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Mr. EDWARD RIBBON, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, and PIANO- FO] TE TUN Eli, A Emall Band for Private Parties only, VIOLIN, Violoncello, and Pianoforte. MERLIN HILL, HAVERFORDWEST -o.- -# The Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Telegraph IS now on SALE, directly after Publication Ht M I'ssrs. W. II. 8M ITll & SONS. New Milford And Pembroke Dock, and at E. J. Wl',IGfITS', 2, Dimond- atieet, Pembroke-Jock. A TT TiT? VX ? ?  BLAIEY'S ey QY u tL,¡ ? 'nr f? TR G PEOTECTORS  NO TROUBLE TO FIX. Sixpence spent in Shorn saves 10s. 00 NOT BUY VILE IMITATIONS. Agent: Mr. CHARLES MAT HI AS, Dew Street, Haverford west. mWELVE?DARTES de ?ISITE, 2s. 8d; j. Six, 1. 8& Carte en).?-") t? 10 inc'7, C<hi: t Send Cart* with -t-?p". London Phougra?iiic itet, LundoD. W. j F. K l>. rHlMJf'S. Man srer. TOWLE'S PEYROY At & STEEL PIUS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities aud reliev-b the dlstretmiig, symptoms so prevalent with the sex. lioxco In. lk& and 2b. 9d.. of all Chemists. Scut anywhere for 16 or 31 Stamps, by the Malar, E. T. TOWLE, Chemist, Nottingham iMflBSl, rerfectly Harmless. JtwJx Will reduce from two ,o five ???? poM?a per week: acts on the  food in tne stomach, prevent- ?<?? SftffjffiH :i. I tag its con?,?siell mto F-t. [fc Tjk. '-??<{S[ S/? s3d ?Chemiata. Send ,? 'g? :tp'1or rt    Botanic Medicine Co., ?<!    '?'t?-.?2HLL? ? 3 New Oxford-street, ?'???' London, W.C.  XJATE IT IN YOUR, HOUSES, t&d fWlowthe advice of tho em., ine-it Doctors Prout, tte"u,, Morgan, Turley, Dowsiujjr, Gibbon, Sparks, tc trbo hare home unqualified testimony to the value oi » AMP LOTOS'S jPTTKETIO SALINE. JL4 it giveslnstant reEeftn headache, sca or bilious sick- ness, oonstlufttion, heartburn, scarlet and other fevers, smsllqqx, ifienales, eruptive and skin ccinplaints. Uq no substitute. H. IiAuplough, lia Holborn. London.  IS THe -Sold E" BRYANT MAY'S IMatches, BRYAN,   ¡'In".  r11¡: t:'ft1 '7:, ,i',iL- ..J.$ • ¡ k:, L i GOOD for the GOOD for tha cure of INDIGESTION. tJOOB for the euro of SICK HEADACHE. GOOD for the euro of HEARTHUEm. (JOOD for the care of BILIOUSNESS. GQOD for the euro of LIVER COMPLAINT. GOOD for the cure of ALL COMPLAINTS arising from a disordered state of the STOMACH, BOWELS, or LIVER. Sold by qll godiai-no Vejidors, in iJox's ufc Is Ud, 2d 911. and 4p fKl each OT free lor 14, 33, or M Stamps, froro JPAOE D. W-GODCOCIC, HIGH STBEST, LINCOLN. c ?W?6h??!???'PT3 ?4Mm!iiil? THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER flas the Largest Sale of any Medicine In the World. r! OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED, For cleansing and clearing the hlootl from all impurities, It caaaot be too himy i-ecoirimeucled. Per Sorofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Bores of ail kinds, it is a never-failing and per- auuent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Logs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Facfc Cures Scurvy Sores. -!I.; L,Curps Cancerous Ulcers. Blood and Skin Difccasos. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all irrpuro matter, From whatever cause rlsm. -Am this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted trie oatil anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sulforora to give It a trial to tost its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases, containing six ttIM8 tho quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a per- nwaent'tfure In tne trreat majority of long-standing caeee, BY ALL GHKMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout t,he world, or sent for 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, The Lincoln Alf]) Midlakd CoMPAirjr, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"Blood Mixture.") LlkN L ,I }¡ IXomi man stenmfrs to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. HIBERNIAN, for Halifax and Baltimorc, Oct. 23 PARISIAN, for Quobee, Oct. 25 PERUVIAN, for Quebec, Nov I CASPIAN, for Halifax & Baltimore, Nov. G SARMATIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 8 SARDINIAN, for Halifax and Portland, Nov. 15 OCEAN RATES. Saloon, 12 to 21 Guineas; Intermediate, 1:8 Steerage, V-4 4s. Through tickets at special rates to Chicago, and to all points in the Western States and Canada. NOTF.-The best, quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba and the Great North W.. t is by the M ail Steamers of this Line. Assisted Passages to Quebao :.1"0 granted to General Labourers, Mechanics, &e., for C-1, and to Agricultu- rists, Agricultural La lJOurer2, aw! }j cnn1.;e Domestic Servants for X3 and Through to Inland points in Canada at special rates. Passengers landing at Quebec and going inland are accompanied on the Hail way by tIll) Couipaay's special conductor. PAMPHLETS on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western States free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., James Street, Liverpool, to KELWAY & Soxs, Milford Haven; -JvMra BiKyirH, i' n/iiijur, tI;g!L■: tf j fu, No ./port, .1!en. J. W. P1 • v wm, lavcrfordwesS, 20G BUY IT AND THY FOR YOURSELVES. I gINCLAIE's COLD WATER SOAP I The Fa:nily >Va«li witiiout the misory of a steaming [ t < i per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP A Government Inspector of Soap Factories says: My opinion of it is very high, on no account would I bi without it in the house. gINCLAIR's COLD WATER SOAP For Laundry use.—4d. per It). gINCLAIR's COLD WATER SOAP Oil ai.1 Grocers and Ou.