheapest house in world). Ladies' or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glass heavy cased Watches, Iliadi( Ladies' heavy cased Gold Levers, 70/ Gent's Do., Do Do 80/ Bore purchasing send for Company's Catalogue, 1,000 T.. monials and illustrated BOO fine copper-plate engravings. The "Press" universally recommend their readers to obtain one. Sent Gratis and post free to any part of the World. Apply to mpany's Manager-A Percy. Vyse Street, Birmingham. THOSE WHO READ TIT-BITS A RE NEVER SHORT of a GOOD STORY -CjL TO RELATE, or a RICH JOKE with which to &Muse their friends. One of the QUIETEST Hotels in London.—Charges Moderate. TNNS of COURT FAMILY HOTEL," High JL Holborn & Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Dining Rooms &c., overlook Lincoln's Inn Gardens. Hydraulic lifts. Table d'Hote. ADIES' GOLD KEYLESS WATCHES, JLA all the latest improvements, jewelled in every hole. Per- fect Timekeepers; Beautifully finished and of exquisite work. manship. Equal to any watch sold at 3 guineas; price only 388. 6d. Money retumed if not approved of. Send P. O O 0 eån:rebtgr{; i.îf.P;ggsl Road, Leeds. to FREESTONE & COT?SPECIALITY. Ladies' -U Keyless Hunters, magnificently chased. Equal to any watch worn by ladies of title. West End houses are charging £ 4 48. Od. for similar watches without the keyless movement. Marvels of Cheapness. Sent on approval on receipt of P.O.O. for 60s. Freestone & Co" Victoria Mount, Woodeley-?d.. Leeds. T?ADDELEYA REYNOLDS,!? & 20,01dBaUey? J?W BO, M-k- of I I RUBBER STAMPS. Agent. w?td. TAAFFE & COLDWELL'S CELEBRATED PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS, With Pure Irish Linen Fronts and Cuffs, 4/0. 8/6, 6/6, 7/6, now admitted to be the best-fitting Shirts ever introduced. Simple Self-measurement Form on application. Anyone can measure himself. We guarantee a perfect fit or money returned. Sample Shirt per Post 3d. extra. or half-dozen free to any address in the Kingdom. TAAFFE & COLDWELL. 81, GRAFTON ST., DUBLIN PARCELS POST.—PARCELS POST.- L On and After August 1st. 1883, ONE PAIR of LACE CUR- TAINS, four yards long splendid design, will be sent to any address on receipt of P. O b,P¿&ici:è ;ên¿ôW Weekday-cross, Nottingham, Week-Ad-MD-cLro Es, Y'S ??UTOMATIC PENS, durable na'' Gold, flexible as a QuiU. points smooth as gI&Bs. 4 pozen, post free, n. HADLEY & Co?StJPaul s. Rirmin?'?m. r^ROWE'S BALSAM of LiNSEED and ? HONEY perfectly cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRON- CHITIS, DIFFICULT BREATHING. LOSS of VOICE. and all CHEST and LUNG AFFECTIONS, is more reliable and efficacious than any other kno wu inedi lie. 6old by all lntarotf: atnl8,oir alo 9dIteý Pl bto:l 16 or 36 Stamps, by THOMAS CROWE, Practical Chemist, 31, Wardour Street, London. „ of MEDICAL WONDERS, should be read by all BOOK youngmen. Important to debilitated and r)UU!\ these ?bouttomarty. Free in En,?lope for 4 stamps. Pub- I?VUi? )?h? Mf-dica! H'aD.FitMUan.equ?e.ShetBf?d. tist?h 183? 1IVM rnriTninP T A T Those who wish to many ? tJ?±?A-L??' should read NUPTIALS. A Journal e*stablished for the promotion of matrimony. A?-cout.'uM 8 k ? t ?, Ib y D, i'ti.d C o- I e b r i t i e ?i of our Town." Price 3d. in envelope 4d. Address Editor, 40, Lamb's U.,d.it,?t., London, W.Cr EN A VANT YEAST BUTTERINE ApPpI oW l^T^nsbury A. ???INE?' LONDON ?- ATAlT3TIR]cItr^AWPUL LOSS OF LIS1 .E—occurring daily, A: it imperative for DISS'S PATENT HOUSEHOLD FIIil ESCAPE to be fixed in z,e,y House, Shop, factory, Hotel, Theatre, or .tl?"I building. Afford ready, .-y, .?d certain means of escape at any moment. No one is safe without them. Canilevergetoutof??der, cut but a trifle, laat for ever, simple in oon^trnotion, can be used by a child.—For partioa!a> a, address A. DISS (Inventor), Builder, &c., Col- ch 's*er, or London Acrrntu, Midas &De Nevers^,Knight Rider-st.,E.C. "jMLiEANLINESS." — NIXE Y'S BLACK U LEAD NIXEY'S Celebrated Rtjiined ] I LAOK LEAD. Has over TIURTY YEARS' W arld.wick Reputation. Polishes Instautlv equal to BURNISHED STEEL. U"d "ithaut Waste or Dust. "CAUTION!" — There Me several I Yc; rlh'f£ïmtttie;ral W. n: TXEY. Blaek Vc:adWnrks. Soho Square. Loudon. A ?'ENTS WANTED.ElMtricSalfPoHahin?W?erproof '1\" "Mni? CO"AshwJ].Q,Lyn«. San.)iien& particulars free 12tmp8.   ?SHARE?n?TEA?M'? highly' ;I- n'manoratire Investments in the b<«t & .f?.t Steamship ruc Propertle extting,appiv Thm Bur Steams ?, gr,?yr "?d SIL%rt? Broker. Pook«, Ctrdlli. Bankers' referen_. JE25 REWARD. Will be given to any person who can prove, after a fair trial that Bell's Patent Life Pills and Ointment" W ill not cure the worst lorms of Liver complaints, General Debility, Indigestion, Bile, Disordered Stomach, Costiveness, all Ft male Complaints, Ulcers, Cancers, Abscesses, Piles, Cuts, Burns, Boils, and ei-ei y form of Skin Disease and Euruption. When all other medicine fails this will positively cure. Sold by "all Chemists, in Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. boxes and pots. Post free for 15 or 36 stumps from sole manufacturers, W. BELL & Co., Reading, Berks. If your Chemist does not keep them he can get them in a few hours. 554 ROSEBUSH AND FISHGUARD GUARANTEE FUND. riiHE AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED by Guarantee to X the above, now reaches £ 4,660 worth of Shares, to be taken up on the Line being completed to Let. teratone. BY PARCELS POST. ♦ 5/-t -i TROUSERS! 1 TROUSERS K/? ? IX XPARCELS POST. PARCELS POST. Send for patterns at 6/11 to 10/6 per pair And you will receive an assortment of Black Diagonals, Scotch Angolas & All-Wool Tweeds, together with fahion p!a.tes. ?nd directions for self-measurement. You will find on comparison that our goods are at least 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house in the trade. rattems for OVERCOATS on application. Goods exchaugel AddreM, TARLING BROTHEBS. WELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Established 1840. G- H LENNARD'S WILBERFORCE" G.-17t-.rATERPROOF MANUFACTORY, IW 41, WATERWORKS STREET, TT LA.LI should purchase their Reversible Canton or HULL. Gossamer Rain Cloaks at the above ad'lress. GENTLEMEN'S Saddle Coats, Cape-. Box Coats, &c. BUTTON & PuH-up Overalls, Leather and Canvas Le??in?t, Invalids' Air or Water UecU, Life V?ts, Cushions, &e. CANOE APRONS, Tourists' HoMaHs, U?if, &c. SFORTSMEN'S Couriers, Cartridge. Game, nd other BWe. T AVELLERS'E?E r, C u YACHTSMEN'S Oil Garments, India Rubber Shoes, &C. PABCSLS I>BSrATCHBI> TO ALL FABTB BT POST OB TRAI-4. 1/ LOOK HERE. 1/  SPLENDID brocaded SILK HAND- .?LKEHCHIEF.ZSin. square, never before eq?Ued. post free for Is. or 13 t.-p,, two for 1s. lOd. or 24 Ftamps, three for 2s. 6d. or 30 stamps, six for 5s. or 60 kitam t??l,? for 9,. or 108 stamps. Mi,n returned for .11 -?.t v, ?k n.3.il?d if :l:prÖf. R- yom:ps ON & Co., COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, STOCKPOET. A LL SCHOOL REQUISITES BOOKS A STATIONERY. MAPS. DKSKS, BLACK BOARDS AP! P ARATUS, Sc.—supplied from Stock on a short notice. Cheap P,kR&TUS, Nki. c CAME HO ?. 2X?ST_ GfT.M? 8TnEET. EDINBURGH. TWDRFEMOUTH.-BOURNE HALL ■ 1 FOR VISITORS. Resident M.D. Prospectus forwarded. i^NNES^P A VILLON HOTEL.—Lately C honoiiredby a prolon iced stay of H.R, H. the Prince ofwales. W?n Ritnated Ttnp grounds. Tennis. &e. Lift. M. Ellmer, Propr. I H-ORSE RÙ-GS, stron¥Tined with blanket- ing, with buckle at chest. Price, pony 5/6; cob. 6/8, ho- 1 7/- with girth attached, 1/6 extra. Carnage paid. äèti ;fOqatft\-lltË1;ik*hiiYRS:l:trE1ë Walk, Fmsimry, KU. ONlY 1/. G!!å: BARGAIN. WOOLLEN DRESS GOODS 40i.* 1# Jinn Wide, for WINTER, m Now Mixtures. Per YA Ral -i,for ?rDT.RF.E R,, in FANI? ez, C MAIFU 'aFAcTUUIN_hcnMG CO-, e,,t?,?,. TO ALL WHO WISH TO ROY, MM, or SELL ANY DESCRIPTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY From the smallest Article to one of the Greatest Value. THE BAZAAR, EXCHANGE & MART, i AND JOURNAL OF THE HOUSEHOLD, Oners the best, cheapest, and :rU:I?1 Like aU Cfa? cMc?M?f" says the G?&c, <? ?foc?< U remarkable for its simplicity." THE BAZAAR also contains Articles with TIRiistrations on all subjects of interest to Amateurs. THE BAZAAR can be had, Price 2d., of all TNewsawents and at the Railway BookstaUs, or of any of the appointed Agents (over 400). a list of whom will be sent on receipt of lid. in stamps. A Specimen copy of THE BAZAAR sent on receipt of 2 stamps. Office: 170, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. STAMMERING effectually CURED by CorreeponAenM )?&.prMticatManual.orpe!monaUy. Artielmon' The NATURAL SYSTEM" in E -ti-it. Dec.. 1882 Copy fr?.-N. U. MASON, 18. STAVO?DALE ROAD. HWHBURY, ONDON. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE.—Agents in L every Town required on remunerative terms by a first-class Plate Glass Insurance Company.