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Milford Haven Council.


Milford Haven Council. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF URBAN BOUNDARIES. THE RECREATION GROUND. The monthly meeting of the Milford Haveo mban district council was held on Fiiday evening, when the members present were :Dr. Davits (chairman), Mr C. T. Blethyu (vice-chairman), Dr. George Griffith, Col. W. R. Roberts, M>?srs J. LL Davie«, J. Walk ley, A. S. Chugg, G. S. Kelway, D. G. Jones. T. G. Hancock, J Rees, and \V. Hire. COOKIXG METERS. In moving the adoption of the gas and water works committee's report recommending that tapping gear for water mains, costing about i::¡. and one dozen cast iron valve covers, c'J:stwg about ,E.) be ordered, Mr Biethyn said that the Manager had jusc ma.de a req uest for two dozen cooking meters. They were short of these meters at the works. The report, with the addition of a supply of meters, was adopted. NEW HOUSES. The sanitary committee reported having approved of the sanitary arrangements shown 01: the following plans, and recommend their adoption by the Council two housps proposed to bÐ built by Mr S. A. Scott in Great North Road house >»ncl shop proprsea to be built by Mr G P Tttrbervill iu Waterloo Road. I The r., p,.)rt was formally adopted on the motion of Mr Hancock, seconded by Mr D G Jones. HAMILTON TERRACE IMPROVEMENT. The Highways, Lighting, and Public Improvements Committee reported that they had received the fallowing tenders for t" third section of the Hamilton Terrace Improvement H. railings at a cost of 6s Od) B. Rogers, £ 120 (including railings at a cost of fi,3 0(i) Lloyd >fc Co., (excluding rail- iugs at a cost of £;)3 tis UU). The committee recommended that Lloyd it Co's tender be accepted. Recomncended (a) That pavement be re-laid in front of Pricry Cotisge at a cost of about i 17 los Od. (b) That the existing lamps in Trafalgar Road be re-arranged and that an additional | lamp be fixed in the road and 1.co an extra one in Dews- land (,c ) That the p lqm p .9, an d tree land Street, (c) That lamps, and tree guards throughout the district be painted. j RLICIIEATI-O-IT GROUND WASTED. Colonel Roberts moved the adoption of the repoit, and ] mentioned that the question of providing a RecreaS ion ground had again been considered by the committee iu accordance with the instructions given at the last meeting, and negotiations were now proceeding. In this connection he thought ir, was only right that he should remove a misapprehension which h:>d arisen in collection with the field adjoining Priory Lodge. It would be remembered that at the last meeting it was stated that although Mr Gaskell had informed the conncil that there was no land belonging to the Estate available for a Recreation grouud he had i.'evertheiess a few weeks after- wards let this particular field for the use of the church children in the district. Exception was taken, aDd under the circumstances, he thought not without reason, to what was assumed to be Mr Gaskeii's action in the matter. After inquiry he (Col. Roberta) found that Mr Gaskell had not let this tieid for any purpose of the kind and that it was entirely due to a misunderstanding that any public announcement to the effpet wasmade. lis thought it was only light that he should make that exp'lanation as the report had gained currency in the town that Mr Gaskeli had not hew impartial in the administration of the aff iirs of the Estate. Mr W al kely seconded the adoption of the report. Dr. Griffith I assume that the ground is eligible for a 1 Recreation Ground ? Colonel Roberts He will not let it for that purpose to anybody. He has decided that. SPRAY BATHS IX THE BEDEOCili. Mr Jones enquired if the Towu Fire Brigade could not iind aoroe bets or method and different time for their practices than those adopted :tt the present time During the current week he had received various complaints from people who had suffered inconvenience through these practices. In some cjses the water was thrown into the bedrooms, and in other eases stieet passengers bad received a supply as the hose was being transferred from one posi- tion to another. Col. Roberts When was this ? Mr Jones: On Wednesday evening about eight o'clock. The matter was referred to the highway's committee, and the report, a.s given above, was adopted. THE NEW SAILORS' BETHEL. The Chairman said it was important that the Council should associate themselves with the opening function of the new Sailors' Bethel. Mr Mathews had asked him, as chairman of the Council, to write to the Frst Lord of the Admiralty asking that some warships should be in the Harbour for the opening ceremony, which woe id take place towards the end of July. He had complied with that request, and it was suggested that the Council shouid associate itself with the event by directly writing to the Lords of the Admiralty with the same object, and this would furnish a good opportunity to push the navai base question. Milford h:rbour had been very scantily recognised of late years as compared with other British harbours. He premised that he would bring the matter before the Council. Col. Roberts I thiuk it is a private undertaking, and I don't thirk that we should be justified in taking notice of it. I think it would be an unwise precedent to establish. The Cii-iii mtit There opinions