>:en. JAMES SINCLAlit, BoCTinvAKK, London, S.E. I GOLD LINKS, ———— Elegantly engraved, 3/- PER SET. STUDS, 2/6 per set, post free. Send for FULL Illustrated PRICE LIST OF OROIDE GOLD JEWELLERY. Free per post. C. C. ROW E. 02. Brompton Road, London, S.W. To eM Tamo ?? <?J?ft?_?. ?f?M? J?H?M reMt?. .,?Lg =ialtr it4rvow DONXV. THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Designed aa a Warning and a Caution to othen; supplying at the same time the means of SELF-CURB, by one who ? oured htmseu, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposi- tion and Quackery. &ngie copies may be had (post free) by smding a stamped ad '=?d envelope to the author, ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., to.low, neM Undon. ( ?N NERVOUS DEBlLll^ and the Ar? of ??He&UngftU DiseMea ariaingfromEn-OM and IndiscretioM 01 Youth aT,5 Manhood, Loss of vitality.&o. Post free 3 Stamps from PROFESSOR I)b VERZ, M, Post free SStam n-om I^NDON^W5 VEBB' 8201 XINQ'8 BOAD, OHEtr HR. LEWIS & CO., XINMG EXPERTS AND Bwxzus. Ad,4,,e minig Securities only.— îÎ:tg'i: in the principal Wtning Dis- triots at Home and AbroI Losses avoided and trouble saved by oonsultation personally, Ole by letter, before BUYING, SELLING, or DEALING In ALLNlNCf SHARES.— No speculative accounts undertaken.— Letters promptly attended to.- AddressBartholomew House, Bartholomew JAne, London. Established 1873. T. li. DENNY, EAST LONDON RICE ivrii'i'S, JLJ DENMARK STREET, E. -LTJU RICE FLOUR, RICE CONES, RICE MEAL, & RICE POINTS. SAMPLES AND PRICES BY POST. Postal Address 15, Corn Exohauge Chambers. Mark I-e. Undon, &0. A VE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. II LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. It forms & most i. nvigorating beverage by the simple addition of water, and, if taken according to directions is the best l?reventiv? and curative of Sm?l-pox. Scarlet Fever. and other fUsea,? It doe, not ?°R? Magnesia or any earthy matter calculated to produce Gallstolle or Gouty depMits. Prepared solely by R. LAMPLOUGH.113, Holborn, London. HAVE IT' H? YOURHOUSES & Ifi:Ir¥N YOUR Tf-lT IN POST FREE FOR SIX STAMPS. The MARVELLOUS WORK on CONSUMPTION, BY GEORGE THOMAS CONGREVE, Coombe Lodgre, Peckham, London, S.E. Mr. Oongreve is publishing ONE RECENT CASE of CURE EVERY WEEK ill the Christian Worl and other Weeklies. NEARLY 100,000 SOLD! 0 (2F C T And DAMP AIR produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST KEMEDI FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGREVE'S R Å T J. A Mrr( ttit rv i i, i In bottles, 18. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Gd. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES. BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, Euston Road, London. T?f 0 R I S yS?°?'V'°E?' E T A B L E   UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To bo had of all Chemists throughout Great Britain. Corns corns :extraordinary discovery. C HIROPODINE) "the latest invention, will posi- ? (?RIRO??DINE," ?el??e.?S??U??n? ^you. It differs from anything yet invented. Price 13Jd., reiurn 15 BtampB. Try it. .tta"?, Chemist, Beverley. ROSE's LIME JUICE !CORDIALJ Mt) The favourite Beverage for lunh dill'e? or uupper party Is prepared from the Lime 1ruit, and entirely ?ree of alcohol. OSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Delicious in water, also in hot drinks for the cold season. The Favourite Family Beverage. No tble should be without Ü. ROSE'S L I l\'Ù J U ICE CORDIAL. Possesses valuable medicinal properties, purifying the blood. An excellent Storoachw, stimu- lating and assisting digestion. ROSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL. necomm c-ii ded by the highest medical authoritiea IIS eminently wholesome. See Laneet," &c. R OSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. M" Is sold by Grocers, Wine Merchants, Confectioners, Chemists, &c., at home and abroad. R OSE's LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Purchasers should order Hose's Cordial only, all others being imitations. Wholesale Stores, 11. Curtain Road, Finsbury, London, and Leith. Scotland. ALKER's CRYSTAL CASE Watches aro superseding all others. Prize Medal, London 1862. Pari.1867. Silver from £3 3s. Goùlfrom £6 6s. ?iCornhiff.E.C. 230, Regent Street. W., Lonl?n. Decriptive Pamphlet free. '?rE?IARJ) & BAGATELLE TABLES. ? A LARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price Lists. G. EDWARDS, (Corner of Harwar St.), KINGSLAND ROAD. LONDON. WATCHES, JEWELLERY. MIDLAND ▼ ▼ COUNTIES WATCH Coy. (Cheapest house in world). Ladies' or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glas heavy cased Watches, 26/ Ladies' heavy cased Gold Levers, 70/ Gent's Do., Do., Do., 80/ Before purchasing send for Company's Catalogue, 1,000 Testimonials, and illustrated 500 fine copper-plate engravings. The "Press universally recommend their readers to obtain one. Sent Gratis and post free to any part of the World. Apply to on;,aaclr¡;;r .alatfef'h:;J:IY °?? THOSE WHO READ' TIT-BITS A RE NEVER SHORT of a GOOD STORY -?- TO RELATE, or a RICH JOKE with which to amuse their friends. One of the QUIETEST Hotels in London.—Charges Moderate. TNNS of COURT FAMILY HOTEL," High i Holborn & Lincoln's Inn Fields.W.C. Dinin Rooms &c., overlook Lincoln's Inn Gardens. Hydraulic lifts. 