—Address, Messrs. WILLIAM POOLE & Co., Iysunxycr. BROKERS,75, PRINCESS ST.. MANCHESTER. FIRE INSURANCE.—Agents & others having E-? ,e,?.1 or other Fire risks in hand can place them&. ?az?f. themselves a Dod Commission by sending particulars to Meagm to., Insurance Brokers, 75,Princese-st..Mauchcster. J JtTftT* Qi»riUX IJHI -tw ø Young Teachers. VALUABLE HINTS TO PIANISTS: How to Become Proficient. By E. M. CAMPION. Post Free. la. id.; Cloth, Is. 7d. Address Alfred B. Campion, Ilfracombe.   -Retiring frombusmess.-Remainderof dQ&O o -L?* Stock.—A few LADY'S l8?:t. GOLD WATCHES, worth £6 6s. ite new, best workmanship, elegant finish, war- ranted perfect imeke,r,WiLU forward on receipt of P O O addressed Henry G en. 2, Trewern Villas, Fulham Road. Fulham. P.O.O. made payable Post Office, Walham Green.  ) at ? -< D. CARPETSlSiLfJI0; f ?rA \r\r)t? ? <J? BRUSSELS yard* SUPERIOR ditto, l/4 £ Immense stocks of new & secondhand Furniture, Table Linens, CurtMns, Blankets, Sheetings, &c. AU tcor)-SM?<tn<< dcKuer?/'rM. 'WM. WAINE. Complete HOUSE ytTRNISHER, 131 to 'n NEWINGTON BUTTS, Tndon,S.E LVES and TAPS. MATHER and PLATT, V Salford Iron Works, Manchester. LIBERAL TERMS to the TRADE. "A BERDEEN GRANITE "MONUMENTS, J\ from Pb, carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beau- tiful. Plans and prices from J. W. Legge, Sculptor. Aberdeen. M"f^ufl. TEGlBLE SHORTHAND." Popular Edn., 2/- E. l'ocknell.(H. Imperial Bldgs.. T.udga e Circus. London, E.C. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. JLJL LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It is the safe antidote in Scarlet. Fever. Small-pox, and other diseases. An in. valuable domestic medicine, removing Headache, Biliousness, Con.ti"atMn. Skin AffectioM. Blood Poisons & Feverishness. See numerous Med'o?l T?tunon?ls. such as no other Saline can «how, therefore USE no other. tr rAMPLOfKiFT U.S Holborn. Lonrion. HAVE 11 IN YOUR ?O?S'??WITH YOU IN YOUR TRAVELS. ? '?tjU??. (J<J?ji?!S, Abili?iA, I BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIs Bpows CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite eff"tiinl.-C-ution.-The extraordinary medical reports on the eiiioa-cy of Chlorodvne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words "Dr J Oollis B'-owne's Chlorodyne. See decision of Vice. Chasusellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, lRM. Miiuv testimonials from eminent Physicians with each bottle. From W. C. AVILKIN.~OS, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding. 1 consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spamodic OougU the bentit is very inai'red.. the ne ? ? Dr. '??UUman. of New Galloway, Scotland. A? sel:{n;r;tf.:{l:'?o:tr. J. ('71ilorbd?-ne the most valuable medicine known, ?'?' aol.l ill TJouiog. 1?, SO. & 4/Q. by all CÈemits. TOADIES' GOLD KEYLESS WATCHES. ■ J Gold dials, jewelled in every hole, perfect timekeepers, ex- Iitel*y finished. London shopkeepers are charging £ 3 lOs. '?ame article; handsome presents never such goods offered at the price. Sent on approval ou receipt of P.O.O. for £ 2 20. to tho?KE &00" Throgmorton Avenue, London E C MINES and MINING. HR. LEWIS & CO., O-Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Lane, London, And 157, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. MINING EXPERTS AND BROKERS, Gave special information as to the position and projects of all Mines, Home and Foreign. all Mines,cs & Co. devote themselves mtirely to Miiies and H R. M i wi n n, and theirlongpracticalexperienee enables them to give valuable information to iiitiuiuing investors. Investors in MINING SECURITIES will avoid loss ancl trouble by seekiniand acting on H. R. Lewis and Co.'s advice before buying or se ling. H. R Lewis & Co. have agents and correspondents in all Mining Districts at home and foreign. Correspondence invited on all Mining matters, SpecIJI",tive uccauntsnot ellferf,Ûned. EST.1S7S. '————————' RARE CHANCE. SEWING MACHINES AT £2 t7K?f Manufacturers Own PWcM. 8 Family Treadle Machines. new from Works. Makers' Price. Od • Ours, L4 10s. Od. Send at once for par- ticulars, as only It few are now left. LONDON & PROVINCIAL SUPPLY ASSOCIATION Ld., 143. Princess-st-Manchester. THE HIGHT THING IN TH K RIGHT PLACE. BEECHAM'S PILLA.  /?7 V\ /JPATENTO kl PU.LS. !|j v?