differ. But if that is the wish of the Council there it ends. No resolution was m tde and the matter dr:;pp8d PROPOSED EXTENSION OF URBAN BOUNDARIES. Dr. Griffith submitted a motion in favour of the appointment of a committee consistiug of the whole council to consider the question of extending the bound- aries of the urban district. He said this question was a very important one. For many years past it had occu- pied his mind, but he thought it inadvisable to submit a scheme before he consulted the Council on the matter of principle. The time had now arrived when it should be considered. Sometime sgo a resolution was m ')r el at the Council that cettain houses besuppjied with water, but the difncutty then felt w? that if they commenceù supplying water to the rural district they would not know where to stop. The Council should, however, see that people living in the immediate vincinity were supplied with water, because there was plenty of water now in the town reservoir. lie pointed out that his resolution did not commit the Council to the principle of extending the boundaries: it would be referred to a committee of the whole Council who would submit a report which could be discussed in public. Whatever decision tho council arrived at he hoped they would be unanimous. There were houses in the vicinity which were entirely dependent on the wells for their supply of watar, and he would allow the council to judge of its purity. Colonel Roberts seconded, and said that for some years he had thought this was a question which ought to be taken up by the Council. He suggested that instead of referring the matter to a committee of the whole Council it should be first discussed by a small committee. His experience of large committees was that where a question involving much detail was discussed it meant a great deal of time not wisely spent. Mr Walkiey fa.voured a large committee at the outset as the question to be discussed was very important. He was in favour o "the extension, and thought that subsequently | the details could be referred to a smail committee. Col. Roberts remarked that in the absence of details the council could arrive at no decision. Mr Chugg: I think we ought to go into the details first. The Chairman thought it would be a waste of time in having the matter referred to a committee of the whole council. Mr Hancock failed to see where- the waste of time came in. If the whole council were called those members could attend who desired to. Dr. Griffith said his desire was to have a unanimous report. There were strong reasons why the urbau boundaries should be extended. Of course "there would have to be a Local Government Board inquiry. Mr J. LI. Davies confessed to a feeling of disappoint- ment. He thought they would have had something definite before them that evening. He desired to see some plan or scheme showing how much of the outlying district it was advisable to take in. Dr. Griffith replied that the couscillors were all familiar with the district, and could afterwards call in the Surveyor. Mr Davies We ought to have a sketch of it. Dr. Gtiffich Then it would be his idea. Mr Davies It is very vague now. Mr J. Rees Dr. Griffith would like to know whether the Council will extend the area or uot. After we have decided that, the details can be considered. Mr Davies: Why not approve of the principle now ? Mr Kelway: I object to that. Xo notice has been given of that, and it is very important that it should be well considered before we come to any conclusion one way or the other. I support the resolution that it be a committee of the whole council because everyone should be conversant with the details before coming to a decision. The resolution was adopted. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS. On the motion of Col. Roberts, it was decided (1) That an application be made to the Local Government Board for an order declaring parts (i and 10 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, to be in force in the Milford Haven Urban District. (2) That an application be made to His Majesty's Secretary of State for Home Affairs for an order declaring p-irt S of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1007, to be in force in the Milford Haven Urban District. A URGENT MATTER. Mr Kelway asked when the railway committee would be called together to consider what action shoutd be taken consequent on the communication from the G.W.R Co. read at the last meeting of the COLInCil. He added that if this was the way in which the communication was to be dealt with It was useless for them to take any further notice of it. The Chairman promised that the commmittee would be called next week. Dr. Griffith supported Mr Kelway's protest. He thought the question should be considered at a very early date, as it was of great urgency. The Chairman said the matter bad been discussed by the Clerk and himself, and there were reasons for not calling a meeting until next week. FIRE ENGINE AND HVD RANTS. ihe nuance committee reported that the sanction of the Local Government Board to the borrowing of £ 20,3 for fire engine, re-payable in 10 years, and of XS,5 for fire hydrants, re-payable in H years, had been received, and they had directed that an application be made to the Public Works Loan Commissioners for the loans.


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