'I able d'Hote. T?DIES'?G6LD' "KEYLESS?WATCHES, -1 A aU the latest improvements, jewelled in every hole. Per. feet Timekeepers; Beautifully nnished and of exquisite work. manship. Equal to any watch sold at 3 gmneas; pnce only 38s. 6d. Money returned if not approved of. Send P.O.O. to Freestone and Co., VictoriaMount, Woodsley Road. Leeds.' Freestone & co. s speciality. Ladies' JD Keyless Hunters, niagnitici atly chased. Equal to any watch worn by ladies ot title. West End houses are charging A4 4s. Od. for similar watche without the keyless movement. Marvels of Cheal,.es Sent on approval on receipt of P.O.O. for 60s. Freestone & Co., Victoria Mount, Woodsley-rd., Leeds. T??D1?L?Y?ETN?LDS,T'9 &, 20, Old Bailey, T** E.C??a?r8?fINDIA_ RUBBER STAMPS_ A.t-?..t,?d. TAAFFE & COLDWELL'S CELEBRATED PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS, With Pure Irish Linen Fronts and Cuffs, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6. bow admitted to bo the best-fitting Shirts ever introduced. Simple Self-measurement Form on application. Anyone can measure himself. We guarantee a perfect fit or money returned. Sample Shirt per Post 3d. extra, or half-dozen free to any address in the Kingdom. TAAFFE & OOLDWELL, 81, GRAFTON ST., DUBLIN AROELS POST.—PARCELS POST.— JL On and After August lt. 1883. ONE PAIR of LACE CUR- TAINS, four yards IoLg spl?ildi(i will be sent to any addreMonroceiptof P.O?.7s. 6d.,eajh?efreu.—W. COTTON Weekday-cross, Nottingham. ???LEY??UTO?ETIC'P-ENS, durable XI as Gold, Hexible ?? u.i:U. poi:'? -,nooth as glass. 4 DozeM. postfre". 11. HADLEV 4 Co., St. Paul's. Birmingham. CRÔWEig BALSAM of LINSEED and \J HONEY perfectly cures COXJGHS, COLDS, BRON- CKITIS, DIFFICULT ISREaTHING, LOSS of VOIC-h, and all CHEST and LUNu AFFECTIONS, is more reliable and etRcaoioua than any ?ther known medicine. boM by an Cheini.?t?, in at is. li(l. and 2,? dltv l'l b¡'oi 15 or 36 Stamps, by THOMAS CROWE, Practical Chemist, 31, Wardour Street, London. — of MEDICAL. WONDERS. should bo ral by aU Ui it 1 \I young men. Inif ?rtam to dcbiHt?tt:d nervous sutkrerB and !)!h< th, so it 'r- Fr- in ,I,p. for 4 stamps. Pub.  i m :I;;f.,fllír. FK'i!g'hf:.¡ab: — hose wlio wisli toinai,ry 4 T Those who wish to marry PTIA B??" should read NUPTIALS. A J( uru?) established for thu pronioMon of matrimony. A!?o cuut?mu 8kctc.h?by"I?.mbf.v!t.r."euttt.l?t"CHlcMi?6of.jurT.)wu.n'-? 3d, in ?lpt 4? Ad.tr?t) Editor, 40, L;lnluit .t.. London. ?.?. E AA?V*A?'? \mi ?m W?ILKIN & Co.. J_!i BU'TTÊRlN.E '\lJl"t\):-DbbUry. F" lrJh;), ^.WF CIIj "XjOSS OF LIFE— oocui^^ring daily, re. rtersiti.nnative for DIS-, PATENT HOUSEHOLD FIRE E-.OA;'i3 :ob-? axed IP t.vury Hcus., S!'a"-w<>y. Oottl, Theatre, or ot'; «r Am-r.l .ci'- y -n d mean.- of en-apt ot an' moment. So 'wl»i.re*lMi.,ui 'ivun Oa « never get out of <>r«ier. ?er).. "„' 'tiun, can be used by a I ;!i!>0' {::>¡;È:?;0;f!;£E; ? .?.,?"?_?- ?'" ??? '.? '?j?..?ht f.ider?t?E? "CLEANLINESS." — NIXEY'S BLACK ?? -¡.II LEAD _211. Ù NIXBY'S  ULJc11'<1LeJ H'?ned T? j?OK LEAD. t, ? r, ?-T- ?, YEAHu Wf.rid-w;d:j .ei)Utation. ?ulishus Instant i,, u't'?1 to „ ?UT.NISHED STImL. i U"Vitste or Dust. l.d .1'rh,( are everal I .? ?: ? i, 1, Imitations. ? NtXKY, Black Lei.d Work., Soho Square. London. W'?. '"C??TS WA ST l?e llolii3hingWateri)root 1; 'pk'n_f!! ;')..A?1"oI'n-Lynt', '¿" rnpl ?■; p^rticulnra free 12 stmpa. 'j?-? ?tJAR'SS?n?T???SRg?FoF'h?My J}i,\ tvniiraeratiVH Investments in the best & saJest Steamship | I .fc l 'Li- Pi'^>>rcies existinK.^PP'V T^o».Uo»jr,yteamship Surveyor ;i;ii3 ':J! D"rd Hank'*r3, rfferenoca. I £25 REWARD. w¡n be j'iven to any person uho can prove, after a fair trial 1 that "Bell's Patent Life Pills and Ointment" Will not cure the wort forms of Liver complaints, General Debility, lit;gcstioii, mIP, Disordered Stcmncli, Costiveness, oil Female Coii-.jihiints, Ulcers, Cancers, Absccsses, Piles, Cuts, liurns, Boils, anil cveiy form of Skin Disease and Euruption. \\Îlen ull other medicine fails this will positively cure. Sold by all Chemists, in I,. lAd. alld 2s. 9d. boxes and pots. Post free for 15 or 3f! stamps from sole manufacturers, W. BELL & Co., Heading, Berks. If your Chemiet does not keep them he can get them in a few hours- 554 BY PARCELS POST. 5/-a -t TROUSERS!! TROUSERS K/-j -( X X PARCELS POST. PARCELS PoST.?? X X Send for patterns at 5/11 to 10/6 per pair Seotch And ou S;nf l')i:;o:£ ;t Bl ¡;?8. Scotch Ango1a,s, & All-Wool Tweeds, together with fashion plates, and directions for self-measurement. You will find on comparison that our gods are at least 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house in the trade. Patterns for OVERCOATS on application. Goods exchanged. Address, TARLING BROTHERS, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING CLOTHIERS, 42. G08- WELL ROAD. LONDON, E.U. Established 1840. G- H. LENNARD'S WILBERFORCE G. WATERPROOF MANUFACTORY, W 41, WATERWORKS STREET, IT LADIES,l??"ld T'eta;t*e('?blf JHULL. (lossanmr Kain Cloaks at the "bove ad'lro. GENTLEMEN'S Saddle Coats, Capes, Box Coats. &c. BTTTTOH <& Pall-up Overalls. Leather and Canvas Leggings, Invalids' Air or Water B??ts, L??fe Vests, Cu8hions, &c. CANOE APRONS, Tourists' Hol'blh, Ua", & SPOH,TSM £ JN*S Couriers, Cartridge, Game, and other D:?8. TRAVELLERS' Everel?n Collars, Cuffs, Fronts, &c. TACHTSMEN?S Oil Garments, India liubber Shws. &e. Parcels dkspatciikd to all parts bt Post or Traiw. J 1/ LOOK HERE. 1/ ? SPLENDID brocaded SILK HAND- A KEKOHIKF, 28 in, -quare, never before equalled, free for Is. or 13 ?;t??,lp? two for b. 10d or 24 stamps, ?h ee for 2, Od.r 30 t..p?, ?ix for 5s. or 60 ?it-ti-a twelve lor 9s. or 10b Mtamiw. Money returned for all sent Wck toBoiltd If ?t&pp??'f. R?HO?PSO'Sr'&CO", ? '°"? if COMMERCIAL 13UIIbINGA. 