\ I  Are a dmiUcil hy thousands to be worth above a Guinea a Box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as winll and pain in the stomach, sick headaches, gidllin"88, fulnpss and swelling after meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold chills, flushings 1 heal, loss of ippetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, *curvy( blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all, nervous and trembling- sensa- tions, &c., &c. The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. The proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great e-pense) a patent for them, he "hullenges the wholc world to produce a medicine equal to them for removing the above complaints, and restoring the patients ta sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills and they will he acknowledged to he WO-UTII A GUn EA A BOX. For female of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about ali that is required. No female should be withou them. There is no medicine to he found to equal Beeeham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken recording to the tlirec'ious tfiveu with each box they will soon )'{.,t,'1'<' f(,01a11'8 of allliPs to sound and robust hea th. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. remedy for Coughs i,; general. Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, SSioitnfcu in llveaih, Tighmet-s and Oppression in the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled and anyone labouring under anj of the above complaints need only try "ne Box to prove that they are the best ever offercil to the public for Asthmatic ai <1 Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression ol tI\ Ches They speedily remove that sensp of oppression and difficulty of b cuthing which nightly deprive the Patient of rf-t. They give aim st instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the al>ove distressing and, hen neglected, dangerous complaint*. Let any person troubled v.-iti. nny of the above complaint Beer-Linn's Cough Pill, Li i The most viol, Cough will ii- a short time be removet' Caution.- tie are requested to notice that the vordg lJ('('cham'« Pill St. Helen's," are on the Government stamp affixed to eucn box of pills if not on they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail bv the propiictor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, in boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stomps. Sold by every drug- gist in the United Kingdom Full directions given with each box. 744 HAVERFORDWEST CENTRAL POSTING ESTABLISHMENT. MARINERS LIVERY STABLES. OWEN D AVIES i (For many yeafs in the employ of Mn SAMUEL THOMAS, Draper, Haverfordwest.) BEGS to inform the Public that he lias taken Stabling for his own use at the above old — established Httel, where he has commenced in the POSTING BUSINESS' and where he trusts by keeping good useful Animals and strict economy in charges, to merit a share of Public Patronage. Saddle Horses atyd Vehicles of all kinds. 771 u alE OF THE BEST OF ALL ALCOHOLIC STIMurANTS." "BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL ON WHISKY The under-mentioned "Castle Grand" Whiskies have been selected from W & A Gilbert Stock of 10,000 Butts, as the choicest specimens of old Scotch and Irish Whiskies. WBCIMKM 8BAU GRAND" SCOTCH WHISKY) BOITM '?" ???? Fme Highland Malt Whisky Very old l 3/6 42/ io /?roM/??T ?rc? bastle GRAND" IRISH WHISKY Y I Fine Dublin Malt Whisky Very old V 3/6. 42/ WIrA 10 per cent under proof J j Each &ttle <houM bear W & A Gilbe3es Gold Label and Capsule  Patent Seal on Cork as in margin, and Signature on side of Cork thus- ? ? ? 10 BE OBTAINED fIlM W & A GILBEVS AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN THE UNITED KINGDOM R. IMPORTANT TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. WANTED, FARM LABOURERS and several THOUSAND NAVVIES. t; Tj^ARM LABOURERS WANTED, also several THOUSAND NAVVIESWages One Dollar, Fifty Cents, (6s. 3d.) per day, for llailway Work North of Lake Superior." The Government have made Special Arrangements with the DOMINION LINE of well- known Steamers, to convey Farm Labourers to QUEBEC at 93, and Navvies for c4. Form of Application and Full Particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. Berths should be secured without delay by paying a deposit of £ 1; the balance having tc be paid the day before sailing. F. W. LEWiS, Telegraph Office, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. Parisian Depot for Millinery Dressmaking. MRS. W. L. HARDING