8ToteKro&T. -:1- PARCELS POST. LONDON JOINT- STOCK TEA COY. (Lmtd.) now send CARRIAGE FREE fco any address m U.K. 31b. TEA & upwards at Wholesale Prices. ?. r,Iailpro4ts. Frqml/4to 3/I? ?b-84. Leadenliall-st., E. C T- HE 1- RISIRESIDE, DUBLI2T.  .£I DUBLIN. PRIZES FOR STORIES. PRIZES FOR STORY EXTRACTS, PRIZES FOR RACY CUTTINGS. PRIZES FOR CHESS. ONE PENNY WEEKLY. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILL$ I aneq to ouro all 1!!1!to th u1-Jt!! in either sex (Mitred or constitutional), G.,Ml Pains in the BMk. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 4,?. 6d. each, by an Chemists and Patent Medicine Vandon throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, Tub LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG Cokpany, Lincoln. Wholesale Agente, Baxclat Sows, London, and all the "Wholesale Houses. "CfEATING'S COUGH L02SNCES. An ever increasing sale of over 60 years. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. The Best and Safest Remedy for COUGHS, ASTHMA, j PHLEGM, and TICKLING in the Throat. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. K Convenient to keep handy in the pocket. F,ATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. KAre universally recommended by the Faculty. Testimonial (Original may be seen). DEAR SIB,—Having tried your Cough Lozenges in India, I ha:uï;;n t[::5f;?1: gOfirL:KafeJgl:.J Cases of Incipient Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchial affec- tions. So good a medicine ought to be known to be appreciated. 1 have prescribed it largely with the best results. W. B. G., Apothecary, H.M. Indian Medical Service. Bold in Tins,'ls. l|d. and 2e. Od. each, by all Druggists. ? H A n r?!1*'<? f '40 P*00" ) at ? -< D. CARPETS f TA-.T- ?r ? ?— ?J t. BRUSSELS j ya.?d RIORdfttot 1/4?. Immt w&moondhan(I .Furmture.T&MeMnena.CurtMus, Blankets, Sheetings, &0. All t<;<!7va?!? a? deM?r? /?-<&. W«, WAINE, Complete HOUSE JFUH?ISHBR, 131 to l?0, NEWIN&TON BUTTS London, S.E T A L V E S and TAPS. MATHER and PLATT, V Salford Iron Works, Manchester. MBERAL?fERMS to the  THADE XBERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENT 4-M from £ 5, carriage iwkl. Inscriptions accurate and beau tUn!. Plans and prices from J. W. e, Sculptor, Aberdeen. ?"?GIBLI?HORTHAND.TPopula.r E(ln7? f £ X 1'. I'ocknelJ,Jjl:Jmparial Bldgs., liiidgaie Circus, London, i.e. STAMMERING effectually CURED b? Correspondenue 4QTAMME RING effectua "V Artiel? on The NATURAL A practical Manual, or personall Articles on The NATURAL SYST?EM" in Eloritticniqt, Dec., IM2 Copy fr?e.-N. H. MABON 1^ STAVOHDALB ROAD. HIGHBURY, LO^DOW. n -t. every Town require on :Hffi 'KTms ny a nr c a Plate Glass Insurance Company.—Address, Messrs. WILLIAM POOLE & Co., Insuuanck BROKERS, 75, PRINCESS ST.. Mascuestbr. FIRE INSURANCE.—Agents & others having JL- special or other Fire risks in hand cnn place them & secure to themselves a pood Commission hy sending particulars to Messrs. Wm. Poole & Co.,Insurance Brokers. 75,Princess-st..Manchester. JUST Out, an elegant little work, useful both to Students and Young Teachers. VALUABLE HINTS TO PIANISTS: How Vto Become Proficient. By R. M. CAMPION. Post Free, Is. Id.; Cloth, Is. 7d. Address Alfred B. Campion. Ilfracombe. -Retiring from business.-Remainder of .V3 1-0 Stock.-A few LADY'S 18-ct. GOLD WATCHES, worth aC5 5s. Quite new, best workmanship, elegant nmsh, war- ranted perfect timekeepers—Will forward on receipt of P.O.O. addressed Henry Gamlen, 2, Trewern Villas, Fulham Road, Fulham. P.O.O. made payable Post Office, Walham Green. „ ALL SCHOOL REQUISITES BOOKS, jtV STATIONERY, MAPS, DESKS, BLACK BOARDS AP- PARATU8, &c.—supplied from Stock on a short notice. Cheap prices.-R. In. CAMERON, 22, ST. GILES' STREET, EDINBURGH. prices R Vt. JUST PUBLISHED, PRICE ls„ BT POST Is. 2d. MERRY MATCHES: A NEW AND ORIGINAL ROUND GAME FOR CHILDREN Containing Thirty-one beautifully drawn Nursery characters, 'V pronounced by the Press T?,. GAME TI IE SEASON. too cheap and pretty Present for Boy or Girl. WYMAN & SONS 74 Great ueen Street, London, 'W.C to be A cheSaOp NS. 74. Great WITCHES". Ywi W TCHE Make of CALICOBS, MNENS, VELVETEENS, CASHMERE% SSRQE8 and BLANKETS. are exquwte in d?ign, e3ti?llent In wear r::it:ut,'irSÅ::rcli: êl:: ?-?Ttfn The BEST & c I in ? c WOR Rl nUfX Black or Cord Kid, 4 But's 3,6, Tan Chev- 0 Surette, 4 But'r. 3/6; Tan Suede, 6 mqtr 3/6. Son? Silk Gloves. 3/6. An quality or colour procurable by re- ?ur? post. Silk HoaiorT. Tans. i?ubig t's Perfumery, Cam- Long Silk Gloves, Hosia E,7, RIE &CO. eg ent St., London. ?S nB.ndkercMofs.-P?RlEB& Co..M3. Regent St., London. WEAR THE "EUKNEMIDA" SHOOTING and WALKING WATERPROOF BOOTS (C- & W. brand). They are the most durable, the most comfortable, the best fitting and the best looking boots that hand labour and m?-  combined can produce. ?? sswsssirs list in FIELD" weekly. trTCU L WER OT arriagefree.- t ? Our ainea Box of choice Hardy Flower Roots for out- door planting, contains the following liberal assortment of 565 ?und pickod bulbs, with fuU instructions for cultivation, pack. ?.??matre free to any address in the British Mca: 25 Hyacintlis, choice mixed. 50 Crocus, large blue. 50 Crocus, large white. 60 Crocus, large yellow. 60 Crocus, large striped. 12 Tulips, Rex Rubrorum. 12 Tulips, La Reine. 12 Tulips, double mixed. 12 Tulips, single mixed. 12 Tulips, Parrot mixed. 25 Anemones, double mixed. 12 Anemones, double scarlet. 25 Anemones, single mixed. 12 Polyanthus w arcissus. 12 Double White Narcissus. 12 Pheasant'8-eye Narcissus. 6 Chionodoxa ucilife. 6 Campernelle Jonquils. 25 Raniinculi, scarlet Turban. 25 Ranunculi, mixed Turban. 50 Snowdrops. 50 Winter Aconites. 12 Spanish Iris. 6 Triteleia uniflora. 2 Lilies. -1.- .11- Two boxes, 40s.; hMf.OOX, xas. oa.; quarwr uu 00. uu. Beautifully iUuatrated catalogue free on application.—?eque or p ao. to DANIELS BROS., the Royal Norfolk Seed Estab- lishment, NorwIch. — "A RUNDEL HOTEL,   ——————————————. lishm?Re?nUt NDE?L H ?TE London.-During re-build- x in business carried on ? bottom of Norfolk-at Strand ??oec&l reference should be made to the Aru?deJ. on the Tha&?mbankment.Vide Charlea Dickens's "DieUonary ot London." "?anoh House, the Nayland Book Hotel, Margate. Cubd" *'? ??ariff address Manager. THE tUGHT THIG TN THE RIGHT PLACE. B E, -E, k7, H A 74 c; P I L L, F, foy y>\ PATENT )|l <?.   — ? f?s ? f?-?' si j Are a dmitted by thousands to he worth above a Guinea a Box for bilious and nervous dis- orders. such a.4 wind and pain in the 1'tomch, sirk headaches, uiddin'SK, fulness and swelling nffer meals, dizziness and rJrow- siness, cold eliills, lfushings f hen', loss of appetite, shortness or h1'('ah. costiveness. SPu!"VV. Motches on (he skin, disturbed sleep, friyhtfnl dreama, and all nor-uus and trembling sensa- tions, &'c., &c. The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. The proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a patent for them, he ch::llfHires the whole world to produce a medicine equal to them for lemoving the al>ove complaints, and restoring the patients t» Mtund and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pill^ and thev will be acknowledged to be \V()!tTMACM\KAATi()X. For females of all ages these Pills arc invaluable, as a few doses of them earrv oJF all f;ross humours, open all obstructions, and brin^' about u!i that is required. No female should be withou them. Thore is no medicine, to be found to equal Beccham's fills for removing any obstruction or irregularity (ir the system. If tai.en according to the directions siven with each box tliey will iukmi restore females of allllc8 to sound and robust lieu th. ?KECtfAM'S?AGK' (.6lTuH 1'iLLS. A. remedy for Coughs in si'iieral. Asttunu.D'?cuttyof F.v" IT;) Siioi'tiiPss in Brca.h, T;?tii!noss and Oppression in the < v i, V'eyin &e., ',h'ri"LK=tr.)du!)l?.)!!(.'t:tnd anv-iii- lalmuring upder :mj o," U>i- nhoye complain's r.eeci only try e Uox to prove that they on- tin' best over offered to the puhiie for A: 'h.'ratic ai U CoiiMiiupiiw Cuii; h. Hoarseness and Oppresninii c, i: i e (,'oi's Tlr\ -Pi (ldJl n-move that sjitse of ;'¡r('(' '¡¡" :jl¡;;h/ih:ü(¡.),i'it] I pa> e. t of i ■ h i l  si.iu.c.m,/ .f to thofC i. U aht t t j»e aii d i'< n -x',cted, \J\'t'1:JIII\ '11 tt:: 'ol n "II' }\ :l:)'¡ above C(, ?il, 1 e Ctxyl, Pll. 'x a ti ial. Tl:t JHORt violent C(i:.<j¡ vv ill iu a .short (tmc V.e rcreovoi; C'tiifi"u.~Thc public aie requesiei. io notice tl.nt the ■«ords I ilcecl'.aiu'" I ills, St. iielen's." aro on the Government stamp affixed to eicn box of pitle if not I.n they are a forgery. 1'rcphr('t! only und sold wh(l;ps,Je ant] retail by the piopi ietor, T. Beechar.i, Ohernist, 'j;. Helens, In box.-1:, ht i.slA.1 .oid 2s Jd each. Sent post tree for 15 or rriops. Si Id by 0((7 drug- gist in :he U.ntoii Kia^dwu) l'ul; directions given with each box. 7i4 f AVEBFORDWEST I CENTRAL { POSTING ESTABLISHMENT. MARltfkn'S LIVERY STABLES. -;i 0 t- EN DAVIES. I (tor many years in lie employ of MR SAM UEL THOMAS, Draper, Haverfordwest.) p) S to inform the Prblie that he has taken Stabling for his own use at the above old established Hotel,a»%ere he has commenced in the POSTING BUSINESS' and where he trusts by keeping gooi|jaseful Animals, and strict economy in charges, to merit a share of Pubhc Patronage. • Saddle Horses and VKicles of all kinds. 771 I "ONE OF THE, EST OF ALL ALCOHOLIC STImurANTS," 4. BRITISH MEDICAL, YOURNAL" ON WHISKY The under-mentiooed "Castle Grand" Whiskies have been selected from W & A Gilbey's Stodfof 10,000 Butts, as the choicest specimens of old .Scotch and Irish Whiskies. a ?t < 9FBCIMEN SSALS J I GRAND" SCOTCH WHISKY) Bo-m,tDM? ? (c Fiae Highland Malt Whisky Very old 1 :v 42/ 1 ?SB? JL 10? caa oixdo ?-? j 4?6 42/ GRAND Im?n WHISKY OlRII Ss e DuMn MA Whisky-Very old > 3/6 42/ } 3/6? 42/ ?WtAf.tLCET? 10 &r "nt uiderprwf 1 ???M? lO?.y??. :??, ???? ? t< Each BoWe should bear W & A Gilbey's Gold Label and Capsule with) Patent Seal on Cork in margin, and Signature on side of Cork thb.-l.. TO BE OBTAMED FROM W & A CUBErS AGENTS II EVERY TOWN IN THE UNITED KIXCDOH j j :< Y. IMPORTANT TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. f WANTED, FARM LABOURERS and several THOUSAND NAVVIES. c'- FARAI LABOURERS WANTED, also several THOUSAND NAVVIESWages One Dollar, Fifty Cents, (6s. 3d.) per day, for Railway Work North of Lake Superior." The Government have made Special Arrangements with the DOMINION LINE of well- known Steamers, to convey Farm Labourers to QUEBEC at 93, and Navvies for E4. Form of Application and Full Particulars can be obtained from the undersigned, Berths should be secured without delay by paying a deposit of 91 the balance having tc be paid the day before sailing. F. W. LEWIS, Telegraph Office, Bridge Street, IIaverfordwest. ITUlTUXt/UFO of Every Description Carpets Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster, Felt and Stair Floor Coverings Linoleums, Stair and Passage Cloths Mattings. 0..0.0. Cocoa, Fancy and India Cretonnes Newest Colorings and Designs Cretonnes. Newct Colorings and Designs I Bedsteads BraL-ts and Iron in great v-.iriety I T M T????.-—?.?_ ? .??_?.?. ?.  