Begs to announce her return from London with all the LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, COMPRISING J LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FELT, VELVET, AND OHENILE HATS. AND BONNETS, MORNING & EVENING CAPS, WREATHS, & DRESS GARNITURES, MANTLES AND JACKETS, FUR-LI\EI> CLOAKS, ULSTEUS, & WATERPROOF CLOAKS, Fun CAPES IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES, Of wi-iieli there is a Great Variety this Reason, -tmI\L SKTW JACKETS, FPJJ SETS, TEA OOWjsrs AND DRESSING GOWN S. A Large Assortment of Ladies' Walking Costumes, F 11 O M THE B E S T W K S T END HOUSES, Not to be cqualled in the Príncipality. THE NEW COLOR FUMEE-DE-LONDRES JS WKLL REPRESENTED, AMD THE MIXTURE OF PEAU DE SUEDE WITH NEUTRAL TINl S IS A GREAT SUCCESS THIS SEASON. The SHOWROOMS will RR-OPEN on SATURDAY NEXT, the 20th instant, when theI Favour of your Inspection is Solicited. Haverford west, Oct., 1883. AUTUMN & WINTER SEASONS 1888-4- GREENISH AND DAWKINS Have much pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared with a display of NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, suitable for the present Season. Special attention is invited to the NEW DRESS MATERIALS, In Stylish Stripes and Checks, New Colorings, &c. ALSO A CHOICE SELECTION OF • Mantles and the Long Dolmans now so much worn. LADIES' MACINTOSH CLOAKS Of the Best Quality, and Lower Prices than last Season. FUR SETTS, MUFFS, TRIMMINGS, AND CAPES. MILLINERY, FLOWERS & FEATHERS. Newest Shapes ia Straw Hats. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING. CARPETS, RUGS, AND PAPE11HANGINGS. Dress and Mantle Making in all Branches. MOURNING ORDERS executed with accuracy and dispatch. ALL PARCELS OF THE VALUE OF £2 & UPWARDS SENT CARRIAGE PAID. 24, 25, cY 26, Market Street, Haverfordwest. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. G-R-E- -F.,N ANDN WHOLBSALE OftOCERS Tea, Coffee, Spice, and Provision Merchants, Tallow Chandlers, Coffee Roasters, "c., j QUAY-ST., HAVERFORDWEST. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE- American Maize-American Bacon-American Hams. IIL*llVAiiAi VrMiliuliJIVLII The Universal Remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. > There is no medicinal preparation which may be so thoroughly relied upon in the treatment of the above ailments as Holloway s Ointment. Rubbed upon the surface of the body, over, or near the affected parts, it disappears under the friction of the hand, penetrating at once to the source of the evil, and thus performs its healing errand, rapidly, safely and without pain. In all long standing cases, Holloway's Pills should also be taken, as they I purify the Blood and expel all depraved humours from the system. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, and Bronchitis This Ointment is irresistible in the cure of these throat and pec- I toral complaints, which when neglected often end in settled ¡ Asthma or Consumption. The Ointment well rubbed upon the Chest and Back, night and morning, penetrates the skin, and thus absorbed, is carried directly to the Lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole mass of circulating Blood, it neutralizes I or expels all impurities. By these means all pulmonary com- plaints may be cured with rapidity and ease. Gout, Rheumatism and Stiff Joints. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over i Gout and Rheumatism, than any other Medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a vigorous appli- cation of this infallible remedy—according to the Printed Instructions affixed to each Pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment. Skin Diseases, Scrofula and Scurvy. The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly won- derful in cases of Ringworm. Scurvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLTOWAV% Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilized World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. iid., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d., us., 22S,. and 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed le each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language. j N.B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above adaresB, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. No. 18. 