Paper Hangings Over 3,900 Pi(,ces in Stock I The New 14 Balmoral" Squares AT LEWIS'S I Cabinet, Carpet, and Upholstery Warehouse, PICTON PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST. 738 FXJrsrKJR^LS PCJRNISHED. 738 FT3-Isri?n.ALSFCri?IsI ISJETEJD. AUTUMN & WINTER SEASONS 1 8 8 S 4: I GREENISH AND DAWKINS I flave mueh pleaure in announcing that thev aro now prepared with a display of NEW GOODS IN ALL DKPARTMENTS, suitable for the presen t Season. Special attention is invited to the NEW DRESS MATERIALS, In Stylish Stripes and Checks, New Colorings, &c. ALSO A CHOICE SELECTION OF I mantles and the Long Dolmans note so much worn. LADIES' MACINTOSH CLOAKS Of the Best Quality, and Lower Prices than last Heason. FUR SETTS, IuFFs, Trimmings, AND Capics. MILLINERY, FLOWERS & FEATHERS. Newest Shapes ia Straw Hats. Ladies' AD Children's Underclothing. CARKTS, RUGS, AND PAPERHANGINGS. Dress and jtlantle Jlaking in all Branches. MOUHMN(" ORDERS executed with accuracy and dispatch. ALL PARCELS OF .'HE VALUE OF L2 & UPWARDS SENT CARRIAGE PAID. 24, 9;5 8$26, Market Street, Haverfordwest. ESTA3LISHED HALF A CENTURY. '1 F)  -r- 1: r'lf'  J? D JO  JL ;¿.. -1iL_.I- ,) _.I..Ao.- J. ? WESliSSlLS SEfflCBES )! Tea, Cope, Spice, and Provision Merchants, j Tallip Chandlers, Coffee Roasters, c., QUAY-ST., IIATERFORDWKST. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE- • America] Maize—American Bacon—American Hams. I I WA World Known-World Tried For strengthening a debilitated co?ti'uUrm. these Pills are more efficacious than an3, other medicine. Persons of a nervuus hab?' 1 j aS'°US tilaaIl!l who arc sufTenn? fr. -n ?-k digesti? organs whose health has be?me demn? ed from whatever caus^ kho.dmd !lose Do tin?? in o?i??g th?,? Pilk a ? ?? tb?ir ?ti? b jmmdiate. ?"?" and ??S. restoring order, health, jj and ^vi^gonvr in v?ery cast. -FF -or Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels. 'rhese purifying Pilk are confidently recommended as the most simple and certain remedy for Indigestion, Flatulency, Acidity, CoRstipation, aRd all Disorders resulting from disordered Stomach or 13owds. They act as pursers..Uteratives, and strengthened of the stomach. Though po*e?fully tome and satis?ctonty aperient, they are mild m their opemtion and beneficial to th« whole system. Weakness and Debility-Nervous Irrita- bility and Low Spirits. The wholesome effect exercised by these admirable Pills over the Blood and Fluids generally, is like a charm in dispelling low spirits and resturin- cheerfulness. 1 heir general aperient qualities well fit them for adomesno medicine, particularly for females of all ages and penods of life. They quickly eject all impurities from j! the system, and regulate every function of the body ovine wonderful tone and energy to weak and debilitated constitutions. j Complaints of Women and Children. I Any mother, nur-se, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Hollownv's Pills, has at once available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours" II' The Pills and Ointment am sold rrt Professor HOLLOWAY% Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilized World in Boxes and Pots, at is. iis., 2zs. aig 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and n be had in any language. N.B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. No. 18. 4 BILLIARD PLAYERS ARE respectfully informed that a first-class BILLIARD ROOM has been Opened at the CASTLE HOTEL, Haverfordwest. 569 ROSEBUSH AND FISHGUARD GUARANTEE FUND. I^HE AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED by Guarantee to Tthe above, new reaches ?4,660 worth of Shares, to be tnken up on the Line being completed to Let- terstone. XTERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. » A Vntleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has disoovered a simple means of pelf-cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any -•ufft-iv-r on WEt of a stamped and directed en,elope" .Ad(ress,.T. T..3BWELL, Esq., Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. LUACNIVEN and CAMERON'S PENS an UjJL the begt"-Ab.,ic Opinion. "They come as a boon and a Messing to men The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley fen" aw/vtw XtRTl.'v ■ j Specimen boxes, containing all the kinds, by post lfl. II, Patentee? or PENF axe Pekholdebs I MAONTVEN AX?' CAMERON, S to S3, Blair St., Edinburgh. (Est. 1770.1 "OUR TEA" A SPECIALITY" rOR families. eibs. Post free for 10/- Postal Order GODFREY & CO., IC??B.ood Lane. Liondon, E. C Tea diret from the Importers. lib. and upwards at 1/4. 1/10, 2/6. Postal Order, P.O.O., or cash must accompany all orders. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. UJtib. YUBNOT'S —————————————————— CxlB, 1CUSNAORTTSRIDGE CASES NEVER MISS FDtE And are THE BEST and CHEAPEST. Particulars of Oscar Schqieto, 9. New Broad St., London. E.C. N GINE S for Dairy and Farm Purposes, for Chaff Cutting. Grinding, Pulping, Steaming, Boiling, tc. R. B. Queen V ictoria-st., London. E.C. E. p. GOLD ALBERT CHAINS 7s. 6d. EiCE THESE spleudid French Gold Alberts are of the JL very best manufacture and iu all patterns. They cannot -t told from 18ct. gold chains at £ 10 each, and will last as long. WARRANTED TO STAND THE ACID. Post free to any address on receipt of P.O.O. 7'6, or stampa 7.'9.-G. WILD. 66. Barnabury Road, London. N. TASMANIA, Autralia, New Zealand, India., China, Japan, West Indie,, and South AM(an Colonies.- Bteamers for all above T*rts at rep?ar tnterra.?. Go* shipped and insured. Passages en ??ed. For rates and date#apply to Otaley. RAD?ORD & Co., 2, V.,??? ch_.venup,? Lime-streeta E.C. I THE "ACME" CHEST EXPANDER ■Mr and back supporter.-Our" round Shoulders & t jmC. stoopinc habits—Price from 7/8. "Write for Price Lists to C. S. Drewry, 184, Walworth Boad, S.E. "pSTALTHA^T^ CXUBS ASSOCIATION ) Invite Foremen, Ttmekeopere, and others to form Clube for their Celebrated Watohes, Bicycles, Musical Instrumeate. Wringing Machines. Catalogue and particulars post free from w T Jj. M*ns««r. Orafton Street. Leioester. NEW BREAKFAST & AFTER DINNER BEVERAGE. CONROYS MALT COFFEE Pure Coffee combined with Malt by Patent P?ceM As a Moakfast beverage it 1 "A nourishing ind b- alth 38 umurpassed. "— prodnoin?ml-toteofdirt."— Dr. 8axdkrson. M.R.C.R. ( E. U?viKs. F C.6.. ?e. ASSISTS DICESTION. Retail li-om all Grocers. Dru. &c. Prepared only at the HALT GOPFEE WORKS, M, FLEET ST., LIVERfOOT SYMINGTON^ WORLD WIDE AD ADO REPUTATtON ?!??D? D????/0? FRENCH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON & C0.1 j Established Boiuden Steam Mills. } over MARKET HARBOROUGH. ? Wv year& The CLEAN Blaok Le&d. ?<' Pres*- JAMES' c°L° lf|lAL ?J??tVSE?? w???????M 6U"Ci. awards for Ex- D o ? l ;{ jT8* euce of QualityandCwuii- C;?v 6 ? < ?'=0. ne.s m 'Ç" ?.??/ RaAr? ??n Ec.:>no I?? icrtl!, ? ? ??. ? ? « -N BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF H A V E RFOR D WEST. FAIRS F O li 1 S 8 3 THE FAIRS for 1883 will be held 118 followp, un- A. less unforeseen circumstance shall make an alteration necessary:— JANUARY T iit-.sdav 9th FEBRUARY „ 13th ?R. 20th AFRI? L ?? 10th MAY 1.?th JLTNE, f,)r Wo,)l -Ti(l 12th JULY M V ioth AUG'?T !4th AUGi. si |4ti, SEPTEMBEI: Tburs?y 6th 'Tuesday 18th OCTUBKK. Hiring Fair Friday 5th >' „ Tuesday, iftth NOVEMBER 13th DECEMBER m 11th Tht* PIG FAIRS Will 1)e on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending- the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of I acerating with a Knife or other Instrument for the purpose of Marking any Animal; and O nCE IS HEliKHY GIVEN, under the statute i2 and 13 Vict.. cap. 92, all Persons found Lacerating anv Animal will be hable to a PenaJty of 11 V E rOUNDS. W. FARROW, lAYOR. Ilaverc'rdwest, November j(jtb, lSč2. BRISTOL lTAM NAVIGATION COM PA NY (Limited) NOV., 1 8 8 3. V i foHowing or other luita. |  ??? ? A Steam VesFels, unless prcT?nted by <?)tgNj<tt????. ?tri?M, want of fuel, or My ubforMMII j occurreEce, are intended to sail aa uW*w. mPntioiD?d, from Cumbpr?fd Basin, with or wither Pilots, and with liberty to tow vessels during the Month of Nov., i883— KM BROKE-DOCK, MILFORD, AND HA- YFRFORDWEST. FROM BRISTOL. Briton. 2. Friday 61 after 9, Friday Ili mora 16, Friday 61 after 23, Friday 12 noon '0.' 30, Friday. 6 after F AREB-Cahin, 88.6d. Fore Deck, 6s. Tenby or Pembroke Dock lo Wexford-Faeo&-CabilB 111 Fore De< k, 6s, T ) TENBY. Briton. 2, Friday FROM fciUSTOL6* after 2, Friday. 61 after 9, FridRY Ili mora 16, Friday. 6l after II 23, Friday. 12 noon 30, Friday 6 after F A RES Best Cabin, 8s., Deck, 6s. Children undev Twelve i ears of W, Balf-price. W OFFICE .-32 PKIKCE STREET. f- The above Vepse-lp are fitted up get the conveyaiiee Passengers and Goods. Female Stewards en Board. Carriages & Horses should be alongside Two Hours be- fere Sailing, and ue landed and embarked at te riak aoi expense of their Owners. AGENTS-Mr. F. J. Sellick, Haverfordwest, Milford and Neyland; Mr Abel Roberts, Pembroke-deck; Ib T. Sees, Tenby. ) STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL. MILFORD SWANSEA & BRISTOL For tht Month 0/ November, 1883 THE Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steeat A Navigation Company's St-cao- Ships j BRUNSWICK CAPT. J. Barnes, STUABf, Capt. W. F. Cakpfbli. r. TUDOR, CAPT. E. RUTHIERFORD. j MUNCASTER, CAPT. J. W. BLAKE. HEPTARCHY, Capt. J. Pbethboe. j'tv* 1.1 -.•■r JANE BACON, CAPT. T. Rowies. kl LOUISA, CAM. R. WORK F-UNI-IGITT. CART. J. JONES- ■ (r MOKTAGr, CAPT. M. Devfkeix WLNBERMEUK, CAPT. J. Campbeh Ji) AO' ■?? NEW SHIP (BuildinR) THE S.S. J ANE BACON," (or other suitable vessel) Is intended to sail (units* prevomd by atty unforg. teen occurrevec) as follows, with or without pilots and c. liberty t(, tow yesst-Is From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Mo*. OCiOCK. | Saturday 3 11 night I Saturday 10 6 enD I Not. c'ctoct. Saturday 17 11 night Snturday 24 6 eTM From Bristol for Milford. Not. o'clock 1 Tuesday 6 9 night Tuesday 13 41 even I Nov. o'clock. Tuesday 20 9 night Tuesday 27 4* evea From Miljord for Liverpool. Nov. o'clock. 1 Wednesday 7 9 morn Wednesday 14 41-morn I Not. o'clock. Wednesday 21 9 worn Wednesday 28 41 mora The oteam JJurge Pembroke is Intended to ply on the Milford Hutch, in connection with the above Steamer* carrying Gods to aiui from Pembroke-dock, H aTcrfordweet and the adjacent t owns. and the adjar-eint t(,wns. Cabin. Deck. Milford to Liverpool 12s. 6d. 6s. Bristol to MU?ord 8r. 6d. 6?. 7 Swansea to Milford 56. Od' 3#. ¡J. Notice.—The landing and embarcation of Goods or Pw r servers at Milford, bv whatever conveyance, whether at the Pxi-ence ef the Steamet, or ot hei wis, is at 11M! rjr.k t4 the Paapengerraiid the Owners oi the Goods Nwpe j For furtht r particulnrniee swal I bills, or RWy to Jolt. Ba'ft? 1, iiumtorc 1'4-ci i,o(,l -1 G. Bria jon? purc?T? ?G?????t?" ? BBi- GRATJ.-Scnt i.T Post to aU JkW- C. of tht?? ? 