4 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGBS. J.b. An ever increasing sale of over 60 yews. EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. I KThe Best and Safest Remedy for COUGH8. ASTHMA. PHLEGM, and TIC ,N in the Throat. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Convenient to keep handy in the pocket. EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. KAre universally recommended by the Faculty. Testimonial (Original may be seen). DKAB SiB,—Having tried your Congh Lozen a in India. I have much pleasure in testifying go:ir=alincJ:-J Cases of Incipicnt Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchial affeo. tions. So good a medicine ought to be known to be appreciated. I have prescribed it largely with the best results. W. B. G. Apothecary, H.M. Indian itedical Service. Sold in Tins, Is. ltd. and 2s. 9d. each, by all Droggute. TV/TACNIVEN and CAMERON'S PENS US JJJL the best!PubUc Opinion. They come as a boon and a blowing to men, e eack, the Owl, and the AhadarddLmwsa" Thar a treasure." Od. and la. per box. Sold throughout the WQtlS. ] Also the HINDOO PENS. Nos. 1, 2, & 8. 1%;Sdmm boxes, containing &11 the kinds, by poet J8. II. fATfimrEs crrrmTF KNI) PEKHOinntRs:— MACNIVEN AND CAMERON, Z3 to 33, Blair St., Edinburgh. (Est. 1770.) "OUR TEA" A SPECIALITY PoR FAMILIES, eibs. Post free for 10;- Potal Orner /GODFREY & co-u,R London, X C. Tea direct from the Im orters. lib. and upwards at 1/4. 1/10, 2/6. Postal i)rder.P.O.O.. or cash must accompany all orders. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. CHS. FUSNOT'S CARTRIDGE CASES NEVER MISS FIRE And are THE BEST and CHEAPEST. Particulars of OSCAR SCnOLZW. 9. New Broad St.. London, E.C. ENGINES for Dairy and Farm P oses, r ? Chaff Cutting, Grinding, Pulping Steaming, Boiling k. Chaff CUtt?0,:?? n r11 Mietoria-Et., ndon Ë.c. '?GOLr?BERT  CHAINS 78. M. EACH. ?' THESE splendid French Gold Alberts are of the Jt. very best manufacture and in all patterns. They cannot be told from 18cL gold chains at £ 10 each, and will last as long. •WARRANTED TO STAND THE ACID. Post free to any address on receipt of P.O.O. 7'6, or stamp* 79-G WILD, 66, Barnsbury Road, London. N. TASMANIA, Australia, New Zealand, India, t China, Japan, West Indies, and South African Colonies.— Steamers for all above port,? at regular intervals. Goods shipped ?nd insured. Passages engaged. For rates and dates RPP 7 to Etalby. RADFORD & Co.. Fenchurch-avenue. Lime08tr .C. JEUfefiy} # fTIHE "ACME" CHEST EXPANDER _L and back supporter.—Cures round shoulders & Jut stooping habits—Price from 7/6. Write for Price IAOU ???oC. ?T)rewry. 1M, Walvorth 110" S. E WALTHAM CLUBS ASSOCIATION Invite Foremen, Timekeepers, and others to form Clubs for their Celebrated Watches, Bicycles, Musical Instruments, Wringing Machines. Catalogue and particulars Post free from t vr A.T.L. tfKasgex. Grafton Street. Leicester. NEW BREAKFAST <& AFTER DINNER BE VERAGE. CON ROYS MALT COFFEE Pure Coffee combined with Malt by Patent Ptocess As a breakfast beverage it I "A nounshmg ;in?l )ealth M uiurassed. "— J producing artic'e ? cb. t. "— DA!WKRI!O:'i. M.R.C., ( E. DAviM. F.G,S" *e. ASSISTS DICESTION. Retail from all Grocers, Druss-iats &c. Prepared only at the MALT COFFEE WORKS, 34, FLEET ST., UVKrWOOT _u- SYMINGTON'S I WORLDWIDE AQ A DO FtEPUTAWTIOIDrV E ARABS DANDELIOIV, FRENOH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTOK & Co., ) Established Bow den ?ea/M Mills. ? o?? MARKET HARBOROUGH. ? fifty year& "The CLEAN Black Lead .Vide PrØØ, JAMES 51 COLD R3EDAL Succ?aive ?WMda for Ex- DO juf 5 ccUeuceofQutLUty&ndClaanli- D- 0 m ??* aess \\i use. B L L, f" cj'?" om/c?/Rs ?r? t ?" ECJnom:c'], ?''?'§? ??? -n ? v A3t53 ?" BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. j FAIRS FOR 1883. rPHE FAIRS for 1883 wiH he hdd:¡s follows, no* ?T lese unforeseen circumstuucea shall Owwal4k'e uan alteration noceseary:- JANUARY Tuesday 9th FEBRUARY 13th MARCH 20th APRIL 10th MAY „ r.th 2th JULY „ ] (tth AUGUST } 4th SEPTEMBER Thursday (ith Tuesday 18th OCTOBER, Hiring Fair Friday 5th No Tuesday 16th NOVEMBER „ 13th DECEMBER 11th TLe PIG FAIRS will bf held on the day after the C ttle Fairs. Dealers and others at-iicliu^ the Haverfordwest Fairs art hereby cautil)ned against the praGtict- of acerating with a Knife or other Instrument for the'purpose of Marking any Animal; and NOTICE r" UKKKHY GIViiN, under the statute 12 and 13 Viet.. cap. 92, all Persons found L.weratiiig any Aniraal will be liable to a Penalty of i lVE i,OU,\ i)s. W. FARROW, MAYOK, Haverordwest, November 16th. 18bJ, BRISTOL 1^1 FA M NAVIGATION COM PA NY (Limited) NOV., 1 8 8 3. "1 — following or other saitabl* | x -I- Si euro Tpeff?s. uctfM prnentÑ '\?!N!t\<  ??. etrikw, want of fu?l, or any pnforsae— I occiiriepte, are intended tosailM VD' mentioned, from CMnherl»»>d Bapin, with or withovt Pilots, and with liberty to tow vessels during tW Month of Nov., l3- > ..KM BKOKE-DOCK, MILFORI), ANI) HA- YFKFORDWEST. 