'rccfipt Of Two Stamps to prepay pwsta?e. j A W>8mVE <?RE FOR DEMMriES A" DERANGE-  MENT. OF THE GF.NKRATIVK ANJ) KKRYOU8 SYSTEM, NCRVOUs DEIIIITI'Y AND FXIIkrSTION, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXED EyEMIEs 18 GIVE* IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE R*YIIFI-ntg." Tlii, Book gives a POSITIVE REM EDY for alllJISEAU The name* of Kl] Medicincs are (fiven in EnjrliKli. Cb^ck and Testimonials with means used in each case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF- TREATIENT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Conoulted '« aU who r. qinrJ wdical treatment. \OTTCT TUF tT? TIVE MEMt'!?rKS GIVEN JN MF, liOOKW « WMTlttir RF.,MEDIEs', ARE TITF, rir !))t. ?TN FOR O'ER TH1UTT YEARS ?t? .M??r-!? T??nS L ?"?'?c' )?ow)(<?< nf their malady, and find a Stttv\ REMEDY for the Core. 'TI?c ??n,esare pwbtished  invalids to S??ct '? !?m-? an?CT?E TUMSET- YES without consulting a M' jn, ik^kin* « Written Statement of Case, or paving r. fiMiTlation s. Send Two .Stamps for the BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES" which ;illl 4Iiyl's h Cure for air DMoawss, 1% Poet free on leceipt of TWO STAMPs, direct from » H SMITH A Co,. Laboratory' 26, Southampton Row, liondon, W.C. b 'c_. ,J,' l WARRANTED. TO CtllE. BL(IOT) PURIFYIKO PUjIJS ARE A POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES the Urinary Otfenn*, Recent or OW Standing; Weakness, Gravel, Backache, and all Discharges, ftc. •* r all and every Disease for which Mercury and Copabm'Bre caed 10 the injury of the Patient's Constitution. After usiofr these Pills, the body ard Tierre., ,Ire restored to Health and Vig our. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient for the Care) price 9e. 9(1. May be had direct from the Proprietors on xuceipt of.Thirty- four Stllm. f-ent by post to any addiess. H. SMITH, & Oo Laboratory, 26, Southampton Bow, London, W.C. 466 0 D P LAN. A GOOD PLAN. AV1 A and upwards judiciously iuveated in Options on Stocks and Shares often give hand- Bome profits in a few days. Full details in Explanatory Book gratis uud post frce. A ddi-ow GEORGE EVANS & Co., Stock-brokers, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E C. Best and safest plan ever dtviftd. 651 BRADFORD'S PATENT "VOWEL" WASHING iiAè¡:¡s.- From £! 15s- Carriage freo and trial trefo. KWOWW KVCtTWHKM AS TU > 1110"1 0S1.FI?L AND DVMHI. I Wringws from 25-, Mangle? fr<,m 45-, (arriage paid). NQn (imuinf without 7,1, Mnrk. intending* p»xvh*ftpi^ of Hmdfrrd^y^shJti^or mg Machine ."hI' nlIX peripnre diffi' ulr.v in obtaining a ffencire will pleaMe "ri" .? 4*r-t; ;? wia either Mmish the name of our nMr(-<.t?ttp<.int<?A?ct \'?'  or supply & Mo?inc dir?i. Mrr'?f ?)? M.? allow n *i special discciHit for eaeh. Noto t),. Artrtr -s; Tho».IJrwMqni &C.< 1*2. IliA I u.llMirn, Lond.m.. r Vict-oris Avniiir, Mnnrliy^ter. -=:====-=-=-=- "I A DVICE TO DYSPEPTICS."—SympteM ??- of Dyspepsia and ludigestim with mMft? ad- vice as to IMet.—ThM little pamphlet appeals .?-<tMw to those who have allowed the p&iate to decide ev¡¡, ■ ("' them, and have p aid the inevitable penalty o< ?tbfeir ?! Y' —C?o?. Sen for one stamp. J. U. RICHA& ?UDB, Usher, 02, Great Russell Street, London. ExcKELAER's Rost So&p.-Thcbeet for the Toilet. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in the search for a Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgic Pairm, you we .1. hereby directed to obtain of any chemist POWELL'S RIBV- KATIC Embbocatiok. lItO extraordiriAry..efficacy has been attested byB&rl Clarundou, Lady "VValdeprave,the Countess of Radnor, General Wood, iind many other ecunent persons. It is for external application only. Sold in bottles, at l/1t HECKEL-I,Z]R'S ROSE SOAP.-The best for the Toilet. J 1 "UOR ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, AND Cubb aras etzlptoyell TT under the highest medical sanction in the case ef the late Earl of BeaconRfield. The medicine from which his lord- ship found most comfort and relief. was Hitotodle Pavdeft. The fumes are inhaled by the patient, and at cmoe afford relief.Per Tin 4*. Sample J. M. RlQIlDIIIIJ, M and 98, Great Russell Street, Londtm.. (- EECXELAEB's BOER SOAP.—The best for theToHet!. « BRIGHT'S DISEASE A" LIVER COM- PLAINT.—The HOLM a* &MaiiDMAI put&tion established through it* wonderful ey. in aU r '=elats that have their origin in a torpid liver crdiwased ? kidneys, and is endorsed by thousands of earnest, intelli- gent, witnesses, who will tell you that the' HomAK PAD' ia a cure for these diseases. Read the pamphlet entitles Nature's Laws, sent free to any address. Holmaa Pad.. Co., 92, Great Russell Street, London." Price of Holman "f•" Pad, Ift. P:'I.A.]!:I/ ROSE So.?.—The best f?r th? Toile-. VJ" ET A BOTTLE TO-DAY OF PERBY ) GDAVIS' PAIN KILLER-It instantly relieves and cures severe scalds, burns, sprains, bruises, toothache. headache, pains in the side, joints, and Limbs, all neuralgic and rheumatic pains. Taken internally c" at onoe ooa?hs. audden colds, cramp in ??toma(.? colic, diwThaB&. J j <m? cholera infantum. Pain i4L ILLE16 is the ?reM house- hold mediciruj, and has 6iood the test of 50 years. Any Chemist can supply it at 1; 14 aud 2 '9." Ebckki.AER'S RoBE Sokp. -The best for the Toilet. BEEF TEA FOR IN V ALIDR ÐELACRE'S BRXTRACT OF BEEP is the best for beef tea, soup% gravies, stock, flavouring and general use, and lias been adoptell by the Red Cross Association, and Medical Board Of the English army. Its absolute purity certified bv Prof. Attfield, of the Phar. Soc. Its strength equal to double quantity of other Extracts of Beef. Five prize medals awarded. Sample jar by Parcels Post on receipt of 1/8. Depot: 93, Great Russell Street, London." Bsohlam'8 Rosz &OAJ.—The best for the Toilets