1 FKOM BKBTOL. 0 Briton. 2, Friday r4 after 9, Friday lIt morn 16, Friday 61 after 23, Fnday 12 n6o« 30, Ftiday 6 after FARES-Cahill, 8..6d. Fore Deck, 64t. Tenby or Pembroke Dork to Vex ford- Farps.- Ca*in till Fore De(k, 66. T K N B Y Briton. FkOJil BRISTOL I, Friday. 61 after 9, Friday Ili morn 16, Friday fij after 23, Friday 12 noon 30, Friday. 6 after FA RFS- Best Cabin, 8., Dock, 5*. (ibildres undo t Twelve %etirp of age, Bull-price. 4BT 0*F1CE .-32 1'KIKCE STKKKT. The above N'cpsels a, e titled up lei the conveyaviee Passengers and Goods. Female Stewards on Board. Carriages & E orser. should be alongside Two Boure be- (err Sailing, and arelanded and embarked at the risk aai expense of their Owtierc. AGENTS—Mr. F. J. Sellick, Haverfordwest, Milferi and Neyland; Mr Ahel Roberts, Pemgroke-dook lit T. Rees, Tenby. STEAM COMMUNICATION KETWETN LIVERPOOL. MILFORD SWANSEA A BRISTOL For the Month of November, 1883 r?HR LiverpooJ and Bristol Ch?ncft StM? A Navigation Company's St< nm Ship? BRUNSWICK CAPT. J. BARNBS. STUARF, CAI-T. W. F. CAMPHKLT. V TUDOR, CAPT. E. RUTHLIRPORD. MUNCASTER, CAPT. J. W. BLAK«. HEPTARCHY, CAPT. J. PRETHROL ,\JANE BACON, CAPT. T. ROWLBS. LOUISA, CAPT. R. WORK SUNLIGHT, CAPT. J. JOKES. MONTAGU. CAPT. M. DETEiRrux WINDERMERE, CAPT. 3. CAMPBELL NKW SHIP ttiuildirit) TH E S.S. JANE BACON," (or ether eviftable vewl) Is intended to sail (utiles* prevented by any unfwt. seen occurrence) as fellows, with or without pilots and liberty to tow vessels- — From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Nov. o'clock. Saturday 3 11 night Saturday 10 5 '< Nov. nVloe.lt. Saturday 17 11-Bight S»tur4ay 24 6 WW From Bristol for Milford. Now. o'clock Tu, aday 6 9 nifht Tuesday 13 4J even I Nov. o'clock. Tuesday 20 9 night Tuesday 27 41 ewes From JatUord for Liverpool. Nov. o'clock. Wcdnff?Hy 7. 9 IUOTI 14 41 me". ? Nov. c'etoch. Wednesday 21 9 morn Wednesday 28 «. 44 mora The Steam Barge Pembroke' it. inf tided to ply on the Milford liaveii, in connection with the above Steamed carrying Goodsto and from Pembroke-dock, Haverferdwe* and the ad j at-enl t ns. FAUT.S: — Cabin. Deek. Milford to Liverpool 128.611. 6a. Pristol to Milford 8s. 6d. 6s. Swansea to MiHord .5s. Od 3s. NOTICE. —The landing and emfcarration of Goods or PM* (zetigertt At Milford, bv whatever e-nvfvanto, whether at the expence ef the Sti-amet, or -t he4 wit, is at tb" risk cf the Passengers and the v»wnersof »4ie Goods res|«e ttrety. For ¡I.Irtht"parlirul"r.. ep iv 'roll)Allo, ar VPlj to Joh. Baf'o"T1, 4, Kuratoru I'h'ce, Livupoel; G. "H. Evans, Brig ol; Daniel Mnrtan, "-wv.sojt Ker»oilh> MW Co., Mae, chestei. JOIJ N MIL"aJb. f [fT l a GRATIS.—Sent y l'ost to all p"rts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE (TIn: FOR DE: ILITTES AND DERANGE- MENTS OF THE GEXPRATI\E AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NTRVOFS i>EI:i;.ITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIYEN IN THE BOOK W "POSirrti: nmDIlS," Thb Book trives a POSITIVE REM RIJY forall DISEASES The names of all Mcrlicines are given in English. CIIIe and Testimonials, with means used in each ce.sp ITr A Grrt)Fyo T'HE SELF- TREATMENT OF ALL IllSEASES, and should be Consulted bv all who require nurtical treatment. NOTI(;E.—THE POSI- TIVE ¡\1E\lICINF. GIVEN IN THF. ito(IR OF POSITIVE REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDKTKES USKD BY DR. SM.TT1 FOn OYEH TIIIHTY YEARS. li N- tlie aid of this Book Invalids rosy 'orn eorroet knowledge of their nulai'v. und find a POSITIVE REMEDY for the Cure. The nunmare published in KnirlMi, to ei.ai.le InvMlid< to Selret the Remedy and CURE THEMSETA ES without iwuisnltiiift II M('rlical M;¡n, makinjP: Ii Written Statement of Case, oi- jtavmp C. m-ultation Fees. Send Two St:m,|is for ')I('- LOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES," which contains 244 pages, jiart v" a Cure for all Diseases, Post free on icceipi of TWO STAMPS, direct from H SMITH & Co., Laboratory, 26, Southampton Row, London, W.C. ¡,i"! ,= ,-I(! WARRANTED TO CURS BLOOD PURIFYING PILLS ARE A POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES the Urinary Organs, Recent or Old Standing Weakness, Gravel, Backuehe, and all Discharges, Ac. all and every Disease for v hich Mercury und Copabia are need 'o the injury of the Patient's Confutation. After using these Pills, the body and nerve,, are restored to Health and V* our. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient for the Cure) price 2. 9d. May be bad direct from the Proprietors on receipt of Thirty* four Stamps. Sent by post to any address. H. SMITH. & Co., Laboratory, 26, Southampton Row, Ijondon. W.C. 468 A GOOD PLAN. A and upwards judiciously invested in Options on Stocks and Shares ofteogive hand- some profits in a few days. Full details iu Ejcpiimatorp Book f/ratis and post free. Address GEORGE IffVANS & Co., Stock-brokers, Grentham House. QM Broad Street, London, E C. Best and safest plan evar devised. 461 BRADFORIYB PATENT "V0WF1" TWA8H;NG^ MACHIM€S~ Fro. £i 151. Ca>rna?e free and tnal-toe* K1VOVH ITKBTWRHK *5 ftk 1IIOff" UBKrUL AWD *VSA»LKr Wrlncers from 25,1-, Maugi- from 45k (QMiUgfc. JI8.i4). Son? Genuine wiChrwt Tro-if Marii. Intending purchnsers of a la* Machine who mav experifnee lu otitainiiat. icenuine one, will lrase write lht. riir.-et, and we will Tft either furnish the name of our nearest .oiryteè A^rsat y or Bunply a Maeh-.ne dlrpM, carriaat JIfl.d, a"d IOU. spec.al discount for cash. Ie, Hih Holborn, London, "r Victorin Aveimo, Mufichc^^r.. ¡ 1 j 7'41 'ADVIOE TO DY^PEPTrCS."—Symptom* Aof Dyspepsia and Indigestion, wiU) BMpM '<?* vice as to Diet.—This little pamphlet ?" ai&m thoøewh have allowed the pal&U to decldee_ them, and have paid the inevitable penalty of their TeW- -Glob,. Sent for one stamp. J. M. RICHARDS, Iw lisher, 92, Great Russell Street. London. EKCKXLABB'S Rosa SO.f.r.c.œ heøt.-iorthe ToiJâ. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in tfee ae«ti foe -L a Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgic, hereby directed to obtain of any chemist PewzttH mnnr- KATIC KMEROCATIOF. Its BxtraordmMy ^icacy ^haa been attested bv Earl Clandon, Lad .vW ,Leo ivll, of Radnor, General ood, and many cFrdw. P. It is for external application only Bold in boPAM at 1/1? and 2/9, by all Chemists. Ekuuh's RoSJI SOAP.—The best for t^ToOet. "FOR ASTHMA, HAY "VAR, I AND X CATARRH.—HIMROD's CVXX W88 employed under the highest medical sanction isn the eain d the late Earl of Beaconsfield. The medicine from which his lord- ship found most comfort and relief was Him«>a*s Pewder. The fumes are inhaled by the patient, and at onae aSord relief.Pt-r Tin 4#. Sample Free. J. M. RICBAJBD&, fl and 93, Great Russell Street, London. EKCKELAEE'S RoSE SOAp.-The beat for the Toitefc. 66 T>KIGHT'S DISEASE AND LIVJJB, QOK- PLAINT.-Tb,e HomAN Pki) I ha^ a natiairi reputation established throngh its wonderful efficacy ita all ailments that have their origin in a torpid liver%WAI!eommd kidneys, and is endorsed by thousands of earnest, intelli- gent, witnesses, who will teU you that the. HOLKAJT ;Pj,J" ia a cure for these diseases. Read the pamphlet entitled Nature's Laws,' sent free tony address. Holman !?? Co., 92, Great Russell Street, London." Price of HOBWA Pad, 10s. EBCKI ABB's ROSE SOAP.—The best for the ToilBt. i-I ET A BOTTLE TO-DAY OF PERRY vJI DAVIS' PAIN KILLER.—It instantly relieves and cures severe scalds, burns, sprains, bruises, toothache, headache, pains in the side, joints, and limbs, all neuralgic and rheumatic pains. Taken internally cures at once coughs, sudden colds, cramp in 6tomach, colic, diarrhoea, and cholera infantum. PAIW KILLBB is the great house- hold medicine, and has stood the teat of 60 years. Any chemist can supply it at lilt and 2 '9." BUCKEI,ABB'S Rosx So"The best for the Toilet. BEEF TEA FOR INVALIDS. — "Delacbe's BEXTRACT c? BBEF is the beet for beef tea, SORM gravies, stock, flavouring and general use, and has been adopted by the Red Cross Association, and Medical Board of the English army. Its absolute purity certified by Prof. Attfield, of the Phar. Sac, Its strength equal to double quantity of other Extracts of Beef. Five prize medals awarded. Sample jar by Parcels Post on receipt of 1/10 Depot: 93, Great Russell Street, London." I SIOKUASB'b BoB. SOAJ.—The best for the ToiltW